Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Aug 1961, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumdsy, August 17, 198) #%] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E& Saturday 8 to 12 6--Auction 16--Female Help Wanted |20--Room and Board |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent; 26--Rooms for Rent NEED EXTRA MONEY? $30 and more [BOOM and board, near South GM plant. FOUR oom Spaltment, reasonable. | GNE urge attractive furnished room, UCTION S LE can easily be earned by showing our [Telephone 728-0864. bg elcom, lephone MA rs bath; housekeeping privilege 3 A A fabulous Christmas ecards, gifts, toys, to WILL & om and. IT 0 - ment, all conven-|for one or two ladies. 16: arren Ave. L give room and board, some i riends ahd Belgien. Our exciping, 80- {| muneration to lady, for looking after ences, te, hone TIAN | Fo nue, od : a page. ull-color catalogue mal i boy, while mother works. 723-1300 atter PAF ng space. Telephone | FOU heat and to get plenty of vruers. No B-ROOM lower duplex, Household fumiture, property ence necessary. Send no money. Write]: range unfurnished b a § ment light supped, Newly Socorated. 313 ERS or board ted (private ii. rance), Hing Street West, Oshawa. Phone CO rl, a a Te Ea. Solty (Lip Wo, owncnt, Sesied (piivate softmscel. Mine, © 0 ' -- Watson Street West, Port [3 Tor mas & Co., Dept, 16, 47 East|close to South GM, 728-2817 chr one child. Avoly ATTRACIIVE furnished oom. Tight 3 lie Optometrists | | Whitby, Saturday, August 19 |--------------"-- -- [ROOM AND BOARD -- good beds and | {housekeeping if desired. good location. A ntants Gardening and Supplies prom LASSIFIFD AD RATES t 1] Refrigorot h. |AGENTS, clubs, etc. Sell Canada's fin OM apartment, heat and lights,(Apply 31 Oshawa Blvd. North. Tele. ccou - a .m. Refrigerator, wasl . 0 § food, lunches packed if desired, laun ice./C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Pioan | i chi 9 hesterfield |o°, Christmas cards. Over 00 items Ag hE ee a Ry iain or partly furnished, private |phone 725-4856. i a bi Big gL bo a hE pay accounts at downtown Dominion Brora | ey och ne iw Chaser ion, [sonal carder Wrams, toss and aoveilies [C06 rea. Parking. Apply T08 Cummegie| hUrance, Tear Rospital. Phone T2053 |y ARGE maratsid igi "housekeeping Se te ama war Alea, 3108, Brookin Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex: ; Arve | chet Si Promyt service. For colored catalogue|Avenue. E ~three-room apartment, pri-|room, newly decorated, private em icon treet North, J amined at home. Dial 725-4587, 3 CONSECUTIV 29 2a bedroom suite, good lamps, [3d samples on approval, Jeandron|ROOMERS or boarders, clean home, | ae bath, built-in cupboards in kitch-{trance. Apply 162 King Street East. TH you [¥. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom: || , I on 3 An chairs, bed and mattress, [Greeting Card Co. 1253 King "treet| single beds, aloe noc ot family room, |®% Mew schools. Telephone 723.7101. | Telephone 725-5512 after 6 BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting SANSENG BROS. etry, the examination of eyes, contact INSERTIONS 375 4.13 kitchen table and four chairs, East, Hamilton, Ontario {close to South GM. Apply 1367 Oxford THREE-ROOM basement apartment, | NEWLY decorated furnished or partly Service, Complete fhovkReaping service. NDSCAPING & lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne 5 in 7d is | fireplace, bedding and linens Avenue, Hamilton, Street. all conveniences. couple only, Apply 111|furnished rooms, suitable for girls or Ww. 725.03 9. | A es : ' i not! paid within loys ' | PE ENCED Rh Wilson Road South married couple. Central. For detal 184 Bond Street West " Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. Charge rate will apply Many other articles [EXPERIENCED hairdresser in new COMFORTABLE bed and good board .. mura Arply 240 Division Street. detata, 723-7605. wh GARDEN SERVICE D Po 4 , | Whitby Shopping Piaza. Rxeshon OP- [for two men, clean, quiet home, mid-|FOUR-ROOM apartment, all conveni.|™ - atin Above rates apply only to origina: portunity for right person Or inter |way hetween Oshawa and Whitby, Tele- ences, laundry, separate entrance, hot|FUR HED TALE TRIEDLANDEW, HUNTER] Let us look ofter your Painting and Decorating orders for consecutive insertions Auctioneer, Loyal Pogue view write (including telephone num: phone 723.308 water free, bus at the Licensed Tru Bankrup S garden and lawn Wile you're ip panting by St reason: Subtequeny mamrlicns eidersd eo! | 7 Trailers | ber n.d Box 39, ou aw ime . ROOM and board, five days a week, Verdun Road. Telephone 723.3096, (stveat parking. reasonable. 