: |IKimmerly at Jo Aldwinckle, OIE, Women s Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 29, 1961 / PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kim- merly, RR 4, Bowmanville, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carey, Daniel street, Oshawa, attended the 25th anni- versary reception on Saturday of the former's brother, Mr. Thomas C. Kimmerly and Mrs. Rochester, New York. Teas, birthday parties, wed- ' |ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests and your own {holiday plans are always of in- {terest in this column. Write, |telephone or visit the social de- {partment with your items of |news for which there is no charge. Telephone 723-3474. Constable R. C. Jackson, RCMP, Edmonton, Alberta and Mrs. Jackson, have been spend- ing their vacation at the homes {of their parents, Mr. and Mrs W. G. Jackson, Herbert Avenue, {Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Bar- |rett Harrison, Pontiac, Mich- |{igan. While in Oshawa, { |attended a surprise party, given THE REVEREND AND MRS. W. N. AITKEN --Oshawa Times Photo Calvary Baptist Pastor and Wife On Anniversary A large number of the congre- gation of Calvary Baptist Church surprised their pastor, the Reverend W. N. Aitken, and Mrs. Aitken, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Aitken had just returned from vacation in the Maritimes. Mr. Elton Johnson was chair- man for the happy occasion which had been arranged to follow the regular mid-week] service in the church. Mrs.| George Delaney sang "Be Thou| Their Guide", | On behalf of the congrega- tion Mr. V. A. Henkelman pre- sented a cheque to Mr. an Mrs. Aitken along with twenty- five silver dollars representing the silver anniversary. Church Honors intecests. You" was the vocal chosen by the ladies' trio con- sisting of Mrs. Ernest Galloway, Mrs. Lyndon Greene and Mrs. Roy Gorham. The Reverend and Mrs. Donald Veitch of De- troit, who were their vacation period, sang * Do the Father's Will". Refreshments were served by a number of the ladies under To {the direction of Mrs. Walter Lane as the friends took the opportunity of expressing their longest toe. The widest part of ment, says Mrs. Brian G congratulations to the bride and! the foot should set firmly into/manager of a bridegroom of 25 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. both born in Edinburgh, Scot- land. Mrs. Aitken, the former In her reply Mrs. Aitken spoke/Miss Mima Wood, is the daugh-| materials. |by the family and a few close |friends of Constable Jackson's |parents in honor of their 35th wedding anniversary at their home on Herbert Avenue. Con- | stable and Mrs. Jackson will be Allow For Growing And Firm Support 'In School Shoes To stand high on the honor |roll, a youngster should stand and out to the mission fields| firmly in a pair of wellfitted, where the Church has so many comfortably styled leather shoes. The child who fidgets and be- {comes a problem in school and {at home, Here are home hints to help |you select the proper shoes when you take your youngster home during shopping for his back-to-school/Severely if the image is shat- wardrobe: Concentrate on fit. For correct fit, the new shoe should allow three-quarters of an inch of '"'growing space" beyond the | the widest part of the shoe. The Aitken were heel should be snug to avoid|say 'give me the best--it's for rubbing. Next, check construction and For complete foot of the wedding day in Scotland|ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.|ease and long, hard wear, the 25 years ago when their host|Andrew Wood Mr. dress in his highland kilt seren- aded them on the bag pipes These later years in Canada have been very happy years and the love and esteem of the congregation have been a real encouragement to the family, she said. Mr. Aitken expressed his ap-|years ago Mr. and Mrs. Ait preciation for the fellowship of the evening and for the love of the church family that prompted such a gathering. It was his prayer that in the same spirit the church might continue to look to God for His blessing upon its ministry in Oshawa { Y 4733 sizEs12-20,40 had the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitken. They were married on August 15, 1936, in Royal Arch Hall, Edinburgh by Dr. James Scott. They have two daughters, Moira and Irene, and one son, Ronald. Before coming to Oshawa two ken lived in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Catalano-Bowman Nuptials Held Miss Phyllis Bowman, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. James Bow- man, and Mr. Joseph Anthony Catalano, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Catalano, all