community, We can never eure * them. "Many children are placed in our * institutions for training, which is okay. But if they are put in to avoid responsibility, that's a bad thing." * QUEBEC ESTIMATE , Quebec also finds it difficult " to assess the number of re tarded children in the province --one estimate by a Montreal ~ doctor is 70,000. Dr. Gerard Barbeau, director of the office of special teaching for the Roman Catholic School Commission of Greater Mont- real, estimates there are 1,000,- 000 children in the province and that 7% per cent have an IQ of less than 80. He could make no estimate as to how many are in special classes, special schools, institutions or homes because there is no central control and Ino statistics kept. MENTALLY RETARDED TOP LIST There are four government- C hod eunporten custodial institutions Retarded hild {and two government-run schools {with classes for retarded chil- idren. i Association for . | The Quebec E h 2 5 Minut £ Retarded Children operates nine ac |day schools that take English and French, Protestant and} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 9, 196% 1] Supporting Role Claimed By Wife WINNIPEG (CP) Mrs. him Gildas Molgat, wife of the new | They leader of Manitoba's Liberal 1958. : CARDINAL DIES BRUSSELS (AP) -- Funeral services will be held Thursday {for Joseph Ernest Cardinal van Roey, the third prince of the Roman Catholic Church to die within a week. The 87-year-old Belgian prelate died Sunday later. after a lingering illness. Cardi- July, nal van Roey was known as "The Rhinoceros of Malines"-- much until years were married in 44 party, says her role in her hus-| Besides look ing after the malines being the name of the é.i| band's political career is "just| youngsters and helping her hus-|Archepiscopal Palace -- because Gy a supporting one." 8 | sents the constituency of Ste. fl|the party has shown such confi- 1/and now by electing him leader, |band, Mrs. Molgat says she|of his strong personality and likes to "dabble in gardening forthright stand he took on po- and {ry my hand at the tradi-|litical questions. tional recipes." EE "Gil's mother is teaching me and I'm having a wonderful time experimenting." ! They are part owners of a tourist camp where they spend their summers, "We love to boat and swim and Anne is as much at home in the water as on land." Mrs. Molgat calls her hus- band Gil. He recently indicated he would prefer to be called by this shortened form of his given name because the full name gives people trouble. Given its proper French pro- "Naturally I'm delighted that dence in my husband, first by electing him whip in the House FRESHER FILLING The chill from frozen slices {of bread in close wrapped sand- |wiches will keep the filling fresh, even lettuce. "I hope to take part actively in his political endeavors, at least as much as I can and still take care of our home and two small children." ' The children are Anne, nearly | | MIGHTY ADVENTURE- SPECTACLE SHOW!! two years old, and Paul, nine months. Allison Molgat, a tall, striking brunette with sparkling blue eyes, is learning to speak French through practice at home. Her husband, who repre- By BRUCE LEVETT Canadian Press Staff Writer a mentally be born somewhere in Canada He will be born into a society] which no longer calls him idiot|of past experience, I think that P or imbecile but which still has we must expect a very gradual 2 long way to go toward accept-| evolution unless there is some dramatic change in social con- ng him with his affliction. areas as Within the next 25 minutes|guidance and counselling sery- lreasurer of the New Brunswick retarded child will|ices and vocational training pre-| Association for Retarded Chil- sent a bleak picture. "If we generalize on the basis| provinces but the outlook is very must also realize that such vital Catholic youngsters. services, institutional He will be surrounded by doc- sciousness." Alberta has one provincial 7.400 IN N.S. reasons with for the born lors groping why he was working behind the a/training school and 11 private damaged or under - developed schools. Few statistics are avail-| brain and seeking ways of pre- able for the province, but Dr.