Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Sep 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Official Plan Gets Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West | | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 7, 1961 Second Game In Tel. MO. .« Approval Of Council Lacrosse Finals COUNTY OFFICIALS HONOR WARDEN ANSON GERROW On Wednesday afternoon | more than 200 officials of On- tario County and guests from other counties along with Members of Parliament and the Legislature gathered at Fern Cottage, Take Couchi- ching, to honor Warden Anson Gerrow at Ontario County's We | | { Issued For A A Finance and Subdivision re- port presented to Town Council Tuésday night recommending [that the Official Plan be adopt- led as presented along with some {amendments was officially adopted by Council The committee meeting was held on Wednesday, Aug. 23, with all members of council present as well as planning board chairman and vice-chair- man John Spratt and C. Jenkins. At the committee meeting all "¥ | present gave their views on the official plan. At the Council = meeting Tuesday, Council went linto the committee of the whole dito give the plan further con- sideration. Councillor William Davidson stated that he still objected to ¢ the 17-foot set-back on Brock street and the 20-fool set-back on Dundas street and therefore voted against the adoption of the % official plan. Councillor Robert Hastings wanted the Official Plan fo be adopted in principle only and H wanted the amendments to the fl plan fo be advertised in the E newspapers. The plan was adopted in principle a year ago. Councillor Hastings went on rec- ord of voting against the offi- cial plan. Councillor George Brooks also # objected to the set-back and said : that although the set-back was good planning: civil liberties 'were being taken. He voted = against the adoption of the offi- % cial plan Councillor Paul Coath, who voted for the adoption of the plan said he wished the plan- ning board to advertise regard- ing a time when objections to the plan may be heard All other councillors Mayor Martin voted for ne adoption of the official plan ug. Buildin 2 g Planning Board Chairman The number and total value of Spratt, who was asked to sit in % Ta 21 Permits and the {building permits issued during on the meeting of the whole. |the month of August fell belo {the figure for last vear {value of { permits valued at $395,105 were |issued. § | lations. { (ada Ltd | covers the erection of an office | building at the Dunlop plant {ust's | worth $30,000, four single dwell 1 {addition worth $600. annual warden's picnic. Dur- , supporters, nephews Roy, 11, ing the afternoon games were | left, and James, 10, right, sons enjoyed and in the evening of Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerrow, dinner was served to all the In the upper right, Warden guests. The day concluded ' Gerrow tries his hand at ring- with entertainment and danc- ' ing the milk bottle. In the ing. Shown at the picnic. in = Jower photo, ladies compete in the upper left is Warden Ger: a clothes pin picking contest. row with two of his most loyal --Oshawa Times Photos WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS Whitby Town Council received, a letter from the Ontario Munic-| ipal Board at their council meeting Tuesday night. The let ter stated that the various town boards should prepare a five- year proposed budget. The let- ter was referred to the finance committee. WINTER WORKS A circular regarding a Winter Works incentive program was received by council from the Provincial Government Munici- pal Affairs Department. Council was asked to take advantage of the program which aids any capital undertaking except work on existing schools, hospitals and municipal buildings. A copy of the letter will be sent to all committee chairmen and the PUC. FIRE PREVENTION Council received a pamphlet regarding the Annual Fire Pre- vention Week fo be observed from Oct. 8 to 14. The letter was referred to the protection of persons and property com- mittee. HYDRO POLES The Whitby Public Utilities Commission advised council that hydro poles had been moved back adjacent to the sidewalk on Green street, Colborne street, east and west and Mary street at a cost of $1,701 for labor and trucks. The information was passed fo the protection of per. sens and property committee PLAZA SIGN ASKED Mechanical Advertising Limit ed has asked council for permis. sion to erect a lighted plastic! identification sign on the south- east corner of the Whithy Plaza. The sign would be larger than the size permitted by the exist- ing bylaw but would identify alll the stores in the