TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WEKBW-TV Channel 7---Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--~Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9---Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie THURSDAY 4:15 P.M. 8:00 A.M, nig Ey 2-Dave Garroway Show 8:15 A.M. 7--Buffalo A.M. 4~Captain Kangaroo 9:00 A.M. 63--Junior Roundup 5.2--Here's Hollywood 4-Edge Of Night 4:45 P. é--Junior Roundup > THURSDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. 11 Romper Room (1--Family Theatre 5--Bozo The Cl 7~Rocky and His own Friends 4--The Mischief Makers 3-Ciise rem 3-three og oes 6-3--News : «i. 3--Highway Patrol Co "| --Atrican Patrol : . 7--Early Show 6-3--Roy Rogers 5--Playhouse Five 4--Theatre 2--Huckleberry Hound 6:00 P.M, 2--~The Debbie Drake 7-Romper Room 4-Burns and Allen 2~Yankee Doodle Time 0:0 AL $--Whirlybirds 6--Metro News his a 6:45 P.M. ghway ba 6--News, Sports 6:15 P.M $~Huntley-Brinkley Report 7:00 P.M. 11----The Rebel $-Jane Wyman 6--The World of Giants 3---Moving Tips 6:30 P. 11--News 9.54-3.2--Newss 7--Mr .and Mrs. North 5-2--Play Your Hunch 4--Video Village 10:45 A.M. Ivation Arm; Weather: Sports E00 AM. 6:45 P.M. S---Huntley-Brinkley 9---Free and Easy Report é~News: Weather: 7--Gale Storm Show 5-2--Price is Right 4-Double Exposure 11:30 A.M. 7--Love That Bob §-2--Cencentration 4-Your Surprise Sports 6-2--News 8---The Real McCoys : 3--Royal Canadian Mounted Police 7:15 P.M. ¥--News: Weather :00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre Movie 8---Best of the Post 6--Seven-0-One CROSSWORD THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 2, 1961 19 First Known Case In 12 Centuries NEW YORK (AP)--The path ~ taken by Abraham I. Carmel is most unique in modern religious ... annals. He was a Roman Cath- "* olic priest. Today, he is a Jew. "Ni can compare with ° this return . Not for 12 centuries--since 838 AD--had there been a known .. case in which a Roman Catholic priest converted to Judaism un- til the former Father Kenneth C. Cox took the step, assuming * his new Jewish name. : The change was not easy. SiG HEANT CHANGE'IN ER CONDITION) Package 5--Leave It To Beaver 7:30 P.M. ACROSS News, Weather 8. Appendages 11--Cannonball 9--Brothers Br 7--Hong Kong 6---Wheelspin §2-Wagon Train $--Bachelor Father 7:45 P.M. @-Stan Leonard Golf 3:00 P.M. 4, Vex 5. Roman general 6. An aroid (bot) 7. Dull 8. Unexcitable 11. German admiral, Von ---- 13, Dotted with figures (her.) 16. Wide- awake 21, Brief looks 22. Girl's nickname 1. Storeroom 6. Excla. mations 9, Coronet 10. Wheel track 11 Hit 12:00 NOON 7-C I 5-2--Truth or Consequences 4--News: Weather Sports 12:15 P.M, 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. Please 5-2--It Could Be You 4--Search For Tomorrow 12:45 PM 4--~Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. Sports 3-G 2~Shotgun Slade :15 P. 7--News: Weather 7:30 P.M 11--Wanted Dead or Alive 9--Lock-up 7--Guestward Hot 6--Bachelor Father 5-2---Outlaws 4--Summer Sports 3--The Rebel 8:00 P.M, 11.6-3--Summer Circuit 9--Theatre 7---Donna Reed 8:30 P.M. 11-6-3--New Party Convention 7--Real McCoys 5-2--Bat Masterson 4--Frontler Justice -- Drama 9:00 P.M, 7--My Three Sons 5-2--Bachelor Father 4--Gunslinger ure 26. Thin tin plate 217. Propri. etors 