Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Sep 1961, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuseday, September 5, 1961 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS FRE RARE OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday Fi uri By Bing BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 13--Business Opportunities 17--Male Help Wanted 24--Houses for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent NEW BUSINESS | | Unlisted Numbers VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE Accountants |Cartage Money to Loan Mi ITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and Co Cha rtered Accountants, 725-3527. 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa: Ajax, WH 2-089. BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. 8.. 723-7605. WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South, MOVING? CALL CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 Oshawa. Ronald F. & Wilson, CA, G. Edmond Burro: 28-2571. BH. E. DEWAR and "Co, 'Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On- tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728- 2221 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER Accountants and Auditors. in Bankruptcy, 64 Oshawa; B, L. Yale, B.Comm., CPA. | Cert Ki Xing Street East, Friedlander, HOPKINS and Company, Public Accountants, 172 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725- 3509, | Auto Parts KENT'S 'S WESTERN TIRE -- ( teed, automotive parts and ries. 143 King Street West 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve acces: Oshawa. you Barristers CREIGHTON, FRASER, "DRYNAN a a MURDOCH, Barristers. Solicitors, tary Public, Bank of ( 5 Simcoe street North, 3 Creighton, QC: N. C. Fraser, QC; G. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA i gages arranged i DONALD "BLAKE "DODD. and Solicitor, 26'2 King Street Telephone: Business 723-2201 dence 728-5373 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC. Barrister, Solicitor. N.oney to loan. Office 144 King Street F Oshawa. 728-8212 Residence MANNING F L. SWARTZ, taries, Money 26's King dence, Dial 7 Z. T. SALMERS tor, etc Barrister East. Resi 05 SWARTZ d RONALD Barristers, Solicitors, No- Henry Block, 723-4697. Resi <r Barrister, Solici- treet North coe dressmaking FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, Alterations ,Remodelling. LOW PRICES 122 ROWE STREET 728-6706 MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available Second Mortgages. Mortgages ond Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builder' Mort- goges at reasonable rates. 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registration Act. on CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 2.25 248 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 4.13 i? not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions Sub. Insertions ordered ot o later date constitute @ new original order Professional and Business fisting: $7.50 per month for 3 lines dally Each od(Se~~l line $1.60 per month, Each initial letter abbreviation, $ and c¢ sign, figure. counts as © word. Box charge 15¢c additional. All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- fore publication except Births, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which wi be accepted until am, Driving School MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Modern dual equipped cars, Gov't, licenced instructors. Day or evening appointments. DIAL 725-4773 Operated by Geo. B. Rutherford MERCURY TAXI LOANS LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School Professional Instructors Dual Controlled Cars Standard ond Automatic Day and Evening Lessons 91 { You Can Borrow $50 to Fuel and Wood TO PAY ALL YOUR BILLS $5,000 To Pay All Your Accumulated Bills. This Give You A Fresh Start I for Lost end Founa and iin Bd 8:30. am, Office Hours: Daily 8 - 5, Saturday 8 - 12 REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise. ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement, nor beyona the orice charged tor © single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to its own classification In the case of disploy advertive- ments The Time: will not be hela responsible vor more space thar that in which the actuol error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability ot advertisers! are contained It any inaccuracies in ory form therein. 