WHITBY And DISTRICT Ont. Hospital Holds Annual || WHITBY SPORTS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 26, 1961 § BRITISH BRIEFS GREENWOOD GREENWOOD -- The Cubs Sports Day The annual Sport's Day at the Ontario Hospital was held Thursday with a crowd of near By PARADE GERRY BLAIR with their leaders held a eamp- out over the weekend. The Wm, Cole family have moved into their new home on the 'High road. The community welcomes them, Mr, and Mrs. Glynn East. Creating Lake By Valley Dam ly 1000 attending. Patients and staff members Tonight at the Brooklin Community arena, the By M. McINTYRE HOOD |announced. He said the govern- wood and Linda attended a Special to The Oshawa Times ment is now conducting a com- family picnic _at the home of Mrs. George Eastwood and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hewson in Whitby on Sunday. Patti and Paul Brown of Brooklin spent Wednesday with Brampton Ramblers will be in search of their third straight play-off win over the Hillcrests, which would give them the OLA Semi-final series 4-2. Of course on the other hand, it's do-or-die for Brooklin, They must halt the Ramblers winning skein tonight to LUTON, Bedfordshire -- At Diddington, 30 miles from Luton, work is being started on what will be the second largest man- made lake in Britain. It will be plete review of the arguments for and against the change. NEW PLANT STARTED BATHGATE, Scotland -- Ve- entered the various sports events. The events included 100 yard dash, three-legged races, time race (walking), balloon race, sack race and a lucky bo RACE WINNING staff mem® bers pose during Thursday's sports day at the Ontario | Hospital. Nearly 1,000 people attended the meet. Races of all types were run off with a WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Allin Hewis have returned heavy participation in each. Winners in the three - legged race for members of the hos- pital staff are: back row (left to right) Mrs. V. Clarke, Greenwood; Ruth Clarke: Ux- On Sunday, Darlene, daughter bridge; Hope Lane, Ajax. Front row (left to right) Joan Jepperson, Whitby; Mrs. B. Coutts, Whitby; Shirley Skin- ner, Whitby. --Oshawa Times Photo spot event. Several feature activities were presented for the Hospital patients, These were: nail driv- ing contést, shoe race and a pie eating contest, Grand prizes went to the male and female gaining the highest number of points. Allan S. won the top prize in the men's section. He was award- ed a zippered sweater. Mrs. Pat H. copped the grand prize in the women's section, She edged out a close rival and was awarded a white, bulky sweater. There were several staff events during the afternoon program. A three-legged race for male staff was won by Peter Ruttan and K. Scholte. Next were A. Van Boxtel and John Vella. Third place went to J. Van Munzler and A. Mueller. The combination of Violet Clark and Barb Coutts won the female staff, three-legged race. Hope Land and Ruth Clarke were second with Shirley Skin- ner and Joan Jepperson taking third spot. i | { | Name Boundaries | prolong the series and force a seventh and deciding game, screduled for Brampton on Tuesday night. Club officials are anticipating a sell-out crowd for tonight's sixth game. Face-off time is 8:45 p.m. Brooklin have sagged badly in the third period of the last two meet ings. At home on Tuesday night they came within one goal of the Ramblers but lapsed just enough to allow Brampton two tallies of their own, and the Hill- crests never did recover. Again on Thursday, Terry Davis opened the third period with a goal at 1:20, making the score 6-5 in favour of Brampton. Once more the Ramblers held their ground, and refused Brooklin the tying marker, Shortly after Davis' goal, the Ramblers poured it on, scoring three goals to win going away, There are no second chances for Brook- Jin tonight should they lose. In the other semi-final series, the St. Catharines Athletics are putting up stiff resistance to the Port Credit Sailors and have extended their best-of-seven affair to a sixth game, slated for the Garden City tonight. Delegates from seven hockey communities will meet in Belleville on Wednesday night August 30 to further discuss the possibility of an Eastern Ontario | Senior league. Winse Bradley, manager of the Oshawa | Majors, last season's Eastern Intermediate "A" finalists | is representing this area. He attended a meeting some weeks back when all clubs were present with the exception of Oakville and Toronto. Other cities and towns interested are: Kingston, Belleville, Peterboro, and Napanee, At the last session, nothing too concrete came out of the meeting. Lack of Senior calibre play- ers is the principal problem. Belleville, with Jean- Paul Lamirande, and Keith MacDonald at the helm stated that it would be practically impossible for them to ice a club on a share-the-wealth basis which is of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fos- ton, is celebrating her fourth birthday. Gmests attending her party are: Jeff Donnelly, Carl Debbie | Gough, Dale Barker, Willets, Darlene's brother Brian and baby sister Lynda. