| : Habits Are Necessary During the warm days 'of early Autumn and mild evenings drawing them outdoors, childres often find concentration of school work difficult, and somes times nigh impossible. The @i citement of football games and the World Series, the attractiogi of new television shows and enjoyment of new friends . help create a problem for pas ents -- getting their youngsters back in the studying habit. One way fo help youngsters concentrate more on ; studies is to set aside a room of a section of a room as a special study and homework area. ! According to J. D. Wilkin, manager of technical services for The Celotex Corporati tests of groups of high sch students have shown that a good study environment in the home results in better work at schools Wilkin suggests that the stags dent have one definite place fog study and homework. It's ime portant, too, that this study area be available for the student's Logs ERE on ees shen he needs it. This cas REPLACE OLD be in a bedroom, den, or GheF Two of the three tanks be- just about been completed and and needcd much repair work, economica!, he said. The new [room which is reasonably quiet, | | ! : ng installed in O'Neill Col- | the plant will be in operation | and the oil will be more effi- | plant costs $77,000. free from such distractions as Jegiate and Vocational Insti- | by school opening, stated J. R. | cient and slightly more { --Oshawa Times Photo |felevision and radio. tute to replace the old coal- Backus, business administra- heating system are shown | tor of the board of education. bere. Work on the system has ' The old plant was worn out . ~!expectations come true, here's a A £5 1 helpful beauty-aid check - list from Pond's: &y e900 For hair -- A good, natural Differe bristle hair brush is essential to nce (a shining coiffure. She should heck to make sure hers is in When a school-girl's fancy | © Le ; turns te th good condition and to use it at oughts of school, she | Jeast five minutes each day. = imagines herself as the hit of . po ..._ | Shower cap, a h the season in every possible | 15 and apne Detmanent siluation -- and rightly so. if! ! i ANDLE she pays close attention to good jie0t Special hairdos = shouig ADDLE grooming from the start. e handy. MATHS iso Saws : Fer face -- Cleansing, mois- TOOL BAG TYPE SEAT asic steps to a glowing com- Win 4 GLE " hy great ! plexion. A\ AEAMING Jaan : > BRILLIANT SAFETY REFLECTOR School Starfs Here TUES. SEPT. 5th SAFETY BUILT ON wo CHAIN GUARD KICK STAND CHROME RIMS RACING TYPE TIRES COASTER BRAKES TANDEM $POKES School zones coll for speciol coution A AA AALCEER ROA ¢ : A ; AVY $5 % by drivers os the new term begi : 3 . : , Regular $46.77 volve Sa COUPON NOW, with thi ONLY However, children ore opt 0 run ' Ww 1} covpon, acres, the tweet vy. Fri ne lace 7 WORTH 13.82 So keep on the olert for them every- on Cas. pace UL where . . | your eyes on the rood . . . ; : ; 1 tf . your mind on driving ! Fai : Fi res one 3 Weil | BIKE SPECIAL - Regular $46.77 valve PAY ONLY $4.75 DOWN -- $1 WEEKLY Oshawa and District Labor Council CLC