Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Jul 1961, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 29, 1961 7 : (ceremony. Ethel Dupuis, Bruce Davis Married in Bowmanville In St. John's Church, Bowmanville, recently, Ethel Annicta Dupuis, daugh:| ter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. was ring-bearer. Holmes, Maple Grove, and Mr.| The reception was held at the Bruce Karl Davis, son of Mr. Canadian Legion Hall, Bowman- and Mrs. William Davis of ville, where the guests were re- Maple Leaf, Ontario, were unit-|ceived by the bride's mother in ed in marriage. |a beige lace sheath. The bride- The Reverend A. C. Herbert|groom's mother chose a blue officiated at the double-ring|lace ensemble. Both wore white |accessories and corsages of red The bride was given in mar. TOSes. : 2 riage by her step-father and For travelling to Huntsville wore a floor length gown of ny- on the honeymoon, the bride lon lace, the bouffant skirt flow-|wore a rose sheath dress with ing into a graceful chapel train, (White accessories and corsage The scalloped neckline was of white carnations. Mr. and trimmed with rhinestones. Her Mrs. Davis will reside at 509 fingertip veil was caught to a/North Cliff blvd., Toronto, Ont. crown and she carried pink and| The bride is employed as white roses. | stenographer in the Canadian Miss Gwen Dupuis, the bride's National Railway office, Toron- sister, was maid of honor and|to; the groom is at present Miss Doris Stalker of Bowman-|a police clerk in Toronto. ville was bridesmaid. They| Guests were present from A nglicanMaynooth, Ont, and Mr, James {Hill of Peterborough, The bride's brother, Kevin Holmes, MARRIED IN ST. GEORGE'S In a candlelight choral | Steckley D.C. and Mrs, Steck- ceremony in St. George's Me- | ley, Oshawa, and the bride- morial Church, recently, Pat- | groom is the son of Mr. and ricia Duaine Steckley became | Mrs. Ray Cranston of Little the bride of Merlyn Eugene | Current, Ontario. Cranston. The bride is the daughter of Durwin Egerton Easy Upkeep Is Stressed For Rooms Of Tomorrow By ELEANOR ROSS It is always interesting to see what a creative designer can do with a plain, rectangular room And that's what almost every hotel room is. One clever decorator, Marion Hauer, has turned such a room into a close approximation of an efficiency apartment for three. Her assignment, Room of To- morr +. is designed for the 1961 American National Hotel Exposition. It smartly incorpor- ates areas for cooking, dining, entertaining, sleeping and desk work--all in a rectangular space that measures 20 by 26 feet over-all, including terrace, bath and foyer. Although this room has been specifically designed for adap- tation by hotels and motels, Ireland Studio pet colors, this vinyl area adds decorative interest. It is also a practical idea as regards main- tenance, because vinyl needs only suds and water to wash off crumbs and stains. LAMINATED FABRICS Ano' »r striking concept, also practical, is to cover closet doors and table tops with lam- inated fabrics co-ordinated with the draperies. Any homemaker could borrow this idea to re- lieve the drabness of large, flat surfaces, using any colorful plastic laminate--or even dec- orative vinyl tile. These laminates are excellent| for a child's room, since they can be kept clean by merely sponge-sudsing either the entire surface or just those sections which get dirty first. |Mizher, |25th w were in identical dresses of Maple Leaf, Toronto, Bowman- mauve nylon organza ov er|ville, Peterborough, Petawawa, mauve taffeta with white cum-|Deep River, Cooksville, Mada- {merbunds and matching ban-|waska and Maple Grove, |deaux. Another sister of the| The bride was feted at a |bride, Miss Lorraine Holmes, miscellaneous shower at the |was junior bridesmaid and lit- home of Mrs. Tom McQuirk tle Debbie Conroy of Maplejand Miss Sharon Gimblett was Grove was flower girl. Both hostess for a linen shower. Fel- were in white nylon over mauve low workers held a miscellan- taffeta with wide mauve sashes|eous shower when she received and matching bandeaux. {many useful gifts and a cheque Their flowers were yellow for $25.00. roses and shasta daisies. The bridegroom was present- MR AND MES The marriage was solem- | nized recently in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church of the former Silva Strnisa and Justin Jerak, both. of Osh- awa. The bride is the daugh- Catherine