96 Centre King Street E. i B. 3 on vacatio | © ? -- |E XPERIENCED hairdresser wante al private home, close to bus and South THREE . room furnished apartment, |" CA; F. Friedlander, B Comm., CPA. . || order w {the Rosslynn Beauty Salon. Write Box|GM. Tele: hone 728.1779. share bath, privat ntr; SINGLE or double too » - 5 Cert 728-3755 after 8 p.m. TING by tradesman "work guar. Protessional ana Business listings | CABIN camping and utility trafler for [31, Oshawa Times. All replies confi [3 » - - washer and, Pion Sv Bingo Sept o only; cooking privileges qe Senile en fied Public. Accountants 177. King {anteed, free estimates, eof Aeghone || 37:50 per month for 3 fines dally [rent Reserve your trailer now, for aldential ROOM and 'board for gentlemen, nice Telephone 725-5332. " "iply 135 Celina Street ed » - y ephone onal i pleasant, economical holiday rgain . » Sireet. East, Oshawa, Onfario. 725350. NRIVEWAY GRAVEL (lor, work, reasonable rates. Te Fach additionat. fine - $140 ger TF eatan, ot A Monty's BA|BOUSEKEEPER for two adults. Lady cooked meals, hinches packed. Close PARTLY furnished two-room flat, use LARGE furnished housekeeping room, ihe 28-253 An a eee || mont] Service, Simcoe South at Gibb. 7 3 | ally H ctical nurs-ito everywhere, free parking. 81 Park of washing machine, Apply 48 Drew St. clean, quiet, close to hospital. Call 728- WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered or, pfs ll 3% Simcoe Street South, CEMENT GRAVEL | Each titial ister abbreviation, TE ---------------------------- ~|ing experience preferred. Live in. Tele-'Road South between 5 and 8 p.m 5984 after 6 p.n Oshawa. Ronald ¥. D Wilson, CA, SAND AND FILLING DODD & ye 3 and ¢ sign figure counts as'e BUY NOW AND SAVE |ptione 723.7036 ROOM and board available for gentle. FOUR-ROOM apartment, G. Edmond Burrows, ( 728-257 | PAINTING & DECORATING m ox charge !5 dition AR | AI} 5 apartment and sin; door Anply 165! housekeeping rooms, private entrance, Li stove and ONE furnished bedroom, in "quiet dis ; A i ih 3 . Ie P CLERK-TYPIST with at least three man, school teacher or business man. refrigerator, bullt-in cunboard, three. triet, parking, $7 weekly, A Bucking. Al Cc dvertisement ee Our Disp ay © years high school, for general office |Private home, bus at door. Write Box piece hath. Telephone 725.3938. ham Avenue. 728-2758; 728-010! must Be in by 5 om the day be GLENDETTE work , | = JAN A A gy c WE. DEWAR and Co, Accountants EVANS LOAM AND CONTRACTORS Apply in own hand writing. giving 212, Oshawa Times. T™WO h kitel ROOMS re aintin gg Paoperhanging fore publication except Births previous experience to Box 224, i rooms with kitchenette and pri. reasonable, close " "hospital and Auditors, Cedar Glen gg a GRAVEL SUPPLIES x " tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. -222 | A a] M po t Thanks which . ROOM and board available at the Pon. vate bath, partly furnished. adults, and north plant, light housekee 725-5279 yplex, Full Wall Murgls w riley Se bf Ay TRAVEL TRAILERS {Times tiac Inn, home cooked meals, lunches | Also one light housekee, ing rooni, fur-| Telephone 725-3781 Ping. Spray Painting Auto Parts tor Lost end Founa and AWNINGS IN STOCK {WANTED -- experienced walfress, also | packed Have TV lounge. Telephone! {Sished, central location, parking Apply | is a ; Deadline : THREE unfurnished he -- 7 RB SW Y |eleaning woman. Apply in person. 73 5 Kin East. 'ooms, either on KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran 107 BYRON ST. 5, WHITE Concellation: 8:30 a.m. Office Parts and Service at Sandalwood Restaurant, 1626 Sime 8 8.423 8 . » e - "7% -- i - ground floor or second floor, share DAYS MO 8-523) Hours: Da 8 5 Soturdoy 12 . Sireet North. No pho! calls, please 3 LY --- for private room and $55 | ONTHLY three-room apart. (bath. 10 mmutes from downtown. Close lh ong sae sil LOAM-GRAVEL Liao ° Cooks Trailer Sales street North. No phone call. piesse. pop FEARLY. C0 2 +» home cooking. ment, private bath and ent r: stove, Ito bus. Telephone 728-1732. HGHT 29 3 adn bo HIE so 28-1607-8-9 ful. Ive bays to serve you Times w not De Highw .) hone 723-746 heated, re-decorated, Immediate posses. 2, East of Oshawa . Ny : Bi pep GLE furnished voom, use of kitchen 3 .-- SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL P I Servi ¢ q errors advertise od STENOGRAPHER ROOM and board, lunches packed, |*0n- Telephone 725.818 and washing machin pn ficken t > ersonal Service ments submitted otherwise than in : gentlemen to share, single beds. Tele. N par . o 725-815 o EF Ss 9 Summer Pro erties 8 e, single bed ele CE two- -ro0m apartment, private en central Telephone 7 150. BILL' S CUSTOM LOTS LEVELLED FET L PAN Day Nate ai oc alt iting n f than one -- Pp For Life Insurance Company iphone 725-6721 trance, free hydro and water, use of ¥WO or ives rooms. farai hed oF part. IM TRACTOR. LOADER WORK to 5.30. 581 Simcoe Street nearer! nie 1 i for r Sale or Rent opening for intelligent young [ROOM and board for two gentlemen, able. THE bus at door, reason. |} py niched, reasonable Near shopping AUTO TR Rat . . pes "=| charged tur wsertion of | SIX-ROOM, two-storey house, ample woman, profficient in 3 ping willing to share, home cooking, lunche : tanize, I: di 3 or apply 107 Reasonabie ates « @ ¢ 3 { 2 5 packe., laundry if desired. Telephone THRE EROOM, self -/ contained apart. | Fernbill Bivd - the advertiseme wmich error | cupboards or three-room . partly] and shorthand. Good start 5 ! § 37 KING STREET WEST DIAL 72 25.2156 TRY QU 2 re And also reserve the right | furnished. Gas heating. 