OIE, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 16, 1961 7 PERSONALS KX ~ BACK TO SCHOOL APPAREL-. Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy, partment with your item of 3 BUY NOW ... SAVE Brock street east, have returned news for which there is no from a motoring vacation charge. Telephone 723- 3474. 3 0, through Quebec, Nova Scotia -- - % 3% SALES TAX land Prince Edward Island and SALT SOLUTION {homeward through the New ; : Brocenli, brussels sprouts, and England States. : . 58 § S, : cauliflower often contain hidden h. i BLOUSES Girls' Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Carter jpgects, To be sure these vege. " uc England, are Sa tables are free of pests before Plein or Fa piri Fix ng r arter"s sister, Mrs. or a ps r ncy ints --= Tucks Bradshaw and Mr. Frank you cook 'them. Immerse the : 4 ins or Over-Blouse styles, Sizes j 10-20. , Noir Colborne street east, clean, prepared vegetable in on a month's vacation salt water for 15 minutes (1 tsp . n . LS) 2 salt for every quart of water) uy . : 3 § | Teas, birthday parties, wed ya bo J Cotton Gingham dresses with i ding anniversaries, coming and The insects floats to the top of 2 [ 4 ric rac ond button trim on | goings of guests and your own the. water and you can remove bodice, cute puff sleeves : holiday plans are always of in the m, Then wash the yegeidble end pointed collar. Just | {ere . /vite, thoroughly again and its ready terest in this column. Write, ghly ag ) / bi right fro school. Various " telephone or visit the social de-/to cook / S [74 | RB T right for school, Various J colors in sizes 7-8-10-12, Reg. 3.98. SPECIAL .., Brushed rayon plaids on checks. Also plain worsted in ¥ » i 2 4 : » 3 A BOY WITH A BIRTHDAY : are, brown oid charcodt Sites « 2 Two years old today is Ken- | Brown, all of Oshawa, and -- i 10-20 neth James, son of Mr. and great-grandson of Mrs. Pat- ! Mrs. James Brady, Dymond. | rick Brady, Oshawa, and Mr. jl : § Drive. Kenny is the grandson | and Mrs. Peter O'Brien, Pe- of Mr. and Mrs. Donald | terborough Brady and Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' --Photo by Ireland ENGAGEMENT _. : , , iF LITTLE BOYS' SOCIAL NOTICES | ve ensagement is announced ~~ ro NN PANTS Eleanof Mackenzie of Oshawa, daughter = - % 2 ENGAGEMENT of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. C A : » 2 1 / Mr. and Mrs Clarence A. Mackenzie of Port Seton, Scot- 3 3 4 % " (Weshable) Toage wish to announce the en-{land, to Mr. Bruce Stevenson 1 y i . ; ; gafément of their daughter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 3 ; | Spun Rayon Serge trousers with Grace Constagce, to Mr. Don-|Stevenson of Toronto The wed 3 ? | . : elastic back, 2 front pockets ald James Thompson, son of|ding will take place at St. Paul's 1 nd Mrs. James T. Thomp-| Presbyterian Church, Oshawa, 1 : 2 i » cool, Navy, Brown, Sizes 4-6- Mr. a ) . ) son. all of Oshawa. The mar-jon Saturday, September 16, 1961, E k i riage is to take place on Satur lat 3.30 p.m. A 7 DRESSES and JUMPERS Ho ; day. September 16, at 3 o'clock i 3 Wii. ¥ 5 { i in Simcoe Street United Church MARRIAGE 2 . : FOR GIRLS 4 Al 1 The marriage of Gloria Jean ; 5 oh Drip dry cottons, plaids, corudroys, Arnel. a 1 2 1 79 -- +t " AT HOME Miller, daughter of Mr. and UE ro 4 Many youthful styles available. Sizes: 4-6x { . - and zipper front. Grey, Char- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, Mrs Clayton Miller of Raglan h ; . 