Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Jul 1961, p. 12

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==| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE 2--Personal 12--Articles Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted G8 and hair DOOR man, neat BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY g==teEs wore dtl ELECTROLYSIS JE Sahar WSL I LES vin : WILL BUY OR LEASE nd food Accountants Driving School [Money to Loan CLASSIFIED AD RATES Removal of superfluous halr, | Box 137 Oshawa a BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting CLIENTS Marie Murduft will be in WRITE PARTICULARS TO 3 0a See we LEARN haved od Eo" Gatos | Oshawa SERVICE STATI z ou hy Street West, 725-0397. Res., TO DRIVE rei oriaage i » contecutve Cosh Charg a Pts 3 nd > Antique Auto EE rich: oo oc he, wake, | , Tele. INSERTIONS 225 248 MN. E. DEWAR and Co., Accountants © at the 6 CONSECUTIVE these dates for tment. THAREE-ROOM apartment also two- oh oes Soha Gh| Ohovo Dring School | MONIES FOR |" hemvas | ass sn Faw Museum Reliole Mon. (, Bri, FEL, SRE pai ane on e cie - . n ional | t It not in 7 doys 3 i i x 3 | A aus, vmimvLasoes. wovtER wl Gul Contoled Cor MORTGAGES Eran ore wi ong. (Sets 3 vo Livestock 1905 Victoria Avenue, WRITE BOX 134 [mas =2 77 2 TE a 3 UTIFU! i a pazimen bedrooms louble N od" Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King] Standard and Automatic Monies. ooaillcble' on First Wg hi apply only to original {[EALEE UL Duby budgies, testy for Niagara Falls, Ontario OSHAWA TIMES [orivate entrance, vo Bedrooms rcuied, Wouble driveway, garage: log Street East, Oshawa: B L. Yale, cAi| Day ond Evening Lessons Mortgages at 7% per annum Sam Pri di rd Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. t ry close to schools and Ta Call 728-4678 slated. Price $14,500, $3000 Aire ¥. Friedlander, B-Comm., CPA. 728-0091 dor el ages ig i bgp Bf ES eT 13--Business Opportunities or after 6, 725-6243. 439. 8. T. HOPKINS and C Certs Ss © was order BOARDING. Jickup and delivery aor GUARANTEED 30 per cent relrs In PAINT COMPANY |1wo-x00 apartment unfurnished with Fo 49 x 150, terms, for information fied Public Acciuntants, 172 King Monies Wid available on Professional ond Business listings me TOI Te on Your teste In| desires salesman for Oshawa bulitin cupboards aud stuk. Apply 163 telephous 1251953 uy CO 33%, Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. con ortgages. REGISTERED stallion t b N sha ue. MERCURY SCHOOL $7.50 per month for 3 fines dally. [REGISTERED thoroughbred silion vestment Secured by ownership, 9 and surrounding district, |CNFURNISHED arian |S ACRE farm, all workable, al Scu- Mortgages and Agreements itional li 1 ; v WILSON wd BURROWS, Charters OF SAFE DRIVING ig gee ia Each, odditional line $1.60 Ber Jy ry rights. Phone evenings, 738-2320. |time required on your behalf, as we| 'knowlegde of product will be Murphy So. % mile off paved road; brick Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA,| Modern dual equipped cars. Each tnitiol letter abbreviat WANTED -- a good country home, for guarguite to do all the service. Mak taught. x G. CA, 728-2571. Gov't. Licenced instructors. M F SWARTZ $ ond ¢ sign, figure. counts ation, . lovely part Persian, well trained cat. I ory tS THD ure Phi Write: BOX 136 3985 bus close, east end, SMALL four-room house four acres of MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and| Day or evening Gppointments. HF. word. Box charge 15¢ additional. elephons 7280334, 17 Belfield Road, or phone 249-0781, A ; land, three miles east of Newest No 138 Simo Street N North, Gahawa; Ala, DIAL 725-4773 Short term and Builder's A ben oy 5 om the day be. | 4--Market Basket aronio. OSHAWA TIMES ee arr | itaway. Phoue Newcastio nd awa; Ajax, . must in by 5 pom. a p: Fe a ; i THREE - cottage paved