Eh En Be 4 CEO LT Ra THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, August 29, 1961 § DR. VIPOND WITH ROTARY Foreign Aid Boost Vital To Stop Russia--Vipond An increase in foreign aid is necessary for humanitarian purposes and to combat Rus-| sian attempts to dominate the| world, Dr. Claude Vipond told| Rotary Club members Monday. | Dr. Vipond of Oshawa is a member of a Canadian team of doctors who are going to Ma- laya for two years under the Colombo Plan. Their aim is to| improve medical standards and care in that country and train medical personnel from the na- tive population. Canada is spending less than one percent of the national bud- get on foreign aid this present fiscal year, or about one fourth as much per capita as the United States. Thirty times this amount is spent on defence, he said. Money spent on defense President Malcolm Smith, of the 16,000-member Local 222 United Automobile Workers, CLC, and members of the General Motors shop commit: tee of the local are in Windsor attending a meeting of the Na- tional General Motors Copora- tion Council, of the Canadian UAW to finalize submissions for a new master agreement be- tween the union and company. It is expected the union's submissions will be in hands of GM shortly after year contract between union and company expires in Octo- ber. committee now with Mr. Smith include Wil- liam Harding, chairman of the GM unit of Local 222, Cliff Pil- key, Doug Sutton, Dennis Tyce, bert Taylor, man and Nels Wilson. OBITUARIES MRS. SARAH E. ACKER Mrs. Sarah E. Acker, RR 5, Trenton died in Trenton Memor- ial Hospital Aug. 23 in her 96th year. Although the West excels in|they can't get it from us, they'll other fields, such as material | take it from the Commun- wealth and civil liberties, there Thirdly, many' Asiai : coun: are two and a half billion Deh tries are now getting their in- ple not greatly impraseed wil dependence, he said. All to- the Western way of life, hej gather they control most of the maintained. {land area and natural resources lin the world, and are bound to RAPS US. |influence world history. The . Acker lived in Sydney Township all her life, where she was a member of White's United Church, and active in church organizations and ac- | tivities. Surviving relatives are: four daughters, Mrs. C.: W. Scott (Nellie), Frankford; Mrs. L. A. Redick (Clara), Kemptville; Mrs. W. B. Parcels (Addie), Norwood; Mrs. Arthur Wiley Such incidents as occurred at| oct needs the trade, and there-| (Florence), Oshawa. Little Rock and the backing of | ore the friendship, of these the Cuban invasion have creat-| .o,ptries for economic survival. ed a great deal of bad publicity) "1, giving aid, the West must for the U.S. Referring So the| stress it is trying to help Asians U.S. scheme to exchange trac-|gayejon their own countries, he tors for prisoners with Cuban iq The West must go to these premier Fidel Castro, Dr. Vi-|; ions and in "an honest, forth- pond said: "Better they should right way", say: "We are will- have sent the tractors before ing to share with you our sur- the soldiers, pluses, our techniques and we Dr. Vipond stated three rea- are interested enough to come sons these countries should belts your countries to work with is ul-/ given more aid. Quoting from| yo, and to help you with your Four sons, Clifford and| George, at home, Harry, of Trenton and Percy, of Oshawa; | 13 grandchildren, 20 great grandchildren; one brother, W. J. Pearson, Alberta. She was| predeceased by two sisters and one brother. | Funeral services will be held | Saturday, Aug. 26 at 2 p.m. at {Weaver's Funeral Home in Trenton, with burial in ihe Rev. wm] i Labor Day. The present three- : Members