Fraser Delbert Taylor Wed In Northminster Mr. Tracy Davis was best man ed with an electric kettle and a for his brother and the ushers|mix-master by the office staff were Mr. Murray Davis of'in his department. PERSONALS nand Foch, Commander in Jr. of Woodstock were among Chief of the Allied Armies in the guests at the Taylor-Fraser the First World War. The wedding last Saturday. statue is near Victoria Station, in a little park which has been Guests from out of town at given to France. Many promin- the Carley-Turpin wedding in- ent persons, including the cluded Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Tur- French Ambassador attended pin and daughters, Cobourg; |the ceremony marking France's Mr. Ross Taylor, Barrie; Mr.|Day of Independence. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fraser, {and Mrs. Mitchell Kowal, Whit-| {by; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dzik,| Teas, birthday parties, wed:| Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. J.|ding anniversaries, coming and Bradley, Toronto; Elder Naz. goings of guests and your own Ottawa; Miss Lilian|holiday plans are always of in- Abrahams, Toronto. {terest in this column. Write, {telephone or visit the social de- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nes-| partment with your item of bitt, Brooklin, are receiving/news for which there is no ald Fraser, and Delbert The marriage of Catherine, daughter of Mr. and ates bon. Fac tots. of food --- more than loyd| you'd normally expect would be JUSTIN JERAK ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanis- law Strnisa and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jerak, all of Yu- goslavia. Studio SANDWICH LINE Summertime is for outdoor living, What's more fun than a picnic in the country or a bar- becue in your own back yard? Here are some tips that may save mother's time and en- hance the family's enjoyment. Mary's 'Rosemary Turpin | , Becomes Bride Of Merlin Carley On Thursday afternoon in| Kendalwood Seventh-Day Adven- tist Church, Elder F. C, Fell solemnized the marriage of Rosemary Alice Elizabeth Tur. pin and Merlin George Carley The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. E, A. Turpin and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Carley, all of Oshawa. The wedding music was play- ed by Elder T. J. Bradley of Toronto and the soloist was El- der Naz. Mizher of Ottawa. The bride was given in mar | riage by her father. She wore a semi - formal dress of white- flocked linen with a bouffant overskirt and elbow - length BARBECUE TIPS w tips on barbecuing: meat will be less tender if cook- ed while still frozen or deeply chilled, so arrange to have the meat thawed by the time you're ready to cook it. But don't thaw it too soon because summer heat can spoil meat quickly. If you forget your basting brush you can make an excellent one by tying a piece of clean cloth to a stick. Don't start a forest fire, with your hot coals when finished. Choose a place where the ground is clear of pine needles and similar organic mat- ter (which could smoulder) and bury the coals four or five inches deep. HELPFUL NOTIONS Cushions for the youngsters to sleep on during long trips will be useful. And to keep the car neat and tidy, reduce work at the end of a trip, don't forget a rubber or plastic waste basket. HOUSEHOLD HINT Keep your patio looking its best by frequent washings. Add |pine cleanser to water and {grease and grim will be dis- solved, leaving a clean, fra- grant outdoor living room. Fiery, liching Skin Gets Quick Reliel Here is a clean stainless pene trating antiseptic oil that wil bring you speedy relief from the itthing and distress of Eczema Itching Toes and Feet, Rashes ané other itching skin troubles. MOONE'S EMERALD OIL no only helps. promote rapid ant healthy healing in open sores an wounds, but boils and simple ul cers are also quickly relieved. Tr skin affections--the itching of Ec zema is quickly eased, Pimples skin eruptions dry up and scales of in a very few days. MOONE'S EMERALD OTL cai be obtained at any drug store, sleeves. A tiara headdress held| her gathered veil. She carried pink roses and stephanotis in a bouquet. [ The matron of honor was) Mrs. Kenneth MacLean wear. ing beige with pink picture hat | and accessories. The brides-| maid, Miss Jean Turpin, was in| a pale blue flowered dress with| blue petalled headdress. They carried pink bouquets of carna-| tions and gladiolas. | The best men were Mr. Ken-| neth MacLean and Mr. Edward] Dzik. Ushering were Mr. Monte | Myers Jr. and Mr. Mitchell Kowal. [ A lawn reception was held at| the home of the bridegroom's| parents on the townline north. Receiving, the bride's mother wore blue and white jersey with white accessories. The bride- groom's mother wore beige lace| and beige accessories. Each| {had a pink corsage. | The couple left for Niagara Falls and a honeymoon in Mus-| koka. The bride was wearing a| white dress with pink lacing] and a corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Carley will re- turn to live on the townline north. Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. eaten. In the outdoors, every- Leonard Taylor, was held last|one develops a b Saturday afternoon in North- minster United Church. The Reverend Frank Swack- hammer performed the cere- {mony and Mr. John Robertson |played the wedding music. The bride wore a short sleeved, ballerina gown of nor- ganza, appliqued with sequined lace, over taffeta. A matching, headdress held her veil and in her crescent bou- fingertip| don't stint unless you want peo- ple going hungry. In making sandwiches use on assembly- ig appetite, so "FOR BEAUTIFUL" PORTRAITS r | | line procedure rather than mak:-| ing each sandwich separately. If you have a freezer, sand- wiches can be made up in big batches for several picnics, keeping them for two or three weeks. | Sivith Il (40 King E. RA 5-015] GLEGOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. Open Daily to 10 p.m. Specials! Mon. , Tues. & Wed. STEELE BRIGGS -- LAWN GRASS SEEDS 4.35 IRISH COBBLER POTATOES SWEET & JUICY 180 SIZE ORANGES "3 .- 99° FIRST GRADE BUTTER YOUR CHOICE CIGARETTES 3.09 FLUFFO SHORTENING : FREE PARKING SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S 75-18. BAG NEW 2.49 «64° LB. 31 PRINT ON OUR LOT quet of red roses and stephan- lotis were sprigs of heather, sent from an uncle in Scotland. She was attended by Mrs. William Miners wearing peacock | blue peau de soie with a cameo neckline and bell skirt, inset| with matching velvet. She wore| matching accessories and car- ried a cascade of pink carna- congratulations today on their charge. Telephone 723-3474. many of its practical yet im-| FEagy ii and up P| aginative ideas should interest/are stressed throughout this any homemaker and some cotild'decorator's Room of Tomorrow, | be easily utilized. because this is essential to the| 2S IN hotel industry just as it is for ALL-IN-ONE UNIT J ian or example, the designer| he home. So the furnishings features a unit which serves as Vole Selected for their wash. sofa-bed, dresser and room di- ye | vider in one. The ingenious di- LIKE LEATHER vider, which also separates bed Chairs and bolsters are up- and dresser, 'consists of nothing holstered with a vinyl plastic more than a series of vinyl plas- that looks and feels for all the tic belts fitted with random world like leather. brass buckles as trimming-- gyriture tops and exposed hung and fastened from ceiling frames are made of either lam- to furniture. For the home, nates or permanent finish wood slats or even heavy fabric ddi anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Ings, | Pownal, Prince Edward Island, | SOCIAL NOTICES have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Atwood MacRae and family, ENGAGEMENT { Oshawa. They also visited rela-| Mr. and Mrs. George W. Web- tives and friends in Toronto and|ster wish to announce the en- Hamilton. gagement of their daughter, Marilyn, to Mr. Allan Scam- Mrs. Herbert Webster, Mr. mell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Mrs. Raymond Webster,|Scammell, all of Oshawa. The John and Nolan Webster of wedding will take place on Sat-.