I 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, September 8, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 20--Room and Board OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fridey Saturdoy 8 to 12 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SE Accountants Monts, MONTEITH, RIEH] Chartered Accountant = 'Simcoe Street North, a WH 2-0890. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent [14--Employment 'Wanted [17--Male Help Wanted J " = 2 NEWLY decorated. two-room unfurnish- . of "two MARRIED couple to manage 1l-plex ROSSLAND and Simeoe 1 area, room works. apartment building in Whithy, live in|and board. Good beds and food. *4 armen wi built-in cupboards with rental allowance. Write Box 146, Lunches packed if desired. Laundry 27d Wel close art lowntown. Telephone LADY would like housework, one day )shawa Times. done. - Television, parking. Apply 708 particulars per week. Monday to Friday. Tele. CHRISTIAN man needed. Full or part Carnegie Avenve bis NEEL mirc iad, 3 ond phone 728-1020 time, lifetime security. Experience Sun- ROOM and board, suit t gentlemen, nice duty wiring, private bath, private en. EXPERIENCED lady will give day 93y School, ministry heipful. Earn $100 clean, quiet home, first class home hrance, use of washer, dryer. No ehile {care of small child or baby. Tele. Weekly and up. No Sompetition. oS vere nals, lunciies packed Sore to 10 dren. 725.7789 {John Rudin Co., 22 West Madison St, everywhere ree parking. ark 14 {phone 723-9222 for further particulars, Chicago 2, 1. Road North, FOUR-room apartment, Including stove 5 KING W. PRACTICAL nurse requires immediate FELL Canad is aie FOR Sount woking FT ar wom and refrigerator, built ou; employment, experienced in werk. anada's newes produc » ma yi! " *'three piece bath, wits fa to Western Tire Sieloyme 985.7544 for further informa-|in Oshawa, full or part-time. Make £1 00d home cooked meals, lunches if de: north Oshawa ening Telephone 728-4401 tion. or more per week. Teley B-4091. line. Tele- 725.3935. YOUNG man wanted for general - UPSTAIRS thr 16--Female Help Wanted an anid fos be GIRL to share apartment with bath frigerator, able 10 type, drafting experience de- and kitchen, in private home. Avply 46 SALESLADY to train as manager Canada's progressive specialty private for sirable, but not essential. Call 728-0221. Ritson Road South or telephone 725-7705. Reply giving qualifications and exper- {WANTED at once -- Experienced but-|[ROOM and board suitable for two men NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers LADY would like to take ca ca smal] children while moth: Telephone 728-3292 for details. RVICE DIRECTORY Money to Loon VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE A Cartage MOVING? CALL CLIENTS' money to Ioan on Hirst 1 mort. | gage. Mortgage and agreement of purchased, HA mortgage arrang Creighton, er, Drynan and Mur- doch CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Chorge , and Next 125-3527 Ajax, -1390 anytime. "room apartment, re- stove, eupboards in kitchen, bathroom, separate entrance, me stop. children please. 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 225 2.48 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 4.13 exchange used TV radios We buy, sell, furniture, washers, OWS. C coe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald i D. Wilson, CA,! near No SU more 725-64 shops. G. Edmond Burrows, CA. 728-2571. | WH. E. DEWAR Co., Accountants CITY CARTAGE and Audios. Cedar Glen B48 1 11 po 725-2621 MONIES FOR | MORTGAGES YA TE LE. 5, FRIEDLANDER, . MUNTER | |Dressmaking and 208 10 Trustee in Banktuptey, A East, Oshawa; B. Yale, Sins BP peiediander. B.Comm., Tera FU RRI ER INS and Company, Cert fa ri en 172 Kin zjand DRESSMAKER , Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3508.| Ney Alterations Remodelling. LOW PRICES Service. Complete DookkeeDing service, 22 ROWE STREET 728-6706 Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available Second Mortgages Mortgages ond Agreements for Sale purchased M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builder' Mort- goges at reasonable rates, on 184 Bond Street West. Driving School 2612 King St. East Oshowa, Ontario 723-4697 723-7605. Auto Parts MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- teed, automotive parts and accesso-| ries. 145 King Street West, Oshawa. 