Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 Aug 1961, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 26, 194) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent THREE-ROOM OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M, to 5 P.M. Monday to Fride Seturdey 8 to 1 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERV Dressmaking FURRIER =misjand DRESSMAKER New, Alterations ,Remodelling. LOW PRICES 22 ROWE STREET 728-6706 Driving School LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School Professional Instructors Dual Controlled Cars Standard and Automatic Day ond Evening Lessons 8-0091 MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE .DRIVING Modern dual equipped cars Gov't, licenced instructors. Day or evening appointments DIAL 725-4773 Operated by Geo. B. Rutherford MERCURY TAXI Fuel and Wood FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Sultable | L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- (for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces. Tele-| taries. Money to loan, Henry Block, phone 728-8535, | 26% King Street East, 722-4697. Resi | dence, Dial 723-4029, Gardening and Supplies LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Butrister, 5, Sone! EO4E TEEEE for hea pr tor, Notary, Alger BI C! R. or ges, c.), any : . East. 723-4943, Mortgage #7 Ris avail-|size, choice quality guaranteed, free de- range. AND g nnd IL gl. ih aaviie. telephone MA | Broker, 101 Dundas West. MO 83338. wmanville 4 - aes fhied 3 GREER and KELLY, Sarisers, Soliel [MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh. Sena: Siete Suet South sROWN's TEEPE REMOVAL service. lawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vi- "Greer, BA, Sc. 725.3368; Ter- pig Jeais, expe ence. Telephone cinity. Residential, acreage, apartments, + rence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832. business, Members of Ontario Mort. DRIVEWAYS De Chae peor ic ie ee |gage Brokers Association. Summer . JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solicl- |land Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe * tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street |Street North, Oshawa. Phone 725.3568, * East. 7232269. NHA and private | EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED | REASONABLE PRICES | FIRST and second mortgages. 8 1 mortgages arranged. {agreements purchased and sold, Hen-| . BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King + Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% King Street East. 723-7232, | . : tom.etri UNITED PAVING CO. [2° an C, H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please | 728-4801 |pay a wn De | |Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalide ex- amined at home. Dia] 725-4587. F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Evenings by appointment. 723-4191, ref: 20---Room and Board BOOMERS or boarders, clean home, single beds, also use of family room, close to South GM. 728-2817 WHITBY -- Room and board, a byisht sunny bedroom in clean home. Tele-|ONE- and two-bedroom apartments for Photie MO 8-4581 for further particu-|rent, immediate possession, adults. Ap- lars, ply 13 Join 3 1, Tele-|T PRIVATE HOME--room and board for (PPoDe 3958. 3 gentleman, laundry done, parking, id THREE clean, large rooms, cupboards, Edward Street, close to Garrard, - sink, hot water in Kishen, upper duplex. land West, 723-2392. No children. Abstal inery only ng PONTIAC INN room and board avail-|® able, Bome vovked Mess, lunches , pack. 7 ed. Have lounge. Telephone a for further particulars. private bath, laundry facilities, park: Chin PRIVATE room, three meals a day, ng Vast, pear south five- or seven-day week. No shift work- -- ers. Close to town and buses. 173 Ritson | GOOD LOCATION --- vo. three- South Rosa if care is given to yr to ehild "while mother ROOM Ty board suitable for two|y, Telephone 723-1300. h mi gentlemen, good eals, ingl ood beds, Apply 292/ATTRACTIVE large four-room 1 King Street" ment unfurnished, private bath a King Street East, ! P Soy TT TY TR RW TI GT TP ce. 5 5 COMFORTABLE beds and good board, (ance. Possession September 1. coe suitable for two men, in clean quiet Road North ( or 3) home located midway between Oshawa | ---- ___"""" __ -- and Whitby, Telephone 723-9989. FOWR room self-contained apartment, 2 aa private entrance and bath, heat, heavy EOOM and board for gentlemen, nice nice | duty wiring, TV outlet and cupboards. TE OE rt with rivals ol clean quiet home, first class home Apply 375 Mary Street, Oshawa {bath ing faeilith Hh ih Piivate cooked meals, lunches packed. Close |- Th rd parsing cllitles al outlet to everywhere, 81 Park Road South. SELF-CONTAINED bachelor apartment Semi-private entrance. Centrally locat- AT 79 McGregor Street, room and |i #partment building, private, ideal for| ed. Apply 31 or 29 ny Street. t 3 friends and neighbors. Our exciting, 80-1,0ard for gentlemen' to share, single page, full-color catalogue makes it beds, quiet, private home, Lunches easy to get plenty of orders. No experi: lif desired. 