Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Aug 1961, p. 11

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| Train-Car Crash | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 23, 1961 11 - . Picketing re : : WILL FLUORIDATE | s Kills Man, Wife | CHATHAM (CP) -- Fluorida-| DETROIT (CP) -- A 55-year- | J Incident LONDON Ont. (CP) -- Henry tion of Chatham Township's wa- old school teacher, working dur- Ward, 72, and his wife Lily ter supply was approved Tues-|ing the summer as a cab driver, LJ Promise Trouble | Anew For West "gw | May, 68, of Mount Brydges were, "yo" tounghi cil, thus was shot to death Monday night Convictions Riles hss n yhey TR idle ED he ge police believe was an CP from AP-Reuters ency said Mikoyan told the| : : x TOKYO--Soviet Deputy Pre- press conference there would| STRATFORD (CP) -- Two in two on 2 Iu isl Shussing 15 with a fluoridation scheme. Wal argument over a fare. Jobert mier Anastas Mikoyan has have to be a special agreement| were convicted Tuesday on he laceburg council approved fluo- Warman was slain by a® shot- | promised new troubles for the|among the nations concerned to| iio ooc arcing from picket-| The Toronto - Windsor train ridation in July, but marked gun blast after the killer forced {West in reaching isolated West| guarantee communications be- line incidents at the "Stratford threw the rear half of the car|time until Chatham Township, him into an alley. The killer has {Berlin when Russia signs a|tween West Germany and West plant of Reliance Reeves Mas-| 300 feet away Parts of the front which obtains some of its water not been found. Warman was peace treaty with East Ger- Berlin. {ters Limited half were jammed under the from the town, agreed to the working as a cabbie to put his jmany. i Roy Sharples of Toronto, a un-| train. move. son through college. }. But some doubt. remained lion organizer, pleaded guilty to | y . after Mikoyan flew home Tues- Notes Foreign on ed day as to exactly what steps t by 2) a. dik | migh e taken to cut off the| | bance after Michael Bendi BI ri te LSS re eat ---------------- occupied city deep ins -| a. of Stratford, assistant plant A ( ; | S( '} ] | E | munist territory | . las he drove a car across the i 2 speech oz S10UD of lors OTTAWA (CP) -- A federal picket line Feb 17. yan was quoted as saying that government report Tuesday, Sharples was given a sus: | after the freaty is signed the noted the increasing number of | pended sentence for one year West will have to get permis- Canadian Insurance Companies|and had to post a $100 bond. sion from East Germany, which| coming under British or foreign! geith Raymer of Stratford the Western countries do not control. was fined $25 or 10 days on a Go recognize, to cross its territory, K. R. MacGregor, superinten- | charge of public mischief, for / A MA : into West Belin. |dent of insurance, in his annual spreading nails on the driveway The Associated Press quoted report to Finance Minister and parking lot at the plant.| him as saying: Fleming, said 11 of the 36 Ca- Other charges against Raymer | I "You may not like the (East) nadian insurance companies of intimidation and wilful dam- This Beautiful 4-Piece ise ty 2 German Democratic Republic now are controlled outside Can-|age were withdrawn. J 2 \ / i | but it is an elected government ada. Also withdrawn was a charge WE \ 3 picked by the people. You'lll He conceded a solution to the of attempted common assault] A A \ have to ask them for a pass if problem is difficult "without se-| against Bendik. iA {vou want to enter Berlin. With-|rious interference with private, A charge of common assault WATCHING THE CIRCUS ant it you won't get through." Hiss long ys Canadian against Douglas Smith of Mit- i ) ; shareholders wish to sell their| chell and charges of intimida-| WRI I | NG Expressions of two young- | watch elephant doing trunk- | Exhibition circus in Toronto {MAY BE TOUGH shares and if outside interests | Che. A aval riehl of sters tell part of tale as they | stand at Canadian National | today. --(CP Wirephoto) flog jn 8 Dress colisreics be. are prepared to pay a higher giratford, Leslie Martin of St. SE Tuesday, Mikoyan appeared to|Pric® than Canadians. [Marys and Charles Maguire of with every $5.00 purchase of iow arms smuggied fromr The take a tougher stand. Lo WAY R |Strauord were raw, apt {Congo. But for the most part : J: NG WA OUND e strike dates . Tells Of Terr or |the rebel groups live off "the that the. Ames woud have. ts HALIFAX (CP) -- A letter| 8, 1900 when the 42 - member) @ SCHOOL STATIONERY & PENS |country and their weapons are| gon