La EVITHY VN RPGR NT TET RS [9a~----AITICISS TOF 3@10 |32-uige) rt Bonn Bowe Wms 1LIE CORPORATION OF NomGE rahe," 19% | THE CITY OF OSHAWA phone after 7 p.m. 725-5588. FOR SALE -- Secr 21" Mahogany NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING inboaria 135 HP engine, perfect condition, equipped 3 siren, paddles, running and splotlights, nylon torp, TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa at its bilge pump, six life jackets, binnoculars, bumpers and pulleys and red. Including regular meeting to be held on Monday the 21st day of August, 1961, intends to pass a by-law to stop up end close and to convey to the abutting owner that part of the public highway known os Stevenson Road North described as follows: ALL ond Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying ond being in the City of Oshawa, in the County and Pro- vince of Ontario and be- ing composed of part of Lot 10, Plan 436 being also part of Stevenson Road North as estab lished by by-law number 3670 registered as instrument number 109378 for the City of Oshawa more particu- larly described as fol- lows: COMMENCING at a point on the west limit of lot 10, Plon 436 diistant northerly in said limit forty-two feet nine and SVM TTOMOUIIEE WEENIE WANTED good used ear, GM preferred, for one karat diamond and some cash. Phone 725-8132. Z7---Real Estate for Sale [Z7--ReE! EsraTe Tor em PRIVATE eight room house, close 10|sAC E, private sale, thres bed. South GM, schools, bus int lire | ACRITICE, J 00 down. Full price room apartment, two-piece bath, now 800. 728-4060. rented, double driveway, garage; lot 3120p, Telephvie 720. 50 x 168, Must be seen to be appre-|$1,000 down, mural stone bungalow, 2% » bedroom Price $14,500, $3000 down. Sacrifice for cash. Owner leaving coun- try. Apply 765 Rowena. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. s, with or without furniture. 725.1181, $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494, Res, 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. | DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Brake Specialists, complete broke service. Motor tune. 3500 DOWN, _seven-room two.storey brick house, very central, excellent FOR SALE or rent two-bedroom bun. bye BO now, price alow, sunroom, garage, four-piece J a Private, {bath, oil heat. Rossland.Simcoe district NORTH-EAST section in city. Brick R. Lovell, Box 11, RR 3, Bowmanville. alam te. wii Loop three Tam emtment! BUYING OR SELLING "BILL HORNER" phone 725-4433, LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor 101 Simcoe St. N. 728-5123 Can be seen On Wednesday, July 26, W& at J. Orde, Port Perry. Phone MO 8 started making some of the. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran teed rebuilt rschines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. ice. 728-0591 17" FLOOR model television, Motorola, blond finish, $45. "51 Chevrolet, $85, good running conditon. Apply 520 Ster- ling Avenue. 14-FT. SA ERCRAFT fi boat, fully equipped, 35 hp Evinrude Lark motor, Canadian Explorer trail. er. Good condition. Call Ajax WH 2-8245 started out playing a tin cam ' cricket game but on account of . the heat we retreated back to - the picnic table which was lo- * cated under the only shade tree _ we have and everyone took , three recreation room, car-port, NHA resale, 2% years old, excellent location. . 729 Glenforest Street. $1,000 DOWN -- six-room home, central ly located. equipped with oil heating, storms and screens, paved drive and garage plus a patio in rear garden, Only $10,500 full price. Call Bob Steven- son at 728-6288. § .D, Hyman Realtor. | METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 RESTAURANT BUSINESS A thriving restaurant business in downtown area near four comers. Will sell or trade for home. $11,000.00 for business and equipment. Good lease. COUNTRY LIVING Just outside city limits -- large 6-room ranch on 106' by | 167' landscaped lot, house in immaculate shape with storms, | plechase. ning we all worked at putting" jig saw puzzles together. a Thursday morning, July 27, we all played such games as potato, pass the ring, farmer in. the