728-1607-8-9. Five bays fo serve you Modern dual equipped cars. Gov't, licenced instructors. Day or evening appointments DIAL 725-4773 Barristers RALPH | JONES, i, BA, \, and ' Thomas H. Operated by Geo. B. Rutherford GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli MERCURY TAXI tors, 130 King Street East. 718-6246 LEARN TO DRIVE Mo loans available. BRUCE V MACKEY, _ BA, Barrister, at the Oshawa Driving" School King Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% Street East 728-2381. Res. YU 35-2127, Professional Instructors Dual Controlled Cars "M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll THOMAS M. RU DL Pots King -- Standard and Automatic Day ond Evening Lessons , Barrister East. Resi- Suitable Tele- MA itor and Notary Public. Street East. Phone 728-1763. ; (GHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN an ER Barristers, Solicitors, o- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Ray S$ Simcoe street North, 73 Fas -3346 AT x hton, QC: N Tas hg G. L. Murdoch. ABA. mort- xages a arranged. DONALD > BLAKE f DODD. d Solicitor, 26% King Street ; Telephone: Business 723-2201 728-0091 dence 5 z MANGAN, QC, Barritaty JosETH AM to loan. Offic Js rue Fuel and Wood King Street Fast, Oshawa. 728.82 FACTORY Bardwood pry Residence 723-3405. for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD shone 728.8535 ,. SWARTZ, Barristers, § oa Money to loan. Henry Bc: |Food Freeze Freezer Services 26% King Street East. 723-4697. Resi. dence, Dial 723-4029. i MERS, BA, A, Barrister, Soliel- O EF Saw n Simcoe treet so H MARKET ; idence, 725 A Davi I) erier_Soliet.| FOOD & FREEZER CO ih 3% Simcoe South. 5.9594 Rest | Red ond Blue Brond Only dence 728.026 All Nome Brand Groceries IRE BOVE) 3 ; LR Solicitors: en} 123 BROCK N., WHITBY . 8. Boychyn, Le LLB; 8% King Street, + MO 8-5875-- MO 8-5876 East. Phones: Office 725-1177; hess] 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5. Gardening and Supplies Money to loan. nail. Sided. 4 id |CEDAR TREES for hedges, (et LOUIS 5. HYMAN, oy E] 7 Ring er, Solicl (C7 choice quality guaranteed, fri ie Notary, Alger B } nies va livery. For estimates, telephone Murtjaze Wy 3935, Bowmanville : KELL BROWN'S TREE REMOVAL service GREER and Y. Barristers, Li {Over 20 years' experience. Telephone Plat S55 arte Residence phon es: 655-3166, Brooklin J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368: Ter- rence V Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. i HARDSAND JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Sojel. | tor and Notary Public, I | Fast, Jam. NAA and private] LANDSCAPING mortgages arral bh Fall Sale of Nursery Stock. ALD, BA Barrister, RICHARD H. DON Eerie, Trae rs, Bulbs. . 55 GLOVER RD. eitor, Notary Publie, 525 Simcoe Nortn, 722.280 . Res. 728-2765. E. R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE Top soil and sod. Repoiring and lawn maintenance patio end sidewalk slabs 725-6047 OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING |: Landscaping designing, sod- ding, seeding,( weed killing, Complete garden service 728-6366 "NUMBER ONE TOP SOIL 6-YD. LOAD--$8.00 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 723-3162 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL -- STONE roofing fireplace ; O A M Gordon 3.3 3526 725-3566. Edgar F. Ba JAMES A. Ta WEE Lis, rrister and Solicitor a ms The Commercial Building, 286 Xing West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking available iar] RUSSELL J. MURPHY. BA, LLB. ki and Solicitor, 6 x. Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 72 Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building Trades YOUR local chimney eleaner. Chim neys built and repaired, gas linings in | stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti: mates. 1%: 2097 HOME « owners, 5, shingling, flat roots, ing. Phil Harper, Whitb: y 84558. | Gin roofing and re | Also all type home remodelin; Free estimates. Phone Harry 723-2413. ALL types of repairs and ling, new and used materials. able rates. Estimates free 728-6931 J. Foley. FREE estimate on digging basements | and grading by bulldozer. MO 8-5612. ALL types buildin eavestroughing, c sidewalks, stoops. May = CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork. ing, all floor coverings. Frees estimates Work guaranteed. 