145 KING W. Next to Westem Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top GET THE FACTS! Before you invest, read the new 20-page factual "'Pro- gress Report: Coin-Operated Laundry and Drycleaning Stores." Coll or write today for free brochure, No obli- gation, ALD CANADA LTD. 25 Belfied Rood Rexdale (Toronto) Ont. RO 6-7255 anyone in the city. OPEN NOW Kingsway Beauty Salon V2 mile east of Town Line on King Street, OPENING SPECIAL COLD WAVES--$5.00 PHONE 728-6101 | -------- i RIDE wanted to Toronto, Yonge and | Eglinton district. Telephone igdiid after | 7p m. | 2--Personal |FELECIFIC Day Nursery now in oper- ation. Official opening in September. [Call 728-2412 for interview. ELECTROLYSIS Removal ot superfluous hair, Marie Murdutt will be in Oshawa, Sept, 19th and 20th Phone Genosha Hotel on these TEXACO CANADA LIMITED has @ modern established ser- vice station to lease on Sim- coe Street North in Oshawa. An excellent opportunity for the right man to enter into business for himself , , , We invite inquiries from aggres- sive individuals who are anx- ious to become independent business men, A service station manage- ment course is offered to suc cesful applicont $3,500 capital required. Write | TEXACO CANADA LTD. c/o J. F. TALBOTT Box 233, Whitby, Ontaric or Phone 728-4231 Oshawa | dates for appointment. 3--Pets & Livestock [EE AUTIFUL talking strain, Apply , 114 Elgin Street East. Mrs. [TYPING | done | b L aby budgies ready for smal; Ti 14--Employment Wanted at Perry, home. Onta would like to es care of two children while mother works. | elephone 728-3202 for details, Tele ho! Port P me | | BOARDING kennels, new modern fire. proof kennels, spacious runs, Phone With Only One Easy Monthly Payment $50-$5,000 | Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLE tario Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue. Pickering WH 2-1237. AMEKICAN cocker pupp pupple: litter, black and blondes, m: and fe- male, three months old. Telephone WH 2-6428 for _more information. GERMAN "Shepherd puppies for "sale, WANTED at on cher, PSI, 16--Female Help Wanted ce -- Experienced b but- meat cutter for full time work. be able to assume responsibility, compensation etc. Please state fu Partienlars. Write Box 306 Oshawa Must MARRIED couple manage 1l-plex apartment building » Whitby, lve with rental allowance. Write Box 146, Oshawa Times. SMALL Suav.room,_touse {or rent hi reget, ballin capbodne Shon and on large e-piton ath, era is cupboa three. Sy Drew | piece bath. Telephone ne 725-3008. CHRISTIAN man meade) Full or part- time, lifetime security. Experience Sun- day ehoul, win mi Mitty hely (Fry Earn $100 John Rudin Cons 2 West Madison St., Chicago 2, Il. SELL Canada's newest product, in Oshawa, full or part-time. 'Make die or more per week. 728-4091. located. Apply Street for further details. | a two bedrooms base: 42 WESTMORELAND five-room ment apartment on 18 Gibbon Street. brick , oil heating, garage, $85 Adulte or with children over 12 Avail (monthly. Immediate possession. 725- able September Ist, ON: aller 6. TMI. CENTRALLY lovated Tartished Tous SEMI DETACHED douse, three bed- with use of kitchen and washing ma- ade | TO0mS, St. Gregory's, ten | chine in clean, quiet ho minutes from FL town. Telephone 725-3150 for further 728-8107. NICELY furnished bright ele N. YOUNG Inas, part time, some type- jeitibg expe: preferred. Arjay ters Ltd., 182 Simcoe Street South. TWO-family bungalow, five large re rooms |for gentlemen, suit one or two, on main floor, modern three-room ae 308 Tank Road South or telephone ment ag 3 + EATONSE ies IN OSHAWA require an experienced furni- ture salesman, salary and commission bas- is, all employee bene- fits. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE T. EATON CO. LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SALES CAREER OPORTUNITY One of Canada's leading Food organizations re- quires salesman to con- tact food wholesalers and grocery chain organiza- tions in the Toronto area. NEW LL with fenced: in yard, 3 all modern conveni- APARTMENTS -- rooms, FOUR-ROOM apartment, all conven ences, laundry, separate entrance, hot water free, bus at the door, Apply 168 .|Verdun Road, Telephone 723 {FOUR M unfurnished apa on with two-piece private bath and hea: duty wiring, near by and South G! Telephone 725-7763 THREE-room Fry $60 per month furnished or unfurnished : also og and board $15 weekly, washing done. 728-0394 or 468 Park Road South, {TWO heated apartments, second and {third floor, pri entrance. Apply 1 74 four and six large Bond Street Ea Ny telephone 725-9308 vate bathrooms, heavy duty for further in ormation. wiring, hot alet, all modern conveni- MODERN fi r-room (two-bedroom! ences, Direct dial CO 3.23%. {apartment in apartment Suiig, Fi ATTRACTIVE snack bar for rent or west area, washer, dryer facilities. sale, with four large Toons, bath, Jor {Ample parking. Available now! ie: responsible party; or rent living qu {er oy Tonsonable, Newcasie Sas | TWOBEDLOON spariment on Simcoe FURNISHED, unfurnished, partly fur. to 5 p.m. nished, m, new lower duplex, automate, hot water heating, THRE room oom bested | Disement ap apart. washer, dryer, TV, large paved drive; or Pivale bath and entrance, heavy utilities paid. Near all schools and shop. | Virlng, laundry facilities. Central loca- ping plaza. Swings and roofed on. Apply 210 Chadburn Street. box. Children welcome. MO 8-5670. wo four-room apartments, or house, 2 - eat, ght, water supplied, two bath Br yg rg and screens, $80 monthly. Available Nonirave Avenue. 