dell, bluebird and hide the- button. Thanks to Mrs. Gill, aif' the children went to the matinge _ in the afternoon and saw cals. toons and a film on Disneyland. * Friday morning for our spe- cial event we had a scavenger hunt with Terry Mallay coming in first and Warren Hart coming" in second. We acted out the tele: : vision show "I've Got a Secret." Tommy Jones acted as Gary Moore, Mary Oke acted '&¢ Betsey Palmer, Warren Harts acted a) Bil Culling a Susan', up and general repairs. i Ad ; X ones a as Bess Myerson. » 9 8 Aluminum Sales, 725-7922 ig inches (42' 914") The rest of the children told 67 KING ST. W. THREE HP Simplicity tractor, plough _ ihe Fouth-west angle of i A their secrets. Friday afternoon | 723-7822 and dise, Lloyd convertible carriage, H » % © in we all helped clean up the play. 132 Arti THENCE northerly along the | § i ground and afterwards we ha 132 Atticles for Sule VE westerly limit of said lox 10 a peanut scramble. John Kernp 728.2392 [Al colors, Guaranteed, fiat, "gloss. [Vision Thrifty Budget Plan, 725.4543. | fifty - three feet one ond Marion Drew 725-7610 {Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Us ED tires, most all sizes, 3 and up, Ning seen inches (53° $70 or best offer. Telephone 725-7488. THREE-PIECE bedroom suite, box spring and mattress, hi-fi radio with record player, two coffee tables, kit. chen suite, vacuum cleaner. 728-4260. 18-FT. PLYWOOD boat 12 hp Viking and tee-nee trailer. Telephone 728-5911. I8 your cash register equipped with sales tax button? If not call Bill Hamil ton, Ashburn. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral frade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683, WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Street North, Your authorized RCA Vie tor service depot for Oshawa. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131, Tw WT ------ Tdavwas. screens, broadioomed living room, vanity in bath, recreation room, etc., etc, close to school and church. Phone for appoint- ment to inspect this gem. Asking only $14,500.00. ! INCOME PROPERTY An ideal investment -- one 4-room and two 3-rcom self-con- tained apartments, in excellent condition. Monthly income $215.00. Priced ot only $16,900.00 with reasonable down payment. Call tonight to inspect this fine income property. AFTER 5:30 CALL Everett Elliott 723-9290 Dick Barriage 725-6243 BEAT the tax! Order mow, aluminum siding, awnings, storms, soft siding, natural stone. Free estimates. Oshawa ries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. FRANKLIN By David Werry On Thursday evening Frank- lin park held a wiener roast at the park. The wieners and buns were purchased with the $5 first prize money from the Chariof Race. . On Thursday afternoon all the parks attended the Royal The- atre to see a special Walt Dis- ney show which was enjoyed by all, We were hosts to a volley- ball tournament on Friday' morning in which Vincent Mas- sey, Ontario Street Memorial, Lions Centre and Franklin® antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay- ment. Package deal $130. Telephone 725.4729 | 51 AUSTIN me - "oash |dition, reasonable. Phone 728.3837 after LARGE Frigidaire refrigerator, Gen.| EAR A condition, $83, cash. |;"o": {eral Electric stove and washer, one | fo SL Ie Sey o ~ | single bed. Phoue 725-0604. v SS 50( 53 CHEV E |18-FT. Cabin cruiser "39, 35-hp Mercury, | 20°F "77 | tion. Telephone 737312. | radio, Tike pear Toaanub:, SIXDLy, Hires, |i. ackets, water skies, $650. 723.2967. BLACK lacauered piano, Wpright, four CAMPING conversion .in '50 Valks- 728-8074 [BOX spring and mattress, 54 inch Years old. Excellent condition. Tele- oom | bi REI RRS | [phone after 5 p.m. 725-3418. | wagen station wagon, sleeps five, many | os OLDSMOBILE sedan aro | | Lae Seas -------- extras, excellent condition. Also Model; o Dh, power steer. - bola, rant OYSTER colored chesterfield and two | A Ford, town sedan, outstanding. |i, a luxury car, moderately priced equipment. New. used, buy, sell, trade | Chairs, excellent condition, Call TS at only $1295 Nichols Motors Ltd., 512|service. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook-|After Brock Street, N.. Whitby. MO 8-800L. [lin. '58 RENAULT, beige, very good condl- i960 INGLIS dryer, Eico oscilloscope, tion. Telephone MO 8-5234 after 6 p.m.|both in perfect condition. Must sell, |'86 OLDSMOBILE, perfect condition, O%W0er moving. Telephone 735-3894. standard transmission, radio, good tires FURNACES, forced air, ten year guar ood condition, reasonably priced. Tele. THENCE south- 723-2838. CE south-easterly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of one hundred and fifty-two and fourteen hundredths feet (152.14") an arc distance of one hundred and fifteen feet seven and one-quarter inches (115° 7%") to a point lo- cated in a line drawn parallel to the southerly limit of lot 10, Plan 436 and distant northerly therefrom a per pendicular distance of four. teen feet (14') said point Apply 255 Tresane, Apt. 2, between 3 and 7, 1956 MATCHLESS 500 ce in good condi. DANISH GYMNASTIC TEAM DISPLAYS GOOD FORM Trainser Lois Burmester of | yp in Stuttgart, Germany, for | 000 gymnasts from all parts Copenhagen checks the form P i 4 of the world are taking part of Danish women's gymnastic | GYmnaestrada, world gym- | jn the current festival. term members as they loosen | nastic' festival. Almost 10,- (AP Wirephoto) tabloid meet. The events in this were bean bags, races, shoe '$1 CHEVROLET Impala, convertible, automatic, six-cylinder, whitewalls, will finance. Apply 745 Mary Street '85 CHEVROLET, good condition, 6 cy- linder, two-tone green, Telephone 728. 0792. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, | white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and| save, 414 Ib. pkg. §i.90, 9 Ib pkg. $2.00. | Circulation Departmeit, Oshawa Times. | $895. RR 3, Thornton's Road South, | "89 ZEPHYR (For) four-door 6 cylin. |728-3030 der 30-35 mpg one owner, clean, excel-| gro lent condition, $1200 or nearest offer,| 728-1176. to the gallon of gas, will sacrifice for and motor, $1095, terms arranged. MO Jie. First come, first served. Nichols | Motors = - | Whitby, MO 8-8001. 8-2252 after 5. MO 8-2455. '53 CHEV, %-ton pickup, good condi. tion, $375. Telephone MO 8-5110. shape, $200. Apply 126 Eastmount or Telephone 723-3687 33 CHEV. four-door sedan, radio, good | tires and motor, $325. Telephone MO| 8.5110. | |'58 CONSUL, small mileage, sound me. 34 MONARCH two-tone automatic, nice | Chanieally, excellent tires, upholstery, $195. King West Motors. Opposite Shop- . radios, from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire _ |Store, 48 Bond Street West. #495. We have a good selec antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay. ment. Package deal $130. Telephone 725-4729. of cars in this price range. Come down |13 and look around, Motor-bike, 80 miles board motor with tank and battery. | Ltd. 512 Brock Street, N., panels, like new, outside rust, ng Centre, M (in the dash) transistor car "57 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe. condition. Fully equipped. Phone MO 8-4393 Whitby, | 'S51 STUDEBAKER, sedan, standard | transmission, good motor. MO 8-3668( |'80 AUSTIN Sprite, between 5 and 6 p.m 56 excellent condtilon, Telephone 728-6286. Telephone 728.3937 PLYMOUTH two-door V8 In very one owner ear. ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- Days is EVINRUDE, take trade or sell Telephone 725-3774. RECONDITIONED televisions from $33. Get one for the cottage. Parkway Tele. vision, 918 Simcoe North. SPRINGWALL mattresses, internation. al smooth top, pre-built border, eight air vents, 10-year guarantee. Reg. $50.50 discount price $39.95. Ed Wil. son's Discount Furniture Store, 320 Church Street. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, 4 hp motors $5 to $8 guaranteed peconditioned wash. ton, CO 3-2241, SAFE--approximately & x & x 5°, $290, "25-7802, 50 CHEVROLET, one owner, fair cof. reasonable. Telephone 728.0502. out, grey, white top. Good motor. Tele- phone 728-2830, "88 PONTIAC A-1 condition, Inside and| av | QUOISE and white Chev, Bel Fadio, heater, window washers, snow re. on, $100. Telephone 723.2578. sedan, mechanically perfect, 8 etc. A real buy £995. 