Friday, September 8, 1961 13 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Reversing Tourists' Procedure SASKATOON (CP) -- Maria Strieffler is reversing the old story of the tourist who goes to the old country to seek out her family tree. She is interested in finding out about ancestors who came to Canada and the United States from Germany. She has found! the same dialect of her native Palatinate, in West Germany on| the left bank of the Rhine, spoken by Mennonites in Ont- arlo who have been in North America for 200 years. Miss Strieffler became inter- ested in Canadian Mennonites | when they sent relief after the Second World War. She has been in North Amer fea a little more than a year and has found herself at home among the Mennonites of Pen nsylvania, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. With her facile pen, she makes ink sketches which she says catch impressions of her subjects better than a camera. She says she hopes to write, and illustrate, a book on the North American Mennonites, who first emigrated to Pennsyl vania from Germany in 1721 After the American revolu- tion they were promised free- dom from conscription if they settled in Ontario and many of them did. i In Manitoba and Saskatch- ewan, she said, there is a Russian - German influence in the Mennonite homes, such as the high beds and the samovars Miss Strieffler said the Men nonites in Western Canada seem to be losing many of their old customs and traditions. She said ' Bah a she thought the old German i i IE | Ls AGAINST OR LESS THAN She also plans to visit Men nonites in the Peace River area of Alberta, who came from DUNBARTON DUNBARTON -- Douglas and David Green returned home last Monday from YMCA Camp Pinecrest near Torrance, On tarlo, where they spent three ® weeks. Mrs. Shirley Stevens was re- eently hospitalized and under- went surgery. We hope you'll feel much better soon, Shirley. Relatives visiting with A. J Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Mc Clement were Mr. and Mrs George Kernahan and Mr. Hugh Kernahan of Sutton, Miss Peggy Carr of Keswick, Mr. and Mrs, Angus McFarlane, Donna and| % 0 0 Beverly of Scarboro and Mr. J. T 1 A T Gi od 0 WwW S T . R. McClement of Toronto. 4 Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson and family spent Sunday in Trenton with Mrs. Thompson's parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. Pay- ton. We're szorry that Douglas (2234 \"2 2H ¢ Green was hospitalized at Ajax Hospital for several days last UNDERWRITTEN BY week P On Tuesday evening the Dun YA BLE barton Kiwanis House League-- =v 2 to 10-year-olds: played their 44 110) V4 F.Y2 [A L tinal ball game to determine the Ss a winner of the summer series Cor SH & YOR Mr. and Mrs. George Law- IN rence returned home on the SURANCE CO. LIMITED weekend of Aug. 27, from a motor trip through the southern SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS FOR FIRST YEAR states including Georgia, Ten- nessee and Washington Cf ® i. and Liu of Wiis . he shawn Times atter months or Public Bus, | eral weeks. . : Saliroad, Taxicab, | L sno Bleyels, Visiting them fof several Weeks careful planning, now offers this 24-hour insurance FOR LOSS OF ig ot HE srnan, | "Sine a baie ob a assenger , Buildings ° Orville Hamilton celebrated Car Accidents Accidents Eartbquake Ferrys his birthday on Sept. 3. protection to its regular subscribers. You'll never : ac EH tuned Life $10,000 $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 Mr. Charles Winston 1 . 4 ; ot in Aor Hospital receiving find a better investment for less than 3c a week! Both Hands 10,000 1000 | T3000 treatment. Both Feet | 10,000 1.000 | 1,000 | , Monthly Disability Sight of Both Eyes | 10,000 1,000 1.000 Up to $160. per month ar. aud Mis. D. Tmesn Your maximum coverage when you take out Ona. hand and one foot | 10,000 1.000 1,000 First Ald Indemnity i Sept. 1 . : . ar vxesyioting the policy is for $10,000. From then on all benefits One hand and sight of one eye | 10,000 1.000 1/000 Church, Pickering, the regular increase by 10% per year for 5 years. At the end Dre fone nd sight of one eye | 10000 1,000 | 1,000 {The entre boucti under : ' 500 500 ase by per morning worship service was 4 ' : : : conducted by the minister, Mr of this period your maximum coverage will reach up Either foot 3.750 500 S00 7 for 5 years. enne! eron. e Choir enter- . . 3 . . ; ed the sanctuary to the proces to $15,000 with other benefits in proportion. Sight of either eye 3,750 | 500 | 500 500 | sional hymn "They in the Lord thet Yrmiy Trust. Mr. Heron HOSPITAL INDEMNITY FOR POLIOMYELITIS UP TO $2,500 chose his scripture lessons from " St. John Chapter 3 and St. Mark Chapter 3, and preached a force- ul JSepton, Fhe Uniorgivable Th F 5 Sin". The answer he ques: tion of the unforgivable --~ is TWO TYPES of POLICY ese x ra | TO: SCOTTISH & YORK INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. 425 University Avenue, found in St. Mark Chapter 3 . Benefits Too! TORONTO, Ontarie verse 29. A beautiful solo, "The Voice in the Wilderness by Personal Policy-- John Pringle Scott was sung by . . the guest soloist, Mr. Hugh For any individual subscriber to THE * POLIO--Hospital Indemnity tor o Rernahan, tenor soloist of Knox OSHAWA TIMES form the age of 1 - 79 Poliomyelitis up to $2,500.00! She urdessiiees ate Fue ka ner I'he undersigned hereby makes application for the United Church, Sutton, Ontario Junior congregation leader was --costs less than 3c a week Travel and Pedestrian Insurance Policy with Hospital In- Miss Annabelle Graham. Music i gg TLR Family Plan--Approx. 4.50 per yr. ® CUMULATIVE POLICY deriniy for Poliomyelitis issued by the Scottish & York Insur- : . p ance Company Ltd. It i ne ehois leader. Choir practice For coverage of both husband and wife VALUE INCREASE plicant will 4 Si o cians Sareea 10 ther We 4 or h Junior and Senior or husbond and: wif te, | oP choirs will be held next Wednes 8 pe 3. e, ony ol unmarried At no cost to you, your Scottish the Policy when issued and will pay the regular subscription day evening at the regular time. h e age o years, living i 00 4 prices At Dunbarton United Church, at home -- costs less than 9c a week & York policy will increase in Dr. W. A. McKay, the minister, , conducted the regular yorning = value by 10% each year for the service of worship rs. H. . . Stroud was organist, The SEHD The insurance coverage for both Personal and first five years. At the end of 5 sson was e y e Po te % H M fre oes Son in St Luke 15. Dr Family policies is identical. The coverage out- years its maximum coverage MeRaY continued his Sermon lined in this advertisement is subject to the reaches up to $15,000.00. Sort verse "Forgive us our tres- terms and conditions contained in the actual : passes as we forgive them that policies | subscribe to THE OSHAWA TIMES trespass against us". God's for- By mail ( ) g giveness is conditional 3s we By carrier ( ) forgive others. One who was : or pletely Innocent as Jesus Please Read All Details Before Completing Application 5 Tow i ) was as He hung on the cross art Now was able to forgive those who mocked and killed Him. We who + are far from perfect, have to be able to forgive others. in order to have God's forgiveness On Sunday, Sept. 10, there will be a Sacrament of Infant Baptism. Sunday, Sept. 17, is day School Rally Day. Sept. is saniversary service. A