Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Sep 1961, p. 9

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McLAUGHLIN-BUICK ON PARKWOOD TERRACE WITH SCENIC BEAUTY OF THE GARDENS IN THE ~Oshawa Times Pholo BACKGROUND + -- I'M IN GOOD SHAPE" --Oshawa "MY TICKER IS STRO By RON DEVANEY Staff Writer 'Sparkling reminiscences pour- ed forth from a sparkling mind Friday as R. S. McLaughlin granted a rare, informal inter- view just a week away from his 90th birthday. Reminiscences fondly recalled by a man every bit as bright and clear and forceful as the jets of water which spurted high into the air from nozzles in the | Recalled Edward Gallie, a world-famous, Toronto bone surgeon, and an American doctor who became head surgeon at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Eventually, his doctors ad- vised him to sell his stable of horses. "It wasn't much fun if I couldn't follow the horses and see them run." The Parkwood colors were seen no more. And the man who had owned three King's Plate winners (in- cluding Horometer and when the squire of Parkwood Kingarvie) and raised five pressed the control panel to|daughters to be excellent riders, show his guests -- reporters and sold his stable and farm to E. photographers from Oshawa and|P. Taylor. Toronto -- the beauties of his 15-| "I sold the farm to Eddie on acre estate. {condition that he turn it into a Reminiscences that flowed and stud farm. Now he raises some ebbed as the chairman of the of the finest horses in North board of General Motors of Can-| America; the farm and its prod- ada Ltd., and monarch of the |ucts are a credit to Canada." Canadian automotive industry, The Colonel pulled a finely- held court in his spacious, pan- hound, blue volume from his elled office on William street for desk drawer. Titled "Parkwood more than an hour, reviewing a Hunters on Tanbark and Turf", life into which he has packed the book was printed from type Formal Gardens' reflecting pool several lifetimes. This man doesn't runs! Announcing himself with a loud, cheery "Hello", he sprint- ed across the anteroom, hand outstretched, to the waiting group of press people. He shook hands with each one; his grip was strong and sure, and would put many .a man half his age to shame. Leading the way back to his office, "Mr. Sam' stopped at an oddly assorted stack of pic- tures piled on a sofa. Leafing through them, he held one up. walk; he brought from England. Only 10 copies were made. "I am dedi- cating it to my children," he said WINS RIBBONS Printed in Toronto, and said to be one of the finest pieces of {printing ever done in Canada, the book has many pictures, and the text is by Tom Elliott, a for- {mer Public Relations head at General Motors. Pointing to a picture of Shara- vogue, Mr. Sam claimed "that horse won more ribbons than any other horse in Canada", And he remembered that "my Times Photo "Look! There's Charlie Nash oldest and youngest daughters (remember the Nash car?). I|yon 1,500 ribbons and 400 plates took that picture at a hunting petween them. camp in northern Michigan. Very fond of yachting was Mr, "And here's Admiral Jellicoe; Sam, 'who bought a 113-foot, he disappointed the boys around |{jhree masted: made-in-the here so much when he appeared |y,s A. schooner. After he bought in Oshawa without his uniform." |jt he found out that only the He picked up another photo. |Stars and Stripes could be flown Three men sitting on the front|from the ship. He didn't go for hye Osha Times bumper of a car. He pointed to|this. the car's radiator. "I had that| ge tried Ottawa; he tried Lon- especially made. Look's a little gon, But he couldn't crack that bit like a Rolls-Royce radiator,| marine law. Someone figured doesn't it. You know, when you|out a ruse, which took the form buy a Rolls, all you get is asf Mr. Sam refusing to pay his radiator." He laughed. SECOND SECTION PAGE NINE The two men sharing the bumper with him were Walter SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1961 Plan Induction Rev. John Lang The induction of Rev. John|University, Kingston, with a R. Leng, BD, DD, as minister|BA in general arts in 1935, and of St. Andrew's United Church, received his BD in 1938. The will be held Sept. 8 at 8 p.m. honorary degree of Doctor of Services will be conducted by |Divinity (DD) was conferred on the Oshawa Presbytery of the him in 1956. United Church of Canada. He preached in mining towns Dr. Leng is replacing Rev.