THOUGHT FOR TODAY Gossip is something that goes in one ear -- and another and an- other and another, ' Oshawa Gunes WEATHER REPORT Cloudy tonight, clearing Thurs- day, little change in tempera- ture. VOL." 90--NO. 178 Price Not 10 Cents Per Copy The OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1961 Authorized es Second Post Office Class Mail Department, Ottawa TWENTY-TWO PAGES Convicts Release Hostages KINGSTON (CP) -- Two con-|trial, said George MacLean, a victs with records of violence, justice department spokesman. one dissatisfied because of the/He was told the justice depart- treatment he got in the courts|ment would look into it. and the other unhappy over a change of prisons, Tuesday|guilty to the charges although night released five they had held at knifepoint for|cause he was told that by doing 28 hours within the walls of|so he would get concurrent sen-|* Kingston penitentiary. {tences totalling less than 20 The caplives were sent home| years. safe and sound. The prisoners| Hamel was said to feel hostil- were taken to the maximum-se- |ity because of a transfer from curity penitentiary's psychiatric|St. Vincent de Paul Peniten- ward. tiary, near Montreal, about a A main point of the settlement year ago. He was serving 15 The prisoner said he pleaded| hostages|he wasn't guilty of them all be-| | | ¥ 3 : | 3 % a prison spokesman said, was|years for robbery with violence. |i that the names of the convicts| Boht men, who had been kept not be released but it was|in a segregated section where learned from a reliable source there is special security, asked outside the prison that they are|to be allowed to live regular John Peters, 28, originally of| prison life. They were told their Fayetteville, Ark., and Real{demands would be considered. Hamel, 27, of Montreal. raza " The break in the tension-filled| THREATENED HOSTAGES drama around a kitchen office] During their escapade, the where the prison officers were Prisoners were reported to have held captive came at 6:40 p.m. threatened the hostages -- that Tuesday, three hours after a|they would "kill them and cut justice department official from|them up" and "throw a tear Ottawa arrived on the scene to/83s bomb in here and a head join in the dickering for release|Will roll out of the hostages. he men bolted over a 25-foot He is James Macaulay, ex-|fence topped with barbed wire ecutive assistant to Justice Min-{and made their way to the ister Fulton who with consulting| Kitchen where they captured psychiatrist Dr. George Scott| guards Edward Nicholson and and prison classifications offi- James Tobin. Armed with six cer Don Clark were given|butcher knives, they then took credit for the convicts' break-|bookkeeper George Good and down. | stewards John Dobson and S. H. Byszewski, the latter from HELD SINCE MONDAY Joyceville penitentiary who was The prisoners had holed upjat Kingston on business. with the captives in the office were herded to an adjoining of- since 3:40 p.m. Monday after|fice. they escaped from a desegre-| Also captured, but released gated recreation area. later to help prepare meals for Peters, sentenced in Toronto|the prisoners at the request of two years ago to 20 years for| Warden David M. MacLean was robbery with violence and six| assistant steward Clyde Dickin- other charges, asked for a re-|son. ARGUES Hazen Argue, New Party leadership hopeful, confers with his son Gregory, 11, dur- Argue Running Hard But Douglas Favored OTTAWA (CP) -- The man man who is standing still. CCF Leader Hazen Argue has been campaigning fiercely and unrelentingly for leadership of the party. His favored opponent, ing a lull in New Party found- | ing convention proceedings. | The party's leader will be IN CONFERENCE REDS FAGE BAR No Berlin War, Says Red Paper BERLIN (Reuters) -- East {Germany's main Communist| {newspaper declared today that! there will be no war over Ber-|§ lin, | Neues {more than half a column to ers on the subject and con- | chosen Thursday. --CP Wirephoto dreds of shirt - sleeved dele- All who is running hardest at the| gates on the sweltering conven-| about half the total number. Re-| country for West Berlin. New Party convention doesn't/tion floor, Mr. Argue does not presentation of the CCF and of | The West German news seem to be catching up to thelappear to have swung any ap-/the New Party clubs comprise|agency DPA quoted refugees as preciable new number of vot- ers behind him. His supporters readily con- cede that he is trailing, though picking up some