725-6721. ence necessary. Send no money, Write| ee ------ today for samples, on approval, of rite ON ATHOL Street Fast near town, | ly Christmas cards free catalogue, room and board, suitable for a single A Card Dept. 16, 47 E girl. Apply 260 Athol Street Ave., Hamilton. OPERATING ROOM registered mn nurse |HOLSTEIN heifers (six) two immediately, smail active O.R. five-day | [Gurnsey heifers, coming in soon. All (Week, call back service, Apply Cottage ers submited etherwiad Shen in 1 from two to three years old. Telephone Hosvital, Uxbridge. writing, nor for m {MA 3.2353. |CADY to take o etic cian -- insertion of any adver eee "S| ROOM and hoard, suitable for gentle. | GE h in om with pri. ther works. eorrect vs Vor] he orice | PUREBRED German 8 Shepherd pups Nome. Live in. 725-0820. Phone ater 5. man, good home cooked meals, also| (LAT RTT Nears FURNI nodern three-room self. charged for @ single insertion of | for sale, two females, seven weeks old. | WAITRESS required, experienced, full | lunches packed, Close to south General {Telephone 728-5253 or apply 218 Celina contained a Fas television outlet, the advertisement in which error | Telephone 725.5053 or Bowmanville, MA time, Must be reliable, Apply Southend Motors. Telephone 725.3710. | Street. done to: bos I ndlot Tn ong occurs. And also reserve the right ||3-5058. ava, 8 Bloor Street East, Osh- zoom AND BOARD for two gentle: woo and board, suit gentlemen, nice | Telephone 725.7530 for more detailed in. to classify advertising according to | SPANIEL puppies, Jandy colored, vel & {men, on 131 Park Road North. Call jean, quiet home, first class home |iOrmation. its own classification. bred, not registered, healthy puppies. | WOMAN or housewife to show new "easy | | 725-0312. | cooked meals, lunches packed. Close to 00. in the case of display advertise. | Telephone 728-0484 for further particu-|selling product to people, make $70 or -- where, free ok 82 Park Syo-A4 OM apartment Jor "re Tent with ments The Times will not be held ||lars. | more per week. Telephone 728-4091. North, led, centrally located. Apply 163 Banting responsible for more space than AR ated fur Avenue. that in "which the actual error 4--Market Basket CENTRILY Fed Rill d om RE} Jeep on Rh pd ies Boi matter | CORN 25 cents dozen, tomatoes 25 PV Genosha Hotel, Oshaw chine In clean, quiet home. Telephone room, ce! bili but assumes no liability | cents basket, $1.00 bushel, Spanish |AG clubs, etc. Sell Canada's 725-8150 for further particulars. mediately, Telephone MO 8-2796, of advertisement ore contained onions 5 Sents each plex sour San nest Christmas cards, over 300 lems (Two clean rooms for rent. will pent | TWO large rooms completely furnish. naccurac in ery form | bring containers, carrots cents [including religious, everyday and per- ither unfurnished or partly furnishe jed for light housekeeping, includ Ny Wacsuracies y bushel. W. Eyman, half mile east of (sonal cards. Wraps, toys and novelties. 22-- Store Space & Garages| close to bus and shopping. Reasonable | ometor refrigerator, use eluding Nicholls Garage, Courtice. Go north to rompt Aervice, For Solored catalogue rent. Apply 500 Drew Street. {machine and dryer, central to down- first corner. nd samples on approval, Jean ron (STORE or office for rent, 12 Pri YP 7 town and shoppi t) A I SHOPPING CENTRE -- spacious mod-| Opning centre. Adults. $13 | TRANSPARENT apples and other z early | it, Hamilton Co. 1253 King treet [Street, west side pear Sa November 3 dern, two - bedroom apartments, deco. Weekly. 725-5227, |varieties. Roasonable prices, Algoma =ast F eB ATL meta: or Sdoner. Telephone {rated (your choice) from $85. Paved FIVE . room apartment, unfurnished, Orchards, Thickson's Road North, Ta | RESPONSIBLE woman to care for chil- | COMMERCI building "for rent. Ap- parking. John J. Bolahood, Ltd. 725- garage, TV aerial, heat and hot water, mile north of Taunton Road. [vate while mother works, live in, pri-| proximately 50" on main artery. | 6544, $80. Available on September 1. Tele. pre wot 2 board, also small re-|Ample parking for to 30 cars. Write | Zr or PETIT co ed | Ph 725-1343, RASPBERRIES. Pick your own large|'Ate room with ple p FOUR - room apartment, self. phone 725-1 Williamette raspberries for 10c. a pint |" meration. Telephone 725-6278. Box 343 Oshawa Times, | with private entrance and three-piece |THREE-ROOM bright, clean apartment, at Chomko's. MO 8-4606. Bring your own |LADY to look after small child in his | |bath. Apply 539 Albert Street or tele- | cupboards in kitchen, TV outlet, on see. | containers. |own bome, while mother works. Call |23--Wanted to Rent ond floor share bath, Immediate posses- 725-6031 after 6 Phose 728 5079. alter | BUSINESS gentioman, refined, desires | THREE-ROOM apartment with bath, sion. Dial 723-9128. MAILNG clerk required, Grade 12 furnished room with breakfast optional, [partly furnished, immediate possession. (FOUR-ROOM apartment in quiet home, Tor sale, nine weeks oid. | Coucation preferred, typing and filing please state rent ang giving particulars | Reason ble. Telephone 725-6691 for fur-|all conveniences, with private entrance. RR 3, Oshawa, % wile west |Saverience helipad, benefits A PR1Yito | Box 242 Oshawa Times. | ther _|Would prefer working couple, $68 mond Street weer: Tiers, Ltd, o SRONTO artist (Chr .