723-0850. DRIVEWAYS First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices UNITED PAVING CO. 728-4801 PLASTERING Prompt Service -- Satisfac- tion Guaranteed New Work or Repairs -- Nothing too large, Nothing too smoll, The Price is right -- call AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LIMITE 110 King Street East 728-5103 Oshawa FOR ALL YOUR "remodel. | Reason- Dial repai mneys, 728-0394, DRIVEWAY GRAVEL CEMENT GRAVEL SAND AND FILLING EVANS LOAM AND GRAVEL SUPPLIES 725-5279 LOAM-GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Reasonable Rates DIAL 725-2156 Instruction |ETLLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School | Ballet, Tap, Pre-School. Registration Saturday Morn., Sept Tasonic Tem |ple, Centre Street HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, tap, RAD ballet. Highland, Register now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122 CERAMIC classes afternoons and even ings. Learn a fascinating and profit < BUILDING DEEDS able hobby, making beautiful and CONTAC unusual gifts. Telephone Don Davenport y ix Mortgages Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' s' Registration Act. Act. MORTGAGE LOANS NO BONDS --TO PAY OFF YOUR BILLS -TO PAY OFF A MORTGAGE --FOR ANY WORTH- WHILE PURPOSE EXAMPLES OF ONE OF OUR PLANS AVAILABLE Pay Loon Bal. Monthly Term Owing $37.65P.1. 5Yr. Nil 2000 47.12 P.1 5Yr. Nil 2500 59.89P.1. 5Yr. Nil MONTHLY PAYMENTS INCLUDE ALL COSTS Other plans with lower monthly payments ovailable Oshawa residents call op ond ask for ZE 7-6540 (no toll charge) Others call Guelph TA 2.9062 collect, BARFRIED { ENTERPRISES Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assn. You ! Borrow $1600 FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, ranged. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage Broker, 101 Dundas West. MO 8-3338. [FIRST and second mortgages. Sale| greements purchased and sold. Hen. | [nfex and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Lo Street East. 723-7232 MORTGAGE | loans, Bowmanville, Osh- awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vi- cinity. Residential, acreage, apart. ments, business. Members of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association. Sum merland Securities Limited. Street North, Oshawa. Phone 725-3568. Opter etrists . RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom pi the examination of eves, contact lenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Evenings by _Appointment 723- 4191, C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Plea pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam. ined at home. Dial 725-4587 Painting and Decorating __ PAPER HANGING and painting serv- Discuss the decorating of with Allan Van Horn 22. ice your Phone EXPERT | painting "by | Don, able rates. Telephone CO 3- 730 ren EA 3253 PAINTING by tradesmen, work guar anteed, free estimates, exterior and in terior work, reasonable rates. Tele- phone 723.2558 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray. Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., DAYS MO 8 NIGHTS WHITBY 5231 725-7426 Personal Service FELECIFC Day Nursery now in oper- ation. Official opening in September Call 728-2412 for interview SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home -- Ac- commodation for private and semi private patients, lounge TV. Fully li censed, new building, modern. Visitors welcome, Reasonable rates Newcastle 4441 PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or half day 8.30 to 5.30 Simcoe North. 728-2604 BULKY Knit sweaters, made to order, any size or pattern available. Put your order in early. Telephone 728-4280 White Washing Stables and Pumping Septic Tanks ERY TOMKINS wtonville, Ontario RE ( -LARKE 4721 TRY QUF B-QUED CHICKEN chic fries, fish BAR Chicken plate, half ken and dogs, with french hip milk shake MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER -- 725.3887 hamburgs, hat Plumbing Heating ALL new rates Foley ALL plumbing Phone 725-3521, Harold H. types of repairs and Temodelting, and used materials Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J and heating supplies Stark A. JAMES ALLEN E27" Building ALLSTATE J Auto Insurance. Save | Contractor np For call Lid., Plumbing, heating and Simeve Street South BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, pumps. engineer eq Hipment SSO Lawn Mowers 725-6126 vd 'sonal service at your home, 725-1625. Repairs Remodelling Additions Alterations Recreation Rooms Garages, Cottages Kitchens Remodelled | NHA and Custom Homes | 723-3224 Cartaae Money to Loan JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa. $2000 AVAILABLE for a second mort Whitby, Ressonsnis feis rates. Fully equipp- | 5: repay $30 monthly. Private 635. od and Smsured. Phone TIS-306L. | "9m WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call-- STAN'S CORNER KING & BURK STS | burners, hot water and bathroom service