725-7919. ment monthly," Bloor and 4 te beds, parking. Telephone 725-8146 tione fice. 0 nial 129... Okhawa Ltd.) Realtor a es pl oy ota retniee oe I ao a a ang FURNISHED housekeeping soffazes for| ditioned office. Conge 22 Store Space & Garages n 65 Elgin Street East OSHAWA Chicken pla 3 - in the case of display advertne r to! \ © ONE furnished room, in private home, C Y for swimming, boating skiing.| Shopping Centre. 5-day |Street, west side near King, Novos re rigerator, also one , furnished oon: for gentleman. Apply 444 Fernhill Blvd "OME L AND, APING| chips, hamburgs, hot aogs esponsible for more. space thar || Available August 12 on 725-2280. | close to downtown 1 8 third floor, private entrance. Ts rent. Telephone 725-6691 v ) . but ass, no tiabllit otary, Alger Bldg., 37. King Street Complete garden se y DELIVER--725-.3887 ¢ umes no li y ; 911 rent on Papineau Lake. Safe sandy] WOrking conditions. Oshawa |=ree---------- ---- |LARGE, two.room apartment. stov PHONE 723-1 k io cal and 1 or sooner. Telephone 728.8175. Ar lx 24 Charles | Telephone 723.7070 n which the actual error -- | Week, pension, meG.cal an |Street (behind Oshawa Clinie). 7 Barristers : milk sha TILTING boat trailer. heavy duty, 16. insurance plan available, If FIVE-ROOM winterized cottage, inside| ™Manent position, for inter- |THREE BEDROOM house tn Rossland East. elephone 725-9303 IN COLUMBUS three unfurnished E 3 € Seman tainec ROO) . | -- obi ! sich iii o canaries tumbling, Sus riaed SOHARE: Jonge! view, coll Mr. W. A Hyde, [Bosc district, east of Simcoe Street. SOUTH, ground floor, private entrance, |[00MS. Private entrance, bath, heated, 728- 636 wai Plumbing Heating ar d 1g s 2 01 Ad Paki GNE sinote. one doubl bed . tcovers, cor $ | , ertising aceording t+ | Parking space. Apply 641 Merritt Street.| 19 solory. Modern air ~-emefload or Centra), Call 728.5123. Lloyd one double bedroom, sepa BAR-B- QUE KEN tising a i ca | STORE if with french fries, fish ar nents The Times will not be held | beach 0 or office for rent, 12 Prince . TWO rooms and bath, tly # « The publishers endeavour . {TWO heated apartments. d and x! hath, partly furnished, a o} { 1 orl second and | able 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Solicl din ng ih fing, weed | MODERN GRILL duce all advertising matter ||{00],, new condition. Telephone OL} 0 eco in g pleasant per- 23 Wanted to Rent Bond Te2s00AD] ¢ 5 | Pl 100, Of 5 heavy wiring, eupbos i A . = on Lake Ontario, $4,000 cash. Write Box| 723-7855. Office, "ePly to Boa 100. Oshawa Post bachelor apartment, $35 monthly, mod. ROK Water. Tm ns 3a, sink, hot snd GREER and KELLY, Barristers, Solicl ------ . oA 222, Oshawa Times |ern conveniences, quiet woman prefer oh rs, etc. 74 Simcoe Street South --_-- id heating supplies red. Telephone 723.7260 Residence phones N LTON Phon e 725 Harold H. Stark PRIVATE SALE -- fires: room © cottage, | T7--Male Help Wanted |24--Houses for Rent (FEES SINGLE furnished room, also two fur Sc 1368: Ter IE. R. K Ow "pl aro x 17°, 'on cleared 10 room furnished basement | niched rooms: light x at engineer > i cooking privileges; 7 RIM RE: cals Ja engine vate road with access to pris te £90 PART-TIME, well established firm op. SIX-ROOM house, on 225 Clark, oil hea | apartment, includes Yenpridifler, use of phone. Central location. Apply ce : 125-383 \ ERVICE NEW BUSI NESS One hour from Oshawa. Ideal for chil: erating throughout and Canada ed; suitable for two couples or family, BR, down RS Adis of cupboard siace, Fah Bruce Street JOHN A. CAMERON. Barrister, Solicl-| LANDSCAPING VIC ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel dren. 728-0215 after 4 has opening for a ld man to] {Available now. Apply 335 King Street ohnston | Avenue. or telephone FOUR bright rooms, closets In each. and Notary Public, 18% King Street | ing. new and used materials. Reason . THURSTONIA LODGE, on Sturgeon 40 outside interview. work. No selling |Eas a 5-8 - hot water continuously. $80 hy East. 723.2260. NHA and private! Top soil and sod. Repairin able rates. Estimates tree. Dia) 1286931 | | Jn|isted Numbers Lake. Would like six boys and six gitls|OF collecting. Applicants should have spo MONTHLY -- six-room house "and [TH 00M apartment, newly deco: |King Street East. Telephone 18208 guges arra and lawn maintenance pa Foley. -- mmp-------- for weekend booking. Telephone 723.|¢AT: be able to type and have access|garage. Ritson Road South. Telephone rain refrigerator, stove, three-piece o EY. BA, Barrister. } | 2836 after § [to a typewriter. Reply to Box 31, Osh- 725.089]. bath, private entrance, downtown. Bach- ATTRACTIVE clean furnished bedroom BRUCE V. MACKEY, Woes Hy ond sidewalk slabs | 283% after 6 ieee |awa Post Office bath "apartment also available, Reason [for refined Desson To private adult olicitor, Notary Public, 36% King | BEATTY APPLIANCES VALLEY CREEK SIX-ROOM house, two-storey, 1arge|able rent. 72e10 home, central, ~parkin e. Tels LLE " le rent. 725-1932, ' bP » Ll . Street East 728-2381. Res, YUS-212 | 72 047 c | ENGLISH speaking barber -- bring OWN yard, paved 23. 