of the GM shop|i in Windsor 4 the| © skilled trades representative, Al-| : Rowland Hager- |} INSTRUCTOR'S CERTIFICATE IS PRESENTED Civil Defence co-ordinator for Ontario County, Col. F. S. Wotton, centre, shows an in- structor's certificate to Wil- liam Edwards, left, a past president of the Oshawa Jay- cees, and Fred Upshaw, the current president. Sixteen cer- tificates of this type have been awarded to rescue instructors in the Emergency Measures Organization. The regular meeting of the Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce was held at the Emergency Meas- } Fisherman Dies" In Fall To Rocks - PETERBOROUGH (CP) = Charles William Ireland, 66, lor, died Monday in hospital here, shortly after he was found lying on rocks below a fails at Bet sad thoy homered MT. 0) sa . Ireland, who had selection in Oshawa Discounts up to 50% NU-WAY RUG CO. 174 Mo ures Training and Operations Centre, Oshawa airport. The Jaycees were given a tour of the building and a demonstra- tion of emergency rescue work was given. --Oshawa Times Photo CITY AND DISTRICT IN HOSPITAL Grant Anderson, 13, Ritson road north, was treated at Osh- timately wasted, but | ) and economic aid will pay divi-|trayed the extreme economic dends in making friends and in| and social poverty of most Asia- creating a better world, he said.| tics, stressing their hunger and Dr. Vipond expressed con-|lack of medical care. This is cern over the military and psy-|the humanitarian side. : chological implications of re-| Secondly, our aid is essential) cent Russian achievements in|to allow these people to live, science. Russian space flights/under a democratic system. | have shown they are leading in|Quoting a Toronto doctor re-| this field, and there is no doubt|cently returned from one of Dr.| they have the weapons to ob-|Tom Dooley's hospitals in Laos,|its own development plans and| "These people don't negotiates with other countries| They sim-|for assistance on an individual| gy. "" 3 Mom" Whyte literate every major centre on he said: se the North American contin- understand politics. ent, he said. Iply want a better deal . . . If| social| James A. Mitchener, he DOT: roblems." The Colombo Plan was form- ed at a meeting in Colombo in Ceylon in 1950, he explained. Its purpose is to assist coun- tries in need in carrying out their own development pro- grams. There is no general fund for aid, but each country draws up basis, he said. FORT ERIE ENTRIES Wednesday, August 30, 1961 FIRST RACE {THIRD RACE | Maidens, claiming all $7,500, Sislming all 33 500 purse $1,000, | purse $1,900, Canadian foaled, |3-year-olds, b furlongs 2-year-olds, 6 furlongs ]- Chopjta, Comes, 110 | 1. Deacon D.. Dittfach, 118 . Big Native, McComb, 117 , Land of Maple, NB, 118 . Full Front, NB, 105 | . Eager Pete, Potts, 118 Willies Warrior, Robinson, . Mr. Yo Te, Borgemenke, 118 117 - Rocky River, Coy, 115 . Ruby Gar, Annesley, 117 | . Padre's Scamp, Hale, 118 . Kayroman, NB, 108 | - Royal Topaz, Parnell, X110 | g Ferncliff, Dittfach, 108 . Giant O'North, NB, 118 . European Flight, Gomez, 118/ FOURTH RACE . Costafortune, Behrens, 115 'POLISH AMERICAN CLUBS",| . Roman Prince, Smith- 118 | claiming all $4,500- purse $2,100, . Bitters, NB, 115 4-year-olds and up, one mile and | Also eligible: Sauvagette, NB,|% 115; Fight a Lot, Adams, 118;| 1. Whip Out, Parnell, X109 New Flight, NB, 115; Tweed| 2. Compactor, Fitzsimmons, Cap, NB, 118; Mill Race, Enten- 122 man, 118; Tweed Cap, NB, 118;| 3. Formal Trust, Borgemenke, 1. Vase, Gomez 113 2. Puss 'n Boots, Behrens 116 3. Dashi Bob, Borg ! 