|CE monthly, Telephone 725-9297. olumbus. Telephone 655-3736. (75 Richmond Street West. T straw, baled, for Tele OFFIOR Se -- | quires three - four rooms. Must be near ment on ground floor, $50 per 'hone 725-8552. ' OFFICE clerk wanted with some ex:|school. Telephone ME 6.3049 collect or | Adults, Apply 174 Colborne T 2. a i bookkeeping and Ssperal write Box 239, Oshawa Times. Telephone Mr. Hancock 725-1709 DEAD farm stock picked up promptly, |office work, cluding some sel ted Aimee Ratt - |Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. | Telephone 725-3511. a | THREE - BEDROOM house in Rossland SELF-CONTAINED lower duplex, cen- A tral, three rooms and bath, includes {Margwill Fur Linn LCI, WEEKLY for wearing lovely Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post heat, water, electric stove, refrigerator {sable d [Srestes gives you as Jonas, you show | Office {and parking. Telephone 723 4583. Nor merican v vid dagkham, orien. No a on ethers | WIDOW desires three.room self-contain. | BACHELOR apartment, newly decor: 3 | experience necessary, North American | ed apartment, in quiet adult home. Cen. ated, stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, Fashion Frocks, Ltd., 3425 Industrial tral location, near bus. Reasonable ample parking. Ava able September 1. (iva. Dept. H. "2508 Monk 9, | vent, Telephone 723-9791 giving « 348 }_King § Street West. 725.513 2, 0 $15 FOUR-ROOM part. | T re for | ADULT | family of four wishes to rent self e between Ri 18 and 35.30 | house, Whitby, with option to buy. Rea- Meat, new stove and re. gs p.m. Monday to Friday. Vicinity Lans. sonable rent. Telephone MO 8 Availal 1 downe Shopping Centre, North Osh. RELIABLE young couple with baby de: Telephone 725.4569. awa, Telephone 728-6808 after 5. sire four or five room apartment in NICELY furnished bright clean room room and bord for woman Private home. Refrigerator, stove and |for gentlemen, suit qt ome or two. Arply FREE with small child, in exchange for light use of basement, Reasonable rent, iy Park Road Sou 14--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED day care for children, large fenced yard, swings. Apply 195 Ritson Road South or 728-9062. EXPERIENCED woman will do house cleaning by the day. Monday, Wed. nesday and Fridays preferred. Tele. phone 723-7320, 16--Female Help Wanted PART-TIME lady, to work in new store, sales experience and some typing helpful. Aly Box 233, Oshawa Times, stating full EXPERIENCED waitress wanted for day work. Apply Ritson Drugs, 264 King street East, $23 WEEKLY for wearing lovely dresses given you as bonus. Just show North American Fashion Frocks to friends. No canvassing, investment, ex- perience necessary. North American Fashion Frocks Ltd. '3425 Industrial Blvd, Dept. H-2516 Montreal 39. 2--Personal FELECIFICO Day Nursery now in oper. ation, Official opening in September. Call 728-2412 for interview. TWO male Ryerson students wish to commute. Raquire ride. Phone 723-9893. TOBACCO eliutiior -- -8elentitie d remed diction. Free noriatve medion opinion suppl if K. Phar- macal Corp., Lid.,, Box 88, Steiion B, Hamilton, Ont. ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshwaa, August 29th and 30th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint ment, 3--Pets & Livestock SMALL Collie for sale and three pups. Good homes wanted for two, well Srain- ed cats and four kittens. T 3512, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for | training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, | Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. | BOARDING kennels, new modern fire, | proof kennels, J asious runs. abi | Pickering WH 2.1237. | DACHSHUND Ri registered, for sale, black and tan colored, also red 8. | | Pape rs ble if desired, Telep! one | 725-1669 for further information, 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FOUR-ROOM apartment, [irigerator, built-in cirboar. plece bath. Telephone 725.3938. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished avarice with two-piece private bath and South GM, duty 'wiring, ar bus THREE-ROOM apartment, bath po Bh eg heavy du ui "wiring at door. op mediately. Telephone 7 ue 18 LARGE, ove ut PR for ut a d to downtown. vd ply 4 Charles' Strest (behind Oshawa CE DIRECTORY Lawn Mowers Accountants NTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and + MO Chartered Accountants, 25-3527, LX Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax, 2-0890. CLASSIFIED AD RATES 23 words or Cash Bind WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call- STAN'S newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, 2 CONSEcUTL VE SERTIONS 225 248 1] Cee ve . INSERTIONS 375 4.03 i not paid within 7 days the CORNER KING & BURK STS. Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to origina! 723-3224 orders for consecutive insertions. | Sub Insertions ordered ot a Money to Loan later date constitute @ new original order. CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. gage, Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased, NHA mortgage arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus, Monies also available Second Mortgages. Mortgages ond Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builder' Mort. goges ot reasonable rates, 26Y2 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 APATHERT with modern hic CLANCY'S Ontario kitchen, TV outlet, washer and Service. Comple Complete Sesiseping ries IEDLANDER, HUNTER fv Auditors. UPSTAIRS three-room frigerator, stove, cupboards in xe chen, private bathroom, separate en- trance, near dus stop. "No -childres 725-6473 Li Ki CALF. Friedlander, B Comm,, CPA, . T. HOPKINS and Company, Ey fed Public Accountants, 172 Xin ; Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 7%. 