Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 31 Jul 1961, p. 4

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&§ TWE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 31, iver ion iin % # 4 % Th FA "i DUST CONTROLLED ASSEMBLY ROOM ENSURES PRECISION l10 Ajax Company Specializes Flash Flooding In Field Of Electronics By PHILIP SIMPSON Drop" machine, which simulates, AJAX (Staff) -- Since its/the rought treatment of being establishment three decades/dropped at all angles in any {United States from ing required of today's aircraft pilots. To realistically provide Big Land By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON ~-- Some English municipal ils are i in for severe criticism because of the huge profits they are making on land which they have expropriated, and have later sold for a greatly enhanced fig- ure. The shortage of land for building has sent prices in some sections of the countfy soaring, and some glaring instances of municipal councils taking ad- vantage of this to make large profits have come to light. In one case, at Banstead, Sur- rey, a firm 10 years ago sold 30 acres of land on a compulsory purchase order. The council paid $7,000 for the land. The firm, however, in view of the Councils Making | tioned about the deal, said: appears profit. But it is a fair price to-| day, and the firm has agreedito sell the remaining five acres to it." the amounts of money involved Mrs. are not so large, has come to, light in Plymouth. In 1954, Har- light robbery. We never wanted old Bickle was ordered to give| up his farmhouse and 31 acres|grandfather had farmed it be- of land on a compulsory pur- fore us." fact that it was a compulsory - ro-------- chase order, which is the term used in this country for expro- priation. He was paid under $20,000 for the house and land. Now the city council of Ply- {mouth has decided to sell five acres of the land, an area which {cost it the equivalent of $4,200, {for $42,000, or 10 times the orig- linal cost. The rest of the land "I agree we are making what has already been largely used to be a handsome/for the building of council houses, but the council decided Profits (for private housing. D. R. Ross, the firm's manag-| In a lengthy council discus- ing director, is not so happy sion of whether the land should about it, however. He described be sold for $42,000 or held for a the transaction as "a heart- higher price, no mention was break". In view of what the made of any thought of giving land had cost the council, he|any extra compensation fo farm- felt a price of $85,000 would er Bickle have been about right. {ANOTHER CASE DAYLIGHT ROBBERY At their home six miles from Another glaring case, although Plymouth, the farmer's wife, Bickle, said: "I reckon this is sheer day- to give up our farm m; purchase of land supposedly re- quired by the municipality, re- ceived a further sum of $52,000 in compensation from the gov- ernment. SCHEME FELL THROUGH The council bought the land] years ago for a housing] |estate. The scheme, however, | {fell through, and the council is {now selling the land back to the {firm from which it made the original purchase. But the price is nothing like the figure which {the company received for it. It has bought back the land for the! which it received some $59,000 the south-|for $700,000 west desert region into the Ohio When negotiations were start- valley today after heavy rains ed for re-purchase of the land, In US. Areas CHICAGO (AP) Showers dampened wide areas of A DOUBLE BILL OF FUN AND LAUGHTER ! "ITS A WONDERFUL WORLD" ALL STAR CAST A FILM THAT WILL MAKE YOU SING WITH HAPPINESS Her's was the most popular form in school ! "A FRENCH MISTRESS" STARRING CECIL PARKER AGNES LAURENT Adult. Entertainment Said her husband: "It was a swindle. We fought every inch of the way to keep it, and it cost us a lot in legal expenses. But we didn't have a hope in the face of the compul- sory purchase order." These are only two instances'country. are plenty of th arious CAN YOU SEE BETTER NOW? KENNETH CONNOR CHARLES NAWTREY LESUE PHILLIPS JOAN SIMS wd TED RAY conditions comparable to those|gyer the weekend caused flash encountered in actual flying, it|floods in parts of Kentucky and was necessary to exactly du-|New York state plicate all the control and oper-| The floods in parts of south ating instruments found in the|east Kentucky forced at least latest jets 150 families to leave their Stark Electronics helped to|homes. One man drowned ago, Stark Electronic Instru-|direction for 45 minutes ments of Ajax has specialized] The final test puts in the field of electronics. In struments through a series of fact the company was the first nine cycles of the in- terrific shock. in Canada to manufacture panel They are bolted to a steel plate meters and test instruments and and this itself is bolted to the] the firm suggested that $85,000 would be a fair price to pay for it. But in the 10 years since it] sold it to the council, land values had soared, and the present-day TOMORROW "wo*Hand in Hand" NB Sot LAST 46 DAY: Five Golden Hours' valuation was at the figure of today its products are known|shock machine. Then a 400 Ib. and used throughout the world. hammer, capable of building up Employing close to 100 in thea force of 2000Gs, strikes the production of its instruments, steel plate from three different Stark Electronics was the first|directions and heights company in North America to| If the instruments be granted military approval of these murderous tests then it is airtight and ruggedized meters.