25 Apts. & Flats for Rent|27--Real Estate for Sale 27 --Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sele 27--Real Hstete For Sale [29--Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 29, 1961 13 TWO-BEDROO) ment Simeoe brick, two baths, dou- i elephone 125.6943, Io Jauce A barn, creek, or- Street North. Ti 9 a.m. |ble garage, medium . to § pm, _ |chard. ped on 50 Swe or fous Si RE LY clean three rome ( ie or no bot water. Apply 67 Second acres. or mar. , heat, venue for FURNISHED three . room apartment, a with MESHED bathroom, TV outlet, and or 723-71 laundry facilities. Suitable for couple. et Hon. of erty Yor aspeintment and getalls, I owarina. and Haliburton. Free Cate. In ow |log of listings, maps. Newell and Mc- FOVRROON apartment with private! [ne ney, Minden by South Geners otors NT NHA brick bungalow, a al Stosory aint to Berl asad duty Sumas and jand: bs BO Ideal No sehoo}|------ ves Janitor os. Immed.| If you hove $900, try an iate occupancy. 733-1213. offer on this immaculate WEAR bus stop, two nicely furnished | brick bungolow just off King St. East, newly decorated, , refrigerator, stove, sink, op Ly Elgin East, . only natural fireplace, garage and private drive. Asking $11, oz. 338 TWO fully 7 Talis Tarheel 905s 3 or r bachelor apart Road South. 8 500. Costs nothing to look. ards, reirigerator, | Call Howe & Peters, Realtors, 725-4701. ag "Supplied, parking. 108 Wa: liam Street West. SEEN ae { Ey a Tah] FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH apart Estate near transportation. Heavy duty wiring, TV outlet, ample cupboard space. 738 3985. FOUR Corners area. Available July 1, 1961, self-contained first floor suite, two rooms, bath, kitchenette, stove and re- , heat and Safer. Saitavie for Vickery Real 728-6228 | | 28-4879 Business Res. See Mr. Kozak at 'Johnston's, L} stmeos | North. $40 MONTHLY, two clean unfurnished | rooms with bath, including heat, light, water, use of washing machine. Tele- | phone. 242 Cadillac South after 5. | 26--Rooms for Rent FURNISHED bedroom, in private home quiet district, $7 weekly. 100 Buck- ingham Avenue. 728-2758 or 728-0101, BEDROOM, furnished or unfurnished, suit ladies or gentlemen. Close to South | General Motors. Apply 249 Malaga Road | TWO unfurnished rooms, middle-aged lady preferred. Bus stop at door. Tele- phone 723-2393 for further particulars. ONE furnished bedroom with kitchen, suitable for couple or two ladies. Cen. trally located. Telephone 728-0863 even- ings for further particulars CLEAN, furnished room with kitchen, continuous hot water, would be very suitable for gentleman, centrally locat- ed, Telephone 723-9225 for details ROOM with single bed, shared $6, ain gle 88 per week, private wash basin, spring filled mattresses, parking facili- fos. Centrally located. Apply 204 Drew JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD Realtor LTD. Insuronce 167 SIMCOE S. Office Hours 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, COLLEGE HILL 6 room brick bungalow with 4 room basement apartment Separate entrance, tile ond hardwood floors, modern kit- chen, Substantial down pay- ment required. For further particulars call Mr. Zurba, 725-6544, or 728-0569 SUMMER COTTAGE Close to Oshawa creek -- 4 rooms and sun porch, fully | furnished, even fridge ond | { stove. Asking $1,500 for | everything, will take low down payment, Call Mr. Ratcliffe, | 725-6544 BUILDING LOT East Oshawa, lot size 78' 210', asking only $500 dowr Call Mr. Siblock at 725- 6544 Members O. D. RE B Mortgages Arranged Bought and Sold LS SNELGROVE CO. LTD. Realtors 43 PARK RD. § 723-9810 725-8761 V.LAA. SPECIAL é-room bungalow, 3-piece bath, modern kitchen, full- size basement, furnace, 3- car garage, spacious, well. londscaped grounds, located in village, easy commuting distonce to Oshawa. $10,000 full asking price. $1,500 DOWN Balonce on one open mort- gage for this lovely 5-room brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, large modern kitchen, family- size living room, 4-piece tiled bath, full-size high basement with recreation