' be stuck with her. Please help tent father or the proverbial heave-ho. And don't let her balk, STREET DANCING OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 7, 1961 £ Joan M. Kearns [MARY HAWORTH S MAIL me to get her off my neck. T.Y.| dutch cle might, 1s ide joven 1 You Lave to Jovk ter) WINNIPEG (CP moa iot pm : ay ect: "It's tims wel s " | 'Becomes The Bride . : . DELICACY LOST . [had a good talk and got some her, bag and baggage, into the/downtown Portage Avenue to Situation Calls For Plain Talk Dear T.Y.: Consideration of | things understood. |street on the appointed day to| celebrate the opening night of Of H G ill the feelings of others is the hall-| «ag ap old friend of our par-|take whatever travel course she/the Manitoba Theatre Centre's ary unlis ; 74 t t mark » ine sensibility. " |ents, and as your god-father, I/chooses. M.H. first summer season. The event The marriage of Joan Maude Ww G Ov Ww | | y this teken you have fine|¢ake an interest in your welfare, Mary Hawor h counselsiengaged members of 5% =r = «- Xearns and. Harry Raber nen Jues ers ays elcome \icelings and your goddaugntes 1 looked forward 10 is 1 ough her column, not by mail|dance clubs is Winnipeg ad Grills, both of Bowmanville, . | te friends of . s 1 en you wrote that you'd like| ox DaBC nay hele Write her of 10 clubs from surrounding as solemnized Jacemyy ai] De Rg oY pa 20g - To They Raby i Sigma Site J S on Using You. She Bp spend part of your vacationli, care of this newspaper. towns. the Pentecosta urch, Simcoe|': - : id Aig 4 | C ) ere. | ns street south, Oshawa. jad al a month ago, 1 Wasi liu town over 3 years. ago. Ti] you find her presence a strain.| «But you've stayed on now for| The bride is the daughter of V&LY Nappy. § em since. Itifn any case, your comfort isn't| over a month and I think it's Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kearns, ThCM, oat of the Blue, shy god seems this daughter has made a her first concern. time you went home, or back| y Colborne, and the bridegroom Haugh ay Toe fei va bad Manrage. a She is interested chiefly in|to your family, to getting your is the son of Mr. and Mrs.|™8 At the last minute she came going as she likes, insofar as|life straightened out. I believe 4 8 {cation visit that she and some|alone and she is still at m y doe Dean overend Richard Huch-|of her friends were making to| place. She wou'd like to stay ie, can, Yer Be Le is indif. Oe ough Syme o getting ; oi ing|my city. I wrote that it would|get a job here. But I don't want! "gy Wie Focal 4 Sr Kite hoid AT \d inson olficiated. | The reading yg okay for her to stay here. (this. 1 would like the place to ferent to other considerations. r of my hou: . Well, LADIES WEAR LTD. music was played by Miss Leta Therefore you can't really hurt|forget it I wouldn't consent to Bragg and Mr. Malcolm Camp-| |mysels wr her feelings by speaking your|i, for many reasons. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 4 bell sang. ly | Horosco e {OBJECT TO STAY mind, though you may vex her| "You don't belong here with The bride was given in mar. 1 P | 1 have friends of my own and by standing your ground. me. If you were a child and riage by her brother, Mr. Ed. they and my neighbors don't! "yowever if she catches on|had no family it might be differ: ward Kearns Jr. Her full-length) Fly Mr Sam (think it's right for her to beiy.;"2 "chow of hurt feelings|ent. But you are a married] gown of Swiss sibroidered . | staying here. Fai she jails Peo-| might weaken your will to be Woman and you still have your| S 12 silk organza over nylon net an By ESTRELLITA {ple I am just like a father to| ia" ¢ por v parents. And I have my friends, | taffeta was enhanced with a pop ToMORROW her and she knows I get lone- He oN ay be re Ee a health, my work -- and Monday, Sept. 11 & Tuesday, epl. pleated cummerbund with a There will be stimulating as some--I