7533088 NER October 1, phone MO 8.8015, LARGE housekeeping room with pri. vate entr for rent on main floor. OX EVERON neal Jourd |) Telephone 726.5253 or apply 218 Celina to Shopping Centre and bus, available S"eel: AL immediately. Apply 91 Celina Street, SHOPPING CENTRE -- spacious mod- th door, |getn, two - bedroom apartments, eens Ee RAN ae ted (your choice) from Pave TWO-BEDROOM bun, immediate occupancy, ofl furnace, parking dohn J. Bolahoot, 1:4, 723- Farewell Avenue South, for her as particulars telephone 725-4580. FOUR-ROOM apartment i rent. Po Tg A Heavy duty wiring, complete stove laut avatii: FH Gy Ry Teraany and refrigerator, garage, private en. 723-9899, . |trance, very central location. Apply 214 | Arthur Street. $658 brick w THREE-BEDROOM apartment, private home, carries for E32 Bontuly dnterest | |bath, entrance. Family with two or land West, close to school and bus, double Jarige, Aa Ayaiiabie September i. Write ences, Sloss, $s. Sou th GM. Reasonable. 0%. Iti galow for rent, | DOWN buys this five-room This position offers an out- standing opportunity to grow Ri t7 [three children welcome. Immediate renting for $32 monthly. Why pay rent? * 390. King (Live in your own home and save. Ca| |Possession, 723-1390. 322 Kin Irwin Cruikshanks, 7285123. LJ oy d| APARTMENT with mode nipped Realty (Oshawa Ltd.) l.) Realtor. kitchen, TV outlet, washer and 'aryer, me: EXFERIENCED drug clerk wanted to work evenings and Weekends. Write to Box 103, Oshawa Times, stat. ing experience, 14" |GIRL WANTED -- for snack bar, good with children, north-west section of city, experienced -2506 only. Write Box 204, Oshawa Times. R - Vie 1, Aus) ralian, (WOMEN wanted to to do part time office | Flemian and New Zealand. Young does| cleaning, evenings and weekends, Apply and bucks ready for breeding. Variety to Box 301, Oshawa Times. of colors. Our prices are lower than! ID Groom. = anywhere else. Turn your spare time| into a profitable hobby. 473 Ritson | 4; [Road "south 4--Market Basket Office 725-3 idence, BOWMAN, David L. B tor, 3% Simcoe South. 7 dence 728-0264 HUMPHREYS, MAN, Barristers, Humphreys, QC W. A Hillman, East. Phones 725-4604 or Whitby, Money to loan z S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Solief Alger Bidg., 37 King Street 723.4943, Mortgage monies avail- i2 FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Solicl. for stoves, fireplaces, Resi. | phone 728-8535. Suitable printing, 12 Bloor Street East. 725.5632. | furnaces, Tele with an expanding sales or- ganization, Candidates should have at least senior matriculation and a minimum of five years experience selling to the prescribed sales. x 3 Va. | available, ¥ood parking facilities, close nm it bam BRL Ve ind Secon £30 115 Highway 3% acre garden Good $351 INCLUDES utilities. Five-room | and cistern. Telephone Orono 17116. apartment, private entrance and bath- NEW bungalow In new | bungalow in new section of the » TV outlet and range, off Simcoe city. Four-bedroom, Owner will deco- Street North. 728-2675. au NORTH OSHAWA in apartment rate to sult, Call Steve Zurba, or 728-0569. John A. J. Bolahood Limit building, four-room apartment, stove, {ed, Realtors, refrigerator, three-piece bath, ample i parking, TV outlet, washer, dryer, APARTMENT -- two rooms with three- plece bath, furnished or unfurnished, as desired, available immediately, on 3 near North GM and shopping. 19 Col. borne East. HREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, newly decorated, al] conveniences, Close to Shopping Cita, Suitable for quiet couple, Telephone 725-3777. FOUR-ROO ment in quiet home, all conveniences, with private entrance. Would prefer working Soule, 63 monthly Telephone 725-9297. {DESIRABLE second floor downtown apartment, self-contained, three rooms and bath, unfurnished, heavy i 3 BACHELOR apartment, two rooms, un. Jt @nd water, adults only, "#60. furnished, refrigerator, stove, sink, cu pga boards, private entrance, TV outlet, suit ATTRACTIVE large four-roo; unfur- Ib couple or le person. $53 'nished apartment, with bath, Rewly de- monthly inclusive, 124 Park 725-2248 ad North, | corated, close to bus. Telephone FOUR rook apartment, a stove (after _6_ p.m; uilt-in cupboard, THREE-] ster registered, Jo Brea Kennels, Picker- M and Tro Ontario Land | 0502 H. FLIM and Trollope ing. Telephone WH 21607 for further Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue East. Particulars. Phone 725-6881. |MONKEY with cinnamon ring tail, a (proximately four years old, about | -- ¥ {tall, housebroken, |TV--Rentals Bowmanville MA Without Endorsers Or Bankable Security SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED | "The Fastest Growing All- Canadian Loan Company" |Foed Freezer Services HOMARKET FOOD & FREEZER CO. Red and Blue Brand Only All Name Brand Groceries 123 BROCK N., WHITBY MO 8-5875--MO 8-5876 2 Gardening and Supplies PA, BCL, 725-5832. amish CEDAR TREES for hedges, (etc.), any JOHN A. CAMFRON, Barrister, Solici- size, choice quality guaranteed, free de. | tor and Notary vublic, 1815 King Street oor "por "octimates, telephone MA| East. 7232269. NHA and private sos goo onoille. ged. nortgages arran BROWN'S TREE REMOVAL Barrister, vor 99 years' BRUCE V. MAC KEY, BA, Solicitor, Notary Public, 72 . Res RALPH JON BA, and THOMAS H. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli. eitors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans : available RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA, | Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 7 1 i ES A. MacDONALD, LLB, James and Solicitor and Notary Pub- | lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available, Hl | THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll eitor and Notary Publ jc, 26% King Street East. Phone 728-1763 RICHARD H. DONALD, Solicitor, Notary Publ No 728-289 BOYCHYN and HIL Solicitors; R. S. Boychyn, BA 36% King Street | Res., 3 725-5203 G LLB Office MO Purchase your de-humidifier $10 down -- $7 per month, Remove thg dampness from your basement. Rent a tele- vision -- only $7 per week from. MEAGHER'S 5 King St. W. 723-3425 {TY - Radio Repairs l¥v RADIO, car radio repairs, re Thompson Electronics, Elliott Avenue, 723- 9792 (Fred). SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 or 728-5804 T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBCNS ST. 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. OSHAWA T.V, Free Survey ond estimates, Commerce or business admin- istration degree an asset. Liberal starting salary company car, expense account ond a full range of company benefits. G room waitress (experienced), ull or part time. Good working condi. tions. No late night work. Apply Man. {ager, Hotel I » Oshawa | EXPERIENCED salesgirl. Apply Pen fe {nyworth's Department Store, 21 Bond TRANSPARENT apples and other early | Street West. {varieties. Reasonable prices, Algoma | Orchards, Thickson's Road NOFth, 3. MUO (pigtiins' crt: Sell Canada's le north of Taunton Road. 2 300 lems mile no 3 Roa _ (including religious, everyday and per- | {CORN 25 cents dozen, to 25 | sonal cards, Wraps, toys and novelties, all cents basket, $1.00 bushel, Spanish Prompt service. For colored catalogue 157 onions 5 cents each. Pick your own, and samples on approval, Jeandron bring containers, carrots 75 cents Greeting Card 'Co., 1253 King Street bushel. W. Eyman, half mile east of East, Hamilton, Ontario. | Nichols Garage, Courtice. Go north to NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50 ar {first corner. a ---------------- (can easily be ea POTATOES, large quantity, fr dug |fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, 3 BOX 450 daily, Cobblers and 'Sehegos. Whole: friends and neighbors. Our excitioy oe. OSHAWA TIMES it sale and retail. Reasonable. Apply 1% page: ull. color catalogue makes miles west of Brooklin on No. 7 High-|easy to get plenty of orders. No experi. | |18--Male or Female Help |today for samples, on approval, of love. | Weonted way. Fred Buldyke. ence necessary. Send no money. Write | Christmas cards and free catalogue. | Monarch Card Co., Dept. 16, 47 East| PART-TIME woman or elderly man Ave., Hamilton, {required to run punch press on piece DO! {work basis. T 728-1658. OPERATING ROO ROOM reg nurse NUTRI-BIO y. small active O.R. five-day | TOP MONEY for dead and d disabled week, call back service, Apply Cottage Investigate the unlimited opportunities of Nutri - Bio. farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160, | Hospital, Uxbridge Distribute or sell direct, full collect. 24-hour, seven-day service. D woman, . cooking, | Tight INTERNATIONAL combine for chool age children, while mot | {foot pull type. In good running order.|er works. Live in, private room, wee {Rodd Appleby, Ashburn. Phone Clare. |ends off. 728-0632. or part time. Immediate openings with high capital gain. Write, phone or visit. {mont 846R3 after six. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Ap- 179 Burndale Ave. 14 at Rose Bowl Grill, 24 Bond Street WILLOWDALE 222-3593 [Fama girls to gather eggs. Must | 20--Room and Board |speak some English. Apply George E.