725- good "53 SPORT coupe, ker, price. Telephone rubber, reasonable 728-1559. '38 CHEVROLET BelAir four-door auto- matic, looks and runs like a new car. |; A ear anybody would be proud to own. $1695, cash, trade or terms.| Motors Limited, 513 Brock St. | t i. Nichols North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. 50 CHEVROLET, 6-cylinder, automa radio, other extras, Excellent coi tion, private, financing arranged. MO s-4844. A 1960 FORD Fairlane Y&/ automatie, $450 | EW, bal ced; pick-up truck or ear ac in trade. MO 8-4249. Most dependable. The leader on the road end track JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 WILLIS MOTORS | TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer jo n |'88 METEOR wooo hardtop auto- tate transmission, offer, Apply = MeCulloy Drive, Whitby. Lid - : $500 5 feo This car is as good car, only one fourth of a new car price a only $995. Nichols Motors Lid. '54 PONTIAC coach, clean and reliable good Elgin MINISTER'S car for sale, 8 eyl Meteor sedan, good cond! © 655-3882. Two-way street, Brooklin, |'83 GM 1% ton truck, platform and |stakes; also {good condition. Telephone 728-3757. |'57 CHEVROLET station wagon, auto. matic, new tires, snow tires, windshield washers, very low mileage, $1,505 cash |'55 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan. Tdeal car {for someone only $695. IL 8-800! 56 OLDSMOBILE four door Holiday and brakes, automatic and radio, im- maculate condition, private. MO 38-3152, TOO much room? Rent your spare room to the reliable tenant you find through an Oshawa Times Classified |Ad. Dial 723-3492 today. dio, $185 or best TAKE over payments on Singer poi of hi 12 FT. boat, 3 HP Johnson motor and 4840. | trailer; also '51 Chevrolet. Reasonable. May be seen 371 Gliddon Avenue. BUYING or disposing of used furniture, appliances, ete. Call Elmer, 30 years' experience, COlfax 3-2294. T- table sewing machine, four payments . HILLTOP RENTAL SERVICE | Complete line of tents, sleep | ing bags, camp cots, air mat- | tresses, coolers, lanterns and outboard motors. Reason- rates. Reserve now. 728-6891 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all channel cntenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 $10. Ajax Sewing Centre, White- all 26561 or MO 8-5467, do sound, Terms. 86 Elgin East. 725-1667. nd TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, sheets, ground rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church Street. 723-7624. PONTIAC 6-cylinder 4-door deluxe 28 & Dew » 5 rock Street, N., Whitby, MO 8-8001. KROEHLER bed-chesterfield suite, rust and green, two chairs, very clean condition. Must seen to be appre- ciated, Apply 28 M Street. tires, quiet motor, $300, terms. 86 East. 725.1667. WE pay highest prices in the eity for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. 32 ition, radio, lock, signals, good tires. Telephone cement mixer. Both r best offer. 723.9102, TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, lan. ferns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. Best prices in town Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. 723-6511. "Terms to suit you". 35 HP JOHNSON outboard, '57 electric starting model, excellent condition. Phone 725-3733 before 6 p.m. FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for demonstration == no obliga being distant easterly along said parallel line seventy- six feet five and five- eighths inches (76° 5%") from the west limit of said lot 10; THENCE westerly and pora- llel to the south limit of lot 10, fifty-three feet five and three-quarter inches (53° 534"); THENCE north-westerly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of forty-two feet six inches (42° 6") an arc distance of thirty-eight fet four and one - sixteenth inches (38° 4 1/16") to the PLACE OF COMMENCEMENT, AND take further notice that at the said meeting the Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any per- son who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED AT OSHAWA THIS 26th DAY OF JULY, 1961. "L. R. BARRAND" City Clerk tion, Zenith 9-6100. 