|in Manitoba and Northern On- George Telford, BD, DD, and|tario before the Second World will assume duties as of Sept.|War. During the war, he was 10. Dr. Telford is retiring and padre for the Lake Superior will remain in Oshawa, Regiment. Dr. Leng was born in Niagara, He then served as veterans' Falls, Ont., but moved with his advisor for one year at Queen's, family when he was one year|and was on the board of old to Schumacher, a town near home missions of the United Timmins. In his youth, he work- | Church for 15 years before com- P. Chrysler and Fred Fisher (Fisher body). Another picture showed a camp". C. D. Howe was third from the left. Talk of fishing brought twinkle to the eyes which blin ed behind the said. ATLANTIC SALMON the Capchat River: fided. For a change, he may pheasant hunting on (his) Grif- fis Island in Georgian Bay. In answer to a query on his health, Mr. Sam flexed his arm muscle. "Feel that!" he invited. Then he thumped his chest and suggested a photographer do the ed underground in the mines, ling to Oshawa. REV. JOHN LANG and since then, has spent much! Dr. Leng is living at 337 Sim- of his life in mining camps coe street north with his wife, Blood Clinic He graduated from Queen's' Alma. They have no children. same. The man thumped -- and coughed. Mr. Sam laughed and recalled his young, athletic days when he played many sports, ran, swam, and cycled. of BAD BUSINESS thin-rimmed | glasses. "I love my fishing," he| qniitted he almost had. "I was catches Atlantic salmon. "Better than Pacific salmon," he con- go schooner captain's salary. The |ship was seized and put up for | sale. "Of course, we only adver- tised it here and there in out of the way places. If anyone had group of men "at my fishing bid on the ship, I would have outbid him; it was mine any- way." Asked if he had ever made a bad business mistake, Mr. Sam trying to decide between the {hardware business and a law At his Quebec fishing camp on | degree. I finally decided to join the Colonel/my father. As an apprentice I | made three dollars a week and | paid my father $2.50 for board. He never did think that was enough." Later, when Mr. McLaughlin | returned from a working trip to the U.S., he designed all car- |riage bodies, and also designed car bodies for as long as they were made of wood. "I decided in 1908 we should go into the motor car business. |My father would have nothing |to do with it. And he never did." | (Robert McLaughlin died in (1921.) | What about designs being | turned out by today's engineers? "I wasn't a very good runner.|"I think we are returning to My legs were too short. I could| plainer and more dignified de- never catch those long - legged |sign. That's what I like. But for fellows." la while, people seemed to de- Jokingly, he linked his cycling mand more daring and flashy career with "my excuse for get- Styling. : ting married. I had too much| What about turbine and elec- silverware I won cycling. I need.|tric battery-operated cars? "I ed a place to put it and some-|can't see them now; and our re- body to clean it." {search department can't see 3 es them now. Crowne sei tor the mo In, operated cas illness. "We were married 60|2r¢ Tot new, you know. We years less two weeks. I had her thought Shout the Rauchlinge of a Cleveland at one time years ago. resent all ready down in Ber- : nk when ig suddenly col-| We were going to, make them lapsed." |right here. 3 : cash "But do you know how much Mr. McLaughlin had a serious A illness im 15 years ago. Hit|the battery cost then? Eighteen by a lung ailment, he was un-|hundred dollars!