5- -6C Barn, equipment, pumps. FURNITURE CAMPERS 3 driveway. 130 Colbo: TR = a TROWRS - permanent position. Telephone Street Fast. Telephone 726-214 9. OIDOMM® | 570 MONTHLY and up, Modern one. | Phone 7 RALPH J y an gy] -- ES 75 ACRES 3 v 2, Bowmanville or two-bedroom apartments, mew GENTLEMAN for 1 fully equipped, "newiy GREER. Musuciate Barristers "i a ---- | > J \ GES RE = : TRY Toes go re CENTRAL PARK Blvd, North -- -- . Mod- |apartment all ed, light 130 King Street st, 728-62 ¢ burners, hot water end 5 KING W TT, NE man to sell adver |ern six-room brick home, in ve ood | A wanted, close down! Mor cage loans available CROSS TOWN f rced ne furnaces ranilihiod . ad x NG I Boat LO ' AGES fish Jit = et mission ry Sondition, $100 per month. Telephone | Lop red Se orated. sssitally Woated, os Street. So 0%. Aowiy" & RUSSELL J. MURPRY, fixtun fs and servic ext 10 Westen Tire nid dia . il dich 25 308 728-3205, __ IMMEDIATE fous | LIGHT h ing close te Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King street SOD SUPPLY Hixtures, Re rvice. 728.4401 ing, sandy beach, pony rides, |PUBLIC accounting office requires sec.| LOVELY 1% storey brick home, y |three-room apartment, second floor. Pri- {down town. Apply 23 Eigin SX East. Fast, Oshawa, Ontario, 728-2071. A-l rolled. fertilized 30d | sium RI J EALING at {ond or thing Jem CA af oF udent, landscaped, fruit trees in back ol vate entra ntrance. Parking, 728-1559. | Telephone 723-7814. eo = ro ' IMBIN N ( - tartin, ary dependent on a y % Ba - ER RN name PR TAMES A. MacDONALD-=BA. LLB, t fresh daily, sod for truck- | PLUMBING AND HEATING We wp ied PIONEER VILLAGE {3iaxting #2 a Bet x The TAMMY, WSC EDNOOH sparimeat io ave | FURRIBHED = for forms . Kitchenette, Ss I d Notary Pub cu v RON 1782 Dc nt e Duy, sell, e ange us {1621 per month. Available September 1 Barrister and Solicitor and Nol h the fiend. Special eo ORONO Day or Nign { Y BUCKHORN LAKE | rT . - ~---- building, stove and refrigerator sup-|private bathroom. ideal for one or two, The Commercial Bullding, 288 King/ ers in the field. Special con -- furniture, washets, TV, by MARRIED couple to manage L1-plex HOUSE for 1 rent, five.room brick ven. plied, (J elephone day 728-6214; evening, |central, quiet home, abstainers, ne Vest Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking tractor rates. Rug and Upholstery 728-2301 apartment Sullding in Whitby pave ib eer, 100 Bloor Street West, Write H. E, | 723 | smoking, low nt. 'Telephone 725-13 1318 available . with nr owance. Write Box . 5 DONALD BLAKE DODDS. Barrister 725- 8504 CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered a8 d| onvone in the city " av ame, . Farewell, Yonge Street West, Midland pss ROOM apartment seif-contain (SINGLE room for one gentleman, very and Solicitor, 26% King Street East.| TT |re-styled. Free estimates. See our ma y y 10--Summer Properties |[ACENSED "mechanic and mechanic's || LE-ROOM cottage, near Oshawa, in.|ed, ground floor, all conveniences. Ia - central. Apply 182 Athol Street East Telephone: Business 723-2201 es rial for recovering. Dalton Uphoisters » a conveniences, $50 gry Jatging space, hot water included. | ROOM and bath "on gro nd floor wi dence, 728-8373 NUMBER ONE [7 cuaries street, 1237212. Wanted helper, for service station. Stage age, monthly. 723.7480. se 23.3096 grou r with ae - -- a sen hui - experience and salary required to Box ey ---- kitchen privileges, suitable for lady: 108 MANGAN, QC, Barrister, CHESTERFIELDS re.bulli, Tecovéred| & Personal ni LAKEFRONT cottage for Labor Day |119, Oshawa Times. SIX-ROOM house, very | clean, all con. oh quiet two bedroom base. quiet home, near shopping centre and EPH P, Q iy i: , r. Money to loan Office 1434 like new Why pay more? Our rates. . - weekend, with boat and motor, prefer , - venience garage, $75. Empty now.!ment apartment on 15 Gibbon Street, bus; abstainer. 728-3243. itor on lo a 7 Ye reason Satistaction 20 ate FELECIFIC Day Nursery now in oper ably Balsam Lake district. Write giving OPENING for two part-time men, to Hall Street. near Oshawa Dairy. Only|Adults or with children over 12 Avail: --p---- pr mera peer 7253408, Oshawa. 728-8232, are rea ona bie Sa action id ation, Official opening in September abi Fos i n ake dis Fit, Whig Lg 8 vice Watkin's route. Must be neat io reliable tenants. Apply 34 Mill Street. able September ist. light ousekecri furnished fovms jor dence, 72 ns 8 alirosse hud Call 728-2412 for interview IX £29, Av land courteous. For appointment, oall ight housekeeping. Apply 3 arvie CRIMES RE BI BUT 10.YD. LOAD $12.00 [mi md Bre i Fe Saat ine Ts oe of AS. 18 A ple Ea, 5% 120 She vy N/ . -- . wi 0 conta a hy f r rd, ee. CDMA - ar -- ya; amor Fiat, Sor 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs ve-|son with light truck or ear for city de.