'AT ROTARY CLUB A Pickering Township he {dent, who told the court that he takes pills that react worse Tells Of Attending than liquor, was Tuesday fined $10 and costs for being intoxi- cated in public, George Miller, 67, appeared before Magistrate! R. B. Dnieper in Whitby police | court. PC Eric Erickson, of the| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 2, 1961 Blames Pills WHITBY And DISTRICT Zl%es 1'p) tock Club Enjoys Picnic By MRS. OLGA HILL BLACKSTOCK -- The ONO| Club held its annual picnic at! Cartwright Park, Tuesday after- noon. The shower of rain did not mar the pleasure as the pic nickers swam while it rained their grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Roy Taylor. | Mr. and Mrs. James Sandi-| son, Ashburn, were Sunday guests and Mr. and Mrs. Barry| Dunsmore and Kelvin, Orange- ville, were weekend guests of Keeps Sheep Farm Spins Own Wool ALBION, Ont, (CP)--Mrs, J. |W. Blackburn likes spinning wool, and she loves taking care and of sheep that produce it on the farm in this district 30 miles northwest of Toronto. With her husband, who also keeps a herd of registered An- gus cattle, she has nurtured two flocks of pure-bred sheep and A vivid account of activities, The club that started Kotary in Japanese Convention Whitby Police Department, said that on the afternoon of July 28 Tokyo, he said, is completely he had encountered the accused has its slums/on Brock street where he was and the sports and supper were enjoyed later. Fourteen moth- ers and approximately 45 chil dren attended. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Dunsmore. Beth Dunsmore has spent the past week at Orangeville, and {gives them tender care. She ex- periments with wools, and at present has some fleeces from 1" w t A "HAPPY ONE-YEAR-OLD A happy one-vear-old Shawn Gerald Ewing, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Ewing, 207 Rosedale drive, Whithy Shawn celebrated his first birthday on July 7. His grand Jailed 2 is sights and surprises at the] %|Rotary International conven-| tion in Tokyo recently was re- lated to Whitby Rotarians by, Everett Lovell of Oshawa on Tuesday. First of its kind in Asia, the| {52nd annual convention drew the largest number of delegates {in the history of the Rotary] Club, he said. Number of delegates register-| ed was 23378 compared with| {the previous record at New 'York of 15,000. Modern advances aided dele- gates in following the day by day activities at the convention. : Nation-wide TV coverage Kept Z wondering Rotarians, in touch with the convention. zg « All proceedings were broad- wes ==lcast on the radio. Rotarians taking in the sights of Tokyo could follow the convention by carrying transistor radios. The history of the Rotary Club in Japan showed the amazing pro-| and enthusiasm of the Japanese, said Mr. Lovell WENT UNDERGROUND Starting in 1940, Rotary went underground during the Second {World War. Nine clubs met secretly throughout the war jyears parents are Mr. and Mrs. M Morgan, of Oshawa, and Mr and Mrs. R. Ewing, of North Ireland --Photo by Hornsby Studio, Oshawa Months gress |being "expanded at the rate of|Nikita's shores." Japan in 1940 was also the last westernized. It ( club to fold. but so have our cities. intoxicated. It was also the first club to "Great preparations are going Taking the stand, Miller told reorganize in 1949, said Mr. on for the upcoming 1964 Olym-ithe court that he was an Lovell. pics." ; acknowledged alcoholic and was Rotary caught on so quickly] During the flight over 10a member of AA but admitted in Japan, explained Mr. Lovell, |Japan, the heavily-laden plane|that he did not attend meetings that by 1959 new clubs wer e|was once "50 miles from Uncle regularly. All was safe : a though, said Mr. Lovell for «|. He also told the court that he was designated as the failgun./iS an outpatient at Sunnybrook haven't even scratched the rer." Hospital and as part of his face. Rotarians from 74 countries treatment he takes pills that Japanese