Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Aug 1961, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumdey, August 31, 1961 Finance Group To Study Expenses REQUEST TABLED AGAIN A request tabled from the last Council meeting was again WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. Murray Silver, President of Kinsmen Club, and Mrs. Silver, Mr. Howard Jeffery, in- coming President of Kinsmen and Mrs. Jeffery, retiring presi- dent of Kinette Club, Mr. Clar- ence Hewson and Mrs. Hewson, in-coming President of Kinettes, 'SPEAKERS WARNS | WHITBY And DISTRICT | {jpited Church Future "Amiable Nonentity?" | of compromise to the absolute able advance as a welfare so- of truth." ciety, said Dr. Mutchmor. The State is itwo-headed. he. The acceptance of the Nation- added, looking at the same time a) Hospitalization Plan in every in two opposite directions. Poli- province is *'the latest proof of tical principles are traded for oyr capacity to organize and expedients. direct a sound social security Icarmarks of our affluent so- program.' ciety is the high rate of illigi- Ope unsolved problem is the timate births in Canada. Be- Unemployment Insurance Fund tween 4 and 5 per cent of the scheme, Capital funds have reported births in Canada are dropped from almost one billion illigitimate, said Dr. Muchmor. dollars to a little more than 100 Half of this percentage are teen-' million. agers. Underlying his speech was Dr. Mutchmor the question 'Is the = United sions or seclions Church a middle class institu- society, tion?" SENAY Brana Contrary to prevalent opin- MASSIVE Si IETIES ions, said Rev. Mutchmor, there The United States and the is more than a superficiality to Soviet Union are representative : : the rapid constructio of of two massive societies where } Bisiruction there is massive structure and churches in the suburbs power. Canada is "intimately Suburban churches do not related fo the massive struc- lack depth and significance in ture of the United States." their religious faith and otder. y alg Nor are they to be regarded as Another section of our society he a ean the is hat of technological or auto- gph, han pattern, he added. mation Rather than what to do about CLUBB-CLUBBY PERSONS? automation, a more realistic United Churches in the sub- question, said Dr. Mutchmoor, urbs are not, he continued. col- would be to ask what will be lections 'of clubby-chubby con- done with automation forming persons. "The plain fact is that auto-| Dr. Mutchmor said those that mation is here, It is not just advance criticisms of the sub- the product of a machine oper-'urban United Churches are ating al a higher rate, but rath- wrong because of "'the willing- er of the machine controlled by ness of these church members machines to contribute heavily for both A third characteristic of soci- current and- capital purpose." A breakdown of expenses sent in by Municipal Planning Con-| sultants was referred to the Fi- : : Mr. Jack Robertson, Vice-Presi-| 0 oe Whitby LADied Monday night by Whitby dent of Kinsmen and Mrs. Rob. 12"°° /ommitiee Da 11bY Township Council. Road Super- ertson, Mr. Jim Gartshore, Vice. Township Couneil, Monday intendnet M. Ross is seeking President of Kinsmen and Mrs. night. touncils Juicy Toyering tats Garishore are attending the Council previously requested €35es of fences on road a ow National Kinsmen Convention more details of the expense ac. ances which have to be moved held at the Royal York Hotel, [count submitted by the private for construction. Toronto, from August 30 to Sep- consulting service. DOG KENNEL ADDITION tember 2. The bill concerned services pew Carter, bylaw enforce: performed in the Dwyer Heights pani officer for Whithy Town subdivision. It = amounted 10 shin told Council Monday that A warning that the United Church could become an amiable nonentity was issued to members at the 14th annual United Church conference on evangelism at the Ontario Ladies' College yesterday. . Dr. J. R. Mutchmor told dele- gates that the United Church was in danger of becoming a ¢ middle class institution run by preachers resembling the eco- nomic Organization Man. He ascribed this possibility io today's affluent society. A soci- ety, he said, where the "bland lead the bland." The danger of this form of society is reflected in the major- ity of women and men in the North American continent. "Too many women in this majority spend more on adorn- ing the outside rather than fur- nishing the inside of their § heads." said Rev. Mutchmore: secretary of the United Church's i® board of Evangelism and social service, INANE BLAH The result, he explained, was a multitude of heads