Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Aug 1961, p. 2

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I feel as if T have known her| BROKE QUIET (all my life." NAPANEE, Ont. (CP)--Fire- Bondi he last regeiven 3 let- en here had waited 14 days for which "she said she was going|@ Call before one finally came. to start working in Trois-Rivi- They thundered to the scene and eres." extinguished the blaze--one lone se ------ tree. 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 16, 1961 | Release Girl PenPal's Plea OAKVILLE (CP) -- An 18- |year-old Oakville boy Tuesday (CP)--The end| The strike of 550 longshore- Might pleaded for the life of a July 10 after six girl he has never seen. HAS NO KNOWLEDGE {| 'HALIFAX (CP) -- A strong Teronto and Hamilton appeared months of failure to reach 'George McHugh was asking) MONTREAL (CP)--A spokes call for NATO strength and|tc be in sight today after a top-|agreement with the shipping kidnappers to return Denise man for the Montreal division unity -- including an appeal for|level meeting in Montreal be-'and stevedore companies. |Therrien, 16, of Shawinigan, |said Tuesday the RCMP had no other NATO countries to fulfilljtween the International Long-| Mr. Gleason said after Tues- Que. knowledge of reports that aj their military commitments to{shoremen's Association (CLC)/day's meeting "we have The girl has been missing $1,000,000 shipment of heroin is | the alliance -- was sounded|and the Shipping Federation of reached a clarification of all|from her home since receiving|heading from Montreal to Ha-| Tuesday by Prime Minister Canada. clauses in the dispute." a call about a baby-sitting job|Milton. Hamilton reports said Diefenbaker. : 2 It was reported that the two| The union originally asked for Aug. 8. the drug had arrived in Mont. In a speech dealing with the sides, in session for several|$2.40 an hour and rejected a = "please return her safe and| co aboard a freighter recently. | Berlin crisis, he said it would|hours Tuesday behind closed |conciliation board report rec- unharmed," said George, who be folly -- equivalent to leav-|qoors, reached agreement onlommending $2.10 in the first has been corresponding as a THESE Strengthen Long Dock Strike NATO Unity Has End In Sight Dief Appeal of A ont strike in|/men began 4 Oshawa's Busiest Real Estate Firm 728-5123 i te Wess Jeionces og terms of settlement that are to| year of a two-year contract and |pen.pal with Denise since last | Canada 'to Withdraw from | °° submitted to federation mem- $2.16 the second. December. NATO if nuclear: armaments bers and the ILA's Toronto and| The federation accepted the "She received my first letter added under a system of collec. Hamilton locals for approval. report and, prior to Tuesday's on her birthd ay Dec 23 ny 11 tive. control. ' The top union spokesman, meeting, said it would not make George said, after telling how | 4!" "If the western alliance main- Thomas B. (Teddy) Gleason. of any 'concessions beyond ils|,. oot the girls name from an {tains its umty, does not indulge NeW York, the ILA's interna-\recommendations. other member of the Preston| lin challenging speeches and|tional organizer, said 'we're F ~ Scout House Band in which he| shows itself possessed of a calm (closing the gap" but he declined] ; plays first barit Sir Alexander Mackenzie com. PIs first baritone horn. pleted the first overland journey 'Since the first letter, we ! determination of purpose, then|to say specifically what was 11 believe there should be no fear (discussed. . gs ag A] CRS ; | |what lies ahead," he said. It was learned, however, that|across Canada to the Pacific in have written each other regu- |" "If it had not been for NATO, the union proposed a comprom-|1794. larly. T have never seen her but C da Cauti rights of free men longlise in the form of a two-year About Berli GREAT EXPLORER UAW. PICNIC i ® |the ay since would have gone," he told/contract providing a basic the Canaaian Weekly Newspa- hourly wage of $2.15 the first pers Association. "The free|year and $2.25 the second. world for the first time is in A io united" -- a direct result of So-|27-CENT INCREASE ; viet Premier Khrushchev"s ac-| This represented a 27-cent in- tion on Berlin crease over the present $1.98 an "Berlin is a modern 'tale of hour. two cities' the lights of one part] Montreal longshoremen get a are too bright for the other." basic wage of $2.24 an hour. CRITICIZES NDP Toronto lawyer Alan Clarke, Have NOT Been CLAIMED! FOUNDERED, MAY HAVE SUNK va Scotia from the United States where she was to have been scrapped 15 years ago, the ship spent six years sav- ing stricken ships in the At- lantic. /The crew has been i rescued. Owners fear the ship, : shown beside a Halifax pier, may have sunk. --(CP Wirephoto) The spunky little survey ves- sel North Star IV, a former ocean salvage tug, was foun- dering on a James Bay