Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Aug 1961, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, August 21, 1961 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale delightful 3- AVAILABLE September 1 -- two-bed. SLEALE brick ae A inl to/room bungalow, large living room, school, shopping, with lots of spacious Block ga , paved drive, Huron for my children to play, I am Street. Telephone 725-0758 after 6. priced at only $13,900 with easy terms. Gal ken. Hamm anytime, TIS68 WI | 3 175 £1175 DOWN $12,700--3$975 DOWN son Realtor. $700 DOWN, balance $68 monthly, four with These ore for custom-built homes only, featuring the m alow, two bedrooms, ofl od gi Gibbons Street. Price . 728-2452. highest quality three-bedroom bungalow with all the latest $7,900. TE, 5-room, bedroom bun- a three landscaped in new homes for easy and comfortable living. JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 "ise" Evangeline Drive after 6. DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 4] GLADSTONE AVE, 728-4651 $500 down, six rooms, close to downtown, needs decorat- ing. Monthly payments ar- ranged. Call Vic Hulatt, $1,000 down, 6-room brick bungalow with double garoge. Full price $12,900, one mort- gage for the balance. Well kept and spacious lot, decor- ated. Terms to be arranged. Call Doug Gower, Duplex, $1,500 down, fea tures large lot, double at- tached garage. This home situatted in the northwest area. You owe it to yourself to see this home. Call Ossie Mortin. 27--Real Estate for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale | $658 DOWN buys this 8-room brick (1959 RAMBLER deluxe, radio, heater, gp CENT bonus, five-piece kitchen | home, carries for $82 monthly, interest |Whitewalls, folding bed, white and chrome suite, only 99 cents or spring- " how | Breen. $1,550. 725-0792. filled ay. ing. and principal. Room in H renting for $32 monthly. Why pay rent? "54 INTERNATIONAL ton truck, dual SPrings only 99 cents with purchase of | Live in your own home and save. Call wheels, four-speed transmission. Needs 2 living room or bedroom suite. Three- Irwin Cruikshanks, 728-5123, Lloyd Real- (little body work. T hone MA 3-5756. piece bedroom 3 suite 3119, vo plece sofa " x e 55 PLYMOUTH, good condition A eaay plete Aras padroom school. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER BUILT-IN STOVE QUALITY BROADLOOM ATTACHED GARAGE Grondview. Street area is where you will find this O'Malley built home, deluxe fight fixtures. Sliding windows and screens, railing ond planter on front porch, extra modern kitchen ponelled in and Public Schools, Phone for Bill Millar to inspect Co-op No. 443 ot 728-5123. $9,900 -- $9,900 4-BEDROOM $1,000 DOWN £1,000 Forced oil heating, good gar- age. Lot over 293 feet in depth. Situated on Mill Street. Immediate possession. Hurry! Phone Bill Millar, 728-1523. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor, 728-5123 | 101 Simcoe St. N. BE IN YOUR OWN HOME WHEN SCHOOL COMMENCES N.HA. FULL DOWN PAYMENT $395 No second mortgages, no loans, no extras, just one N.H.A, mortgage that carries for approximately $73 monthly. Solid brick bungalows with three bedrooms, oil heat, right here in the city with all conveniences. Only two left at this price, 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED : 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 Evinrude electric trailer Call after of w te {ers » ves fu, LO san CIFURNAUES, forced air, ten yea blue at Swarbrick, 725-6544. John A. J. Bola hood Lid. Realtors, ___ 728-5004 THREE bedroom bungalow, two years you ry NDERBIRD, black, Al condi old, with built-in garage, builtin stove), low mileage, automatic, power and oven, living room broadloomed, ering, brakes, and windows. Owner drapes, twindows, fireplace, large 1obyo,ying city. Telephone Newcastle 4506 many other extras. Will consider $10,000 ~ o eit house or equity in trade. Write Box 149 1854 AUSTIN two-tone, A-1 condition Oshawa Times. Telephone 723.0524 Full price $7,800. VERY substantially built home on Rich [59 HILLMAN deluxe, very good con mond Street East, close to downtown, (dition. Carefully maintained by one consisting of six rooms, large living owner, Suitable for second car, Frivate room, hardwood floors throughout, fully Phone MO 