CAIN pee eg | |flames to the river. This entry/amie sculpure was eaptured | | Dundas Woman {took a first prize for Nancy by Roman pohusider a Kil-| "TRT2 : Murakami of Kennedy avenue, barry road, Toronto, for his orig-| Wins Top Prize Toronto. Mrs. Clayon Macklin!inal design candelabra. Other of West Cass streel, Greenville, special awards were presented | For Handicrafts Mich,, took the Star. Weekly | by the Rerustionsl Si)yes { i 1 Cp 5 quilt award of $25 for her beau- Co., Helena Rubinstein, Aiken- i | q Mrs. Thomas Macks of Dun tiful white quilt appliqued with head Hardware, the Plywood ol | indi grand award for the|T0se buds. The Chatelaine Rug|Shop and Miss Mary Maxim. | | most_ winning entries in the| Award went to Nina Le Page of Chatelaine's Stuffed Animal #3 | | York street, Fredericton, N.B., Contest was won by Mrs. annual exposition. Mrs. Mac- . h d Mrs. Adele Ilves of George x Rae took 17 prizes for a total ®" 4 4 George Roesch of RR No. 2 Aldwinckle Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 . . street, Fredericton, took the V ; } us 20 Ware. y cash winning of $85.50. Her $10 special Chatelaine award for Norwood, Ont, with a delight- ~~ orand prize brings her prize. to- ' ~~ rd THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 9, 1961 7 {al to 505.50. Dost Handwoven Reicks, ON a Sev au wie Nearly $4.500 was split by the "Cope cpecial CNIS award of $25 of Mt. Pleasant road took second i . more than 700 cash prize win- for best piece of pottery or cer-iprize for her poodle. Hone moon 1n uro e 0 OWS ners. There were more than rina -------------- 8.000 entries from across Can- | . ada and the US. Mr. F. B, P t L W dd t Pt P Mitchell of Plains road, Toronto, { a on- ove e imnga . erry challenged the women in the | senior homecraft categories, and 4 In Port Perry United Churchjior bridesmaid, Miss Lexie Love|took second prize for a beautiful- recently, Barbara Grace Love of Port Perry. ly executed pair of hand em- land Garth Alan Paton, both off They were aitired alike in broidered pillow cases. His prize Collingwood, Ontario, were unit-|green-gold iridescent silk chib- was $8. ed in marriage by the Reverend|fon, fashioned with draped bod- One of the most exciting en R. H. Wylie of Queenswaylices and full skirts. They wore (ries was an embroidered pic- NEW TEMPORARY LOCATION United Church, Toronto. eggshell picture hats with green ture of a forest fire, showing The bride is the daughter of velvet trim and eggshell acces- bears, deer, rabbits and other M Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Love of Port sories. They carried teardrop wild life escaping from the 16 SI COE ST. SOUTH Perry and the bridegroom is|bouquets of eggshell-tinted Fugi the son of Mrs. Andrew Fick!chrysanthemums. Y y " . ; th : t 8 | nm they : of Avimer and the late Mr Mr. William Fowler of Kit mon hand oo AEJE Juin they THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa ond Harold A Paton, sl aT Sener Was bes! man and the thev are 'both. on the staff of WHITBY PLAZA Miss Gloria Haslngs of Lori ushers wet J 1113 mhe' Stayner Collegiate Institute Perry played the wedding mu- Brown, Owen Sound; Mr. W. p hride le ch hopin ' sic and Mrs. J. Dobson sang Fallowfield, Woodstock; Dr. D Both Dose dN idesioom BAILEY FOODS, Oshawo § PpPIng Centre and The Lord's Prayer' following Grant, Kitchener; Mr. R. Mel Aa Hh Iversiy THE HOME DAIRY, Ajax . ph dd of Western Ontario and the On the Communion, and Those! chior, London, Ont . m tario College of Education Whom God Hath Joined Togeth-' A reception was held on the por going away, the bride er' le a lawn of the bride's parents' wore a sheath dress of hurgun- APPLE PIE 41¢ The bride was given In mar- home at Port Perry. To re- dy tissue silk taffeat with ac- riage by her father. Her gown of ceive, the hride's mother wore cessories in eggshell, and a cor- OSHAWA'S FAVORITE cream duchesse satin was styl-, sheath dress of iridescent sage of stephanotis g a ed win 3 im, sheath under, roe green 'sik chan wih "Guta own guess were pres | CURRANT BUNS 6 rox 21° an bl v We" a ng) raped neckline and floating fr Av] r. Lond De- R74 Leto th a bouffant drape ing ent from Aylmer, London, De T IVE | ds corded lace, wi AN! hack panel, and a large, pink- {roit, Ottawa, Port Credit, Strat ' " { . + N , petal-shaped overskirt which! fowered hat. The bridegroom's 5 Greenbz c 9c A honevmoon in Europe fol- = daughter of Mr. and Mrs. continued to the back in a tuck- poiher was in silver-ag BE ms ford Montreal, ree nbank, BANANA LAYER AKE 4 | ink. recenti tobert: Geors . le. accented with sel anua J Georgetown, Kitchener. Wood-§ MADE WITH FRESH BANANAS lowed the wedding recently of Robert George Joyce of Osh. ed bustle, accen 1 1 silk taffeta, sheath style, with a ciock. Owen Sound, Waterloo Mr, and Mrs Michael William = awa and the bridegroom is the roses with pearl stamens. and| pai ching fringed stole, buckled Burlington. Collingwood, Stay Dugan in St. Mary of the Peo son of Mr. and Mi John I,. fell into a cathedral train The at the front Her hat was. a pe Richmond Hill Claremont . atholic ivr 7 TH ville. Np vo [feature 3 al # Te orl) % 3 > . i G of od ple" Roman Cathie Church | Dugan of Peasants, New bodice featured. an uml Small enthoed coche in bends Fort vie Sault Ste ane. | FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR ! e Tormey 15 K . 