of Oshawa, were united in marriage in a double-ring ceremony The wedding took place in the Aitken is|best choice is an all-leather shoe! whose pliable leather upper ac- commodates smoothly to the moving foot. The flexible leath- er sole "gives" with each step, yet is tough enough to take up the shock of running on concrete | pavements. The experts also recommend a leather lining. A mark of |quality and value in a child's shoe, the smooth leather lining | protects the growing foot from | chafing and irritation. You'll need more than one pair, too. The time when a youngster's needs were satisfied With one pair of scuffed shoes {for school, play and partying {are gone and a good thing, too, |according to foot specialists. For foot health's sake, one pair of shoes should air dry 24 hours, while the alternate pair is worn. | FOUR - SEASONS By ANNE ADAMS chapel of Wesley United Church,| A note of warning. Don't let| London, Ontario on Friday, Aug-| the youngster talk you into sub- oe Re Reverend Jervin shilitng 2 pair of sneakers for 3, TO : ] A school shoes. Useful on a gym Street United Church, oficiated.| floor canvas-sided rubber-soled Bit the pa rage i per | sneakers give growing feet no . OY ir oh "| support. five o beige 2 ih Sark) One last tip. Get your child to a tinted nosegay of pink cama Pe shoe store ahead of the pre- tions and mums school rush. Both you and the The matron of honor was Mrs child will fare better in an un Robert Fry, sister of the bride. crowded store. The clerk will] |groom. She wore a teal blue falj{e able to give you his com-| [suit with black accessories and|Plete attention and your young- |carried a tinted nosegay of blue|Ster will be less fretful. and white carnations and chrys- SE anthemums. ception was held in a private The best man was Mr. Robert room of Hook's Restaurant in |returning to Edmonton by plane {on Thursday of this week. | | Mrs. Oscar Mills entertained) |at luncheon on the terrace at {The Guild of All Arts in honor {of Miss Elizabeth McMullen who! sails early in September for| England on the Empress of| Canada. te Guests from out of town at the | Frood - Pawlowsky wedding on {Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. |R. W. Cohrs of Joliet, Illinois; {Mr. Andrew Gulgan, Windsor, Ontario, and Mr. and. Mrs. Don- ald Frood, Takoma Park, Wash- ington. Lake United Church were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison Wootton. The bride, the for- | mer Miss Janet Fay Jones, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Married recently at Sharbot | TO LIVE IN WHITBY Gail Hartwig, Ri At Calvary Baptist wig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Rhinold Hartwig of Oshawa, became the bride of Richard Mrs. Adolph Hasper of York-| ton, Saskatchewan. officiated at the double-ring ceremony. The wedding music Lane and Mr. Lavern Wright sng "O Perlect Love" and "The Wedding Prayer". Given in marriage by her| father the bride wore a floor-| length gown of French lace and| pleated organza over taffetal with lily-point sleeves and two scalloped panels of French lace] forming a fish tail back. Al dainty crown of seed pearls in| a flower design held her elbow-| length veil and she carried aj horseshoe bouquet of red Joses, | white carnations and tiny rose Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Church|Mr. Clare Bowman and Mr, recently: Gail Margaret Hart- Bruce Whyning. Masonic Temple where dinner Bert Hasper, son of Mr. and|Was served to 75 guests. Re- ceiving, the mother of the bride {wore a teal blue dress of Chan- The Reverend W. N. Aitken tilly lace, white accessories and a corsage of white chrysanthe- sage of brown and yellow ear- nations. 3 On their return the couple will take up residence in Osh- awa. Guests were present from chard Hasper Kitchener, Killaloe, Fonthill. Winnipeg, Buffalo N.Y,, Toron- A reception was held at the|to and surrounding district. PRETTY NEAT For the woman who has trouble keeping blouse tucked in at the waist, an all-in-one blouse and slip is new for fall. Dainty embroidery trim at the was plaved by Miss Brenda mums. The bridegroom's par- blowie neckline Z pi fed ot ents were unable to attend. |. ono ic pretty enough to wear The couple left on their honey- moon to the west including Yorkton, Saskatchewan, where they visited with the bride- groom's parents, friends and relatives, For travelling the bride chose a sheath of green! and brown flowers on white, topped with a three-quarter as a sheath dress. 