Plaza. The mat- ter was referred to the protec-| | payers between Ash and Hickory {streets was sent to council pro- tion of persons and property for plywood pans used in con- committee. struction. The request was re- WATER NUISANCE ferred to the town property com- C. R. Butt of 1023 Byron street mittee. south, complained to council BUILDING PERMITS | that roof water from the stores, A total of $181,660 was issued| and Canadian Legion on Byron in building permits by the Town) street were causing basement of Whitby during the month of| flooding in his store at 118 Brock August it was reported at the street south. The letter was re- Tuesday ngiht council meeting. ferred to the streets committee. The total this year to date was| y | RATEPAYERS IRKED reported at $736,906. The report : t ; 1 Another petition from the rate. wil £0 to the finance commit DRAINAGE PROBLEM T. E. Hanstock of 121 St. John street east, complained to coun- cil in a letter that a drainage| problem existed on Green street] testing the rezoning of their land from residential to light indus. try. The matter was referred to deputations He . tear Sara between St. John and Trent ROAD ESPrNon URE t of street since the drainage ditches Hi ne nario He meh! ll were filled in. He complained of ith $53 ll on gp rain water seeping into his base- 53, ! A . Counci 3 - proved for supplementary road ment. Dunc Yelorved ine mai expenditure. The letter was re- with power to act to t p : tee.| TREY Ea " BO mit °€.| COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP'T. el aye: 00 cs LA LN =p 1. A letter from Pye Canada or hy Tous Council was ask Limited asking for a contract | tion to the provincial govern. Coy CHINE oe a fal swoepstake. "The Jeiter was| \Aitby Police and Fire Depart. from the Peel County Clerk- ments ai 3 cost OL Sun tof Treasurer It. 1, Rutherlord and! ection of persons and proper mittee " committee and the Police Com- : mission SERVICE STATION EXITS TEN LTV WR The. Ontario Depariment of PREVENT CRUELTY WEEK Highways sent information - nario Society for garding the bylaws governing prevention of cruelty to animals the entrances and exits of serv. thanked Whitby Council for pro ice stations ta Whitby Council claiming Oct. 2 to 7 a8 Be - = Kind to Animals Week The The letter was referred to the k will be 1 od in the bylaws and application commit- wee wi proc aimeq, } prescribed manner, tee IRSA : SRT SUBDIVISION PAYMENT REQUESTED QUESTIONNAIRE Rounthwaite and Fairfield, a . A letter from the Whitby Plan- acting for Mel-Ron Construction ning Board in regard to the sent a request to council re- £ . questionnaire on the subdivision questing their $500 construction po oooh Whitby and Oshawa) hold-back on the new town halll 0, "ore red 10 the committee | on finance and subdivisions as well as extra money owing SIDEWALK OBJECTIONS 0 re.! BROCK : Whitby 9 COMEDY and VENING SHOWS AT 7 & 9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 Several communications were received by council objecting to the installation of a sidewalk on Cochrane street. The letters were referred to the streets committee | VON CANVASS The Victorian Order of Nurses was granted permission to can-| vass for funds in the town of Whitby during the week of Oct. | 116 to 20 by Town Council Tues- day night TO ADVERTISE TOWN A $20 advertisement was ap- proved by council inthe pro- gram for the 1961 Pee Wee La crosse Tournament fo be held in Whith: Sept. 16. The pro gram will be printed by Carlyle | Press. nn CARTOON {Eric Clarke {concert which begins at W stated that the planning board does not intend to have another 15- public meeting on the official August with a totaliplan. hut that the amendments $181,660. During the tq the plan would be advertised month of August last vear, 27 in the paner He said the planning hoard would entertain people objecting fo the amendments. Before the Official Plan he. comes official it will have to be approved again bv the planning hoard, then by the minister of Municipal Affairs and then re- turned to Council who will at that time prepare a bylaw to enforce the plan Following is the list of amend ments to the official plan as {passed by the Whitby Town Council Tuesday night That the area between Ash and Hickory streets, shown on the Official Plan as high density residential be changed fo re- stricted industrial up to the rear of the residences on the south Both the Junior|side of Chestnut street. and Senior band will play in the That the low density residen- 8.00/tial between Chestnut and John and east and west of Perry WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR Twenty-one permits were sued this Two major school