room, oil fur- nace, private drive and large garage, located in East Whitby, close to Separate ond High Schools $1,200 DOWN Family or income home of 6 rooms on 2 floors, central location, modern kitchen on main floor, sink unit on sec- ond floor, garal ge. full month- ly payment $75.00 includes both principal and interest SERVICE STATION LOCATION Lot 230 ft. frontage ot 3- way intersection east of Osh- awa, open to an offer 135-ACRE FARM 100 acres good workable lend, balance in bush and posture, 7-room 2 - storey brick home, hct and cold water, forced air by oil heat- ing, large barn with hydro and water, implement shed and henhouse, asking $16, 800 with $6,000 down. rials LY furnished large room, , in pri. vate home, for gentleman, private bath room and entrance. Apply 444 Fern- hill Blvd. 723-7070. ONE single nicely furnished room, ab- | stainer preferred. Central location. Apply 45 Drew Street or telephone 728- 4598 for further details, EE | CENTRAL two, clean, separate housekeeping rooms, furnished, in home like atmosphere. Use of washing ma- chine. 119 Agnes Street, 725-3751. LARGE housekeeping room with pri-| vate entrance, for rent, on main floor. Telephone 728-5253 or apply 218 Celina Street. TWO-ROOM apartment, cupboards and| sink in the kitchen, separate entrance, ample parking facilities. Telephone 728- 1415 for further details. FURNISHED apartment with stove and | refrigerator, central. Also double room | with single beds and cooking privileges. rates. Telephone 728-8402, FURNISHED bed - sitting room with Dotplase and refrigerator, bus route. | orth Sim. coe St Cig aitable for single ol Ro iil i near bus and shopping, parking Tacit: | , girl's preferred, Arpiy 468 Albert Soreet" Telephone 7. TWO nice rooms and Pathrosm for light housekeeping, in a quiet widow's home. Close to Centre and 728-0682. 4 rr ent) ver lo ro 720-0472 any time person arking e 23-3519 for de-| INE furnished light housekeeping room with refrigerator, parking fac. lites, five minite walk from four corners. Al 1638 Simcoe Street South. SINGLE furnished room, also two Seated ome A, tS, Prk 5, use ne, Hon. Apply 180 Bruce Street for fur. ther particulars. LARGE furnished housekeeping room, clean, quiet, close to hospital, for rent, 738-5084 PARTLY FURNISHED two.room fiat, use of washi machine. Adults. Ape ply 48 Drew Sereet between 5 and 8 p.m. GROUND floor, two large rooms, sink, eu; , private entrance and bath, also three rooms on second floor. Parking space. Reasonable. Apply 97 Albert Street. FOR RENT -- Two rooms, private bathroom, centrally located. Availibie | immediately. Telephone MO 8-279. SEVEN - room brick 18; storey, $12,500 | with $1000 down. Mortgage to suit. | Sel] or trade for smal house. 145 | Adelaide East. pray ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Avcilable in private home. 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 and 7 p.m -8671 27--Real Estate for Sale To buy or sell and do it well LOT 85 x 200, %-mile north of Number 4 'e Road. NHA ed.| Coll L. S. Snelgrove Co, Ltd. ER al toproved.] 723.9810 or 725.8761 WHITBY CLASSIFIED SALESLADY required, must be exper. FURNISHED, three - room basement! ienced in selling ladies wear. Apply apartment for rent, newly decorated. Breslins' » 121 Brock Street 8., Whitby. Centra; location. All conveniences. | JUNIOR clerk required. Apply Toronto |FArking. Abstainers. Phone MO 8-242. { Dotinion Bank, Brock Street South, pom mrENT Three -room _ self-con. | hit! . |fained heated apartment, heavy wiring, | MODERN new triplex, with all con. Adults only, available September 26, | veniences, on paved road, bus at door, | 357 monthly. Telephone MO 83727. near public school and church. 12 pe: cent gross income on investment. 