|to be sure that they will survive For example, Stark instru-'any rough treatment in their ments in a military tank must function in indystry function perfectly even after Extremely Rugged the tank fires its heavy calibre guns or if an enemy shell ex- meters are so rugged that in a plodes near it beach assault landing they can be dumped into the water and later picked up when the tide has gone out An electronic flight-training and qovice was developed to help dust controlled theatre This perfect the high degree of trai room is kept spotlessly clean, MARE we for a minute particle of dust could completely throw out the reading of the fine instruments (Some have to register up to one millionth part of an am- Temperature Controlled The meters are assembled in the plant's "White Room", a temperature, humidity pere.) The assemblers white room dress in white over- alls and work with the precis- ion of Swiss watchmakers The parts for the meters are genas, should pipe down and No ome questions Cardenas'|ern Saskatchewan in varying] not produced in the Ajax plant, fade away Cardenas has done loyalty. Even his foes admit he|amounts they are just assembled there The shock - resistant move- ment for the instruments sit in a rubber lined steel case. The mechanism relies upon a jewel movement, the same as a watch. The copper wire in the minute electrical coils is some- times thinner than a human hair and can cost up to $700 per pound. When the assemblers have done their job the meters' glass- faced caps are sealed under the pressure of ten tons. In producing their ammeters, voltmeters, instrument panels CITY said (AP) -- Old Lazaro Car-| MEXICO presidents neither Cardenas, erect at jor question mark in today's! Mexico The former president, ties in the 1930s, is a fond ad- mirer of Fidel Castro and his Cuban revolution Would he like to see closer| ties between Cuba and Mexico? Does he still have a following? Cardenas himself a quarter-| century ago helped set a rule| who a challenged the world's power-|"Can anybody be against a eral, and still a hero to the ful oil companies by expro-theory which tries to solve the/Masses, Cardenas returned to |priating their Mexican proper- problems of the masses?" | |solve this indicating problem by developing any different instru- ments. This project was a typ- ical example of the Stark skill in solving highly specialized survive problems of an electrical indi-|of homes were damaged cating nature In order to meet the ever in- creasing demand by the Can- adian market of Stark's instru- ment and Lingua-Trainer en- The company's military panel{deavors, the company is expand-|$1,000,000. No injuries were re- {ing to the extent of a 7000 square foot addition to the Ajax {plant Such an action by this well established company is proof |enough that the so-called reces [sion is over and a new economic \boom is upon us Cardenas Breaks « « F118 Own Rules --that he planned to set up an opposition party is a Mexican first of all. But 66 but|next he is a marxist and would up what at the time was known| leaning far to the left, is a ma-|like to see Mexico take a marx-/as "socialist education." ist line. When asked bluntly "are you Communist?" he replied: | To try and undermine the old| president the government has deciared that it, too, is '"'of the lextreme left." Answers vary as to Cardenas' strength. Informed sources claim he is not as powerful as and simulated flight testing in-|that ex-presidents should bow Publicity indicates. Most think struments, the company must/out of politics, He proved as De i8 not strong enough to push adhere to the high test stand- good as his word by deporting 0Ver the government without] ards set by the Canadian Mili- his predecessor, Plutarco Elias help tary Electronics Standard s/Calles, in 1936 for violating the BACKED BY WORKERS Agency. High Speed Vibrations rule OPPOSED GOVERNMENT His major support comes from labor unions, peasants and left- For a total of eight hours the) But earlier this year Cardinas instruments are subjected to openly opposed the government high speed vibrations, which normally would ruin any watch teos. There were widespread mechanism. In the next test and persistent reports--which they are inserted in a "Random Cardinas took his time denying Meeting Kickoff To Big Campaign OTTAWA (CP) -- The New minister's summer home at Party founding convention this| Harrington Lake, 15 miles north week is being generally re-lof Ottawa. Evenings doubtless garded by the strategists of the will be spent not far from a older parties as the real kick-ltelevision get tuned to the Now off of the next general election! Party convention campaign, no matter when the] Reporters accompanying him government sets the official on the two trips found the prime date. Prime Minister Diefenbaker, no sign of any fatigue as a re- who never really relaxes be-|sult of the longest parliamen- tween campaigns, and Liberalitary session on record. Opposition Leader Pearson have MAKING ELECTION HAY no public engagements sched-| Some reporters interpreted uled for the week, leaving the|/the prime minister's repeated field open for third party events references to his wife and him- of President Adolfo Lopez