huildings figured in August, 1960's calcu Largest permit issued this August was to Dunlop of Can- for $94.000. The permit Other items included in Aug permits were a six-plex ings, one vegetable stand valued at $50, five signs, and an office BAND CONCERT A concert by the Whitby Brass Band will be presented this Sun- day at the Centennial Park bandshell, reports Bandmaster p.m. The Whitby Minor Hockey Association are hold- ing a gala dance at Club Bayview on Friday, Sep- tember 29. Tickets may be obtained from the follow- ing members of the association: President Fred Ing, Vice-president, Harold Brown, Secretary-treasurer, Tom Norwood, Bantam co-conveners, Tod Linton and Murray Beadle, Midget convener Elgin Luke, Juvenile convener Alex Brown, and the directors, Ted Keenan, Art Moore and Doug Williams. Pro- ceeds from the dance will go to offset the extra ex- penses incurred this season with the addition of ex- tra ice time for the youth of Whitby. The Minor hockey association with their dilligent efforts have expanded for the coming 1961-62 season, thus neces- sitating the extra hours at the Community arena. They have a registration of 357 local minor hockey players--a large amount in comparison to the size of the town. An extra special appeal is being made to the parents of these youngsters to support the forth- coming dance at Club Bayview to assure their child- ren hockey for the coming year. Sufficient credit cannot be extended to the men of the Whitby Minor Hockey Association who put forth many valuable hours to create hockey in the County town of Whitby. : Whitby Red Wings dropped their opener of the OLA Junior "B" finals against the Mimico Mountain- eers, 15-8 in Mimico on Tuesday night. These two clubs resume action tonight at the Whitby Commun- ity arena, with game time called for 8:30. The third contest goes back to Mimico on Saturday night. The fourth tilt of this best-of-ceven series is scheduled for Whitby next Monday night. Mimico appeared well rested in Tuesday's opener, after waiting two weeks for the Long Branch--Whitby affair to con- clude. Also it was the second game in as many nights for the Red Wings, and a shortage of players didn't enhance their opportunity of winning. TOWN AND COUNTRY ... The Eastern Ontario Senior hockey league picture appears a trifle bleak at the moment with only teams definitely com- mitting themselves for the 1961-62 season. Toronto, Belleville, Napanee and Kingston have entered. It would appear that the Kingston club will have diffi- culty obtaining ice with the Frontenacs solidly estab- lished in the Eastern Professional Hockey League, and receiving splendid support from the Limestone City fans. Oshawa manager, Winse Bradley is hav- ing his problems securing sponsorship. Peterborough were mentioned as a possible sixth club, but appar- ently they weren't present at any of the meetings held The Oshawa Major Hockey League is operating thi Bowmanville with another four-team schedule on Octobe¥ 15 four again eason, set-up. Their opens area be extended to include an area composed of the following {parcel described as follows: Commencing at the intersec- That the present general resi: tion of the west limit of Lot 25 {dential zoning in the Port Whit-| Concession 1 and the southerly| by area remain, but the area be|limit of the controlled industrial extended east from Bond street|access road, thence northerly {and (Bond street extended along the west limit of lot 25] {northerly) to Victoria street toito Burns street, thence easterly {the west boundary of the green(ajong a line being an extension | [belt and be called high density of Burns street easterly parallel| residential. to Highway No. 2 to the inter And that the area between ection of the said line with the Watson and Victoria streets oni, oposed controlled industrial the east of Brock street present-|. occ road, thence southwester-| ly zoned local business (bylaw|, 21510 the northern limit of the |2220-4) be changed fo highway| 004 controlled industrial {commercial and that the areal. occ road, thence westerly to! between Watson and Victoria), point of commencement. streets, now shown as generall "my.i (he restricted industrial {business be changed to central, .o, phe extended northerly on commercial. lot 25. Concession 2 fo cover And that the area west of 0 56a hounded on the north Brock street. presently zoned |, o the line between the north general residence between Front © 4 co th halves of Concession and Victoria streets be left high', bounded on the east by Gar- density residential . _ den street hounded on the south And that the remainder oho ype CPR and bounded on the Port Whithy remain as