38000 WANTED to rent -- Single or double| down. Owner will take first mortgage. | |zarage. A jeinity Mary and Pine Streets, 725-3090. Sherwood 9-8541 Ottawa. Fhone MO 8.8482 $980 FULL price, three-bedroom bun. TOR RENT -- One large furnished | galow, garage, oll heating, sewers, close '&Dt housekeeping room on main floor, | to school. Immediate possession. Tele. Jultavle for lady, laundry privileges. | phone MO 8.5179. For more information. Telephone MO | Fwsroom unfurnished | RETTIG apartment, ground floor, close to shop- Fou room apartment for rent, with ping and bus, parking space, for fur. |Dath, light and heat supplied, close to ther information. Telephone MO 8.5188, 5 and shopping, in Whitby, Tele- FOR RENT -- F rh i {one Ts saa), ~ Four-room apartmen modern kitchen. and bathroom, heat, ATTRACTIVE one - bedroom "apart. | hydro supplied. Own garage, immed. Tent, modern building, $80 monthly, tate possession. $80 monthly. MO 8-407. all conveniences. en phane MO 84174 sits dette days; evenings Mi TWO bedroom apartment to let, with | 25 SER balcony; frig., stove and drapes, at $90 service VICES, a month. . Telephone MO 8.8332. monthly or as de GREY tunics, two, size 12, for sale, in| | pared, income tay excellent condition, Used only one term | $1,500 DOWN oF Telephone MO 8-2424 Whitby. price. Three yea WOMAN required to do housework one level bungalow, or two 35 days a week. Telephone MO screens, sodd, 8.2897, Whitby, bar. MO LOWER duplex for rent, five very large [FOR SALE: Late edd Crosley auto-| refrigerator, range, water matic defrosting refrigerator; four ele. | , $100 monthly. Possession Sep- ment, heavy duty Gurney stove. MO tember 1, 425 Dundas East. 8-8509. FOR RENT -- two-room unfurnished STUDENTS! apartment, second floor, private bath, one child welcome, $55 monthly includes | heat, hydro. Phone MO 38-5709. Pai bookkeeping businesses, st offer." $12,500 ui six-room brick, split | decorated, storms, | arabs, swing, dang. super value, approxi. | mately 630 AI of letter size typing Paper (news print) for only $1.00 Ap | Phone ply Oshawa Times Office Whithy SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary|lll! Dundas Street West. way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward | |DPRESSMAKING ~ Lady's and chil. 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8.2563. /dren's wear, suits, coats and altera. | 8-8666. ron RENT -- two-bedroom apartments, (tions. Mrs. M. Bradford. MO end $100, in modern building, FOR RENT bri refrigerators. MO 8-3391. Boots, motors, boat box and cabin trailers, shotguns, rifles, decoys, power tools, camping, garden and lawn equipment WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas Street East WHITBY -- MO 8.3226 | GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Grove! Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON | MO 8-2660 | way right down to the decorating, $12,400 six-room brick bungalow, Sats inum storms and screens, partially fin. recreation room, landsca aped, Will accept fate model cir EE oT the payment, 635-4969 |Tand, three miles east of Newcastle No {2 highway. Phone Newcastle 3561. FOR SALE 5-room brick bungalow with 3-room apartment up, both have 3-piece baths and kit- chens. Central location. Also front veranda, sunporch, double garage. Private sale. Full price $13,900, $2,900 down and only one mortgage. Will accept less for half cash. Telephone 728-1131 before __6 p.m., evenings 725-1423, HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 OPEN HOUSE | Toke time to drive to 852 and 858 Glenforest St. tonight to see these beautiful 5-room brick bungalows built by O'Malley Construction. Both homes nicely finished mahogany kitchen cupboards and mony extras. Priced at feature carports, { $15, 595.00 with low down payments. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS | YOUR OWN BUSINESS $2000 -- DOWN -- $2000 Or trade equity in house, lot or cottage for this well phi rs Bi in downtown Oshawa. Full price includes | all fixtures ot $8,900. No details will be given over the phone. | Please call for appointment, or drop in at the office if in- terested in some, : 725-6544 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTOR INSURANCE LTD 167 SIMCOE S. Exceptionally nice treed lot for sale on Cochrane Street -- B80' x 150' -- full price $4,000 Whitby business property on a lot 200° -- Building 50' x 75'-- 2 storey showroom, offices or stores with gas pumps -- call to inspect Henry Street 3 bedroom bungalow ---- L-shaped living and dining room -- bright kitchen with breakfast nook ---- finished room in basement extras. Full price $14,000-- $79.43 carries principal, interest and taxes. 