| Scott Poultry Farm, Kingston Road {|West, Oshawa. SECRETARY One of Canada's leading Food Organizations loca- ted in Ajax requires com- petent secretary, age 25- 35 for the manager. Must be proficient in all phases of secretarial work, able to handle flow of inter- departmental material and work on own initiative essen- tial. Executive Home Lovely house of 9 spacious rooms at - 44 ELGIN EAST $150 MONTHLY. CONTACT HARRY MILLEN Real Estate 728-1679 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent SIX-ROOM apartment, also five-room apartment, parking facilities, very cen. tral location, 725-0081 or 725-9544. East. able GREER and KELLY, Barristers, Solicl-! tors, etc., 74 Simcoe Street South. Dial Residence pho J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368; rence V. Kelly, Loans Life Insured. 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 Offices throughout Ontario. OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 Applications, which will be held in confidence, should give full details of education, experience, present salary and be addressed to-- service, | experience. pit 11D 8655-3166, Brooklin. HE. R, KNOWLTON | LANDSCAPING SERVICE Top soil and sod. Repairing and lawn maintenance patio and sidewalk slabs. 725-6047 OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPIN Landscaping designing, sod- ding, seeding,( weed killing, Complete garden service. 728-6366 NUMBER ONE TOP SOIL 6-YD. LOAD--$8.00 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 723-3162 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD, GRAVEL -- STONE LOAM _ RA335 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL CEMENT GRAVEL SAND AND FILLING EVANS LOAM AND GRAVEL SUPPLIES. 725-5279 more med by showing our | | Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, ar ranged, ._ Schatzmann, Mortgi | Broker, 101 Dundas West. MO 3330, MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh, \awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vi- cinity. Residential, acreage, apartments, business. Members of Ontario Mort gage {land a rites hey 112 Sim North, Oshawa. Phone 725.3568, | Stree {TIBST and second mortgages. Sale ents purchased and sold. Hen- gy and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King| Street East. 723-7232, 5--Farmers Column [DE AD farm stock picked up promptly, {Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax itd |Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Ltd. 115, "ROOM apartment for rent, suit iiree Plece bath, parking Jacilities, i ) quiet Jatiad couple, elee- Tor abs. Write. "Box. 246 246 Oshawa Times, UPSTAIRS three-room apartment, re.|$79 MONTHLY and up. Modern frigerator, stove, cupboards in kitchen, |or two-bedroom Sparimenls, private apartment near bus stop. No children ple: beautifully decorated, centrally located. 725-6473. {725 6674 or 728-5282. FURNISHED base ment apartment BACHELOR and thr room apartment, central location, separate bathroom, private, three piece bath, refrigerator, cupboards, refrigerator, range, de. stove, downtown. Available immediate- humidifier, parking, also three unfur.|ly. Reasonable, 3 Simcoe North, pished rooms, share bath. Telephone 725-335 725-6 | FURNISHED three . room apartment, _-- warm, two-room apartment, With private bathroom, TV outlet, and completely furnished, modern kitchen, |laundry facilities. Suitable for couple. radio, refrigerator, hydro, Andry fa- |For appointment and details, telephone cilities, television antenna. Use of phone 725-1384. Parking. Abstainers. 137 Figin Fast. rwo.ng " 725-1588. -- ____ suit four people. Ideal A, pastime LARGE fi two-room nent; te chers or nurses. New building, private bath and entrance. Close to| was sher-dryer, janitor service. Immed- downtown and bus. Available immed. |iate occupancy. 725-1215. lately. $65 728-0369. [MUST BE SEEN to be appreciated. ,|Two- or three-room furnished apart. one. New BA Barrister, Simcoe Optometrists |C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please | {pay accounts at downtown Dominion | Bank or 74 Burk Street. Javalids ol ---- {amined at home Dia) 725-458 {F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom. | letry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. | | Evenings by appointment. 723.4191. | i | McGIBB BASTEDO, Barristers, | Solicitors. Clients' funds available for| first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North. 725-3566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC: Edgar F. Bastedo, QC 7--Trailers HOUSE trailer, 10 feet x 41 feet, com. WOMAN, willing pletely equipped and furnished, two | keeping and care for years old. Reasonably priced. R a1 p h|mother works, Live in. ones, Newtonville, on No. 2 Highway. |off. Telephone MO 8-2436. ~ |FLORIDA this winter? If you are be- BUY NOW AND SAVE tween the ages of 23-39 we can make See Our Display of (tus bp possible. Write Box 105, Oshawa GLENDETTE TRAVEL TRAILERS AWNINGS IN STOCK Parts and Service at Cooks Trailer Sales Highway 2, East of Oshawe "to do light house. children while | Liberal time SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS ? 