don't! Or if 1 do get . maybe I'll marry again. Who c % S g as- tha hon woe, great enough to melt al > fu OPEN WEDNESDAY large BOW 3 The Jack and end: |ects on Friday--helpful in some \®1€S0Me, it's not for her but for| pears "of stone. So be fore. Knows? Anyway, I like living IP wave. vactvitdice. § i a very special friend who means. y " |alone. udder hl ber hort 1 Vay, resin others" Sry Tul meray Sry ap. arid race yourself oUth SK, , ye ong spc PLEASE PICK UP ALTERATIONS Iusion tulle veil and she car-| 5 Are iset by this situation. able. shorter, let's decide right now ried a cascade of red roses and Soucerned. ndeavers reduinne] I feel this girl should be back >" the. tani, when you are leaving. Can you, AND LAY AWAYS THIS WEEK i ralley. : : r creative talents with he il i < LAT) A ing? lilies of the valley with her family trying to make PLAIN TALK be ready by Saturday morning? | © OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK @ Miss Mary Kearns, sister of Will be under fine influences but,|a new life for herself. But how, As for how to negotiate her | Will you go by train or plane? {the bride, was the maid-of- In personal relationships, some|can I tell her? I don't want to departure--be forthright and de-|Shall I make the reservations?" " {honor in mauve. The brides-|tension may be evident. Be hurt her, yet I don't feel I should|cisive. Talk to her as a compe| In brief, give her a polite ] o v maids were the Misses Gail alert to this. REE - hdmi 'THOSE WERE THE DAYS ...' |Bridge and Lois Summers both lin mint green. All wore iden- FOR THE BIRTHDAY fi bas : | If tomorrow is your birthday : : : tically styled embroidered silk] - hh you ay, : In Recallin The Past Mr Sam organza over taffeta featuring|YOUr horoscope indicates fine 4 ; "LUCKY-BUY" | y . scoop necklines and sh or t/Prospects ahead. If you will do ; . . . sleeves with short white gloves. your best to conquer a Virgoan =====<§g' 1 y CONTEST Inspires Confidence in the Future fie vore "machine ved tendency 10, be mpercrtica flowered hats and carried nose-| With associates, you should be FOR By JO ALDWINCKLE |"that it was not the motorcar|Z2%s, Of. Yelow gladiolas. Miss shie lo make fine strides in 7 " y AL ~N LE é as p -C Se > 'a s fl rer girl your bt siness car » lv On the eve of his 90th birth- that went into the ditch, but the SL aE Ne owe silk I ess career by early CHARGE-IT day, Mr. R. S. McLaughlin laid horse that took fright, and Most oanza over taffeta designed Progress will continue well CUSTOMERS aside business affairs briefly frightened of all were the ladies. with a white flower appliqued|into 1962, but vou can't "lie -- yesterday and reminisced about One motorist is known to have .qjay puff sleeves and a fully ings rh a : CONTINUES " 4 y . , ay s § Yidown on the job" at any time. old days, old times and old stopped his car and offered 10| sathered skirt. She wore aw . x friends" lead the approaching horse and sat Eye 3 irs TOWN. 2 {1 car Keep plugging, with the future 0 TC SEPT 4 ! uve AR ratods - artiste tat il wl |white flowered crown and car- i, mind iis . Letters of congratulation and|carriage past the noisy obstacle. ried a nosegay of mauve glad- 5 1 . : d good wishes from the most im-'l can get the horse past all|j ioc" vader pine Summers DO0't take financial risks inf ENTER NOW ! portant and prominent people|right, replied the driver, 'if nlas. a ar November, March or April or in the land were stacked neatly| you'll hold my wife'." Mr. Thomas Grills was best|YoU could offset gains and : | fortable office and for a magic| PASSING PARADE man for his brother. Ushering| ier, (ERR 19 FOIE Jone spell, mighty matters were held Such were the old days of ere Mr. John MePiilemy of December and January should TWO MODERN STORES RIDAY NIGHT in abeyance while the founder Precious memory. Mr. Mc- Preston an Mr, Chatles be interesting from a social of a sprawling automotive em.