Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 Aug 1961, p. 3

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CAPSULE NEWS Calls Re CALL UP RESERVISTS WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. defence department Fri- day ordered 76,500 Army, navy and Air Force reservists to ac- tive duty, most of them on Oct. 1. The call - up was announced by Defence Secretary Robert McNamara at a press confer- ence. .... GIRL BACK HOME WALLACEBURG (CP) -- A 14 - year - old girl, missing from her home here since Aug. 18, was brought back by her par- ents Friday from London. The girl was found on a London street Thursday by police, who checked her identity with a missing person report from "| Wallaceburg police. ULSTER GIRLS' CHOIR FROM BELFAST, IRELAND WILL RETURN TO OSHAWA "CD Plan Asked For Civic Workers Oshawa and Ontario County) "There is no doubt everyone will| event of natural disaster Emergency Measures co-ordina-|be called upon to do his duty con. (city) may submit a re- | d f th ty. "the Winnipeg. bylaw would | Plan Welcome set up such an emergency plan-| ning committee of metro Sepa. For Choir ment directors.) | The joint committee was set as i up to "plan, direct and co-ordin- The Ulster Girls' Choir from ate EMO activities". Under Sec- Belfast, Ireland, presently ap- tion 14 of the bylaw and in the Pearing at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition, arrives in Osh- "the | JFK. Jr. IS JOLLY WASHINGTON (AP)--John F. Kennedy Jr. is a husky, cheer- ful chap, just beginning to crawl and boasting two front teeth as he enjoys the summer sun on the Cape Cod seashore. The president's son was nine months olu Iriday and the White House | reports that he "laughs all the time and has a very jolly dis- position." EXPLOSION KILLS FIVE INDIAN HEAD, Md. (AP)-- {awa on Sept. 6 for one perform-ipive persons were killed late but by the infidelity of his U.S. Defence serves AID AFRICAN COLONY FREETOWN (AP) -- T. M. Carter, Canadian high commis- sioner in Sierra Leone, said Fri- day the Canagian government has provided £70,000 in annual aid to Sierra Leone and that he aid with the government of the British West African colony. SALARY, STATUS DROPS LONDON (AP)--A Communist ousted by court order as head of Britain's Electrical Trades Union has found another job-- playing the spotlight on chorus girls at a salary equivalent to $38 a week. Frank Haxell signed] on at London's Mermaid Thea- tre which aow is presenting the musical Tis a Pity She's a | Whore. Wnen he was general | secretary of the ETU, Haxell |earned the equivalent of $72 a ! | week. | AUTHOR HONORED VIAREGGIO, Italy (AP)--Al- berto Moravia, internationally {known Italian writer, Friday Inight was awarded the Via- | reggio prize, one of Italy's most {coveted literary awards, for his |novel La Noia (Boredom). The inovel tells the story of a young {painter annoyed by everything has discussed further Canadian| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 26, 1961 3 NEW PAMPHLETS ON O 5 HAWA ance only in the Oshawa Central | Friday in an explosion at the|mistress. charge. Every: week the Stes retariat receives from five to 10 letters from people who want to know about our city. In answer to such inquiry, a kit of brochures such as the one Mr. Romhanyi is select- ing, is sent out. Judo Title Captured Brown belt holder, Albert Stadtke, of Ashburn, Thursday tor Lt.-Col. F. S. Wotton watis if the. lime gomez. Police nd west to the Minister of Com-|S70F BP 10 co hor torium IBriday 10 an, skplosion at, We city council to authorize munic-|fire chiefs can | ce and Development for au- 81 , 3 -1U.S. ava ropellan ant. | ipal department heads and their to help during emergencies. (hori a on. |The girls will be billeted at the |The victims, all civil el COMPLETE EXERCISE employees to take civil defence! "But city government is im-| rolled civil defence volunteers |lomes of various members of amployees, were not identified. | MANILA (AP)--More than trainin; rtant. In an emergency peo-|t ist municipal authorities|St: George's Parish. | ships of the U.S. 7th Fleet and 8. . operant, 2a i [10 assig AD: | Her Worship Mayor (Christine | PROBE DELAYED | shore-based marine and navy "They