™ conscious for three days. When| The Colonel buys four new he was recovering, William Cals every year. "Yes, I buy Wecker suggested he step up|them. I don't get them given to from president to Canadian Me. I only drove a company car board chairman. He still flies to| once. for a very short time. New York for General Motors After lunch under the Park. board meetings. He is a vice-| Wood trees, the host posed for president and board director of (Pictures in a bright red, 1908 General Motors, U.S. variety. |McLaughlin-Buick, just outside Asked if he had any ambitions his front door. . left, Mr. Sam said simply, "To| With picture - taking com. 20 on and do some good in the Pleted, the car was cranked world". His McLaughlin Foun-|(tWo cranks) into life. The en- dation, begun with $1,000,000, 8'n¢ purred silently. ox : has since trebled in value, "and| Then. as the 53-yearold car Sich and duty Accident benefits, Jury or union leaves. The union has asked that the per- iod for appeals be extended for 30 day for 0 $9 f of an procedure, ith step, with ade- redress, im-| re- $30 pay- dura- to employee acros ¢ increase raplant inequit ork trades and weel Does Damage To Carriage Ray coe or found mond Fraser. of 211 Sim- ORDER TREATMENT reet south was fined $10/ 'It is a dangerous thing when 10 day uilty of causing to a baby property | Drunk Driver Levy $100 Fines Gets 7 Days Or 60 Days Henry Jewer, of 94 Tyndall |avenue, Toronto, was jailed for A total of $100 fines or 60 seven days, with a six-month li- days in jail was levied against|cence suspension, after being two Oshawa men found guilty|convicted of drunk driving by of failing to remain at the | Magistrate F. S. Ebbs Friday. of his . _--ostawa Times Pho | ARCHITECTS Majorettes The next Red Cross Blood APPOINTED Clinic will. be held on Thurs- - Win Honors ory's Auditorium in Oshawa. . Clinic hours will be from 1.30 . and Ypes and associates, of Is Given Toronto, as architects for the | Miss Harvey's majorettes in|6 - 9 in the evening. ! the International and CNE! The Oshawa Blood Donor Two Oshawa youths found ew Ol 1 rac To posa S awa boulevard was carried by i the board of education Thurs- |held at the CNE Saturday, Aug. |last Clinic according to Chair- attempted break and enter of 26 man R. H. Stroud. There was - the Metropolitan Building, King, The United Automobile Work- benefit plan. Benefits, the The board approved the new ond us-| school Aug. 17, to relieve Majorette Corps Competition less than 300 bottles of blood ded sentence and probation gion) in connection with the increased to 65 per cent of the | Junior Novice with a mark would be collected. Through the fi one year im Magistrate's five Canadian General Motors worker's gross pay plus lips School and Coronation : : osniP School. {team were Avelyn Lycett, ple and through the public spir- Jack Roy Cox, 21, of 260 demands for a new contractlayoff, for each dependant {Patsy Blake, Brenda Henning, |itness of the citizens of Osh- Johnston avenue and Leonard with General Motors of Canada child OTHER DEMANDS have eight regular classrooms, I Shaet Lest h bottl f blood Dy ir € personal od orivR tia one general purpose room, a {ley Sheehan, Leslyn Chamber-| bottles of blood. shors avonve. Previoasly plead Yitee-year pact a meen union porting and the waiting period ap! pred A lin (all of Bowmanville), Dianne| Mr. Stroud mentioned that, *d 2 and company which expires init, : Cost of the school, exclusive o by, n of Commission benefits. The UAW : f site. was estimated at $275,- |anne Shaw, Mary ewe of thave been away all summer Cox told the magistrate that 2 quate rights for of site, was eslime al 9249, hie ; Ld in two years of marriage he had At a general membership means by eliminating the UIC Jill clot protection oshays). WHI be back in fown. At the F ' ; eo '| business administrator and 3 h 4 wife 'has been supporting me|13,000 member Local 222 stud-/membership should not have to Provision of pay set-up, secretaryreasurer the Junior Majorette Corps with he Ilgxe because our Blood Lh . Ns ; : rom wait a week ollect SUB pav- v . a mark of 71.9. » *on-| Bank s and our child", he said. ied and approved the UAW-GM [Wait a week to collect SUB pay- _ ." a) Plus one: cites hondns a 7 e team con- Ban as been dangerously submission for a new master |being laid off BOSSY Joe Hoy Bi the i Penny McMullen (leader), Lyn-| we can replenish our supply to agreement to cover all Cana- The union is asking that othe yeavement pay, when da Dawe, Lynda Boivin, Bever-/the extent that we can feel » : oft Smey ley Tindall, Marilyn Pawlen- secure for the month of Sep- amily dies sabbatica % eiling ar t f SUB { 0 F d C t f R ded Unde? lhe terms of 9 hew _ ong J os 0 help ereate employ n rau oun awa), Jennie Stout, Maureen Any adult between the ages S eman