Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Jul 1961, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 29, 1961 Abners Bow To Mount Zion 4-1 By CLIFF GORDON pair of errors, one by the first Whitby Abners bowed to sacker and another by the catch- Mount Zion last night by a 4.1 til pi] Singles, id Jams score. The win was a big one - 5 an Solu for another run for the Mount Zion team v\o|' pd Malt Pi grins Tri had their choice of who they ey e Red 10' Mave things wanted to meet in the /:st i ie nitrol as thei harl round of the playoffs. They hg Bi Jo ign 2 ry chose to play Brooklin and thus ® hitb os . to get men hope to eliminate the Mitchell, n ba Yo the Eth 6th and Tth and charges team in an effort i se a nk we to get the extra home game in Ya 2 ingle by Evans the next round. pi pg with a The Abners team on the other|passed ball allowed the winners hand will have to face the Pick-|to count with another run in the ering Merchants who battled bottom of the 8th and they right down to the wire for a about had the game in the bag playoff spot with the Port Perry here as Jones fanned the first Jrs. The Pickering team for our{two men, Stewart and Heron, money will be mighty tough,|in the top of the 9th and got especially if Hansen is in form, Wilks to ground out short to and Bryant, their scrappy field- ! _-- first. ' VE . er gets his arm out of a cast, On Monday night the Whitby two children they could be tough. In the get ready to bite Abners will play an exhibition J 7 H H i | EA - SL, SER i THERE WERE TREATS for CAMP DIRECTOR Mrs. E. | assistance of three young la- Avent managed the summer | dies, who acted as counsellors. rector pose above at the camp | are Dale Belle and Margaret closing on Friday afternoon. Tweedy, counsellors, Mrs ail at the closing session of | Mrs. F. W. Marsh, had pro- vided enough home-made pop- into this summer treat. Left in meantime the two teams hook game against the Hefferings up here in Whitby on Wednes- Imperials in Oshawa. This | the photo is Lois Calder, 11, of 119 Wellington street and Sh | right is fois Avent, 10, of |8ame of the semi-finals. 914 Bayview Crescent. The game last night was a --QOshawa Times Photo close hard fought affair with ----/Jones on the winning slab and Giddings doing the chores for the losers. Mount Zion jumped day camp this year with the ' The counsellors and their di- | Left to right in the photograph Avent and Joan Calder, coun- the summer day camp spon- sellor. day night, Aug. 2 in the first{should be a real test for the Whitby club, who will now meet Pickering in the semi-finals of the South Ontario league. { LINEUPS . WHITBY Stubbings, 1b; Sees Earlier Try Wilson, If; Batherson, cf; Stew- ahead 2-0 in their half of the art, c; Heron, 2b; Wilks, ss; 1 i {second inning as they made a|poy rf; Schmidke, 3b; Whitney, To Orbit American {good hit, two wild pitches and @|3p in Sth: Giddings, p. 4 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Chair,|Walk for two runs. | MOUNT ZION -- Disney, rf; man Overton Brooks (Dem. La.)| This all but stumped the ap Ferguson, If; V. Ferguson, sored by the Viscount Green- wood Chapter of the 10DE One member of the chapter, --Oshawa Times Photo of the House of Representatives by charges as they never ap-|3b; Hill, ss; M. Jones, c; R. |space committee said Friday| peared to gain top form from|Jones, p; Carson, 1b; Evans, {that the first attempt to put an|here in. A hit and two errors|2b; McMullen, cf. { American in orbit can be made|in the top of the third paved the LINE SCORE RHE as early as November. a month way for the lone Whiby run.| Whitby 001 000 0001 4 § or two ahead of earlier sched- Fox, who is a catcher but turn-|Mt. Zion 020 100 01X--4 6 3 ules. ed infielder for this game, gain-| Umpires -- Behind the plate, He said there was no need fo|€d the lone hit and scored on a Mcintyre; on the bases, Reid. brats Aon Sv aos MAJOR LEAGUE | Negro Equality LEADERS Idea Attacked by astronauts Alan Shepard and! Virgil Grissom. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS| CHICAGO (AP) -- A psychol- . Alperican. Lé | ogist describes the "equalitarian erican Ee pet, |dogma" which holds that Ne- 399 F Cl. groes are the mental equals of 320 69 121 .368| white people as "the scientific Lid 35 86 .364| hoax of the century." York 332 91112 337 prot Henry Garrett, past Piersall, Cleve. 