should take instruction ple Deed direction and a oo |to control the disaster, |Thomas has arranged for a, WASHINGTON (AP) -- The planes has completed an in- and training to prepare for tioning mel A And to allevigte Jen os civic welcome and luncheon. A|U.S. Space Agency announced| tensive four-day exercise north- carrying on municipal govern: | great ep: jwhen it has been determine {tour of Parkwood has also been|Friday an indefinite delay in its|east of Okinawa, the navy said ment during an emergency, work! x that 'the manpower ot the Planned. planned effort to put an un-|/today. The exercise, called stressed Col. Wotton. City Hall might have to go on (under the direct Sony ol ie The choir, with a total mem-|manned mercury capsule in or- Smoke Screen, was designed as He was commenting on a by- 24 hour operation, suggested Col [munieipaly ave in co! me bership of 80 girls, between the bit around the earth. An offi- a combined test of the fleet's law expected to go before Win- Wotton, and employees should ted to isaster opera ons and iti ces of 12 and 23 years, was|cial said "technical difficulties" | striking power and anti-air war- nipeg's Metropolitan council know what part they have in an|has been found = ig are well received in Oshawa two|in an electrical part forced an|fare and anti-submarine warfare soon, a bylaw which would give overall plan. 3 Jinsuricient or nak eg ® 0 €l*\years ago. They were sponsor-|indefinite delay in the launch-| capabilities. Emergency Measures officers| Under Bylaw 3892 a joint fectively con > e ar led on both occasions by St.|ing, which had been scheduled] po ene oro WN authority to conscript any citi- Emergency Measures commit- Make-up of the city Is 85|George's Anglican Church|for this week. WDO zen for duty during an emer-/tee was born in January, 1961; TOKYO (AP) -- The govern- { SEEK SHORTER CAMPAIGN ment has ordered a slowdown Lou Romhanyi is seen here rack is situated in the Osh- selecting one of the new | awa Uhaubel of Comings & y ullding, pamphlets made available to | King street east, These pamp- the public through the Cham- | jets are made available as a ber of Commerce and the | service to interested citizens, courtesy of the Council of the people within the province and City of Oshawa. This brochure | from other provinces, without | BOYS COLLECT $800 LOS ANGELES (AP) ~ Twin |12-year-old boys have received $800 because their pictures were SAUD STAYS HOME {used without their consent on a DAMASCUS (AP) Saudi| sheet music cover along with a Arabia's King Saud has given| picture of Art Linkletter. The up his scheduled trip to Bel-|$40,000 invasion - of - privacy ica Line ship at New York with] a visitors ticket and gave her-| self up once at sea. Her parents emigrated to the United States. members include five city and| Chairman -- City Clerk Roy "my. (ister Girls' Choir was | follows: Men's Club. gency. «I don't think that bylaw need |five county representatives, plus| said Col. Wotton. the mayor of Oshawa and the be passed." Barrand. If he is not available, |, : Sy City Treasurer Harold Tripp 15 {1ormed in 1930, and was founded |contacted; Assessment Commis-| ip on "the choir has travelled COMING EVENTS bas > sioner Eldon Kerr may be noti-|yhoysands of miles, performin | fied if Mr. Tripp cannot be 10-/ pon request for poriorming cated. haritabl izati Secretary is Col. Wotton. His e ara fon Lg the MONSTER BINGO | AT U.AW.A. HALL BOTH FLOORS SAT., AUG. 26th 7:30 p.m. 20 gomes $10 a game. 4 gomes of $20, $30, $40. $50 jockpots. One 1. A JOB 2. A HOME 3. A CAR Employment, shelter are available in the Classi: your needs. | The BIG Famiiv Three and transportation for the family ond individual are three of the most important items in our way of life . , . All three fieds. Read them daily to fill duties include carrying out|cpoir jasts for two hours and is council's dictated policy, under|.omposed of folk songs, solos, the direction of the city clerk. |qyets trios, quartets and oth- Other responsibilities: to pre-\ers The choir also has its own {pare plans for public survival; rish Folk Dancing team. In 1955 to co-ordinate emergency plans ype choir performed such & of municipal departments and|p.ooram at numerous