3 bedroom brick bungalows as low as $600.00 down with one mortgage -- choice of plans OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 130 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Phone MO 8-5853 or evenings, MO 8-2167, MO 8-4088, Oshawa 725-1457 BE IN YOUR OWN HOME WHEN SCHOOL COMMENCES N.H.A. FULL DOW/N PAYMENT $395 No second mortgages, no loons, no extras, just one N.H.A. mortgage that carries for opproximately $73 monthly, Solid brick bungalows with three bedrooms, oil heat, right here in | the city with all conveniences. Only two left aot this price | 1725] 186 . T. LAMSON REAL & ESTATE LIMITED | HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE | 728-1679 | ARTHUR ST. 7-room 2V4-storey brick home, oil heating, garage. Ideal for large fomily or duplexing. Asking price $12,200 with $2,000 down. Call Charles Smith ot 728-8254 for an appointment tonight HIGHLAND AVE. $11,750 is the asking price for this neat two-bedroom - brick bungalow wtih living room 23 x 12, good kitchen with lots of cupboards, paved drive and lovely landscaped lot. Carries for $50.00 per month including taxes. Call Loreen Kellett at 723- 3770 for further particulars TRADE -- BARTER -- SWAP Cramped for space? Roaming around in @ house too large for you? Then let us show you how easy it is to trade your present home for one of our many fine new houses. Completed in every D. W. McQUAY, REALTOR WHITBY PLAZA -- 313 BROCK ST. SOUTH OPEN 9 AM. -- 9 PM. DAILY WHITBY MO 8-5868 -- TORONTO EM 3-9603 WHITBY Lovely ranch bungalow with carport and paved drive. Six weli- planned and nicely decorated rooms. Divided basement with recreation room facilities. Storms and screens. Water softener | ond T.V. antenna. Beautiful lawns with shrubs end flowers. | Exceptionally large lot. Asking only $14,900.00. To inspect | call Keith Lunney. | INDUSTRIAL SITE 11%2 acres of industrial ond in northern part of Whitby with approximately 800° railway frontage. Sewers, water and power ovoiloble. Asking $28,750.00 with terms Call Keith Lunney. WHITBY Seven-room brick bungalow with attached garage and paved driveway. Broadloom ond eluminum storms and screens, A wide lot, fully landscaped ond hedges. Close to high school. Asking $17,900.00 ond immediate possession. Call Keith Lun- ney RESIDENTIAL -- ACREAGES -- TROUT STREAMS -- FARMS == LOTS -- INDUSTRIAL == COMMERCIAL == BUSINESSES WILSON Realtor NORTH-WEST AREA -- close to schools and shopping centre, this rambling roncher features 3 large bedrooms, living ond family rooms, natural fireplace, kitchen, dining ond utility room, drive-in basement garoge ond plenty of extras. Large hedged and landscaped lot complete with picture Priced at only $16,900 with excellent terms. Please phone for your per- sonal showing. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE «- NEAR NEW GM. -- owner wants smaller home ond will consider exchange on this immac- ulate 3-bedroom home with completely finished recreation room. Asking $13,900. For full particulars call today. SECURITY & INDEPENDENCE -- an established business of your own. New variety store. Only $975 will handle. See this one today COTTAGES -- SEASON-END CLEARANCE -- Rice Lake, nearly | new, completely furnished. List price $6,500. Volentia -- completely furnished, modern cottage with boat- house. Priced to sell at only $6, 500. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 | After Hours Please Call: Dick Young 723-7183 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Ken Honn 723-7963 Charlie Rankine 728-3682 METCALF eal Estate Limited 40 KING ST. Diol 728-4678 SENECA STREET Immaculate 3-bedroom bun- nalow, country style setting, on a lorge lot, fully land- scaped, hedged and fenced. This is an cbove-avercge home with many extra fea- tures including fon and hood over stove, valance in living 200 ACRES of timber and wood furnished near Madoe, Osha wa Times mn JHEVROLET Lonvertible. | "Tele phone Brooklin, 653-3467 after § p.m. v7] AN Minx deluxe sedan in Al two "54 MONARCH good condition, {paint Sel} for $350. a ee at 534 Drew Street after 4.30. ANTIQUE '28 Chevrolet interior, good 1 [For more particulars dial |TUMBLER-FREE with $3 of h rll egy We a.m. until midnight. 