Leader Hugh Gaiskell, in al 2 STX% SMAI BING, Suvrdey, Mogul 3. 1007 | El »e Fi i NDP es : 7m 4 / ; T elder statesman M. J. Cold- : Wo : i ; ; : ec 101 1 S well--and British Labor Party guest appearance. . It was strenuously opposed by | a the younger and left-wing dele Bl ' gates, including old "tory" so- | cialist H. W. Herridge, MP for | | | | i 4 By JAMES NELSON mer by Prime Minister Diefen- CCF, born in the depression Kootenay West. Canadian Press Staff Writer baker. _ |years of the 1930s, the Canadian) But it carried by a sweeping OTTAWA (CP) -- The New| Mr, Argue, beaten by Premier | Labor Congress, and New Party majority by show of hands. {Democratic Party, committed tol T- C. Douglas of Saskatchewan clubs, a scattering of organiza-| The convention elected a new 'a policy of supporting NATO, for leadership of the NDP deliv- tions dedicated to give a voice national council--called a fed- only as long as it remains out. ered a report on the CCF's ac-|to the liberal-minded Canadians|eral council in the constitution, side the nuclear camp, has ded. | complishments during the inter-|in national and provincial pol-|gecording to a decision based | ljcated itself to seeking power regnum between the decision itics. : __|on the appeals of Quebec dele- |next. year on the basis of sol- last year by the CCF and the| However, Mr. Argue said in|gates against using the word idarity among labor, farmer and Canadian Labor Congress to|an interview, the old CCF would "national" which has a regional intelleciual § 0 c i a 1 ist support- form the new party, and the continue to exist for a time.|connotation in the lexicon of tr rr oi with n.d. |CER wa. [OMAR RE Tok" Toh i Ga out with a dy- S \ ed- To it will be tu y ' Mopac Rig Ragin namic program now for polit-|eral council of the New Party, of the legal 2 luved over Pir ® |Sonidatiry Forever, an old ion ical power in the coming elec-/most MPs and MLAs would old national council of the Co- "4 | song after Hazen Atgue na: tion," Mr. Argue said. continue to be identified as CCF-|gperative Commonwealth Feder- een) Fri ers until they sought relection.|ation narty. tional leader of what is left of CONFIRMED BIRTH | "A NATO resolution was the] or the CCF, told the 1,700-0dd dele-| The NDP came into being as Ite a ed CCF provincial and constitu- tes their first task is to get s g asimost hotly debated policy Ce-lency councils across the coun. gates g |Canada s newest party at 4:03 cision in the final hours of the|try are expected within the next Rlecied. : {p.m. EDT Friday, when conven-|five-day founding convention. |few months -- certainly, before It was not the Election alterjtion chairman George M. A. A motion to endorse continued the next federal or provincial next, or the one ater that, that|Gru e of Toronto banged his Canadian participation, but only elections in each area--to trans- the party should pl n js ofies in;| gavel on final approval of the as long as NATO remained 2|jate themselves into local cotin- but the coming contest, expected | constitution. non-nuclear power in itself, wasicils of the New Democratic to ke called next spring or sum-| It brought together the old put to the convention by its pol-| party The nine CCF and New Party members of Parliament decided Travels Of Lou |NGHTSWRONG &ipcsmi, se i FOR BARE FEET pong members until the next . : 4 4 TORONTO (CP) -- Two Tor-| The storm over NATO was the == I a AR 'ig a Interest Police onto girls were convicted of highlight of the five-dav conyen- START BOOMING BUSINESS vagrancy Friday for walking tion's final day in which dele- NEW YORK (AP)--The Fed- key, food and entertainment bill., down Yonge Street barefoot-- gates approved the party's con- eral Bureau of Investigation and| He wrote to the hotel thank- at 2 a.m. stitution, but did not manage to eena ers tart local police swarmed over the|ing the management for its| Reszlin Green, 19, told Ma- [complete the policy - setting offices of the Twentieth Century treatment of Sir Douglas and! gistrate Joseph Addison she |Program. : E Travel Agency here Friday in|added "your bill has been sent| had just got back from Los |i ooh por COUNCIL Ld " . quest of travel information. [to His Grace and as soon as it| Angeles and bare feet were | "3 oc arias to anorove th usic ( om an k ; They want information regard-|is approved we shall see that it| okay mele a rOmAITing rie Ae ie - " ing the travels of Lou Bennett, |is paid in full." His Grace, he| She an onagh Foster, 18, gram in principle only and | i J v 4 y ! recording firms. and asked what they intend to awill enlisted the support of | missal by a London, Ont. | Mr. Bardawill's former em- (had. |ish affairs for his navy pals at| pants. tution discussion centred on the gers, love for popular music,| Equipment - building is a | [] | Unit. Sabie [ed c "Well, ¢ ; member. | Productions of Ottawa. | tem. Provinces The New York Daily News|friends up from Norfolk, had| ell, can we walk down | r Doug McKeen, 17 --officially| "we didn't named Bennett on weekdays cake and had $600 worth of with no shoes." quarters. Some delegates pro- Their business is high fidelity tion (CLC), threatened Friday|called in Toronto today and which has seen political turmoil|self with a hefty supply of time| Sarnoff" and "Tony and Mar- {ook off their shoes and walked | Sout under which = union mem. mand at Ottawa record hops. |an education in itself," said week we might as well wrap it/members are involved. {struck up an acquaintance with : ; " dim i » estimated 37,000 persons, with| The boys are having a good 2 an companies. {th ; Bt keep several hundred on hand| How do the members feel the ping season, it appeared likely HAMILTON (CP)--A court in- the Independence at a New| : Sets of turntables, speakers, study after high school. of discussion with representa-|o¢ yocal 1654, Inte r national as microphones and a cue sys-| | Business a d m in istration," T 30, who until last weekend was added, was in Honolulu. were stopped three times as y FAMILY ON PICKET LINE one of the most willing and en:| Last Friday and. Saturday, they walked down the street, leave them ub to the. incoming Candilan gM Risk Bhd yh) ne ergetic employees the firm ever|Bennett set up a couple of lay-| one of them 'wearing shorts federal council. | Co-owners Harry Brown and|{swank Island Inn, Westbury, | i a { : tar TY loyer. ! | ) Ys i ; . t tfiliated or- Some business sense and elec-| continuous company occupation. f to form a | haulage contractor. The fam- | P > wi : . 8 StL Magistrate Addison sug- [Way money from affiliated or p. his wife and sons awage contrac o | --CP Wirephoto jsonarg cola id Jou was 50) Long Island. gested Toronto would be a |ganizations -- mainly unions-- tronic expertise, a dash of| The boys now are constructing a - 000. He Woe hired <i | COST 'FEW THOUSAND* "crazy city" if the girls had |will be split. The organizations fun," surround with "big|50-watt stereo amplifier with Dockers' Strik oC ers Tl e cai P 3 this/them met at the airport by li-| Yonge Street at two o'clock in | The convention supported al Aida : i oy know anything |said rown._ snd Guid told Whiston ee anf put on a warmup| the afternoon?" Miss Green [suggestion from the constitution Res executive director" --ex: | ahout electronics when we Hou, they said, had been liv. party, costing only a modest! asked. The magistrate replied: {committee that three cents of|P:aINS the two - year-old com-|started," Doug says. "But we an a ing a double ethe quiet un. | "few thousand dollars." "Oh, I suppose so, if you like [this go to the federal party and pany 5 aim is 10 prumote pop. plunged into it to keep costs ay e X en e : y Saturday, he purchased a $300 Walking down Yonge Street |two cents to provincial head:|p et music and provide hours of) down. And it's simple if you fol- a ' \ hh vs 4 y a" " sn! "Then what's wrong with tested, demanding a division in| MONTREAL (CP)--Capt. Wil-jof Canada, the organization of on and the dashing British playboy, | flowers sent to the party with y Mhydiv ' a 2 HV REAL 0 ol No hth [the zane he or DessiIons Sir Douglas ie of London. |cards from such as "Chief Jus. two o'clock in the morning?" |favor of the provincial and '# sown Low Jees,; 2 huge wp PARENTS APPROVE ' dent of the Interna: He said it was a stalemat kend 'tice and Mrs. Earl Warren,"| the retort came back. cal segments of the party. of popular recoics, qua ily Yo arent Arh al president of the Interna-| He said it was a stalemate. on weekends. Br : And after getting A sus | "Also endorsed was the so-|equipment and skilled operating|most as enthusiastic about the to extend the Toronto-Hamilton|Capt. Badley said he will report! of varying degrees on almost|payment devices and set out on|garet Jones." : Statistic arefully kept