28. A spice 29. Groups of ships 80. Malt beverages 83. Women of U.S. Naval Reserve 12. Andy's partner 14, Pare 15. Encumber 17. Finishes 18. Man's nickname 19. Edge 20. Mr, Sullivan 21, Preface 23. Honey maker 25. Captain Kidd's drink 26. Agony 29. Music note 116-3 Zone #77 Sunset Strip 8:30 P.M. 11-83---New Party Convention 7--Ozzie and Harriet $2-The Price Is Right é--Danger Man ' 9:00 P.M, 3 Howie ie Millers Us2 33 Kratt Mystery 2--Mid-day Matinee $----Movie stu PN woke SR TA | Ene ond Ti Angel 3--~Movie , 9:30 P.M, testers a yg &-I've Got A Secret Conventions 10:00 P.M. 9--Theatre 11-6-3--The Superior Sex| 7--Day In Court : 8-2---It could Be You 5-2--Jan Murray Show [11-6-3--Parade 7--Naked City &~Face The Facts 9--The Rebel 4-Circle Theatre Contest +--Lhe U 2:30 P.M. 8-2--Great Ghost Stories 7-8 100 P.M. 5-2--Loretta Young Theatre 4-~House Party 3:00 P.M. 11-3--News: Music 11-9-7-6-5-4-3-2--News 7--Queen For A Day Weather: Sports 5-2--Dr. Malone 11:15 P.M. 4--The Millionaire Y-Late Show 3:30 P.M. 8--Viewpoint 11---Havkeye and the 4--Starlight Theatre Mohicans . 7---Who Do You Trust 11:30 P.M. 4--The Verdict 1s Yours §-2---From These Roots 4:00 P.M. 11---Popeye with Capt. Andy 9-The Hideaway 7--American Bandstand 8-2---Make Room For Daddy 4--The Brighter Day 3~Popeye and Pals 9-Free and Easy 7--Sherlock Holmes 40. Openings (anat.) 10:30 P.M. of 11-6-3--Explorations S§--Miami Undercover 2-Tightrope 11:00 P.M. Fame 11--Bob McLean 9--Man and Challenge 6---Peter Gunn 5-2---The Groucho Show 4--Britain -- Blood, Sweat and Tears 3~--Country Junction 10:30 P. 11--The Cameos 9--Lou Agase Show 7--The Third Maa 6--Intercom $-Not For Hire 12:15 P.M, $---News: Weathers 12:30 P.M. $-~Epilogue 2--Man Called X 11:00 P.M. 11-9-7-6.5-4-3-3--Newss Sports 11:15 P.M. 4 11--Weather r 7-Late Show f-2 MICKEY MOUSE TOTO NOW HIDE "THE YOU WON'T BE SLEEP-RADING KEYS TILL "THE REFRIGERATOR MORNING § IGHT! rq i I LOST NINE STRAIGHT GAMES O' CHECKERS TO GRANDMA/ AN' GOSH, AM I FULL O' COOKIES AN' CAKE / "For a p to take the step I've taken, he has to be 100 per cent sincere or 100 cent per mad," Carmel said in an inter. view. Orthodox Judaism discourages ~ converts, and Carmel was re- {buffed for four years before being accepted. Relatives snubbed him. He still respects ,|the church he left, still misses the human service of the priest~ hood. SEVEN YEARS A PRIEST "The priest has an opportun- ity of living 24 hours a day for people," he said. "There is no substitute for that on the human level. "But the fullness of Jewish life, the complete unity and peace within and the freedom {from any internal conflict ren- ders this great loss not only pos- , |sible, but compensates for it." Carmel, 50, a genial, scholarly 'Iman with dark hair and horn- rimmed spectacles, spent seven years as a priest, mostly at a Stirling, Scotland, parish, before ; |his conversion. He visited the United States on a lecture tour, before Jewish groups, under auspices of the National Jewish Welfare Board and the private foundation which published his autobiogra- Plical account, So Strange my ath. Unlike some Catholic priests who have left their church, Car- mel has never attacked it. "I will not tolerate anyone pulling {|the church apart," he said. "Anyone who comes to me and says that Catholics worship images, I'm the first to set them straight. 