agreement, the union is seeking oo" "cp payments the board] William David McMartin, off Martin and Jill Ames (of Bow: of 18 and 65 who is in good David John Finlay, of 23 San cal insurance coverage which 1e5 shorte r| 10 Salisbury street, | manvilie) health avd hes not recently Y dg d th i 1 ; ) coyeras Nim addition, it is seeking prompt d pleaded guilty to} : will shortly be doubled," he re. Wheeled aroun 6: Sirouat, Rr the care of 'his par. improved skilled goprandine Karn's Drug Store Ruthettes consisting of Ruthann|zct had jaundice can give blood |yealed. |gravelled driveway, Sam Mc- manded in ! ie, vate > as By pensioners Ente Waiting: period of cre contractual provisions! ¢19 Aus 25, was sentenced Deboski, Carol Greenham, Pen- safely: | Laughlin cocked an ear: shook Ta I Fogo i J ti! Another demand the UAW is week and in addition the union r McMullen and Barbara [GREAT FRIEND i itti ter pleading guilt) making is improved pensions tolis asking that short work wel trate's Court Friday Brown, received 81.3 marks. 1 . | This foundation enables "'care-| whispered: "It's hitting on all Magistrate's Court Friday "You should have had more, Ruthann Deboski and cal [Jpswing Seen {fully chosen doctors" to go cylinders. : Magistrate F S Ebbs was retirees and voluntary retire-ithe SUB fund sense than to try this flim-|Greenham obtained. 81.3 marks | abroad for study: and allows for] How about your cylinders, he 2 hat Yinlav ow ment at or after age 60, with 4 . fold that Finlay drew mme{ pl 3 al hohelits ol addition, i has Ten asked Magistrate F. S. Ebbs told Mc:| In the Intermediate Girls In Hot Do S too. "My ticker is strong," he said. re the poate) that units be credited while out Martin in passing sentence. Solo, Ruthann Deboski won J "It's the only fund I know of | He smiled, thumped his chest, wis chars Bids that imarc TO SON ---- - -- | the first place trophy with 77.7. that does that," he said proud-|and -added: "I'm in good g D {ma » ants Gl | 'urfew clause a s adeqtz viv Pace 3:3 iw ang i : " time. A 10 p.m. curfew provide if adequate Survivor e {with 77.3 marks receiving a int business, may 2 2 tle tance of keeping a family, Who can deny that! hair esd , g sae ol B ig oda ormant during the first few|together. ~cused's father told the penefits ; . a t Y in' init oF Do a man in your position has this|£0ld medal i germs 5 2 oi A Dg h Finaly "had benetits ul $1 per month, per 5 wo ears in jail after being weakness" pnd F. s| In Novice Solo, Jill Ames weeks of the new tax program,| Two of Mr. McLaughlin's 8 inal atives > J wilfu Mao : been out until all hours some Supplementary benefits, the | Sams 1€ carriage -- | County Jail, Whitby, who plead- group. tat the hot dog business, at y HC 3 , Ys Panny' Me a0 5 eas E Ss t months." to provide a $200 minimum at| «c ed guilty to an act of gross in- A my Neuen Raced E Al Am om of Finlay said he obtained workl., Vours Service ol Children are not safe with THe com ngit Mis. Jessie decency in a parked car, Aug.|With 79.7 marks in her clas : $ , g shine dishes two days ago and |" y ale you at large. This sort of thing : a sided ) 4 So Midas . washing dishes a minimum hours requirement. |wijl not be tolerated in' this Sabean. told ; 5.1108 Centre street, Whitby, was|medal to place 2nd with 83.4. In|2nv 20-cent soft drinks sold in 8 x things out". Ebbs that on Aug. 21 he visited) \.o handed for sentencing on|the same class Maureen Martin theatres would be taxed, as Lh isnt. ii fuavd and ola} and permanent told a 51-year-old Oshawa man te houge w here she lived and Sept. 8 with 82.4, placed 3rd. would any confection such as a kaa 3 benefits to be pro rated at the convicted of attempted carnal Fémoved the CASE POSTPONED same basis as in the Unitedlknow ledge. in Magistrate' pushed it off down the told the magistrate that the ac- marks placing 4th while Lynda ever, the Sovelly 9 the Whole ; 5 , Ay ates street, irned later to tell) cysed' fe. yrdained min-| Boivin in the same class .re-/t2ing 1s, that if a hol dog 1s Gerald Coady, Ros West: are also included in the union's| Robert Richard Glide. of 114/me it was in the creek -- nS ed's esa oy ein re-| ceived 81.2 "=spurchased along with the drink, 3 , /s moreland Yeute, Shaws, lac. pension demands. Gree ae Pk aed 2 dilly : to|scene of