116 4. Hammer 'n Tongs, Gordon (A) 109 5. Labelled, NB 113 6. Princess Davelle, NB 115 7. Gentle Queen, Potts 113 8. Cartersville, NB 116 9. Pari Passu, McComb (A) 109 10. For a Time, NB 116 (10) (A) Bo-Teek Farms entry SEVENTH RACE "VANDAL STAKES" Purse $7500 added. Two-year-olds, About 7 Furlongs, Turf Course. Second Division 1. Beatnik Betty, NB 106 2. Regent Street, NB 113 . Quality Maid, Smith 106 . Royal Spirit, Coy 123 . Admiral Gano, Fitzsimmons 116 . Peter's Chop, McComb 109 Frankford Cemetery. 'lawa General Hospital Monday F. Townsend will officiate. | Pallbearers will be: Robert] | Acker, Raymond Scott, Earl | Reddick, Gordon Wiley, Aian| {bearers will be: Harold Reddick, | Parcels, Ralph Parcels. Flower Ronald Code, Bruce and Arthur Parcels. | | | Three to Join Mrs. Bertha (Mom) Whyte, who formerly operated her| Whytehaven Mission, three miles east of Bowmanville and who is now establishing a mis- sion in Nigeria, will be joined by her youngest daughter, Jane, 12 and an adopted daughter, Ruth, 5 and former Whyte- haven Mission school teacher, Ingrid Carlson, later this week. Her husband, Bert, now em- morning for scratches on his right leg following the bicycle rider's collision with a car driv- en by Sydney Sheridan, Bever- ly street. The accident occurred on Bond street east, just west of Mary street. HIT ROCKS A 30-foot, steel-hulled power- boat hit rocks off Corbett's Point, four miles east of Osh- awa, Monday night just after 5 p.m. The boat didn't sink but its propellor and steering ap- paratus were damaged. It was towed to Oshawa Harbor for re- pairs. On board were owner W. H. Rowdy and J. C. Birch, both of Port Credit Yacht Club. IS REMANDED After pleading guilty to a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor Aug. 12, Robert Richard Glide, 51, of 114 Grenfell street, Oshawa, was ployed on a farm near Bow- manville, said he has sold his| station wagon to pay for pas-| sage for the three. They will| leave Toronto International Air- port Wednesday. | Mr. Whyte said "Mom" has been given a large house rent free for two years and a piece of land near Lagos. Mrs. Whyte has been in Nigeria es- tablishing her new Whytehaven Mission since June. Mr. Whyte, his son Ronald, | Ronald's wife, Beatrice and] their children, Kathleen, 4, Znd| Kerry, 1; Mr. and Mrs. Grant| remanded until Sept. 1 for sen- tence by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs Monday. GETS ADJOURNMENT Counsel Terence Kelly retain- ed by Timothy John McLaughlin of 489 Emerald avenue, Osh- awa, facing an attempted car- nal knowledge charge, was granted an adjournment until Sept. 1 in Magistrate's Court Monday. FOUR REMANDED Four men charged with the theft of a cast iron steam boiler In a departure from the nor- mal, members of the Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce held a dinner meeting at Emer- gency Measures Organization headquarters (Oshawa and On- tario County) at Oshawa Muni- cipal Airport Monday night. Col. F. S. Wotton, civil de- fence co-ordinator for the area, and head of EMO, told the group in an after-dinner ad- dress that civil defence needs more young men to train in all the many facets of public sur- vival "in these chaotic times." Col. Wotton told of the early beginnings of EMO. How the negative - sounding term "civil defence" was changed to its present form; the setting-up of Regional EMO headquarters so that in the event of the oblitera- tion of the government, the chain of command would pass down into EMO hads, which in effect functions as an emer- gency government. The public survival co-ordina- tor said that the biggest prob- lem right now is to get across BIGGEST YEAR IN ADVERTISING In 1960, biggest year in advertising history, advertis- ers invested $525 million in weekly magazines -- but the Investment