THOUSANDS HONOR - in RR Fo e-- COL R. S. McLAUGHLIN ON and district residents attended the civic ceremony in Memor- ial Park Thursday night when tribute was paid to the city's leading citizen, Col. R. S. Mc- Laughlin who today is cele- brating his 90th birthday. The highlight of the occasion was She Osha Times PAGE NINE SECOND SECTION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1961 THOUSANDS OF Oshawa the presentation by Her THE EVE OF HIS 9TH BIRTHDAY Wor- ship Mayor Christine Thomas of Oshawa's first Merit Medal. Seen upper left Col. McLaugh- lin and Major William C. ed behind the wheel of a 1908 Buick automobile in which he rode from his Parkwood home to Memorial Park. Lower right he is caught by the camera Paynter inspect the guard of | with his granddaughter, Mrs. honor composed of men of the Ontario Regiment. Upper right Col. McLaughlin is seen seat- Eleanor Taylor, of Forest Hills, N.Y. --Oshawa Times Photos Oshawa Merit Medal Presented At Bandshell | The continuance of the New Members | 'New Memb ew em ers What was probably the largest| his vision, and his industry to] 'There are three thing we hot weather has resulted in the decision to operate the The board of directors and! Oshawa Civic Swimming o = : ww on ot of, Pool in Rotary Park and the | /With the view fo increasing pirthday party in the history of implement it. Finally, his fort can talk of -- the past, present | the Oshawa Little Theatre will] Somerset Swimming Pool in |the playing membership to at haya drew some three thou itude to fight against adversity. and future," he said, "but when . hold a joint meeting on Mon.| North Oshawa during the |least 50, musicians who might. ;q" shectators to overflow SHARE IN HONORS {you're 90 the past stands out * day, September 11, at 8 p.m. coming weekend. be ineresied 3 yeminz he Osh-| \femorial Park Thursday night. Mr, Hall stressed the colonel's| Pretty big in your memory." in the drawing room of Ade. , Both pools will be open wei ymplony, oh Jes Ta a® "The party, of course, was for close connection with Oshawa.| He recalled that when his laide House. from 1.30 to 5.30 p.m. on Urge 2 a en od e ire Prac Colonel R. S. McLaughlin, foun- Wherever you go, he told Col.|family came to Oshawa, the At this time Her Worship| Saturday and Sunday, iT YA oSyaY gh: sea. der of General Motors of Can- McLaughlin, you give y ou r|population was 4,142. There was Mayor Christine Thomas will son this fall and the executive 2da and Oshawa's leading citi- address as Oshawa. As a result, no waterworks, no telephones be on hand to speak to this ac- are in agreement that tremen- Zen. Oshawa citizens feel they have|and no electric lights. The 8 Drama Group [CITY SWIM PooLs Symphony 8 To Seek TO REMAIN OPEN Is Seeking After Tuesday's opening day and is above the provincial av-no difficulty in accommodating enrolment, it wouldn't be sur- erage, he stated. There are 31|the pupils and in providing staff, prising to see secondary school|teachers for the 760 students the Grade 7's at Holy Cross students emerging from cracks Although this works out to an have been put on two shifts in the walls and hanging from arithmetical average of about|-- from 8 a.m. to 12.30 and the ceiling. 24.5, this figure is misleading|/from 12.30 to 5 p.m. Although elementary schools because it includes the smaller... NT ARE N the city received a normal/upper school optional classes gr gh BREAKDOWN. registration, the number of stu- and the shops, which are regu- mp ® gs" Tosa dents returning to secondary lated by availability of facilities. ons 2 5 p00 8 the city schools exceeded by far the fig. Many teachers have well over is as ollows. Figures for each ures estimated. 40 students in classrooms, Mr, separate school are missing and Murphy said. won't be available for about a 1600 AT OCVI . week. Last year's enrolment is O'Neill Collegiate and Voca- 760 AT DONEVAN C I indicated in brackets. tional Institute is under the| Registrations at Dr. J. F. Secondary Schools: greatest burden. Principal G. L.