an accident. Pickering Township Constable ing two charges a5 to the offence against a Six was mine -- I paid forilowed treatment in a psychia-jand Brenda Henning received be a meal and unless $1.51 is| Fined $50 or 30 days in jail|D. Martin testified that after il Sept. 15, in Ma-- 10 5 ' : 4 : 4 te Armed | + ati pasiponed grit Fhiday The ac- Number three on the list of sentenced to two years in jail yp r was ordered to make spokesman told The Times Fri-| Clare Waduck earned 81.1|€xemptable. Popcorn is consid-|ders, of 495 Albert s Jeet and/iown police station and Sharged, i ill be represented by/big demands is an improved pl a fine of $500 or an addi- $7 re to rs. Sabean, day that Crawforth was no marks placing 3rd. Ann Ber-|ered & a meal so no tax will be| Ronald A. Wood, of 1 Roxbor-| e was Ss sgyering so badly je 5 unemployment! tioizal two years in jail to pay for the carriage (longer employed at the prison.'nard obtained 77.6 required {ough avenue. walked into a wall". titution | P b H | ° . ™ day, September 7, at St. Greg- yoa0n Canadian UAW Finalizes ; pope Following are the results of to 4.30 in the afternoon and | proposed public school on Osh- | d Baton Twirling Championships| Committee was surprised at the guilty Monday of the Aug. 27 day night. : i n e benef] Bluettes placed in the indication that considerably sfreet east, were given a sus-'ers ofl America (Canadian Re-'UAW's demand calls be crowding in the Dr. S. J. Phil- ral {of 58.4. Those composing the last minute efforts of many peo- Court Friday plants, this week finalized its weekly, during the period It is planned the school will ; A 2 a) {Mary Ann Doyle (leader), Shir-|awa, the clinic received 374 George Smith, 18, of 738 Lake- itd. to replace the present Elimination. of Other demands included library and a kindergarten. Yurk ki. P hg bi oo ne vment rance urkowski, Pamela Young, Di- "Ma sul 5 were held in custody Aug. 27. October Unemployment' Insurance = dup protection S g Many regular donors who ar 000 by J. Ross Backus, board > ou : Cais > worked only four months. "My mecting Thursday night, the waiting period that it feels its/; 0 0 "oo The Tartaneties placed 3rd in|same time our efforts must not a full day Dec. 24 Intra Corporation Council's ments and UIC benefits after sisted of Charlotte Kwiotek: short al: summer. We hope that i or. wien Gets 6 Months nN IO d 0n dian GM plants company eliminate the F of a worker's immed. an) é chuk, Maria Drygala (of Osh- tember." fully paid hospital and medi- weeks for Jaid off in plant and in- Toronto ) ; 4 : |who Monday ;| In the team twirling class the suffered from malaria or has dra street, Oshawa. was Te: yj) include both workers and . " ; payment of claims with a max- full pay for jury duty. |¢o six months in jail in Magis-| nV {his head in admiration, and ting a breach of probation, in' ! ! Ing apply to both present and future henefits not be paid for out of [flam deal with the change,"|in the Senior Duets. a wife and children to go along|was asked? year's probation May 8, : tegarding its pension de-on Workmen's Compensation Carol Greenham placed second Many retail firms may think|ly as he stressed the impor- shape." was also ordered S 1 C t carriage --|Ebbs told a head turnkey at| Placed 5th with 79.7 in her age but there is a, novel possibility great doctor friends were Dr. 20 or 30 times in the last few] .o "a0 ands - be Increased) erious oun law wife Magistrate F. S 93. William Crawforth. 43. of| Maria Drygala won a gold Regent Theatre here, said that ould do his best "to . ! P Magistr: : that he woul Full vesting rights are in de- county," Magistrate F. S. Ebbs carriage Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck ° Lynda Dawe received 81.3/ chocolate bars and candy. How- iim =f He : The case against Edward g, with .a $100 minimum Court Friday claimed Mrs. Sabean.|quested that Crawforth be al-. Mary Ann Doyle received 77.9 the purchase is considered to D to juvenile delinquency, Wasipj; pEMANDS year-old girl Aug. 12, and was it ulked the accused tric clinic in Toronto. A jail{75.2 in their age group. required to pay the bill, tax is|each were: Ronald A. an the accused was taken to the | John Greer on that date. supplementary

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