appear- | services having immediate re-| i i | 3 dav . lances on their North American sponsibilities in the event of ayo, "The tour was a great suc- national emergency (e.g. water : + and fire departments); maintain gust, Their iron Lh a link with Canadian Army au-|.4 to be well attended. thorities in the area; conduct Dead Toll ATTEND LIONS CARNIVAL MEMORIAL PARK, BOWMANVILLE SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th civil defence courses for per- sonnel who would have emer- One Every 90 Mi | nutes gency roles; conduct public self- One person will be killed on help programs. | Canadian highways every hour |week-end if last year's record |Canada Insurance Federation. The last long weekend this |and a half 'this Labor Day, 2 FREE WRIST WATCHES will be given away every fifteen minutes. You must be present to win." KINSMEN BINGO 20-$20 GAMES $150 Jackpot $20 each line plus year will be the most danger- ous according to the records of the All Canada Insurance Fed- eration. The Federation, which represents more than 220 Cana. dian fire, automobile and casu- alty insurance companies makes these safety suggestions which are particularly valuable WASHINGTON (AP) -- A pro- posal that future presidential campaigns be shortened to about six weeks won endorse- ment in the Senate Friday. The resolution, introduced by Sena tor Kenneth B. Keating (Rep. N.Y.), has no legal weight, serv- ing only to record the Senate's opinion. TEST SUCCESSFUL WHITE SANDS N.M. (AP)-- A Nike Zeus anti - missile mis- sile was fired successfully Fri- day in a test of the missle it- self and the missile defence system's ground electronic com- ponents. iin Japan's economic growth to halt an uncontrolled boom now sweeping the country., Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda has told his cabinet ministers to take all necessary measures to bring the economic growth to nine per cent as mapped out originally by| the government, contending the present net economic growth of 13 per cent is "certainly too fast." STOWAWAY ARRIVES |ROTTERDAM (AP) -- Marie ISwaab, 19, arrived here today as a stowaway aboard the liner Rotterdam, police reported. She grade early next month to at-/suit brought in behalf of Wil- tend the summit conference of liam J. and Michael Colburn of non-aligned countries, Mecca ra- San Diego against Linkletter, dio reported Friday night. The/John Guedel Production and king is staying home on his Mayfair Music Corporation was doctors' advice. settled in Superior Court Fri- KING GETS AROUND °° KATMANDU (AP) -- King| LIQUOR SEIZED Mahendra of Nepal will visitf QUEBEC (CP) -- A detach- Mongolia for six days after hisiment of 74 Provincial Police coming visit to Communist constables searched 36 unlic- China, it was announced today. ensed establishments in Port- The king is going next week to neuf County Friday and seized Belgrade for the "summit" con- a large quantity of liquor. The ference of non-aligned nations. search was conducted simultan- In the last week of September eously in hotels, restaurants, had boarded the Holland Amer- he is going to Peking. |dance-halls and private homes. | s duplicated, warns the All $50 Full Card 5--$30 Games; 2--$250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 52 and 50 TEAM 3 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION--TUESDAY, AUG. 29th Children under 16 not admitted to those contemplating 1. Take long trips the past eight years, Joseph | i v Gerschkovitch, 18 Aberdeen jfal -1u_3uy one day. street, observed his 85th birth- | day last Sunday. Looking at |grivers. least 15 years younger, Mr. | Avoid the main traffic arter- Gerschkovitch ~ enjoyed his [jes wherever possible. birthday receiving callers and | It you are tired, but can't BINGO EVERY MONDAY, 8 P.M ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. E. AT FAREWELL 54 NUMBERS $100.00 JACKPOT CONSOLATION $20 20 GAMES -- 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH SNOWBALL JACKPOT $180 IN 56 NUMBERS CONSOLATION $20, $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE ADMISSION CARDS 50 CENTS GOOD PARKING -- EXTRA BUS SERVICE CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED telephone greetings and espe- |stop overnight, pull to the side cially a telegram from his (of the road and cat-nap until daughter and son-in-law in his |yoy are rested. native Vienna. Among the vis- | 5. When travelling with chil- itors were Dr. and Mrs. Leo |qren, take plenty of books and Gerschkovitch of Montreal, a |qujet games so they will not son and daughter-in-law. Mr. |create noisy distractions for the Gerschkovitch has four grand- | griver, children and one great grand- | study in advance the differ- | son, Next Saturday he plans ant drivin i | } | g rules of strange ci-| | to be in Ottawa ot attend the |tjeg where you may be driving.