a neace treaty with E Local 39 0 oe : Stolen Jrom the Portigutse. sign a peace treaty with East/from Mrs. M. Weldon of the. Radio and Machine Wrok-| PY ZIPPER BINDERS & BRIEF CASES | R 1 Att Only with a pass from the Germany of lose their access 10|canadian International Paper ers of America Union 1nd ) ATs sible hype $ . ot. wr . Contract otia- n Rebe ack Sp possible 0, Teach When asked how access would Company at Montreal xequest | WEKSL 35 iio gown and re. @ GOLES NOTES & TRANSLATIONS Buelo and to travel through ; Al rami ; 8% be obtained after the treaty is|ing advertising space in the] 0 hq ooneiliation attempts IR NTN bel - held territory. Without a By DENIS NEELD Now the Portuguese have Tobe a pas chite.} signed, the AP said he replied: |Mail-Star, arrived here weeks n i i 5 ; : 8 s pass a white man would S8ned, ! plied: ar, ere weeks | qu ring the strike failed. PY = BUELO, Angola (AP) -- This|again reoccupied the town. be executed on the spot as a "It's simple. There is only one|after it had been mailed. Post-| At the end of last May, only| COLES FACT FINDER SERIES village of red sun-baked brick,| Buelo is a six-hour drive from| Portuguese spy way. Every other country willmarks indicated the letter had|17 men picketed the plant, 13 once a bustling trading post just Leopoldville. capital city of The| *gyen Negroes have to carry|have to sign an individual peace travelled to Calcutta and back. having resigned and 12 having inside Angola near the Congo-|Congo, where headquarters of * Treaty with the German Demo- When informed, the sender returned to work. In July, the You can save all your receipts lese frontier, now is a heap ofthe UPA is situated. UPA--Un. ® UPA identity card. walle ; » ked h | ind i li il th tal $5.00! ) . t A 18 § ed. 4 On t nai ad south cratic Republic too. |asked that the request be| remaining pickets left the line until they toto F ut terror five on of ne Pop ations o Angola ply he FYE rod on ~ However, Reuters news ag dropped. for other jobs. THIS OFFER EXPIRES --is the major driving force be- wl: docer it © 7] me-- ---- lent and deserted. MON. NIGHT, SEPT. 4th months ago, eight of Buelo's hind the Angolan rebellion and nine Portuguese residents were|it maintains a rigid political UPA seems to command al-| butchered by Negro rebels. The over people remaining in teri-|most solid support in this re- ninth, a police lieutenant, fled|tory occupied by its guerrillas.|&ion populated largely by Ba into the bush and escaped. rye congo tribesmen. In the terri- It was the beginning of a na-| LIVE OFF COUNTRY tory of other tribes the organi- tionalist uprising which has This town lies on the route zation probably is less strong. turned a broad northern strip|taken by couriers passing with] But according to rebel head- of this Portuguese colony into a|orders to rebe! bands hiding in quarters in Leopoldville it has no-man's-land of ghost towns, the forests and hills of Angola. 50,000 members throughout An- scorched plantations and home-| Along this route comes a trickle gola ready to take up arms in less, wandering refugees. of medical supplies, food and the nationalist cause. Angola erupted March 14,| -- when hundreds of Portuguese | men, women and children were killed in concerted rebel attacks REGISTERED NURSE on scores of towns and villages | and isolated farms throughout] REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF OSHAWA the north. BOARD OF HEALTH Here in Buelo the revels tell | To do audiometer testing in the schools. Traini rse y 7 3 wn 3 N raining cou pro- how they overwhelmed the po vided. Salary $3,420.$4,275. Annual increment $171.00. lice station, a customs post and n fee Soo of a 15 Dost and Transportation provided. Usual Employee benefits. Duties to bd commence Sept. 18, 1961, trader. APPLY TO: Miss Gertrude Tucker, HACKED TO PIECES SHOPPING CENTRE One customs officer managed Supervisor, Public Health Nursing, ' i Board of Health, | Shop Early! Get Your FREE Writing Set and Avoid Paying The New Sales to shoot his way out. But he got | City Hall, | SCHOFI ELD Insurance Associates Ltd, 360 KING WEST only a few miles before his auto) I 723-22 was ambushed on the three. | Oshawe, Ontario 23.3243 lined road to the south. Rebels) | | | tell how they hacked him tof pieces as he staggered from his car. Portuguese troops returned to Buelo within days of the nation- oe Las Flt, lack pin greeny town's Negro quarter was de- gored vamp. 5-10 stroyed. But the population of $39 2,000 Negroes by this time had melted into the surrounding bush or fled north across the | Congolese frontier. | AUDLEY AUDLEY -- Best wishes are| extended to Marilyn Wonnacott and Ronald Webb who were married on Saturday afternoon in Audley United Church by the Rev. M. Buttars. The reception! followed in the Sunday School room. The Rev. M. Buttars was back in the pulpit on Sunday, follow- ing his vacation. The men's choir sang "In The Garden." Mrs. Lee Darwin, California, is visiting this month with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. G. K. att. | Visitors at the home of Mr.