SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1961 Hindu temple in Trinidad, HEAVENLY TWINS A visitor in Trinidad and : Tobago may be puzzled by the relationship, between the two islands and fail to realise that they form a single territory. Their separate iden- tities tend to overshadow this fact, though it emerges in such names as "Trinidad & Tobago Tourist Board", "The Agricultural Society of Trinidad & Tobago', and "The Historical Society of Trinidad & Tobago". Prior to 1889 Tobago was a depend- ency of the Windward Is- lands. It was then amalga- mated with Trinidad and in 1899 it became a ward in the Colony of Trinidad & Toba- go. There are twenty -nine other wards all in Trinidad. The term "Trinidad & Toba- go" is comprehensive and any separation of its parts usual- ET TT RI jaa For Information and Reservations for EUROPE JAMAICA NASSAU BARBADOS SOUTH AMERICA THE ORIENT Write, Phone TRAVEL HOUSE 1516 YONGE ST. TORONTO WA 5-4473 ly has a local signmhcauce. There is, for instance, a Trini- dad Chamber of Commerce and also a Tobago Chamber of Commerce. The railway system, confined to Trinidad, is officially styled "Trinidad Government Railways" but the Government is the Gov- ernment of Trinidad &Toba- go; the laws are the laws of Trinidad & Tobago, the same for everybody in both islands. The island of Tobago lies approximately 21 miles N. E. of Trinidad. In shape Tobago resembles a fish, 26 miles long in a NE. -- S.W. direc- tion, 7 miles across at the widest point with an area of 114 square miles. : Tobago, though tropical, enjoys a healthv and nlegs- ant climate. Delightful wea- ther prevails during tue cool- er months, from January to March, and at any other time of the year those who like warmth and sunshine 'will rarely experience oppressive heat. The average daytime' temperature is 84 degrees F, and the average at night 74 degrees F. The annual mean | temperature is 78 degrees F. At night time the tempera- ture is often down to 70 de- grees. For lower. The mean relative humidity is about 82 percent. Rainfall averages about 64 inches a vear. Dur- ing the dry season, January to May, the monthly average is 2.29 inches; and in the wet season, June to December, 745 inches. Days of inces- sant rain, or continuously overcast, are very rare, ONTARIO TODAY Why people 1 Long before Princess Margaret and her chose Tobago for their honeymoon, the quiet charm of this romantic island had drawn knowledgeable vacationers from both sides of the Atlantic. Several great films were made against the lush backdrop of its breathtaking scenery, and movie stars return to it again and again for rest, relaxa- tion and enjoyment of its unspoiled beauty. The climate is always pleasant. In summer and winter alike, gentle trade winds cool the balmy air. At night, under PAGE TWENTY-ONE in the Kuow 20 to Tobago the star-studded sky, the subtle rhythm of steel bands and the beguiling music of Calypso exert their spell over the young and the young-at-heart. handsome husband Only twenty miles from gay, throbbing Trinidad, Tobago is less than five hours flying time from New York. Summer fares are reduced and so are the rates of hotels and guest houses. Come to Tobago this summer and you, too, will return again and again. See Your Travel Agent. WRITE FOR FREE LITERATURE TRINIDAD and TOBAGO TOURIST BOARD, 1210 Sherbrooke St. W. Suite 200, Montreal 2, Que. Canada Going to Toronto? e The only hotel in : Toronto FY ime FREE wESHOUR E PARKING to all registered guests, ® Rates from $6.50 single. © Family plan -- children un- dor 3 14 free in room with adult, For reservations confirmed free by 4-second RESERVATRON, call any of these numbers: TORONTO: EM. 8.7474 HAMILTON: JA. 7-5071 GUELPH: ZE. 1-0350 TIMMINS: AM. 4.4249 THE KING EDWARD SHERATON HOTEL MELCHERS Distillers since 1898 RON CABANA THE VERY DRY White Ream friendly service. friendly rates Special! 16-day holiday only $499 complete SPAIN & PORTUGAL Soar to Lisbon, city of charm and romance. Go down to the Mediterranean for a luncheon by the sea. Swing like the Spanish in Seville. Tan at the Riviera in Torremolinos and dip in the beautiful blue water. Explore gypsy caves in grand old Granada. Snap your castanets in Madrid. On this vaca- tion you will feel warmed by the sun and nice people you meet. Luxurious Swissair DC-8 Jetliner round-trip from New York, other transportation, hotels, all meals, sightsee- ing trips & tips -- all for only $499°. Send in this coupon for a complete day-by-day schedule of all the things you'll sce and do on this tour to Spain & Portugal. % I) SWISSAIR 2 Carlton St., Toronto, Ontario ii Please send me complete information about a 16-day holiday | to Spain & Portugal for only $499 complete! | NAME ADDRESS Tou & STATE Ch Se. Ee -- -- -- -- -- t-- t---- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- *Based on the 17-day excursion fare.