85080 Package deal $130, a | ment REAR " {WE pay highest prices in the city for N€West breed. Britain still has a used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture| long way to go before it develops |Store, 723.3271, 444 Simcoe Houth {North American - style trailer DISCOUNT prices during our greatest] yar " Wp i [August furniture sale Spring filled mat parks comple te with Swimming tresses, all sizes, $10.88; floor coverings |POOIS and utility outlets, But in five or six years the wall to wall, dozens of patterns, 23¢| per fool; arborite top desks, drawer and 3 shelf, discount price $16.08) smooth ug evolved from primitive gypsy- landscaped, paved drive. $3,000 down, | uss" PONTIAC sedan, radio, algnal | Al hod Istyle caravans into gleaming balance on easy terms; full price|jgnts, good running order, good tives. | LEC RGCCE TERR sty a P $13,000. For further particulars, calligag) or best offer. Apply 66 Fisher [IEG TU ME {bungalows - on - wheels com Wes Eniot, Xo gi King S-3363. Ernie street Discount Furs [plete with modern Phrnishing Holmes Realtor, , \ fio 3 TURQUOISE and white Chev. Bel. | Street {and domestic equipment. NICE semi-bungalow, seven rooms, BO Air sedan, mechanically perfect, vadio, |i GATLON water heater, with twa] Trailers cost about £500 but aby | water heating. aluminum storms and neater, window washers, snow tires. A screens, heavy duty wiring, good In-| eq) buy! 725 4840 pupples, Wit many prefer to take advantage , of the cheap renting rates, An come home. Price $11,500. Down pay- " - VOLVO estimated 3,000,000 people will ment $500, Easy payments. 'Apply 478 Park Road South. | $500 DOWN -- balance $60 a month on| spend their holidays in trailers one mortgage; J4-storey Fock dome; | Most dependable this summer nll) Street. Prive $7.500. Ernie] The leader on he road end | Frowning on all this activity Holmes Realtor, 204 King Street East track lare Britain's 20,000 gypsies. [JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE nomads of true Romany blood FINA SERVICE ju ean Dlind, who wander the high roads in 728-0921 SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re.|Pattered wooden caravans with 725-2363. i 2 {$8,500 FULL PRICE -- Six-room brick frigerators, TV's, washers, planos,|a language and secretive way of stoves, ete, For top cash offer con. life that have changed little : out. An actor's wife, whose Jeal Jost Sore tam 2,500 miles ran ew ren home has twice sunk under her, Dior velopintat, ae: once tipped over and once] ied b rising standard > | caught fire, says she has be- companied by a 8 * i i 3 prospects for increased sales, nn, i In English Homes = r= ions ica prosects tor, increased aes » 6 €¥-set, double dresser, chest and bookcase | A Chelsea sculptor, however, | d factured goods REAL bargain. Only $9,900 full price linder, two-tone green. Telephone 728-\bed $148. Two-plece living room suite | has decided to abandon her 1913 lecte man a ter 21 as, a y ie 5 ! TY large rooms fastefully decorated. and 5g" EPRYE (Ford) four-door § cylin. With all suites. Ed Wilson's Discount By DOUG MARSHALL attracted by the romantic idea 35.foot ex-naval pinnace. She; io arge. propor 98 amp en- Ponti, Call Ken. Hany, anytime, dcr; 30-35 mp, one owner, clean, excel. Furniture Store, 20 Church Street, on | [tered through Vancouver rather T29.8508, Wilson Realtor," ""YUME: lent condition, $1,200 or nearest offer. | LONDON (CP) -- "Amber, "iver linked to the shore by only|mantic when the tide went out| pon through 'eastern Canals |teries, Kelvinat 1 tors, tele. | : | ; 5 SMALL four-room house four acres of i056 BUICK Super, 4-door hardtop, |vision. Thrifty Badge: Pian. 725.4543 © formerly the England, the an- gngplank. {ad left her home cradled in ang tne regular direct shipping land, three miles east of Nowesstie No. automatic, dad, vile Ja ESOT TA "nd Service, lib. cient iron paddle steamer, now i War, ren produced te e mud. services between New Zealand re TT ee "Parts e. Fres demon family houseboat. Six good housing shortage, also produce and the Pacific coast gave New BUNGALOW, buff-brick and C opposite "Rartsh, stratio ophone 728-4683. i {rooms. Cost £1,350. Quiet, idyllic the answer to it for the water-| . i tion room, private. NHA resale. 