34--Lost & Found LOST -- Charcoal grey male caf, since July 14, north east area. "'Snooky", small scar on hind jeg. Reward 728-1412, AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. ce.| 32 Articles for Sale d Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. Nichols Motors td., 512 Brock Street, Whitby. MO 1. ardtop, equipped with power steering 725-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers ond enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better FREE TUMBLER WITH $3.00 GASOLINE AT THE HILLTOP OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL MIDNIGHT Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd RA 8-5912 Open evenings or weekends than 20% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments, Call us today orid compare-- ample free parking SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725.5574 WHITBY CLASSIFIED | i=: | FOR RENT apartment, ground floor Modern two-bedroom THREE bedroom house for rent, TV centrally lo- tower, immediate possession, $100 per cated, laundry and parking facilities. month. Telephone MO 38-4168. Available now. Telephone MO 8.3762. TWO furnished rooms for rent, in new tome. Private entrance. Close to busi ness section. Nice location Phone MO 8-4115 after 5 p.m | FOR RENT quired to mind two children mother works. Phone MO 8.4103. HELP WANTED: Male or female tele- phone solicitors, high earnings on com- mission. Please write to Mr. Bullock, 63 N. Bonnington Avenue, Scarboro, FOR RENT: apartments, $80, ern building; stoves, frigs, MO 83591, | FOR SALE -- Bungalow, Hallett Street, Whitby. 4% age, decorated, landscaped, 5% ent NHA mortgage. Phone MO 8.4085. | FOR RENT -- Three bedroom vel house, near high August 15. Call MO 82430, Per itral. Phone pit STUDE ! A SPUL- imately 630 sheets of letter size typing chool: Available paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa {ROOM and board wanted. Young man desires room and board In a quiet home Box 253, Whitby. Also parking place. Write PO Aisin Bidens ---- WaNrED TO RENT: Vurnished apart. ment with one bed. N a years old, attached gar-|spartment, 00M, In Yun roomed with pull out enuch Cen 0 8-8634 after 4 p.m. A super valge, approxi Times Office, Whitby, SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary | 1111 Dundas Street West. way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, | 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.2563. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Drivewoy Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 | to Sot. Neon FOR RENT Camping and boating equip- ment, cabin trailers, outboard motors, lawn mowers, garden tillers, power tools, We also sell and repair, lawn mowers and outboard motors. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE ond SALES 1415 Dundas St. E.--Whitby MO 8-3226 | OSHAWA TV. | | T.V. TOWERS $55 AD-ft. tower structuree with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized. Guaranteed one year | | | { | SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm Doors, Windows, Prime Windows. Fine quality, very We also carry Canada's finest Awnings and Porch Railings. Very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAIJDA 1 723-9851 ADAMS 40 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 725-6535 CLEARANCE OF TRADE-INS Trade-in Marconi Hi-Fi Floor Model, beautiful! con- dition $69.95 21" Limed Odk Table Modal T.V, by Marconi $79.00 Ingersoll Washer (trade-in), foir condition $16.00 Easy Washer, requires motor, lovely condition $9.95 2 Sunshine Rangettes, excel- lent condition, each $29.95 Bendix Automatic Washer $10.00 CEE FURNITURE CO. | | NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATES OF ALVINA |h ESTHER FLINTOFF AND | WALTER FRANKLIN FLINTOFF, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the estates of the said Alvina Esther Flintoff, a | Barbers Cautious On $1.50 Clipping LONDON Ont. (CP) -- Lon. on barbers appeared Tuesday to be taking a cautious view of petition calling for a 25-cent |increase to raise the price of a aircut to $1.50, The petition was launched by {Gordon Lamson, president of {the London branch of the On- |tario Barbers' Association. Some city barbers are charg- ing 75 cents. Hold Penny Fair This Thursday BOWMANVILLE --The Eighth Annual Penny Fair, sponsored by the Recreation Department, will be held Thursday, Aug. 3, at the Lions Community Centre. Starting at 6.15 p.m. there will be the children's parade, with each playground competing for top honors. The theme for this year will be "Legends." 