Rotarians have suc- attended the convention, Toact worse than hguor and cessfully stretched the hand of |, youve ATTEND jamed his condition on these fHendship Jo A classes, he pe Countries that were enemies, Miller said that he had been down with farmers." of Japan during the war sent!'on the wagon" for four years large numbers of delegates. and after this incident "may HOSPITALITY Australia and New Zealand paver take andther drink the Mr. Lovell exhausted the hired a boat for the trip 10/0 of my life." average man's vocabulary of|Japan | "I was thinking of giving adjectives and adverbs when! About 1,100 members parked you 90 days at Mimico for the describing the hospitality of the the boat in Yokahama Bay and are" said Magistrate Drieper Japanese. ferried back and forth to Tokyo. "You can't et cored 3 Miller Admitting he was one of the A 325-man delegation arrived told the hi He asked His 75,000 visiting "'foreigners", Mr. from the Philippine Islands. Worship to levy a fine rather Lovell said the Japanese quick- Prices of many things were hd 3 hp. I sentence. It 'was ly dispelled the feeling far below those in the United han a jail sentence, yas "They went out of their way States and Canada. Buying Miller's second conviction with. to help us. Non-Rotarians went opera glasses for what he|ln one year blocks out of their way to help thought was a bargain at $16 in| 'You can sentence me lo life touring Rotarians." Tokyo were later found to be if you ever see me In court | Tokyo took on a carnival selling for $10 in Hong Kong. again, he answered His Wor-| atmosphere during the conven- Summing up his description of ship. tion. Fifty barrage balloons|Japan, Mr. Lovell said he was, "$10 and costs or 30 days," hung over Tokyo in a tribute to/willing to bei. that "it is one|said His Worship, "and if one every five days." Even then, he said, they | Brian is there for the coming] + week. Miss Marion Robinson, joy, Mr. and Mrs. Kenn eth|Scarboro, is a guest of the Duns Samells, Mr. and Mrs. Tenny-| mores this week. son Samells, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ! ray Byers, Jim and Janice, Bon-| TWO WEDDINGS | nie, Judy and Linda Mountjoy Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- Africa, Mexico and California. Of her wool-raising, she said: "It's a most satisfying hobby. But of course you have to like working with animals." attended the Mountjoy picnic at|Mrs. Norman Dysart, Jessie Hampton Wednesday. McArthur, who were married in Mrs. John Wotten and her|St. John's Church, Saturday family, 24 in all, enjoyed a re-| afternoon. Congratulations are union Sunday at Cartwright|also extended to Mr. and Mrs. | Park. | gary Venning, Marie Cassidy, . who were married in Port Perr, SURPRISE PARTY ad Saturday evening. y Ive ew of her friends surprised Mrs, Herb Taylor, Mr. and addi | Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Gordie and | Mary Lou and Stanley Malcolm were among the guests at the wedding of James Millet and Jean Malcolm Cook, in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Toron- to, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henry, Toronto, were weekend guests of birthday and spent a pleasant social time and afternoon tea. Gordon Paisley, Dunnville, was a weekend guest of Mr. |and Mrs. Neil Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson| and family, Toronto, spent the| {weekend with Roy and Bill Ferguson [Mrs. Robt. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis,| Right Rev. and Mrs. Wells, LISTEN -- -- To Your Hunches! "Every day, {most of ws stifis ugh impulses to ch our lives" says a noted psychol- ogist in August Reader's Digest. You can be more successful by listening to your hunches and acting promptly -- instead of waiting until they cool off. Read "Obey That Impulse" in | Reader's Digest today -- one of 38 articles of lasting interest. | Orillia, were Sunday guests of Toronto, were guests of Canon ! Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Strong and and Mrs. Ashmore Friday night family {and attended the Dysart - Mc-| Rev. and Mrs, Merrill Fergu-| Arthur wedding Saturday when| son, Stratford, were weekend the Bishop assisted in the cere-| guests of Mrs. Cecil Hill and mony. called on other relatives. Canon and Mrs. Ashmore re- et : turned Tuesday from a delight- ore INDIAN WORK, cis. Clif- ful trip through the British Isles. SOFTBALL PLAYOFF TONITE Quarter Finals The occupation put a tempo- the delegates. Shops carried {country that will not go Com-|see you again it will be a dif-/(orq. Jim and Lorraine and Miss Ida Dempsey, Sundridge; | 1 Keeping For Sale Wellington Edward Ferguson, of 424 Perry street, Whithy, was Tuesday jailed for two months for keeping lipuor for He was convicted by Ma rate R sale WHITBY PERSONALS home until after 4 p.m. that day and had brought six bottles of beer back with him. These, he said, were among the ale seized by police. He explained rary stop to Rotary, he said.|streamers of welcome, he said. | munist." Fined $250 On ferent story." Galbraith Miss Margaret Goodson attend- ed service in Port Perry, Sun- day, where Mrs. Dayes' nephew, Bud Elford and wife, were tell ing of their work among the {Indians near Churchill, Mani-| it Miss Isabelle Dempsey, Robert] and Ardis Dempsey, Sebring. ville and Mrs. Lillian Gulka, Toronto, were weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. McArthur. Ardis McArthur, with Bill |Eisner and Richard Pollner, flew from Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., on Friday. Bill and PICKERING B. Dnieper in Whithy police the finding of ale in two differ-| ne. 204 Mrs George Brew- court ent bedrooms by stating that he gector and family, Heather, Donald Burns. of \tholjand his wife kept their liquoripephy, Lenny and Holly spent a street, Oshawa, who was later separate and his was in : fined $10 and costs for having son's bedroom. his wife's liquor in a public place. told the/their own bedroom court that on the afternoon of '"'Under the bed sheets?" May 14 he had purchased 12|ed His Worship pints of ale from Ferguson at' The accused said that any that his home. Later, after the pur-|was covered had been covered chase was made, he said, helto protect it from light was stopped by police. He said Mrs. Ferguson also told the Manitouwadge, . he had paid $3.50 for the dozen. court 'hat she and her husband few weeks visiting A PC Ernest Stoneman. of the had been away that day. She daughter and son-in-law, | ] Whitby police department. who also denied any knowledge of and Mrs. Hartley Brittain, of it also resides on Perry sireet,/Burns' visit Anderson street, who have just about 200 yards from the Fer- Tony Agius, 305 Maple street returned 'from a vacation in guson home, fold the court that east, said that on that day he|/Nova Scotia he had been keeping the house and his wife had also been boat- under observation from his own ing. He said they arrived about Mr. George Broome driveway that day. At 3:20 p.m.,|4 p.m. and he had been talking valescing at his home, 426 Perry he said, he saw Burns drive into|to Ferguson at the lake street, after undergoing surgery, Dick flew back Saturday morn- ing. Ardis remained for his sis- ter's wedding and motored back * { toba. : No Stodgy Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hadley, Impaired Charge oars es me 3 1 t | Mrs. Carl McLaughlin, Grant his few days in Gananoque as the 706 (Cochrane - street. WhItbY.{od upon the aceident. scene said Dip oma 3nd Neil, spent Saturday with Sunday. ;m ts of Mrs. Bruce Brewster|ywac 1 ; 25 ) and Mrs. Howard Forder BS re 1. Cox Heather ang Vas Tuesday fined $250 and|y.. oy esnelie appeared normal.l WASHINGTON (AP) -- Shirt-|and family in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston A Ts 4 costs or 15 days in jail for im- i " ill Cordingl d five has returned to Belleville after ask- ; are s th . " Arthur D *h he| sleeve diplomacy has come into] Mrs. Bill Cordingly and five ; Debby are spending the re-inaireq driving. He had been| Arthur Daigle, chairman of the) : ! coming home for the Fergus ainder of the summer with nl p > " n i via lits own in the U.S. foreign|children, Toronto, spent last coming guson mainder of the summer charged before Magistrate R. B.