by|Harold McK p stevedores' strike through thelto the membership. rer Oy it comes|a one-man mission to improve| He apparently got cold feet wh of the courthouse bare- her may request his organiza-|., a 65 it "It gets pi wind Ding ther. end of this year's navigation| The strike started in Toronto as jittle surprise that six of the|Anglo-American relations. |Saturday and skipped out, the . tion to stop the per capita pay-| oii" show that during a 36-/them business experience, and season. July 10 and spread to Hamilton|jp provinces are planning fall] During the Fourth of July agency owners said. : ment being made on his behalf. |For season in 1960 - 61 they|teaches them how to take care » i i . vy! British Columbia already has i H yom " ; up for the season," he said. The union wants the hourly I Lon : «i |a navy warrant officer who di-| © nam se . Be 4 i an average of four dances atj , "We're no closer to a settlement wage rate increased to $2.40|held a special session. The sit- ots a band aboard the carrier | J : ' a an av time ,a ne, pad Mr. Kean, than we were before." {from $1.98. A conciliation board|ting's pi blisitiess was 0 {ake | Independence. 2 ; A ig : | which count ik fy god If negotiations are "wrapped recommended $2.10 this year over the ownership of vast elec: mn "chow 060d will, he tossed ; i . . = dd RR HAVE BIG STOCK ness at a later date." ~onsi Misi } Ir Six others, a Canadian Press|York restaurant. | 1 a * || and give oldies away as prizes--| company will benefit them? ¥ ov Tie big A the! junction was issued here Friday|c ruoo' shows. have plans for| On July 14, Bennett rented af} nob cny fe . ~« dlare advance pressings obtained Fe answer Hils question, Rich yeuted to Montreal. BP ramet ns uesting in the fall. They are:|chauffered limousine and drove 2 : le | free from Canadian and U.S. Frazer turned to two of the Sov \ ates] 3 Th |Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Onta- to Norfolk where he met his apt. the stat ' \ Capt. Bradley made the state-| wellington Street terminal |rio. Quebec, Newfoundland and|navy friends and tossed another| tives of the Shipping Federation|onoshoremen's Association, at| New Brunswick has hedged on| He then invited the boys up| . $rindl i } reo 4 |tem--with which. the fade said the other. vi 7 |least until Wednesday. |any announcement of plans pyrjie New york or i Wecken A 1 1 i i Ta of one Fa BR theless » said Rich, "where do . The injunction was obtained|speculation Is that session will Par y re eant a $1300 a on ; posh? . ; A cob y start of another to keep the Tou Suppose they got those e eve Me | by the Hamilton Harbor Com-ibe held. vinci ina dha y gid i hy n % fib 3 music continuous -- have been |! eas? Truck driver Edward Bard- [ picket line protesting his dis- | ily picketed a plant served by and the other skin-tight Capri | Biggest hassle in the consti-| OTTAWA (CP)--Take 20 teen-| having put him there. weeks ago. Friday he flew his navy not been questioned. are to pay five cents-a.month per|sound" and you have McKeen built-in mixer and cueing 3ys- assuming travel consultant| fun for company members. low directions." tional Longshoremen's Associa-| A union meeting has been, TORONTO (CP) -- In a year| Bennett, it seems, armed him-| 'the Eddie Fishers," 'David pended sentence, the girls [called "contracting - out" pro- personnel have put them in de-|venture as are the boys. "It's "Jf this strike lasts another|the following day. About 550 ILA sessions on their legislatures. |weekend, they learned, Bennett pte -- handled 146 hops, playing to an|of themselves." up" for the duration of the ship-| and $2.16 next year. tric power holdings of private a $300 shindig for the boys of| 1 ; ; af ; F I ' : : Most of their records -- they gment after winding up two days 1 will wipe out the picket line| nl SiG 0, a yang |party=all on credit cards. amplifiers and such refinenrents| | Electronics," said one, { mission, owner of the terminal, rr aaa bought, built, borrowed and and the Hamilton Shipping Com. Alberta and Nova Scotia have { " 3 at ; begged since the company| Chances Hurt sin "sna amiion tema zumeunced tes ao vot ian 21) May Succeed ea IE beaed 3 in {Operators Limited, employers ®~>>"""" | PR nd SRR £33 Ao . Doug's business premiere was By WILLIAM N. OATIS of the stevedores. . TO STUDY TAXES T C D | | KiNg. 94 8 LY. i VOR AY g ci "i |a church 'teen club hop. He had UNITED NATIONS (AP) |, Cited in echderce ob A ich| In many cases the fall ses. 4% We ougias 7 OC | [plenty of records, but equip- Diplomats ii He ma has punctuated the Hamilton agi gry ol REGINA (CP) -- getting UN action on Berlin py | strike since it began 24 days. --o : | spotli alienating many Afro-Asian na- oS PAAR -- cussed sharply on him Friday ; i y . 