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gerrit- son of Holland are spending four months with their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerritson of Burns street] from a ten-day motor trip to the New England State. They also spent a day at Bar Harbor and returned home via Quebec and visited Upper Canada Village. | Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Hamil. ton, Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. | Pete Davidson of Ajax recently spent a few days in Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs, Hamilton spent ten days in Brockville with relatives, their daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, west. While here they have | .visited in Picton, Kingston and!Lloyd Kelsey and Mr, and Mrs. | various Northern parts. They| Charles King and their families, will also visit in Toronto with|{They also visited Mrs, Hamil their son and daughter-in-law, /ton's mother, Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. E. Gerritson. Perkins of Glen Buell. Mr. James Gilchrist o° Lex-| Mrs. Anson Miller of Saginaw, ington, Kentucky has been visit- Michigan is visiting her sister ing at the home of his nephew and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. and niece, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Shirley Fraser, 816 Brack street Christie of Craydon road. {north, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gordon) Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. | |Grade 7 pupils north of Dun- For Public Schools Boundaries for the Whitby and south of Gilbert will also| Public Schools were released to|attend Dundas Street School. | this office Friday by Earl Fair-| Hillcrest -- Kindergarten to| man, Public School supervising Grade 7 inclusive and the jun-| principal. lior "Special Class". This in-| They are as follows: 'cludes the area north of Dun-| Brock Street -- Grades 1 to 6 das street and west of Broek! inclusive (Grades 7 and 8 will|street as far north as the CPR| attend Colborne Street School except the Grade 7 pupils soutli, and the kindergarten will be of John street who will attend transported to Palmerston Av- Colborne street. enue School) Covers the area) Kathleen Rowe -- Kindergar- | south of Highway 401. ten to Grade 6 inclusive. This Colborne Street -- All Grade|includes the area east of Brock| 8 pupils in town will attend Col-|street, south of Gilbert street. | borne Street School along with|It also includes a blogk west of the Grade 7 pupils from the Brock street bounded on the| King street area including all|north by Burns street on the| Grade 7 pupils west of Brock west by Henry street as far| street and Port Whitby. Some south as Highway 401. ! King street -- Kindergarten das street and west of Brock/to Grade 6 inclusive. Includes | will try again on Tuesday night in Markham for the a standing law in Senior hockey today. They would | have to pay salaries to lure players to Belleville. The remaining clubs agreed wholeheartedly ghat the only sensible way to operate is on a split. This point will receive considerable attention on Wednesday. Greg Currie is the spokesman for Toronto, and is expected to attend next week. He has been down at the East coast with Harry Watson, former Leaf, operating a hockey school. We will have more on the developments of the Senior hockey picture later next week. the Diddington Reservoir, the .| product of a scheme which :s to cost over $32 million, It involves damming the Duddington Valley in Huntingdonshire, and pump- ing water into it from the River Ouse. The resultant lake will be three miles long, one-and-a-half miles wide and 70 feet deep. RAILWAY SURVEY LONDON - British Railways are carrying out a passenger survey to keep up to date with travel habits, A census will be taken of all passengers joining and leaving trains at each of the 900 stations in the Eastern Region. The survey will be one of the largest ever undertaken in Britain. "FALL IN" -- HE DID BERWICK--When his platoon sergeant told Pte. John Spencer of the KOSB to "jump to it and fall in" at the Elizabethian Bar-|are petitioning for an air fiel racks, Berwick, that is exactly|in North London. They complain what he did. He went straight|that it takes them longer to over a mound and fell about 20 reach London Airport than it feet. He finished with one!does to fly to Paris. A North broken wrist and a suspected London airfield, would not only fracture of the other. save time but relieve congestion