forced air furnaces, parts and PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night fixtures Rug and Upholstery CHE STERFIEL DS re-upholstered tyled. Fre See our mate Dalton Upholstering nal for recov CHESTERFIELDS and old covered like new at Modern Upholstering, South. Call 728-6451 for | mate. chairs the ro t for re " i oA anti. Reasonable [3 Simcos It not paid within 7 days the and so forth at prices to top Charge rate will apply anyone in the city. Above rates apply only to original ER orders for consecutive insertions Subsequent Insertions ordered 6: = OPEN NOW later date constitute o new original i « + oer Kingsway Beauty Salon Professional ang Business listings 2 mile east of Town Line on $7.50 per month for 3 lines dally King Street, OPENING SPECIAL Each additional line $1.60 per month. COLD WAVES--$5.00 PHONE 728-6101 Each Initiol letter abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure, counts as © word. Box chorge |5¢ additional All Classified Advertisements must bs in by 5 p.m the doy be fore publication except Births, Memoriams Cards of Thanks which will be occepted until 9 am, Deadline for Lost end Founa and Cancellations 8:30 am. Oifice Hours: Daily 8 - 5, Saturday 8 12 REGULATIONS-- The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, nor ' for more than one incorrect insertion of ony adver tisement, nor beyond the price charged tor ao single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according ,te its own classification In the cose of display advertise ments The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce thar that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ell advertising matter correctly but assumes no lability of advertisement are contained It any inaccuracies in ary form therein, 1--Women's Column EARN money with a fascinating hobby. Make beautiful jewellery at home, | Easy to do. Sell to your friends. Ex- cellent profits. Write for free whole- sale colored catalogue. IL. G. Murga- troyd Co., Dept. A-60, Agincourt, Ont. 2--Personal RIDE wanted to Eglinton ' district after 7pm, ELECTROLYSIS Removal ot superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa, Sept. 19th and 20th Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment 3--Pets & Livestock Toronto, Yonge and Telephone 725-0541 |Co., 11 112 Simcoe | Phone and CHESTERFIELDS like new are reasonable Satisfaction guaranteed BEAGLE hound, male, for sale, three ye old, guaranteed on rabbits. MA 13-5195 or William Curtis, 199 King West, Bowmanville recovered gE AUTIFUL Our rates (raining, talking strain Apply Broad, 114 Elgin Street East AMEKICAN cocker puppies, registered | litter, black and blondes, male and fe Rug--Upholstery Service HESTERF re-built, api, baby budgies ready for Why Mis pay Oshawa Upholstery Dia} 725 Mattresses re-built 10 Bond Street West H. FLIM and Trollope, Surveyors, DONEVAN TV. Radio Repairs TV. makes. male, three months old. Telephone WH 2-6428 for | more information GERMAN Shepherd puppies f registered, Jo Brea Kennels, ing. Telephone WH 2-1607 for particulars MONKEY Cinnamon proximately four years old, about 14" tall, housebroken, good with children. Bowmanville MA 3.2506. PUPPIES -- Surveyors sale, Picker- further Ontario Land 216 Adelaide Avenue East Phone 7254 6381 AND "FLEISHMAN, On. Ring Tail, ap. nd Surveyor, Commercial Blue- 11 Ontario Street 75 5632 German Shepherd, pure, bred, color black and tan, not regi all stered, $15 each. Telephone 728-0073 157 for further particulars . GERMAN Shepherd, female, and pups, six weeks old, puppies, half German Shepherd, half Labrador Retriever. 316 Nassau. 728-6746. - GERMAN Shepehrd, loves children mother registered Telephone 725-8879 after 5.30 and in quire 4--Market Basket TRANSPARENT apples and other early varieties. Reasonable prices. Algoma "RADIO car radio repairs, Thompson Electronics, Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred) SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 or 728-5804 = Orchards, Thicksori"s Road North, 14 mile north of Taunton Road CORN, 25 cents dozen, cents basket, $1.00 bushel, Spanish onions 5 cents each. Pick your own, bring containers, carrots 75 cents bushel. W. Eyman, half mile east of Nicholls Garage, Courtice. Go north to first corner. POTATOES, large quantity, daily, Cobblers and Sehegos. Whole sale and retail. Reasonable. Apply 114 wwe Miles west of Brooklin on No. 7 High way. Fred Buldyke. SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All Work Guaranteed. OSHAWA ELECTRONICS ? 