2! equipped, power steering and brakes,|18 FT. cabin crul water skis, Jife| mooring. Suit jazz fraternity." dwellers. Most of the house. 1Ce ann advantage over European ex- R - rters. hools and shopping. Down payment 723.4184. OFFICE, . Dutcher, 4 t 1 po : i B30 Will carry at $100.8 month for ios PONTIAC sedan. standard 6, radio; eaulpment. New: used. buy. sel. irade| peared recently in a London san, olor Wipedo busts and New Zealand has a long his- BIE elephone 723.0895, clean car. Call 725-7934, 365 Humewood service. Bill Hamilton. Ashburn. Brook | newspaper, is symptomatic of a i } i a 58 liory ol trae with Canada, said > : venue, | new trend in southern England nce, laden with men, they, Ayck AND ) Marshall. Export receipts for RIVATE six brick, two storey, : : + (CP)--New Zea-| a will accept. i radios from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire Liayd stroller, Lioyd lite carriage. Ap. Where recent population shifts churned menacingly towards the 1.04" will "soon establish a trade as down payment. Apply 605 Somerville. | gy; oy, 43 Bond Street West. b h {fice in Vancouver. It will be 800ds from New Zealand Shimes Street. large Jot. nicely. decor (1983 PONTIAC automatic, equipped ex. (ONE 1038 35 WI" Alto uiboard motor, dation scarce and expensive. Now. refurbished and made |aqditional to the (rade commis. |/ast Six years averaged just {James Street. fe lot Belly Seo cellent condition. Whitby, MO 8.5783, | A-1 condition, Call 726.5024 | More and more Englishmen habitable, they jostle placidly| Gonos office in Montreal, over $11,600,000, mainly for ated, basem " . 5 BUICK automatic, price $335, (alr 14 FT. moulded plywood, custom finish are making their castles out of On a quiet English river, 3 j/lamb and beef, wool, sausage condition. Telephone 728-5310, [boat, 35 san, y New Zealand trad Te i . {New Zealand trade interests in| i phone Brooklin, 655-3467 after 8 pm. | 0" TET about 150.00 pecble Sle per Generally, the houseboat com. Canada. age Imports over the Sue pe anti, 'J ota METEQR sedan, very good sont hp motors, | nearly 10,000 houseboats Munities are cheerfully class-| Announcing the extended rep-| year i h at, large lol fon, $250. 3 ) y b S oR - } am 3 9 | . home Sei gs TR Is Market, Hamp-|Scattered in clusters along ma- less. One group along the Chel-|resentation, Trade Minister] land v! » ood dition, Ors @ sanals : 1 [Fado Whiiewail. 741 Renu unr Jo ners and canals tre of London boasts owners who developing western provinces of LONG WAY ROUND vav TRAILERS IMPROVED are stockbrokers, generals, ac-|Canada offered an expanding] WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--People Several of the Chelsea house-|ucts. {questions about raspberries. The boats have electricity, hot and, 'The new office will aid ex-|fruit grown in Essex County is cold water, television and tele- pansion of our trade with this|shipped to a Toronto dealer and more primitive. Initial costs can possible from the existing Mont-|stores. ke Inywhere from a few hun-| dred pounds to several thou-| | MERRY MENAGERIE come used to these things and|0f living, offered encouraging for this lovely Cape Cod home, six 0792. with swivel rocker $166. 99 cent bonus Canadian Press Staff Writer |0f living on some willow-shaded said she found it less than ro-| 725-6588. Wilson Realtor. |728.1176, (B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat. |redwood, three bedrooms and recrea- '54 MERCURY, four door sedan, = Zealand a considerable freight ¥ | , Jackets. Best offer, Telephone 728-4914. A t x i years old. Excellent location, close to automatic. Apply 149 Burk Street, jackets _Best offer, le - | This advertisement, which ap- boats are converted landing I Vv I yo or CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car| LARGE size crib with double drawers, shipped to Canada during the {ply 1386 Oxford Street {have made ordinary accommeg- bloody beaches of Normandy. possession. 725-4541 {which up to now has served all 3 : 1 . oe " homes wheels F ; " a A { |casings, hides and skins. Aver. 51 CHEVROLET convertible, Tele | sie sereraft s, homes on wheels or afloat. \, CLASS LINES 8 il heat, 1 ot tion anditioned wash. | AT€ » ly n . 110) : + close to shops, schools, and transpo BUICK, low mileage, two tone sea embankment near the cen-1J. R. Marshall said the rapidly-| felephone| Phe trailer-dwellers are the tors, bank clerks and plumbers.