in Classified ads was much greater, top- ping $803 million. When you lose a purse, package, pup or anything Would Stress Threat Danger to the public that there is a threat. "Remember the panic two weeks ago, when the warship was firing in the harbor? Peo- ple jammed switchboards with calls. A very simple little book- let, "11 Steps to Survival", would have provided these citi- zens with some insight. But I am getting an increasing num- ber of requests for civil defence literature," Col. Wotton said. EMO volunteer workers took Jaycees on a tour of the train- ing headquarters in which many aspects of civil defence were demonstrated. Both outside and during brief classroom demonstrations Jay- cees learned something about: the effects of nuclear weapons; the facts about fallout; the warn- ing signals; how to prevent and fight fires; first aid and home nursing; how to get rid of radio- active dust; and the Oshawa area's emergency plan. "KIDNAP, +s The Untold Story Of The Lindbergh Case On the windy night of March 1, 1932, Colonel Lindbergh faced his wife and said: "Anne, they have stolen our baby!" Thus begins the story of a shock- ing crime which so fascinated George Waller that he spent 25 years researching every detail. A new $6.95 best-selling book is the result. In September Reader's Digest is the first of two install " ara this book about one of the Doctors' - - Specialists' Surgeons' - Osteopaths' Anaesthetists' Fees Paid "The Ontario Hospital Insurance plan offers pro- tection against the cost of essential HOSPITAL care. IT DOES NOT cover medical or surgical fees." The Transportation Insurance Company now offers to the residents of Ontario a Physician and Surgeon coverage that pays doctors bills; AT HOME - IN HOSPITAL - IN DOCTOR'S OFFICE HIGHLIGHTS 1--Individual coverage. 2--Family coverage. 3--One Adult family coverage. 4--No Medical examinations required. 5--Coverage extends coast-to-coast including United States. Also - New Lost Wages Plan Up to $300. a month, even for life, if you are unable to work due to an accident or illness. For further information, please fill out coupon and mail fo your area representative MR. T. McBRIDE ¢/o BOX 232, THE OSHAWA TIMES Nome EEE RT TT RTT Address. TOWN, scanisre sseessesesssssstscacssnsens OULUPOHION. «sone sannsstssanussns sans nn Age..coss ¢ Phone ....cco00eeemeee.s [MARRIED ..0vivneners.O Doctors Plan ....eeeees.[] SINGLE . sesssssscenes.] Lost Woges Plon ..ccce..[1 WIDOWED ....cveeee. Mr. McBride will acecpt enrolment In Mill Race, Entenman, 118; Sat- 114 | urday Jones, Brown, 115 4. Proud Stepper, Adams, 114 ha Bon ed 118 5. Knuckle Duster, Dittfach, - Seatonian, Kemiliar SECOND RAC E 107 {10..Sly Invader, NB 109 Claiming all $2,500 purse $1,800,| 6. Rio Branca, Gomez, 119 |(10) 3-year-olds, 6% furlongs FIFTH RACE |EIGHTH RACE 1. Royal Persian, Parnell, X108 . : Soni 2. Three Wars, Gonzales, X115 "FELLOWSHIP CLUB" claim- Claiming all $3500. Purse $2000. ,'3. Airborne Charm, Borge. ing all $4500, purse $2,000, 4- Four-year-olds and up, One menke, 113 |vear-olds and up, 6% furlongs Mile and one 16th | 4. Saucy Saddy, NB, 115 1. Fair Juror, NB. 117 1. Al Abrigo, Dittfach 117 Choppy Waves, Dittfach, 109) 2. Quick Prince, Bircham, their son, Richard, 2. Were remanded until Sept. 11 by along with Donald Voorhees and Magistrate F. S. Ebbs Monday. Valita Swan, a second school|Charged were: Harold Edward teacher, will make the trip as/Bryant, 32, of 424 Bloor street [soon as the Whyte's 50-acre east, Oshawa; Peter John farm, formerly Whytehaven|Rubyk, 29, of 612 Somerville Mission, is sold. avenue, Oshawa; Clarence Wil- liam Smith, 30, of 3 Tay street, Cobourg; and David James Don- ald, 26, also of 612 Somerville| avenue, Oshawa. you want to get back, dial 723-3492 to place a result getting Oshawa Times "Lost" Classified ad. It's easy and inexpensive, and the surest way to recover lost things. . Wilcock, Dalton 118 greatest jobs of real-life crime detection of all time. Get your Reader's Digest today -- 34 articles of lasting interest. 