Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Jul 1961, p. 4

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facilities have heen rented for: Combining smartness with THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 29, 196 * | Electric Heat Now Use "The new toca ficiency of aperaton. the office . The new location will he ficiency of operation. the office more 'central to rural areas will be L-shaped, with a 165 hy . and municipalities -- such 4s 50-ft; main building, and a 110 N D 11 Sutton on Lake Simcoe -- hv 47.ft wing. Of steel! frame In Modern ew we 1Ngs served by the Central Region. construction with pre-cast con- and parking space will be pro- crete floor slabs. it will have With the rapidly increasing board type, is easy to install. some 7,000 homes in Ontario vided for 125 cars a brick masonry exterior, {demand by home owners in On- There are no heating ducts re- heated entirely by electricity mses mmm-- tario for the comforts and beneé- quired and Hereiore no involved and b on o i] more | P™ NAAAASY AAPA ~ ~ fits of electric heating, build- plumbing, tinsmithing and car-|than 64, omes. It is further ers as well as tani 2 con pentry work, or waste of valu- predicted that an amazing total GRAND FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT ! tractors are taking a great inter- able space for heating ducts and|of 250,000 homes will be all est in the subject. for furnaces. Baseboard electric|electrically heated by the end THE ESCAPADES OF A MERRY] Already, there are more than convector type heaters are com-\of 1980. These forecasts indi- THE ESCAPADES OF A MERRY 1,200 all-electrically heat ed pact, unobtrusive, blend in per-|cate to builders that there is a¢ WIDOW WiTH A CREDIT CARP homes in the province and over, fectly into the room decor and bright future for gold medallion ) 8 AT THE CEMETERY § 250 homes occupied, with 60 are placed at strategic spots in|all-electric homes and that the | more under construction, in the the home demand by future home owners 1 ¢ sector that Ontario Hydro calls "It is the cleanest form of for these dwellings will be ris- Central Region. This takes in|heating possible because there|ing sharply in the immediate Metro Toronto and is a triangu- is no fire and therefore no|future. lar area bounded on the south smoke or fumes, Electric heat- by Lake Ontario, stretching|ing eliminates such arduous from Bronte nearly fo Port|housekeeping chores as frequent Headquarters Hope then north to.an apex at|washing of walls, curtains and Sutton on Lake Simcoe. The|drapes," said Nicholas Durbano, Fling | largest concentration of electri-|builder in Westlawn Estates sub- Is e ecte Ig ADDED FEATURE i cally heated homes in Central}division for On- Region is in the subdivisions! He said that electric heating New headquarters p near Meiro Toronto. These in- provides pleasant, warm heat/tario Hydro's Central Region ¢ { "Touching and Beautiful" clude Westlawn Estates, Isling- that can be adjusted to suit the(will be built on Yonge seeh Newswask Mag. | a 2 ton avenue. North in Etobicoke needs of the family and indi-|about 1% miles north of No. HAND kl bk A A a #8 | Township, with nine gold medal-| vidual desires for comfort. The 401 Highway near Finch avenue DOORS OPEN § HARWOOD AVENUE IN AJAX HAS NEW LOOK lion all-electric dwellings con-|heating can be arranged so that|in Willowdale, it was announced Y 1: M 1] istructed by the builders Dur- a family using only 3 part of today, by Adam S. Smith, Man- ¢ SUNDA 1:30 P.M. r HAND Harwood avenue in Ajax | road north ana south of High- | CNR tracks and Highway 401 | feet so that a strong founda- bano and Kaimo, also Ashtonjthe house can furn the thermo-|ager, Central Region. A cov wi i ; i i T i : "raffic and Ashton: Grandview states stat down in