320 53 111 .337 \, ogident of the American Psy- Gentile, Balti 286 63 94 329] chological Association, charges Runs--Mantle 91 |social scientists a in, na McLuhan who is to be mar. Runs batted in--Maris, New| the Us, with the Te ans ried to Mr. Frederick Borchuk. York, 97. dogma and discouraging scien- Miss McLuhan received many| Hits--B. Robinson, Baltimore, tific inquiry on the subject. lovely gifts. Assisting the host: 123. | "At best it represents a sin- esses in serving were: Mrs,| Doubles--Kubek, New York, |cere is misguided effort to help Frank Frauts and Miss Sandra/31 {the Negro by ignoring or even Anderson Triples--Wood, Detroit, 8. suppressing evidence of his men- Garth, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Home runs--Maris, 40. ital and social immaturity," F.|David Bush, underwent tonsilec. Stolen bases -- Aparicio, Chi-| Garrett says. tomy at the Oshawa General|cago, 33. Garrett, a staff member of lo Cash, Detroit Howard, NYork Mantle, NYork is organized along has a con- like a Showing their concern for the greatest amount of safety, club} members must pass their car through a rigorous safety check- up every three months THE RUNNING DOWN of | p.m. Friday. One of the camp- | Langford, convener of the the Union Jack marked the | ers, Wendy Emburg, 9, of | camp for Viscount Greenwood official closing of the IODE | 1010 Dundas street east, takes = Chapter of the 10DE, assists. summer day camp about 4.30 | the flag down as Mrs. R Oshawa Times Photo Day Camp Now : Draws To Close Dale Bell Margaret Tweed Convener of the camp com- mittee for the Viscount Green- wood Chapter was Mrs. R. G Langford with Mrs. G. A, Welsh co-convener Mrs. J A Mi I. McKay were in charge of the purchasing committee and Mrs. F Ww Marsh wa n charge of the 1siting G chase of tags on an 10DE tag day in the late spring. She also thanked other donors who had made cash gifts ranging as high as $50 to help support the day camp Had it not heen for the support on tag day and for the cash donations there could have been no camp this summer," she said This has been one of the most successful day camps have had and we hope that it continue again next vear During the afternoon, the 40 COURTESY CAR girls who had attended this week Conscious of the public's m Rendell, smb" WHEN SUMMER'S HEAT A summer day camp Joan Calder and sored by the Viscount Green wood Chapter the I0DE which this summer looked after more than 250 Whitby yvoung- sters spon- you wouldn't gleaming of we ever can as Anderson and held its closing exercises on Friday afternoon. The camp has been held at D'Hillier St Park for the last four weeks During the first two weeks some 131 boys attended and During during the past two weeks, 120 Mrs. 1: girls were on hand. Mr E. to the Avent was camp director this Whithy vear, assisted by counsellors camp Special OPP Drive On Week End Drivers In one of their stiffest warn ing issued to motorists this vear the Whitby Detachment of All personnel Ontario Provincial Police prom- as many cruisers ises a strict enforcement policy must with maximum manpower dur- The ing the holiday weekends have a The release which sent to all Provincial ments said "All available manpower and equipment will be concentrated on the highways in your district for .the purpose of controlling traffic during the coming week end 'Works schedile hould be arranged to pro ma ) " manpower during the hours in . | | which traffic volume is great est "Advise inde } N your command to engage in a strict enforcement policy and on an all-out effort to ensure high way safety, necessary committee the closing ¢ ford expressed thanks the town of upported the by the Xercises yeaple vho had this of Abert Kndall a RE, vear were to be preferred where circum- stances justify the available and nas as possible a Y > be emploved Whitby Detachment total force of kend try mounting traffic will 25 men |§ engaged this wee to and reduce the fatalities Seven OPP cruisers will be on the highways most of the time The Detachment patrols the following area North Sunderland Highway 401 from West the Durham Highway 7 has been Detach LAWN MOWERS All Makes and Models S Postman' S orner 103.5 Byron 5S. MO 8.4511 