Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Jul 1961, p. 7

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Joon Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 31, 1961 7 PERSONALS Mrs. spending three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Plodzien, and Mr. Plodzien, Paris, On- tario. Mr. and Mrs. Plodzien have been recuperating from an automobile accident which took place July 8. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moon, accompanied by their grand- daughter, Sharon Dale, have re- turned home by plane after spending five weeks' holiday in the British Isles. They visited various cities and points of in- Ireland and also enjoyed visit- ing with relatives and friends {during their holiday overseas. Harold Tripp, Celina|vacation at Long Island, New Street has returned home after York. Mrs. E. A, MacMillan, Whitby terest in England, Scotland and|street east, has returned from al Mr. and Mrs. William Short, College avenue, have returned from a tour of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Mrs. A. H. Dancey, Oshawa, and Miss Bertha Armour of Hampton are the delegates from the Oshawa district attending the national CGIT Leaders' con- ference in Lennoxville, Quebec. Mrs. - Harold Grant, Ath vacation at Halifax and Dart-| mouth, Nova Scotia where sh visited her daughter, Mrs. Paul Pre-Wedding Entertaining Honors Miss Doreen Laughlin Prior to her marriage on Sat- urday, several showers were {held in honor of Mrs. John! {Matthews, formerly Doreen |Laughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Laughlin, Caledon. A miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Mary Lynch and Mrs.| Norman Laughlin was held at |{the Laughlin home on Sher- wood avenue, | Miss Ellen Scott and Miss| Several showers were givén by friends and relatives: A miscellaneous shower at the Dod's home in Alton, a bath- room shower held at the home of Mr. R. I. Nesbitt, Orange- ville; A cup and saucer shower at the home of Mrs. William Hasenpflug, Schomberg; the junior Institute also presented Miss Laughlin with a copper PS canister set, at the home of Mrs. Newton Little, Mbno road. Mrs. Elgin Laughlin enter- tained at a trousseau tea for her daughter. IN THE SWIM Bathing suits and towels can be carried well in a rubber or plastic waste basket. Don't for- get your swimming rules: don't swim just after eating; no one should swim alone; swimming places you don't thoroughly know should be carefully inves- tigated by a good swimmer be- fore anyone else goes in. Beth Cummings entertained the women teachers of Dr. 8. J. Philips' School. Mrs. Laughlin was presented with small use- ful articles for the kitchen and an electric food mixer. Mrs. George Topham and Miss Joan Matthews held a {miscellaneous shower at which relatives and neighbors of the {bridegroom were introduced to (the future bride. The girls with {whom Miss Laughlin travelled overseas held a party in Toron- to and presented her with TV |tables. GLEGOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. Open Daily to 10 p.m. Specials! Mon., Tues. & Wed. STEiLE BRIGGS -- LAWN HOWARD'S Hf «wp a¢S SEEDS 4.35 Draperies. IRISH COBBLER yy) 49 L eB. | sll POTATOES 180 SIZE < ORANGES © 3 -- 99 --Ireland Studio | Si SWEET & JUICY | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jeffery, telephone or visit the social de-| FIRST GRADE «= 64° Liddid) YOUR CHOICE land their children MID- BUTTER DRAPERY CIG ARETTES Exton 0 g Wayne, | partment with your item of The former Dorothy Grace BROADLOOM 'FLUFFO 31° (Michael and Laura, Scugog| news, for which there is no Hooper recently became the SLIP COVERS SHORTENING J |avenue, have returned from a'charge. Telephone 723-3474. | bride of Mendal Lavern sheath with matching three-| BAMBOO FREE PARKING ON OUR LOT Sh | Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. {quarter jacket. The bride UPHOLSTERING SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S | |Cochrane. | Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burridge| and son, Ronald, spent a few| Teas, birthday parties, wed {days last week visiting at the ding anniversaries, coming and| {home of Mr. and Mrs. J. V.|goings of guests and your own Burridge, Prestonvale. (holiday plans are always of in-| terest in this column. Write, bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hooper of Oshawa. The marriage of Reva Beth, the other attendants were Mrs.|0rganza over taffeta, with a 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.