|market for New Zealand prod. in this area have been asking phones. In others, conditions are region more effectively than is/then returns for sale in Windsor sand. The life appeals particularly to men but most women stick it Cricket Star, | One Of Greats, | Has Retired KINGSTON, Jamaica (CP)--| Franz Alexander, 32, rated by many as one of the world's lead- ing cricket players, Friday night announced his retirement from| Store, 20 Church hg Dien --- Two USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. BH. F. Goodrich Stores, 725-4543 PAINT, interrio, exterior. $295 gallon All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Streef, 723.7624 10-INCH Moffat range, $20; rangette, 6it., 86. Telephone Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 912 Open evenings or weekends | | wes Walt Di 'World Rights Reserved seem to break Junior of the habit of using his LEFT HANDS!" Distributed by King Features Syndicate. "Just can't 725-4330 728-5109 Dealer SIMCOE ST. N. 725-033] Just off Simcoe N., one block Ww. re 'e have a good assortment to Dr. Phillip's school, an of Ae Cors. older home, but well main- CAR INSURANCE home with double detached garage. Pay $60 principal and interest, small down | 449 Ritson S. payment required. A very good buy.| Call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286. S. D.| Hyman Realtor. Ra | tact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131, " i PRIVATE, $600 down, three bedroom TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, Tan.| Since the middle ages. | International play. bungalow, storm windows, inishe: " 3 3 ; g | basement apartment. 6 per cent NHA | prices In town. Dominion Tire. Store, #8 PRIVACY INVADED A veterinary surgeon with the| morgage, I zn | Bond Street West. 725-6511. "Terms to| The Gypsies complain that federal ministry of agriculture | 1's STOREY, five Foor Rome, an | it you®. sme leity - bred "travellers" are @nd lands, Alexander led the| years old, % acre land, situated on ENTS, T amp cots, | - aie oo : : ' | Hwy. 2 just on city limits east. Close Sheets rarpauling, Camp cote Around warming over fheir traditional y est Indies in matches against| A Io. | Church Street. 7237624. ___ [camping sites, invading their England, India, Pakistan and) [payment $1,300, monthly payments $60. | HOUSE furniture, owner transferred. privacy and squeezing them off Australia. shay Telephone 728-2946. No agents please. Plano, dining room suite, washer, two(land where they have lived for = On tour in Australia last year, i re---- --- WILLIS bedroom suites, chesterfield suite, od rituries " he became the first wicket | tables, etc. Phon 2. | a : i ee one - 3 keeper in history to win the bat-| | PEACOCK tn ply, 779 Gaps | Parking Is less of a problem nr average title int fi | MOTORS Both in good condition. Apply 779 Gaspe with houseboats. Moorings are aN Be with 3 ae -- [plentiful and cheap. Many are ' | REALTOR TAUNTON RD. EAST [iS your cash register eanipped with a (Lo anc _C1€ap. Hany arel, gy 5 ; Y. AUSTIN sales tax button? If not call Bill Hamil Alexander attended Cam-| our ION, AUER, arrears |S Shed] [bridge University and also! RANGETTE, Simpson's, in very . i ing! condition, reasonable. Also small gas {starred in soccer, tepresenting] TENDERS {England seven times in interna-| [tional amaetur competition. | range, Telephone 728-2780. EIGHT bar stove, one three bay stain- less steel sink, one National cash regis. ter. Apply Gordon Hotel, Pickering Vil- lage. REFRIGERATOR, stove, washing ma- chine, chesterfield and chair, all in good condition. Telephone MO 8-8603. tained, six-room brick, with garage, T.V. aerial, storms, venetian blinds, oil heating. PHILLIPS 17" console TV. Very good STEVENSON RD. NORTH Ideal family bungalow, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and living room, easy walking distonce to separate, public ond high school and shopping. This is terrific value at only $13,500.00. GRANDVIEW BLVD. SOUTH An executive 7-room home set omid some towering pine trees on a large lot. inspect this modern gem. Double attached garage, paved drive, natural fireplace, 2 baths, large rooms, etc. Phone for appointment to AFTER 