reef when 30 men abandoned her Monday night. Brought to No- | WILL SUPPLY AID BELGRADE (Reuters) -- Yu- WEATHER FORECAST | goslavia hat decided 3 Sap Cool Weather imum. > 3 | Tuesday in a joint communique Jovers Ontario |issued with Tunisian Foreign {Minister Sadok Mokkadem. Mokkadem left Belgrade after a Forecasts issued by the Tor- EDT Synopsis: Cool weather covers|this evening. Mainly sunny and Ontario. Te m p er a tures have| dropped to the 30s in northern|15 becoming light this afternoon _ . sections and the 40s in central{then southwest 20 Thursday Wingham . Ontario. Under sunny skies, |afternoon. Hamilton afternoon high readings are ex-| Marine forecasts valid until St. Catharines .. pected to be in the 60s over most|11 a.m. EDT Thursday Toronto of the province but will reach, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, peterborough . the 70s in southwestern Ontario. [ake Erie, Lake Ontario: Winds Trenton ... Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Nia- northeasterly 15 knots becoming Killaloe ...co.. gara, Lake Ontario, Georgian|south southeasterly 10 to 15 pyskoka .. Bay; Algoma, Windsor, London, Thursday. Mainly clear. North Bay . Hamilton, Toronto, North Bay, Forecast Temperatures Sudbury ... Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury: Low tonight, High Thursday: Earlton Mainly sunny and cool today Windsor . 5 3 Kapuskasing .. and Thursday. Winds north 20/St. Thomas White River .. today, light tonight and Thurs- London .. Moosonee ... Kitchener S.S. Marie .... : problems. warmer Thursday. Winds north Drohiem ~ wo ~ = wo ot MULIGINSSoND Wm es Ee EE EN Pe pe PP Re] wo Haliburton, Timagami, Coch- three-day visit, 'during which he onto weather office at 5 a.m. rane: Variable clqudiness and had talks with Tito about Bi- continuing cool today, clearing ,orte. Berlin and other world Mr. Diefenbaker took & swipe at the decision of the New De- |mocratic Party's.founding con- vention to quit NATO if nuclear arms are added to the alliance arsenal. "There are those who advo-| cate that Canada should with- {draw from NATO in the event that nuclear arms are made available for the possession and control of NATO. I believe that this is advocating a course which would be dangerous to the surviva! of the forces of NATO -- forces that now exist --and dangerous to the survival of freedom itself." "Would you in 1961, faced by the overwhelming Soviet might in East Germany facing West Berlin -- would you place those who guard the portals of free-| {dom in the position of men armed with bows and arrows? |"It"s as simple as that." The East German puppet gov ernment seemed guilty of the provicative act of closing the East - West Berlin border be- cause of iis inability to stem the flood of refugees. Whatever Canada did -- and the 15 - na-| _ tion' NATO alliance was ponder- ling a course -- would be done in a manner representative of the country. ¥ |Germany and France. HAS PROUD RECORD "On NATO, Canada./has a proud record," said Mr. Diefen- aker. 'Canada has met its '|goals. All the nations should Z| bring their forces up to strength not by way of threat but as an [indication of the fact that the NATO naions are serious and united in their stand." Each of the NATO countries --without a request arising for |increased military forces -- has been studying its position. The Diefenbaker reference to Can- ada's proud role in NATO. re-| d 4 | flects the fact that it has main- [tained its full complement in- {cluding naval units, a self-con- tained army brigade in Ger- {many and an air division in | | | DISCOUNT SPECIALS 109), to 509, Discounts Throughout the Store! t SUMMER | .& % BLOUSES © Reg. to 5.98. 2 0 0 ® DISCOUNT PRICE . oft 20% HOMESPUN SPREADS 20% OFF 4.79 oft OF, F g\ oh BATHING SUITS 1, PRICE off Off Reg. 5.99. DISCOUNT PRICE . off 10% 20% Discontinued Ready-to-hang DRAPES Lined and Unlined 10% TO 50% DISCOUNT 15% 50% KENWOOD BLANKETS | the secretary spokesman for the shipping fed- eration, said both sides '"'want to report back to their members on what was discussed" at the meeting. Both he and Mr. Gleason said there were no plans for another By JAMES NELSON Canadian Press Staff Writer Berlin is like a giant fire- cracker--dangerous only if you put a lighted match to it. This, in essence is the view the Canadian government ap- here that NATO is not as strong militarily as it should be. France, in particular, has never been up to full strength in its {NATO military strength were {up to par and General de Gaulle | had fewér internal troubles at meeting between the federation pears to be taking to the de-ithis time. and the ILA. Union sources said the new |proposals may be submitted to the striking Hamilton local 1654 and Toronto local 1842 in the next day or two. NUDIST CAMP PICKPOCKET LONDON (AP) -- Scotland Yard sleuths admitted Tues- day they had a delicate in- vestigation on their hands--a