|Donevan Collegiate Institute| 1605 (1,200); CCI, 760 Roberts had estimated enrol-/are fewer than expected, but ODCI, 760 (700); ment at the end of the last there still no space going Elementary Schools: Adelaide school year at 1,400. He was empty. Principal A, B. Woods McLaughlin, 547 (499); Albert deluged with applications dur- said there were 760 students St., 213 (236); Cedardale, 356 ing the summer, and on open- ¢nrolled and 780 expected. Last (339); College Hill, 382 (360); ing day 1,605 students register- year, there were 700 in the Conant, 336 (387); Coronation, ed. school 470 (484); Dr. C. F. Cannon 556 The school reports the three (603); Dr. S. J. Phillips 808 (76 shifts are working smoothly Duke of Edinburgh, 488 (495); and all students are getting a i. A. Lovell, 653 (651); Ger- oCV1 (699); Grades 9 and 10 are especial- ly crowded, but there are fewer tudents in upper school than with a strong group of mature cows by Rosafe Pontiac while the to 465 SCHOOLS city's eight erty committee, said it had 1961-62 membership campaign. | Francis J. Francis. Mr. Sam and his party arrived., Not only has Mr. McLaughlin| After high-school he joined his prompted the decision to | end. d the h brass. Any one who can play a mERIT MEDAL PPRESENTED 27d the humble, he stressed. |«horseless carriage", and. by ] 4 . rind mittee make the personal con der of the month, as pre- i DI the sudisice she wi trombone is urged to turn out tation of the Oshawa Merit Me- arge season of the Oshawa Little musicians, the membershp is|ten: 'Presented to R. S. | | {thundered three cheers and with jor productions, become part of ; Sastie. los i g i id i septin ed and enthusiastic leader in McLaughlin said in accepling toward people. When he makes Rev. Dr. George Telford as ENROLMENT UP 526 fr i Saturd | I ; S Creat son lic sc sic | w ius tinue| i % 3 ] {ticket holders for those special a ur ay le public school and music| orld. I just hope I can con greet him as "Mr. Sam", she|a reception, and then home. | productions of St. Joan, Mac-| Children's Arena Saturday, Sept-|and factory workers, Collegiate Leading the motorcade wa Since the annual meeting of|/from 3 to 5 p.m. district ing are presently engaged in mak-|Section for ages 13 to 16, [the welcome mat will be rolled |then drove by in his fire-engine the membership committee and| portant event. [trim and gold horn mounted on| A group of four Japanese grave, was named Senior and ran | Bf c fas tacted by one of the sellers may and cared for a small garden. ter rash T. D. Thomas, MPP for a bull that they purchased last|The Reserve Senior Champion be actively engaged in the pro-| The prize list consists of speci- day as the result of a collision Metcalfe street, Col. McLaugh was Kazuo Kasi of Tokyo.|Grand Championship award L] + Hh | The public is most cordially Viola street, which had stopped along with the major and Judge/; : ; tot Ad rn ) =>"|in Japan. Their dam, the fa-|and Son, Uxbridge and Clarence full academic day. Class-rooms expected. The school started as| (rude Coipus, 421 (464); Har Jail Accused invited to attend his exhibitionito pick up a passenger, was Hall were escorted on the inv, "paicam Brae Pluto Sov- 9 and 10 classes (the recom- for three re vears roc. (303); Ridgeway, 309 (new Allan B. McComb, Belleville, classes ie recom- for three more years until pres ) A pedestrian threatened to walk as the party proceeded up to the a charge of breaking and er Wi T mum is 24 students some room space, the cafeteria is be- Ewan, 284 (305); Vincent Mas-/tering with intent. John A. ns ourney : " » : J. Francis, played "John Peel". heen held by Ontario County|alcomb Supreme Dora owned by intra-mural sports is being in. Petter position. According to Dr ed's brother, testified the de-|mived doubles tournament held |that could be seen from the { Dotty. Ope Season PREMIER BREEDER y Ridgeway Senior Public School aan nt hi inking : ., . birthdays today: Central Collegiate Institute is because of his drinking. his partner, of Cannington, with 8Ys today the north, Camp Samac, both/tion of Canada, saw his entries the get of Mathewsfield Dew- 7 and 8. As a result enrolment house, The high scores were: i Registrat lf 1 Detective Sergeant John Pow-|the one-game winners. Mrs. J. Hedge, 458 Wood- [tion on the memorial to Sir{Reserve Senior and Reserve egistrallons increased {rom s---------------- ---- $ . po i i i lish architect: "If you would Reserve Junior Championship|and 1st prize senior yearling ' to 398. There is a ge | Lid : looked like an attempt to open avenue and Christine Hobbs, optional classes in the sen 79 to 398. There is a generally|g, Sheridan and G. Adams, 113. a 4 . i f Phone 723-3474. more important than gimeroft Inka Jean Olla, who/Sam Brae Pluto Sovereign the use of all available spa Sheridan. 