100 per cent terylene crepe, the blouse- slip comes in a wide selection of pastel and deep colors, DANGER OF STRESS Continued stress, physical or mental, may trigger over-activ- ity of certain glands and upset: length matching duster. She wore a brown petalled hat, [almost every system in the Edmund Jones of Crow Lake (buds. and the bridegroom is the son | The attendants wore identical of Mr. and Mrs. Morrison |dresses in pale mauve organza Wootton of Whitby. {featuring empire waistlines, | --Photo by Ernie Foote, |square necklines forming a low| Carleton Place. |«y jn the back and a wide] Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Blore, | | have returned from Minneapolis, {Minnesota, where they were Frood-Pawlowsky | Be oo earn Notoall olial Rites Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Blore, Solemnized Sunday Simcoe street north, enteriai : ined The marriage of Rose Ann| at a reception recently on the|p,y1owsky and Reginald James they| occasion of their 30th wedding|Frood, both of Oshawa, was| white and blue dress with white received|solemnized on Sunday evening| {anniversary. They Seventh-Day | |many lovely gifts, telegrams|in College Park and cards of congratulations| Adventist Church. also a letter of congratulations The bride is the daughter of |from the Honorable Michael| Mrs. Kay Pawlowsky of Cal- {Starr and Mrs. Starr. Mrs. J. ary, Alberta, and the bride- |H. Roe poured tea, the assis-|8room is the son of Mr. and | |tants were Mrs. Harold Par- Mrs. Robert Frood of Oshawa. | [rott, Miss Ann Parrott, Mrs.| Elder F. C. Fell officiated; [Walter Roe and Miss Marilyn Mrs. Ivan Perry played the Roe. wedding music and the soloist | was Mr. Harry Sackett. NEWS IN BRIEF The bride was given in mar- riage by her mother. Her gown, STILL PREVALENT of silk organza over taffeta, was| enhanced by appliques. around| MONTREAL (CP)--Readjust-/the neckline and on the skirt| ment is more difficult for aland featured a bustle bow.| woman with a prison record Long, pointed wristlets comple-| than for a man, says Stephen mented the short sleeves and a| | "Tenderly He Watches Over and fusses because his feet hurt, Cumas, executive director of the pearled tiara held her veil of| selection {quickly falls behind {John Howard Society here. The net. She carried a cascade of| woman ex prisoner faces|red roses and white chrysan- greater ostracism, he said, "be-|themums. cause of a still prevalent Vic- The matron of honor was Mrs. Harry Sackett and the brides-| maids were Miss Ina Manuel tered." and Miss Esther Skwarchuk. 4 They wore full-skirted dresses FISHING HUSBANDS of turquoise organza with scoop MONTREAL (CP)--There's a pecklines and short sleeves, and decided difference betwee: |way men and women buy e torian attitude which idealizes {woman, and punishes her more quip- veiling. Their flowers B ullins, {white chrysanthemums tinged fishing tackle with pink. |store. She said: "A woman will Mr. Clifford Bell acted as| [my husband," but the man will{best man and the ushers were ay 'an inexpensive rod will do; Ir. Donald Frood of Washing-| {it's for my wife." " ton, D.C., and Mr. Jack Fer- | Ea neynough. | HOUSEHOLD HINT A reception was held In the] To clean vinegar cruets use| college auditorium. To receive, | diluted ammonia to rinse pieces/the bride's mother wore a two-| before washing. piece beige ensemble with navy| JForbood ness Croak! E'S'COME-AND-GET-IT FLAVOUR IN CHARCOAL-BROILED "3B F-\, 3 | ww! ig -- AT THE (Mm r/ GENOSHA £5 F No] HOTEL hE : "T\DINING ROOM Pa | FILET MIGNON PORTERHOUSE T-BONE « SIRLC!N SEARED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL TASTE HOTEL orrodlo n the matching headdresses with net| entertaining, Wer€ican be used to prepare and|Master container. | pleated panel down the front all] blue accessories. The bride-| fringed with mauve lace. groom's mother was in a dark| mney wore petal flowered green dress with bolero and|y.ic with very short tiered black accessories. veils, white wrist length gloves The couple left for the State and carried nosegays of white of Washington where they will|chrysanthemums and pink and reside at College Place. For go- yellow carnations. ing away, the bride wore a wigs Mildred Hartwig, sister) of the bride, was maid o" honor, | the other attendants were Mrs. Raymond Gendron of Oshawa and Miss Susan Bird of Whitby. Mr. Raymond Gendron acted as best man. The ushers were accessories. For an energy snack, pit dates and prunes and then fill them with creamed honey. Seagram's Martini- Master Has Exclusive Features OSHAWA -- The unique con-|store a supply of your favorite tainer. in which Seagram's Gin| cocktails. They also add a dis-! is sold, the Martini-Master, is|tinctive new note to dining when| much more than just a bottle.