| { wedding of a grandson, Irving | | Oerschkoulien, and Miss Boy. |other mechanical failure, con-| griy hi ere: Jae or oe {tinue slowly until you can pull berg, Ottawa, and before the completely off the highway. | sal a Be flowes 10 1 8. Set out flares when mak-| visit once again, after an ab- | 15, TePAlrs on ihe highway. af A gain, La) | night; don't block other drivers'| sence of years, his beloved |yiew of your car lights. | Vienna. 9. Keep your speed within| 7. If you have a blowout or| WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO -- MON., AUG. 28 2--$250 Jackpots Nos, 52 - 53 1--$150 Jackpot (Must Go) (Jackpots Pay Double in' 52 Nos, or Less) 20 GAMES--S$20 AND 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 Nos. OR LESS| $100.00 DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chonce on Door Prizes, RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY Wednesday, August 30th, 8 p.m. Bus Leaves Oshawa Terminal -- 25¢ Return / SoECIAL GAME OF $200 Must Go) each horizontal line -- $100 a full card $25 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $225 IF WON IN 55 NUMBERS Church ves 4 corners 7:30 p.m. 5 GAMES AT $30 -- 20 GAMES AT $20 ; TWO S250 JACKPOT GAMES st--No, 50, 2nd--No, 58, j $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES Re ron Door Prizes -- Proceeds go to Building Fund Children under 16 not edmitted CITY AND |safe limits, especially on wet DISTRICT early Friday morning. He was reported in satisfactory condi- tion today. The accident happen- long 85 YEARS YOUNG | trips over the holiday weekend. : | in easy A resident of Oshawa for |stages; don't try to travel too| highways. 2. Avoid fatigue by stopping| often for coffee or by changing| | At left: Al 1962 General | Motors cars will be equipped | with anchor plates for seat | belts as standard equipment. The anchor plates make pos- sible the casy installation of front seat belts and their necessary hardware. Hard- ware, which will be part of the belt kit offered by GM deal ers, includes an eye bolt (shown here) which can be at- tached to the anchor plates welded to. the underbody of the car. The belt itself hooks to the eye bolt. Standards and recommended practices for the new installation were de- veloped by the Society of Automotive Engineers. At right: A General Motors of Canada technician tests the 2-Day Racing At Mosport Two big days of motorcycle racing are featured today and tomorrow at the new Mosport Park motor racing circuit, north of Bowmanville. Scheduled to start at 1 p.m. EASTER LILIES Four Easter lilies are bloom- {png in the front yard of Mrs. ed at the Church Rich d St., intersection and caused $1700 damage to Jacob's car; $75 |H. S. McNair, 361 Highland av- enue. Mrs. McNair said after {the plants bloomed at Easter, {she put them in her cellar. Later, when shoots began to damage to the truck; and $35 damage to the other vehicle. The other auto was driven by William Bowden, 65, of 5¢ Burk street, Oshawa. The truck was appear, she moved the plant to the front garden. Memb AT PICNIC embers of y Catholic ed oh ok ruck The Oshawa Fire Department [tended a picnic at Freelton last|TePOrt that in the period from Sunday held for all churches |? a.m, Friday until 9 a.m. to- of this denomination in On-|day. the department ambu- tario. High Mass was said by|lance went out on four calls. His Excellency, Bishop Bores- During the same period, no ki, assisted by. Monsignor Mi-|fires were reported to the de- Ichael Rusnak, of Toronto, and|Partment. |Rev. Francis Fuga, of Hamil- PIGGYBACK SERVICE ton. CNR Piggyback service over | Canadian