| New Glasgow, Nova Scotia |urday, August 26, at 3 p.m. in| spent a few days visiting Mrs. King Street Pentecostal Church. | Webster's sister, Mrs. Atwood| : 4 : > ENGAGEMENT MacRae, Mr. MacRae and fam | Mr. John L. Mayne wishes to ily, this week. could be substituted. Such strips can easily be added to or subtracted from at will. The decorator adds a clever final artistic touch by hanging a picture right in the middle of her divider. What a wonderful idea for splitting a teen-ager's room into areas for sleeping and daytime activities! For a dining area in a car- peted room, this designer places a free-form island of vinyl tile just outside the kitchenette, metal. Floor coverings are vinyl] tile or carpeting woven of syn-! thetic fiber 'that is washable. Even the paint on the walls has a vinyl base to render it com- pletely washable. You might think that the decorator had a hard-working homemaker in mind rather than a hotel or motel owner, when she designed this Room of To- morrow. EQUAL SPREAD An ice-cream scoop makes a handy utensil for getting just the _ |MacRae, and family in Oshawa. | announce the engagement of his elder daughter, Marlene Di- St. James Presbyterian Chureh,jane; to Me. David Neal Fett, St James, Manitgba, | Mre Fle al of Oshawa. The wed. Allan have returned home iter] Sinz Will take place in St Pauls spending a week visiting Mr. A ; Bishop's sister, Mrs. Frank|oD Friday evening, August 25, 1961, at 7 o'clock. Harris and Mr. Harris, Port Perry. They also visited Mr.| Bishop's nephew, Mr. Atwood The Reverend J. H, Bishop of| HOUSEHOLD HINT Keep all perishables for the| picnic in refrigerator or freezer| Mr. Albert Wedgery, Toron-|until ready to leave and plan| {0, visited friends in Oshawa on|t0 eat soon after you reach the| Thursday. Ipicnic spot while everything is tions and white button chrysan- themums. Mr. William Miners acted as best man and Mr. Stephen Rus- sell ushered. A reception was held at San-| dalwood Restaurant. For the occasion, the bride's mother wore a lace sheath in beige and white with a corsage of rust roses and spray of heather. The bridegroom's mother was in| lilac with a corsage of yellow roses. Each had a white hat and white accessories. For their wedding trip to western Ontario, the bride donned a willow green linen) sheath topped with white pointe| de Venise lace and a match-| ing green jacket. She wore white accessories and a corsage] of rust chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are mak- ing their home in Oshawa. When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" EVERYTHING GUARANTEED adding panel doors in a colorful J right amount of fillin in mosaic. When keyed to the car- A . | each sandwich, PERT AND PRETTY This sweet little two-year- | Mrs. J. I.. Halliday of Hamp- old is Lori Ellen daughter | ton and Mr. and A Hamp of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hal- } Nelson of Oshawa y liday, Scott street. She is the | granddaughter of Mr. and {Hortop street, --Aldsworth Photography | ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsey,| have just re-| turned after spending holidays| in Victoria and Vancouver,| British Columbia, and Jasper, Alberta. Word has been received that Mr. Ralph R. Tooley is enjoy- ing a vacation in London. He writes of an interesting cere- mony on Bastille Day (July 14)| which took place at the foot| of the statue of Marshal Ferdi-| How to Hear Better || With or Without A Hearing Aid Do you know that by sitting in a certain part of a room you can hear better? Do you know how to listen to a person who mumbles? If you are only slightly hard-of-hearing, there are many ways you can hear better without using mechanical assistance. As a public service, Maico has prepared a booklet filled with hints and tips on how to get the most out of the hearing you have. It's a valuable booklet and it's yours free. We'll mail it to you in a plain envelope. hmmm om oe. MAICO HEARING SERVICE 850 Yonge St., Toronto WAinut 4-2317 Please send free booklet NAME ADDRESS cry ) OT/MV/7/29/861 still cold. Elizabeth Arden's SLEEK the cream of depilatories For removing hair gently and effec. tively from the face, legs and arms. Sleek is safe to nse on even the most delicate arcas of the skin, pure and mild as the finest face cream. Sleek is sure to remove every trace of hair smoothly. Regrowth is dis- couraged and skin stays smooth longer. Sleek is swift to give per- fect results--in seconds. 1% oz. tube, 1.25 4)4 oz. tube, 2.00 ONT. NO. 1 LOCAL GROWN VOGUE QUEENS ROYAL CHOICE TOMATO Real Value! . . . Ll NEW POTATOES Toilet TISSUE 3 -- 29: JUICE ~ 10-LB. BAG 20-0Z. TIN 10: v a ¢ Codmelic Deparlment CIT W FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E 530 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2245 INT PHONE RAS 3548 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - RA8-4G68 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA [BA SAVEALL SUMMER l | y AT DOMINION Prices effective in Oshawa and Whitby until 6 p.m. Wed. Aug. 2.

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