|------ nrc e5_tOr Rent | oowin -- sendy employment, |Lomes, Phone Ajax WH2-2397 or OXford |piece bath, Teloph ho os 4 WELL inished ple ant bedaiiting Office 7 , 725-8542 1Avuly . 3 ces; c = covered like new, Get the best for less liveries, six days per week during afte Apply 5 Celina Street. a 8304, Toronto. ee aE x OOM ROW MAN. DAVID hs + Barrister satel 723- 3 ] 62 at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe noons. Box 117, Oshawa Times, SICKROOM EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Seplember 1 TWO-BEDRO nt on Simcoe Suit adult, very central. Apply 188 tol i's Simeoe ' - oa - s tiv je 3 dence, 128-0264 South, Call 7204431 for a fre: wot). ror RENT OR FOR SALE AMBITIOUS MEN ge four bedroom « home, Simcos(to 3 pam | Phone T8633, # a.m. (Centre Street. h high | bli c! 1 NeGIRRON aad BASTEDO, Barristers OSHAWA ms ----e={ ELECTROLYSIS pital beds, wheel chairs REQUIRED TO LEASE hone Sent Ch eran | FOR RENT IN WHITBY | _ ATTRACTIVELY Solie Clients' funds avalla or 1 . | val walkers es Ltd., 723-2265 first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Stpet Norn. | ACME HAULAGE | WHY TAKE CHANCES | valid | Ne en. pedsides. | FINA SERVICE STATION |mvinoow hie crs ices FURNISHED ROOMS 73-3566 iv C. McGibbon, QCi LTD | WITH YOUR VALUABLE Removal ot superfluous ha *v - CruiCne ; and Drew. Apply 653 Drew Street, from 2 APARTMENTS : : Edgar F. Bastedo, QC RUGS AND FURNITURE Marie Murduft will cones, clso roll-away beds Knowledge of mechonies on 16 to 8 pm ; trol. downtown. Whith Availoble in private homs. TGRTON. FRASER. DRYNAN cot a NE J NL y hy "Cs and slende ng r hin | osset nimum capital re | RE n centra wi n y. MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No. GRAVEL STONE When you can hove them Oshwaa, August 29th fie i a3 . I |EXECUTIVE type ranch bungalow, n . | Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals | quirements, Training school | bed Ie shed garage, north | 82 PARK ROAD N. tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., LOAM professionally cleaned by @ Ott Phone Genosha Hote | n SICK e : | iree bedrooms, attached garage, no Call | | Tmmediste occupancy. ond so forth at price a . 725-1644 avoiloble. Immediate open- east soction, near separate and public & ig frig i hag G x member of the National In- On (these dates for appoints, | ing in Newcastle for licenc schools. Telephone 728-292 i MO 8-4367 Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA mort 723-3528 stitute of Rug Cleaners. 20 ment | 12--Articles Wanted ed mechanic |FOUR-BEDROOM house. two b AFTER 6 P.M 728-8671 gages arranged gp "| years experience = - me n recreation room, immediate possession, | - Rh JW, a - THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Bo| HARDSAND LANDSCAPING | WU-WAY. mo 728.468) 3--Pets & Livestock 500 USED cement blocks, 87, wanted 723- 3442 $125 monthly, Phone 728-8658 after 6 ------ Call between 5 ond 7 p.m a---- all 725-4548 p.m y, eitor y -- a | ae ---Real tat: r Site Fou Paons Tobie 1% A complete garden service, |= BOARDING kennels, new modern fire TT $85.00 27--Real Estate for Sale _ HE] Moen Fens. oct: [Surveyors FoR iti me POOTS WANTED TIRE SERVICE MAN. HESIN EN EUR sioppnG, CENTRE eure [TRVY socsioq seiehor ge 20. Solicitor, Notary Publie, 524 Simeoe| rolling, Now is the time to |DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, On. Pickering - . R d Immediotel min en lorge 2-bedroom apartments. (ae. lovely fenced in ba to, schools, North. 728-2891; Res,, 728-2765 kill crab grass and chick tario Land Sur evor Commercial Blue BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready Jor CHAR | POULT equire mme Y |KIX-ROOM house for rent, oil hb Decorated to your choice. [shopping centre, $8500, less for cash' Core tiaras : ah . printing, 12 Bloor Street East. 725.5 training, talking strain. Apply Mrs SCR RON LTRY - Telephone 723-2625 |Teleph 725-8057 HUMPHREYS, BOYOHYN, ait. weed. Seeding dding, nur- ris . : H y J oung me 4.3 ears to Roved parking, etc. From Telephone 725-805 MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R. sery stock H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE. Ontario Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. AND FEATHER TICKS Young man 2 Sy S [Fou R-EOOM bungaio Fol wots: oil | $85.0 -- : : / -- gir flats { work $600 DOWN, two bedroom bungalow on Humphreys, QC: C. 8. Boychyn, BAI Land Surveyors, 218 Adelaide Avenue yy, rony Pinschers (Minpins) | L repair flats and work on {heating, nearly -1 throughout. | JOHN A.J nice lot, clean well kept home, outside W. A Hiliman, LLB, 364 King Street 725- ] 72} East, Phone 725-6081, rong RRA BR A IR i dd I. TURNER truck tire service. Experienced | Telephone 725.0349 oJ. city. Himits. Low taxes and economy ve Fast. Phones: Office, 725-1177; Res..