coward opens HIT EET ON SINOSHAWA ~ Or Broadway PRR 4 | is One Pid Watt By HIGH A. MULLIGAN until 9 slacks and bright blue polo shirt had the faintly relaxed air of the engaging bounder in a Coward drawing oid | And surely no one had more : of a right to the air, since the chap so arrayed was Noel] y ry # Coward himself. | [|] oma iC Not that he is a bounder-- «perish the thought--but he is rar charming, he is relaxed and be ki © A is engaging. Never more so than C 4 | LINK TO NORTH |when discussing Sail Away, his first .venture into the field of American musical comedy, { [Surveyors unin opens on sroadvay 1 With Famey Roast Meter, Rotisserie f ALL HIS OWN Mark Off Jo Bon Ph Note the low sole price! |ard not only wrote the book, the! . - music and the lyrics, but also] served as director and even de-| | dl nes signed and executed the adver- | |tising poster that will hang out- | | PEACE RIVER, Alta., (CP)-- side the theatre. Accurate roast meter automa- | Thirty-five men tramping north) "It's all about a British cruise tically shuts off oven cooking at | ern woodlands are staking out|ship sailing from New York to ; the 400-mile Pine Point railway various Mediterranean ports of rare, medium or well done, as 1oute with a speed that would call," the author-composer-lyri-| : city amaze the pioneer surveyors of cist-director-sign painter elab- pre-set for roasting or baking. early Canadian rail lines. orated. "The passengers are They are living in compara- Mostly Americans and the crew tive luxury, although their hours Mostly English, which is where Removable rotisserie gives you _ are long and the black flies the fun begins. ; : : and mosquitoes carry a big, "Elaine Stritch plays the barbecue-like roasting wnen you sting. director, the person whose job it Speed of the survey is sur-|it is to hear everyone about want it. prising even to some of those/and push them into various who laid out the Lynn Lakelidiotic activities. Frightful s i : road in Northern Manitoba 10|occupation." Combination clock-timer controls years ago. The crews move A through the heavily-wooden, fre- KEEPS ACTIVE oven and appliance outlet auto- ! quently muddy country of north- At 61, Coward is still fit and . ern Alberta and the Northwest/tann ed, delightfully debonair matically. Territories at a pace of up to and amazingly active. Within six miles a day. the last two years, he has acted They are marking the right. in two movies, written and di- "Non-drip"' cooking surface has of-way to mineral riches in the rected two plays, written a i : Great Slave Lake area under a novel, Pomp and Circumstance, quick-heating elements--1 large, allocation. The actual railway|that is still on the best-seller h : _ construction--if Ottawa decides|list and composed 19 songs for 3 standard size -- with heat con- to go ahead with it--is expected his new musical. trol to cost between $80,000,000 and' Coward's work opportunities . $90,000,000. are other people's alibis for not working, He first hit upon the . : ESTABLISH ROUTE in Jan.lidea for Sail Away while recov- Full-width storage drawer: lift-off [ - > YE en , is to be completed by the| ering from a bout with the flu : ; > of 1h year. Tt is marking|at his villa in Jamaica. Simi- oven door for easy cleaning. > i Gy : ; Well Known Maker Clears eee a route from Roma, on the larly, he wrote his comedy : Northern Alberta Railway line Blithe Spirit during the early 188 i V, Lr ' between Peace River and Grim-| air raids on London, his oper- 5 Men % Sho Sleeve shaw, 385 miles northeast to etta Bitter Sweet while recov- Hay River on Great Slave Lake, ering from a nervous break- . o Re ; and from a point seven miles down in Hawaii, and his best EATON Special Price, each " " ; / F south of Hay River 53 miles known play, Private Lives, dur- at . i f E B10 west to Pine Point. ing another influenza siege in ; i For nearly all the distance it| Shanghai. ' : is near the