additional sup- -- Premier T. C. (Tommy) Doug- port from the Quebec delega- las of Saskatchewan, has kept tion. ing in Washington and Bonn| there will be negotiations" and| no war. The mein reasons given by {the newspaper were the strength of the Communist bloe and the fact that "no one will| sell their skin" just to prevent East Germany taking control of | access routes to West Berlin. | The article came as the East Germans tightened travel re- strictions to halt a flood of make up refugees fleeing the Communist Union delegates the other half and they are of|saying that East German police two minds on the leadership. [systematically com be d East- {West commuter subway trains VOTE THURSDAY | Tuesday and ordered hundreds Acceptance speeches will fol- of passengers off. {low tonight's nominations. The| ABSENT FROM JOBS |balloting will be held Thursday, Several West Berlin firms re- noon and the result formally ported that a number of em: 'answering questions from read-|{ cluded that "despite the shout-|! Deutschland devoted | / L WHERE FIRE BURNS Fire Close Villages ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) -- A huge forest fire driven by a 25- mile-an-hour wind continued to- day to burn around the commu- nity of Brownsdale and was drawing close to two adjacent communities. A report from a Red Cross of- ficial who visited the scene to- i the New Party convention made { |/want Communists in their ranks. i delegates said, is to destroy the {| party in its infancy. i party, began, Communists have .i|been trying their darnedest to §|get into the party," To 2 More | {party to broaden its base by OTTAWA (CP)--Delegates to it clear today that they don't A discussion of what type of members the party should seek erupted into an explosive debate on communists -- whose aim, "Ever since the idea of a new said Larry Sheffe of Ottawa, international representative of the United Auto Workers union. "They want to be able to de- stroy it by infiltration." Debate on communist infiltra- tion came as the convention dis- cussed a resolution of the or- ganization committee urging the seeking members among ethnic groups, small businesses, serv- ice and professional groups and unions not affiliated with the Canadian Labor Congress. Delegates immediately jumped on the idea that unions kicked out of the CLC because of their Communist leadership be al- lowed into the party. They said this could never be allowed. IN NEW PARTY Session Warned On Infiltration nated unions who wanted to join the new party vote out their Communist leaders before try- ing to enter the party. Mr. McNabb later released a statement saying that the Sud- bury local was successful in March, 1959, in "'overthrowing the Communist leadership of our local and has fought since that time to clean Communist lead- ers and their sympathizers from our national union." The local has delegates at the convention representing the Sud. bury New Party club. Portuguese Attacking Hill Rebels LISBON, Portugal (Reuters) Portuguese forces were reported today to be carrying out a large scale land and air offensive against Angolan insurgents in the northern mountains of the West African colony. A communique released here |out of the convention's eye and! The Douglas camp claims it ear. unced that night about|ployees who live in the Commu-|day put the number of buildings KEEP OUT LEADERS said the offensive started last Move To Market Opposition Dies LONDON (Reuters) -- The for House of Comm starts [nominations are scheduled to| The Argue backers are still| start at 8:30 p.m. -- and Mr. hoping for a last - minute mir- Argue at last will have a chance |acle. For them, this would be to get the main speaking ros-|a sudden revolt among union ons today its two-day debate on Britishivoting but only a few were entry to the Common Market|said to be prepared to with opposition to the move ap-| against the government. parently dying out. |" The only group opposition is| Labor members said they will| seen coming from the five in-| not vote against the govern- dependent left-wingers led by ment's motion to seek negotia- Michael Foot. | tions to join the six-nation Eu-| The lack of a Labor party! ropean Economic Community. And what was to have been a|pendent left-wing London Daily rebellion among Prime Minister| Mirror and the independent La Macmillan's own Conservative hor London Daily Herald today | party was said to have been crushed. The Labor party decided Tues- day to follow a hands--off pol- icy at a meeting of the parlia- (vein Tories may in danger of "losing the respect (of the electorate" by not mak- ing a decision while The Mit- : .