shown west bv the line between Lots {on the Official Plan 95 and 26. That the area known as. Hey: ""ppat the following area, which denshore Park should remain ,c chown on the Draft Plan as green helt as previously recom: qi yicted industrial, be changer {mended but it should be pointed | i, ctitutional to comply with out that the Municipal Board cjause 6. Section 3, of the Draft will not approve green helt zon- P ing unless the Municipality owns. or has definite plans. for INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ROAD acquisition of land so zoned. This road has been designed Therefore. prior tn the zoning to facilitate the movement of Bylaw heine amended ta imple. traffic between areas of major {ment the Official Plan, in all land use and to provide an ef- nrobahilitv it will he necessary fective means of carrying fraf- for the Town to purchase. or fic around the central business have nlans to purchase the land. district. Although the intersec- That the vroperty on the tions will be at grade, they shall south-west corner of King and be properly designed and limit- St. John street. and known ased in general to the location 600 King street be allowed io shown on Schedule "B" and the develop "'as duplex with no en. exact location of the road is to largement of the existing build- be determined as development ines" takes place or as special condi- This could he aceamnlished hy tions may warrant. Industries amending the present zoning bv. are to be allowed access but law. or allowing duplex dwell.|there will be restrictions on the ings in certain area of "low number of entrances and exits. densitv residential' in the zon- Those industries requiring small ing hvlaw parcels of land are fo be en. That the Draft Plan he couraged to group together on amended fo allow a maximum collector roads leading off the average ponulation densifv of 25/ Main arterial road. nersons per net acre in the Jow! That the first paragraph of density residential area Slause seven, Section tee of ~ .., the Civic Square be amended to bert Reran street woth Ontanto [684 "that a Civic Sauare should and. Brock street: south 'be be built in the vicinity of the changed fo Central Commercial new Municipal Building". That the restricted industrial street be changed to high dens- lity residential. {PORT WHITBY lan, Mission Circle Resumes Meeting Whitby Baptist Church WHITBY PERSONALS Women's Mission Circle held its first fall meeting on Tuesdav Mr. and Mrs. Don Westlake. afternoon 'at the Church hall of Toronto, were Labor Day| with Mrs. Harold Crawforth pre- weekend euests aft the home of siding. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Humphris| During the business meeting of Walton boulevard. plans were made for the Fall Mr. and Mrs. C. E man Thankoffering meeting JL J ang i; E. Hyderman held in October with Miss Nancy recently visited in Crow Lake at A 3 mk . ' ion Mitchell, missionary from An- a cottage. They also enjoyed the Is ie t ker Thousand Island cruise g0la, Africa, as gues} speaker Mrs. Ivan Hoskin and Mrs. WW. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jackson, |G. Hewis sang a duet accom. during their three weeks' vaca.|panied at the piano by Miss {tion, motored to Bobcaygeon,(Maude Cameron. Mrs. [Picton and visited various parts| Mitchell. with the assistance of of Northern Ontario. They are|Mrs. {also visiting relatives and! Wilson, {friends in the East. period A social half-hour followed the| Guests for the Labor Day meeting at which time Rev. and weekend at the home of Mr. and| Mrs. John McLeod were wel: Mrs. A. H. Jardin of Centre|comed. Tea hostesses were Mrs. street north were: Mr, and Mrs. |Harold Crawforth and Mrs. W Frank Boyle. their son Johnny.|G. Hewis. (of Grafton, Mr. Eugene Drumm |-- v m--mm-- OCEAN BARRIER of Kingston, and Miss' Sheila Irwin, of Belleville. Sunday visi-, The Great Barrier Reef, tors were Mr. and Mrs. S.|world's largest coral reef, runs Drumm of Weston. for 1,250 miles along the coast gave the meditation jing ta be|~ D.