Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Aug 1961, p. 17

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| Survey Planned xv Zealanders with delicious|arate Stewart Island from the over-working was the cause. southern tip of New Zealand's| The study, expected to last The beds, which have supplied| waters of the stral*. which sep- the east beds to determine if THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 21, 1961 17 bluff oysters for 70 years, have [United States assistant state sec] DEVOTED SERVICE | worked this season and the ma-| For many years the strait's/at cultivating oysters by 'ra {rine department has decided to|east beds y Je been worked |"'anting them from remote but Tuesday the U.S. will consider Charlie Skinner came to this 8 - A 1 y tt t 4 In Oyster Be ds |shown signs "of being over-|South Island several years, includes atterhpts retary for African affairs, said| SCHREIBER, ont. (CP) WELLINGTON (Reuters)--A investigate. heavily because of their closer/ahundant veds to overworked giving financial aid to the Brit-| northwestern Ontario commu- biological survey of New Zea. An annual harvest valued at|proximity to port. This season, ones or by establishing new|ish protectorates of Bechuna-|nity in 1909 and set up a barber land's famous Foveaux Strait/up to £250,000 ($700,000) is at| however, boats were forced to beds. land, Swaziland and Basutoland. |shop in the town hall. He also oyster beds will be undertaken stake. work the west beds because)" |He said the U.S. would discuss began looking after the library soon to determine a safe yearly) The bluffs, best known of the|east bed oysters were small and MAY GIVE AID the question with Britain if the|in his spare time, and now o harvest and to ensure future few typical New Zealand foods, of poor quality. FRANCISTOWN, Bechunaland|British government asked for | retiring after 52 years as l- productivity. |are taken from the restless! Tests now are under way on|(Reuters)--G. Mennen Williams, such aid. |brarian. ¥ cas Wi * DELAYED WEEKEND REST | President Kennedy stops to | to his seaside home at Hyan- | being advised of the smooth | shake hands with Col. Ernest | nisport, on Cape Cod Sunday. | movement of U.S. reinforce- B. White, commanding officer The president arrived for a | ments into West Berlin. of ts Ar Fores Be, ior | asd. wecken rs ar --ap wien Future Of Red Increased Party In Cuba Package By JACK BEST ment, which he has suffered to Emphasis s Staff Writer fade into the background dur- Ca Ee are won-|ing his intense flirtation with! LONDON (CP)--To most, the dering what kind of a future isithe Communists and with Rus- gaudy package on the super-| in store for Cuba's Communist sia. market shelf may represent party in the light of the an- They ask whether the premier |little more than a way to get| nouncement that a broadly- now reckons the time has come attention for the product it based "united party of the so-/to puta rein on the Communists| holds. : : . cialist revolution" is to be/by making them share the poli- But to Canada's forest jndus- created. tical field with another group, tries and the thousands of peo-| The question many are asking|or alternatively join the other|ple they employ, it's an ex- is whether the new party--as group and become subject to ample of big business. yet only vaguely defined--will its control ~ They now are trying to make signal the end of the Communist s : it bigger and a sizable part of party's present privileged posi-| LIKELY COMMUNIST their efforts is directed at ex- tion or will simply comsolidate The prevailing new view how-|panding export sales. : i ) vey seems 1p be tat the Bw y Thiny Canadish packaging i east, party -- whatever its official firms have teamed up wi e Wh ud a a to. name--will be strictly Commun-|trade department to show their| ward the latter possibility. ist, an extension and consolida- products at next month's inter-| Premier Fidel Castro for-|tion of the Popular Socialist national packaging exhibition in| mally unveiled plans for the party. . : London. ssi 35. wewal new party in his July 26 ad-| This would be in the tradition Between Sept. 5 an 15, they'll] dress marking the anniversary of the all-powerful Communist be establishing contacts with) of the Cuban revolution. parties of Eastern Europe. It potential British and other buy- He told a crowd in Havana's would also accord with the real-|ers. They'll also be expounding Plaza de la Revolucion that all/ities of the present political sit-|the virtues of the articles that, the revolutionary organizations uation in Cuba, say qualified will be fetchingly displayed LB A integrated into "the observers. : {around the 1,600-square foot Ca-| united party of the socialist They regard Castro as having nadian stand. revolution of Cuba." He indi- passed the point of no return in The trade department was cated the process will take his fraternizing with