National Railways will be extended on Monday (Aug. 28) to Bowmanville, driven by Melville C. Long, 39, of 80 Victoria street, Hamilton, FOUR CALLS | CONDITION GOOD Geoffrey Jacobs, 27, of 261 Scugog street, Oshawa, was 1 h x rushed to Oshawa General Hos-|/ Whitby and Pickering. Indus- pital with suspected skull frac-|tries in those areas will now ture and facial cuts after his{be' on direct CN piggyback |car was involved in a collision | routes to Quebec and the Maris with another car and a truck|times. of today is the National Cham- pionship Road Race and six other races organized by the Nortown Motorcycle Club. An- other feature event is the Gold Cup race. More than 100 en- tries have been received from top riders in Ontario, Quebec and various parts of the United States. inciude: Don Richardson, Hali- fax; Bob Burnett, of Massa- chusettes; Ed La Belle and George Rocket, both of Phila- delphia; John Fox, Cobourg; and Ivor Lloyd and Bill Sharp- less of Toronto. The latter has been the holder of the Canadian Championship for the past three years, while Ed La Belle won the national title a year ago. Admission for this meet is $1.50. Many of those competing to- day with different types of ma- Moto-Cross. This is cross coun- try racing up and down the hills chines tomorrow for the Ontario | port Park. The day's racing is organized by the British Em- pire Motor Club and starts at 1:30 p.m. There will be several class events. Oshawa's Busiest Real Estate Firm and valleys in the infield of Mos- 3 night whipped orange belt hold- er Bill Gribben, of Whitby, to claim the Oshawa Maple Leaf Judo club championship. Stadtke wil' defend his title again next month as is done at CRA every month. Other winners and runners-up in Thursday night's exhibi- tion included Jim Nichols, of Port Perry, who defeated Pieter Wilhelm, of Oshawa, to capture the white belt class champion- ship for this month. Peter Naef, of Oshawa, de. feated Larry McGovern, also of Oshawa, to take the yellow belt class championship . for this month. Bill Gribben, runner-up for the overall club championship whip- ped Dour Fallaize, of Ajax, to capture the orange belt cham- pionship for the month. Stan Elliott, of Whitby defeat- ed Arnold Magill, of Bowman- ville, in a contest for the green belt class championship for Aug- ust. Overall champ, Albert Stadt ke, whipped Dan Gillen, of Osh- awa, in a duel for the brown belt class championship for this month. Ann Gribben, wife of orange belt champ Bill Gribben, cap- tured the girls' class champion- ship by defeating Trude Huth, of Oshawa. Club Chief Instructor, Leo Haunsberger, refereed all of Thursday night's contests. Members of the Maple Leaf Judo Club practice at the CRA Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8 to 10 p.m. | GM CARS HAVE PLATES FOR SEAT BELTS quality of a seat belt submit- | installation of front seat belts ted by a manufacturer. GM | and hardware. Kits containing specifications call for belts | belts and necessary hardware which withstand 5,000 lbs. pull. | will be offered by GM deal- The device shown is a Tensile | ers, Tester. All 1962 GM passenger --GM Photo cars will carry plates installed in the floor as stand- ard equipment. The anchor plates make possible the easy GOOD FOOD NOON SPECIALS PLATE LUNCH 55" SNACK ROOM er -------- BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH, ROOM EVENING DINNER-- Dine At . . . OSHAWA'S NEWEST RESTAURANT Featuring Steaks & Beefburgers MAYFAIR RESTAURANT SIMCOE S. PLAZA (Simcoe S. at Ritson Rd.) FREE PARKING NOTICE TO OUR | CUSTOMERS WE HAVE MOVED FROM OUR OLD ADDRESS 1290 SIMCOE N. TO A BRAND NEW LOCATION Taunton Rd. E. AT CITY LIMITS CUSTOM STEEL 3 COURSE . .. up HOTEL LANCASTER (Dining Room Alr Conditioned) DRUG STORES Little Buckaroo Ranch Notables among early entries | CANADA'S ORIGINAL ON JUNIOR ROUNDUP 4:45 P.M. MONDAY, C.B.C. NETWORK 2 SEPARATE SHOWS ENQUIRIES -- P.O. BOX 173, OSHAW, OPEN THIS SUNDAY CHILD DUDE RANCH TV. 8 KING ST. EAST 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY & LOVELL LTD. 723-2245 AUG. 28 & SEPT. II LANE PHARMACY 302 STEVENSON RD. NORTH 728-6661 1204 WECKER DRIVE LAW PHARMACY 725-3525

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