135%: William Cox he officer testified. Jozsof Fleischer and Wilfred CARS SIDESWIPE Laughlin the success he is, stat-|er. by 22 exhibitors was described are filled, and the cafeteria and schools, enrolment has increas- 10814 Sergeant Powell said the accus-|charges of making false state-|in a sideswipe accident on High-| dustry, but you also built it," he/shown by Robert Flett of Osh-{Judge Ralph Dunton, of Bramp- jelly severe on the comme | GREAT LIBRARY cial and shop room rte ar | cr The Library of Congre at said "it was his first drink in costs or 10 days in jail on the| Perry vehicle $75 damage. Wil- role of the automobile 60 vears!Jaspe Duchess Doe. were: Roy Leask and Son, Sea- Ald. Albert Walker, chair- tive theatrical group and to wit-| been planned fo close the |dous progress has been made Every bench and patch of|a share in the many honors you|streets were lighted by gas- pools after Labor Day but 2 " . | 3 : 7 . It ic the intention of Reg Lan- There are openings for new Many brought their own folding gatnod the wealth of the world, father's carriage works as an | (caster, president of the Oshawa operate them on the week- (players in all sections of the chairs and hundreds remained ut has gained the admiration apprentice at the age of 16. He 1961-62 board of directors to the| 3 dl | Ald. Walker commented 5 nd, sellers of the membership com-| that should the weather re- |violin, viola, 'cello, string bass, The ceremony featured several Mayor Christine Thomas then 1907, the McLaughlin Carriage flute, oboe, English horn, clar-| (oo "art areT aughlin, and [05¢ tO present the medal. She|Company had entered the auto tact with all prospective mem-| ~. A dicted in the long-range fore- A | bers of the group. The hard ar grange op. next week. : ne Christine cake with 90 candles. Since GIVEN THREE CHEERS working sellers and the mem- rato on Werks for a 'While the orchestra enjoys the dal to him by ayo? ri it | there wasn't, she asked the aud-| As this grand old man of the support of several professional Thomas. On the medal was WIl-lience to sing happy birthday. automobile industry left the Theatre its initial momentum. d : i : hlin by the City of Oshawa a. + Bois ping de cross section | Laughlin by the City of ; | accompaniment of the band. Membership in the Oshawa Mate o a wige OF 3 his 90th birthday in tribute| : ; Jers hii 3 citizens most of average abil- on his irthday I FRI the accompaniment of the band, Little Theatre entitles the hold-| Ir. Garden ity. They enjoy playing together to his career as an industrialist RIENOLY AIUD another Sing "For he's a Jolly Good ity. T get ! rim LL : . TI f » as well as the opportunity to|and humanitarian town." Mr. side of Col. McLaughlin's char- Fellow. |the active membership and also attend any special studio av uc { the person of Mr. Francis. . "I love all the people " plays produced during the year. ee en Francis Ha Je ela) no hard feelings Mis tour of General Motors master of ceremonies. Mean- . {every day, he greets everyone while, Col. McLaughlin and his productions which the Oshawa teachers, make up the largest|qown that kind of path." He pre- : | Little Theatre brings to the city.| The Oshawa Junior Garden group in the orchestra. There gicted that Oshawa should con- ™° °° : : _ Today, Friday, September 8, econ ar C 00 5 Ire In the past this group has Club is holding its annual Flow-|is a wide cross section of citi-|y;\ 0 to grow and prosper as it It is those little things that|is to be known henceforth in make him such a wonderfull Oshawa as R. S. McLaughlin » ® beth, and Peer Gynt to the city|tember 9. students, housewives, merchants ' tors Pipe Band, | People," she commented. |devote some part of the day to Strainin At The Seams |and 'last November the Royall Exhibits will be received from and one physician. he Generst Mo ond 4% with| Col. McLaughlin then told of|studying the history of Mr. Sam, | Winnipeg Ballet made a special 