on the roads. FLODDEN REMEMBERED . . _ COLDSTREAM -- About 50{SUMMER TIME STAYS riders crossed the border from| LONDON -- This year's ex- Scotland into England, and, join-| perimental extension of summer ed by English representatives|time by three weeks in the on Branxton Hillside, commem-|spring and fall is to be repeat- orated the Battle of Flodden, ed in 1962, R. A. Butler, Home fought 448 years ago. The riders| Secretary, has announced. Sum- accompanied the Coldstreamer, mer time next year will run of- Brian Tait, to the Flodden mem-|ficially from March 25 to Oc- orial to lay a wreath, | tober 28, TOP-FLOOR COOKING | THREAT TO FISHING HATFIELD, Herts -- A new| ABERDEEN, Scotland --~ An- general hospital which is being other threat to Scotland's white. built for the new towns of Hat-|fish industry is seen in the de- field and Welwyn Garden City|cision of Iceland to devaluate will have its kitchens placed on|its currency. Iceland will thus the top floor of the building. |be able to sell its white fish on This is to provide that the cook-|the export market more cheap- hicle assembly production has now started at the British Motor Corporation at Bathgate. The truck assembly bay was the first to go into operation. Trac- tors and engines will also be produced. The first vehicle is expected to be completed early in September. FLYING SCHOLARSHIPS LONDON -- The government plans to award 100 flying schol- arships yearly to boys at schools where there is no Air Training Corps or Cadet Fdrce unit. These will be in addition to the 350 scholarships awarded to air cadets, The purpose of the schol- arships is to stimulate recruit ing for air crew for the RAF. WANT AIR FIELD TOTTENHAM -- Tottenham business men, who travel thou- sands of miles by air each year, There is no quota on the their grandnarents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Brown. The Sunday School Picnic held at Pine Ridge Park on Wednes- afternoon of last week was quite a success. All report a ood time Mrs. Wesley Sadler entered hospital on Friday for treat ment. Everyone wishes her a good recovery. The Young People's Union held a Hay Ride on Friday eve- ning followed by lunch in the park. Mr, Crawford's home, north of Mr. Oxford's residence, is rapidly nearing completion. Mr, and Mrs.'I, B , Perkin are visiting relatives and friends in the Listowell district. The Toronto Area of Women's Institutes has planned a bus trip to Manitoulin Island &nd other points north for October 3 to 6. Those wishing to go please contact the secretary- treasurer of their branch for complete information, Sept. 5. is the deadline for names to be sent into the area. Miss Gloria Trolley is attend- ing the Scheol for Leaders being held at the Ontario Ladies' Col- lege, Whitby Mr. and Mrs. Graham Crow- hurst have returned from a motor trip in Quebec and East- ern United States. Miss Nancy Nicholson has re- turned after spending some time with the George Blake family at Orillia. Tom Campbell was accidently hit with a golf ball on Sunday. His face required several stitches. The local baseball teams are being successful in the play-offs. TOWN AND COUNTRY ... The fourth game of the OLA Junior "B" semi-final series between the Whitby Red Wings and the Long Branch Castrolites scheduled for last night in Long Branch was cancelled. Hydro trouble left the area without any lights. They back in Whitby on Wednesday . . . Mount Zion Brook- lin Concretes and the Markham Aces meet Tuesday Ontario. County league best-of-five finals, The Aces ing smells will rise away from |ly. 3 no qi the patients in the wards below. amount of this fish imported into | Scotland. TAKE OVER GERMAN CAR FERRARI RACERS Before the Second World War, Enzo Ferrari with a brother es- tablished the company now fa- mous for its sports cars. CROYDON, Surrey -- Trojan, the pioneer British motoring firm which now makes commer- cial vehicles, has taken over the German Heinkel three-wheeler car. The 90-miles-per-gallon Heinkel will be renamed the Trojan and will be built at the firm's plant in Croydon. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - REPAIRED night with the fifth game third game of their South WHITBY GARDEN OLUB FALL FLOWER SHOW & TEA Thursday, August and family have returned from | street as far north as John the area south of Dundas street " i -0 TY | | hold a 2-0 lead on successive shutouts 8-0 Tuesday Nakes ond 31st, 196 W. Goverde of Clarence drive, | celebrated his fifth birthday. For the occasion a party was ar. . a with the following guests: During their two weeks vaca- Henry, Jimmy, Marty and Con- a two weeks camping vacation at Oastler Park near Parry hy street will also attend Colborne Street School, The Senior "Spe- cial Class" is also located here. Dundas Street -- Kindergar ten to Grade 7 