that invite advertisers to "pour out an ever - increasing amount of } inane, but not innocuous 'blah' in the form chiefly of expensive lv sponsored TV programs." The majority of men are not much better than the women, according | Dr. Mutchmor Referring to their heads, he noted that many men are going without hats but to a large degree this exira amount in their ex |penditure income goes for mag Mr. and Mrs. William 6 Hewis, Miss Jean Hewis attend- ed the wedding of Mr. Albert Scarlett to Miss Elizabeth Mc- Lay. The ceremony took place in McMaster Divinity Chapel in Hamilton. Mr. Albert Scarlett is a former resident of Whitby and was a graduate of Dundas Street school and Whitby Dis. trict High School. sees four divi- of today's CONFERENCE ON evange- | the three-day conference, Rev. | of Evanston, Illinois. Rev. lism of the United Church of A. E. Kewley of Brantford and | Carruth and Rev, Bosley are Canada at the Ontario Ladies' Rev. Thomas A. Carruth of guest speakers at the confer- College was the scene of this | Clarkton, Georgia listen to ence animated talk. Chairman of | Rev. Harold A. Bosley (right) "FROST SHOULD PAY" Merchants Not Happy Over New Sales Tax ing fy I the chart which the total, He said the tax would knowledge may be in their unanimous 'n their of is supplied by the Sales Tax De- be a nuisance but did not think heads the new retail sales tax partment to calculate thelit would effect sales Our affluent society Most agree that it will a amount owing "It's none of your business' marked by thrift being nuisance; some are a little more! The Chainway stores have a stated a spokesman for Whitby Widely recommended and hard emphatic in their disapproval of slightly different method for col- Motors when he was asked how work not being virtuous the new tax lecting the tax On each sale the firm would collect its sales We live in an equity Following are some they. will collect the owing tax! tax 'he said. where we do not own comments Whitby merchants using the chart as reference and _ a anvthing, "Rather we have made about the introduction of then give the customer tickets EXEMPT GOODS evervthing on time or cred the tax, and the way it will on which the amount of the tax! Following is a list of the goods collected paid is printed that may be purchased exempt ALWAYS PAYING Wilson's Food Market mar The tickets can he used by from retail sales tax coming "We pay for always and ager told the Oshawa Time refund purposes Into effect en Sept, 1 orcver pav for -- most of the that a tax key had heen added and the store keeps an account! Consumer Items -- All foods things we have, but only partly to their cash register at a cost of how many tickets were given| excepl liquor, candy and soft own." Because of the rapid change --Oshawa Times Photo A family picnic was held at Greenwood Conservation Park in Whitby merchants are almost of the bill using dislike also not is i be society of the EAGER RECRUITS MANILA (AP)~Filipino ap- plications to join the U.S. Navy have been swamping the naval recruiting centre here at a rate of 48,000 a month. It was an-| nounced no more applications will be accepted before Septem- ber, 1962, customers for f t a added wil Yost from the tax. and trees 4 i He also said that the tax was human oS cinz Toy Io HAD PLAN READY highly unnecessary and unfair bacco, Steinberg supermarket was because it weuld hit the little Fertilizers. insecticides fungi- ready for the sales tax before man ; cides, herbicides and rodentis it was announced. They already| Another Whitby drugstore cides, Agricultural products in. have a tax key on their IBM owner who had one of his cash cluding livestock Certain irri- cash registers and the cashiers registers changed and another|gatjon equipment and certain will simply have to get used to installed at the cost of $1,250 other specified items such as using them said that the new system would! : $546.67. Manderly Kennels are planning s Tove to expand their existing facil FILE WDHS MINUTES lijiec The increase will be about A report of the minutes of the/the size of a normal garage. Whitby District High School Since the expansion: gualified Board meeting on July 5 was under the Zoning Bylaw, Council {filed for reference by the Whitby| agreed to the plans. They hoped {Township Council on Monday neighbors were agreeable to the night. expansion. Mr. Garth Henry is in Burley, . Idaho, U.S.A., on a business J C b d S n t frip. He will be returning home um u an 1 Po At Nild " ". Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hendry Plane t . have returned from a six weeks/ OTTAWA (CP)--A young Cze-| 1minis. vacation spent in Scotland choslovakian e n gi neer who! Where they Visited members of jumped a Cuban airliner during| ag" i g a stopover at Gander, Nfld., has) ompe 1 10Nn Mr. and Mrs. A. J. B. Hebert been given political asylum in 2d they Shildren of Liberty. Canada. Midst Faif TORONTO (CP)---W. F. Mc- ville, U.S.A., are guests at the! Immigration Minister - | . : home of their parents, Dr. and clough announced Wednesday | -6an. president of Canada Pack Mrs. Barlow Hebert of Dundas|that Karol Otto Kocourek, 28ers Limited said Wednesday in- street west has been granted a special six-|tense competition in the meat. month permit to remain in the packing industry "has re- |country, mained undiminished' since his ; ' 5 . Kocourek had spent several company acquired two indepen- ety is its affluence a ossibie Solon to the honor' of Yre Logs ll on Je months working on a project in dent packers in 1955. AFFLUENCE PARTLY GOOD J a middle. ih es immediate family were in at. Cuba. Cuban sources said he | 'Mr. McLean was amplifying Dr. Mutchmor admitted anityion was fossed to the dele-|tendance including her great- had priered ig hk gL rae me MA 1. affluent society, with. all ils gates by Dr. Mutchmor grandson, rh fing Cubans i port by the restrictive trade temptations: does provide a Churchmen should get out anti-Castro Cubans practices © commission, urging good way of life. among all people, he said. Too MT! and Mrs. Louis Ville: The six - month permit is a/Justicce Minister Fulton to But, he said, members of the much is being contained within Neuve and their son Billy have normal routine which grants ex-|break up the merger of Canada society are in danger of be-\the structure of the church rath. 'eturned from a ten-day vaca-lemption from regular immigra- Packers with Calgary Packers coming "lost among the stuff." ler than outside. tion spent in Valleyfield, Que-|tion procedures for a period to|Limited and Wilsil Limited of "This danger looms in a most 4 bec. the guests of relatives. allow a person to file proper Montreal. {threatening way on the intellec- . hey also visited in Montreallimmigration papers | If it is not possible to break tual front, It accounts for the Township To Sell and Ottawa, ; "|up the merger, the commission rise of minority of Eyvics Who Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hervey Hi A 4 Jerommenided, ay ore) Should are "more vocal" han ssn Closed Road Part and iamis o tun avve wave] WOR Hi§ Aube oe teed evening ne Tor les toe ret fter spending a 4 wy : Dr. Mutchmor claimed North) whithy Township Council felared home afi J mm Ea ing other acquisitions that would America was Hollywoodized and learned Monday that they own |Bacs I.ake In Po er ame reduce competition. said he expressed little wonder the south.avest portion of the : : Said Mr .McLean: "The com- that "quick - minded and highly ajjowance for roads at the PRESTON (CP) -- A Brant- mission appears to conclude disciplined Comlimnists ne Rus Whitby Pickering Townline ford man's poker luck indirectly that, according to the legisla sia and China look with scor between Concessions 8 and 9. landed him in court Wednesday [tion in effect at the time of the to thely cash regis tof | Ce Auayr. Taydy and soi the Miele and Hollywoodized| 'Ap "offer to bargain for pur- but it also cleared him of a|acquisition of Calgary Packers i e taxable items wi ) * 8 A Nort merica. o 3 1 y 9 : i Timi i % be rung up first, sub-total: _, TR , the premises where bought for pin in society today, the The fourth mark of society Shave of the closed i Bt Shark Wier the Highway Teal Limited and Wilsil Limited. the taken and the tax from FROST SHOULD PAY $1.50 and under.. Children's °CCUTTIng in societ) BY, Ae day is the Weliare Societylon ; recently by ic Act. : harced company's operations are in ae a chart ; Sneligrove Drugstore has In- clothing Drugs and medicines Church 8nd State Jun Nogghhis pt h he says is the Western ue J Appleby. A letter was James Eades as C urge cordance with the law. Ottenbrite's Men's Wear stalled 2 now vash register #4 alon prescription and Specific) ag IE ries aiatic nations answer to[sons 10 the Coumy office in an with failing to transfer properly] He said thai amendments to ring up the sale and then ost of $1,100 to compute the tax medical and related items. Gas. The Church too often advocates inition sn effort to determine who owned the registration of a motor Ve-(ihe Combines Investigation Act up the amount of tax on the A the time of the sale as welliolines, fuels and electricity, | OfOrmity ' A a Las moade consider: the land -- the County or the hicle within six days of pur-|yhich might prevent further ac- sale and add. At the end of the|3s al the end of the day. Store Books, periodicals, newspapers.