theft in a nudist camp. "Of course," said a police spokesman, "we can't search anyone." The theft occurred last Sat- urday at the five-acre Sun Club at nearby Bricket Wood. Established 30 years ago, the club has over 600 members. A member had £4 ($11.20) lifted from his pants pocket in the undressing room. When police were called in, remembered a ($4.20) theft two 30 shilling months ago. Talking to secretary said: "'As this is the second theft, it seems likely that there is a compulsive thief at work." Going on this theory, detec- tives have set a trap. Asked what sort of trap was being set, the secretary an- swered: "I believe money is being planted." | "How do you plant money oh a nudist?" he was asked. | "In his clothes," said the secretary, 'not on a member when he's sunning himself." reporters the from veloping Berlin crisis. It has deep concern for the potential dangers to world peace but it is confident the dangers can be avoided if everyone moves with great caution. The cabinet meets today to! study what its advisers believe is a realistic appraisal of the situation. Prime Minister Die- fenbaker may make a state- ment after the meeting The chief danger in the cur- rent tense period is that some Western action may be inter- preted as putting a match to the Berlin fuse. Of greater con- cern is the possibility that the fuse may be lighted inadvert- ently. SAYS LITTLE By saying as little as possible, the Canadian government trusts it can avoid either action. It hopes the other Western gov- ernments will do so, too. Thus, it is not expected that Canada will make any dra- matic change in its present armed forces commitments NATO. These now include an army brigade group in West Germany, an air division at four fighter bases in West Ger- many and France with supply support in England, and ele- ments of the Canadian navy earmarked for NATO service in the North Atlantic. Canada has had no request NATO for increased forces. This country is one of the few that is living up fully to its force commitments. Prime Minister Diefenbaker has #mphasized that the unity of NATO members in their dedication to mutual defence has been strengthened by the |challenging Berlin crisis. However, there is a feeling | BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIAL | This Beautitul 4-Piece . .. WEAREVER WRITING SET with every $5.00 purchase of © SCHOOL STATIONERY & PENS © ZIPPER BINDERS & BRIEF CASES © COLES NOTES & TRANSLATIONS © COLES FACT-FINDER SERIES You can save oll you until they total $5.00! THIS OFFER EXPIRES MON. NIGHT, SEPT. 4th r receipts bi ~ The activities of two other Western Europe government| heads are being watched closely | in Ottawa. | West Germany's Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, regarded by Ottawa's politic- ians as well as by others as the wiliest political fox on the con- tinent, is fighting an election campaign due to come to a vote Sept. 17. His speeches on the! Berlin crisis have to be read in light of the political cam- paign heat. Britain's Prime Minister Mac- millan surprised some Ottawa | circles, and brought them reas-| surance as well, by his atti-| tude: He has gone grouse hunt-| ing on the Yorkshire moors. venerable We are still waiting for the following ticket holders ' from the second U.AW. Picnic Draw to claim their winnings, No. sss NO. No. No. 8596 10931 15967 12064 Bicycle Bicycle Bicycle ... Tricycle Tricycle Tricycle .. No. «++ No. 11575 Wagon Wagon ... No. No. 7302 . CHILDREN'S ATTENDANCE PRIZES No. 15288 Anyone holding any of these numbers, would you please come to the Union Hall and claim your prize. RUSSELL McNEIL, Secretary-Treasurer. 805 731 6227 | FRESH SHANKLESS . . . at BUEHLER'S PORK SHOULDERS -35° GRADE "Ag (10 TO 12 of LB. 45¢ TOMS (16 TO 20 LB) LB. 43+ "= SPECIALS BLADE STEAKS CLUB STEAKS RIB STEAKS SIRLOIN & WING STEAKS SALISBURY STEAKS SKINLESS WIENERS 2 LBS. LB. LB. LB. . LB. LB. 49¢ 99° 69° 89c 59° 79¢ SEE WHAT 1.00 WILL BUY! 5 lbs. PORK HOCKS 3 LBS. VEAL P 5 LBS. COUNTRY SAUSAGE Any of the above only 1.00 BUY 5 LBS. MEAT FREE ATTIES SAUSAGE FOR ONLY CUT-UP CHICKEN" LEGS - THIGHS - BREASTS LB. 1.00 GET 5 LBS. FREE! 49¢ What's More! COLES HAVE THE OFFICIAL 1961-62 TEXTBOOK LIST! COLES HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF TEXTBOOKS IN CANADA ! COLES HAVE NOTES AND TRANSLATIONS FOR EVERY SUBJECT COLES HAVE THE LARGEST SELECTION OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES ! OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Necks & Backs 2 uc 19° 15% OFF 32 Rancrest Quality. Full double-bed (2 biscount rice... 12.99] VAS ¢ Sr AW \) fle \) ke HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS AT DISC WARD'S DRY GOOD 33 SIMCOE SOUTH WINGS 5 1.00 BUEHLE Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING E. -- 723-3633 %p EY off %n NT PRICES LTD. 725-1151

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