| 404 or Whitby, MO 83761: 125. [TV - Radio Repairs Ratnpion Hock, Telephone TI 723-2043 - 723-3374 | preferred | MODERN three-bedroom brick bung. | BOLAHOOD |ing. Contact Doug Bullied, §. D. Hyman $203. Money to loan, {Insurance + "4 Realtor, 723- 4301, ns ------ errr | BOSTON Terri A ely marked 4 ' ALARY PLUS COMMISSION |low, close to all schools, available Sop. | |TV: RADIO. car radio Tepaifs, W117 weeks old, black ahd white. Priced| collect) | S ALL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS |fember 1. Phone 725.9641 after 7. %0-ACRE farm in village of Tyrone, Bookk i L i _Auto Insurance. Save up makes. Thompson Electronics, 157 (,, quick sale. Telephone 728.2798 bag idoiidhidy | LTD REALTOR double house, divided into two apart ookkeeping to 20 per cent, six months to phy. For|Eiliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). -- - SHAW | Apply NOW RENTING 725. 6544 iments, barn, paved road frontage, suit rr {personal service at your home, eall|~ ---- BOXER --- female, five months old, 2 EGO STORE Ri Lu fu Ss VLA, only $12,900, excellent terms. Call L. SCHAPELHOUMAN |2%:1%8. ~~ T \/ TOWERS house trained. Requires special care! AUTO WRECKING CO B.F. GOODRICH STORE Walter Frank, MA 3.3393, Bowmanville od home. Apply 232 Quebec 88 KING ST. W., OSHAWA Duplex, house and new stores | | & 2 BEDROOM D. w. McQuay Realtor, COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING AUTO INSURANCE Wo OSHAWA Street Wants cars for wrecking i i b i ntre, Call ERVICE, INCOME TAX | 361 GIBBONS ST RE ISTERED (2ifie pups for sale. | Parts tor sale, also scrop iron YOUNG MEN 7 Ney shopping ze tre; Col APARTMENTS TR you re o Sorell driver 728-8180 a hw | ond metals, etc, bought. | now far Jack Appleby of 728, LA SALLE COURT LLOYD REALTY RETURNS | you may save $10, $15 or id 4--Market Basket Open Saturday all day. Phone 6544 or 723-3398. John A. | 685 OSLER STREET $25 on your car insurance er Terms, Open evening , 16 - 20 | JELEPHONE LIST WITH LLOYD En etter than 20%. Preferred OSHAWA T.V TRANSPARENT apples and other eariz| 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. J. Bolahood Ltd. Ritrs, 725-3815 | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 725-9953 drivers ehity the ort | » Orchards To an Road North, 14 Must be neat in appearance | in Ontario through this of Free Survey mile north of Taunton Rosd [13--Business Opportunities good character and person- |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent or 728-6485 BURK and KING fice Halt-year paymer d_estimates RASPBERRIES. pint hoxes 10 cents, MODERN new cut sione service sia ality. A minimum of Grade ¥i5 MONTHLY -- decorated bachelor Building Trades Tis is eee Jovers Jotedi 0) right ir city ot 2 IRE ing Bhat Re S| Co us today an enh Boe 4 et Mead ol, or si, Webi it gnt, 5) to "vel to ary. and 'a |SSiogy Ae 10 Sonne Cone TRIPLEX | [ded with tail sonce, YOUR local chimney cleaner . SAMSON STILL time to phone Jour order for |PATKINE area Gasoline of your choice.| cities in Conoda. Must be |eROOM a beated, remson. | maples, and some apple trees, vealed, furtaten weevil, Prod " SCHOFIELD vinnie aad ow Toh dt ¥3| PN red, Eacellont pay to | Mack bates Won °° APS| Aviroctvely decorated, stove, | 4% 1arge rooms, 3-pe. bath ates. 723-2007 caver, | INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD TV TOWERS -- rr ---------- Box 220, Oshawa -- ---- | bie ei Fur SHED basement apartment, Tu frig, washer, dryer, porking. ii Number ne hordused L. and W. ROOFING, fac an oF | 360 King St. West 723 2265 Antenna Installations G LA D | 0 L | AL ety sale, within ne | vided. We train you at oyr |Irigerator TV outlet, separats| New building, Lansdowne . bath, parking, very central. Als fur kitchen with pantry, cil heat, too big or to small. Estimates free. Tl & lous TV ¢ity or on highway, with or without liv-| expense. This is year 'round |nished'b droom, Dial 723-9135. i Dr. Adults Only, 725.4842, plywood lined garage with MO #8003 or 725-6837 awn Mowers en ou Ss : ing quarters, Ernie Holmes Realtor, | : : p ; = ---- o ( | 204 King Street Fast, 725.2363, employment i M apartment, furnished or | cement: floor. See this before i RAMIC. la tic wall' tle, "woodwork. AVE our av n Tower 4 Pragision 725-7844 or 728.5804 Beguniul Gladioli -- in | unfurnished, B80 mon private, vacant TWO BEDROOM it's too late, Call Bill Homer ing ho ngs Free ) up and delivery | ° ©~ © -------- -- ; pers y tw !Septemb 6 . 2 4 M : Work. guaranteed TH0-080. Telephone 725-4360 $1.00 Mixed Colors as | INCOME PROF ERTY hoply in person or y between Sent tember 4 monthly. 