° |ror asked: 'How can anyone mentary a atau E justify this flabby attitude to an ody of the Labor legislators. |joone which will affect the lives Former prime minister Lord| everyone in Britain?" Attlee told them: "No need for| Fon us to dig our own grave, Mac is already digging his." SOME MAY ABSTAIN During the last 48 hours the Conservative chief whip, Martin Redmayne, was said to have been emphasizing the necessity ELECTRIC CO. GOES PUBLIC Power VICTORIA (CP)--The British. The move came on the heels] Columbia government has taken of a B.C. Energy.Board report over the giant B.C. Electric which said Peace River power, Company. move said the Labor members would not vote and added that ness." ond power utility, with Québec's| cheaper than, Columbia River Shawinigan P ow e r Company power. The Peace River project lower mainland in addition to considered the largest. was backed by Swedish finan. Legislation introduced Tuse- cier Axel Wenner-Gren. | day at a special session of the! The report of the energy| B.C. house turned the utility board, an advisory body set up into a crown corporation and by the province to guide its gave it the means to purchase Power policies, was tabled after| its parent firm, the federally-|the B.C. Electric legislation was| incorporated B.C. Power Cor-|introduced. pd poration. Coupled with the legislation] t party solidarity. Some two, This is nomination night-- rum. - Though denied the platform microphones to speak on speci- fic points under discussion. He also got the convention's ear by raising as a matter of privilege a newspaper report concerning him. He opportunity to speak. Despite these moves and his Shot In The Head has 85 per cent of delegates in 8:3 its pocket. {delegates against the party ex- {ecutive which openly favors Mr. abstain from yp to this point, he has man- Douglas. aged to keep himself before the| vote convention by grabbing floor | Tunisians Shoot At French Planes TUNIS (AP) -- Anti-aircraft | late riguns fired on French planes that {vote was criticized by the inde-|thanked the reporter in ques-|violated Tunisian air space near tion for providing him with the the Algerian frontier, the gov- {ernment said today. lations they counted in the last two days. French air force sources at Bizerte base confirmed that MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--Alberto de Some air reconnaissance is being I fe A Obarrio, Panama's ambassador |™* ntained. The amendment adopted by|to the United Nations, was found the Labor party on the entry| shot in the head today at the caught unprepared," one offi- Granada Hotel. \ He was in a critical condition it regrets that negotiations "will at Jackson Memorial hospital. French are concerne be conducted . . . from a posi-| Police said they are still inves-| possible movement of Algerian tion of grave economic weak- tigating and did not know how rebel units from the Algerian the shooting occurred. "We cannot cer said. frontier toward Bizerte. bia scheme and pr its own with the Peace. Broad implications are distributes natural gas in the producing and distributing elec- tric power. Not all are likely to be explained immediately. The government said it will pay the B.C. Power Corporation $110,000,000 in cash for B.C. Electric's: common stock, all held by the parent firm. It will lay In B.C. ading onlissue to holders of shares other Lake Simcoe Cottage until last {than common shares speciai y ; in-| securities equal in value to their day evening to play in the neigh- ; a : if developed under public owner-| volved in the take over. B.C.|holdin B.C. Electric is Canada's sec- ship, could be delivered to B.C.| Electric operates bus franchises gs at the time of the take This amounts to about over. - largest privately owned markets as cheaply as, if not/in Vancouver and Victoria and|$104,000,000. In the likely event B.C. Power Corporation, which can't be na- tionalized by the province be- cause it is a federal company, decides it cannot continue its other operations without its mein revenue producer -- B.C, Electric--the province will pur- | chase its common stock at $38 | a share. The crown corporation was|it forms a new threat by B.C. given control of the Peace River|to the federal government. Pre- power development scheme as/mier W. A. C. Bennett's govern- the Social Credit government ex- ment has refused to agree to