7? ? WHY Because we give real fast same day ficient sa money experience , . , satisfied Drive T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBCNS ST. 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. OSHAWA T.V, Free Survey and estimates. tomatoes 25 fresh, dug 5--Farmers Column DEAD farm stock picked up prompily Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Ltd. 115 TOP MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, collect. 24-hour, seven-day service INTERNATIONAL combine for sale, 6 foot pull type. In good running order Rodd Appleby, Ashburn. Phone Clare mont 846R3 after six co 6--Auction ANTIQUES and household furnishings by Serv and save) Ser $2.50 checked, gloss r 1 In au SATURDAY, SEPT. 9 P.M. at UXBRIDGE set up 1 erty Mrs, Allie Att picture wood ho south -- a Lxbridge pork A TOWER? csi i TRY US' Moving antenna? Repairs? Tubes tuner cleaned se of 7--Trailers Same day! As good as TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND EAST 278-678! Well Drilling-Digging TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING COMPRES50R WORK Telephone 728-3864 W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-380% 204 CHESTNUT ST. W P.O. BOX 329 Guaranteed Waier under BUY NOW AND SAVE See Our Display of GLENDETTE TRAVEL TRAILERS AWNINGS IN STOCK Parts and Service ot Cooks Trailer Sales Highway 2, East of Oshawa new! 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent $1500 OR OFFER, cottage, 26' sailhoat awa. Write W. Regan, Port Credit, Ontario CAMPERS 75 ACRES--COTTAGES boats for rent, excellent fish ing, sandy beach, pony at PIONEER VILLAGE JCKHORN LAKE 728-2301 12--Articles Wanted APARTMENT size piano. with bench, walnut only, must be in good condition. contract 725-3338. 139 Central Park Boulevard South WANTED old swords, knives lies. Highest 7 81 four-room furnished 2 hour from Osh 1029 Dixie Road, rides, " 2 we guarantee to obtain water guns, powder flasks, metals and Indian re or tk « or there will be no charge prices. paid. Telephone Fulton. Well Drilling HAMPTON CO 3-2790 Wants cars TIMES rts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc bought Open Saturday all day, Phone 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. IMOST ANYTHING HERE'S more family fun ahead when ou own a hoat. Find the one for you the easy way. Turn to 'Boats for Sale" in the Oshawa Classified Section now SHAW JTO WRECKING CO. for wrecking WANTED POUL TF TURNER 2043 - 723-3374 {eolieet) 723- "easy to get plenty of orders. No experi. | "two months oid. | ience lo Box 316 Oshawa Times. Must be able to assume r op, Telephone 725-0312. terviews will PSI, Please sta WOMEN wanted to do part time office | full particul Box 306 Oshaw; cleaning, evenings and weekends. Apply Times. to Box 301, Osha: a Times. YOUNG man, part me, 1 some AGENTS, clubs, efc. Sell Canada's setling experience preferred. finest Christmas cards. Over 300 items! Printers Ltd., 182 Simcoe Street South. | including religious, everyday and per- uF sonal cards, Wraps, toys and novelties. Prompt service. For colored catalogue and samples on approval, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 1253 King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. NEED | TRA | MONEY? $50 a and more can easily be earned by showing our, fabulous Christmas cards, gifts. toys, to friends and neighbors. Our exciting, 80- page, full:color catalogue makes it Write motive experience. ship ability, some accounting and typ- ing experience. This is a permanent the right man. ences and apply writing to Box 3 BOY 16 afternoons, Telephone 723-2843 for ther information, YOUNG trade Please supply Ra your own hand. , Oshawa Times. fur- |ence necessary. Send no money. Write today for samples, on approval, of love lv Christmas cards and free catalogue Monarch Card Co., Dept 16, Ave., Hamilton OPERATING ROOM registered nurse immediately, small active O R. five-day week, call back service, Apply Cottage Hospital, Uxbridge WOMAN, willing to do light keeping and care for children mother works, Live in. Liberal off. - Telephone MO 8.2436. CAPABLE woman to take ful] charge, friendly home in country, 3 children dh 14, 12 and 3, Private room, TV, Sundays and 2 day off. $100 monthly Brooklin 53-3810. man, Apply in person 47 Fast Oshawa YOUNG man for experience preferre Sporting Goods 7 WATKINS quality crew men at once. No deliveries, ary or commission, plus bonus. while be neat and aggressive, Call 728.2343 time | FULL or part time dealers in your area. A steady 250 products, mostly household necessi ties. High