the other rooms A modern, electrically-heated ' was never like this before. | way 401. The project Is part | are nearing completion. The Hon xan pe Tald, Trae Along | subdivision, just north of Steeles until heat is required. two-storey office building, tog BILTMOR It's Heartwarming ! But it will be for the next | of the dual-bridge system | heavy road-building equipment | jo "go 0d along the side |avenue between Yonge and Bay- "There are so many advan (accommodate a staff of 120, will month or so while the Miller | hook-up which will serve the | in the picture, taken from the | gireets and the road is expect- |view built by Schickedanz Bros. tages that can be discussed, but|be constructed on Commission-| « NAA AAA "AAA Paving Company of Toronto | north bound traffic on Har- | south, is scraping out the | ed to be completed in a month. with 12 total electric homes; lone of the most important isjowned land on the west side of -- oor is completely rebuilding the | Wood. The bridges over the | road to a depth of about four --Oshawa Times Photo (and in Blossom Gardens subdi- the economical feature of elec-ithe street. aur -., le a a ates i------------ pir -- -- etic een vision in the Cooksville area.|tric heating as found in heating] Ontario Hydro called for ten- = ol ; ae Toronto Township with 24 all- cost figures taken during a test/ders on the building in June. | TWO ROARING COMEDY HITS GALLUP POLL threats to peace, however, have segment, 41 percent, are in the gloctric homes built by G. W. period from some 20 electrically|T he approximately $170,000] reduced Canada's optimism a same pleasant frame of mind.|patiison Construction. heated homes in the area. Thir-|contract has been awarded to In Canada, three years ago, 59 «pp. co builders are so certain teen of these homes were of|the building firm of Louis Do- little, but not very much. Presi- ¢ ) : once PETCENt shared this optimism: yo phe allelectrically heated brick veneer construction and itinolo (Ontario) Ltd., 2790 Duf- Threat Ot Nuclear War orn arhuss To gauge what diese years gold medallion homes 'will be in was found that the average cost|ferin street, Toronto. herent in the West Berlin cri iL continuing crises have done pct demand in the immediate of heating a home throughout Construction will begin early Ere eS BL 5'5ito the nation's outlook on war, gure because of the total com- last winter, which was a severe|in August, and the building is . " are heard in a Canadian Huo: reporters for the Gallup Poll|fort features that they are lead- one, amounted to only $285 for scheduled for completion by No-| 0 ory or ajorl Y phere much the same as that of| peated a question last used|ing the way now in constructing the season," Gus Schickedanz|yember, 1962. ie of a study in both" a. Carefully selected men|ajl.electric homes on a specula- of Grandview Estates subdivi-l Designed to provide more CAN \ A ' i iat etre and women in all provinces| jy. sis ave model dwell-|sion stated bon tion for By CANADIAN INSTITUTE |Russia's threat to West Berlin countries show however that|yere asked Jive basis and hav Tage inspec. Nine districts in Central Rejlisusie accommodate ae] of PUBLIC OPINION set the world in much the same| Americans, on the whole, are. How worried are you about tion. " gion have a heavy concentra: Ri Tal REQ se Majority of the Canadian peo- explosive frame of mind as in rather more alarmed than Cathe chance of a world War Being in the forefront in build: tion of allclectrically heatedi4 000 sq. ft. of floor space. ple do not worry about the im-|1939 he spoke to a nation innadians. In this country justipreaking out in which atom|ing for the trend foday and for homes. These districts are To-impe yy esent office on Bloor mediate possibility of World|Which little more than one injover