| venting it in others. He will find L, J. le Vann, superintendent of his parents and others like them the Provincial Training School scenes to for Mental Defectives have schools built and teachers| Deer, says his institution has 800 at trained to educate him to the children. limit of his limited ability. childhood." There are 540,000 persons in|the school discharges more of Canada like him and 160,000 are The emphasis is on training And he will hear--though he the child to take care of him-|y oa") won't comprehend--that "men-|self and to prepare him for a tal retardation is numerically| responsible place in society. Dr the most chronic disability of|{le Vann says the program Red| "extremely successful' and that its students than any other in F. G. McLean of Saint John, dren, says "we are behind other Rose, which has a large propor- tion of French-speaking resi- nunciation, Gildas is pronounced "Jil-dah."" Mr. Molgat said he # | dents, comes from a family that originated in France. romising." The government is planning to build an institution for the care of retarded children within the next few years. By the generally accepted ree - per - cent figure, Nova {Scotia has about 7,400 mentally | retarded. The provincial associ- ation has been going less than |three years but next year will be host to the CARC national convention. Prince Edward Island will centre for retarded children just outside Charlotte- {town which will have 21 beds and day training for many more. Dr. M. N. Beck, child psy- is MAKE ALLOWANCES | "When we are in the French: | speaking part of Ste. Rose, 1 j/talk to people in their own lan-| guage and they make allow-| {ances for my stumbles and bad |accent," she says. | Their daughter, Anne, speaks | |, nothing but French at home, "I Mrs. Molgat explains that the little girl "will naturally learn to speak English from her play- mates so that by the time she Vi BEACH BEAUTIES HAVE A BALL Iris Thurlwell (left), Miss , 15th annual Miss Canada pa- | lington, Ont., site Canada of 1961, and Connie- | geant Aug. 9-11, pose for | geant. Gail Feller, Miss Ottawa in the | photographers Sunday at Bur- | of the pa- completely bilingual." A native Winnipeger, Mrs. { Molgat graduated with an arts of " {degree from the University of position will be dangerous, The Manitoba in 1049 and then en- (CP Wirephoto) |tions come to nothing, then his has received everything from the correct form to such varia- tions as Jildas and Gilda, but prefers the Gil form, pro- nounced with a hard G. | BOTH RESCUED BRANTFORD (CP)--A Brant- ford man and his one-year-old son were rescued from nearby Mohawk Lake Monday after be- ing trapped for several minutes under an overturned boat. Wil- liam Brook stayed in an air pocket under the boat with the BILTMORE baby for about five minutes be- {goes to school, she should be|fore ducking outside. They were| {rescued together with the baby's |uncle, Arthur Jackson, of Brant- |ford. DOUBLE Zaz Thy HORROR SHOW | ADULT | LJ LJ Market Decision Daily Mail said. tered business college. Later| "But if a deal is struck with|she was assistant dean of DRAWN TOGETHER BY WILD ADVENTURE... TORN BY BURNING LUST chiatrist for the province, says diagnostic services are adequate will suffer his fate--one every TOTAL NOT KNOWN and his office has started a 95 minutes. Comparatively, six, In Saskatchewan, W. G. Bates home - strengthening program children are handicapped by of the department of education to educate families to live with rheumatic heart disease, 3.5 by| said no accurate figure on num-| their problem children. i cerebral palsy, three by crippl-| ber of retarded children is avail. Mrs. Vera Perlin, who founded ing polio at its peak and twolable and that the popular figure the Newfoundland Assoeiation, by blindness. of three per cent of the general for Retarded Children, says t e| . ein population could not be substan. | Dig need for the future is a hos-| MUST EDUCATE PUBLI( ! tiated. pital training centre. There are| The Canadian Press, in al po call for. expa about 1,500 retarded children in cross-Canada survey to find out! . esent plans call for expan-ithe province. New schools are what is being done for mentally| $n of schools for mentally re-| planned and classes teach read- retarded children, learned that| tarded children to small