inclusive, This includes the area east of Brock street and north of Gilbert street with the exception of the A. and west of Brock street wi the exception of a block bound- ed on the west by Henry street on the north bv Burns street and on the south by Highway 1401, Palmerston avenue: garten to Grade 7 inclusive -- Kinder- | in Markham, and 2-0 Thursday at Brooklin. Bob Ellis has thrown tremendous ball for the Aces, and it ap~ pears doubtful whether Mount Zion will gain a victory | from Markham. They have picked up only eight hits | over the 18 innings to date.... MINE SITE COSTLY GLASGOW, Scotland ~ Pre- liminary work on the site for a Corner large maternity unit at the] 103-5 Byron S. MO 8-4511 Royal Samaritan Hospital for| Women is going to add $168,000 to the construction costs. Test| consists of that area north of the CPR and west of Brock street. 'Hampton R. A. Hutchison -- Kindergar- | Personals ten to Grade 7 inclusive, In-| ludes HAMPTON -- Mr. and Mrs, cludes the area south of Dundas|, "5 "pyjiott, and Mrs. Elliott's street east and east of Pringle's| g sister, Mrs. Howden, Toronto, Creek. |visited Mr. and Mrs, Hosken It may be necessary to make |g ip some minor changes in the| 3 above boundaries when school] Mr, and Mrs. Rabelt Wright, begins on Tuesday morning, |J 2netville, tion, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham [nie Goverde, Gerald Van Der| have been the guests of Mr, and Wildemberg, Mary and Gorrie Hrs, James Barron ot ther S00 Velden, Isabelle, Gemma, Fran-| age in Coboconk. ey also ces, Anne-Marie, Margo and] i visited friends in Toronto and Frankie Bardoul, Garry afankie| Hutchinson or Te rade are spending the weekend north|and Joe Hermans, Janie Young, |S6Ven Pups east o of Omemee as the guests of Mr. Also present were Henry's two and Mrs. Percy Gorham. | granditiothers, Mrs. Henr y| i icu Mr. and Mrs. Doug McLean,| joverde and Mrs. Frank Bar| t 217 Euclid street, are celebrat. | 3001 and uncles and aunts. ing their birthdays on Sunday| Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham and and Monday respectively. Their children have returned from al 0 eep friends wish them both many two weeks camping vacation| happy returns of the day. |spent in the Ottawa district and | Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grant| Northern Ontario. Customs and daughters Elizabeth, Deb-| Mrs Vincent Graham cele rah and Gloria have returned brated her birthday on Wednes-| By DAVID OANCIA i (rom a week's motor trip in the day, To celebrate the occa. Canadian Press Staff Writer | United States. sion she attended the Canadian| LONDON (CP)--Britons still Mr. and Mrs. V. Graham and | National Exhibition. gph Rig nd 4 keep vg family spent a week's vacation! My and Mrs. M. Knenen par- hy Your li 5 2 coltage on the lake front at|enis of Mr, Harry Knenen, have| When Parliament adjourned . {returned to their home in Hol. earlier this month, Colonial Sec-| Miss Diane Chatterton is re-|!and after spending two months retary Iain. Macleod headed turning home this weekend after| With their son and daughter-in-|for the sunny Costabrave in spending three weeks in Port law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knenen Spain and Prime Minister Mae- McNicol visiting relatives. of Anderson street. Mr, and Mrs, |millan donned his baggy tweeds ; |Knenen left from Malton Air.|to relax on the Yorkshire moors : Mrs. Richard Griffin and fam- port. {while menacing grouse with his ily, Grant Gregory: Theresa and | {12-gauge shotgun. Trent spent a ten-day visit with| Mr. and Mrs. William Hewis| But in a Britain that is shed- her mother, Mrs. Percy Peek in|[0f Trent street entertained at|ding an empire has been dis the Haliburton District. jthels: homme last Sunday follow-|placed as mistress of the seas, | : : {ing the dedication of their son, customs on onsidered inviol-!| Miss Mary Elizabeth Grobb is|Edward Neal Alexander. The ba are ad Jered vist returning home this weekend | ceremony took place at the Sal-!difficult to maintain. ster Srending two months in vation Army Hall. Guests at.| The relentless course of Sharge of the water'ront attending were from Toronto, Osh-|events in a world characterized Glontemard Camp. Miss Grob awa and Whitby. by revolutionary changes and bi Ms Bim ivnd rT! cold conflicts this year may dis-| High School. | WANT BOXER BARRED turb still another Edwardian | CHICAGO (AP) -- Chairman|custom. : Mr. Harry Guy and Mrs. Fred Joseph Triner of the Illinois| Macmillan, Macleod and their Guy recently spent three weeks Athletic Commission said Fri.| Cabinet colleagues may all have in Brandon and Winnipeg where day the commission will recom.