'The parade route will be from the Lions Centre to Division street, west along King street to Tem- perance and back to the Lions Centre. Each playground will be re- sponsible for a number of events including such things as House of Horrors, Rocket Ride, For- tune Telling, Fish Pond, Shoot- ing Gallery and many others. There will also be a short concert by our Flutophone Band along with a presentation of a one-act play entitled 'Little Ki and the Serpent," by our Chil- dren's Theatre Group. SWIMMING It is now compulsory that all children be pre-tested before they can take their Red Cross swimming tests. | The dates for the swimming| test have been set and are as follows: Boys Learn to Swim -- Aug. 7, Boys' Training School. Girls Learn to Swim -- Aug. 9, Boys' Training School. | Boys' Red Cross Beginners-- Aug. 14, Boys' Training School. Girls' Red Cross Beginners-- Aug. 16, Boys' Training School. Boys' and Girls' Red Cross Juniors -- Aug. 21, Cream of Barley (in case of rain BTS). Centre held its special which was a Pet Show. The pets included three dogs, two turtles, one fish and 39 toads. prize went to Don La Page with his poodle. Second prize went to Dianne McFeeters with her fish and third prize went to Mike Oke with his 39 toads. Boys' and Girls' Red Cross Intermediate and Senior -- Aug. 23, Cream of Barley (in case of rain BTS). RLSS Bronze--Final date yet to be set. Possible Aug. 24. ATTEND THEATRE The week of July 24 to 28 was a busy week for the Lions Centre. The time was spent making plans for Penny Fair and carrying them out. On Thursday, July 27, the children enjoyed a special car- toon feature at the Royal The- atre, Forty children from the Lions Centre attended and it was enjoyed by all. On Friday morning all the playgrounds participated in a volleyball tournament at Frank- lin Park. The people participat- ing in the volleyball tourna- ment were: Sharlene Cain, |Linda McFeeters, Dianne Mec- Feeters, Allan Crago, Jimmie Rogers, Paul Charboneua, Ran- dy Donoghue, and Carol Bellman. Alice Cheitlish Friday afternoon the Lions event First VINCENT MASSEY By lleane Rahme This week on Thursday after- noon our playground enjoyed a movie at the Royal Theatre. On Thursday evening we held a lote of the Township of Dar- lington, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 7th doy of August, 1957, and Walter Franklin Flintoff, late of the soid Township of Dar- lington, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of August, 1959, are re- quired to file proof of the same with the undersigned solicitors for the Administra- tor of the said estates on or before the 3rd day of August, 1961, after which date the soid Administrator will pro- ceed to distribute the said estates, having regard only to the cloims of which he shall then have notice, DATED ot Oshawa this 31st day of July, 1961, CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontarlo, Solicitors for S. Roy Flintoff Administrator of the said estates OTHER | FOLKS 100... OTHER FOLKS MAKE MONEY FROM OSHAWA | TIMES WANT ADS IF YOU HAVEN'T -- FRY ONE. IT PAYS... PHONE 723-2492 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | DEPT. LJ Bankers' row at Bay and King streets in downtown Te- ronto has a new business--a shoeshine stand run by Char- BUSINESS IS BAD les Larabee, 11, and his broth. er, Bob, 10. But business dees not seem to be coming their way. The boys opened thy stand to make some money to spend at the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition. The Larabec family numbers 10 parks took part. . Ontario Street was the evens, tual winner defea! Vincent. Massey 11 to 2 in the finals" Participating for Franklin were' Edith Bentley, Nancy Welsh," Linda Fair, Obie Rypstra, John Groen, Art