2 WHY Because we give real service fast . same day ef- ficient . 3ave money experience , , . satisfied Drive Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Buildin, Jrodss Painting and Decorating {PAPER HANGING and pal painting serv- {ice. Discuss the decorating of your home with Allan Van Horn. Phone |728-2822. EXPERT painting by Don, at reason. | ~~ |able rates. Telephone CO 3-2780 or 723- |3253 | PAINTING by tradesman, work guar. | anteed, free estimates, exterior and inte rior work, reasonable rates. Telephone | 728-2558 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 ROOM and board for gentleman nice i in AAR) clean quiet home, first class home CENTRAL, private entrance, furnis cooked meals, lunches packed. Close to| consisting of living room, room, | ment in quiet home, newly decorated, everywhere; parking. 81 Park Road bathroom and kitchenette, laundry fa. Private baths, close to North GM. | South. | cilities and parking, Apply Apartment | adults. 725-2540. Is1 LY -- suitable for for young |1- 254 Athol Street East. FOUR C Corners Ares, . Available July |lady in home of young couple, close to THREE-ROOM self t!1061, irst floor suite, two all conv 728- | living room, built-in Mitchen FOS, bath, Kitchenette, stove and re- |cupboards, separate facilities, heavy frigerator, heat and water. Suitable for |SINGLE and double rooms, suitable for | duty wiring. Telephone 725-7836 |J2ck ior partment or Sowniows sifics two gentlemen, home cooked meals, Ap- | Fi R ply 235 Eulalie Avenue or telephone) frigerator, |7281773. | aerial. Adults. | CENTRALLY located, room and board, North. Telephone {suitable for young gentlemen, friendly | 355 MONTHLY = home, good cooking, TV. Apply 81 Col-| {porne East. 725-7687. |AT 35 McGREGOR Sireet -- room and (Apariment 1. 333 Elgin |board for gentlemen, to share, le | Park Road North), i {beds, quiet private home, lune APARTMENTS | desired. 725.672 | ROOM, board 2 in modern building. Avail- able now. Laundry, parking, {home of |Street or telephone 728-3350 for more | hardwood floors, 'frig, stove, TV outlet, locker. | particulars. Call 8-3092 nd board for lady or r gentle- man, close to downtown. Apply after 5 or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5, Whitby. 29 | El isin East or telephone 728-3643 for de- 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS ROSSLAND and Simcoe area, room LA SALLE COURT no board, Good beds and food, | Lunches packed if desired. Laundry TELEPHONE 725-3815 {done. . Television, parking. Apply 708 or 728-6485 | Carnegie Avenue. | woo a and board WALL TO WALL BROADLOOM 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent TILTING boat trafler, 'heavy d du foot, new condition. Telephone 15-3738 Jpartment, Fo e re. p 112 remodel- Reason- Dial See Mr. Kozak at Johnston's, 8 Simcoe {North. eo | BRIGHT, G3 two-bedroom apartment for |rent, on Russett Avenue, all eonveni- ces, reasonable rent. Telephone 725- 41 for further particul rs. NICELY furnished, warm basement apartment, including electric mantel, automatic washer and dryer, central, teachers preferred. Telephone 723-1562 for further particulars. TWO-ROOM furnished bachelor apart- {ment, stove, refrigerator and sink; |also large furnished housekeeping room. (Gentlemen ome. eieplions 723-7480. 468 Stre . hie ree 723-2414. four-room apartment, | [9a {Ste possess three-piece bath, immedi. | Private entrance. Apply Street West (off + 16 " OL 728-6931 J. FREE estimate on and grading 'by bulldozer r YOUR local chimnes neys built and repaired stalled, furnaces vacuumed mates. 723-2957 ALL types building repairs, roofing, eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. 723.0394, Gordon May Foley In (ond save) Service $2.50 Tubes checked, tuner cleaned, picture A TOWER? TRY US! Moving antenna? Same day! Repairs? As good as new! TRIO TELEVISION ing basements MO 38-5612. Chim. 28 Hnings in. Free est | CAMPERS 75 ACRES--COTTAGES boats for rent, excellent fish- ing, sandy beach, pony rides, at-- PIONEER VILLAGE BUCKHORN LAKE 728-2301 [1 1--Articles for Rent SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE | Hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, bedsides, commodes, crutches and canes, also roll-away beds ond slenderizing machines. Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, 725-1644, cleaner glass and set up for best | | | Foreonat Servi SPECIALIST in | offering for two weeks only permanent | woodwork estimates A good education, ability to work efficiently with people and a pleasing personality prime requisites der ce ent waving is | building, bright, clean, wi | parking. Available September shopping centre. No children. |venson Road South, | TRREE- room apartment, central, | Beat {and hydro supplied. Separate | veniences. Reasonable. 728-1131. 