Whitby English Service, Whitby 2:30 P.M Worship at Bowmanville to ions H 3:30 P.M. ill to ine on from Greenriver to Bowmanville Sunday Scheel EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St. N., Whitby Pastor: Rev, E. C. Corbett, S.Th, County de imum > to the Coun guests over the 17. Along} at Man. t line. It is a road area of 99 miles This mileage does not include all smaller roads within the out- Wa 12 to the County and Mrs. C. Blackburn, of Bell] drive, is Miss Rose Marie { |Brook, student nurse at Peter. borough Hospital. Dagmar, daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. H. Boettcher, is convalesc- ing at her home, Centre street north, after a stay at the Osh-| awa General! Hospital. | Mrs. Michael Anderson and| Mrs. Ronald Borchuk were co-| hostesses at a miscellaneous) bridal shower held at the home| Highway all personne 9:15 AM. Radio Broadcast CKLB 9:45 AM. Bible School Hour 11 AM. & 7 PM, Guest Speaker MR. MEL SMITH of Sunday School of the Air Special Music BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:35 WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:35 of Mrs. Anderson, of Newman a i fl LI GHT Up Crescent, in honor of Miss Don-| 4Ya-Ib. pkg. GEORGE MONTGOMERY THE SKY | : A ga I. soorerimately 530 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING. PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE WHITE NEWSPRINT Everyone Welcome WHITBY UNITED CHURCH 11 AM. SUNDAY FAMILY WORSHIP ADK INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATION IAN CARMICHAEL TOMMY STEELE BENNY HILL Family Monuments hy ases/ Created To Individual Requirements corn for the 40 children and their' mothers who attended, Also provided in the afternoon | was watermelon and above I 1 | I I ) Hot-Rodding Is Safe A local group of youthful, The only pay that the hot-rod-|cars- against time over a quar- car enthusiasts are quielty dis- der asks of the the stranded|ter-mile track. proving that all hot-rodders are motorist is that he take one of Finances are a major obstacle "crazy kids" the club cards which identifies |{o the completion of their idea. Members of the Hurricam|the member and show it toiAt the present, a large portion ; Rod and Custom Club are go- other motorists of the Club heads out to Deser- ing out of their way to show In this way the Hurricam onto, the nearest drag strip DETROIT FOUNDER that hot-rodding can be both Club hopes to show that it sin-| If any local financer is inter] Antoine de la Cadillac, |safe and instructional as well! cereiy desires promote the ested, the boys at the Hurricam|founder of Detroit in 1701, was| as enjoyable better side of rodding Club are positive he could make born Antoine Laumet in France, Composed of 20 members, the, There are no girls in the "a fortune by financing a drag|but changed his name on mar- club was formed four years Club as yet but this is not be-| strip riage. ago. One of the key organizers/ cause they are denied en- lof the Club and a member of trance by constitution. Asked the Board of Directors foday why there weren't any girls, WHITBY PERSONALS Whitby Police Sergeant, Cliff{members looked at each other, Partington shrugged and wondered why] The Club. themselves | Mr. Elmer Archer and sons parliamentary lines The Hurricam Club has their| Richard and Jimmy are spend- stitution which reads annual election of officers in|ing a few days in Picton on a safety manual November. This year's top men|camping vacation = are: Bob Duff of Whitby, presi-| Mr. and Mrs. L DeL Etoile SAFETY OBJECTIVE dent: Russ Abrams of Ajax,/and Mr. Paul De L'Etoile, of Safety is one of the key ob- vice president: Gary Winter of| Montreal, are visitors at the jectives of the Hurricam Club. Ajax treasurer; Edward Bell| home of their daughter and son- The promotion of safety in aw |of Oshawa. secretary and Rich inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. D. tomobile maintenance and op- ard Sandford of Whitby as ac-|Banks. d eration is constantly brought {iyities director On Sunday, Faye, daughter of Hospital. His friends wish him| pitching -- Ford, New York,|the University of Virginia School home to the members by a Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Wilson, isfa speedy recovery. 118-2. 