| 1t "Prefers the middle axiom: (a 3a Township, : 3 chase. The onus is on the pur-|o.icitions "were not in effect dav they will merely add up owner W. C. Sneligrove sugges-'draft beer, water and ice ' This road is undef the juris. thorized on a motion by Coun- chaser. . until several years after" the axery. secand figure on the tape ®d that Premier Frost should] Farm IHems -- Farm equip- : : diction of the Township of|cillor John Dryden to inform! The charge was dismissed 1955 acquisitions. Breiman re and fina Pay for the cash register since ment and machinery but not Whitby, not the County of On-'Mr. Appleby that the Township when evidence showed he!" ee wim out how much they owe the goy- 1¢ Would be the one benefitting' hand tools, Seed, plants. shrubs tario." was the reply owned the road. owned the automobile in gues- | ernment. y » A County bylaw reverted the The Township will offer fo/tion but it also showed he was road to the Township, added the sell the road to Mr. Appleby not the purchaser. County letter 'upon payment of the costs in-' "I won it in a poker game," PARADE olved." he said. BLAIR The Township clerk was au-/v By GERRY Red Wings Gain Win Butt Appliances will compute the tax owing on each sale from a chart and put the tax money in a separate box The Agnew Surpass Shoe Store will add the tax onto the bottom Double Plant | be difficult ed Hicks Jeweller's owner stated that he would just figure the tax process at three per cent and add it onto equipment used directly At Du Pont Du Pont of Canada 30.000 square-foot * polyethylene film plant here will be doubled in hoth capacity and physical size the company announced today Excavation for the first part of the expansion, a 12500 square-foot addition, already under way and the enfire job is is ta be completed by the end of! the year The plant's capacity already had been increased once since it opened 2'4 vears ago The latest expansion is neces: sitated by greatly increased de- mand for polyethylene film company officials said The increased demand in turn is sparked by three Canadian developments: a new "2-in-1 film combining great strength and higher clarity than the old er types, a new bread wrapping film, and a new general-purpose overwrapping film All are made at were introduced late last vear after lengthy research and de velopment work by Du Pont of Canada technologist The company's films ment, first Canadian of polyethylene film. regards its introduction of the three new types as one of the major breakthroughs in its 12 vears production of this film Whithy and depart producer shown at the Canadian Packaging Show in last November, the |*2-in-1"" film is designed primar- ily for bag-making and make- and-fill machines and its tough- and clarity were demon strated in extensive laboratory tests First National | Toronto ness In a hag.-drop test, for exam: ple, baseballs had to be sub stituted for potatoes because the potatoes broke in pieces be fore the bag tore In clarity tests, the film not only attained a higher gloss than any previous polythylene film but the gloss meter had to be adjusted by 25 degrees from its normal setting. The polyethylene bread wrap film has engineered into it the stiffness, high gloss and sheen, roll formation, and slip which are essential for this type of packaging The general overwrapping film, developed for use on pack- aging machines wrapping paper products textiles stationery and other soft goods. was so designed that it can he pro duced with specialized co-effi cients of friction or slip It also possesses the optical qualities -- gloss and sheen -- which are best for the particu- lar product to be wrapped (Whitby) Last Co It's One Howl PLUS -- Second F "MY DOG Starring BROCK Evenings Shows at 6:55 and 8:30 WiCiium 16a HVER MuVEN Travis Lemmond end his deg "LONDON" SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1.30 mplete Show At 8:30 of a Comedy! . A i al ok pve The BUS Li Whe ar 00" Shown At 6:55 & 10:05 eature Attraction BUDDY" and a pain-in the- neck as far as he was concern- farm poultry and hog fence. Manufacturing items include: Materials and parts becoming part of the finished product. Ma terial consumed in production and machinery and In man- ufacturing { Transportation equipment in cludes: Vessels of more than 500 tons gross Railway rolling stock and aircraft used in inter- provincial and foreign com | merce Other non taxable items are All transactions under 17 cents Clay, sand, gravel and unfinish-| ed stone, school classroom sup. plies when purchased by a schoolboard and road cleaning