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and im- Members of the executive be- rh and the tall fur guardsman his early life in Oshawa and and they will be given a souven- Oshawa appearance under the mediately after the judging, the|lieve there must be many tal oe and white puttees. Follow- how he launched Canada's auto-|ier pamphlet to commemorate the occasion. who could contribute, io Regiment. the Little Theatre May last the| The Junior Garden Club is di- considerably to the orchestra Hones of a ; ° board of directors has chosen vided into two sections. The|and who would enjoy the associ- CHILDREN hed ing and the directors for the three ma- Junior Section ranging in age ation. They are urged to get| Children rushe hip Be oY Irmis on as ing the final decisions concern At the close of the show|out for them next Wednesday red 1908 Buick. The colonel gm ing the three plays to be pre- awards will be made by mem- evening at the music room in/ed and waved back. The 0 sented to local audiences. bers of the Westmount Kiwanis|the O'Neill Collegiate Institute, car, a right-hand drive, looke h 4 A | visitors to the Ontario County|Grand Champion male after y tart the During the season a large the hood. : the sejlers will ve nape . IE Tool ae In the following cars were|Black and White Day held Sept. heading the class for aged bulls. paign. 3 8 | 4 in connection with Port Perry|A year ago he was Reserve ovtain a membership by tele These have been judged and on| ; awa Riding, Judge Alex C. and : 4 ery I a Marion Davenport, 725- Saturday the one with the best] A fine of $25 and costs was|Mrs. Hall, plus other members Bll, win he Senior = ra oe Ve oe Poe Admit A + >: |lavi S! J si n in'; | i i 1587. New members are always garden will be awarded the Ki-|levied against Eugene Shaw: in|of Mr. McLaughlin's party award for Best Uddered fe-|Champion in class for N. Hunt- ductions or only wish to attend men classes for flower and ve-|/at the intersection of Ritson lin stepped briskly out of his ; ! : the group's yearly. plays. getables as well as a number road and Conant street Aug. 15./ car to inspect the Guard ofl, The rand Champ Roy Sent lo the Jomor Chauion, : fess rire of arrangement classes, in| The court was told an auto, Honor commanded by Majorio boc, = a. or Her bro-|Lillcroft Sovereign Prospect 8 and judging by past exhibitions struck f th by th ti by Lieutenant-Colonel | Lillico and Sons of Woodville. ti YL 4 52 B 2 14 Y L 5 struck ro. y y spection | i ras x i joi . are still crowded in the lower a junior high school three years Moy 1% a 2) . Eh no one will be disappointed. Shaw on i : 7 R Warnica Commanding orem bis AlrCahatiah i Another Joint © ORY; Glepal grades, however, with an aver- ago, Mr. Woods explained, and King St., 242 (254); Mary St . -- . Tn tario Regiment, [Holstein cow of 1955, and has|comb Historic, owned by Harold y or ears Shaw testified he did not no- Officer of the Ontario Regiment. |; colt heen several times - mended average for the prov- ent students get to upper school. School); Ritson, 704 (685); South| Found guilty in Oshawa Ma: Oshawa Pair : : The Port Perry Show mark-jtook the Reserve Junior award ince is 30). Even the shops are| Although the Sik is not in/Simcoe, 212 (341); Sunset in front of his car. Police stated| McLaughlin Bandshell, and the oq the 25th anniversary of the after heading the junior yearling the car skidded 75 feet before band of the Ontario Regiment pack and White Day in On-|class. He is a maternal brother classes have 26 students, which ing used for study periods. Sey, 258 (295); Westmount, 479 Atkinson, of Oshawa, was sen- " . te é i | means two have to share a (398); Woodcrest, 519 (465). tenced to two years in Ports- DRY z Bo Gel In introducing Col. McLaugh: Breeders at this same fair. Now (Roy Ormiston. bench PRESSURE RELIEVED -- - "| mouth Penitentiary, Kingston. (ihe Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club lin, Judge Hall told of the things the Black and White Days in| There was an outstanding ] 8 ' he colonel has contributed to|the province have grown tolclass of milking two-year-olds etter pos 10 DE BIRTHDAYS |Oshawa. He mentioned the many|45 in number each covering a headed by Dunrobin and Elm- vestigated. The shifts have|': M. Elliolt, superintendent