271 Simcoe APARTMENT now at 728-5123. ALL types building repairs, roofing, | ---- SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT »1.0U per dozen -- Apply an p.m. on ursday als! ¥ : o ne : Nr Te + 7 WEST to Mr. Birch at the Genosha [SHOPPING CENTRE, extra large mod 4 Toms ~-- free use of auto Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited, a os Fora ni, Gos dan| WE SHARPEN AND RENT IT -- DAY CR NIGHT 757 KING ST, WES CONFECTIONERY | [2 0 C0 or Sale [oi tun bedroom abasments, Seorsind | mane mosher mma er TR - 0 your cho! t d p Realtor, Mar | AO EYIRYTHING T.V. and RADIO 723-4179 STORE dab ine otc. John A. J. Boanood Lia. Ts $90 MONTHLY 728.5123 WW Sm 2, ofs ive Us all-- . -~ rm | $544, OE NER winging, Jat hi CALL 728-5286 | 5--Farmers Column ! | Ce Apply 213 01 Simcoe St N. ing Phil Harper. Whithy, MO 04558, STAN'S All Work Guaranteed. (706 : Seven rcoms for owner plus | ARE YOU SEEKING |FOURROOMED seitcontained apart vi Montrave Avenue. Apt, | much room Rent your Spare ment, private suirance and bath, hea - P \d two apartments, four garages heavy duty wiring, outlet and eu . rT ¢ - JOHN A. J Bris - . vom to th liable tenant find | ? Cartage CORNER KING & BURK STS - OSHAWA ah a Oaiaple tonal Clasaiied work shop, two parking A SALES CAREER | boards. Apply 37: ha Street, Oshawa. | JOUN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshaws 723 3224 ELECTRONICS Ad. Dial 723.5402 today spaces. Yeorly income thirty --Da you want top {BACHELOR apartment, in modern APARTMENTS BOLAHOOD Whithy Reasonable rates Ful y - - DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. | seven hundred. Inco fro a |apartment building, all conveniences x i eauipped and insured. Phone 728.3661. Phone collect, Hampton, COMax 3.23721. 1} inded, come from income ? telephone 725-6176 5 in modern building. Avail- } em ---- Money to Loan 2797 WHY Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Lie 115 | 'N€ store con be increased --Advancement FIVE., and three - room apartment able now. Laundry, parking Realtors Ltd Uressmaking Mid . Nam at TOP MONEY for dead and disabled| °0%1v. Priced to sell. Call --Securit unfurnished, self-contained, parking, hardwood tloors, 'frig, stove 167 Simcoe § a woes CLTENTS' money to. 10a on first mort ause we give real service farm stoek. R Vivian, Markham, 11603 W. J. Irvine Vickery Real | y Celina Street. Call at south door, any | TV let, lock : gage. Mortgage and agreement of ¢ same da >of collect. 24-hour, seven-day service Estate Show you sincerely want these (Yme. SE outlet, locker, 0 Office Hrs, 9 am. - 9 pm. FURRIER aed PA, iolasie Arianged:| ficient save money FOUR-YEAR-OLD David Brown diesel Phone 728.2868 things, and ore not afraid [MODERN basement a riment, three Call MO 8-3092 : | 3 1 AREA ractor, in goo I I r Q 0 nC doch, satisfied tract d condition, May be seen | at forth ttle honest To ontained,| after 5 or 101 Croydon Rd COLLEGE HIL R and DRESSMAKER | experience satistie Sa tors an Sod. sendition. May by to put forth a little honest heavy wiring, antenna, near north GAY! A Whi oc k \galow, with PR dell Drive In i savel Ser 14--Employment Wanted effort, then we will show you |paved parking. Telephone 723-7886, -- pt. 5, hitby, | gs on bric Jou golow; with ww. Alterations emodellin A and 4 . | ortunity i J bedroom Isement. apar LOW. PRIC CES 9 MONIES FOR $2.50 6--Auction WILL give experienced care for chi.| 9 chollenging opportunity THREE-ROOM self contained," unfurn - - Fag 3 ' |ished basement apartment, near South ONE BEDROOM ment with separate entrance TREET ! MORTGAGES AUCTION BALE -- Farm stock and| gren in my, nh home, by day or week.| Our men are earning top GM. Reasonable. Abstainers, 1213 Sun | APARTM Well landscaped, double 22 ROWE Tubes | checke implements, property of Mr. Fred Hart, | 1 ¢1*P! fe money now and advancing 10 |Valley Court, 725-1356, ENT---$80 paved drive. See it now, call 728-6706 bon pierce Upon Lay Shui, Yom, Thice mies married woman desives ss took "stf| | Onogeriol positions. AS |r moon. wntimianes wai] 2 BEDROOM -- $105 Steve Zurba, 725-6544 or Monies ava ie on First best picture east of Hwy. No. 35, on Durham and|small children, during the day. Tele. | member of our live wire sales |sparment and bath, irailatie August IN DUPLEX 728-0569 pi Mortgages at 7% per annum A TOWER? Victoria boundary. Forty head of Hol. phone 728.7642 | team, you will be thoroughly (3, aunton Road West (250 one Driving School = without bonus. 0 R farm implements: timitige. comme an: [LADY will Took afier child while mother | trained TWO. and four-room" apartments, pri. Immediate possession. 559 HOUSE LOTS N TO DRIVE Sigs M 3 availgble on TRY US tiques). Auctioneer, Carl Hickson Works furing the day, also nights. Tele-| 0, products, radio, news vate verandah, near Lakeview Park.! ond 561 Lonsdowne Drive. | $2,800 each, with paid ser- | Jeconc ortgage Ls i ond TV ad ising s (Year-round for small family, $20 and| 20.ft, living room ood 4 ¥ inetd : LEAR Mortgages ond Agreemer Mening. sntenne?. Sap ; BEAT dows Jour ving costs with the PRACTICAL, rane reavires arasdiare] paper nd a dvertist g, has 528 per month, Apply Barnhart's Pavi. re bog ng , 9¢ d vices which include storm at the for Sale purchased Repairs' As good as v1 | you no 10nger need. Do It the fart, easy employment. Write Box 226, Oshawa| created more business, then ion : size gdrooms with panty and sanitary sewers, curb Oshawa Driving School / way. Advertise them with a result-gef.