propriated all plans, surveys|ratification of the ' Columbia LATE NEWS FLASHES and reports on the proposal| River international treaty unless from the privately-owned Peace export of surplus power--start- River Power Development Com-{ing with Columbia downstream pany. | benefits--to the United States is The legislation must be passed| authorized. by the 52-seat house, in which| , The energy board said both Social Credit holds 32 seats. It|hydro developments can pro- contains provision making its ef-|ceed if export is permitted and fect Tuesdays. if markets are found in the Pa- The takeover will be accom- cific Northwest states and Cal- plished by adding about $683,-|ifornia. 000,000 to the province's so-|__ __ ua . called contingent liabiliites, or REJECTED BY FULTON the indirect debt, which stood ali, sical first export of B.C.'S st March 31. §615,000,000 last Marc sarplus power would be through sale in the U.S. of all down- CITY EMERGENCY |sibemieacet, vover the prey PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 {the Yreaty. '¥ suggestion has been re- FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 ject by Justice Minister Ful- tong" the federal government's chief Columbia negotiator, indi- cafing 'an impasse that could re- Isulf in B.C. ditching the Colus- New Party Picks Gree OTTAWA (CP) -- The New day picked green and gold The convention also decided t n And Gold Party founding convention to- as the narty's official colors. hat the party's emblem should be the peace tower of the Parliament buildings. Cuban Gets Permission To Stay OTTAWA (CP) -- Carlos general in Montreal, has be Herrero, former Cuban consul- en granted permission to re- main in Canada for three months while he conducts nego- tiations to enter the United partment said today that Mr. received permits allowing th the period. States. The immigration de- Herrero and his family have em to remain in Canada for Unity Move To Fight Communism LONDON (Reuters) -- P today Britain must maintain the fight against rime Minister Macmillan said move toward unity with Europe to Communism. He made his statement as he opened a two-day Commons debate on his announcement Monday that Britain would seek negotiations on joining the six-nation European Comm(n Market. I Tunisian officials. did not say The Herald said the party is|Perambulations among the hun-|when ihe incident occurred but Ambassador To UN listed it among 50 air space vio- said had been afford to be Tunisian officials believe the, . Hid : i d ahout | Wide police search has been or- | anno 18:30 p.m. nist sector had not turned up Up to noon Thursday, the con-|for work. vention can expect to see Mr.| East Germany, desperately Argue's burly figure moving short of labor because of the {swiftly among the delegates,|exodus, has been waging a cam- stopping for a quick word here, paign to prevent East Germans already destroyed at 12, includ- ing the Orangemen's hall. Four of the buildings were dwellings. If the fire continues its pres- ent path it will soon reach Sib- ley's Cove and Lead Cove, small a handshake there. from working in West Berlin. villages on Trinity Bay. {chewan farmer who seems to {welcome political fights likes nothing better than to sail info Prime Minister Diefenbaker on {the floor of the Commons. His debating voice is harsh and loud but he rarely loses his temper. He doesn't use personal abuse and in his present under- {dog position has not made at- tacks on Mr. Douglas or the party executive. The 40 - year - old Saskat- NO SISSY, HE LONDON (AP) -- Charles James Spencer-Churchill may | be the earl of Sunderland, but | he's also a five-year-old boy | who knows when he's had enough. His parents, the Marquess and Countess of Blandford, | dressed him up yesterday in blue 18th-century satin suit | and tricorne hat with ostrich | plume to join five other boys as a page at the marriage of Fiona Sheffield to Robert Hayer Miliar, son of the per- manent undersecretary at the British foreign office. Like a true descendant of the Duke of Marlborough, the tiny earl--a cousin of Sir Win- ston Churchill--stood the or- deal of his sissy clothes throughout the wedding at fashionable St. Margaret's church. His ordeal however. Wide Hunt For Girl And Auto TORONTO (CP)--A province- | ganized to locate 13 - year - old Linda Arlene Ashton, missing since Monday from her Scar- borough home. Police throughout Ontario have |been alerted to watch for a car in which she is believed riding. | A girl believed to have