half the public (52 percent) bombs and hydrogen bombs|tomorrow's market. (hese home|Tonto Twp. with 49; Oshawa, 38 |(reet" near Varsity Stadium is "ins War III. When the Prime Min. ten is deeply concerned. does not worry at all over warwould be used--very worried, builders have the answers why Richmond Hill, 28; Brampton, |Sort. of space. and additional] ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Woodbridge, 17; Etobicoke, ister warned that tensions over! Three years of continuingithreats. In the U.S.A. a smallerifairly worried, or not worried|the all-electric gold medallion!19: l - : ee i at all?" Tomes sre vo Popular 17: North York, 14; Markham, YY! ; : i Ps. : 1958 - Today 13; Scarboro with 11 all-electric % | : . So " EASY TO INSTALL homes Dine At . . . Mahila a Jerv ried 129 5 One builder pointed out that The long range forecast indi- ' i 3 [Vere ortied 29 o 15% all-electric heating, of the base- cates that by 1964 there will be OSHAWA Ss NEWEST [ Zaz Thy "TWO RODE TOGETHER" plus |Not worried at all 59 52 = --_-L % 4 RESTAURANT "MY DOG BUDDY" -- a Featuring Steaks & CERCA pre.) EVERYONE ENJOYS i Ts mn sree | SHR ¥DANGING SATURDAY NIGHTS [| MAYFAIR | 478. / ors ; | ou : Men Women b AT THE NEW, MODERN RESTAURANT | : AIAN HEART THROE ins it 4% SIMCOE S. PLAZA go oN out guy in @ Very worried a | 2 A. DNIPRO HALL SMe S. at Ritson Rd.) Ws HA gers ver Fairly worried 3 35 Not worried at all 57 ? EDITH STREET FREE PARKING (Just off Bloor -- one block east of Ritson Rd) a 1 100% J 0 wins em ia meena Music by The Cavaliers A------ eid 2 REFRESHMENT COUNTER OPEN D AN CE Not worried at all IN AIR-CONDITIONED DANCE COMFORT 0ld Time--Modern TO THE MUSIC OF EDMONTON (CP) -- Star Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra RED BARN uarterback Jackie Parker ra q ackie Parker ot the ADMISSION--$1.00 of the Western football con- ference Edmonton Eskimos POLISH NATIONAL UNION HALL Rr registered a golfer's dream --a hole-in-one--Friday. Oshawa's Largest Public Dance - _ Using a No. 2 iron, Parker i 168 BANTING AVE, scored with his drive on the . DOOR PRIZES FOR LADIES eo 233 - yard third hole at the Derrick Golf and Winter FUN FOR ALL -- EVERY SATURDAY -- 8:30-12 J] THE CANADIAN Club here. Parker, playing with his |_____ od an tert ------ PUPPET & i Ky J Sk TH EATRE | {=== CARL REINER * PEGGY CASS + EDDIE FOY.an. + JEFF DONNELL ) iid wi Painet of Houston, Tex, A JERRY BRESLER PRODUCTION + A COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE KEEP COOL IN THE SUMMERTIME | heim ™ Gs Yaron. Sire Sic ~[resesn | d rs HOW TO | Thése Oshawa boys and girls | the days when the oppres- 4 i = g is BOOKING DATES No. 7 Hwy, 3.2 Miles West of are lucky--they don't have | sive heat sends boys and girls Brookli in search of cooling waters, fophiin SHORT FEATURETTE to go and line up for a cool- | _ . ° ] ' " " . such as the above. Oshawa : W ing swim. Instead, they can | has two public lt, -- at Swmmen Dancing. NO Thurs, id Fri. " Sal. 7/0 SERVICE IN THE SKY take a plunge in their own | Rotary Park, the other Som- at 8 p.m. | "RITA KELLY KENNALEY" hackyard. Left to right, are | erset Pool near Switzer Drive Y ong AVAILABLE Cindy Branton. 4, "Chuck" | in the northwest section of GRAND VALLEY RANCH ay Sat. Matinee at 2:30 p.m. Branton, 7, Garry Landry. 5. | the city , | AND and Lynn Landry, 4. These are --0Oshawa Times Photo . |] CHILDREN 50¢ ADULTS 1.00 / ' pe OG. DANCE SCHEDULE Donald Travel Service ll ror he PLAIA |i 741, INSIDE YOU a SATURDAY NIGHTS-- 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY WHOLE FAMILY FEATURE TIMES: 1:45 - 3:35 - 5:30 . 7:25 . 9:25 : The Grand Valley Hoedown Whitby--Oshawa--Brooklin Ph. MO 8-3304 | WITH THE WONDERFUL MONTGOMERY ORCHESTRA Checkup Helps : $2.00 per couple Bring @ Gang and have a Ak = For reservations call TEmple 8.2691 wo 4 FRIDAY NIGHTS-- _- Prevent Trouble BE | Ties Grand Valley Bandstand | STARTS SUNDAY! 