Mackenzie Highway, | | AH Ti which makes it possible for the f oy : ] il ENS-OF-LINES ! men to live in mobile camps of. Record July Sales | -- fering almost all the amenities - ig of a city home. In Passenger Cars 1 Cool, finely-woven, styled for Summer comfort. +The men can get away AT # i" is their work occasionally| WASHINGTON (CP) -- The Neatly-finished half sleeves, "'Sanforized" for a long- t@iishare in recreational activi-|chief of a three-year Senate in- lasting fit; various collar styles and fabrics. Colours tie3 in small communities along| vestigation into labor racketeer- include: white and plain shades in sizes 14)2 to the highway. ling says he is drafting legisla- 17} Vie Cox, assistant survey en-|tion "to stop Jimmy Hoffa and V2 in the group. gineer on the project, says the his gang from taking over con-|] EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 256 PHONE 725-7378 job is going ahead on schedule tro] of the United States labor the 35 men working in four par-| movement." ties from various points along| pi gence: John L. McClel:| EATON Special Price, each the route. : 4 4 : {lan says he likely will face a| Aerial mapping, mechanized |g; ie hi trail clearing and the umusual {Gon ari, 0 304 iis BI thrwugh| / LJ to L circumstance of having an all-| cv mpathetic support of legitim- (G - re weather highway over which to 2 : transport men and materia] are ate ,Clements of American la- : ) enabling parties of eight men : ; ; 3 ; ; " : % to ay par in less time the He said his bill will be intro- a ; o x EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 PHONE 725.7373 same tasks that required 18 to duced before the current ses- 20 men on the Lynn Lake sur-|sion of Congress ends. He indi- vey in 1951. cated the effect of his plan would be similar to the opera- IR PHOTOS HELP : 011 2 ts p . Ron, a : AIRF 9d Tenn Lake witliont tion of anti-trust laws--to pre- ; % pe ; ! J # : : i Of Interest To Hobbyist i : d vent Hoffa's Teamsters Union aerial photos," said Mr. Cox. ¢, fo "We needed parties of 18 to 20/ Lom. Seizing control of other men and we did about a mile transportation unions. ' ; 4 Ww i) : ; ® a day. Here we've gone as FEARS STRIKE ? : 4 i hi eR (+ ] fies much as six miles in a day. "If he gets hold of all the Bulldozers and aerial photo-|transportation unions--and that ol , : ; graphs are the two biggest rea-|is his intention--then he will be 7 : g 1 1 : | sons for the difference. lin a position to call a national h , ; : : ; or ges The photos enable technical transportation strike and para- Ph : bi § 3 ® staff to map the route so lyze the economy," the Arkan- bi i % j that ground parties know where sas Democrat said in an inter- they're goi hey start. |view wi canadi iE : EE arulviry. Wii The Canadish Press ga . FF ¥ i ' If you are planning a heliday of the lake; first come detail of terrain, drainage prob- 000 to 1,700,000 including some ' he : : ; \* } and see the wonderful selection in our Hobby Shop. lems and grades. But all of 40,000 in Canada, the Teamsters 4 iid ; wy Here ar i i 1 ! | y oe 5 / i ; Be e some excellen f these must be confirmed bY International Union is the big. Ne . ent suggestions for those rainy oom ind eof walk gest and most powerful in the 4 ; ays, "There's still a lot of walking United States. It was booted out ; § 0 to be done," said Mr. Cox, of the AFL-CIO in 1957 on cor- : y 4 ICNIiC a € an too S Survey headquarters are ruption charges. RN ; : © Copper Tooling Sets, 4 50 5 a based in this town of 3,000 popu-| McClellan's Senate subcom- 4 \ ; set .. I lation, about 30¢ miles north of mittee on labor om Bh of ; po Excellent picnic companions for all family outings. A light metal Edmonton. Theo 3 year-old Mr. cused the teamsters hierarchy table in a handsome copper-tone finish. The table is hinged in the of Al of Dilfering the uiion's Wellare : centre for compact storage and fitted with a handle for con- sity of Alberta, works from here funds associatin ; x . $ 9 SoC g with hood- " 3 with Major J. L. Charles, who lums, making under-the - table venience of carrying. Approx. size when erected 24" wide, 60" Copper and 'Aluminum Trays for hammering or Ie eT, ol dels with employers and im- : long, 30" high -- when folded, approx. 