3300. WILSON and BURROWS, Accountants, 3'% Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, G. Edmond Burrows, CA. 728-2571. H. E. DEWAR and Co, Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On- tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2221 Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- teed, automotive parts and accel ries. 145 King Street 728-1607-3-9. Five bays to serve you. Barristers BOWMAN, David L. Barrister, Soi tor, 3% Simcoe South. 725-9502. R dence 728-026 HUMPHREYS, Barristers, os on Simcoe Breet North, Telephone 725-6343, 9am TWO waitresses wanted, one full time, one part time to work nights and weekends. Apply in person to 522 Ritson Road South. NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50 and more can easily be earned by showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to and 8 fistings $7. 50 per month for 3 lines ell, Each additional line $1.60 month, Each initial fetter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure, counts os © word, Box charge 15¢ additional. All Clossified Advertisements must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- fore publication except Births, Memoriams Cords ef Thanks which will be accepted until 9 om. Deadline for Lost end Founda and Concellations 8:30 am, Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8 - 12 REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times wih not be responsible for errors In advertise- couple, Close to South GM, stove, refrig- UNFURN erator included, TV outlet. Plenty of three rooms with bath, near bus, park- parking, Possession September 1, 723-| {ing facilities, landlady will care for 4245, child while mother works, Telephone FOUR-ROOM apartment, in quiet home, (7a. 4872. all conveniences with private en- | SELF-CONTAINED ground floor apart. trance, Would prefer worning couple, ment, 315 rooms, heated, centrally lo. £65 monthly. Telephone 725-9297. | cated, immediate possession, child wel. ELF - contained four-room, two-bed. come. Telephone 725-0831 for further in. Yoon apartment, unfurnished. Ample formation. cupboards, good parking, use of base- APARTMENT with s stove and | refriger- ment, Yi Albert Street. Telephone ator in exchange for care of two small (725-92 {children five dave weekly 8-5 while mo- 7 503. a ROSSLAND and Simcoe area, nd board, good beds and food, lunche ked if desired, laundry done, tele. vision. Parking. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue, on also ROOM and board for "gentlemen, sepa- rate beds, continuous hot water, home- cooked meals, centrally located. Apply |oF 252 Arthur Street. Telephone 728-0723. ROOM and board for lady or gentle. men, Close to downtown. Apply 29 Elgin st or telephone 728-3643. To5t0d ™ "Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5203. Money to loan. MANNING F. SWARTZ snd RONALD [PART-TIME waitresses required, for | : {modern ar-conditioned coffee shop. Ap. Registered Under Mortgage G room , pri Brokers' Registration Act ntrally located. Ava ni Ry th Mortgages NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING W. Next to Western Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell, exchonge used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone in the city. S--Farmers Column [54 + Street East 728-2381. Res, YU5-2127, + RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. + GREER, Associate Barristers and Soll. t citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. : Mortgage loans available | RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA, LLB, ¥ Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street i East, Oshawa, Ontario. 2071. { JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, ! Barrister and Solicitor and Noy Pub- ! lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King f West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available. » DONALD BLAKE DODDS, -. + snd Solicitor, 26% King Street « Telephone: Business 723-2201. + dence, 728-5373, + JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, + Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% + King Street Rast, Oshawa, 728-8232. # Residence, 725-3405 month. | THREE-ROOM furnished avartment f for East, |couple, living room, bedroom three. plece bath and kitchen with stove, re. frigerator, cupboards, sink, 728 516, LARGE room and kitchen for rent, stove and refrigerator included, close to down town. Apply 24 Charles Street. UR - RO including Stove. and refrigerator, built-in cup three-piece bath. Telephone 3938 for further particulars, fing "ROOM apartment, ed, good location, close to shopping and bus. Foe, pation, Avaliable Septem: pply King Street E phone 725-2018, on BACHELOR apartment -- two rooms sink, private OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL -- STONE LOAM RA 3-3528 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL CEMENT GRAVEL FOUR - ROOM apartment, Painting and Decorating {PAPER HANGING and painting serv. serv. ice, Discuss the decorating of your thome with Allan Van Horn. Phone 728.2822. {with motor, 6-ft. pick up, pull type, in| |good running order, $800, Telephone | {Newcastle 2139, Edwin Staub, J . Barrister East. Resi TV - Radio Repairs Jelt-contain. TV, RADIO, car radio repairs makes. Thom p s on Electronics, Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). Farmers and Hommermill an Attention: EXPERT painting by Don, at reason. 