5 tions through its neutral position, . The provincial houses will following the selection at Ottawa | ; : THUNDER ERY ; fl] |Sonated by pig bt Ri f 3 in the French-Tunisi andispute. | Says Retirement have company when they meet. | of Premier T. C. Douglas as na-| fae. ONG sa ie ae ARRAN ) wit Ly. Stbros 4 " d These delegates claim the In Ottawa, Parliament is sched-|tional leader of the New Demo- . ISA SE § SW i 1 ; United States lost much support| Big Blow To PCs uled to reconvene Sept. 7. cratic Party. : COOLER, DRIER AIR ON ITS WAY SOUTH an Ugasiiig hh Puss Pring BRC & SCels] in the 46-member group by fail-| ; | The special provincial ses-| Treasurer and deputy premier help. McKeen productions was| @& = ing to denounce France's milit- TORONTO (C P)--Ontario Lib- sions have been forced by the | of Saskatchewan, Mr. Lloyd, 4 | HER FORECAST | TORONTO (CP) -- Observed|formed, with Doug at its head ary action against Tunisians eral Leader Wintermeyer said|federal - provincial fiscal meet-|1s considered by many as the WEAT temperatures: and 19-year-old Rich Fraser as] blockading her Bizerte naval Friday Premier Frost is the|ing earlier this year. Under the man tc succeed Mr. Douglas as Min Max [its business sparkplug. base Progressive Conservative party|tax - sharing plan as it now|CCF leader and premier of Sas- Davwso 54 72 | The company grew to 20) for Tha lagen Suiijioh SON weeptress 72 | members, and the five founding °f domestic and implied One African moderate said|and his retirement as leader has| stands provinces get a specified | katchewan. . Lats ) the United States now would created a vacuum none of hisipart of the standard taxes col- Mr. Douglas is expected to re- Tr nn 00 er Victoria «..oaeee. 58 70 | members became directors. carpets plus discount bp have a hard time getting thefollowers can fill. {lected by Ottawa--13 per cent main premier to pilot a com- Edmonton ....... 8 | i to 50%, see ... two-thirds majority needed for| 'While some of his Tory heirs|of personal income taxes, nine puisory medical - care plan Regina .. Cy 95 |LIVELY GROUP 5 general assembly condemnation |could stand in his reflection and|per cent of taxable corporation through a fail session of the leg- . bd inni 5 Members are not chosen only NU WAY #1 Sf any Communist pressure on|momentarily shine, with Mr. income and 50 per cent of suc|isature and resign at a Novem 1 n Churchill 1 |for ability and personality. "'You| - 4 West Berlin Frost out so .is the light," he|cession duties La party Souvention, er Mp | Fort William. p also have to be a bit of a cut-| bid He predicted the United States said in a statement Under the new deal, however, Love a oo, teaches ns: White River ..... § 5 up, Jays Rich Frazer oi] RUG CO. ur would get few if any votes The premier announced his|this comes to an end. Ottawa members who swept rm office| Official forecasts issued atjand less humid Sunday. Cooler. |S.S. Marie ....... ne ough they fake their Dusk iw from the Afro-Asians if the Ber- retirement as Ontario PC party intends, gradually, to back out|in the 1944 general election. Toronto at 5 a.m.: : ; |Light winds, becoming northeast | Kapuskasing PR or They a Ae 174 MARY §T. & lin erisis is brought before the leader last Wednesday. He willjof tax levies by the amount] ga represents the rural cons-| Synopsis: Cooler and drier air|15 this afternoon. North Bay ... 59 gether, and if one lands full i 99 nation gesemuy : u remain as premier for the time now allocated to the provinces, |(ityency of Biggar in west-cen-|in Northern Ontario will slip] TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast Sudbury ........ | Sothed In 6 swimming Tole the Mig Joie hy ervey sau {being. leaving the Proviness ih 3 Dost tral Saskatchewan and prior to South of the oper Takes by | temperatures: uskoka Airpt. .. 