24" wide, 30" long, 3" etching, 8" to 16", 1 50 5 25 gg . > ctatorl B ° ; 5 " . ing engineer who worked in the the ro membership. oe deep. The table is accompanied by 4 light metal frame folding veves. KN to Va area en it was Jurveved On| "The Teamsters' Union- still camp stools, fitted with cotton seats. Aluminum Etching Kits, pig rr or the a anes In harbors those who are corrupt; | ATON Special Pri " . e -30 era, and all other|those who rely on coercion and| E pecial Price, set ...........c00000uunnnnn tasssrasrvens : A " : * ., Athmioal all pie Jom _the intimidation to keep tight reins Special Offer From ; HONE 72 Moccasin Kits for adults and children, 2 15 ing as federal government over the organization," McClel- EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 261 Ol 5.7373 all sizes, kit . n Cnn eo Bi | Elizabeth Arden! CY i 03 The project has been a poli- ep " 1cer iI Soap in "Blue Grass" and "June Geranium" AR Volleyball Set Mossiz Vile Kits, 1.50 to 249 tical i550 for years, and be! . cause of this aspect Mr. Cox| E S k | % and others 4 the job avoid ex- nters tn e : } «| A complete volleyball outfit that can of- Mosaic Tile Sheets pressing op, 'ins 'on cost and pop (CPY--Fravk Aine Now is the one time every year you can stock up on the most i : | ford hours of pleasure at the cottage or osaic Tile Sheets, 1.45 ™ 3.25 Wee i. 3 that the|20T0UEH, chief conciliation of.|] luxurious Soap, beautifully fragranced, wonderfully lasting, so § : By in the backyard. Set consists of 2 col- rae v thus far hag shown the|ficer in the province for the fed- | finely milled, it lathers to the last! Now, and only now, at re- | lapsible metal uprights with metal sup- Basket Weaving Kits, 1 49 ® Copper Craft Kits, survey thus far has shown the era) de d cord y ler partment of labor, de. : Bi : d port pegs and cord, cotton volleyball net, terrain is generally flat, but not cided Tuesday to step into the markable savings. Exquisitely gift-boxed. ; white volleyball and valve stem for in- evel. In relation to the totalifoyr.week strike by Toronto and inflating, Attractive .plastic carrying Gas-operated Planes, distance involved, muskeg--that|fgamiiton longshoremen. Bath Soap, (box of 3) Reg. 3.00. ¥ 4 cose each 11.95 to 35.00 seemingly bottomless peat bog pg, : . that covers much of the north-- Rpiesentatives of the Inter. Special, each : T national Longshoremen's Asso- 4 k 4 ¢ is not too big a problem. ciation (CLC) outlined thei ; i . Stamp and coin collectors supplies, an excellent "Our job is to get the location stand on Mr. Yi ved, _ Hand Soap, (box of 3) Reg. 2.25. jy, : A EATON Special assortment of model kits. survey completed on time," he two-hour meeting. He said later Special, each ........o0iiiiivaniin } . 3 Price, set ........ é 33g. "OW Digpest og rg = : e will sal both sides for fur-| i ra : - (ther talks, " . ments--the cold in winter, the| The two ports have been EATON' {= EATON"S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 BATON'S HOBBY SHOP, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 W water in spring and the bugs in blocked to overseas shipping | N'S MALL LIVEL, DEPT. 212 4 PHONE 725.7373 PHONE 725.7373 summer. {since July 11 when 150 steve- } i "The men were up to their /dores walked out. The ILA knees in ice water for two or membership turned down con- . . . three weeks during the spring ciliation board recommendations Friday Nights until & thaw. It's a frontier business, that included hourly wage in- . but the Job is going ahead on creases to $2.10 from $1.98 this " schedule. ear, and to $2.16 pext year. |