|Canadian i.egion picnic which ervice and many credit Vice weekk in Blackstock and Mr.| picnic Saturday. their grandmother, Mrs. CoX. I ppjeper, in Whitby police court./Quesnelle had been attending, | tHE © Bh eordingly spent. the weekend! Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ecking, of W-th driving while intoxicated sald that he had been there all with helping spark the develop- there Th at time of writing, | " dge. are spending a Paul Baker told the court that day and that Quesnelle was not ent 4 > > n with their on the afternoon of June 24 he|intoxicated when he left the park On his Southeast Asia trip ear- Mr ad Mrs, Davia Swan, To GCYWNTD GWT GWT GTO GWT GYD GWT Mr (had been driving north on ala short time before the accident.| . On is Southeast 28 p Tonto, ar 3 Mr Mr. { lier in the year Johnson de- : The State Farm Insurance Companies : : a a : . Swain. ig 4 Towusp Shigiine sndf I) his own deleiice, Quesnelle| =F, J from the banquet circuit] Kathrine and Carolyn Murray, proudly announce the appointment of ABNER'S ESSO (WHITBY) 8:15 P.M. ot CENTENNIAL PARK, WHITBY 99 Mark Albert Quesnelle, 36, of Donald Denyer, who happen-| collision said that he had consumed two) : oy with Quesnelle's car on a sharp bottles of beer that afternoon the hinterlands Cresswell, are holidaying with is ve Afflecy|His friends 4 recovery. Wm. H. (Bill) Middleton 608 BROCK ST. 8. WHITBY, ONT. MO 8-3762 {to go out into | : {and meet the people. | | curve. He could not tell the with his lunch. As he neared|3" By ts : court whether or not Quesnelle/the curve, he said, he noted al He brougnt pack Wil ivi con-|was intoxicated car parked on the west side and|™#& | praise 0 idered his politi en aC James Knight, a passenger in in avoiding it, he collided with ery a DO hs the Baker car, told the court the Baker car. He said that he pi Bria" Bg had held If Served the Ferguson driveway, then' oman wa | at the Oshawa General Hospital.|that Quesnelle appeared to walk| had struck his head on the steer- Ss Lom. Canadian: gy leave five minutes re Se C own Attoraey i wish 'him 2 speedy/in a normal manner. na whee! id he STath aug was born Professor. John Kenneth| VANCOUVER (CP) -- If the : 4 A pW p acciden ! y He said he followed Burns and and stated that Ferguson ha PC Arnold Summers. of the Som What dazeq & are Galbraith of Harvard, the new| vegetables you are served in ) i { 5 05 Whitby Detachment of the OPP,| scene. U.S. ambassador to India la restaurant are soggy, send stoped him on Brock streetibeen at his home at 4:05 p.m Mr. and Mrs. James. Brough-|who investigated the -accident,| His Worship said that he be. "2 bi : ' 4 > \north and found 12 pints of ale!that afternoon ton and children, David, Bobby said that the collision had oc-|lieved the Crown witnesses and Galbraith, a native of lena) them right back to the kitchen \Jin & paper bag. PROTECTING ANOTHER and Sharon have returned from curred on Baker's half of the|disbelieved the defence, includ-| Station, Ont, Was OFC O Te |=umayhe they'll return in better 22 Re was questioning Burns In argument. Duncan Mc.(3 Week's vacation spent in |road. He said that the Baker|ing the accused's statement that De ng > Action, an organiz-| Sa i li ne Jad. he observed Fer Intyre, defence counsel, charged Parry Sound and Algonquinicar was more than one foot off| he had consumed only two pints emocratic : , "| That's the advice of Dr. Hugh 8 Vv $ po son ving alone SIMUL that Burns was protecting some | the right side of the road. of beer. Bat, fe, sald, ue ng ! 