33 BUICK, mect i Hi 3 A sedan, Po BL dng i i § £ : Hi 'mechanically _ excellent, radio, clean inside, V-8 8 dynaflow. APPLY Park Road South is th room, comice mlidg., 429 728-6038. bathroom walls, panoramic windows with storms and screens, Asking price $14,500 with cpproximately $2,500 down. SUNSET HEIGHTS 6-room split-level with at- tached garoge, beautiful stone fireplac:, dividing liv- Ing room and dining room, broadloom, large recreation room with natural fireplace. Two 4-piece bathrooms colored fixtures, vanity, double sinks. Hot water with oil heating, decorated flag- stone walk, A quality home ot only $22,900. Call this office for appcintment to inspect. AFTER 5:30 CALL Di~k Borrioge .. 725-6243 Marion Drew .. 725.7610 oe Mage 725-9191 = Firion .. 723 -92%0 _ John Kemp SCHOFIELD | fihsurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST, WEST 723-2265 A FINE HOME On Simcoe St. North, in a quiet, tree-shaded residential area. Close to both public and high schools. Just a short hop to downtown shopping. A 6-room, well-kept older home with wall - to - wall broadloom throughout. 3 bedrooms (master bedroom 12° x 22' with twin closets) . separate dining room -- good working kitchen . rodern bathroom with show- er, separate toilet in base- ment . living room 12' x 2' with natural fireplace a basement partitioned, has separate work room, cold storage room, laundry room, and ploy area with re- cessed lighting installed. And there's a paved drive to al- most new garage. Owner transferred. Aii this for an exceptionally good price, contact Bill Me- Feeters, evenings 725-1726. gk ed, white tires, like new. Can finance. 723-7970, 0,000 1355 CHEVROLET four-door acral and tu turquoise Bel Alr ®./sedan in perfect mechanical condition,| tudo, heater, rapa Te or OF dion, fers. Telephone 725-4840. 1950 MORRIS MINOR for sale. Saad | peer tires, fair selling for $100. Can be seen at 368 Grierson Street. 1056 BUICK ww super four-door hardto) Autoimatle, Fadie hy a over oped, up lights, T LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $95.00 A MONTH Yes, for $95.00 a month in- cluding foxes you can move right in to a six-room brick back! "89 BUICK, ae mileage, a tone blue and white, good condition, automatic, radio, whitewalls. 741 Beaupre Avenue, | 2 728-5004. 3 VOLKSWAGEN stationwayon, nine shanks ot 728 5123, D. W. McQUAY Realtor MA 3-3393 BOWMANVILLE 50 acres level land in town of Bowmanville on paved road with town water close to sewer. Asking $600 per acre, terms. 110 ocres wooded land on Ganaraska river near Ken- dal. $6,800 with $1,500 down 111.0cre farm buildings near good trout stream, excelent gravel deposit, rs force sale. Asking $25, 060 with excellent terms. with good Orono 300-0cre farm near Ponty- pool, buildings have running water. Price $15,000, terms. $1,500 down buys 4-bed- room bungalow with fire place, double garage, lake front lot at Bowmanville. Full price $13,000. Frederick Street, Bowmanville, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, attached garage, large lot, this is one of Bowmanville's finest homes. Priced for quick sale 10-0cre building lots near Qourtics, $5,000 with $1,500 CALL WALTER FRANK MA 3.3393 177 Church. Street Bowmanville LUCAS PEACOCK 2 REALTOR 725-4330--728-5109 DIVISION ST, INCOME PROPERTY This two and a half storey seven-room brick Is in ex- cellent condition, oll heating, storms, screens, new roof, taxes $190 ond heots for $125. Priced ot $10,500. Convenient financing. PRICE REDUCED TO SETTLE ESTATE Quier suburban retrdgt, with little traffic, and eity con- veniences. Six-year-old 1a. storey, with double gerage, on a lot 75 x 200, just off Hwy. 401 east. Four rooms and bathroom on first floor, two large bedrooms on oe and oll heatin, to school, Taxes $190, Some terms available SIMCOE & McLAUGHLIN Priced at only $9,900 and it can't be beat for value. The sombinetior living room and room is 35 fr long tasiefully decorated. yi kitchen, three bedrooms, oil heating, garage, and a nicely treed yard. arly possession, end easy financing. Call anytime to inspect. BUNGALOW -- 2 ACRES V.LLA. APPROVED Priced at $10,600, just out- side city, and convenient to school, five-room stope and frame, with garage. Large kitchen, 4-pc. tiled bathroom. immediate possession. Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Phyllis Jubb 723-3240 tucas Peacock 725-4330 Members Oshawe and District Reel Estote a. buy this passenger, wal radio, rea speaker. Completely insulated, auxitlary |9 heater for camping, sleeps five. Cup-| board, stove, 723-2833. 3 PLYMOUTH. good © home, semi-detached. Two left, full down payment $560.00. Cail !rwin Cruik- tone, wht radio. Lady driver. Telephone 7. plata or telephone 60 PONTIAC deluxe two-door, black, ne trade and |® radio, 5179 for | Hon AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, | free estimates. Cleve Fon 413 Bimvovs' Norte: BABY pelle plane zie pana condition, T raion. for further TELEVISION ood working details, [£096 South, Apartment 1. ated BABY'S bath with i table t ble top. in good condition. Make 728-8112 for further | WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. <r Store, 723-3271, 444 Simeoe South. 40-INOH Moffat range, $20; rangetie, [1% agetian blind, &ft., $6. a Count, iy Pred. Apply 93 McMillan m. % i £ § L 3 E 3 i 728-3041 or 728-8587 | BEDROOM » ps a $145. ra Pretty's Used linder. two-tone green, Ina Pho Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, Realtor 728-5123 PR lent pis By $1,200 or nearest offer tol 1 Simcoe. St. MN. 728.1176 ol 1956 BUICK {automatie, radio, equipped, 8845 opposite "Parts". DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 41 GLADSTONE AVE 728-4651 Welland Avenue, spacious five room brick bungalow. All large rooms, time saving Super, 4-door hardtop, | white walls, power Apply 289 Malaga Road Iradios from $39.95. Try Dominion Tir Stores, 48 Bond Street West. 5 a WILLYS car, fair condition, also | '55 Chevrolet, 6, standard transmission. {Need |552 Bloor Street East. {1055 PONTIAC four-door, standard, six, , clean condition outside, good up | holstery, running ine ing. Telephone PAINT, interior, All colors, guaranteed, flat, gloss. 5, CUSTOM Gn the dash) fransislor car fovea, Prince. Street. * |cumonx 'kitchen suite, four chairs, black, (ithe mantel clock 5 body work. What offers? Apply /208265. | CAMPING tent, si tent, size ¥ x 12° with floor land canopy Fido = 23-2848, LIVNG, room Street, 723-7634. SELLING 'furniture? We'll buy i, Re ri; , Admiral Tele exterior, $2. Osh. wa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church te washers, pianos, | Bovsx furniture, owner Sransterce, : "Willis", suite, tartiea suite, tibles, '49 Austin . 562 Wychwood. CHESTER! I and matching hair, beige, in excellent condition, ly Ie Upholstered, Tels. WH 20286 oo 'apply 17 ost treet, Ajax. ™'s, to) $35. Also an with chimes, $30. and covering, good condition. Apply 14 "Tie Burk Street. "53 DODGE two-door hardtop, re-built motor, new elutch, all good tires, Sis. tom radio dash. Must kitchen, children's play- ground very close to schools and shopping. Be sure to see. GAS stove, four burner, brand new, has never used. cash sang. Sry 8 5 John Street, "Oshawa, FURNACES, heed a4 als, un FURNACES Tored 3 Wn out as antee, $2.23 and meat. Packade. -- '10, im. $80 phone 728-1160 after 6 or 48 Keewatin, 0 ENVOY | for sale, white, with red Call Doug Gower Arlington Avenue, storey and | throughout, gear shift, 723. {leather seats, in very good Condition 7 15F00T moulded Dletsly equipped. 