3 : . of pin "ach wore matching ac- Huntsville, Cobourg, Toronto c Svlvia Carel . Joyce s the Photo by Ireland short slesves Het ful. silk Hln cessories and a Cattleyas orchid. Buffalo. N.Y.: Cannington, Osh Shop at the bakery with the large variety sion vell was sec y For their honeymoon the cou awa, Union, N.J.; and Edmon ter of silk flowers and pearls ple are touring Europe for a ton, Alla and she carried mauve orchids and stephanotis The attendants were Miss B . Mrs. J. A. McArthur, Black-|last week in Long Island, New ; poo i) Toronto as maid of Petites', stock, honored her daughter, the yok where they visited their honor. and Mrs. J. Chantler forme: Miss Jessie McArthur daughter, Mrs Victor Sands, Peterborough: Mrs. W. Fallow v giving a troussau tea prior 1 { iss vn . ' . and Mi Sands and grand. field, Woodstock: Miss Carolyr io her marriage to Mr. Norman daughter, Sharron . Miller, Richmond Hill, and jun Half Sizes. Edward Dysart. Miss Bett : McArthur and Mrs. John Ven ning assisted Miss Beatrice Luxurious Dempsey and Mrs. David Hill poured tea and Miss Ida Demp FUR sey, Miss Linda Venning, Mrs C. Venning, Mrs. J. Mclliraith and Miss Patsy Lynn O'Dell COLLARS served. Showers were given b Miss Patricia Haye and Miss ' Lisa Martin, Willowdale; Mrs Lavished Helen Dysart Scarborough Me 3 Miss Isabelle Dempsev and on Mrs, Daniel Dempsey, Sebrin x , : ville: Miss Joan Venning and ¥ a beautiful Mrs. John Venning, Blackstock, -- -- A . ti and Dr. Violet Henry, Toronto, of ' WAYS domestic gave a dinner party at her and a, home, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gulka, Scarborough, gave a Summer Footwear Misses' imported resentation party for the af- ] anced pair and Mr. Dysart| fabri \ was honored at a stag party REDUCED Up TO So QOIICS vw arranged by Mr. Archie Dysart rl \l All The Jr., Blackstock, and at a party given by the London district, Newest Shell Oil Company, he was pre { sented with an oil painting: : § : : L Silhouettes . Miss Vera Woods of Galt and 0 J N All The the Misses Ruth and Genevieve ; N Lackie of London, Ontario, are 8a ewest guests at the home of their un- : i cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs 1 Fashion F. A. Morris, Jarvis street. AND MORE TO CLEAR 4 Colors... Teas, birthday parties, wed Fy : ding anniversaries, coming and a) 4 goings of guests and your own 3 § holiday plans are always of in Sale Ends Sat., Aug. 12th § terest in this column. Write, : 89.00 telephone or visit the social de 3 i SST. partment with your item of THE N 5 : news for which there is no COAT charge. Telephone 723-3474 § Mrs. Annie Derretie returned 8 U ih) H S 0 i k collared n J b \ home to Toronto eon Saturday after spending the week with \ Jumbo Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tompkins LTD male mink and family, Simcoe street south ow and friends in Oshawa KING & SIMCOE 725.4611 pastel, Mr. and Mrs. William Har- : : mer, Rossland road west, spent - A Phe rapide Aesth tn eluent Bi 0s a : - ---------- 3 rancn . , « OUR GREAT beovr or ; - S } Vom SEMI-ANNUAL FURNITURE SALE _1] LARGE SELECTION! [i STARTS TOMORROW 4 ik VERY WORTHWHILE SAVINGS . . . Cape effect backs -- slimming fronts 8 . . And fine fabrics in exciting colors 69.00 . . The way you'll want to look this Fall and [8ssT" of BEDROOM AND DINING ROOM SUITES Winter. COAT 2/ By Leading Canadian Monufacturers, including ANDREW MALCOLM, KAUFMAN, KROEHLER, KNECHTEL, GIB- with BARD, IMPERIAL, PEPPLER, VICTORIAVILLE AND VILAS, 2 DISCOUNT SAVINGS (1 0% OFF) Lavish mink... CHESTERFIELDS AND SOFA-BED SUITES pasiel, block, white or By B re, Br re, Kr r Y Barrymore, Braemore, Krochle 26.98 -- After August 31st, 29.98 ranch brown MATTRESSES AND BEDDING By Serta and Simmons COAT SA | 5.98 -- After August 31st, 39.98 Salon CHROME SUITES, SUMMER FURNITURE, BRIDGE SETS, BABY CARRIAGES AND CRIBS, LAMPS AND OCCA- : ' Before September 1st Sales Tax SIONAL FURNITURE -- ALL PRICED TO SAVE YOU 4.98 -- After August 31st, 49.98 fe Jeplemon, Ix um Ta CONSIDERABLE MONEY. For yor. shopping pleasure . , . | AUGUST BUYERS SAVE 3% SALES TAX |< comocomoron 72 J 104. Provincial Sales Tax In Effect September 1st | Aorihwa ; FURNITURE COMPANY IT'S WISE TO BUY THIS AUGUST par id : STORE HOURS: OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 63 KING ST. E. "+ BUDGET TERMS MON. -8AT. 9.30. & WALKER'S of OSHAWA PHONE BAILY HOURS 9:30 10 6 -- THURSDAY. AND FRIDAY JUL 9 | FRI, 9:30.9 SHOPPING CENTRE 728.4626 TORONTO SUNNYBROOK . . . O'CONNOR , , » HAMILTON Soon Lewsense Pleze