5} shh ice i LIE cil l,m - v > ? : > taxes them-|this year's session he avoided|Sunday morning, bringing y,w tonight Hi SOF eevvvens " 5 I selvi Ample L ol ali . hte i 8! gh Sunday J : United Sains had won. trom] OSARN. Japan (AP) - Zoo es Douglas, premier of ant. Lyi) irr Ri iA covler nighis and lower windsor : 80 on i anti + colonial nations when 'it| keepers here have dubbed iheir|Saskatcliewan andl re ce ntly-|marked by A major speech dur- pri for Sunday but during| 35 Tomes 244280 Killaloe ...... sided against Portugal on the latest attraction "'leopons." The elected leader of the New Dem- jing the throne speech debate inthe transition widespread show- |S ohaner aR Ottawa .....oove African-Angola issue in both the three cubs are offspring of a ocratic Party, warned that the addition to the traditional speechiers and thunderstorms are lik- | RT. Montreal .. assembly and security council{leopard and lioness. All have|plan meant '"'a return to the|/by the treasurer in bringing|el | Wingham sessses 9 ! QUEBEC ..evunns 54 f -- b last spring. wi spots. |tax jungle of the 1930s." !down the provincial budget. Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Nia. | Hamilton sesed ah 5 Fredericton . 5 very 0 Y wn 8 di. o ah PUR ment was another story. He be- ) -- The political Br SR A Nil : gan with an elderly turntable,| BS ght, sometimes shunned by| | om dg UCTS Ha \ bh} ' ; J [now retired, an amplifier he ob- 1 and corporation income : THALAL # ) 4 toma n bo Woodrow Stanley Lloyd, fo ; : RR HRN tained with stamps from a su- mn el .~"|St. Catharines ... 6 7 Halifax .... gara, Western Lake Ontario, | © So J ern i ! to Charlottetown ... ts 4H | Southern Georgian Bay, Wind-|;.oron > : Korean Military | sor, London, Toronto, Hamilton: | Peterborough hid 0 ; St. John's ....... 52 Bid F S t Afewisolated showers and TERIOR , : 14S FOr Suppor thunderstorms, becoming more Fisasiagac tt 3 . Pp widespread this afternoon and Muskoka 3 3 F. R. BLACK 0.D. By ALAN CLINE |oyening. Clearing and turning a North Bay ...... ! ; OPTOMETRIST re y yi "ls d it ' id | HE on 45 3 Eye Examinatiol ers for public support. But by a 2 little Jess Ine Riskating bens 4 3 BY APPOINTMENT . . . their own admission, the gener-| "@aicn Take Ontario, Hali-| White River . ; 75 PHONE 723-4191 als and colonels ruling the coun-jp ion anne clouding over |Mosonee .. 5 5 136 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA try HL Siiches to win any| ith scattered shower and thun-|S.S. Marie .. popularity contest. |derstorms this afternoon and = -- That the junta is concerned 3 : tetd A evening. Mostly sunny and a lit- with the unenthusiastic attitude tle cooler Sunday. Winds light Oe nie > except briefly squally in thun-| leased to the press fersionus. . : GS The pamphlet reviews the "re- orthern Georgian Bay, Al- volutionary achievements of the(80ma, Sault Ste. Marie, Tima-| * . first two months," but frankly|gami, North Bay, Sudbury: | CIVIC HOLIDAY HOURS with an oil-powere says the public is watching the Clouding over with showers and government "with a mixed feel- Jratierey Hupderslars, clear- ing of anxiety and hope." {Ing 5 evening. Mostly sunny The junta, which swept fo] --_ : MR MONDAY, AUGUST 7th hot water heater power in a Yay 6 Soup, adds that "giving rash judgments an: ' . ' " distrusting the policies of the a, | MORNING 10 A M t 1 00 p bi i heats a 30 gallon tank in 11 minutes revolutionary government . . || TRAVEL OPEN «MM. 10 |. «ve | costs pennies a day to run {would only create uneasiness |and as a result diminish the ef- CONFIRMS EVENING CALL TODAY FOR FULL |fectiveness of government pol. You ON § P M to ] vy M THE OPEN «Vi. «iia PARTICULARS AND PRICES | cies. In other words: 'Believe 1 in us." 4 or i / | But there is every indication ssage isn' tti *TOSS. | UNPLANNED DRIVE-IN alk 10 a cross section of the os 723- : : a A public, city and country and you This office of Little Rock s | the bank office after a col- | plate glass window it smashed the impression that there ST. E 4621 First National Bank isn't a | jision with a pickup truck | through. No one was hurt, but 'are two types of Koreans now-- I nee drive-in facility, but it turned | , by Willi: . ' : those who for one reason or an- ARRANGEMENTS BRUGS " Friday. Police | riven by illiam B. Baum- | damage to the bank office was . h . Hite oR ives by Richard | ardner, 45. Here a wrecker | estimated at $3,500. ther Sot Ae le Jia 728-6201 ~ CITY-WIDE DELIVERY -- 292 KING ST. W. 7254 Higginbotham careened into tows the ear out through the --AP Wirephoto |don't care. i | 7 -- »