1 defend the church on these points, because I know. I've never criticized the church since my painful wrench from those people to whom I was at- tached, and for whom I have very personal, very deep af fections." Then why the break? He said it was his gradual, growing doubt, born of much study and meditation, about the doctrine of God's incarnation as Jesus, and about God's physical pres IN A SAFETY CHECKED GOODWILL USED CAR from THE CLIFF MILLS GET SET FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION MOTORS LTD. YORE MIND SEEMS TO BE WANDERIN/! SON = SO,AHLL REPEAT WHUT 4 THE LONE RANGER MISS Lik IS LEAVING, HERE ARE YOUR SHIRTS, MR. DLICK.. D HERE ARE DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER WHAT X ABOUT THE VICTORIA ARE LS IN AFRICA... THEY'RE 350 FEET HIGH... I'D LOVE TO JULIET JONES AH, MISS JONES, T WOULD SAY ATTHIS TUNCTURE THAT THE CAMERA DON'T GET RATTLED. . RI OH, DAGWOOD = J THAT PRETTY YOUR TAIL == DRESS'I WANTED DAISY, YOU KNOW' IT'S NOTHING BETTER THAN TO STOP WAGGING JIT}, LARRY BRANNON DONT BE FOOLISH, MOTHER. THE CANADIAN AUTHORITIES ¢/ WOULD NOT PUT HILDA IN PRISON FOR EN- QUIRING ABOUT HER FATHER. ONE THING § TTT HAVE LEARNED: 5 A ponoT TRUST Ng POLICE. | AN - ! NOW THEY FIND OUT IT 15 HILDA SALZER. / you HAVE | ALL BEEN SO KIND TO ME. YOU TOOK ME IN WHEN MY OWN FATHER WAS SENT AWAY. 1 WILL NOT NOW ence, as Christ's body, in thé bread and wine of holy coms 'STRUCTURE COLLAPSED' "Il found it increasingly diffi cult to administer 'the sacrd- ments," he said. "Once one doubted the incarnation, the whole - cornerstone was shaken and the whole structure cok lapse. Eventually, I just couldn't swallow it anymore." As Carmel now views Chris. tianity, it was founded not so much by Jesus as by the bril- liant apostle Paul, wno found a way by which basic Judaism could pe taken to the Gentile world in visible, symbolic forms that they could accept. Various other factors about Christianity, however, dis- suadea Carmel. He bridled at the doctrine of eternal punisn. ment and also saw Christian , | mediators: as a barrier: between himself and God. In 1950, he ceased his priestly functions. Theoretically, he still has a priest's powers, but is not permitted to use them. After four years delay, Britain's Jew- ish ecclesiastical court, the Beth Din, in 1953 admitted him to Judaism. "This doesn't necessarily mean I'm accepted in Jewish society," he said. "There was a long period of cynicism and scepticism. But thank God, that is beginning to east up. I've still got a long ways to go, how- ever, before I'm considered 'kosher.' I've still got to go on proving I'm a Jew to every Jew I meet. POLICE SAW SHOOTING SUDBURY (CP) -- Amadeo Water, 30, was shot to death Sunday in front of four police- men after a quarrel in Sud- bury's French quarter. Police had just arrived to investigate reports of gunshots in the neigh. borhood when the killing oc- curred. They returned fire after the gunman shot in the direc- tion of a cruiser. Charged with murder was Aldeige Lelievre, 37. His wife and Wafer's widow are sisters. Lelievre was treated for flesh wounds in the leg be- fore being jailed. SALLY'S SALLIES "Jump in, Officer, and show mo just what I did wrong." y