o fendant had previously caused | Ww : : : created time - table clashes public ovis. thete is no an trouble to his sister-in-law, Mrs. hor ro anesday, ", Oshans wa gratilatons and best tthe public Tib th among the three collegiates and Sa I ' Ss Lois Atkinson, of 33 Arlington ™ pf d: Mrs. R of Shes e following resi- park, the public library, the very | Hugh Ormiston, Brooklin Rial Itetar co rine and there are enough teachers. . |. Mr. and Mrs. Raeburn, ofl dents of Oshawa and district s standing on| George R. McLaughlin of b ior Gi i : curtailed inter-school activities avenue. He had warned the ac-|pingsay, were second with three| panastang Je tors of the, Dunrobin and Elmcroft Farms, Won the Senior Get-of-Sire class § Semor 1 Tve opening game for te fat ; : GE band. In the south of the city,|Beaverton, who is the president| this week relieved pressure on and winter season was playe re Atlin 1 ~ourt | " 2 Jayne Fox: 104 Stevenson i no better off. According to prin- Adelaide McLaughlin, Tuesday night by members TS. Jukinson 101d ihe count hy score of 9, were high ia He road north; Joan Tisdall, 190 1 Duarobin atid Elmcrott tool the cipal H. E. Murphy, even Woodcrest and Wes tmountiof the Oshawa Duplicate Club call from the accused and as|and Mrs, Medlock, oe To, Winona; Graham = Alchin, contributed by Col McLaughlin| CA7FY ig gi Ihe Exhibitor Rv abe. I s . 85 S. °K, - tor]: © Dont ; p ) . | ier ibito: D ; He tough al available space In she could tell he had been drink-|ronto Central Park Club, with a| 1494 Oxford strect: Daniel |he said. Breeder and Premier Exhibitor drop Design, this consisting of : r the three schools! North and South -- FE. Heron the 1st prize senior heifer calf, creased over the pastiand J. Miller, 130% points; crest avenue; Mrs. F. J Adel - 3 d 2 "ell, who was called to the At- -- a v2 LED. tL Wy last year's 699 to 760, 120 over r: Adelaide McLaughlin/Mr, and Mrs. R. Davies, 123%; : home. 'said. the screen | Perry, 26 McGregor; Mrs. ] heifer. The Grand Champion fe- the desirable maximum for the [10m 547 to 499, Woodcrest from!y. Wilde and D. Calhoun. 1184: mson home, sal ie scree! . - | ; A ; awards for females. His Re- = pion 1 : alr onvicte | Soe My memorial, look around.' "G ang Champion was the| Male was a member of the win- oh inore i . the latch of the inner door. On : rades, Mr. Murphy stated, but(Slight increase in other public East and West -- Mr. and, : : . iti i the large compulsory groups in|5¢No¢ with total enrolment Mrs. William Baron, 15415 i entering the house the accused his gifts are the qualities ofjjast year was All-Canadian and| Shown by Roy. Ormiston. SPACE MORE AT : The court was told the accus-|Collins, of Oshawa, were con-| Motor vehicles driven by John j "Chri | i ~ i i ield the - school. OR \T . i Sir he court was s ' i 1 n-| Mot les driven by John|ed the judge. Christopher, The Junior Champion female|by Holstein fieldman, G.. E. in SEPARATE 204 Mrs. B. Drew: i; os E ed had eniered the house by|victed, in Oshawa Magistrate's|W. Wilson, Lindsay and Nelson Wren only designed buildings; | was the winning senior year-|Nelson, as "A very hot show library have Seen pres sedled from 2,680 to 2,880. The in-|G- Bovay, ed had been drinking but was ments concerning the unemploy-/way 35 near Lindsay Tuesday] told the colonel. awa, while McLaughlin's Re.|ton, did an excellent job "of into service. Pressure is espe-| crease is about the same as has not intoxicated. ment insurance act. afternoon. The Wilson vehicle] Foremost is the colonel's vis-|serve Junior Champion was the|placing the awards: is only one of each, he sai y of the separz Washington, the national library three months but that drinking first eight c $10 reate : . juni EL afi : par Vashing 1e national libr: S é g first eight counts and $10 and{son was treated for minor in- ago when it was the butt of Honeyvale Nero, jointly own- grave, junior bull calf and C. F. The cache: pup. rauo is|hoard of the United States, was estab.