5 oi , other person from whom he had! apy and Mrs. Alex Brown and| Both he and PC Ernest Col- not have been intoxicated at the ims D1 sfmed MR a rure hased the ale by swearing hey Patrick, Donna Marie linson. of the same detachment, time of the accident and he ficers searched the Ferguson that he bought it from Ferguson. anq Michelle have moved ation for which Johnson had lit-|y Keenleyside, chairman of the tle political use. He also was a|p'c. power Commission and contributor of ideas to he Den tormer head of the UN Food i Bg i CON ich and Agriculture Organization. | possible when he was majority | a speech to the Sanat der of the Senate. ietetic Association here he leat in India the vice - presi. Said that despite the abundance dent was pleasantly surprised|and choice of foods in Canada, the worst can be expected when Galbraith turned up in a Ors. | cotton sport shirt and wrinkled sometimes in the average res- taurant or home. pants to accompany the John- X son party on {rips te interior His pet peeves were soggy vegetables, dried-out meat, pro- said that Quesnelle was intoxi-| would reduce the charge to im- me His Worship said that helfrom 709 Athol street to their| cated. paired and levy a fine ND LIQUOR doubted Burns would run the new home at 105 Bell drive. | pi . | Gains Attention #0 serve your Jeniily insurance needs . . » including Auto, Life and Fire Insurance. INSURANCE STATE FARM UShaANcE Canadian Head Office -- Toronto, Ont. 50=18 . | | STATE FARM INSURANC LN Family Monuments of \ | ases/ Created To / Individual | ' Requirements | | 115 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY STAFFORD BROS, | Just North of the Four Corners I OPEN THURS. 'TIL 8 -- FRI 'TIL 9 -- WED. 'TIL 6 P.M. | LTD. MONUMENTS | BONELESS MEALED 318 DUNDAS EAST | Nw | COTTAGE ROLL .. 49+ | FRESH CUT | FRESH SLICED Mac Cheese Loaf CHICKEN LOAF RIB STEAK ROUND STEAK RUMP ROAST risk of 14 years in prison by Their friends wish them happi- @Former Corporal William giving false testimony. He said!pegs in their new surroundings. | ddleton told the court that the|that he 2lso doubted that Fer- : rch had turned up 72 bottles guson's drinking habits would| Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Pascoe, le, seven bottles of whisky, find that much beer, wine and 410 Dundas street west have re- ° ht bottles of wine and 92 whisky on his premises at one turned from a week's vacation At onvention pty beer hotties tire spent at Lake Placid, White villages. ) 0 his own defence. Ferguson He said that : the other evi- Face Mountain and New York OTTAWA (CP)--A handsome of the CCF, is the only woman Galbraith pleased he Vide:|COsse cheeses that, yore. ie med lial he snd jis wife dence In the case Provided: a} iz silver-haired woman, daughter on the national committee of the President by showing 3 Coop my ns a board i left home about 10 a.m. tremendous buttress for Burns Laurie, daughter of Mr. and|of a Conservative member of New Party terest in the local problems of| pastries tasting e wallboard, «t day, Mother's Day, and evidence and 'I have not the, ) to rated | " 5 " the people. As a result of theor d spent most of the afiernoon slightest doubt that Ferguson rs: D. Bryant celebrated her|pariiament and widow of a Lib: HOLDS DISTINCTION excursions. small kerosene gen- In Lake Ontario in their boat. kept liquor for sale and sold it| :2! birthday. For the occasion era) Speaker of the House of! As provincial CCF leader for| "ou Bim ooo "at east twol He said Burns may have been!to Burns." a party was arranged Commons, is one of the most Quebec from 1951 to 1957, she villages to pump water for the at his home but he did not see' In addition to the jail term Mrs. Cleone Turner and chil- striking figures a! the New| gained the distinction of being local people and to furnish Ferguson's house was declared dren Randy and Rusty, of Cali-/Party founding convention the first woman in Canadian them with their first electricity. said that he did not returnia public place for one year fornia. are spending one month| Whether mingling in the aisles history to lead a political party. The vice-president came home a Tr -- -- visiting at the home of Mr. and|with the grass-root