1837 FRIGIDAIRE -- 11 cuble feet, $18; Quebec heater with oven, $8. Telephone 723-7776 evenings. CONTINENTAL bed, 36 inches, In ywood boat, com. trafler, 'S58. Johnson motor. Telephone "- a half Insul brick. Terrific area, must be sold, $9,800 full price with low down pay- ment. This home has been 2104 for further detalls '35 BUICK hardtop, good tires, motor and interior, some body work requir ed, Make an offer at 458 after 6. [WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor ear Street t North. Your Juthorized RCA Vie-| tor service depot for Oshawa. , $25, Also, South bed. condition, lark wood, $8. Telephone HILLTOP'S annual ental Samping equipment ay prices. Tents, radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe rr sale at give newly decorated and fixed up Call Vic Hulatt $14,900, large 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Co-op Gar- rord Rd. area. This home fea- tures built-in stove and oven, water softener, broadloom, lorge lot. Down payment ar- ranged. Call Ossis Martin, S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 728-6286 $60.00 PER MONTH '50 CHEVROLET dump truck, in Sood condition and fully licenced. Apply 250 Gliddon Avenue, Oshawa, for further particulars. 58 CHEVROLET Bel-Air, one owner, {op shape, radio, good tires, clean up. holstery. Telephone 725-4035 for information. '61 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan auto. matie, transmission, radio, other ex. tras, 4000 miles. Like new. 723-3924. 1033 PLYMOUTH sedan, apple green, wpotioss inside, beyond eriticism me- anically. Deep tread tires. $205. Ba- low 7 Motors, 428 King West. '5 FORD Fairlane, a standard transmission, 12,500 miles, good rum. |ning car, selling for $305. Telephone [728-31 49. (miles, two tone copper and beige, load- ed with extras. 130 Warren Avenue. 1853 PONTIAC for sale, in very good condition, Cheap for cash, Telephone 725-2840 for further particulars, % CHEVROLET Belair, V-5, brakes, power steering, jransmiasiod. Ci Call 725-3568 from 9 to six-room brick which is cen- trolly located. Complete with het water heating, rotor TV antenna, double detached garage ar vate drive ONLY $8.00 full price with low down payment. See this one, call Bob Stevenson ot 728-6286 tonight, DOWN $1,000 DOWN for this six-room two-storey home with paved drive and gorage. Beautifully land- scaped with patio in rear garden, fireplace in living room, oil heating, storms and screens plus much more. Priced ot $9,900 for a fast sale. For further information oh Bob Stevenson et 728- 4uu2 after 6 p.m, "a YORD 6 ~ Fagard transmission, s Hs bide, hte top, whitewali iy a 15,000 miles pet Fallon gas). Apply 2 Street West. {1851 AUSTIN 1 four-door sedan, in good shape. Wrecking '50 Austin, parts for Prog . 1965 Simcoe Street South. 1953 CHEVROLET Belair convertible, in good condition, Best cash offer, Tele- phone MO 8-! 8-348. '58 1%-TON Chevrolet plek-up truck, good condition, priced at oa. Tele- phone MO 8-5110 for further details, 30---Automobiles Wanted WANTED used car, GM preferred, for one karat diamond and some cash. Phone 725-8133. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want Sap for wrecking. Highest prices paid. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or 29--Automobiles for ¢ Sele i ---------- 1960 MGA red sports eo xhaust, tonneau cover. Dean Patte, Street North, Oshawa. a » Stuiete Ins auc rueks , 9300 series, ex. ent condition, h Heen phone 735.9528 vy ce. Tele: n. Liens paid off. 8 WILLMAN Minx ¢ deluxe, w whitewalls, windshield washers. App) y French NICOLS MOTOR SALES Street between 4 and 4 i 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 20 ONEVROLEF Sei a Fai Al MO_8-8001 condition, V-8, automatic transmission, CARS WANTED blue white, radio, heater, extras, Buying @ New Car? dual exhaust, 728.3619, 59 FORD, new tires, mi Sell your used Car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE". Treo aics co also "52 Chevrolet pred with me Siawalle, Apply 322 Verdun Road any TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 '5 PONTIAC sedan Laurentian, two. tone, automatic, one OWREr car, excel lent condition, low mileage. Phone 795. "60 CHEVROLET, two door, only 6,000 power automatie 1953 PONTIAC -- radio and heater, in condition, $1, or nearest offer. 