|had been a great problem in the costs or five days in jail for the|juries after his car entered the|jokes, he said. Then there was|ed by Christie Brothers, Por t|Werry and Son, Oshawa, two- os. s man of the city council prop- ness the inauguration of its| under the capable direction of grass was occupied long before receive. lamps. weather conditions had Little Theatre, to introduce the orchestra, string, woodwind and | standing, and respect of both the great/hecame interested in the new mittee. The sellers of this com-| main warm for the remain. |f ) Tose 10 i . n inet, French horn, trumpet ori. = 1inaved with the presen- 9 e audience she wished business, he said. ns a > to h bership committee give each i der of the month. Me-| 3 I | Everyone complied, with the|stage, the massive audience er to see the group's three ma- Club Sho study under a very highly train-. "I love my home acter -- his friendly attitude A band concert followed, with {It is also customary to give re-| ) ) teachers, mostly Collegiate with 5: the whole rid ) glate against anybody in {by their first name and they party drove to the Armouries for brought the Canadian Players er and Vegetable Show in the|zens as well including office , st. i has in the pas s gentleman. He has time for|Day, Oll schools in the city will auspices of the Little Theatre.|show will be open to the public|ented musicians in the city and: the band came a Guard of motive industry. jor productions of the year and|from 8 to 12 and the Senior|their instruments into shape and| shouting as Mr. Grand Ch After the meeting Sept. 11,|Club who assist with this im. brand new, including the gold Fine Driver : sen? , isti d| membership and who isn't con-|club members have Mayor Christine Thomas andi... "a maternal sister of/Grand Champion at this Show, welcome, whether they wish to/wanis Trophy. |magistrate's court here Wednes-| When the party stopped on on ® poogine" the Japanese|er, Seagrave. The Reserve their most original ideas. driven by George Lolelniak, 287| William C. Paynter. The colonel, ther, Roybrook Emperor, is now|shown jointly by Harold Page age of 40 students in the Grad Il bably be "bottom-heavy" 303 (289); Queen Elizabeth, 266 : oe] Werry and Son, Oshawa, and 5 € will probably be "bottom-heavy tice the stopped vehicle as a Police snapped to attention c, Champion at this Show. gistrate's Court Wednesday, on crowded. The provincial maxi- any great difficulty for class. Heights, 448 (448); T. R. Mc- : : i : f a the collision. under the direction of Lieut. F. 515 the first such event having|to the five star brood cow, Glen. The possibility of increasing , Public schools are in a much Brid e Club William Atkinson: the accus-|were high for three wins in the g [things contributed by Mr. Sam | county or district: croft's, Elmcroft Inka Dewdrop The opening of the new . i : : 'h + ati EARLY MORNING CLASSES YS cused not to go near his home wins with 43. Mr. Beare and] Loo. ALC celebrating their there is Lakeview Park and in|of the Holstein-Friesian Associa- Junior Get-of-Sire class with schools by taking their Gradesiat the Woodview Park Club hi Nap 9 . oi rand : it: the ing classes are necessary ing locked all the doors. score of 44 were high. among| Clary, 109. Grenfell street; Judge Hall quoted the inscrip-| Wards and in addition take t prize Sse ssary. : Grand Championship and the 1st prize junior yearling heifer Christopher Wren, famous Eng- » Aha 3 door had been torn in what L. Garrow, 292 Ridgeway school. There are some smalll"?}¥ and Westmount from|w Soetens and J. Coles, 113%: i . g : | 298 Ridgeway avenue " first prize dry three-year-old, ning Progeny of Dam from Bal On 24 Ch Sian i the lower grades neces t 9.573 over last year's 9.204. Mrs. J. Timmins and Mrs. S threatened him with a hammer, n arges character which made Col. Mc-| All. American two-year-old hei-| This show of 128 head shown All 14 regular classrooms Ip the separate 11615: Mrs. E. Bovay and Mis, forcing a window. Detective Court Thursday morning, on 24| Perry, Oshawa were involved you not only designed an in-/ling, Reflection Fern Maple,|With quality to the last entry." cially severe on the commer- occurred last Atkinson, in his own defence, The men were fined $25 and|sustained $1000 damage and the ion, the ability to see the future top senior heifer calf, Elmcroft| Other first prize winners i has ever been Ait , Although there is generally kahed in 1800. past. Iditch ithe colonels courage to follow Perry and Harold Honey, Sea-|year-old bull.