900 4 "lof Education, issues his indict- unique system of fining celebrating her fourth birthday.| Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowden| Strikeouts--Ford 141 ment in the current issues of On all speeding fines up to Her friends wish her many|have returned from a two! : : | Perspectives in Biology and and including 20 miles per hour, happy returns of the day. weeks vacation spent in Nova National League | Medicines, a publication of the over the speed limit a fine of] Mr, and Mrs. William Proctor Scotia where they were thel \B R H Pet. University of Chicago Press. K $2 must be paid fo the club are vacationing in Algonquin|guests of Mrs. Bowden's par. Clemente, Pitts, 338 64 126 .352| © a rrett said racial differences providing the Police cost ex-! Members range in age from| park and surrounding districts. |ents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hart.| Robinson, Cinci. 356 84 123 .346 in mental ability are innate and ceeds $5 I8 to 25 years. According 10/ ay and Mrs. Joseph Drew,|ley (Hoak, Pittsburgh 288 45 98 .340| genetic and not the result of If the Police cost is less than Richard Sandford, activities di-\or Hampton, daughter and son-| Mrs. Edna Sawyer, Whitby,|Moon, Los Ang. 276 49 91 .330| different environments. $5, 40 per cent of the fine has rector each has "done © hoy | in-law of Mr, and Mrs. Lyman held the weekly euchre at her Altman, Chicago 303 48 99 .327 to be paid to the Club thing on a car possible T ey | Hess, are celebrating theirihome. The lucky winners were:| Runs--Mays, San Francisco, A member is liable to expul- have rebuilt motors, changed pn: wedding anniversary on|First. Mrs. Edna Henning, sec- 90. sion if he is found guilty of|gear ratios, stripped and Ahen' Monday. Their friends wishjond Mrs. Rose Barrington and] Runs batted in--Robinson 92. travelling more than 20 miles|refinished the exteriors and, fi-l4yon every happiness. low Mrs. Mary Woodward.| Hits--Pinson, Cincinnati, 127. per hour over the posted speed| nally they swap Mrs. T. Vandermeer, of Cen-|Lunch was served by the host:| Doubles--Mays, 25. limit. Any other major fraffic| Cars which started out as to-/{re street wouth, is celebrating|ess. The next euchre will be Triples--Altman 9. violation also brings this risk.|tal wrecks go from lad to lad|her birthday on Saturday. For held at the home of Mrs. Grace] Home runs--Robinson, 32. Members can also reportiwho works on some part of the|the occasion they will entertain| Hicks, Byron street north, Whit-| Stolen hases--Wills Los Ange- each other on attic violations.! car. When they are finally fin-|friends from Toronto. by, with Mrs. Mary Woodward Mog A Acting under an honor system, ished recognize| Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Wilson|as hostess. Pitehi one member can report an-jthe powerful ma-and family are spending oF cling =Podres, Los Ange- other member to the Club. The chine two week's vacation at Stoney s, 13-2, 867. offending member is assumed A a Lake U io! Defies Strikeouts--Koufax, Los Ange- guilty and fined HAVE CLUBHOUSE Re Florence Burrall. of Tod MINION les, 167. A clubhouse has been set up|/ronto, was a guest for a few " n Ajax. All of the boys are|days at the home of Miss Lucy Edict Of TU TIPSTER'S TRIP CORO a little 'bia ORE: tc > Jub hoping to cet into a new club-/ Barton, of Keith street oi LONDON (CP) "Prince pre 4 Mey 2 hile . : they had conception 9 he > Jes. yo house in Whithy where they) The Misses Muriel and Sylvia) LONDON (Reuters) -- The|Monolul," claiming to be Brit. prepared under bie ¢ireclor anc, men Hah , w can work more thoroughly on!Bates are spending a week at{Communist - dominated execu-|ain's most famou ing: tin. counsellor I'hev also enter- Courtesy Day Each Sunday y 4 "i ey | S s racing tip i a0 + their cars Camp at Robin Lake. tive of the 240,000-strong Elec-|ster has flown to M tained with dancing and singing. throughout the year, a member : wo : Mr. and Mrs. Norman Beachitrical Trades Union Friday de.