commission, bonus, 30-day trial. Familex Dept. S.14, ier WANTED retail store, d sal house. rough carpenter or under 35 years of age Riley evenings at MO 85-2635. SINGLE or married and 50 years to manage dairy steady employment, living provided, Commence immediately phone Sunderland 28 FUEL OIL TRUCK DRIVER Preferably With BURNER SERVICE EXPERIENCE Reply Box 238 Oshawa Times POLICE CADET Young man 18-20 years, able to meet physical quirements for future police- man, clerk dis- patcher. Minimum 2 years high school, some typing ond office experience on asset SHORT order cook with 'experience, or woman willing to train as short order cook. Apply Genosha Hotel WANTED a housekeeper to live-in and {care for three pre-school children. Re |liable person desired. Telephone 728-3418 \for further particulars TYPIST receptionist required for doc tor's office. Write, stating particulars, to Box 309 Oshawa Times GIRL WANTED for snack bar north-west section of city, experienced only wi rite Box 204, Oshawa Times WILL give room and board, some muneration to lady, for looking after . boy, while mother works. 723-1300 after 5. EXPERIENCED drug clerk wanted to work three evenings and weekends Write to Box 103, Oshawa Times, stat. ing experience WAITRESS with experience required for dining room, full or part-time, No ate night work, Good working conditions Apply Manager of Lancaster Hotel Oshawa HOUSEKEEPER two school age children, Telephone 728-3637 evenings after urgently needed for live in or out 630 re- $2.00 per hour if you are to serve os able to devote a few even- ings or Saturday to selling | quality product by appoint ment. Car required, we will train you. If you have a need for extra cosh, write Times Box 4 10 for interview- PART TIME Mornings, afternoons or evenings, four young lodies with pleasont telephone per- sonalities needed by sub- sidiary of Life Magazine, Excellent salary plus bonus. TELEPHONE 728-3882 ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES from 18 to 35 A & W DRIVE-IN requires part-time and full time Car Hostesses Earn Extra Money for Christmas Apply to: Lhiet Constable, Pickering Township Police Office, Dunbarton. SUPERVISOR For machine shop, production department, engaged in high speed, turming and milling operations, Set up ond the ability to organize schedules essential. Apply stating full details of past experience to Box 313, Oshawa Times FOREMAN With organizing ability take charge of a production department assembling elec tronic components and knowl- edge of jigs 2 ond fixtures, and the ability to supervise female operators essential, specialized training will be given. Apply stating full de- tails of past experience Write Box 214, Oshawa mes to Apply in person between 7 and 9 PM 1327 SIMCOE ST. N Be Pe FOR "one gentleman, Arjay| position, having an excellent future to STORE refer. Street, west side near King, November -18 to en in Plaza Theatre Broadcasting Centre, 360 "willing to learn tire to Richmond Tire Service. 24 Richmond Street East, sales Telephone Coles products needs two Must wanted repeat income 1600 Delorim- "helper 'Telephone Stan man between 40 herd. quarters Tele- OOMERS or boarders, clean home, ngle beds, also use of family room, [close to South GM. 728- 2817 French cooking, | \unehes packed, parking space, laundry one if de 103 Mill Street. Tele- MAN, between 30 and 40, with auto-| Feld 728-4763 Must have leader-| 122--Store Space & Garages » ce for rent 1 or sooner. Telephone 728.8175 AIR - conditioned two-room office suite, King Street West. Free parking. Telephone 723.2265 for information, In. Cher, meat cutter for full time work. |at 131 Park Road North close to bus FOUR f aerial North T i F © roomed "apartment, LE re- hot water, parkin, Adults. Apply OB Telephone 723.2 HREE-ROOM A FIT on avine lot, heavy duty wiring, park. ng. laundry facilities 575 Harmony Road South LEAN rigerator, ™ Simcoe 723-2754 three-room private apartment and bath, will care for children while mother 72 12 Prince desired, Telephone for details. 7101 FURNISHED bedsitting room, | kitchen, private bath, 1% I F $40 mon miles north of Brook- in on Highway 12, $15 weekly. 