the Reds, | enthusiastic about the response some years to complete. snd hence to have falion under received from the industry. their ower. n other words, VARIETY OF GROUPS those a wield the power in| PISPLAY INTEREST Castro mentioned laboriCuba today are the Commun- . Tie [tlauvaly lates umber unions, defence committees, theists, of exhibitors to join in Canada's militia, young rebel groups, The man to watch is said to st Tore Fis his major the Cuban Women's Federation, be Blas Roca, secretary-general woul ) is e rd 4 icates 2 sports and cultural associations, of the popular Socialist party. |heh. level of interest in expor agricultural co-operatives, farm sales," said a press statement od Sil pk hl and LEADING FIGURE issued by the Canadian trade intellectual groups. Roca, a sturdily built man|commissioner's office in Lon- : : with a stiff, grey moustache, in don. | He did NOT mention the Pop- te. f 0 8h BCH een They'll be showing articles ular Socialist (Communist) i i ranging from paper bags and party--at present the only fun. MOVIng steadily fo the fore le Cr tic bags and ply- ctioning political party in Cuba.|g, "0 4% 10 vicion programs in| Wood boxes. In addition to these Some observers are speculat-|yhich leaders speak to the products, they'll also be dis- ing that the new party will be people about the revolution. He playing some of the machinery essentially a resurrection of | ics writes newspaper articles that makes the packing job| Castro's own 26th of July Move-| Roca in a prior speech, easier. These include automatic| clearly anticipated Castro's putter » ¥ra ppl pe wd : "united party" announcement ng - an : Small Fish Added of July 26. This led some wags machines. . be Thal Hat me ware wags!" Statistics on the value of this| To Meatless Diet down a line for the premier. Section of be ood products in- Roca evidently is all in favor| dustry are difficult to obtain. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of unity under the revolution. But the trade department esti- Topics this week: A mod: "While we maintain the unity mates that factory shipments of ern dietary lesson: from the |0f ®ll the revolutionary tenden- packaging items rose to $755, loaves and the fishes, a pos. |Cies," he declared recently, 200,000 in 1959 from $660,600,000 sible clue to mental illness | 'We maintain the unity of the two years earlier. in rabbit lungs and a heetle People. The guarantee of his| Britain is the Canadian indus- that bleeds in self defence. Unity . is that the front of try's best export outlet. The is-| the revolutionary forces and of land nation now takes about 90 LOAVES AND FISHES the Cuban people maintain . . . a per cent of Canadian paper- The Biblical story of the true revolutionary direction." 'board exports. f loaves and the fishes seems to pa ER have a moder coumierpar on the island of Madagascar off| | the east coast of Africa. Canada Ai d U S | A small fish, about the size " . of a sunfish though slightly . . slimmer, is revolutionizing the amenity Economic Shift The fish, called Tilapia Melan- opeurs, was Jniroduced Lome LONDON (CP)--Have Can- In the study, which was con- od ye 230 2 ha ress 2 Sot ada and the United States|fined to western European na- in ined es hig To a reached a new stage of eco-|tions, Canada, the U.S. and Ja- ey x a Dro {n/Nomic growth where the em-|pan, the two North American phasis will be less on producing countries almost invariably) iver: ces the gov- rogue rivers and lakes snd the pov. goods and more on distributing seemed to prove the exceptions : : : 3 them? to the rule. village fishing ponds. Now fish : ing is popular and productive.| A new study on growth in the, One of the general conclu- The average adult catches I Jet genuiry suggests this. sions was that the increase in pounds a day. Even a sma "We may expect some shift a man's ou: child can catch four pounds | from industry to services," says tha » is In 2 year, rather Curiously, one member of the|a study published in the cur-| - POPulation increases, ac Tilapia family was reputedly|rent review of the National In.|counted for the boost in the] the fish which the Bible says|stitute of Economic and Social|Volume of goods and services Christ miraculously multiplied Research. produced BO a ae Intons attracted by| «rt would be dangerous to| Canada, the Netherlands and draw firm conclusions from the/the U.S. are the odd ones out. CLUES FROM RABBITS experience of the last 10 years In these countries, the popula- Mental health researchers but it seems possible that the tion rise explains about half the have found a pirange chemical|process has started in Canada,|Increase in total production. in the lungs of rabbits--an en-|the United States and Sweden," | zyme that can produce drugsithe study adds. [Wak SPURS GROWTH : that cause hallucinations. The This is a natural outcome of also ar aria American countries enzyme uses as its raw mate-|the