20°85 HEY KIDS! By BURTON H. FERN. MD io WITH TOP NAME BANDS DOUBTING Thomas: Aren't oa NO JEANS OR WINDBREAKERS checkups really a racket? D.T.: What about people who To social clubs ond groups we invite you to use our facilities for aOR DK/ can't get checkups? hayrides, dances, corn roasts, wiener roasts and outings, 2 miles M.D.: No. Sometimes they ; north of N Ww nv rv ickerin can save your life . M b. Tuberculosis, diabetes ol iow on Naliey Tei Reed, Sickening 4 i A World Of Beauty ¥ | | DT.: Mv doctor doesn't be- 2nd other health surveys can/ ~~ = i | J bh . . liece in them. . give them a partial going-over. 1 And Rollicking Fun ® ® ® M.D.: He probably prefers) D.T.: If the checkup shows \} For Is tp veryone! the thrill of cutting out a can- Perfect health, I guess I can T-- "y . . .. SS = \ amma" | Jumpin' Jiminy Trampoline M.D.: Wrong! You can still Of Mm , i ZL a a small nubbin that might be- come cancerous, But he'll still|get a flat tire driving out of the 5 / an : send vou for a checkup if you'8arage after that 5000-mile [(& of want one check . - Y Snow WW (4 DT. How much can you tel FURTHER INFORMATION THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401. . , PHONE 723. 4972 and the OSH AW A SHOPPING CENTRE M.D.: A thorough going-over -- Where can 1 learn STARTS SUNDAY ! BOX-OFFICE OPEN 8:00 i» takes at least an hour or two. | "Nip. gong 35 cents to the SHOW STARTS 9:15 i Three Stooges STEVENSON ROAD D.T.: Two hours! What can ' rg , Public Affairs > 1 I expect from all that? [E. 38th St. N.Y. 16 NY. for HUDSON THis EARTH 1s MINE | j a toducig te M.D.: Pethaps hidden ean, Pamphlet No. 314 "Check-Ups: Rock "an ; % * U.S World Olympic Skating Champi Fill . d b 4 cer, even one that's too small|¢ he Val Grid Cry that Rocked > : ' . 20 e Safeguarding Your Health." It ] ! . / ' VY, | 2 ev o> I mn an rin coupon ror of Shiny rouble. glascomar begins. "The superior physician | THE VALLEY OF THE SUN Tg caro C155 g P all sorts of chronic diseases. Helps helote the early budding 7 I ; BT: But you can't prevent] D.T.: Propaganda from some these money-mad medic? , | 4 LTA ; AVOIDS COMPLICATIONS MD: Now trom [he Emperor ADULT ENTERTAINMENT " b.. € Lal Lr M.D.: No, but you can head of China in .C.! 1 y ? i" i . | off their complications. Dr. Fern's mailbox is wide PLUS A TEARFUL AND D.T.: Do I lose out if I'm/open for letters from readers, completely well? |While he cannot undertake to | M.D.: The doctor can still|answer individual letters, he will BOY AND HIS HERO! . d ease unnecessary worries. Like|use readers' questions in his . . that time your gums began to|column whenever possible and ON OSHAWA'S 1 as Snow White FREE TRAMPOLINE PASS! ® JUMPIN' JIMINY TRAMPOLINE ® ADDRESS .... bleed |when they are of 1 inter- | " i DIT: And you said fo tryest. Address your letters to Dr.| _ LARGEST SCREEN! EH | HONOURABLE CAT STORY" brushing once a day. {Fern in care of this newspaper. NE SRE . :, : | LAST TIMES TONIGHT ! 4 ; M.D.: The checkup aims to| " ' " ; NEW COLOR CARTOON keep you well. The doctor can| OLD PENAL COLONY OCEANS TY: FRANK SINATRA $ WIS GANG | AIR-COOLED . ------ help, you find fod habjie to, Norfolk Island, 13-square.mile ORRORS" (Adult) . ois avoid. future trouble. He'll ex-| area 900 miles east of Australia, A plain how exercise tones your|was used by Bgtain as a penal CHILDREN under 12 FREE: ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON Today Only: "CIMARRON" TEE COLOR beart as"well a3 your muscles. colony from 178 to 1836. TELEPHONE NUMBER . Ey ® ONE PASS PER PERSON PER DAY ® 6:00 P.M.,, MONDAY--THURSDAY ONLY TRAVELOGUE IN COLOR EE ----------

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