5:30 CALL Dick Barrioge, 725-6243 Joe Maga, 725-9191 Marion Drew, 725-7610 Everett Elliott, 723-9290 John Kemp, 728-2392 D. W. McQUAY, REALTOR WHITBY PLAZA Open 9 a.m, -- 9 p.m. WHITBY MO 8-5868 313 BROCK ST. S. Daily TORONTO EM 3-9603 PEEL STREET Beautiful brick bungalow with 3 bedrooms, living room 24 x 13, kitchen 13 x 14. Completely decorated and landscaped. Size of lot 60 x 136, Recsonably priced at $14,600 with terms. Call Bill Goverde. WHITBY é-room brick bungalow with eottached goroge. Completely decorated. tile floors. Hardwood ond Kitchen 12 x 10, dining room 11 x 8, living room 18 x 12, master bedroom 14 x 12, finished recreation room with bar 18 x 25 Only $18,000.00. Call W. Goverde. Included. Landscaped. Storms and screens LOT Vacant lot on Brock Street South, Fully serviced. Size 55 x 13 Call Bill Goverde. Asking price $3,950. NURSERY BUSINESS On busy highway, includes 8 acres of leased land with 600' highway frontage. Retail showroom, water supply, includes all nursery stack of approximate retail value of $4,500. Total price $7,000 RESIDENTIAL - ACREAGES - TROUT STREAMS - FARMS LOTS - INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - BUSINESSES mall greenhouse, excellent | | | WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- two-bedroom apartments, | building, $90 end $100, in modern stoves, refrigerators. MO 8-3591. FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auto-|jing matic defrosting refrigerator; four ele- ment, heavy duty Gurney stove. 8-8509. MO FOR RENT: Two room unfurnished apartment, second floor, private bath, one child welcome. $55 monthly includes heat, hydro. Phone MO 8-5709. 8A odern three bedrooms, oil heated, 3: Modern brick bungalow, hardwood and tiles, fireplace, landscaped. Imme- diate possession. Phone MO 8-3186. FOR SALE: Five room brick bungalow with basement apartment. heating. Cood size lot Hot water with garage. Apply 925 Byron Street South, Whitby, after 7 p.m. NTED TO RENT: vurnished apart. ply Oshawa hil roomed [1111 Dundas Street West, NT: Luxurious large five room | ment with one bedroom, nr 'wn apartment, with pull out eouch. Cen FOR RE tral. Phone MO 8-8634 after 4 p.m. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON 'MO 8-2660 | | | | BE A SUCCESS Earn a good income close to home REPRESENT AVON COSMETICS Friendly, pleasant and profit- able work quickly puts $$$ in your pocket. Call Toronto RU 2-4782 COLLECT | $1,500 DOWN or best offer. $12,500 price, three ar, level bun w, decorated, |screens, sodded, shrubs, r. MO 8-5428, stor full six-room brick split ms | swing, dang-| VICES, Complete bookkeeping | service for small businesses, weel kly, {monthly or as desired. Statements pre- | 52, | pared, income tax returns. MO 8-82 $1,500 DOWN or best offer. $12,500 full price. Three year, six-room brick, split level bungalow, decorated, stor screens, sodded, shrubs, swing, ling bar. MO 8-5428. |FOR SALE: Late model C ms, dang- | sley auto. | matic defrosting refrigerator; four ele-| ment, heavy duty Gurney stove. 8-8509. MO STUDENTS! A super value, approxi: | {mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper tnews print) for only $1.00 Times Office, Ap Whitby, | | | lower duplex, fridge, range, hot water, | heated, $100. Possession September. MO | 8.2319, SEPTIC TANKS cleancd the sanitary | way, new tanks installed, Walter Ward, | 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8-2563, | FOR RENT: Two room apartment, un- | furnished, ground floor, close to shop-| ping and bus, heat, hydro, space included. MO 8-5188, FOR RENT: Apply 810 Dundas Street East. some equipped. $80 and up. W. Sch mann Realtor MO Kurt Mayer 728-4487. DR parking tions, Mrs. M. Bradford. MO 8-8666. FOR RENT Camping ond boating equip- ment, cabin trailers, outboard motors, lawn mowers, garden tillers, power tools, We also sell and repair, lawn mowers and outboard motors. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE and SALES 1415 Dundas St. E.