157, able rates. Telephone CO 3-2780 or 723. 253. PAINTING by tradesman, work guar : E T SALMERS, ma. 3 Barrister, Solici- 13% treet North. ; Office grin Residence, 725-5542. : CREIGHTON, FRASER: DRYNAN and i MURDOCH, Solicitors, No- § tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., 3 Simcoe Street North, 723-3346; T. K. Creighton, QC: N. C. Fraser, QC; G K. ! Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA mort: + wages arranged. « THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- + citor and Notary Public, 264 + Street East. Phone 728-1763, * RICHARD H. DONALD, BA Barrister, + Solicitor, Notary Public, 52%4 Simcoe ¢ North, 728-2891. Res. 728-2765. : MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, ¢ Solicitors. Clients' funds available for y frst Jerigages. 20 Simcoe Street North, 725-3586. Charles C. MeGibbon, QC; i Eagar . Bastede, Boats SAND AND FILLING EVANS LOAM AND GRAVEL SUPPLIES. 725-5279 LOAM-GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED TRACTOR, LOADER WORK 7 anteed, free estimates, exterior and inte rior work, reasonable rates. Telephone 28-2558, DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8- 5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 Reasonable Rates Personal Service DIAL 725-2156 OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Lendscaping designing, sod- CETER PAN Day Nursery, all or halt ay, North. 728-2604 8.30 to 530, 331 Simcoe Street | TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN ? ? WHY Bacon v we give real service fast . . . some day ." . ef- ficient , . . sove money , . . experience , , , satisfied, Drive In (ond save) Service Tubes checked, glass ond tuner cleaned, set up for best picture, A TOWER? TRY US! Moving antenna? Some day! Repairs? As good as new! TRIO TELEVISION Thresher | F | Belts, 50" x 6 x 4: $45.00, 2" Belting: 22c per ft.; 3": 33c ft; 6": 65¢ ft. Special | prices on endless farm belts, all types of rubber hose, plas- tic pipe, rubber boots, etc. Belt repaired or vulcanized a low prices within 24 hours. Phone 728-1658 Snowden Industrial Rubber & Plastics | 91 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA 6--Auction | {duties and care of children. Small re- | muneration. Box 231 Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED TYPIST To assist in selling in store. | TELEPHONE 723-7921 FOR APPOINTMENT FOR INTERVIEW 17--Male Help Wanted | | NATONAL food company requires "ime mediately a resident salesman to cover AUCTION SALE trade and retail food stores in wa, Peterborough, Belleville and Kingston areas, Car supplied, expenses, health and pension plans, salary range $300 to $350 per month depending om experience. Please reply stating full de- tails, age, marital status, experience jae -4083. 24--Houses for Rent | RANCH "bungalow, |large living room with fireplace, {bright bedrooms, choice Mary Street. Phone 725-0243, [NEWLY furnished house for rent, for {about one year starting October to re- further details sponsible people. For telephone 728.4172. TWO attractively furnished ties, girl's preferred. Street. Telephone 728-0669. AVAILABLE September 1, ¢ large four bedroom home, North, Phone R. Schofield Associates Ltd., 7 attached garage, three location on Henry Stinson, "rooms, near bus and shopping, parking facil. Apply 466 Albert executive' Simcoe near high and public schools. chofield Insurance 1265. FOUR-ROOM apartment, all conveni- ences, laundry, separate entrance, hot water free, bus at the door, Arply 165 Verdun Road. Telephone 723- 3 entrance, suit business couple or single person, close to Shopping Centre, hospi: ls al. Wo Bl Donthly inclusive, 124 Park 08, TWO apartment, stove, re. TWO heated apartments, Et CY third floor, private entrance, Ay Bond Street East. Telephone 725- -- further information. SIX-ROOM apartment with parking fa. cilities, very central location, Telephone 725-0081 or 725-9544 for dteails. THREE-ROOM apartment, self-contain. ed, built-in cupboards, heavy duty wir ing. This apartment must be seen to be appreciated. Telephone 725-1354. frigerator, drapes, washer, dryer and 4 | Janitor Service, Hogi monthly, immediate session. or two children wel come. Call oars L. Gower 728-4651. THEEE-ROOM basement furnished or unfurnished, refrigerator, sink and cupboards in kitchen, close to South General Motors. Apply 173 Hibbert Street. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in SPACIOUS apartment, three rooms newly furnished, share bath, brivale entrance, use of washer and dryer, $7 monthly, Telephone 728-5332, APARTMENT consisting of five rooms stove and refrigerator sup plied. SSephione: 728-6214; nings, 723-2341 26--Rooms for Rent FIVE-ROOM brick "bungalow a and | gar- den for rent or sale. 310 Highland Avenue. Telephone Bethany 20 Ring 22. NEWLY decorated four-bedroom | brick | and three rooms unfurnished, tained, Jirest, eall ot the self-con- parking facilities, south > r information, $1 Celina anytime ONE bright spaclous bed-sitting room with modern furniture, in clean rome all conveniences, one minute to Shop ping Centre, Sg ntleman. 