|L:aughlin recalled Oshawa fam- Kearns. standpoint and, beginning with IN OSHAWA RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS UNTIL ) P.M. pire relaxed and chatted just | ilies unknown to the present! A reception was held at the lat Dovtrdb "ie. followin siy like anybody's grand-dad "| generation. Hotel Genosha. For the occa-| 'ate December, 0 B ; a a : «po sion the bridegroom's mother months promise a great deal in " Heo " ", I Y on BORN AT TYRONE sone, of my pals yor Arthyejsion is groonrs mother the way of recognition for those Buy Now for the "Back-to-School" Set, and "Charge-It"' . . . No Down Payment! ... And Remember . He spoke of the old family|>'€€le, ed. Dr , od onl white French original hat, engaged in creative or scientific "CHARGE-IT" Customers are eligible to win a smart School Outfit for Girl or Boy , . . or equal value in other mer- home at Tyrone where he and kept a grocery, grain and seed| , g y > ac a vhi rcessories WOrk. ise ! "" J "" his two brothers and two sis-|Shop next to the Central Hotel, black 3d White 3¢ esses Ol Fotitance. and travel will chandise ! Ask for your "'Lucky-Buy" Ballots, and enter the contest NOW |! 118 were born. He was named! A a Bd up a big how 1 Tok the couple left for a|be governed by generous influ- ¢ of Sern fh and" shut, 10 nll knows as Sieele mein (ep 0 Ine ct contin Py a sam C3 PULLOVER i "He. God" riggs see ompany. and on their return will make nih; als 3 ay Junt 4 the Bible, Tea hg Son "I remember a fellow named their home in Bowmanville. Except for a brief period in his father in his own hand re-|Joe Stapleton who was the first|------------ - ---- late November, domestic inter- \e. P ' corded the birth of his fourth|conductor on the Oshawa Street HOUSEHOLD HINT ests should prosper for the next ol ! child, Robert Samuel, Septem-|Railway. His story was about a, yf you go to a beauty salon 12 months. ; : 1 ber 8, 1871. Mrs. Murphy who took a ride only for a haircut, wash your, A child born.on this day will j When Robert McLaughlin/from Cedar Dale, then a Sep- hair first. Barbers say clean be dependable and congenial, SIZES 26-34 brought his family to Oshawalarate village, to the Four Cor- pair takes a neater, smoother but may have a tendency to : over 85 years ago, they lived ners. When the car stopped she cys Imeddle in affairs of others. first on Mary street, across|asked Joe which end to get off.| i - : from the school. After a while|'Doesn't matter," he said, 'both Mr. McLaughlin bought a house ends stop'. Joe was a great on the corner of Athol and] chap." / Albert streets and young Sam| After his marriage to the for- v started at Albert Street School.| mer Miss Adelaide Mowbray, { / Path "There were no sissies at|the newlyweds took up residence ' EE Albert Street," beamed the ra-\on King street east, where the HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S | s 1 ) REG. 3.99 -- conteur. "All the boys had nick-|Hebrew Congregation now| A ih i an e 3.9 names and I was just 'Sam'.|stands. Later they moved into| } ' : 4 'ORLON". Pop- We found time for fun, but we/their newly-built mansion, Park- were kept pretty busy. My|wood, which they made a home, Ri Bie din PR ular V - neck : i ss brothers and I had to chop wood!a hearth and a haven. [] * fan QU style (as sketch- . for the stove, and kee, he al" Ang thi, coming 10 0 RPS S97) <0 ~oie<- | BAG SPEGIAL! BILLFOLD FREE! lamps cleaned and filled. Sam, is the most peste YOUNG CYCLISTS thing of all: a happy home life H f t ¢ 7, 5 - "I remember when my father| With & true wife, a family circle i Hii 4 /t wi t hcontrast- SAVE 1.22 ON A "TOTE" BAG (reg. bought bicycles for George and|and loyal friends. This, he avers, i p ing trim. Good- 3.99) and at the same time receive @ " proved colors, handy Billfold (reg. $1.00), FREE! Plas- tic, in black and autumn colors. Special me. We were