10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 29, 1961 GAMES THAT TEACH are increasing in popularity. Many are fun for the entire fam- ily, and all make learning easier. Fun with phonetics is the theme of the game this family is enjoying. Spelling skills are improved through games using these phonetic drill cards. Musical Children Tops In Classes Children who make the most of their musical experiences usually make the most of them- selves. Not only do they excel in cultural and personality growth, but musical youngsters generally top non - musical youngsters in academic achieve- ment, class offices held and in individual sports, according to the American Music Conference. More than 9.5 million young- sters will be involved in musi- cal adventures this fall. To in- crease these children's chances of continuing their valuable mu- sical experiences, parents can make these major contribu- tions: Guide the child's selection of an instrument. Let the child's interest be the key to instru- ment selection. A child who en- joys being the life of the party may find the so-called solo instruments -- accordion, gui- tar, ukelele or piano -- more suited to his personality; others may want to play any one of a number of symphony instru- ments. For professional assist- ance, consult a local music dealer, music teacher or school band director. Select the proper teacher. A teacher who can instill a love of music and who has the ability to make music-learning fun will increase the students' musical chances for success. Give your child encourage- ment. One well-placed compli- ment can do more good than a dozen scoldings. Show and TIGER! That's the new 'mame for an orange that's appearing in sportswear. Here it combines with gold and charcoal grey in a smart sport coat of an "Orlon" acrylic fiber and wool blend. i Aw Se Le ng active interest in your child's progress. Take time to listen to practice sessions and show him Car Care Is Essential Bad brakes, worn tires and faulty steering mechanism fre- quently can be the causes of ma- jor accidents, especially in the older-vintage cars that are so popular with campus-bound stu- dents. Busy with last-minute prepar- ations for their back-to-school trips, students all too often ne- glect the check-ups of their cars. that may mean the difference between a safe road trip and an accident. Take your car to a reliable garage for a pre-school check up, an. executive of Service Leasing advises, on these im- portant points: ; Brakes and steering mechan- ism. Exhaust system for loose con- nections and eroded or leaky parts. Remember you can't you love music, too. (Special tip: schedule practices early in the morning, when there are no conflicts with other activi- ties. Your child will consider his musi¢ a "plus", not an ac- tivity that replaces another fa- vorite pastime). The best way parents can help youngsters appreciate and love their own music is by set- ting good examples. If music is a part of family life, the young virtuoso will want to contribute his share. smell the deadly fumes of car- bon monoxide. Be sure tires are in good con- dition with no thin spots, and that the front wheels are in perfect alignment. Check windshield wipers for perfect performance. If you have a windshield washer, put | special anti-freeze in it for freez- ing weather, : Clean and flush radiator -if you have'a water-cooled sys- tem. Tighten all connections. with rust inhibitor. Make sure headlights are properly adjusted so that they don't blind an oncoming driver. There's extra duty in co-ordin- ate vests, shirts, sweaters a little jackets that help make a good suit "work many ways. 91 CENTRE ST., SCHOOL OF DANCING Ballet, Top, Toe, Baton Pre-School, Character, Acrobatic "REGISTRATION: SATURDAY, SEPT. 9th 10am. to 1 p.m. AT THE MASONIC TEMPLE Information: 723-7253 D.E.A. OSHAWA From S DELIVERED resh DAILY vu B82 ie 08 By TF SE WE chool !! MOTHERS Alert, Well-Fed Children Got The Most os you can help your children greatly by making sure their diet is adequate. NUTRITIONISTS : child should have aot least 3 GLASSES OF MILK EVERY DAY. ois say that your OSHAWA DAIRY LTD. | "The Dairy that Satisfies" 431 SIMCOE SOUTH DIAL 725-4719