6 7. Acouchi, Adams 116 8 9 this area until Sept. 10th CARRIES A-MISSILES | | CHARLESTON, S.C. (CP)-- The nuclear submarine Abra- Fitzsimmons ham Lincoln slid down the Cooper River and out to sea GARLAND RETURNS Monday to join her four sisters|,, Frank Sinatra a Dean Map on global patrol duty. land on her first television spe- cial in six years, on CBS next March 11. Beat The Tax and get Extra Savings DOUBLE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE On A New Electrohome Color TV Did You Know . .. In the main Dining Room of | the GENOSHA HOTEL you can || have a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95e¢. . Gai Linda, Morreale, 108 Mengold, Behrens, 109 114 . Chopoakee, Hale, 113 . The Liffey, NB, 120 - Happy Harry, Gomez 112 . Neat Chance, Gomez, 113 Jet Speed, Rogers 114 . Biscayen, NB 114 4 . Brian's Boy, Adams 113 | 5 . Edgor's Sister, Parnell, X103 5: | 6. Cambalache, Gomez (A) 117 7. Prince Robert, Despirito X 114 . Happy Divorce, Robinson, |QUINELLA 106 12. Gallibox, NB, 111 SIXTH RACE . | 8. Bold Brigand, Fitzsimmons Also eligible: Diameter, NB,| VANDAL STAKES" Purse| 114 113; Turf Clipper, Dittfach, 113; about 7 Furlongs, turf course. 9.Aman O'Valor, NB 114 Mary's Reward, Fitzsimmons, First Division '10.Nance's Rule, NB (A) 117 12. Deckle Edge, NB 112 (12) | (A) S. Rotenberg and R. Gian| SHOP & SAVE AT 104; Hi Grady, Remillard, 116; Bracewell, NB, 111; I menke, 109 Stand Firm, NB, 114 Kennecott, Gordon. 109 2 3. 4. Windsor Forest, Borge-| 3 5. BETTING 11. Prince Porter, Borgemenke 109 Missy, Dittfach, 104. | B U E H L E R . & COMING EVENTS | HOME APPLIANCES | Meat specials! Wed. Only! | (OSHAWA) LTD. 2 = 85° Last 2 Days Of Our i» 9° Clearance Sale = 09° CLUB STEAKS Lower Than Discount House Prices = 59° MEATY | BUYNOWE convo new PORKHOCKS 5 --1.00 | Beginningl] FRIGIDAIRE Large BUEHLERS oRANGES eo WASHERS Selection DRYERS o FREEZERS Jf Of Used oREFRIGERATORS [Appliances Tender EAT'N "BK TRUE-TRIM BEEF ( 723.3633 FERNHILL Bingo to-night at the Ava. lon, at 7.30 p.m. 20 games $6 and $10, seven $40 Jackpots. Door prizes. KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, AUG. 29th FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 52 and 50 TEAM 3 JUBILEE PAVILION One Evening Performance | of the famous SHOULDER PORK | CHOPS SLICED PORK LIVER | RIB STEAKS THE DEXBURY 21" picture tube with transformer powered chassis. Illuminated Channel Indicator can be seen across the room. Automatic fine tuning lets you tune the set when new and get clear pictures without retuning. 2 control tuning allows you to tune this color set as easily as a black and white set. Cabinet by Deilcraft in Walnut, Swedish Walnut and Mahogany. ULSTER GIRLS CHOIR AT THE OSHAWA CENTRAL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AUDITORIUM WED., SEPT. 6 AT 8 PM. Sponsored by the St. George's Anglican Church Men's Club. Advance sale tickets at $1.00 per person may be obtained from: Downtown Oshawo-- Kresge's and Mitchell's Drugs; Oshawa Shopping Cen tre--Kresge's ond D. W. Wil- son Ltd. Real Estate office. Friday You Will Pay An Extra 3% Store will be closed from 6 p.m. Thurs. Aug 31 to Sept. 5 90 SIMCOE ST. S. 125-5332 One Year Warranty Including One Year FREE SERVICE at PARKWAY TELEVISION (Your Color TV Store) 918 SIMCOE STREET NORTH FACTORY CRATED 12 King E. 723-3043