and fire fighting vehicles of value in excess of $1,000 per ve.! hicle Get Approval On Brooklin Water System The proposed Brooklin walter works system received formal approval in principle by the On- tario Water Resources Commis- sion, Township Council learned Monday night Closing date on the call for tenders will be Sept. 14 Cost of the project laid out in the Water Resources approval certificate is to be $197,700. A 10 per cent variance is allowed in the tender call However, if the lowest or most acceptable tender cost exceeds {the 10 per cent allowance. an other Municipal Board hearing will be held The Commission pointed out the possibility of the water ap. pearing white in colo This could occur in tribution system and caused by air being into the water during removal process "It is uncertain as lo how sig nificant this problem may be,| but it is necessary to point this out to vou at the present time . if this becomes a problem other measures may be neces. sary to deal with it." Although the company supply ing the equipment says there will he: no difficulty, others are uncertain, the cer fificate says the dis. may be dragged the iron MODEST PROGRAM LONDON (CP) Britain's "modest space research pro gram' is giving better value for money spent than that of any other nation, a science min istry spokesman told the House Commons. Actually sending people into as. the Rus sians and Americans were doing is a most expensive hobby, he of space said. | Brooklin Hillcrests lacrosse club concluded their first year in the OLA Senior league by dropping the seventh and deciding game of their best-of-seven semi-final series to the Brampton Ramblers on Monday night. It was a most successful season for the Hill- even though defeated in the first play-off round. Their rivals from Niagara Falls, who made a duplicate jump from Intermediate "A" ranks into Senior, came nowhere close to Brooklin's fine record compiled this past season. In 24 league games, the Falls accumulated only a meagre three victories, while Brooklin ended far ahead of the Scobies and were just a trifle back of the third place St. Cath- Athletics. Financially was a success also, Hillcrests lacrosse club ended in the black. They received amicable co-operation from the executive of the Brooklin. Community arena, in re- gards rental arrangements something. which harasses many organized clubs, In fact, the arena commission were so intent on the club making good that they offered them the entire gate receipts of the first two games against Port Credit Sailors had they qualified, as an added incentive to eliminate Bramp- crests, arines it as the Senior fo ton, a bed of roses for manager During the course But it wasn't entirely Alvin Puckrin and his executive of their initial shot at the Miffer competition, they used up three coaches. Louis Vipond, Bill Vipond and Jim Cherry, who also handles the Whitby Red Wings. They were short players on a number of otc casions, which indirectly led to a. percentage of their defeats. Al the beginning of the year, they had trouble luring the players from the defunct Peter- boro senior. club to come to Brooklin and play on a split basis. They wanted a per game set-up. But after some persuasive methods, they finally consent- ed, and definitely Brooklin had the nucleus of a fine club from their Ontario Inter- mediate "A" championship club, plus six stars from the Whitby Red Wings Eastern Canada Junior "A" winners, but was moulded into a contender with the addition of the experienced Peterborough performers Gene Dopp, gentlemanly veteran of lacrosse wars, elected president of this year's senior club, was instru- mental in launching the club on their way with his vast knowledge of the game and inside funda- mentals proved their worth it's TOWN AND COUNTRY ... Whitby Red Wings took a commanding 3-1 lead in their OLA Junior "B" best-of-seven semi-final series with the Long Branch Castrolites, trouncing them 12-3 last night in the Whitby Community arena. After a week of un-- forseen cancellations by the Long Branch club, they were finally able the series. Last Fri- day's game was called off, and they rescheduled it for Tuesday night, but at the last minute, it too was cancelled no one seems to know why! The fifth game will be played in Long Branch on Friday night - at least, that's the way il stands now Lefty Bob Ellis, shut out the Mount Zion Brooklin Concretes, for the third straight time on Tuesdav night in Mark- 6-0 giv Aces the South Ontario County league championship in the minimum of three games They arent too many hurlers around these days whe can hold any club scoreless for that length of time. fo