|Ronald Clemens, Hampton, and|flowered hat. Each had white| PRINT Washington Wiles of Ajax [Roy McGill of Enniskillen and|Mrs. Bruce Down, Oshawa, Miss|accessories and a corsage of} and the late Mr. Wiles. The [James Thomas Kinsman, son of|Sally Langmaid of Solina was|Pink rosebuds. bridegroom is the son of Mr. Mrs. §. E. Kinsman of Cour-|the flower girl and Master Dale| The honeymoon was spent at and Mrs. C. P. Acker of Osh- [tice and the late Mr, Kinsman, | McGill of Enniskille i i Mine | : n, ringiLake Placid, New York, and awa. --Photo by Peter Ellins was solemnized recently in|bearer. | s 'F fing th - Enniskillen United Church. The attendants jother points. For iravelling the The Reverend Harold Stainton|in mauve silk organza over|'ride donned a linen suit of officiated, assisted by Mr. W.|taffeta with scooped necklines,| 'shocking pink" with white ac- Crawford of Enniskillen. Mrs. short sleeves and full skirts bor.| cessories and a corsage of white M. J. Stainton played the wed-|dered with narrow pleats, and|carnations. ding music and Mrs. L. R./cummerbund waists, finished] Mr. and Mrs. Kinsman are Ashton, soloist, sang "The Wed- with a rosebud. Their head-| making their home at Courtice. |ding Prayer" and O Perfect/dresses of self organza petals ] -- Paterson officiated at the dou- ming blue with overskirts of or- KARN S Love". were scattered with pearls The Jnde was given in mar-|and secured to circular veils, | ble-ring ceremony in Knox Unit-|ganza and matching petal hats. [128 by her father. She wore a Their flowers were cascades| = = ed Church, Caledon, on Satur- They carried SB of pink nitength ZOWR, of white, pure of white shasta chrysanthe- day, July 29, at 4 o'clock which|carnations and white Pinnoc- i Organza om b ant y ace mums, fern and mauve stream- unffed in marriage Marion Dor-|chio chrysanthemums. over 'a 8a. d e ay an oF it ers. The flower girl carried her D 0 1] m S d a " A D 2 0 6 een Laughlin and John Brant! Mr. Walter Bathe Kit- Was ppigued a rad flowers in a miniature basket.) L . . Matthews. chener was best man. The|bioa | ronetna he. motded| Mr. Morris Kinsman, Oshawa, | The bride is the daughter of ushers were Mr. Jack Topham |podice featured a sabrina neck-| W258 Pest man and the ushers : i th 1d" lati Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Laughlin of lof Phoenix, Arizona, and MTr.|jine and slim, wrist - length! "cre Mr. Keith McGill, Ennis. - 30 ornate Caledon and the bridegroom is Glenn Laughlin of Ottawa. [sleeves of lace. A small crown|Xillen, and Mr. Bruce Down, present rate, how long will it OSHAWA MAN TAKES AJAX BRIDE In Northminster United Church recently Mr. James B. Acker wed Miss Shirley Melba Wiles, The bride is the daughter of Mrs. George Doreen Laughlin, John Matthew Wed at Knox Church, Caledon The Reverend Daniel Man- awa, was flower girl. The at- ning assisted by Mr. Morton tendants wore sheath dresses in Kinsman-McGill Nuptials w. L. Smith of Pickering. The | |groom's mother was in a light 926 Simcoe St. N. Solemnized at Enniskillen {blue sheath of embroidered silk] PAINTINGS? See 725-3144 Walmsley & Magill 9 KING ST. EAST were attired of Hea of Mrs. John Matthews shaw | thews, The wedding music was play-|of pearls and sequins held her and the late Mr. Mat-/ed by Mrs. John Phillips of Cal-|double-tiered, bouffant veil. She edon. The soloist, Mr. Matthew| carried a white Bible with a Given in marriage by her|Campbell of Humber Summit,|mauve orchid, stephanotis, fern father, the bride wore a floor-(sang "The Wedding Prayer",|and streamers. : gown of corded silk with|"The Lord's Prayer" and "Be-| Miss Gloria Wright of En- pe! A sleeves and a fitted | cause". bodice. The skirt had a demi-| tunic overskirt trimmed in| Church Hall. Following this the| | niskillen was maid of honor and The reception was held in the | HOUSEHOLD HINT Alecon lace and fell into full|couple left on a honeymoon trip| Clear stemware and milk folds, Her headdress was a to New York State. Upon their| glass plates make charming matching crown trimmed with return they will reside in Osh-|place settings for a summer seed pearls and a veil of silk awa. idining table. tulle illusion. She carried a| cluster of orchids. Miss Ruth Wilkinson of Mal- |} ton was maid of honor. The bridésmaids were Miss Joan] Matthews of Oshawa, and Mis Margaret McCreadie, of La caster. Miss Ann Laughlin, Osh-| Simple Sauce Give Barbecue Chicken Delicious Flavor With the advent weather, garden barbecues have been cleaned up and once more | | of summer Canadians from coast to coast)? are sending up smoke signals Signals, that is, indicating a| family cook-out in the garden or camp site. Chicken is growing in popu-| larity as a barbecued speciality | and when basted with a nippy| sauce containing butter, vinegar and seasonings, it certainly ac-| § tivates the taste buds lent golden brown crisp and heavenly aroma The Poultry Pradnots tute says that it gets more. re-| quests for (P= recipe for the| Basic Barbecue Sauce mention- as it} gradually acquires that succu-| } skin| # Trai. | ines ed above than any other, since| & ijt Is simple to make, easy to handle and really does-a fine job of seasoning and keeping the barbecued chicken moist and delicious. Incidentally, if you are plan- ning a barbecue for a crowd, following are proportions for sauce for 10 and 100 servings as well as the smaller quantity, | MISCHIEVOUS MISS The little lady with the im- pish look is Christine Ruth, 3%, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Clen Eyres, Phillips street, Oshawa. Her fond grandmoth- Eyres, Cameron, Ontario, Oshawa. The reception was held in the Sunday School room. To re ceive, the bride's mother wore aqua silk chiffon over a floral Red - Charcoal - Grey LIVE IT UP... OUTDOORS! 