124 Prince street. will be at and James Frederick Carno Eo Bg : and 7-12 0r8- 14, home to their friends and neigh- chan, son of Mr. Fred Carno- . A 2 SA y 4 8 X z A bors on Saturday, August 99 chan. Port Perry, and the late i 3 y . ". ! ¢ : between 7 and 9 p.m., on the Mrs. Carnochan, took place on E : po ; oe 2 113 & & \ : 12, 1961 3 gs % i i: ® ® : SIRES: 2 Ad : OV occasion of their 25th wedding Saturday, August in anniversary. Simcoe Street hited i Sasi " / : - offa Shirls & Shorts | BLOUSES » Reverend J us |aicinting : SEPTEMBER B DE - TO - BE SLIMS FOR CASUAL WEAR GIRLS' - oy ghosts; URGES EXERCISE MON SAL (CP) -- W | ; Saturday, September 16, is of Port Setén, Scotland, and - 1ONTREAL (CP) -- Women jeti, visiting Montreal on her : + the wedding . Ladies" Veltona hand-washable woven weaters Combed gator 2tYiss in white, host gs is 7 : S-M-L. eter on or ointed collar : the date set for her fiz : it fN who seely relaxation at tea or way to a gymanstic-teaching job lary Orem her fiance is the son of Mr way ) of Miss Eleanor Margaret | . apo rayon slims. Assorted plaids and Orlon sweaters in sizes 12<14. ; ond pocket, Sizes 6-14, bridge parties would do better'st 4 Laurentian camp, said this, Wylie Mackenzie and Mr. Andrew Stevenson checks, Sizes: 10 - 20 to concentrate on push-ups and form of exercise is more relax-| Bruce Stevenson. The bride-to- | of Toronto. The ceremony will Cardigans Pull somersaults, says Agnes Keleti, ing and more beneficial 'to the| be is the daughter of the late | take place at St. Paul's: Pres- hd wavers an Olympic gymnast. Miss Ke-ifigure. {| Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mackenzie | byterian Church, Oshawa. 1 4] [4 ® » a each GLECOFF SUPERMARKET p---- 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA yd -- JEANS x - LE 2 2 OPEN DAILY 8 AM. to 10 P.M. -- FREE DELIVERY 4 wn hed ' A A jeans . . . lined or unlined. 4 fonng Sizes SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI. AND SAT, AUG. 17, 18 AND 19 JR * anvil 1 98 5 ZL i T-SHIRTS Jackets and YOUR = CIGARETTES CHOICE CARTON 3 09 " No C Combed cotton with long sleeves H RST - oe / Tigi 9 dee Windbreakers : a ¢ 3 Zipper front closi nd full BUTTE GRADE LB 64 lined Sizes 3-6x, go uy " w J ~ § 1 Christie's BREAD 2 wns 37° | - LJ . BONELESS and ROLLED FROZEN SHREDDED WHE AT PER 1 7: BOX ; . . ; MEN'S AND BOYS' LAMB FRONTS LB. 39¢ COOKED HAM 171s. 1 45 ; m= [ & : STRETCH SOCKS \' HHL ZT 59c& 79¢ pr. LEAN 1.LB. PKG. RINDLESS ~ Breakfast BACON ' 65¢ | ses AN RE fr 13 : vourws SLACK SOCKS CHOICE SMOKED a TEA BAGS CELLO BAGS 69: ; YexTurizen WIENERS 89 FRESH GROUND BREAKFAST CUP Cardigans & Pullovers CELLO PKG. 1-LB c A red tol ' COFFEE a ge [Ene JEM CARDIGANS . . 3.98 to 4.98 PORK SAUSAGE soars 39° MARGARINE 4 he. 1.00 puLLovers ... 2.98 .. 3.98 NEW MIXED FLAVOR TOP PICKS IN| JELLO POWDER 3 .. 25 [od {ed JV | JELLO POWDER 2... 37° , SWEET--SIZE 280 GIANT WHITE -- 15¢ OFF Sunkist Oranges 3 -- 89° | BREEZE we J2€ Hd ND a Cello CARROTS we. 19° FULL SUPPLY OF PRESERVING ---- NY Ful wer FID BR RAKERY CHOICE RIPE LARGE SIZE WATERMELON .... 59 | SPECIAL nour DRIGTTE & CLOT Barman FRESH, CRUNCHY Toilet Bowl Cleaner srcnc 39 CELERY 2... 23°| ROTEX 37 | ONTARIO . ; i POTATOES "119 Gillette BLUE BLADES :: 17+ | | £ LE FROZEN GOLDEN -- Bx LAY " ne : 1 BOYS I SHIRTS | 2 ; CORN NIBLETS 2 oli, 45+ CURITY DIAP ERS Ry 3.98 asfioble interlock snd Prscpude SHign 98 and RUNNING SHOES SUNKIST, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY or PINEAPPLE Baby Training Panis 0 PRS. 1 : 00 J weite. sop 3 08 Blac rth white ribber Seles and heels Frozen PUNCH 2 "%: 29* | Children's SOCKS ™ ** 2 = 99¢ 79 o 08: 1 1.79 DO ogre J |. SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S--OPEN DAILY TILL 10 P.M. | OSHAWA 2 STORES YO SERVE YOU BETTER suopnc iidtis SMALL LINK