Room Plan Good Idea Whether it's away to college or Uay-hopping from home to school, a bedroom is usually an all purpose room for a girl -- a place to sleep; entertain; and study. If she's the tailored type, a girl will undoubtedly like her bedspread crisp and textured and a window treatment with a casual look. If she's the femin- ine type, she'll veer towards a gay floral or a light, airy win- dow treatment and a bedspread design of a more romantic nature. No longer is it a question of beauty versus practicality. To- day's fabrics take work, worry and wear out of housekeeping-- are easy to live with. Diversi- fied in color, mood and design, the collection contains a bed covering to fit every need. The young person who is dec- orating her room should remem- ber that the basic color she se- lects will influence her mood and efficiency, say experts at Morgan-Jones, makers of qual- ity bedspreads. Too bold colors in a small room will make her feel hemmed in. Too much pat- tern will be distracting. A good room plan should also include desk or table with a good light, where homework can THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, August 29, 1961 3 be done, and chatty. letters can be wfitten to friends. Invita- tions, theatre programs, pin-up pictures, etc., can become a focal point of interest, instead of creating a cluttered effect, if they are pinned to pegboard or a bulletin board. Hobby collections of stuffed]. animals; pottery; or whatever, look much more effective group- ed together on a special display shelf rather than scattered om various furniture tops in the room. Hardy ivy or phil odendrum, which can be bought at the dime store, gives a softs ening touch to table and book- shelves -- and these plants re- quire but a minimum of care. Of course, a full-length mir ror, either on the wall or inside the closet door is a "must" te check pre-date appearances. IDEAL DAIRY LIMITED . . . Offers These WORDS of ADVICE! (1) Your Growing Child Needs: Pe A rl DO 0 et og, ty Ba ons a Fe, Fotis Sm Sp, Mp evn ... at LEAST 4 large glasses of FRESH MILK DAILY. It will provide the energy they need as well as build strong bones and sound teeth. MILK is a powerhouse of Vita- mins, Minerals, Proteins. Give your children FRESH MILK DAILY ! (2) Your Growing Child Needs: Plenty of Fresh Dairy Products as well. Remember you never outgrow your need for foods made from milk! So for a happy, healthy family, be sure their diet includes plenty of Milk, Butter and Cheese -- and to make sure theyre FRESH order from . IDEAL DAIRY DISTRIBUTOR SALESMAN Daily ! (3) Your Growing Child Needs: . « « Your Loving Care and wise selection of Fresh Foods daily, to help 3 Tu, them grow into strong, healthy Men and Women. \ Gall ah} Dada Whatever Your Choice in Milk IDEAL DAIRY can Supply It ! ® LACTIC MILK! ® SKIM MILK ® HOMOGENIZED MILK! ® GUERNSEY GOLD MILK ¥ / # » ? ERE rn ep Pa oti Fray Hour hss Pron by. NN ~ 2 il 17 wt nan" i ad w wry Hae So % wht IDEAL BRINGS YOU THE FAMOUS "PURE-PAK" Throw-Away ro iors re was COMPLETE LINE OF DAIRY PRODUCTS NO BREAKAGE ! «es » At Your Store or at Your Door Our Fleet of REFRIGERATED TRUCKS Will Deliver to You Daily For the BEST in MILK and DAIRY PRODUCTS try . .. IDEAL DAIRY LTD. tx www w OT (Contact our Distributor Salesmen) or PHONE 728-6241 FTE EE PE EY ee