30c per Square Ft. Let us show you how to increase the living area of your home, for greater convenience and enjoyment this summer, and for years to come. Call Us For A FREE Estimate Today . . . MO 8-4159 HAMBLY Concrete Products AND WHITBY HWY. NO. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA | edical Mirror ® Contact Lenses |®@ Wine and Gout Q. Will the wearing of contact lenses prevent further near- |sightedness? | A. So for os we know there have been no accurate statistical studies which prove or disprove (the claim thar contact lenses stop ithe progress of nearsightedness. Ophthalmologists (M.D.'s who specialize in ye disorders) have lobserved that contact lenses | rarely need changing within a 4- to S-year period. 'This may be due to a molding effect of the lens on the comea. Whether this ever results in permanent eye change for the better hasn't been proved. When submitting questions, readers are requested NOT to enclose self-addressed envelopes. Questions are incorporated in these columns when possible. Toronto, Ontssis, will be incorporat King St I RA ers are Mrs. Russell Kirkpat- | rick, Oshawa, and Mrs. Percy | --Mary's Studio | take to overpopulate the earth? A. At the beginning of the Chris- tion Era, the population of the earth wos about 250 million, By 1650 it had doubled. The world population today is about 2500 million (22 billion). Some sci- entists estimate that if the pre- sent trend continues, by A.D 2026 (just 65 years from now), our great-grandchildren will no longer have room to 'breathe, let alone stand. More conserva- tive men of science put off the dire date for another 700 years. Regardless of who is right, *'standing room only" is in pros- pect for those who are around to welcome the third millennium A.D. Q. Does the drinking of wine cause gout? A. Not according to a San Fran- cisco doctor. Medical histories of 200 gout patients showed no connection between the disease and the drinking of wine. Gout is an hereditary disorder due to a supposed abnormality in excre- tion of uric acid by the kidneys. Gouty attacks moy lost a few doys to a few weeks. Usually one joint is involved the great toe being . most - commonly af- fected It is our purpose to render pro- fessional prescription service and to offer the finest quality health - aids and sickroom sup- plies. Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", ed in the columns when possible. Kan Drug 3-462 Oshawa BASIC BARBECUE SAUCE | For 2 to 3 chickens (4 to 6| servings): | 14 cup butter {1 cup vinegar 1 tsp. salt Yto lgcup water Heat ingredients together five minutes. Keep warm while us-| ing. Baste chicken every time it is turned until brown, crisp- skinned and tender. To test chicken, twist leg and if bone glips in meat or leg moves easily at joint it is tender, Pok- jng with a fork Is unnecessary and only permits juice to es- cape. Poultry Products Institute recommends using tongs rather| than a fork for turning chicken| for the same reason, for barbecuing 10 Chicken palves: pound butter ¢ cups vinegar 1 oz. salt cups water For 100 Chicken halves: 4 pounds bufter 16 cups vinegar 15 pound salt § cups water , | Vorsoual Credit Noads UNDER ONE ROOF | NY BANK BANK OF MONTREAL }2 LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED LOANS reas | vw, Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN ! 4 Our Own Famous FRESH JUMBO-SIZE BANANA ROLL Reg. 8%¢ avimirmiv' 5 8: Woolworth's Famous HOME-MADE APPLE PIE Reg. 45¢ recornrxn 37 SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK!!! E2 WOOLWORTHS | WITH ALUMINUM AWNINGS FROM LES EVENISS SALES WILL KEEP YOUR HOME UP TO 20% COOLER! PLUS ® Protect your rugs, furniture and drapes against hash and strong sunlight ® Provide added beauty and increase the value of your home @ Protect your home against winter snow and sleet ir AND . .. Aluminum Awnings will not rust, require very little maintenance, are bright and cheery, wipe clean with a damp cloth, See the Complete, Varied Line of Awnings To-day | We CALL FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE NOW! LES EVENISS SALES 15 PRINCE STREET 725-4632 EVENINGS 723-2707 ® SATISFACTION GUARANTEED e

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