36 F' rr iL B TAT, -s FURNITURE Property of MINNIE REAL ESTATE Chicken plate, halt chicken with french fries, fish ond chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes. MODERN GRILL x MODERN unfurnished four - ¥ stairs apartment, three-piece separate entrance, $75 includes hydro. Adults only. 223 Etna. blocks south Ritson Brewery. LARGE two-room apartment for rent, partly furnished, d wash house, large living and dining roo hard wood floors, open fireplace, led kitchen, two bathrooms, hot water, oil heated, landscaped, quiet district, near school and shopping. $99 monthly. Tele. phone MO 8-8669 days 8 to 10, evenings from 6 to 10. to Box 234 Oshawa Times. All re. {plies will be treated [SELL Canada's newest product, m in Oshawa, full or part-time. Make de or more per week. Telephone 728-4091, FUEL oil sale an, full or part-time, | Commission basis. Apply Jack Perry, P0800 080031 ding, seeding, weed killing, xkxx * Complete garden service. TXXXXXAXXXAXXXX XXX XK XXXXX XXXX 171 BOND EAST 278-6781 |Well Drilling-Digging ONE furnished bedroom with kitchen suitable for couple or two ladies. Cen. trally located. Telephone 728-0863 even ings for further particulars, FURNISHED housekeeping Central, close to, Ropltay bath, heat, Four XXXXXXXAXXX XXX 728-6366 | AAXXAXXAXXXXAX | DON'T PASS UP THAT BARGAIN BUY YOUR BOAT NOW WITH A LOW.COST, LIFE.INSURED ®x x x HMw Xx xX WHR x x x x UISte tog TH Tle x MXMMN HMM x x x x HHO [PIVIOIVRE 15 x FOXX » HORRHK THE BANK Oi NOVA SCOTIA E. R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE Top soll end sod, Repairing ond lawn maintenance patio and sidewalk slabs. 725-6047 CROSS TOWN | SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, | cut fresh daily, sod for truck- . ers in the field, Special con- tractor rates. 725-8504 NUMBER ONE | TOP SOIL |; 6-YD. LOAD--$8.00 | Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 : Building Trades FREE estimate on digging basements | : and grading by bulldozer. MO 8-5612. { Your local chimney cleaner. 3 heys built and repaired, ! stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free est. : mates. 723-2097. 4 1 3 ' ' ' » . . » » . i 4 i ' : i i § i 1] 1 1 . » : - . . . * . ' i 2 $ $ § ' i : i LJ + . . . * - ' . . ' 1d Chim- s linings in. 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 723- 3162 ne | HARDSAND LANDSCAPING A complete garden service, cleon-up, fertilizing, power | rolling. Now is the time to kill crab gross end chick- weed. Seeding, sodding, nur- { sery stock. | 75.0 | | | Instruction JLLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing Schoo vl Ballet, Tap, Pre. Scion. "Registration: | Ssturday Morn., Sept. 9, Tem |CHESTERFIELDS WE DELIVER--725-3887 | Plumbing Heating and heating supplies. Harold H. 8 rk, plumbing, heating and enitneer, 5 Simcoe Street South ALL TYPES of repairs "and remodel | ing, new and used materials, Reason. able rates. Estimates free. Dial 728- 6931. | {J. Foley. BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps. ESSO oil burners, hot water and forced air furnaces, batnroom fixtures, parts and service. PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Nignt | TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK Telephone 728-3864 | QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY (Harry O. on la WEDNESDAY, AUG, 30 | TERMS CASH SALE AT 1 O'CLOCK Ted Jackson, Auctioneer W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. 'W. P.O. BOX 329 [Rug--Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered an d re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate- ial for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212 CHESTER 8S and "od "chairs re. | {covered like oy Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-6451 for a free esti- mate. re-built, recovered Uke new. Why pay more? |are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery 0, 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725 {0311 Surveyors |DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, On- {tario Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue- printing, 12 Bloor Street East. 725.5632. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue Hast, Phone 725-6881. ITY - Radio Repairs ple, Centre Street, 723-7253, + CERAMIC, , plastic wall tile, woodwork. 1 ing. all floor coverings Free Insurance + Work guaranteed. 728-0850. 'a L types | building repairs, roof roofing, r Gordon idewalks, stoops. 728-0304, + May. * HOME OWNERS--shingling, flat roofs, * all types siding, blown insulation, caulk- * ; ing. Phil ny Whitby, MO 8-4558, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up| to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For personal service at your home, call] 725-1625. : AUTO INSURANCE If you are a careful driver : Cartage 4 NEED a job? The place to find it la fin the 14 Column of the Oshawa Times : Classified Section. Check right now. | JomN S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa * Whi hitby. Reasonable rates, Ful'y ; equipped and insured. Phone 728-3661. PLASTERING Prompt Service -- Satisfoc- tion Guaranteed, New work you may save $10, $15 or $25 on your car insurance or better than 20%. Preferred drivers enjoy the lowest rate in Ontario through this of- fice. Half-year payments. Call us today and