723- actual miles (26 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vonized. Guaranteed one year. OSHAWA TV. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 WRECKING 104 Athol Street East Everything must te sold. Hot Water Hea! Radiators, T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure with all channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 Pit. gag Eom OVER AND LOOK AROUND Salesman on job, St. Clair Housewrecking Company Liimited 34--Lost & Found TOY Manchester, lost in Son ise oe near 401, Black 4h tan, WALLET i Teather, lost vicinity of King et Wests around the 'Brewer 08. pias anyone finding telephone TH 3 SIAMESE OAT, Bliepolat, » male, ity Oshawa Fosinind orth, Very markings, Reward information aig | 'whereabouts. Contact 728-4678 or raatast, GOOD RE-CONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS ALL PARTS AND SERVICE AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North WH 2-6410 AJAX COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Windows ond Prime windows and doors only $40, Install Canada's finest awn- ing and Porch riling, Very reasonable price. Call ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 35--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of DR. DAVID SOLOMON GLUSKER, De. cea FINE FURNITURE Mrs. C. W. Slemon Aug. 29 to Aug. 31 All persons having claims Sei the Estate bove nemed reed, of the Town of Whi County of Okavie, on or about the 20th day of July, 1961, are required to file proof of some with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of October, 1961. After that date the estate . will be distributed having re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice, DATED at Ottawa this 10th day of August, 1961. v By Messre. Honeywell, Baker, Gibson, 'otherspoon, "Lawrence and Diplock 90 Sparks St. Ottawa 4, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate PRIVATE SALE at the home of 106 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE from 2-0 5 p.m. and 7t09 pm. Early Canadion and Jackes and Hay Period Furniture-- Circa 1830 to 1860, includ- Ing Sideboard, Walnut Sofa, Secretaire, Prayer Chair, Din- ing room Fumiture, Electric hg Work Table and many other items. '33 PONTIAC coach, 2011 series, me. chanically -body A-1, black, new paint seat covers. new trim inside, nite ity red and black. Like new, 728-1890. $495. 1959 IMPALA Four-doot "hardtop, sapphire blue, automotic, radio, white- walls, immaculate, 23,000 original miles, private. 725-6802 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cors. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD, MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 |32--Articles for Sale 18 your cash register equipped With Trade your boat on a core Jules Sax butt button? If not "eal Bill Hamp, New or Used : wii ESTEE in good on. Telephone 725-3621 North Simcoe at Conlin Rd RA 8-5912 | ! BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723.4494 Res. 725-5574 GOOA-COLA machine, large capacity nine Sans, Ons na I. od Gout $800. Sell for $400. BABY Lioyd nel 'and white, also folding hlaypen rectangular com- Phone 7 with pad In good condition, Tele Upen evenings or weekends WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 4 REFRIGERATOR 9 cu, fi. good condi. tion, $50, for quick sale! In good work. ing ode appearance. Telephone ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates |free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. SALE VOLVO Most dependable. The leader al toe road end JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE ( 449 Rion 5. 728-0920 | | | Now is the time to replace | those droughty wooden doors | I ond windows with the best Aluminum-products obtain. able. Reid Installations 725-4344 {31--Automobile Repairs NOW ON | | f HIGH SCHOOL TEXT BOOK SWAP COLUMN SELL THOSE SURPLUS SCHOOL BOOKS ! LIST YOUR NAME == PHONE NO, -- SCHOOL AND GRADE HERE ONE INSERTION 50c Books Wanted GRADE IX Books For Sale GRADE IX GRADE X John Doe 286 Michi Circle ED 7.8863 Grade X (Gen. S.C.LT.S. GRADE Xi GRADE XxIH GRADE XIII