--Whitby MO 8-3226 | MAKING -- Lady's and chil-|seen {dren's wear, suits, coats and altera-|725-1214, ask for "Al", 2 CONVERTIBLE 1960 MGA: sports ca excellent condition, one owner. | Telephone 725-3450. [mea Priced ot $10,900. Easy terms available. PRICED REDUCED TO $10,600 V.L.A. APPROVED, ' STONE AND FRAME BUNGALOW, 2 ACRES, Five years old, three bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bathroom, forced hot air oil heating, garage. The house comes complete with alum- inum storms and screens. Five minutes to school. DIVISION ST. Two-storey, seven-room brick. Oil heating. In good condi- tion, and convenient financ- ing can be arranged. Priced at $10,500, Roy Flintoff .... 725-3454 Phyllis Jubb .... 723-3240 Irene Brown .... 725-3867 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board We list Photo Co-op JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd 167 Simcoe S Office Hrs: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. VERY NICE 7-room brick tri-level ultra- modern home with 1500 square feet, including finished rec-room with bor Broad- loom in living, dining room, 2 stairways, upper hall and 2 upper bedrooms Narth west district. Good value of $19,500. To inspect call Mr. Siblock ot 725-6544 or 725-4362 $9,900 6-room brick, only V5 years old. Garage, large Io is spotless, Insurance Home owner moving to U.S.A. Located at Olive and Ritson, Call Jack Appleby at 725-6544 or 722.3398 APPLE HILL 5Va-room brick with stone front, 3 years old Hardwood and tile floors, modern kit chen, close to schools and bus. Priced to sell, reason able terms. ' Ask for Steve Zurba ot 725-6544, or 728 0569. $900 DOWN $900 Five-room bungalow, with hot water heating with oil, Hordwood floors, full base- ment. Lawn, garden and flowers. Asking only $8,900 full price. Call now for Bill Ratcliffe ot 725-6544, Members of C.D.R.E.B. Mortgages Arronged, Bought and Sold. Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 209% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments, Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 30--Automobiles Wanted WANTED good used car, GM preferred, |for one karat diamond and some cash. condition. Reasonable. Telephone 28-1185. DOMESTIC coak stoker, complete with control panel, Complete amplifying sys- tem, good condition. 725-2906. 40-INCH Moffat range, $20; rangette $3; venetian blind, 6 ft, $6. Telephone 723-4773. LLOYD baby carriage, blue, almost new, in perfect condition; also beauti- ful floral drapes, excellent condition. Telephone 728- A 40-INCH electri ove, Frigidaire, good clean condition, Telephone 723-7461 or apply 127 Ritson Road South. FOUR burner Moffat electric stove, $40. In good condition. Telephone G A 3-3921. Written tenders for the sup- ply of fuel oil to the Oshawa Children's Arena for the 1961-62 heating season will be received until 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 5th, 1961. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Address tenders to: MR. BILL SMITH, Secretary-Manager, Oshawa Children's Arena Commission, Arena Street, Oshawa, Ontario, , refrigerator, good condition, able. MO 8.5381. [WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Street North, Your authorized RCA Vie- tor service depot for Oshawa. FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar. antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay. ment. Package deal $130. Telephone 725.4729. CHESTERFIELD suite, baby buggy, all in good condition. Telephone 728.5310. AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Phone 725-8132. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181, $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. 723.942) VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice. 728-0591 anytime ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, | No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates free. Terms. Order early. 723.4989. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save, 4% Ib pkg $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $2.00. Circulation Devartment. Oshawa Times. BEAT the tax! Order now, aluminum siding, awnings, storms, soft siding, natural stone. Free estimates. Oshawa | Aluminum Sales, 725-7022, T.V. TOWERS $55 ADfr. tower structuree with all-channe!l head, hot-dip gal- vanized Guaranteed one year OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 GOOD RE CONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS ALL PARTS AND SERVICE AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North WH 2.6410 AJAX CARS WANTED Buying a Mew Car? Sell your used