| J. Wilde and Mrs. Dudley By CLIFF GORDON All roads in Whitby will lead to the Community Arena tonight for the big lacrosse game. The game is the second one of the best-of-seven Ontario Jr. B finals. The Whitby Red Wings will host the Mimico Mountain- eers, who lead the series 1-0 on the strength of a 12-9 win over the short handed and tired local The Wings had three games set back with this same Long Branch team and only one of them we believe was of a .legit- imate nature. Anyway the Red Wings won the round on Monday night in Long Branch but then had the task of playing the next night right in Mimico. This was a little too much to ask a team who had had a rough team on Tuesday night in Mim-| series with Long Branch and the ico {Wings did not stack up quite as The Wings have had more well as we had hoped. than their share of trouble this, Anyway tonight is a different vear. First, injuries. held them story. The fellows have had one back, then a player shortage night's rest and they should be hindered their chances of mak- right ready and willing to take the top four and the right| on the best come 8.30. The to play in the "A" playdowns. crowds have not been as large Then came the. first round of|as they could be. Perhaps this the playoffs and they got a reallis mainly due to so many peo- run around from the Long|ple away on holidays, etc. But Branch team, who the locals.ithe holidays are over and the when they could get them on the|big task for the local team is floor, whipped four games toiright at hand. The season is al- might add. The Wings have had {more than their share of in- juries and expenses and are run- ning short of funds to carry on. The people of this town can be mighty proud of this little la- '61 Season company and making a very Whitby's entry in the Barrie good showing. Let's show them District Ladies Softball League, we appreciate their work with a the Merchants, ended their sea-|fyll house tonight: son on Tuesday night, losing out! The third game of the series to Barrie Varcoe's in theljs in Mimico on Saturday night The Merchants opened the best-of-three series with a re. sounding 24-14 win at home. In the second game, at Barrie, Varcoe's scored an 8-4 win to even the series and in the final one, most at a'close and the team - > ~ needs a lot of box office support, crosse team. Most of the players are still juvenile age, and here league's semi finals. An 8-5 win|with the fourth game back here by the Varcoe's gave them the!in Whithy on Monday night game managed to edge Whitby and take the series a mighty Jot of support we they are playing right up in Jr series fwo games to one TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Whithy, Ontario, To Wit: By virtue of @ warrant lasued by the Mayor of the Town of Whitby bearing date of the 2nd day of June, 1961, & sale of lands in arrears for texes in the Town of Whithy, will be || held in the Council Chamber at i] the hour of ten o'clock in the on y, the 11th day of October, 1961, | unless the taxes and costs are |] sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y3-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkes. IDEAL FOR TYPING. PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale at . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times the list of lands for sels for |] arrears of taxes is being pub- || lished in The Ontario Gazette on the 1st day of July, 1961, and that copies of said list may | | ! be had et my office. Treasurer's Office this 20th || day of June, 1961. | JOHN R. FROST, Treasurer, Town of Whitby, | | | The Marg Connelly SCHOOL OF DANCING MEMBER OF THE BAT.D. Tap -- Ballet -- National Baton Modern Jazz Examination Training REGISTER NOW FOR FALL TERM Studio: $13 MARY ST. EAST WHITBY, ONT. PHONE MO 8-3219 Miss Dorothy Walsh, of Ver- dun, Quebec, spent a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C SHARPENED - REPAIRED | Jardine, of Craydon road. All Makes and Models Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson portsmen' S Cor S and daughters Kim and Melody spent Labor Day weekend in orner 103.5 Byren 5S. MO 8.4511 Picton visiting Mrs. Johnson's] parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Begbie. They also attended a farewell party held in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Prudhomme who are leaving for Camp Shilo, | Manitoba, where Mr. Prud-| homme is stationed with the Canadian Army TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned not later than 12 o'clock noon on September 13th for the grading and seeding of approximately 4500 square feet ot R. A. Hutchison School. The lowest ar any tender not necessarily accepted Far further information phone MO 8.8362 Whithy Public Schoo! Board, e/a Kathleen Rowe School Athel Street Whitby, Ontarle WHITBY BRANCH 112 CANADIAN LEGION will resume its dance season SATURDAY, SEPT. 9th 8:30 p.m. MUSIC BY... JANETTE MONTGOMERY AND KER BAND FOR RESERVATIONS . , , PHONE MO 8-2529 pg ! SUPER SAVINGS! ~ - --- wn ww. f U __ gy" ' BLUE BONN 1 ET MARGARINE 1 IN THE THRIFTY 3 Ib. PACK Convenient and economicall Three pounds individually wrapped. Thrifty way to buy the finest all.vegetable margarine with famous sunny-sweet flavour, |] v ' 1," 4 v4 Vs = 7 Mm -------- mm ew ow Te ee

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