Kooy, Paul Martin; Michael Myers, Carl McMullen,' Ron McMullen, Roy Bentley - Gary Murphy. oo. DAY CAMP By Raymond George Crombie Monday, July 21, was the offi cial opening of Bowreda Ca Day Camp this year was h north of Tyrone. son Monday, July 21, packed a heavy with their packs, the c! dren ventured into the depths: of time to visit the times of our: kick softball throw and soccer ball kick. Points were given for each event according to stand- ing and the person with the highest number of points was chosen champion. In the senior divisions =a three-way tie for champion oc- curred between Marilyn McCul- loch, Ricky Forsey and Larry Juszezynski. In the junior divi- sion Fred Fagan was the winner with Calvin McCulloch a close second. On Friday morning a volleyball tournament was held at Franklin Park. Our team came in second. ONTARIO STREET By Dixie Gill With Audrey Spicer away on the day camp staff I'll be alone on the playground for the next two weeks. Monday and Tues- day were spoiled by rain but by Wednesday the sun was out. For arts and crafts we did fin- ger painting and drawing for) the younger ones. Wednesday evening we started preparing for our float for the Penny Fair. On Thursday morning, another, warm day, we held an active Tin Can Cricket Tournament. The champs here were Tom Metcalf and Mike Cornell. Thursday afternoon, 40 chil- dren from our park attended the Special Cartoon Carnival at the Royal theatre. For the children, I say thank you to Mrs. Gill. Friday morning I was very proud of our volleyball team. Even though they had never played before, eight from the playground beat the other play- grounds to come out champs. Those playing were Don Me- Murter, Tom Metcalf, Bev Hearl, Joy Crombie, Don Shee- han, Lanny Burns. MEMORIAL PARK By Sharon Lucas This past week proved to be of . "Wed: nesday the boys found =a four foot snake which they took great pains to capture. After re ing the presence of these zens of time, John Perry took* the kids on a snake hunt which: had some rare moments but. snakes were found. ~- Later on in the week, a largg. turtle was spotted. The boys seb- out on a turtle hunt but they" were unsyenessfyl. Turatall was spent preparation for Parents' Night which was héli' Friday evening. Also on Thurs-. day, the kids worked og their: forts. Most of Friday was spent" in rehearsal of Parents Night and also in general clean up of: the camp and the forts. . The program for parents night began at 6.30 p.m. The: children were painted like In< dians and greeted the parents as they entered the camp. The parents were taken on a tour of the forts and the boys put on an Indian wrestling contest for them. A dance was done to the very eventful between a trip to|fire god, a magic fire resulted. the theatre and a tour to the/Don Bickell and Allan Calver high school. The Walt Disney|were picked as best campers cartoons on Thursday afternoon|and Robert Moffat was pick were good entertainment for a/as the most popular camper. -- hot summer day and we thank . Mr. and Mrs. Gill very much. NOIS UEST os On Wednesday afternoon,| gATJBURTON, Ont. (CP)--A~ everyone was so hot that we|poaver found a comfortable decided to beat the heat by 20-home underneath a summer" ing swimming at Bruce's. age here and the owners: Creek. Friday morning a volley- didn't mind until it startéd' ball tournament was held at dragging in branches. Its not ay Franklin Park and on Friday) 288 kept t ig afternoon the Grade 7's and 8's were taken on a tour of the LIVELY MORNING High School. FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (CP)--. This week was a very busy pregkfast was a little late for one, full of fun for everyone. junior rangers camping at Sib- FLEET STREET ley Park one morning. The cook By Margaret Corden found the path to the kitchen On account of rain on Monday blocked by a bear and two cubs, our week seemed to be getting| who refused to move. The bear: off to a bad start but on Tues- and one of the cubs were shot, day everyone showed up again|the other cub disappearing. MERRY MENAGERIE Re Y af the --(CP Wirephoto) "Well, i it ain't BIS MAJESTY we the king ¥ » .