so proud of the|ls "'above rubies". ~~ A looking and new models with 36-inch wheels = 4 t : that were adaptable from tri- OLD CRONIES WATER LILY CLEANSING CREAM long - lasting. cycles to bicycles. They had| Bing Crosby and Bob Hope, Savings - Pric- GLOVE SPECIAL! -- Nylon "Simplex" in sizes 612 - 7V2; black, steel rims and because the with their families, are living in REGULARLY $4.50 ed! A roads were pretty rough ora mansion in London during muddy, we preferred to ride on filming of Road to Hong Kong. You save 33% the board sidewalks. I guess! Be _-" r-- $ 95 the neighbors were provoked at * us, making such a clatter early Ay a - '2 in the morning with our bikes." "ZA J y ; hy X Mr. Sam bought his first auto- { \ LIMITED TIME ONLY mobile in 1906. At that time the | McLaughlin Carriage Company | \ i GENEROUS was issuing calendars with pic- 5 Hs 7 tures depicting the disasters that | ' 1.07 S128 befell those riding in horseless carriages. By 1908, however, the picture had changed, somewhat, and the motorist and the man with the reins were seen shaking hands while the ladies in their WIFE PRES dusters and veils, smiled ap- Any Haid spilled Et 9 a "eg, j ; X 5 : . provingly. These wonderfull APY flquid spilled on a rug . : w. 5 Be 3 % colored prints which Mr. Mc- Should be blotted up immediate- 7 ; ; | / i, ; 4 ; Ro : : % SPECIAL ! Laughlin has framed in an inner|ly with paper toweling before i : 5 A # 9 NN Sha 5 : x b ", "" office, present a social history!/it sets. In treating a stain, al- % 8 . ' ' 7 { y $ 2 | CARDIGAN ! -- "ORLON". in themselves. ways work from the outside to H Se, | y # ? . 3 : Bulky-knit. White, fuschia, "The truth was," he joked, avoid spreading. : Hy" i y " ns i "2 i wey Si 1 : ! da pr 8 : Lit, 'Cleansin? | emerald. Sizes 14-20. Reg. -- SPECIAL! EASY-CARE JEANS | NN SHY » «10 [1 1 nat og AT BACK-TO-SCHOOL SAVINGS | CO-ED "SQUARES LW Na Rub SIZES 6-18. Easy-care "Half-Boxers" of : SIZES 4.9--Growing Girls' smart-for-cam A 4 "Sanforized" cotton random cord. Smart 'n' sturdy random pus Shoes in plaids or checks; New'n'smart i - r with either school or sports clothes. Zeller- cord in Fall-smart 2.517 2 es Timely-Buy. Save 11%. Reg. $2.99. Thrif-Valuel ..........c.0onvvnnnns colors. Sizes 10-20. BUY NOW! PAY LATER! Important Beauty Benefits at a Substan- tial Saving . . . Leaves Your Skin as Fresh and Silky as a Water Lily--enough for months of beauty, to give you a cleaner, clearer, smoother complexion than you ever dreamed possible. "Water Lily" Cleansing ; /e Cream goes down deeper into th y NEW SUITS out every bit of nt ug ots oats FOR FALL 4 | Bers ie Your perfect cleanser at a spectacular Now is the time to prepare vl LIMITED TI} 0 for the social ahead! Drop in IME ONLY ond see the finest selection : of Ready-to-Wear Suits. in Ak 7 195 vogue today. For the man on the way up . . . DOVER'S is your key to better apporel, ; i GENEROUS 14 OZ. SIZE 69.50 ,. 95.00 WP. ii 1 of == = =f ° id Se | Be | || "RENDEZVOUS" -- ZELLER'S QUALITY BRAND J i RY & 41)713 Lis ; ELEGANT NEW FALL FOOTWEAR for the Senior Miss. High-stepping, fun-loving 9 99 Co : XD | "Rendezvous" shoes. Styled as sketched featured in black and rich Autumn colors. UCC || SPECIAL New "cowboy-stack' and dainty "jet" heels in the assortment. Sizes 4-9 in AAA-B CITY Wi FREE DELIVERY I CvyY PE = sit widths. Grand Value! .«... coo vivid dviness 8 KING ST. E 0 HA CE {oY IY [elo] S-0 £8} REG. $2.59--for Little Girls and Little Boys; PHONE RA 3-2245 ) WA PHONE RA S-3546 bright eolours and charming styles at 1 97 . x hs 249% savings. Sizes 4 - 6 DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE ROSSLYN PLAZA - RAB 4668 9 v ¢ ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA Little Boys' ""Orlon" Cardigan with 9 59 5 SIMCOE bg TELLER S LIMITED TE Oe 1} -, - OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE charming tiim. Washable, Sizes 4 - 6x