635-3541, oR loset room apartment, in each room, orth © hot water, near bus route. hawa. 728-2267 for . particulars, OFFICES For Rent AND PARKING AT 112 Simcoe St TEL. 728-8441 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE Simcoe St. N., convenient downtown, 3-room suite, 275 sq. ft., heat, light, water and parking included $75 monthly 1475 sq. ft., air conditioned freshly decorated, alterations to your requirements Will divide with communal waiting room, large parking area $275 monthly 1-BEDROOM MODERN APT , modern ground floor, heat, hot and. cold water, stove, refrigerator and parking in- cluded. $75 monthly. Avail- able Oct, 1st FOR FULL INFORMATION R. VICKERY REAL ESTATE 728-6228 46 KING W. 23--Wanted to Rent THREE - BEDROOM house in Rossland Road district, east of Simcoe Street N. ( Available and ¥ é piece bath t INE bedroom apartment, October 1. North or , furnished. Apply 496 Sim- telephone 728-3948 oe Street inquire OUR - room apartment, self-contain- d with private entrance amd three- poly 539 Albert Street or elephone 728-6070. NORTH OSHAWA - building, r ( W MODERN four-room apar efrigerator, three-piece Da g, TV outlet, washer, stove, ample Ang, dryer. 53-3938 ENTRALLY vith use of chine in clean 58150 for located furnished room kitchen and washing ma- quiet home. Telephone further particulars "four-room (two bedroom) apartment in apartment building, south west Ample pa APARTMENT kitchen, t THRE ment, wiring, tion LARGE vate entrance for area, washer, dryer (facilities, King. Available now! 723.4368, with modern equipped TV outlet, washer and dryer, available, good parking facilities, close o shopping. Telephone 725.3652. room heated basement apart private bath and entrance, heavy laundry facilities. Centra) loca- Apply 210 Chadburn Street. housekeeping room wilh pri. rent on main floor, I'elephone 728-5253 or apply 218 Celina Street SHOPPING C ENTRE -- a dern, i mod. two - bedroom apartments, deco- rated (your choice) from $85. Paved parking. John J. Bolahood, Ltd. 725- 6544 LARGE two-bedroom apartment, heat- ed, close to Shopping Centre, Children welcome. Available September 20. $68 monthly, Telephone 725. 1674 CLEAN modern three-room "apartment, stove optional, reasonable rent, vacant October 1. Can be seen Row, Will mind one child if desired, 728-866 | TWO-bedroom apartment 5 new build- ing, stove dryer, parking: tre 285 Montrave, FOUR-ROOM refrigerator, drapes, washer, close to shopping cen. 725-8769 "apartment for rent, Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post Heavy duty wiring, complete with stove Office REQUIRED by retired couple by No- vember 1, three or four-room self contained, heated, ground floor apart- ment. Moderate rent. Write Box 407 Oshawa Times. 24--Houses for Rent $430 DOWN, three-bedroom brick bungalow. gas heat, large fenced lot, north Whitby. NHA. MO 8.8352. SMALL four-room house for rent with garage, on large lot, three-piece bath, centrally located. Apply 646 Drew Street for further details. TWO-BEDROOM house suitable for couple or couple with one child, Cen- tral, Telephone 725-3968 for CHADBURN STREET. six-wom brick bungalow, with garage, six vears old furnished or unfurnished. Immediate possession. Call Russ Reeve at Sch field Real Estate. 723-2265 or 725-4840. FOUR-BEDROOM brick home on Ade- laide Avenue East, oil heated, garage, private driveway. Available October 1, Telephone 725-6304 evenings or morn- ings SEVEN . room house, elose to schools and bus, could sublet, Available Oec- tober 1. 630 Albert Street, Oshawa. CO 3-2413 FOR rent or sale, seven ouse, near South GM own payment. 728-6122 SEVEN-ROOM house with garage monthly. Suitable for family and letting Possession October 1 phone 725-6932 HOUSE for sale or dale drive, Whitby, spacious room brick $75 or very low $100 sub- Tele "for rent 346 Rose- furnished or unfur- MOTHERS | DO YOU NEED EXTRA MONEY TO KEEP CHILDREN IN SCHOOL OR COLLEGE? Pleasant profitable time employment will For more information CALL COLLECT TORONTO RU 2.4782 STENOGRAPHER 18--Male or Female Help Wanted PART TIME or ed for Nutri-B10, Easy to sell plete details on this fast growing dustry. 7 107 EXPERIENCED "hairdresser for The Mayfair Salon 728-0662 for further particulars NUTRI BIO food supplement for entire large family. Full or Unlimited income. Orlin Bessborough Drive, Oshawa BOOKKEEPER wanted fice, Write, 312 Oshawa t part-time distributors oo s Lint, it. for small of- Times Oshawa Times for particulars HELP wanted -- Tomatoe pickers Phone Earl Pascoe MO 8.3893 full time help requir. For com. in- stating experience to Box home, carries for $82 monthly, WANTED married couple fo care for renting for $32 monthly, small public building, Apply to Box 15 Live in vour own home and save nished, available immediately. Tele phone Pickering TE 9.1763 SEMI DETACHED rooms, vicinity of minutes from down 728-8107 TWO-family bungalow, five large rooms on main floor, modern three.