centres|ing writing, handicraft, cook- ' the emphasis is on research |!0 have each retarded child asing carpentry, basket - making, and education close to home as possible. The rug-hooking and swimming. William Z. Stevenson, develop-| department is trying to estab-| The money comes from fed ment director for the Canadian Association for Retarded Chil-|dren in each of the 60 school provincial associations raise dren, says one big problem is to] units in Saskatchewan. money on their own and parents educate the public to the dif-l There are 770 educable, men- of retarded children support] ference between mental illness| tally retarded children and 260 much of the work across Can- and mental retardation. listed as "trainable retarded" in| ada. Dr. H. G. Dunn of Vancouver, Saskatchewan schools. There] The CARC, a fedération of CARC research chairman, de-|are 81 classrooms, 50 for the provincial associations, was fines mental retardation as "'an|first group and 31 for the oth-/formed in 1958. It is dedicated arrested or impaired develop-{ers. There are seven special|to closing the gaps in the treat- ment of the mind, either due to/schools. {ment and care of mentally re-| an inborn defect or caused by| "Many of the educable re.|tarded person s in Canada. injury or disease before develop-(tarded are In ordinary classes| Needed are more satisfactory ment is complete." in public schools and making| diagnostic clinics, institutional The mentally ill cfiild may| better progress there Sometimes space and stronger support for well recover--the mentally re-/than they could in ey schools and other community tarded child can develop only tol classes," Mr. Bates said | facilities which train and help| the capacity of his damaged 2 : 4 : {maintain retardates outside in- brain. MANITOBA REPORT | stitutions. | "In Western countries, mental Manitoba accepts the three-, "The greatest hope in solving] retardation is numerically the|per-cent figure and estimates it|the problem of mental retarda- most important chronic disa-| has about 13,500 retarded adults|tion is a dynamic medical re. children. the country. Of every 1,000 babies born, 30 bility of childhood," Dr. Dunniand children. search program which will re- says. The Manitoba Association for|duce the incidence," said L. H.| Retarded Children, formed in| Hall of Montreal, association 1951, now has a membership of| President. ! 650 in 16 branches. Fifteen of| Development director Steven-| the branches operate day school|SOn Sees the next step as greater facilities for mentally retarded|emphasis on sheltered work- | children, accommodating 350. | shops ng oie projects for here y nit. mentally retarded adults, al- donee are FOUEhL, 1800 Chil Though he disikes making the Ont, operates in association|stitutions, 1,100 of them in the distinction. . ; with the University of Western| Manitoba School for Mentally How. can you A Dotson may Ontario as a diagnostic and re- Defective Persons at Portage 1a|Pe 50 years old but have the Scare Corire, Prairie. mind of a five-year-old child." | Research into the biochemical| The Ontario Association changes in oxygen - deprived for Retarded Children estimates newborn animals is being con-|there arc 45,000 under the age ducted in Vancouver. Montreal,|0f 18 in that province. About Kingston and Toronto organiza- 42,000 are mildly retarded, or) tions are studying anoxia and below the "slow - learner" level| respiratory distress in newborn at school. { babies. There are Brain damage is relatively children common in premature babies tions which and various facets of this prob-|Plans have been approved for lem are being investigated in/new schools at Palmerston and Montreal and Saskatoon. [North Bay and in the Niagara One area in which research Peninsula. as i ff has been i " aN a I eis oi of rs food the PEPARTMEN TAL HELP On the whole, they are glad habies born. with a condition Says William Kirk, executive|to get away from this squalid called phenylketonuria -- pKuy| director of the Ontario Associa- patch of land, although last year for short. In medical terms, 107 for Retarded Children: ~|groups of Africans stoned buses such infants are "unable to , OUr program has moved|in protest against the demolition properly metabolize the amino ahead because of the under-1of some of the 4,500 corrugated acid phenylalanine." Brain de standing of the departments of iron and wooden shacks which velopment is arrested and se health and education. We re not| house about 60,000 people. vere mental deficiency results, Pushing for more provincial] From March, 1958, until Aug- . 