'Atter "s |p.m.. 725-1423, THREE-room apartment for rent, up- stairs, heated, heavy duty wiring, ideal for couple, child welcome, near Shop- ping Centre. Telephone 725-1846. guaranteed YOU sell your t equipment and other marine action. s Classified Ads to get yours DRIVEWAYS First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices UNITED PAVING CO. 728-4801 waves at budget prices. Telephone 723-! |1632 for further particulars, {SOUTH HAVE Nursing Home -- Ac- 171 BOND EAST commodation for private and semi- private patients, lounge TV. Fully l-| LOAM-GRAVEL Ip ieg censed, new building, modern, Visitors| 3 SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL | welcome. Reasonable rates. Phone (Well Drilling-Digging LOTS LEVELLED {Newcastle 4441, TRACTOR, LOADER WORK! PETER PAN Day Nurse TED VEEN HOF WELL DIGGING R " Rr day 8.30 to 5.30 Simcoe eX 7%. 2604. ! DIAL. 725. 2156 BULKY -Knit sweaters, made to order, | | CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING any size or pattern available. Put HARDSAND LANDSCAPING | | COMPRESS0R WORK your order in early. Telephone 728- 4280, | A complete garden service, . TRY OUR clean-up, fertilizing, power BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN rolling. Now is the time to Chicken plate, half chicken kill crab grass ond chick- with french fries, fish and Telephone 728-3864 weed. Seeding, sodding, nur- chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, sery stock. milk shakes W. WARD 725-1721 MODERN GRILL WELL DIGGING b 3 3 y WE DELIVER 725-3887 MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 -- MO 8.3809 Instruction Plumbing Heating 204 CHESTNUT ST, W. LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School. |X *= -- Registration: |ALL types of repairs and remodelling, P.O. 80X 329 Please apply in writing, stating qualifications, ex- perience and salary required 10: -- mn, nice class home lunches packed. Close to free parking. 82 Park MR. ROSE Nabob Food Division of Kelly Douglas and Co. Ltd. 359 STATION STREET AJAX, ONTARIO 12--Articles Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted ON ATHOL Sieet Bast soir --iows. - WANTED -- Model train locomotive, [TWO men required to work, 5 10 9 room and board, suitable for a single preferably Canadian type. Telephone p.m. daily, for $30 per week. Write Box man or girl. Apply 260 Athol Street 7 41 between 8.30 a.m. - 8 p.m. | 249, Oshawa Times | East. | 40, with auto-(316 PER WEEK -- Willing to share, | WANTED board, suit gentle: |clean, quiet home, first | cooked meals, everywhere, Road North, [motive experience. Must have leader. | single beds, clean home, TV privileges, Free Dryer, Washer ship ability, some accounting and typ-|jaundry done. Central. Telephone 725 Free Parking Ing experience. This in a Permanent | 907 Close to Simcoe Street « y y Je ! paition, having an excellent future to SCRAP IRON POULTRY {the right man. Please supply refer. | 725-4218 AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER 723-2043 . 723-3374 (collect) CLEAN modern three-room apart stove optional, Feasonaie rent, vacant October 1. Can be seen now. Will mi one child if desired, 728-8664 TWO-bedroom apartment = new build- ing. stove, refrigerator, drapes, washer, |dryer, parking: close to shopping cen- tre. 285 Montrave, 725-8769. | BRIGHT two-bedroom apartments in la artment building, stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer: on Russett Avenue. For further information telephone 725-9341 TWO-bedroom apartment on Simcoe | Street North. Telephone 725-6343, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. FOUR-Yoom self- -contained apartment, private entrance and bath, heat. heavy {outs wiring, TV outlet, and pei 4 37! Street, Oshawa. pec £2 rtment with h bath fn | business building block cents very |clean. 725-4277 or 725-3911. | THREE-ROOM apartment, vicinity of {South Simcoe, Self oh tallied, private { entrance. _ Telephone 723-2066 {TWO-room self-contained frre [intarnished, private bathroom, ground floor, see to appreciate. 242 Elizabeth |Street. 725-8106. Adults preferred. | TWO bedrooms, on ground floor, stove {and refrigerator, broadloom throughout, Five minutes from South General Motors. Available September 1. 725 6924 or apply 157 Bloor East. Business {couple preferred or one child. so | close fo South GM. Tas! Sot {priv ATE room -- Suitable for you young man or lady, close to town and buses, |seven day week, lunches packed. Ap- ply 173 Ritson Road South, | PLASTERING Prompt Service -- Satisfac: tion Guaranteed New Work or Repairs -- Nothing | too large, Nothing too small. The Price is right call AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 110 King Street Eost 728-5103 Oshawe | MAN, between 30 and Ballet, Tap, Pre-School. Saturday Morn., Sept. 9, Masonic Tem- new and used materials. Reasonable | ple, Centre Street. 723-7233 |rates. Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J. | HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, FolY. {tap, RAD ballet, now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122, {ences and apply In your own hand- {21--Room & Board Wanted TWO BEDROOM writing to Box 302, Oshawa Times, LADY teacher desires room and board | Bliss us tobi A APARTMENT in Noh eet Zection A por. F EL | L Please address replies XE Cok is 4 rooms -- free use of auto- TRU matic washer and dryer. Oshawa Times, |22--Store Space & Garages Preferably With Y BURNER SERVICE $90 MONTH. STORE or office for rent, 12 Prince | Street, west side near King, November EEN Montrave Avenue. Apt. eply box |1 or sooner. Telephone 728-8175. i Oshawa Times OFFICE FOR RENT BOY 17-18 YEARS AND PARKING OF AGE who not returning to school, and wishes to make a career of selling PROFIT SHARING PLANS HOSPITALIZATION VACATION WITH PAY BEST WORKING CONDITIONS Apply AGNEWSURPASS SHOE STORE SIMCOE ST. SOUTH AL and heating supplies. Phone 725-3521, Harold H, Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer. |ing, 255 Simcoe Street South, | BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment," pumps. | ESSO | Gua ranteed Water under contract Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insu e¢, Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For personal service at your home, call 725-1625. FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS CONTACT 'A. JAMES ALLE Building Contractor 725-6126 Repairs Remodelling + Additions Alterations | Recreation Rooms | Garages, Cottages : CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort Kitchens Remodelled gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale NHA and Custom Homes |purchased. NHA mortgage arranged. mate. Creighton, Fraser, Dynan and Mur-|Gup TU RTIELDS ro.ulll, recovered - [uke pew Why pay more? Our rates uy _ | THERE'S more family "fun ahead when (are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed +JOMN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa. vou own # boat. Find the one for you Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery 'Whitby. Reasonable rates, Fully the easy way. Turn to "Boats for Sale" |Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 'squipped and insured. Phone 728.3661. in the Oshawa Clasgified Section mow. '031L ' SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants we guarantee to obtain water or there will be no charge. Fulton Well Drilling HAMPTON Co 3- 2790 for wrecking. Parts also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought, Open Saturday all day, Phone | 725-2311 89 BLOORE. | {13--Business Opportunities HAIRDRESSING business for rent. Op- portunity for ambitious hairdresser to work for herself. Two operator booth: {three dryers, one basin. Write Box 145, Oshawa Times for appointment. USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS cars for sale, Lawn Mowers oil burners, hot water and ---- forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service, PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night Rug and Upholstery CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate. rial for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212, CHESTERFIELDS Je ig 4 Hike new. Get +d Mode: Upholsterin South. call 728-6451 for a Available Now Large three-room apartment. 'Frig, heavy-duty stove, pri- vate bath. $70.00 monthly. Dial 725-5433 or 725-2267 SAGUENAY APARTMENTS KING and PARK RD. CALL 723-2563 Modern, 2 bedroom apart ments fridge, stove, paved parking, TV outlet -- For information Call 723-2563, ® WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call-- STAN'S CORNER KING & BURK STS. 723-3224 |Money to Loan t 112 Simcoe Street North Telephone 728-8441 23--Wanted to Rent THREE - BEDROOM by Road district, east of Simcoe Street. | Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post |ottice. |24--Houses for Rent NICELY furnished front large house- keeping room, near hospital, clean and quiet. Telephone 728-5984 or 728-4401. WOUSE for sale or for rent 346 Rose- dale drive, Whitby, furnished or unfur- | nished, available Immediately, Tele-| phone Pickering TE 9-1763. | THREE-ROOM apartment in apartment building, immediate possession. No chil- dren, please, Apply 103 Wilson Road |North, Apartment 3. 1s ~ |MUST SEE to appreciate! New modern |apartment, five large rooms, wall te wall broadloom, colored bath, beauti- |fully decorated, all conveneinces, excel front location. 728-5282, |26--Rooms for Rent | anes hmtn-- |ONE furnished WANT ADS SELL # MOST ANYTHING! Shalt in ® best 142 Fg Tote | | voom, sult one or two gentlemen. Parking space. Apply 356 Park Road South FURNISHED bedroom, in private home quiet district, $7 weekly. 100 Bucks ingham Avenue. 728-2758 or 788-0101 Cartage . rs 3s pt A I pA SSA AH A A

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