delegates or From what I've seen herei{ praise the ambassador to » - Mrs. Ernest Bryant, of Byron sitting on the platform with the|we might capture the vote," she| president Kennedy as a man street south. and are also guests brass, Therese Casgrain of{said confidently. "This is a real|who was getting out among the Ilo ne ' ust ay of Miss Viola Roach. Montreal, a force behind Que- people's party. You see here a people and would do the United a bec's socialist movement, com- wonderful cross-section of Cana-|States some good in India. mands attention. dians." Reporters who accompanied | | GC t iM ths When a lost child, bewildered The daughter of Sir Rodolphe Galbraith on a recent trip to amnages or ree e S on by all the first-day noise, burst|Forget, a Conservative MP, she|eastern India were surprised to .w into tears, it was Mrs. Cassin as rough Up io Mowreal. it See him flompiug rough re ee youths who admitted thought $0 wo dequate who picked her up and soothed|the age o she married the|fields in his 4 by h Te " tree at a Wik in fouge S oud Sdemisial) Driving Charge | her. iv alert ph i o gr a pher|late Pierre Casgrain, a Liberal TONS 3d Jenerally making him: | osebank were Tuesday each arr hie pn : {snapped one of the prize pic-|MP who was Speaker of the|sell al home. | ped $10 and costs and ordered ir banding om the fives AY hithy POwTSAD resident, res of the convention: The Commons from 1936 to 1940. iE : repay the owner of the tree a the accused sw ay $5 Oflwhose car collided with another |} og cin per arms around Mrs. She played a prominent part|day, Aug. 9, at 8 p.m. in the| al of $150 damages. The Hiv su ould pay $50 dam, veh le he waa |Casgrain, 62, whose features in winning the vote for women church hall. All ladies are most] n Cameron, 19, of West Hill g50 may be retained by Cane.seitod then months for driving Were etched with maternal con-lin Quebec in 1840 and has rep- welcome to attend. | WHITE JUICE NOron, 20, OF ugnang ) y 1 hile 3 in 1, : " cern. 28 2 - pA | or. and stl arama and other amounts "may be yhile intoxicated. Curtiss Miller, It was a spontaneous action tional socialist conferences. lin barbecue style, at the home of { NEWSPRINT t Rosebank, appeared before gistrate R. B. Dnieper in tby police court BC Charles Daniels, of the ering Township Police De tment, 26 thad been called fo the home Ibert Cane, in the Rosebank , and found a tree that look 8 if 2 hurricane had hit it said that limbs had been pped from the tree and $s stripped from the limbs. ne fold the court that he said that on July returned to the accused as Cane 96 of Thickson's road south, sees [it was also fined $10 and costs or| At the moment she's in the] by a woman who is mother of midst of writing a book which! four children and grandmother Mr. and Mrs. George Allison on| Thursday evening, Aug. Al 4Y>-1b. pkg. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck 10 days concurrent by Magis- told reporters that he felt the trate R. B. Dnieper in Whitby o penalty was unconscionable police court = PC Donald Martin ing Township Police Depart- Since 1948 she has been a member of the CCF party and of Picker- oy as a national vice-president she says concerns '"'a little bit|cordial invitation is extended to| NATURAL LONDON STORAGE (CP)---A team searching for of ment, said that on July 31 he had investigated an accident on Audley road He said that an- {able sites for underground stor- other 'car had been rammed in age of manufactured gas. Cavi-|the front by Miller's car as it ties in rock formations can be backed along the road, used, and the Gas Council says| When he arrived on the scene this method would be more eco- he said, Miller was not in the nomical than paying staff to area but returned before he had By A. R. HUBBARD iman reserve stations. completed his investigation BURKETON -- Mrs. Florence zenlogists is sii At Burke PC Martin said that Miller|Caughill visited recently with] BROCK Evening Shows At 6,55 & 8.20 Last Complete Show At 8.20 