compare ample free parking. SCHOFIELD T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings OSHAWA T.V. Free Survey ond estimates SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V. 725-7844 or 728-5804 360 King St. West 723.2265 or Repairs. Nothing too large, Nothing too small, The price is right -- Call AJAX Repair and Construction Limited 110 King Street East BERS Ea eee. m | INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. | | Lawn Mowers HAVE your lawn mower precision! sharpened. Free pick up and delivery ! Telephone 725-4360. YOUR business profits will limb Viens you let prospect-pulling Oshawa Times! Classified Ads take your sales message all over 728-5103 Dial 723-3493 for an ex-| today, SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO | CALL 728-5286 All Work Guaranteed. OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Our rates | | | | | NOTHING 1S TOO BIG or too SMALL tobe soldin a classified ad The capabilities of classified are almost limitless. You can buy (or sell) big things like it you wish. And, just as easily, houses or ten-ton trucks, you'll find buyers for more modest-sized items like jewel- lery or roller skates or baby buggies. One thing that isn't big is the cost of classified. Only 2132 cents per word for twenty-five words (minimum) for six consecutive insertions. Three cents per word for three consectutive insertions and four cents per word for one or two insertions. Call The Osh- awa Times Classified RA 3- 3492 it you have something to sell. Read the classified for anything to buy 1033492 | Highway 2, East of Oshawa mo | T--Trei lers FT. '59 McGINNIS house trailer, Hind five. Propane and electric, tires {are like new. This trailer is in imma- culate condition and must be sold. Apply 1239 Meadowvale Street. BUY NOW AND SAVE See Our Display of GLENDETTE TRAVEL TRAILERS AWNINGS IN STOCK Parts and Service at Cooks Trailer Sales 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent JL four-room cotta | sale. Overlooking Paudash Lake, Fi |nished, treed lot, good fishing and hunt. Ing $3200 terms or $2500 cash. 725-8755, TILTING boat trailer, heavy duty, 16- oot, mew condition. Telephone OL 5-3738. COTTAGE -- New in 1957, Gores Land. fing. Rice Lake. Walnut finish (furnish. ) $6500 with $2000 down. Phone Franklin 27942. Box 144 Cobourg. 12--Articles Wanted SEA SHELLS wanted. Must be in good condition. Telephone 725-1761. =4 | SHAW AUTC WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking. | Parts for sale, also scrap iron ond metals, etc. Open Saturday all day, Phone 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER 723-2043 - 723-3374 (collect) ! 13--Business Opportunities MODERN new cut stone service sta- bought. | | Perry Lid, LOVELY 1%.storey brick home, | MARRIED couple to manage 1l-plex apartment building in Whitby, live in with rental allowance. Write Box 146, Oshawa Times. SALESMAN with | hairdressing supplies to sell to beauty salons. Apply in person to Oshawa Beauty Supply, 15 King Street East, Oshawa. REAL opportunity! We need agents in your surr to sell our h necessities in a protected area. commission, bonus, 30-day trial, etc. Familex, Dept. A 8, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, LITTLE Buckaroo Ranch rquires im. |p mediately, a top experienced stable man for its horses. Single with refer. ences. Apply in person or write Box 173 Oshawa Post Office. BOOKKEEPER Permanent position. Reply Box No, 238, Oshawa Times, stating qualifications and ref- erence. LOCAL MAN REQUIRED | need a representative for my firm in this area. The opening in this area moy be worth up to $8,000 yearly for the right man. Can you make short auto trips? Full or part time work. Can you call on City, Town ond Rural dwellers? Are you prepared to start at once? Write Sales Manager, Box 817, London, Canada. Te--Male or Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED tobacco tiers, want. ed. Can have room and board if neces- sary. Apply Peter Lamers, RR | Castleton, _Telephone Grafton 6 RR 2 SALESMEN OR LADIES WANTED for Oshawa Smartest Shoe Store Opening Scon Shoe selling experience an asset but not essential. Telephone 728.7611 tion and restaurant in centre of Sun. derland for sale. Highways 7 and 12 { Beautiful condition, with large paved | parking area. Gasoline of your choice. | Cash, house or apartment as down paymeat, Balance over 30 years. PO Box 220 Ochawa OSHAWA Times Classified Ads fill rent-|EXCELLENT board, private room for or To | gentleman, in adults' home, all conveni: {apartment buildings, 8! vacancies fast and inexpensively 20--Room and Board NEAR Shopping Centre and town, room and board available for young woman. Seven-day week. Lunches packed if de. sired Apply 322 King Street West {find the reliable tenants you want just ences. Sadie Avenus South, Tele din] 723-3492 to met your ad started. 