| Times our staff can handle, i rooms and bath, private en- id Slonel ace, bright Jt: and gutter, catch basins ond Professional Instructors | ! th 0 hawa Times Classified Ad. Dial! ' irance, stove and frige in quiet home, chen wi nN rable an cl alr street lights, Call now to in- ON hr ruler M. F. SWARTZ TRIO TEL EVISION 723-3492 today |15--Agents Wanted iE THAT'S RIGHT [widow preferred. Avely 137 Huron oreo, balcony overlooking spect. Gall Mr. Sibiock. of jord and Automatic Short term and Builder Mort 171 BOND EAST ~ Transportation supplied es --. Sy | garden, stove, 'trig, washer- 725-6544 or 725-4362 By 4 E Lessons gages at reasonable rates 1 Well Drilling-Digging Agents for the Fantastic --Lead's supplied ARARTMENT, new. large lving rooms! grver, TV ond parking in- ay and Evening Lessc ages o ol $s 278-678 --- e---- - G % . Ll two bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom: | CET 728.0091 3 W WARD CAL-JET --- Suasrantesd Weekly Income |refrigerator and stove and TV outlet in.| cluded Convenient je Coro- BRUCE STREE 5 K Apply in person-- cluded, and use of washer and drver, tion Public School, North 1 2 t eh ii shows. Oror TV--Rentals pe of King Street on' Wils 20 2, $1 with 2 kit. MERCURY SCHOOL 723-4697 a -- WELL DIGGING BY | OUTBOARD MOTOR DUMONT Applv 1033 Ravine Road. comer of| of pio' SEO (BH ce ------------------------------ -------- pick them self, bring your nt ti | stay | vel > y i r apartinent, Immediate ssession, full, FREE estimate on AIgaing basements] Call us today ond. compar en yours rin ur contain. {tion and restaurant in centre of Sun 9 education. 'Must be free po; | TWO BEDROOM Insurance Wentworth, or 'phone 725-3741 Road Nott chens, 2-storey brick with oil c Purchase your de-humidi MACHINE Runs 8 hours on gallon of THREE-ROOM apartment, self contain. | hii oti heating. Good income. Lots OF SAFE DRIVING | Registered Under Mortgage $10 down -- $7 per r onth, | SPECIALIZING IN 30 E fue! ALUMINUM ed, clean, firnished, private entrance all 35 witte of room, ' A chance to make Modern ducl equipped cars. | Brokers' Registration Act 31 Loum = Pee. me \ VY Adults only. Telephone 725-3094 SA He a | 'on easy start. Call Bill Rat , Je J I I , Remove the dampness mn WHITBY ONTARIO CHRYSTAL SALES LTD FOUR-ROOM apartment, ~self-contain. Frank Hazlett RU 3-1733 or | cliffe ot 725-6544 2h 0 4 Mortgages your bosement, Rent g MO 8-256 MO 8-3809 7 Rickwell Rd.. Hamilton 333 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH |ed. Apply 539 Albert Street or telephone RU 7-9387 evening | Day or evening appointments . vision ~ only $7 per we 204 CHESTNUT ST. W 7 Rickwell Rd., Hamilton |: 72-60 3005 Bathurst Street, Toronto | $8,500 DIAL 725-4773 MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville) OWh.| Jor P.O. BOX 329 ' = E a OUR-ROOM heated apartment, $80 Operated by NY Tel ytny and vi S---- 16--Female Help Wanted |18--Male or Female Help rok 637 Albert Street or telephone 26--Rooms for Rent § rooms, gorog ¢ inity esidential, cake, ap i po . 1 Geo, B. Rutherford one Ee oh Acieage, apariment MEAGHER'S TED VE EENHOF YOUNG woman for general housework Wanted 25-9240. Sr OE eri Te Toei | 2 - storey, reasonable MERCURY TAXI gage Brokers Association. . Su "5 King St. W 723.3425 in Willowdale. Must be experienced roger Ny Solicitors, male or female | COMPLETBLY furnished new lower du ON aunighed Nght EO usekeeping down payment. Carries land ; i n ted. 12 . wi and fond of « hildren, European Prefer Ee DAT, 10 ah ot To ae ple three hedrooms heated, automa or tere ulti Syphoards, $75.00 a month. Owr ree N a "hone 7 il { L IN ree elephone 7 from our vif Top commission |e washer, dryer near all schools oh ry " ov rp 55 i t | Fuel and Wood FIRST co ortgages i r LEA OPERATING BOOM registered nurse pa d weekly, further informa. ho ving placa, private drive so VIocks from downtown. 723.0558 ng town. 5 % ! rig a 2 { 4 Md 4 Plumbin and | 8-3570 LARGF hoo-ekee in® 'vom, also base. Jack Appleby at 725 od cuttings. Suitable ed. W nn rigage Broke nina plo ¢ i med rips t on, S mb ot i 0 1 laces, furnaces. Tele 10] Dundas V B AN ervice Apply Cottage oe ng. MO 8.2387 sh for M st ment apartment. Children Avelcome . ' Apply 218 Celina or telephone 728.5253 NEWLY decorated four-room, self-con OSHAWA TIME that's ? : Ba 8 | ge John -- tained apartment; three-piece bath a ong o& NEED a job? The place io find it is| agreements purchased and sold. Hen TE La AYY ye > OMPF WA WANTED -- woman for picking cucum- (WANT a better job? It may be waiting room, stove and refr gerator, laundry ONE room and kitchen, suitable for Mortgages 14 Column of the Oshawa Times niek and Hennick, Barristers, 31 K ng where they are rooms " "0 1 bers on share, preferably Ukrainian, (under "Help Wanted" in the Classified room, parking. Reasonable. 23 Gibb | two, good location, near bus. Apply ! 51 Bowaht and Soid led Section. Check right mow. Street East, 723.7212 houses, apartments! Telephone 728.3864 Telephone Newcastle 2139, Edwin Staub, section today. Look now. Street, Apt. 1, Simcoe entrance Chadburn Street anytime, sught and Sold rs of O. D FIRST and secon origages. Sale TH$ Members C Arranged

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