WHITBY admitted consuming a bottle of | Mrs. E. Strutt.and Mr. and Mrs. ! cherry whisky Clifford Pethick at Enniskillen Th ig urt was. also told that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter| M od oupl was oi thal ond family, Windsor, are holi-| Miller had no driver's licence al|qaying with their families, Mrs. | ESTHER AND THE [the time of his arrest. His|{s "Carter, and Mr. and Mrs. licence was suspended in 1958|F a. Adams. for driving while intoxicated but| Myr. and Mrs. W. H. Crawford ; | had since heen reinstated but Enniskillen, were tea guests of| ; i Ed' | Miller had failed to renew it Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Roblin : Before Miller's case was| Miss Cheryl Rowan, Enniskil heard, Magistrate Dnieper told len, spent a few days with her| him to button up his jacket. grandmother, Mrs. A. Carter. | "I don't want to look at your bp wr and Ws. Levi Glewnie: bare chest," he told him Aron 9, Yere Sinday guests oi Lin@eunducied Mrs. Esther Carnochan and Many Visitors tea guests ib. §9« DUTCH LOAF ib. 49 SLICED COOKED HAM .. 89° LEAN BUTT PORK CHOPS STEWING BEEF ib. 39 FRESH Hamburg Steak FRESH WIENERS 3 ibs. 1.00 | J free oemeee mm. Cut out this coupon and help yourself to a free piece : | approximately 630 of politics." She is an ardent all. | SI ra Mr. and Mrs. A: E. Riley were|| sheets for -- $1.00 golfer still trying to get her Mr dl i ore below 100 Sunday tea guests of Mr. an Also Available in | Mrs Harald Larmer uti] 9.1b. pkgs. | Mr. and Mrs. George Carter] and family, Bowmanville: Mr. IDEAL FOR TYPING, |! |and Mrs. Kenneth Carguill and PADS, CARBON COPIES || {Tohn, and friends, Tom: Weee, INNER OFFICE | Sunday o TS. MEMOS, ET |A. Carter i 05, ETC. | ton Mr. and Mel Hubba, ig On Sele et . i companied by Mr. and Mrs. I H. Krantz and Miss Darlene WHITBY OFFICE & | Mr. and Mrs, Tom Smith and pacDonald, called on Mr. and CIRCULATION | family have taken up residence Mrs. Russell Davidson at Rag- DEPT I in Hampton. lan on Sunday. . | Mr. and Mrs. Allan Canfield, , Mr. and Mrs. Artiny Rahm, | Oshawa Times Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. W. H./Thompson and family, Oshawa; Krantz, Miss Darlene MacDon- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowling and ald, Oshawa were Sunday guests Roy, Blackstock, were Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. [guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr, and Mrs. Don Carr and Beach and family. family, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hall and family, Ty-| | rone, were Sunday guests of Mr, | and Mrs. Lloyd Beech and fam-| DODD & SOUTER ily i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avery PAINT and 3 | and family, Union, were Ser WALLPAPER STORE ay evening guests of Mr. and] 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY da Mrs & off Pillsbury Dilur Cake Mix (any flavour) family. J. A. Smith and family (XNEATE STATUE Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ma Trinka| Congratulations to Mr. and| GUILDFORD, England (CP) and family, Toronto, were Sun-|Mrs. Thomas Hodge who are | Sculptor John Cobbert has been day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cor-|celebrating their 25th wedding| | commissioned to create a statue | nelius Van Dam and family anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi for the} Mr. and Mrs Norman! The WA is packing woollens new Guildford Cathedral. It 1s| Mitchell and family. Toronto. and cottons Would you kindly hoped to incorporate a Canadian were weekend guests of Mr. have these ready for Thursday, military chapel in the new ca-|and Mrs. L. B. Argue and fam-| Aug. 3 | |thedral. ny The WA will meet Wednes-! MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractor Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Well Murels | : | 1 ] | : of cake worth 8 cents! Entertainment § as ] ALSO Brought Back For Laughs! * FEATURE ATTRACTION--"Carry On Nurse" With--Shirley Eaton----Kenneth Conner--Adult Entertainment