'l grants because we feel the pro-| ust, 1960, more than 28,000 peo- HOW FOODS HELP gram should be financed from|ple were moved out of Cato With the new foods -- which| municipal taxes. We feel where Manor. Those remaining will cannot repair brain damage or|{parents have a retarded child|take two or three years to re bring a baby back from mental they should pay the school taxes| settle. retardation -- doctors can ward {0 the local association school! So far, the South African gov- off the damage or arrest it. |and not to the public school sys-| ernment has spent about $280,- Says one report: "Clinical ex./tem." 000,000 wiping out slums and perience indicates that if con] Dr. B. H. McNeel, head of building new townships up and trol with a low phenylalanine the health department's mental down the country. Today, only diet is instituted early enough,| health branch is more cautious [at Pretoria, the administrative there is a good chance of pre- "It's difficult to say how suc-|capital, Cato Manor, and in venting mental deficiency." cessful we have been. The most| some places in the western Cape British Columbia is one prov.|We can do is to work toward are there still townships offi- ince doing something about|the children's social adjustment|cially described as 'black mental retardation, but medical and try to fit them into the|spots." RESEARCH UNDER WAY | Research into various aspects) of the disorder is going on in many places. A special educa- tion department has been set up at the University of British Columbia. A psychiatric re-| search institute near London, Shanty Town Being Emptied more than 3,700) DURBAN, South Africa (Reut- in provincial institu-|ers)--Cato Manor, one of the date back to 1876. most crime-ridden and decrepit shanty towns in South Africa, gradually is being emptied. The African families who live there are being rehoused in new townships. | BOX-OFFICE OPEN 8:00 [lish a class for retarded chil-|eral and provincial grants; the| Agony To Make LONDON (CP) -- Parliamen-! Cassandra, a Daily Mirror col- tarians last week pointed the umnist, wrote "the British have way to Britains future place in|always been deeply suspicious the new world order and then|about poetry. the decimal sys- headed for summer recess won- tem, the Gulf Stream, sex--and dering if they were right. the continent of Europe." After much prompting from| Prime Minister Macmillan and Conservative government lead-| his colleagues achieved a signi-| ers, they virtually agreed that|ficant victory in the battle to Britain must return to the Eu-|overcome suspicion in. Parlia- ropean fold. ment's last week before the holi- The decision for them was day break. - : more agonizing than historic. | Tough, delicate negotiations After five centuries of empire| with the Common Market coun- and isolation, many legislators tries lie ahead as the member- found it difficult to accept argu-|ship terms are worked out. ments that Britain must throw Anti-marketeers in the prime in her lot with neighboring con- Minister s own pany are Plots tinental countries. ing in a way that can only Despite the use of every con- make the ove towards Eu- ceivable form of pressure to in- Tope note Jitticy {. There's ong duce members to support the| HI" id 1) Zovernment, almost a Supre EE gg Jonservative: members refuse | a to vote on the motion which| monwealth sentiment in the is- gave the government: the green a Hh oD Ves are bei HEA: 10 nogtime for full mem-| i ched closely by te Coes berchiy In ®. hauropesn Om vative central office and expec- § tations are that steps will soon SHOWS NEW FORCES have to be taken to neutralize For Britain and the continen- this opposition. | tal nations, the vote was a grap-| "It is much too early to say hic illustration of the ferces at|that the To party may not | work in the 20th century. split," says The Daily Mail. Why, after all these centuries| Macmillan has taken the party | of semi-detachment from the over the first hurdle. The first continent, did British leaders revolt apparently has failed. feel their new course was ines-| 'If for any reason negotia- capable? h yi -- m------ "It all results from the last war," says George Murray writ- ing in The Daily Mail, servative newspaper. TO MAKE TOUR 4 SYDNEY (Reuters)--Ausiral-| a Con- jan Prime Minister Robert Men-| zies has announced he will make| | "In the East, Russia, and in|a tour to discuss Britain's pos- the West, America, had emerged |sible entry into the European as the mightiest powers, rival-| Common Market and to fight ling each other for world domi-|for Australian markets. In af nance. In the middle Europe,| speech at Maitland, New South| ruined, divided and out for the| Wales, he said Australia would! count." not give up without a fight thej| In Western European integra- preferential system of Common-| tion some see a way of redress- wealth trade, endangered if] ing this balance. Six nations--| Britain entered the European France, Germany, Italy and the Trad Group. This was the first Benelux countries -- started the official indication that Menzies| process with the formation of was planning an overseas tour, | the Common Market. although he has said he hoped For three years Britain re-| Australia would be represented ned aloof from the move-in Britain's negotiations on en- mai ment. Itry into the market. YOU'LL CRY FOR HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, WHEN... « FOUR U.S. GOBS TAKE OVER 'A GEISHA HOUSE -«. GEISHA GIRLS AND ALL! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A WILLWH GOETZ PRODUCTION GLENN FORD- DONALD 0' There are an estimated 9,000 school-age children in B.C. with some degree of retardation. An Association for Retarded Chil. dren, formed in 1955, has grown| to 49 chapters throughout the! province Vancouver became the first local school board in Canada to| men there are unsatisfied with _ STARTS THURSDAY the progress ay * SHOW STARTS AT 9:00 ig INU "VT SHOWING B build a school especially for training moderately retarded children. It opened last April. Victoria has similar plans. BIG EFFORT NEEDED Dr J. D. McCann, professional | consultant to the B.C. group, says: "The mentally retarded have suffered greatly under present conditions in B.C. While we can| he glad some significant prog- ress has been made in provid: ing education services for this segment of the population, we HILDREN UNDER 12 FREE LWAYS A COLOR CARTOON OSHAWA LAST TIME TONIGHT | "JAILHOUSE ROCK" -- ELVIS PRESLEY "DAVID & GOLIATH" -- COLOR - CINEMASCOPE THREE STOOGES COMEDY HITS! cy Zoe "SEX KITTENS. GO TO COLLEGE (plus) "7 CITIES OF GOLD" Led Gog LU Europe over 12 or 18 months of women at the university for a haggling, this week may be re-|time. membered as the week that the| Tories won the autumn 1963|when she worked for him. But | she says she didn't go out with election." FOR REVENGE... TORMENTED BY PASSIONS TOO DEEP TO HIDE! She first met Gildas Molgat| {i ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE AT: 2:00 - 4:25 6:50 - 9:15 TECHNICOLOR® WARNER BROS. The name of 2 boy who exploded into manhood across three years THE THREE LOVES OF Taam TROY CLARET a 1 {'] and Parrish's three loves... CINNE STEVENS - DAE NEDAN- SHAR Ew | & 8 costa | JOSEPH COTTEN - CAROL LYNLEY ATYTY = Complete Show 9:10 p.m, | Feature Times 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:25 . 7:20 ON HARDWARE, HOUSEWARES, SPORTING GOODS, QUITTING BUSINESS BLACK & DECKER POWER SAW 84-inch Heavy Duty REG, 122.95. NOW 97.77 CAMPING NEEDS AT R. B. REED & SONS SALE BASEBALL GLOVES G.E. STEAM & DRY IRONS 498 REG. 21.50 ORDERED SOLD HOW CAN YOU Miss? REG. Now 2-Cell FLASHLITE With BATTERIES 87- SCISSORS CORNING WARE ADULT SIZE Sleeping Bags Reg. to 19.95 ORDERED SOLD 6.87 THEY COME FOR MILES FOR THIS ONE A Seething Tornado of Price Destruction 9-CUP PERCOLATORS REG. 12.95 REG. TO 1.98 N - 30 1-PT. VACUUM BOTTLES WITH PLASTIC CUP 87- CLOSE OUT PRICES ON ALL PAINT ut To the Bare Walls R. B. REED & SONS 48 Simcoe Si. N., Oshawa A COMPLETE SELL-OUT ALL SIZES 4-Player Badminton Seis In Plastic Carrying Case .. 9.87 REG. 9.95 ORDERED SOLD. NOW OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M. FRI. NITE