AFFLUENT LOOK OF RIO de JANEIRO Opulent City's | Backyard Slums | RIO de JANEIRO (CP)-- From the dizzy heights of the] Sugar Loaf or the hunchbacked peak of Corcovado the view of Rio de Janeiro. is a bird's eye! view of South America From the summit of the Su-| gar Loaf, 1,200 - foot granite cone, you get a breathtaking panorama of one of the world's most beautiful harbors, fringed by white skyscraper hote office buildings, silvery beache; and green mountains. But if you then climb by a rack railway up Corcovado 1100 feet higher than the Sugar Loaf, first impressions undergo change. You find an even more extensive vista which not only includes the city's opulent aven- ues and beaches but also the city's backyard, a' grim spec- tacle reminiscent of urban slums of Africa and Asia, Time and again during a three months' overland tour through the 10 South American republics this reporter saw this two-sided picture emerge. Im- pression became conviction that! South America with its futuris- tic, skyscrapered facade is, in fact, one of the world's under- developed continents. FACE BIG PROBLEMS Politically, economically and socially South America seems to share many of the problems which confront the Afro-Asian countries. Its governments by tradition are chronically un- stable, its largely non-indus- trialized economies totter on the brink of bankruptcy and its fast- growing population suffers from undernutrition, disease, poor housing, unemployment and lack of education. Although the 10 republics have been independent from Spanish or Porguguese colonial rule for about 150 years, politi- cal freedom and a favorable cli- mate for economic and social Is and|Pecoming : s|that the key to power lies with presidents become personalized national symbols, CHANGING TREND But the seeds of political change have been sown. In the face of Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution, Communist penetra- tion and the example of Afro- Asian independence, South America's present leaders are increasingly aware the masses Economically all South Ameri- can countries share a pre- carious existence, depending on one or two export products-- coffee, meat, bananas, copper, oil--for revenue. When world demand and prices are high South Americans live it up, but when the market topples their finances become chaotic, creat- ing a nerve-shattering cycle of boom and bust. Meanwhile the potential in natural resources of the 7,500,- 000 - square - mile continent-- twice the size of Canada--re- mains unrealized. Though Bra- zil and Argentina and to a les- ser extent Chile, Colombia and Venezuela have recently made! impressive industrial progress with the aid of American and European investment, South American countries remain among the world's least indus- trialized. RICH OR POOR One consequence of this econ- omic imbalance is that by and large South America's rapidly- increasing population of 140,- 000,000 is divided into only two, classes--the very rich and the very poor. Except in socialized Uruguay and in the new indus- trial communities, there is al- most no middle class. As in many Asian countries the rich control the land and commerce, while the masses eke out a meagre subsistence. However, the comparison development are still almost as|with Asia in cultural matters nebulous as in many of thelis somehwhat blurred. South newly-independent Afro - Asian America has no conflict of in- countries. Today all but one of|digenous and Western cultures the republics has shaken off the|to resolve and no large-scale yoke of dictatorial regimes but|janguage barriers to surmount. political power remains mainly Apart from the backward, un- in the hands of a wealthy oli- assimilated Indian communities garchy. of the high Andes, the popula- Democracy continues to be an tion is outwardly European in elusive ideal only vaguely un- culture, language and religion. derstood by illiterate masses Yet they still share with Asia who think of politics more in a distressingly high illiteracy terms of personalities than pol- rate, a shortage of technical icies and look for strong, ap- personnel, a manana attitude pealing leadership. to work and an indifference to Even constitutionally - elected the value of human life. Illiter- [Single Wife Encourages Infidelity KARACHI, Pakistan (AP)-- This nation was created for Moslems but the government is putting limits on a Moslem's age-old right to have more than one wife. The religious patriarchs are up in arms at what they regard as secular interference. So are a lot of younger men with only one wife. Some day they might want another. Old and young alike say man is by nature polygamous and restricting him to one wife temnts the wandering male to {stray from the comforts of the {heart. | Even the western - educated Moslem women who demanded the reforms now are having sec- ond thoughts about a second ? marriage. "Look at all the west- ge J ern books about married men {who fall in love with another woman," says one sari-wrapped lerusader An ordinance of Pakistan's martial law regime places ob- stacles in the way of a second or subsequent marriage, slows down the Moslem divorce proce- dure from the simple "I divorce vou" repeated three times hy the husband, raises the mini- mum age of marriage for girls from 14 to'16 and makes other! changes POLYGAMY RARE Primarily for economic rea- sons, polygamy has always been ic -- --|the exception rather than the rule in Pakistan. Official fig- acy in countries such as Bolivia \;6¢ on the number of multiple- | ranges as high as 75 per cent, a wife marriages are unavailable conservative estimate, and even but everyone agrees the num- relatively - advanced Uruguay be 1s nal : p or ta ie Koran says a man may yy Rll Be he take only as many wives as he oe can treat equally and fairly.| Vile, Feminine reformers claim this Hampered in all phases of qualification now is ignored life by the disparity between the They say men practically desert few and the masses, South/0ld Wives in favor of young ¢ nes America is a kaleidescope of contrasts--the skyscraper The ordinance establishes ar- and pitration councils which must the mud hut, the super-highway approve a man's decision to and the broken sidewalk, the take an additional wife. If a man marries without the council's permission, he can be resident imprisoned for a year and his first wife can sue for divorce. luxury hotel and the roadside lunch stop, the urban 1 and the village Indian. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 3, 1961 try a case of Canada's fastest growing ale Llabaltfs 2 THRILLS @ ACTION @ EXCITEMENT SPORTS CAR RACING AT MOSPORT PARK Canada's New International Motor Racing Circuit (13 Miles North Of Bowmanville) SATURDAY, AUGUST 5th First Race: 11:00 a.m. ® 10 Events ® Rain or Shine ® Admission: $2.00 @ Free Parking -Feature Event- THE "GRAND NATIONAL" TROPHY RACE Organized By The Grand Valley Car Club Four-Door Convenience ® Five Passenger Comfort ® Rust-proofing Body Dip ® Effortless Recirculating Ball-Race Steering ® Level-Ride Suspension @ Laminated Glass Wraparound Windshield ® Side Windows Wind All The Way Down ® Fresh Air Heater and Defroster ® Hydraulic-Assisted Cluich ® Steering Column Gearshift e INTEGRAL BODY CONSTRUCTION You'll be delighted with its HIGH RESALE VALUE! You'll welcome its TROUBLE-FREE PERFORMANCE! From the first moment you buy it... Vauxhall is saving you money every mile! 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