development patterns of the seneral pattore orion, o the rials natural compounds found North American nations. For ferera ia BIR during two ma- in blood. decades, workers left the farms I Ts Wals and 3 severe The drugs produced are the and headed for steady employ- Th ne same that are found in snuff{ment in factories and work. ney showed higher rates of| made from plants by the In-|shops. growth during the war periods | Jade Fa; Choba | than in peace time. They also| Sans of hid q Sane by the SERVICES IN DEMAND had the slowest peacetime rates Indians to enable them to com-| They were almost too suc-|of growth. | municate with unseen powers, |cssful. As their real incomes| Since 1950, six nations have | Other researchers reported|increased, they found they/shown growth rates ranging] recently that they were able to| wanted more services along|from three to six per cent.| change the behavior of schizo- with the goods they bought. [These included Japan, Norway, | phrenic mental patients by feed-| In addition to this, the econo- Italy, Germany, France and ing them certain chemical fore- mists say, the rapid rises in ag-|the Netherlands. | runners of hallucination drugs.|ricultural and manufacturing] Canada's production rate in.| All of this suggests there may productivity do not seem to be creased at an average rate of | be some chemical change in the matched by corresponding in-'two per cent a year during the! body of mental patients that creases in distribution--a fac- decade, compared with the long- causes their mental aberra- tor which should hasten the term rate since 1872 of 1.7 per | ONS gone Se Service Opens at 8:45 a.m. Phone RA 5.737 HIGH-FASHION DIVANS Special Purchase . . . exclusive with EATON'S Choose these modern versatile divans for the rec-room, bed-sitting room or den. They're designed in a smart, modern style, yet they convert to a comfortable 74" bed--simply by removing the bolster. Available in three styles--armless, one-arm or two-arm--they can be arranged in many different ways to suit your furnishing problem. In sturdy cotton repp, in a combination of tweed and stripe; or in long-wearing plastic 'Naugahyde' in solid colours. All in decorator-selected contemporary colours. EATON Semi-Annual Sale Prices: Armless style, 19 50 One-arm style, 89 50 Two-arm style, 44 50 Each . nT = Each RI, . Each .......cos0eva = EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 271 PHONE 725.7373 Automatic Frying Pans A useful appliance that leaves your range burners free for other cooking ! Electric "Hoover" Upright Vacuum Cleaners Specially priced! Here's a versatile machine thot frvi : 104" : d beats, sweeps and cleans your rugs. Brushes ore Tying pan'is approx. 2" square, made adjustable by handy foot pedal for deep or light of heavy cast aluminum, it heats quickly pile; the handle is adjustable so that you can clean and evenly. Cool 'Bakelite' handle and under low furniture. Protective vinyl plastic bump- . 1 3 er; deep turquoise finish. Durable vinyl plastic feet; 1,150-watt element with thermosta- outer bug is easy to keep, clean, inner bags tic control in handle. Comes complete are of strong felt fibre and designed to be thrown with lid ond cord away when full. EATON Semi-Annual d cord. n 88 SALE, Model 311, each 66.66 Boel... ui ii vena . Attachments available. Sale, 10.00 extra EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 277 PHONE 725.7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 258 PHONE 735.7373 tions. {shift from industry to services. cent annually. 3-Light Manufacturer's Clearance ! Pulley Fixtures Chair Pads Practical and decorative in dining room, dinette, recreation room . . . takes three 60- bt -- Of comfortable foamed latex watt bulbs. Approx. 45" drop when down. : ; rubber; approx. dimensions are: Shade is of white patterned glass for even a front width 20", tapering to back - light diffusion. Finished in Sandalwood : vs width of 1534"; front to back is brown. 13 09 4 174"; thickness 234". EATON Special Price, each .... . 4 EATON Special Price, 1 98 L (Bulbs Extra) Thy cicise ress EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 224X PHONE 725.7373 Outdoor Ceiling Fixture This for hall, stairway, porch, cellar . .-, Brigh! Chinfz-Covered Cushions neat clear glass shade with 'V' design; To add a touch of comfort and colour to living room, recreation black holder. Takes one 60-watt 1 a4 room, den , . . plumply filled cushions with chintz cotton covers. LJ bulb. EATON Special Price, each Large floral pattern with rose, blue or brown predominating. (Bulbs Extra Al i ahd : u ) Aros square. 2 1.29 0 2.50 EATON"S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 377 Sci alias Gb De 2 Doi bbe PHONE 725.737 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 224X PHONE 725.7373 Store Hours: .m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9

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