been| Linda was seen getting into the| |car an hour after she was Jast| {seen. One of four children, Linda| had been with her parents, Mr. | hadn't ended, His Lordship's Scene Stealer went to the glittering recep- tion at the Savoy Hotel But instead of standing around sweetly in his Little Lord Fauntleroy, the earl be- gan acting up. He stuck out his tongue at someone. A dozen faces turned in the other direction, pretending they hadn't seen it. He stuck out his tongue again, a long way out, and rolled his eyes. Lord Attlee, one of the guests, stared as if he couldn't believe his eyes. His little lordship then blew a bird, a juicy raspberry at no one in particular but seem- ingly at everyone in general. A photographer present turned his camera on his lord- ship. This only prodded him into making more faces. The Daily Mirror ran a page and Mrs. Jarvis Ashton, at a With 400 other guests, | on them. Harold Rittberg, CCF repre sentative from Vancouver Cen- tre, suggested that members of Communist - led unions, espe: cially ttose members 'who al ready were CCF, be allowed to enter the party. Their Commu- nist leaders should be kept out. At one point Donald McNabb, Ont., local of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelf Workers stormed to his feet to deny that Sudbury's Mine-Mill lonal was Communist. The un- ion itself is not in the CLC. vice-president of the ie month but fighting was still going on in the Dembes Mouns tains where troops were meets ing strong resistance from ine _. surgent bands. : 1 The communique released by: Informa verging on Nambuangongo im northern Luanda province. Bu it said the rugged terrain holding up the attack. The insurgents had been tacking abandoned or thinly< defended farms, the Portuguese i 2 "I'm no Communist," shouted into a floor microphone. Delegates suggested that | 4 hey said The statement said 21 guese soldiers were . members of Communist - domi- action in Angola during July. TORONTO (CP)--Coroner, Dr. Morton Shulman abruptly ad- journed an inquest here Tues- day and said a charge of per- jury will be laid after he lip- read a whispered remark by one of the witnesses. David Grainger, 3, drowned in an excavation ditch June 25 a few hundred yards from his par- ents home. Frank Kirby, trench and ex- cavating inspector for Etobicoke Township, testified he knew the hole--containing six feet of wa- ter--was dangerous and said he told foreman William Daniels of Malvern Construciton company to fill it in. specific orders, had only suggested the hole be filled. ferred with the man who had heard the remark. against 5 Daniels denied being given charge will be laid. Perjury Charge Inquest Sequel saying Kirby Dr. Shulman heard one wit: ness testify a shovel operate had been present when Kirby said he had given the order. Dr. Shulman then saw another: man whisper that there was nos shovel operator there. 3 He called a recess and con- | i After calling the man to, the stand, Dr. Shulman ordered po- lice to obtain a statement frome' the shovel operator. Dr. Shulman did not say whom the perjury / tO nterndne © Cha In isaturday. She left home Mon. in ae |borhood, Mrs, Ashton said, "She has never been missing a night in her life." S. African Nazi Backer In Cabinet PRETORIA, South Africa (Reuters) --Johannes Vorster, lan extreme right-winger who was a wartime supporter of the Nazis, was appointed South Af |rica's new justice minister to- |day by Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd. The cabinet shuffle came less than 24 hours after Verwoerd announced that the government would hold general elections in October. Vorster's appointment |was seen as a move to bring | younger, more extreme right- | wing elements into top positions in the government. | Vorster formerly held the post of deputy minister of education, |arts and science. He succeeds | Dr. Francois Erasmus, who has {been named ambassador fo Italy. | Vorster was a leader of the 0 s se w a Brandwag (Oxwagon € Watch) movement--and under, ecutive assistant to Justice ground pro-Nazi organization--| Minister Fulton, and Warden during the Second World War.! D. M. MacLean of Kingston | | / James Macaulay, (left) ex- oy CREDIT FOR CONVICT BREAK Penitentiary econfer at press conference Tuesday night af- ter two convicts released five 'prison officers held hostage AR DOWN for 28 hours. The prisoners, armed with knives, held the officers hostage in a kitchen office at the pehitentiary. Mr. n offle Macaulay arfor they convicts' i ward cials were §