Car 10, "Ted" Talk. "Cash" the Car Dealer ane WAVE" | TED CAMPIN MOTORS | 723.4494 72 74 Hew Een Pas 55 1A utomobile Repairs = HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION complete Mento up and general repairs 67 KING 51. W. 123 7822 [32- Articles for Sale GURNEY range burner, heavy Auby, like new, reason fhe continanial hed. 726.9052 after 4.30 | Brake Special bribe service tune wonrtinent sles, four OIL furnace for snail ho dition, May he eons» 7] | Street or telephones 7237400 IMACHIVICK n" inories *, woud som dames Ehonine Asline oh, all acess | [TWO-plece had, estan and chair, shar | COMPLETE SALE OF [coal $55. Can be sexn any Hight atber | ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 6 o'clock, Telaphons 725 334% 14 CUBIC foot Admiral refriger stor, | Storm Windows and Prime [pound separate frosrer, $205, Tan from windows and doors only $40, Install Canada's finest awn | Telephone 724.7415 ing 'ond Porch railing. Very TV. TOWERS reasonable price, Call $55 ALEX VAIDA, 723.9851 structure 34--Lost & Found LONT: One pair of charconl glasses with right frame loose. Return to Mr, {Kolodziejerek, Thornton Woad North, stove, aut Telephon 40-ft, with all channel antenna, all galvan | | ized, guaranteed 1 year. | WIE Hm -- 1 * ! Unfurnished cottage. | 29--Automobiles for Sale | 171 APARTMENTS and Douce torrent. 10:8 FAIRLANE Crown Victoria Sky atz. 8-3338; evenings, iner hardtop, red and white wi matching leather interior, chrome discs, | spotlight, whitewalls, many other extras. to be continental This car must appreciated. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA Oust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Telephone | $1,800, | | SRA | TRIO Bond TELEVISION {II 3, Oshawa | East, 728-6781 | OSHAWA _ TIMES WANT ADS SELL IMOST ANYTHING, St th FOOD & FREEZER PLAN | You may have tried the rest, ol Now try the best. Eat better for less. B0% groceries sup- | plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration -- no obliga- Jon, Zenith 9-6100, n be | GENERAL TRADES ONTARIO TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS COBOURG, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEN- DERS properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the Depart- ment, will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Room 6630, Eost Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 3:00 p.m. (ED.T.) on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1961 for the General Trodes Work which includes the Mechani- cal Trades, Electrical Trades, Finishing Hardware, etc., in connection with the construc- tion of a new School Building at the Ontario Training School for Boys, Cobourg, Ontario, Bid Depository procedure as specified shall be followed for Mechanical ond Electrical Trades. Plans, Specifications, Tender forms, Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements, may be obtained from, or viewed at Room T704 (Tower), De- partment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto 2, Ontario (Emp. 3-1211, Local 2-2943), ond may also be viewed at the Builders Exchange at Toronto, Peterborough, Osh awa, Belleville and Kingston, Ontario $ A $12,000.00 Bid Bond and a 100% Performance Bond will be required os specified Tenders will not be consid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms ond. conditions as set forth therein, A Deposit of $250.00 cash, or cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be refunded if documents are returned in good condi- tion within tiirty days of above closing date, other- wise forfeited The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario. Parlioment Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. August 17th, 1961 | | | NEW SCHOOL BUILDING | WHY Do Most People Buy the Oshawa Times? . . . The Answer! ... For the Ads 60% ... News 40% MOST Women Prefer to Know in Advance Where and What They Are Shopping For PEOPLE Believe What They Read in the Ads Because the Ads are True TRADE Is Easy when the Buyers are Invited Guests in Your Store . . . 'WITH Confidence in The Store Who Puts Their Prices in Black and White To Be Read STORES Which Advertise Save You Many Hours of Shopping, and Money, too WHO ADVERTISE IN THE SHAWA TIMES

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