| and Mrs. George Squire on Sun-| day were Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Bath and family, and Carl Meyer, Orangeville, Mr, Victor Darling and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Darling, Bracebridge, and Mr. Edmund Darling, of Fort Carl What's More! COLES HAVE THE OFFICIAL 1961-62 TEXTBOOK LIST! COLES HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF TEXTBOOKS IN CANADA ! COLES HAVE NOTES AND TRANSLATIONS FOR EVERY SUBJECT COLES HAVE THE LAKGEST SELECTION OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES ! OSHAWA A FINE HOME... on Simcoe St. North, in a quiet, tree-shaded residential area, Ciose to both public ond high schools. Just a short hop to downtown shopping. A 6-room, well-kept older home with wall = to - wall broadloom throughout. 3 bedrooms (master bedroom 12° x 22' with twin closets) . . . separate dining room . . good working kitchen . . . modern bathroom with shower, separate toilet in basement : living room 12' x 22' with natural i fireplace . , . basement parii- tioned, has separate work room, cold storage room, laundry room, and play area with recessed light ing installed. And there's a paved drive to almost-new garage. is for an exceptionally good . contact Bill McFeeters, Smart two strap, shaw, tongue, composition sole, 814-3 Smart one eyelet tie in blackgrain finished leath- er. 5-10 $399 Fulfit Oxford, dark oak brown, black. 4-3 Multiple fittings from $999 up Newest saddle, spindrift and white, pointy toe. Junior executive, berry, brown, smooth leather upper, composition out. sole, 84-3 $999 ing. : | \ Catherine and Gordon Schad, | Soe Garrard road, Oshawa, spent a } few days at the home of Mr. and Soft soft buck (suede) : : = adi Mrs. Dick Winter. uppers, light light feather . Marilyn Cowie is holidaying / y crepe soles, brown, with her aunt, Miss Isobel greige, pine green. 5-10 Cowie at her cottage at Canoe Flexible 'one piece" Lake, Algonquin Park. construction. $39 Mrs. Fred Puckrin and Dianne New Direct Vulcanized Process (D.V.P.) Oxford, black, brown. Made in England, 3 months guar- antee. 8-714 big boys. From $ 499 up were at a cottage at Thurstonia Park last week with Mrs. Puck- rin's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mac-| Grandel, Beth and. Alec, Morin| Heights, Quebec, are visiting] Split shawl tongue in smooth black leather. 5-10 $49 this week at the home of Mr and Mrs. Alec Richards. | Bobby Richards is holidaying] this week with his uncle and| aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Rich-| ards, at a cottage near Hunts-| THE ULTIMATE IN ville. | Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell : CHILDREN'S SH and family visted at the home! Fort ang pretty Ye fia) OF VALUES of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Torrence, | ack leather, black Claremont, on Sunday. suede 510 Many years o research Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me- $399 ere put into the de- Cowatt, Peter and Frank, To-| velopment of these top grade children's shoes. Elaborate tests were run in fitting, lasts and materials to bring to the public the ultimate in children's shoe values. Available in multiple fittings, leather insoles, English kip lining, composition soles and izes: seis --r heels for extra long Sizes B22 10 3 wear. 1215... 3 $§9° GREAT HOSPITAL _-- Ee : er / The famous St. Thomas's Hos- ; TWO LOCATIONS: (full and half size ) ronto, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Puckrin. MOOSE SEASON ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--New- foundland's 1961 moose hunting season opens Sept. 11 in most zones, continuing to Dec. 30, but opens on Nov. 27 in the central and northern peninsula area. A moose removal zone will again be established in areas where young balsam fir reproduction has been heavily browsed. Little dressy pump with the new fashionable "jet" heel, black, 5-10 fauaci bv mons he cary 15 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 725-3874 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 725-9122 13th century. 4 RR eG

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