'nhone Y25-1777. monthly. Available _ September 1 {OWNER moving to Hawail for Tully Fruit trees in back yard. 1036 Cedar or telephone 728-5422. $95 ar, |apartment, couple or two ladies share, furnished an basin, parking facilities. Centrally lo- cated. Very reasonable rent. Apply 61 Nassgu Street. north GM, stores and bus; dishes and Linens supplied, Apply 12 Elgin Streef as COMPLETELY furnished two - room modern kitchen, refriger- ator, radio, laundry facilities and tele- vision antenna. Quiet home. Very cen. LARGE furnished combination room, light housekeeping, refrigerator, sink, close to downtown, suit a, 475 King East. Telephone 725-9683 some knowledge of HIM | 6p lower duplex, all conveniences supplied, TV, automatic washer, dryer. MO 8-5670. tral. East. Abstainers only, 137 725-1588. Elgin Street CLEAN, furnished room with kitchen, hot water, would be very FOR RENT -- or sale -- three.bedroom brick house, very central, oil heated, garage. References needed if renting. A 48 Albert after 3.30 p.m. RALLY located, five - room house for rent, all modern conveniences, Available September 1. Telephone 723- 9889 for further ' particulars. FOUR-BEDROOM home for rent with two baths and recreation room. Tele- phone 728-8658 for further particulars. $658 DOWN buys this five-room brick 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT Modem building, refrigerator, stove, paved parking and wv for locad ed, pA 723-9225 for details, NICELY furnished bright clean room for gentleman, suit one or two. Apply 356 Park or telephone 728-0146. CENTRALLY located single furnished Rom with ig A of kitchen and wash clean, quiet home outlet. A Ist. For information tele- phone 723-2563. home, carries for $82 monthly, interest and principal. Room in basement now renting for $32 monthly, Why pay rent? Live in your own home and save, Call Irwin Cruikshanks, 728.5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa Ltd.) Realtor. FIVE-ROOM brick house, oil heating, garage, 42 Westmoreland, $90 per month. Possession September 1, 0332, After 6, 723-9210. SIX - room house, two # storey, or three room flat, partly furnished. Parking space, Close to bus. id monthly, Ap. APARTMENTS in modern building. Avail- able now. Laundry, parking, hardwood floors, 'frig, stove, TV outlet, locker. Call MO 8-3092 after 5 or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5, Whitby. ply 641 Merritt Street THREE- bedroom Vision Tor for rent or sale, split-level with dining room and recreation room, completely decorated, Telephone 728-2280 for details. SIX-ROOM house on Rossland Road West, close to school and bus, double garage, Daijale September 1, Write to E. E. Healey, Port Perry. SIX-ROOM house with bath, heavy duty wiring, television outlet, oil heat, close TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 4 rooms -- free use of auto- matic washer end dryer. $90 MONTHLY Apply 213 Montrave rae, Apt. | Telephone 725-4 nse for further particu FURNISHED apartment and single housekeeping rooms, private entrance, Sentral parking, reasonable. 96 Centre ONE furnished large room, suitable fos oe or two gentlemen. Telephone =» 0 ROOM with single bed, shared $6, sin gle $8 per week, private wash basin, spring filleq mattresses, parking facili Vo Centrally located, Apply 204 Drew piss furnished large room, in pri. vate home, for gentleman, private bath. room and entrance. Apply 444 Fern hill Blvd. 723-7070. ONE single nicely furnished room, stalner preferred. Central i hey Apply 45 Drew Street or telephone 728 4598 for further details. CENTRAL -- two, clean, desparate rooms, in home like atmosphere. Use of washing ma. chine. 119 Agnes Street, 725-3751. pri LARGE with to bus and schools. Apply 305 Avenue. | NEW modern bungalow at Maple Grove, {three bedrooms. All conveniences, $80 monthly. Immediate possession. Tele-| Phos for information, Ma 3- 2203. tral, oil heated, sun porch, Nov pb age. Occupancy September with one je lease. Telephone 728-1131 before r p.m. evenings 725-1423, | | & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE 725-3815 or 728-6485 vate entrance, for Tent, o on nisin floor. Telephone 728-5253 or apply 218 Celins Street. FURNISHED bedroom for rent with housekeeping privileges. Suitable for gentleman, five minutes walk to four corners. Apply 23 Drew Street off King Street East. TWO-ROOM apartment, cupboards and sink in the kitchen, separate entrance, ample parking facilities. Telephone 728 11415 for further details. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, with private entrance, ground floor, front, parking, heavy wiring, three- Piece) {bath. Telephone 725-9657 after five. | THREE.) ROOM apartment in soarimen| dren, 8, Jn Avpiy 103 Wilson Roa North, Apartment 3. MUST SEE to appreciate! New 'modern | apartment, five large rooms, wall to! wall broadloom, colored bath, beauti- fully decorated, all conveneinces, excel: lent location, 728-5282. MODERN, quiet two bedroom _base- {ment apartment on 18 Gibbon Street, {Adults or with children over 12. Avail. September 1 1st. EE-ROOM apartment, , furnished or unfurnished, 1240 Simcoe Street North, bus at door, available September 1. Call 725-0429, THREE - ROOM apartment, in apart. ment building, bright, clean, washer, aerial, parking. Available September 8, Near. Shopping Centre. Apply 212 Ste. venson Road South. |$30 MONTALY and up. two-bedroom apartments, new all conveniences, |beautifully decorated, centrally located. 1725.6674 or 728-5282. >. Modern ong- PARKWOO | D MANOR APARTMENTS (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS IN TOWN Modern 2-bedroom apartments. paved parking, T.V. outl FROM Fridge, sto et. $85.00 Inquire about our special offer at $82.50 FOR INFORMATION 725-7272 725-5787 Er REE

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