Ma-| |minister's pace remarkable, with in Ottawa's Coliseum. It is expected, however, that the Diefenbaker cabinet will meet once or twice during the week, and perhaps produce some news to divert attention from the criticism of the govern- ment which is bound to form a major theme of the New Party convention speeches {does on all his informal tours. self as "Olive and I," and to recalling the days of Sir John A. Macdonald's vision of the opening of the West and his own vision of development of the North, as clear signs of elec- tioneering It is, however, campaigning Mr the kind of Diefenbaker By nature, his close associates ist students | What the government will do |is. an open question. Lopez Ma- teos has the reputation of let- {ting opponents get far out on a limb, then chopping Cardenas is barred by the constitution from another presi- dential term. But he could stage "legal" revolution if one of his followers should be elected. Ever since Cardenas' term {the government has been taking lover large land holdings. But [there are still many poor farm- s and farm laborers and {issue VEERED TO LEFT La Ty eT 4. WATGWINAS Was WOIT ik £09 Ok {Indian parents in the state of |Michoacan where he is still a |sort of legend. | Elected president in 1934, he |veered sharply to the left, em- | phasizing land reforms, rural education, cultural missi er! | agrarian reforms are a burning] a yh drowned... J370u n New York, nearly seven rhys the council makes a net {inches of rain drenched _the| profit of over $640,000 on the {eastern Lake Ontario area in 3 deal, as the land cost it $7,000 | three-hour period, causing many and it had to repay the $52,000 {streams to overflow Hundreds| compensation paid by the 20v- ernment A council spokesman, ques- Mayor Wayne Tyson of Una-| |dilla, who asked the state to| designate the town of 1,500 a| | disaster area, said damage esti-| mates ranged from $500,000 to |ported. Tornadic winds ham- {mered Macedon Drought Broken By Heavy Rain SASKATOON (CP) -- One of Saskatoon's severest droughts in {history was broken Sunday {night when a heavy downpour flooded many streets and base- {ments and overloaded storm sewers. A total of 2.19 inches of rain fell in 70 minutes. Welcome moisture fell over al |large area of central and south-| When his term expired he] owed out of the picture b | Still young, still an army gen- the public scene in the early 1950's, taking a cautiously left- [ist slant As his comeback gathered force, so did his left-wint orien- tation. He backed Communist- leaning Jacobo Arbenz in Guat- emala, accepted a Stalin Peace Prize, visited Soviet Russia where he bought millions of pesos worth of tractors and farm equipment for Mexico's collective farms f Newspapers have been {sharply critical of him recently. The national anti - Communist {party even formally accused him of 'treason to the coun- try." NCW PLAYING Choose Vilas Solid Rock now af special What's next for Cargenas? Juan Publico, confused and per- haps a bit worried, would like {to know. AIR CONDITIONED THORNTON RD.AT HIGHWAY 40i. . .PHONE 723-4972 TONIGHT! BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 SHOW STARTS AT 9:15 . pe % aL EL Dororsy MeGUIRE Cio FAIRS je |even efforts to curb alcoholism. He banned gambling, closing many plush casinos and resorts. Cardenas aroused Roman Catholic ire by closing church schools, legal under the con- stitution. He also enforced coed- ucation and tried vainly to set Rollicking Fun for T0 OPEN GAMES Mr. Pearson's next public en- gement is scheduled for Aug. Poe he opens the Caledonia Games at Dutton, Ont, near Stratford. He spent last week at his cot in the Gatineau Hills, north of Ottawa, and will| visit Toronto and the Stratford say, he prefers visiting the smaller communities on a flex- ible schedule with opportun- ities to talk to people on station platforms or in informal gath- erings In the opposition ranks, for- mer Liberal ministers : (Martin, Lionel Chevrier and Shakespearean Festival next; yw" pickorcoill have been week privately {taking a holiday at their sum- Mr. Diefenbaker is fresh from| mer homes. Stratford and an intensive two-| It was apparently decided by day swing through the south-|the opposition leaders to take a western Ontario countryside last| complete holiday following Par- week and a tour of the western/ljamen t's adjournment and Arctic the week before. {come back to the political fray He apparently plans to spend|with renewed vigor, rather than his spare time this week com- attempt to carry on a token muting between his East Block| opposition through the hot sum- office and fishing at the prime mer days. A] Paul! x] Everyone! | COLOR TRAVELOGUE CARTOON IN COLOR $5 FEATURE TODAY: 2:20 - 4:35 - 6:55 - 9:10 FOUR SHOWROOM FLOORS Maple Colonial Furniture summer prices Charming, graceful and fashionable; That's tra-- ditional furniture - styled by Canada's favorite : maker solid rock furniture. See these enchanting de- of maple signs on display in our Colonial Room. We have authentic colonial dining suites, delightful early American bedroom room suites, living room group- ings and a host of occa- sional pieces. Our stock is excellent now and early choice will insure delivery before the sales tax is effective on Sept. lst. Stotoe Bs FURNITURE COMPANY OUR OWN BUDGET' TERMS 63 KING ST. EAST 725-3514

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