|used to serve fruit juices iced Its exclusive features make it a tea and iced coffee. handsome and useful bar acces-| Seagram's Gin is extra smooth| sory. and extra dry because it's aged| The Martini - Master, made in special oak casks to the exact| from antique glass with a gold-| golden moment of perfection. plated cap and easily-removed!This ageing process imparts aj label, simplifies the technique of | delicious dryness that results in making perfect martinis. In ad-|the unsurpassable taste of Sea-| dition, it performs valiantly as|gram's Gin. a shaker for all cocktails. When| Next time, ask for Seagram's several shakersGin, in the exclusive Martini-| white accessories, and a cor-(body. | Job 4 of others Your Biggest is not to get a but to surpass yourself ! PLAN YOUR CAREER CAREFULLY. A wonderful future lies before you if you prepare yourself to meet it: SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAINING is the way to surpass yourself. There is a constant demand for people with Specialized Skills and Knowledge. Gshawa Business College would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Business in this Space Age. New Fall Term -- Tuesday, September 5, 1961 EIGHT CAREER DAY COURSES, INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTIONS MODERN EQUIPMENT, INTERESTED FRIENDLY INSTRUCTORS PLACEMENT SERVICE FOR GRADUATED STUDENTS 16 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA DIAL 725-3375 Without obligation please forward full par- | ticulars regarding your courses: | tress sssnsnses st AGERE | PHONE AGE ...... le ce c-- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- NAME reser rsssasananning sein rai A] ADDRESS ...... I Fr eel: ONLY To Prospective Purchaser Beautiful Each of the 8 glass set is decorated in durable blue 18 ct. gold with the well-known blue flame symbol FOR A LIMITED Of Natural Gas Appliances WE OFFER YOU A SET OF "BLUE FLAME" GLASSES !n Exchange For 15 Minutes Of Your Time Scoop neckline or flip-up col- lar -- pick your favorite for this| swirl-skirted style. Wonderfully| simple to sew, simply wonderful | to wear! Fall cottons are in town| -- choose one now! f Printed Pattern 4733: Misses' | Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20: 40. Size| 16 takes 4% yards 35-inch fabric Send FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in| coins (stamps cannot be accept-| ed) for this pattern. Please print | plainly SIZE, NAME AD- DRESS. | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | ¢/o The Oshawa Times Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Fall's 100 Best Fashions separates, dresses, suits, en- sembles, all sizes, all in our new Pattern Catalog in color. Sew for yourself, family. 35c. | Kan Drug £ RA 3-4621 28 King St Oshawa Fry, brother-in-law of the bride- London, after which the couple or wl ZB |groom. {left on a honeymoon trip to New guts FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 723.4641 Following the ceremony, a re-| York State and points east, . | For teenage and problem skin... | i DuBARRY 3-WAY New hypo-allergenic treatment to help clear blemishes, blackheads. Medicated Face Wash, scientific formula for corrective cleansing. . $1.50 Cleansing Grains for blackheads, blemishes...................... $1.50 All Clear Medicated Lotion, the creamy liquid that conceals blemishes and speeds up healing....viaseisireiseseresssneennnnss $1.50 § i & 28 KING ST. E. Dial . . . 723-4621 * OPEN EVENINGS mmm bil' HEATING SEND THIS See these bea 48 SIMCOE SOUTH living. Limit one set per household. All You have to do is fill in the coupon below requesting information on the appliance in which you are interested . . . and mail or deliver to Consumers' Gas, 48 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. NOW IS THE TIME TO with (Canadian. Natural Gas THE CLEAN, DEPENDABLE AND ECONOMICAL FUEL ALL APPLIANCES can be purchased with MINIMUM or NO DOWN PAYMENTS and small monthly payments on your gas For Information On: eo BETTER AUTOMATIC o CAREFREE COOKING o REFRIGERATION COUPON NOW! utiful Hostess Glasses on display at your local gas company office. (Consumers' tas 723-3468 enamel and of modern & GO MODERN AIR CONDITIONING FASTER WATER HEATING LOW COST CLOTHES DRYING INCINERATION ' NAME ! ADDRESS 1 CITY . 1 Please check the following: 3! em a Gas user. Yes a i! would like information about: Gas Ranges [0 Gas Clothes Dryers [] Gas Central Heating [] Gas Water Heating [] ! Other Gas Appliances [7] ¥ Please have a salesman cal. § Morning [J] Afternoon [J Evening [J]