|Ster, has flown to Moscow on a Later, watermelon, . popcorn|gets ing his car and seeks out pereral od Jigtians a and children "Carol Ann and|fied a Trades Union Congress| (oa lan feace mission. "1 be. SH . se having c: . the area have added eir sup-|a : : : : ¢ a ) E J ¥ and candy were served. One of those having car trouble en the Homicams. It Js a Chucky. of Peterborough, are|ultimatum barring five of the|. rc, oc ng 18 one of the world's the I0DE members, Mrs. F. W Travelling throughout "the PO 0 th irricam a i Ea? : greatest things to ensure pur ? Hurts these places where the boys weekend guests of Mr. and|union's leaders from office for " ; Marsh. had taken on the task of area, the Hurricam member these places i ¥S| Mrs. Lorne Beach, of Ferguson. five years peace," he said. providing the popcorn contributes his own time and are in their element. They talk}! : : SE i : , . ; . for hours about cars, compar-|avenue The union leaders described While the camp was in money to aid those in difficul-| b Fr f Wind : e operation. bovs and girls who ty. Jacks, towing equipment, |ing and arguing over the rela- Mr. Bob Freeman, of Wind-\the ultimatum as "wholly unac- \ttended hie to. sw {oo gasoline and many other paris itve merits of one kind of en-|SOr, Ey speing He Summer ceptable and an unwarranted in- od f RA > ; : " pe . | s visiting wi 5 -| ter i under supervision in Lynde's Of equipment are carried in his gine against another Wee | mantles hs hg gg Jerierence in the affairs of the it ure es Creek, which runs through the car. Main item on the Club's list, "0s "gp peaton, of Kent ; park, and also while away the The lad has a thorough know- of projects is the seeking out al treet The general council of the long summer days al crafts and | ledge about cars hence is ajlocation for what is known as|' Mr. and Mrs. Grant Monahan 8,000,000-strong 'TUC delivered orcened. games welcome sight fo those strand-la "drag strip". Here on level Ti SEC CFS Ct ol ip ole, [its ultimatum after an inquiry EMMANUEL 4 ed on the highway. asphalt, the fellows race their|2"% 2 yi } 'linto the ETU's affair following 7 Sr fo | California, were guests at the a recent "'ballot-rigging case in e Ss f "SH 7 lhome of Mr. and Mrs. Tom the high court REFORMED { {Beer of Centre street morth.|"0 5. 5 0 od Frank| REV. GERRIT REZELMAN | |Mr. and Mrs. Beer, accompan- 2 . { THIRD CONCESSION, WEST, ied by their guests, visited Mrs.|Haxell, now deposed as general 0 0 OF HIGHWAY 12 Beer's mother, Mrs thel Mon. | Secretary, and four other union 10:30 AM al hay Pome ta] 0 |leaders had conspired to "rig" | 3 M, ahan at her home in Danville, : ) Dutch Service Que Haxell's election, and managed | urc 10:30 AM. Mrs. E. Koykka, of Kirkland/ihe union fo serve Communist Sunday School, English Lake, spent a few days as the|Party 1 fea s. . 2:30 P.M guest of Mrs. J. Bigelow, of IS Burns street west. Young Miss Patsy May Mor-| ton, of Toronto, is spending] S d three weeks visiting with her| un ay. cousin, Miss Judy Bird, of Kent | i | street Expected ! weekend at the home of Mr. | | Py S 11 AM, MORNING WORSHIP NURSERY (INFANT CARE) BEGINNERS' CLASSES JUNIOR CONGREGATION 9:45 AM CHURCH SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME Whitby Baptist Church REV. JOHN McLEOD Mrs. W. E. Summers, AT.CM. AM d p) s 3? NG 3 ¥ Sh 3 CRRA) 58 it. A Cadillac transmission die 9:45 ONCE A WRECK WORTH On Sale ot . . . ve TncHmcoLon' (7) SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 gH 4 NE 4 - r § RARE Seaman Mts DETHIUID 29TH cruTeny 18K $25 this gleaming automobile is the proud possession of Hurricam Rod and Custom | cluh member P. Frederick of | \ia I'l car used to be a 1949 Olds, he says, but now has a 1051 Olds V8 engine in with a floor shift conversion unit has been installed. About $150 of body work has chang- ed the look of the "wreck" considerably. Paul estimates that there i= about $1000 in- vested in the car. It will go from 0 to 81.3 miles per hour within the hot-rodders' pre- scribed quarter mile strip. He | plans to put a 1957 Olds. 374 cubic inch engine inte the car during the Fall STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 --0Oshawa Times Photo | | MEMOS, ETC. | WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. |. Oshawa Times Children 6 years and under will meet in classes in the Church Hall. All others will worship with their parents VISITORS WELCOME SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING SERMON 11:00 AM "Faith T-iumphant" EVENINGS--/ P.M "Doing The Impossible"

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