|t0 scurry back to London to| they visited relatives. {mend that boxer Michael E. deal with explosions in thelr i {Conner be barred from the ring Various spheres of interest. { Mr. Frank Bickner of Mon-|because of his injury. Conner,| The prime minister, coming Weal has been a house guest at 23, a Detroit boxer who fought in for an increasing amount of; he home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. lunder the name of Baby Wa. fire, is faced with the German Rac by ! cCullough drive for tusi, is recovering from a se. crisis and the problem of fol- ; e pas two weeks. Other guest | vere concussion suffered Aug. |lowing up Britain's application s Miss Beverley Davis of 21 in a bout with Johnny White,|to join the European Common Orillia. EE -------- | Market. Mr. and Mrs, Max De Boice| HISTORY IN STONE | Macleod, viewed by some as and their son Rodney, of Ter-| Westminster Abbey, where al} 2 Potential leader, still grapples| race Bay were visitors at the English monarchs since Wil-| i.) the continuous problem of) home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Holey... {balancing opposing forces while of Pine street. fliam I have been crowned, leading colonies to sell-govern-| !stands on a site where the first ment. Sente X Mr, and Mrs, Merwin Mountjoy. Tt Te ih that all puplls |i; 12 Pearce, Hamijion, attend school the first day in|pewell ; order that classes get organized, nf. and Mrs. Ben Killens and immediately. [family attended the Lowes' fam- lily picnic at Wells Spring Park, REVENUE MEN Greenbank. Commissioners to collect cus-| Miss Jennie Dickie, Toronto, toms and excise revenues in|spent a couple of weeks with Britain were first appointed in|her cousin, Miss Reta Dickie. 1643. | Mr. and Mrs. Keith Manley, |Douglas and Beth, Keene, visit- The headlines of the last eightjed Mr. and Mrs, Short for a months outline one of thel/few days, severest challenges Mac. Mr. David Smale, Harmony, leod has faced since he became spent a few days with his chum colonial secretary almost two Master Terry Smith. years ago. Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Warren "The most disastrous man in were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. | politics!" said the right-wing John Glover, Oshawa, | Daily Express last January, the] Mrs. Mary Phillip has return- month the "Get Macleod" cam-|ed to Toronto after visiting Mr. paign started. |and Mrs. D. Higgins. A month later, the headlines] Mr. and Mrs. Zuidersma and changed to: children visited in Toronto. "Macleod rides the storm." Mr. and Mrs. John Donaire, "The calculated anti-Macleod Oshawa, Mr, Lysek, Cobourg, campaign has missed its tar-|Miss Madlyn Wilcox and Mr. get," the Sunday Observer con- Frank Blunt and Jim, Bowman- WHITE NEWSPRINT 4V42-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b, pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale at . . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. borings on the site revealed old | mine workings under the sur. face, The extra cost will be in-| curred in filling these in. MORE EMPLOYED LONDON -- The number of people in civil employment in- creased by a further 54,000 to 23,865,000 in June, the labor min- istry reports. The labor force employed is now 240,000 higher than a year ago. Unemploy- ment dropped to 1.1 per cent of the working force. DECIMAL COINAGE LONDON -- A decision on whether Britain should adopt the | decimal coinage system will be| made before the end of this year, Anthony Barber, economic Norfolk, Virginia were recent] weekend guests of Mrs. J, W, Balson, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Belleville, were recent weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard at their cottage at Williams' Point. { 'Miss Diane Cowie, Bowman. ville, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Smale, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Terrill and Jay visited Mr, and Mrs. Don McKell, Riverfield, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Watson, Mr. Richard Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watson and Carol, Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dadson and two children, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, to celebrate the 86th birth- Arena Rotunda 3 to9 pm Apo Jor, projects, ER ET T---- : PUT IN NEW PLUMBING RIGHT AWAY = REPLACE THE OLD - ITS HAD | 7D / LITT Raudatts pum) Oshawa Times day of Mr, Joe Watson. secretary to the treasury, has 'Mr. Will Armour, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armour. Family Monuments Mr, and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, Enniskillen, called on Mr, Bert Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- LITE oF ae Created A | Whitby Churches joy visited friends at Blackstock. Mr, and Mrs, Orton Corbett and son Paul, Cooksville, visit- ed Rev, and Mrs, Page and Mrs. E, Lambert. Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith enjoyed a motor trip through northern and western Ontario, via Goderich, Owen Sound and Mount Forest. STAFFORD BROS. Requirements LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 Let's All Go To Church tinued. {ville, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Ho- HE HELD ON |garth, Clare, Joanne and Kathy, Four months later appeared (CCH NEC 200 TUES, Flovd the headline: "Mr. Macleod's| | OX 8n¢ son. CADOUTS, Sscape" in the left-wing New Tocen Hogarth o T. and Mrs, Statesman, wre . __ Political observers feel that,| Mr and wre Dick McKnight it amybing "the" ule pokes 270 (amis, Oehawa, visied Mr. 7 s. , hid TAL dion ls been "Sir. and Mrs. Chas, Warren Macleod himself doesn't make |\V¢T¢ recent guests of Mr, and an effort to minimize the dan. Mrs. Jack Cowling and children, gers of his colonial policies, He|Parry Sound. admits they cause grave anx-| Mr. and Mrs. Allin Arnott of ieties both for the Negroes and the Europeans. | Mrs. William G. Hewis, her church is believed to hav daughter Miss Jean Hewis and built in 616 AD. e been GAINED RESPECT | "I think that the pace of] {events in Africa and elsewhere | The colonial secretary has/in the colonial territories Is| Fi ire Destroys gained a reputation for tough- dangerously fast," he said in a Whitby THE BIG ONE FOR EVERYONE! The unforgettable story he of a man, a land, a lovel § M-G-M presents IMARRD wee GLENN FORD - MARIA SCHELL - ANNE BAXTER - ARTHUR O'CONNELL BROCK EVENING SHOWS ot 6:55 & 9:20 Feature Starts ot 6:55 & 9:30 i A | SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 |ness, nonchalant self-confidence recent interview. 100 Year Hotel {and a determination to stick to] "The argument which I have Two couples and their seven | principles he deems right. always advanced and to which children were saved from a fire | | He has won the respect of I hold is that it would be more which destroyed a converted | Negro African nationalist poli-|dangerous still to go slower," [100-year-old hotel in Whitevale ticians to a degree no one be-, He rejects the idea that his|on Friday. fore him had been able to do. |policles are a result of political] The former hotel was used as At the same time he has also expedience. |a private residence. No one was gained the enmity of a large| "It is essentially in the terri- | injured. proportion of the European pop-|tories where there are multi] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cody and ulations in colonies such as|racial societies that the reallthree children and Mr. and Mrs. {Kenya, the Rhodesias and Ny-ichallenge to statesman- Amy Beaucage and their fam- lasaland. The settlers claim, ship comes. ily o* four were the only people | with growing vehemence, that! "But there is no question in the buildifig at the time the Ihe is sacrificing them to placate whatever of sacrificing any fire broke out. ithe nationalists. community, European or Asian; Damage has not been esti-| | With support from the Con- or African. What one must try mated and the cause is un- | |servative party's right' wing, |to do is to find a policy which|/known. | the settlers have been strug-| will enable them all--each play- Three fire departments an. | gling to isolate the colonial sec-/ing a full und recognized part-- swered the call earlv Friday |retary and force his resignation to work together for the future morning. Markham, Pickering This NOW Is The Time Sunday! EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION, WEST, _OF HIGHWAY 12 10:30 AM. Dutch Service 10:3 M :30 AM. Sunday School, English English Service, Whitby 2:30 P.M. Worship at Bowmanville 3:30 P.M Bowmanville Sunday School EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME 70. PLAN ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 AM, MORNING WORSHIP NURSERY (INFANT CARE) BEGINNERS' CLASSES JUNIOR CONGREGATION 9:45 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME Thanksgiving Holidays Tickets Itineraries Reservations YOUR FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St. N,, Whitby Pastor: Rev, E. C, Corbett, §.Th, 9:15 AM, Radio Broadcast CKLB 9:45 AM. Bible School Hour 11 AM & 7 PM, Our Pastor Preaching at both services. Special Music Whitby Baptist Church REV. JOHN McLEOD Mrs. W. E. Summers, A.T.CM. DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS EAST WHITBY MO 8-3304 NEW YORK TOURS BY AIR - BUS - TRAIN Guest Preacher: Rev. Walter Fleischer of Uxbridge Services 11 AM. and 7:00 P.M. Bible School 9:45 AM. from Macmillan's cabinet. of the country of which they and Brougham quelled the| 'blaze. J | So far they have been foiled. have become citizens." WHITBY UNITED CHURCH 11 AM. SUNDAY FAMILY WORSHIP Children 6 years and under will meet in classes in the Church Hall. All others will worship with their parents. VISITORS WELCOME "