-room base house, bed St three Gregory's, town. Telephone "required ment apartment, self contained. Call L Telephone '§ Snelgrove Co Ltd., 723-9 AVAILABLE September 1, executive's four bedroom home, Simcoe North, near high and public schools 747 Phone R. Schofield. Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd., 723-2265. $658 DOWN buys this five-room brick interest Room in basement now Why pay rent? Call Lioyd and principal Irwin Cruikshanks, 728.5123 Realty (Oshawa Ltd.) Realtor "IVE - room house all $35. Six room house, stove, heated, conveniences, | EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY In addition duties, you 20--Room and Board PRIVATE room, suitable for lady, seven day week, three per day, close to town and buses Ritson Road South NICE voung gentlemen, first cooked meals. Lunches to stenographic will meet cus- tomers in our modern, con- veniently located office. Work with a congenial office staff - start at a good sal- ary and receive regular merit increases, employee benefits and paid vacations. Na pre vious experience necessary, HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP. 64 KING ST. E. OSHAWA class home. packed, fre. Road South hoard for gentlemen, tn share, beds, quiet private home, desired. 725.6721 ROOM, hoard optional, home, Street or particulars ROOM and hoard for lady or gentle man, ose to downtown Apply Elgin East or telephone 728-3643 for de- tails in clean, telephone 728-3350 for HOME - tlemen, 728-1773 cooked meals with rooms, gen- man or FOR RENT meals | jow house, 173! ated clean, quiet European home for AT 39 McGREGOR Street -- room and Widow single 137 lunches if auiet| james Gibson, centrally Incated. Apply 11 Rowe phone more Apply 235 Eulalie or telephone window 17--Male Help Wanted '17--Male Help Wanted HIGH CALIBRE SALESMAN REQUIRED AT OUR SHOPPING - CENTRE INTEREST IN OPENING SALESMAN WITH A SINCERE LEARNING A MOST INTERESTING BUSINESS IF YOU HAVE THE ENERGY AND INITIATIVE REQUIRED FOR THIS POSITION WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW YOU MAY NAME THE SIZE OF YOUR INCOME. COMPLETE REAL ESTATE FACILITIES AND TION AVAILABLE FROM OUR STAFF, FOR INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT CALL DOUG WILSON AT D. W. WILSON REALTOR SHOPPING CENTRE 725-4588 WE HAVE AN OFFICE FOR A FULL CO-OPERA- OSHAWA |other conveniences $50. Immediate pos- session, 212 Celina Street after 5. New ranch style bunga two bedrooms. Newly decor Tel MO 8-5645 morn p.m $85 monthly ings, or after 7 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent parking. Close to everywhere. 81 Park APARTMENT three rooms and bath, home, private entrance, on refrigerator, stove supplied business woman preferred. in quiet bus line, or Huron $10 WEEKLY, two rooms, "central, self contained, sink and toilet. Apply 149 Celina Street. Tele BRIGHT attractive apartment, down town location, three rooms and bath, refrigerator, stove. Reasonable rent for good tenant. Telephone Mr. Michael Clayton, 7 501, 5 pm LARGE bright private three Yoom apartment, natural fireplace, picture with lovely view, separate en trance and bath, furnished or unfur- nished, s business couple or school teachers. 725-53. 42. | particulars: | and refrigerator, garage, private en- trance, very central location. Apply 214 Arthur Street LOCATION 262 KING ST. E. TV outlet, new washing mae- stove, oak floors and heated. TELEPHONE 725-3139 APARTMENTS in modern building. Avail= able now. Loundry, parking, hardwood floors, 'frig, stove, TV outlet, locker. Call MO 8-3092 after 5 or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5, Whitby. 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE 725-3815 728-6485 Private entrance locker, hine, trim, Available Now Large three-room apartment, 'Frig. heavy duty stove, pri- vate bath. $70.00 monthly. Dial 725-5433 or 725-2267 SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK RD. CALL 723-2563 Modern, 2 bedroom apart- ments fridge, - stove, paved parking. TV outlet -- For information Call 723-2563. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 4 rooms -- free use of auto-~ matic washer and dryer. $90 MONTHLY Apply 213 Montrave Avenue. Apt. 1 NEWLY DECORATED 2-BEDROOM APARTMENTS $85-595 basement -- 2nd floor in apt. building, near Shopping Centre. Ample arking CALL 728-6795 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS IN TOWN Modern 2-bedroom apartments. Fridge, stove, paved parking, T.V. outlet, FROM $85.00 Inquire about our special offer at $82.50 FOR INFORMATION 725-7272 725-5787