continue ham img the was making some of the worst] By CLIFF GORDON at the 28 mark and from! In Spite Of Referee Penalties -- Moore 5.58, Webb Whitby Red Wings took a 3-1 here in the Wings never looked 7.06, 10.46, i lead in games in the OLA Jr. B back. Moore fired a pair mid | playdowns here last night as|way through the period and Hol- they whipped 'the Long Branch!liday followed closely with his Castrolites 12-3 in the fourth|second of the game to give the game of the series. Actually the Wings a 40 lead at the end of game should have been the fifth/the first 20 minutes, game, but the Long Branch Long Branch opened the scor- team and the OLA have been|ing in the middle stanza as pulling a bluff and getting away Keegan got his first of two at with murder, The goes back to Long Branch on|that one with a low hard drive Friday night with the sixthlat 5.42, both teams were playing 10 game if needed also slated for short-handed at the time 11 Long Branch E. Tran {ook a long high pass Gord Holliday, Ron Elmer Tran and Ken Ross each losing cage at the 11.43 mark tired a pair of goals for Whitby, and the Wings were swarming|13. with Butch Kadwell, Frank Wil- all over the Castrolites at this M1 kinson, John Davis and Mike stage of the game bl Gray each adding singles Ross followed at 13.01 and the LR 6. series now|the 1.23 mark, Kadwell erased Tran 4.10, Moore 6.10, Moore, from Toy and beat Cuddy in the 12. 2nd Period | Long Branch: Keegan 1.23 Whibty: Kadwell | (Wilkinson) +....... 5.42 . Whitby: E. Tran (Toy) 11.43} Whitby: Ross (E. Tran) 13.01 . Long Branch: Goring (Keegan) ...cvviunees. 19.06] Penalties -- Goring and 6. 3rd Period Whitby: Ross (E. Whitby: Wilkinson (E. Tran) ... Whitby: Davis (E. Tran) Whitby: E. Tran .. A131] Whitby: Gray ......... 18.35 Long Branch: Keegan 19.4 Tran) 3.12| 6.00) sansa ns Penalties -- Webb Butch Keegan led the losers' writing was starting to appear| attack with two and Larry Gor- on the wall. Goring beat Toy at ing adding one. Elmer Tran was the 19.06 mark as Whitby ap- actually the big point getter for peared to let up a little in the the Wings as he collected four final minute assists for a good night's work. he Wings rapped in five Coach Jim Cherry of the more goals before the Castro- Wings got the bounce at the lites could get rolling. Ross, Wil- 16.13 mark of the final frame by kinson, Davis, E. Tran and Gray s0 and so" red-headed guy were the light blinkers for the Ils himself a referee. How Wings with Keegan scoring with he ever got an OLA card is well (just 14 seconds to go for the beyond us! He gave one of the losers. poorest displays of refereeing we have ever seen. When asked for the ball at the end of the] 1st Period Whitby: Holliday 28 Whitby: Moore (Davis) 10.51 Whitby: Mocere (Davis) 12.36 1 2 3. (Schmidt) .. 48) | LAWN MOWERS Corner S 103.5 Byron 5S. MO 8.4511 | the better the vinegar... | the finer the first period he literally threw it al manager Davie. And all night; 4. Whitby: Holliday calls we have seen in our years ~ Pe ---- of following sports. It is high time the so called OLA hrass gol down and had a look af some of these bums they are sending out The Wings lost little time in getting the score shee! working as Gord Holliday hil the mark TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Whithy, Ontario. To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Whitby bearing date of the 2nd day of June, 1961, a sale of lands in arrears for taxes in the Town of Whitby, will be held in the Council Chamber at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday, the 11th day of October, 1961, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid, Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being pub- lished in The Ontario Gazette on the 1st day of July, 1961, and that copies of said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office this 20th day of June, 1961. JOHN R. FROST, Treasurer, Town of Whitby, WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y-lb. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS. CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale at . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times (Wilkinson) .......... 12.50/@ war pisney moductions pickells Only the very purest of vinegar can bring out the full flavour of your favourite pickling recipes. Use Canada Vinegar for aranteed purity, fulle odied strength and aged in-wood flavour, Costs less, too, because it's made in your own region! White Apple Cider Mait in Bulk, Bottles and Jars ---- a qt CANADA PURE by popular demand MORE DISNEYKINS to complete your set

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