private Au. sell at once, six-room, LE iC Cd Moroaes" of rors | 5 Allein etd Su, | omer cue, To pe Bove Bh Ss 18 Male on Female Mlp (Bo in Cote it sin wit ea, Be i 5 y i cas] en ear M A Auto Parts MERCURY TAXI 26Y, King St. East, will be Secspted until 9 am. liine between SKnithy and Ajax. Watch minimum return of 10 per cent on in- Wanted FOUR - room apartment, stove and sub-division. Terms arranged or ak Oshawa, Ontario Deadline for' Lost Found ond |ifor sign. MO vestment after taxes. Call Ma 3.5278 refrigerator, built-in cupboard, three-|count for cash, full price $6300. _ KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- Jeni mn 4 . Cancellations 8:30 a.m. Office || or ol9 to 1 pm. PROOF reader piece bath. T 725-3938. phone Blackstock 70 after 7. rivers: teed, automotive parts and accesso-| Gardening and Supplies 723-4697 Hours: Daily 8-5, 8-12 ASP BERK as, lor position, must be accurate. Apply PO|KING and Park Road four-room apart ries, 1 treet West, Oshawa, REGULA TIONS-- sal e. 'elephone Mo" 8-4035. After hours SPACIOUS store for sale or rent, Ko Box 446, Oshawa. ment in new apartment building, refrig- on) man, parking faelll Rood erator, stove, free laundry, facilities, FOR REAL ESTATE 45 King Si 728-1607-8-9. "Five bays to serve you." (WE will take care of your lawn and Registered under Mortgage The Oshawa Times will not be || lL garden while you are away on holi- 9 909 responsible for errors in advertise- || STRAWBERRIES. Pick your own for tion, growing busines. 128 Wikson 20--Room and Board parking, adults. 728-3971. Brokers' Registration Act Ro days. Als landscaping, patios etc, Tele: ments submitted otherwise than in |!25 cents a quart. Phone Chomkos MO ad South. Telephone 725-7938. 100 $70 ' | " BILL S CUS I OM phone 723-7263. Mort: writing, nor for more thon one ||8-4606 after 6 p.m. SMALL printing business, can easily be (FIVE or six men, willing to share, i ae Pat Foy chil. DON S. SMITH { ortgages incorrect insertion of any adver || good steady customers. Press, single beds, European and English dren welcume. Apply 282 AU | (0) | RIM tisement, nor beyond the price | 5--Farmers Column paper cutter, goodwill, ete,, $2,000, full |cooking: construction workers welcome. t SANSENG BROS. FIRST und second mortgages, arrang-| i | price. Owner has other rite Clean home, central. 725-9087. Eas! Vickery Real Estate charged for o single wnsertion of a 137 KING STREET WEST LANDSCAPING & ed, x Schatrmanh Moxtgage Broker, || the advertisement in wieh error [NEw posts and 2x4's for sale. Tele-|Box 126, Oshawa Times. $15 PER WEEK -- good beds and food, GacEzLoR apariment, id deal for young . Specializing seatcovers, convertible I I a n - LUXURY 15sulte apartment bullding lunches packed if desired, laundry done, | CPW tS S07 ped, JV Sulit, Jark | Business ...... 728.6228 GARDEN SERVICE MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh.|| 10 clossify advertising according WELL broken mare with a foal. Tele |for sale, central location, perfect state Rossland - Simcoe area. Parking. Apply ' { d i or phone 723-4524 evenings. Ops and repairs Let us look after your awa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and vicin- = up classification, adveriings phone 728.3619. of repair, fully rented with adult ten. |708 Carnegie Avenue. 728-4879 PHONE 728-4162 garden ond lawn idly : ity. Residential, acreage, apartments, h The. Times pi 4 ay igh DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. ants. An : opportunity to he-| ROOM and board for 1 nice FREE rent one month, three rooms, you're Busthess. Members of Ontario Mort. ments i Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721,|cOMme a wealthy independent business| clean, quiet European home, first class on vacation gage A bhi bh hi more bi han Margwill Fur np Mini So 115. |man. Part cash, house or service sta-\home cooked meals, lunches packed. {any ryer, wa MA i " 4 BUYING OR SELLING Barristers | 728.3755 mn, 8 p.m. Securities Limted, 112 Simcoe Street at in Wen J ac err Be a tion as down payment; balance over 25 Close to everywhere, 81 Park Road Sing West, Bowman "BILL " | orth, Oshawa, one -3568. A r dead and years. PO Box 220, Oshawa. South, FOUR.ROOM bungalow, two bedrooms, HORNER eo to reproduce all Radvertising matter | farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, ra 2. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solicl $12,000 FIRST mortgage (commercial [| correctly but assumes no liability |icollect. 24-hour, seven-day service, FOR SALE -- O'Malley's Snack Bar, kitchen, living room and modern bath- LIST WITH LLOYD tor, etc. 13% Simcos Street North. , : t 922 Si Street North. Must h RE room, hot and cold water. Cedar Valley, Office 725.3741; Residence, 725-3542. LOAM-GRAVEL er oa ah me. Mo|| Of Cdvertisement are somained || BE i al a ua Apis 23--Wanted to Rent to the end of Main Street. Telephone] THEN CALL YOUR MOVER BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister Solicl- 8-4249. 3 ony. wncesuraies in any Yor AEE ion: F at Snack Bar. THREE - BEDROOM house in Rossland 728-1833 or UL 3.3471 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd Sow, Xe IAVID Lo Barrier solic} SAND. FILL. TOP SOIL therein. ention: armers Road district, east of Simcoe Street. | uur SEO unfurnished apartment, 2 tor 3 amen . R Y ' FIRST and second mortgages, sale Sno-C Dri In Ltd Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post|y., Tauty wiring, parking, utilities Realtor MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, LOTS LEVELLED ON rks boron ol Dol Thresher and Hammermill no-Cap Drive-in . |Office. paid, le for 'reliable tenants. 1013 mece St. N. Solicitors. Clients' fund flable F3 7 - Belts, 50' x 6 x 4: $45.00. Protected Territories COUPLE with two children, one school di 728- 28-5123 first first morigages. 20 Simcoe Sieet ogth: TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Street Fast. 7337203 Tv Radio Repairs 2" Belting: 2% per 34 3. Franchises now available in age, would like four- or five-room du- 6108. aries C. cGl n, 3 ' : 735-3566. . I or A A A plex. Ground floor rreferred. Rent rea | gayn Room rtment If-contain- Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. Reasonable Rates Optometrists SPECIALIZING IN 33c ft; 6": 65c ft. Special Ciatio and Quebec for year sonable. Phone 728.2037 after 6. ed, ground oor oll prs olin ona NEED HELP? LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soll- DIAL 725-2156 C. HB. TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Please prices on endless farm belts, round drive-in restaurant |SMALL furnished house, one or two dry. parking space, hot water included. citor, Notary. Alger Bldg. 37 King pay at SAMSON TOWERS all types of rubber hose, plas- backed by experience, train- |bedrooms, between Oshawa and Toron-|Separate entrance. 723-3096. Street East, RA 3.4043 Mortgage Buin 74 Burk Street, Invands ex tic pipe, rubber boots, etc ing, advertising. Write to [to East. Reliable adult with good refer. GTEAN afirachive | Use our complete, competent monies available. BACK FILLING amined st home. Dial 5-t- ANTENNA INSULATION Belt repaired or vulcanized Sno-Cop, 3077 Bathurst St., Tow ROOM ey nt nd floor, |conveniencel iad good oor n, personalized service to help jo \ - » 1 i - apartment, s venie! 3 8, ation, bond og lglg etry, the examination of eyes; an: LEN & LOU'S TV. a low prices within 24 hours. Teoronte, for further informa- | co onabie rent. "Telephone 125-9534, parking, 725-5380. you select the home, cottage, Dial 723.335, Residence phones: J. M. GRAVEL lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Phone 728-1658 fon, TEACHER and family desire furnished | ONE. AND TWO Bedroom spariments, business, farm, office space Greer, BA, Se 25.3968 Terence V. Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. Free Estimates S d | . apartment or house for August 30. - A ; ged, or rental you require. Contact Kelly, . 5833. September 15. Telephone 725-4330, Apply 0 8 Simcoe or telephone SALPH JONES, BA, aud THOMAS H,| Lot levelled, front end loader | Painting and Decorating 725-7844 nowden Industrial TEXACO CANADA 28-3945. GREER, Aweciate Barristers and Solt| with truck avollable. At rec- (LT FAINTING <i ascii iog¥. Rubber & Plastics LIMITED 24--Houses for Rent EEL FLL part. R. VICKERY Sortgage loans availabe. Yonble . ate. enatn, YRS 165) alter § 3.9) OSHAWA 91 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA FOUR-BEDROOM home in Bamiet |Cwl "Business couple preferred. Tele REAL ESTATE BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, barrister, 655-4746 PAINTING. Free estimates, clean work, -- ' has a modern established ser- Yacant, ready to move in, close | 10 115 phone 725-8245, . 728-6228 ant. T0381. Res, YU 32127 ne ies, uk Tue hugte Yay ELECTRONICS 7--Trailers Thee ing 2 Sime IR Reid APARTMENT ~-- three Tooms and bath. 46 KING W. . . ighway No. close jax. Tel sosssii 3 woneny ms. ws; E. R. KNOWLTON Tatmisnn, Besed. pale Cabin traller;| An excellent opportunity for Nose for rent close to choo, ug ote. MO 8.3801 AFTER 6 P.M. CONTACT Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street N PIN ERVICE DODD & SOUTER ON paint, $1,395. Monty's BA Serie. Sir: the right man to enter into a ares. R 5 oi 9 THREE ROOMS -- newly decorated, East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 82971. LANDSCAPING S| PAINTING & DECORATING coe South at Gibb, 7259131, © business for himself. We |723-7635. private bath and entrance, heavy duty| Don Smith .... 728.4879 JAMES A DONALD: wetary Bub.| TOP soil and sod. Repairing CONTRACTORS VACATION CABIN camping and uillty trailer for| invite inquiries from oggres- [SEVEN-room house wailable for wo giring, sink, cupboards. "196 Ostawa| Pat Donevan .. 723-7313 Pub- Pal . Paperh rent. Reserve your trailer mow, for i indi i families two kiteh nd two Bert Peyton ves or Bie, The Commercial Building, ne, 358 King] and lawn maintenance patio einting, Foperhanging pleasant, economical holiday. Bargaing| oC individuals who. are gmx rooms, immediate possession. Also | FOUR-ROOM apartment, unfurnished | Bill PH ES T3048 West, Oshawa, Ontario. Clieit parking) ond sidewalk slabs Gyptex, Fall Wall Murals, T V T OWE R 5 Tn new 'and used trailers Monti "ia| - ious to become independent |upartment. 735.6184, TIBIONT. FOUR-RO0N aocoriied Sails 728-0640 available. Spray Painting. Service, Simcoe South at Gibb, 725: 9131, business men able . SEVEN-ROOM two-storey MAY WwW CREIGHTON. FRASER, DRYNAN 30d 725-6047 107 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY SEVEN-BOOM wo Siorey hou on 5 ony |r apply 146 Division Street, Y WE SERVE YOU? 3URbocH, Dartistons, Sotidions, Nor DAYS MO 8-5231 361 GIBBONS ST. GOING CAMPING? A service station manage. [clean Ra Ava TEE RO Pe nas. pt | 28--Real Estate Wanted 8 Simcoe Street North, 723-3446; :T. K. NIGHTS 725-7426 728-8180 ment course Is offered to suc. [able Ausuml TTI. ______ [Coie entra ashing facilities, sult- Creigh ac: N. Fraser, ac; G. K. NUMBER ONE See Our Display of cessful applicant. $3,500 |[SIX-ROOM house, close to | able io for pi 2 Jasuog os enone | F00D_size lof on the outskirts of Ou JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, Barrister, TOP SOIL Free Survey GLENDETTE capital required. Write -- gg ehing Rg heated, 383 awa, Telephone 728-5603. SANDALWOOD ond estimates TRAVEL TRAILERS [TEXACO CANADA LTD. STOOR and Park Hosd GHEE Toms rome TROON spariment sd rivets 29-- Automobiles for Sale 728-1944. King Brot Ertl oats, A baa 6-YD. LOAD--$8.00 PAINTERS Terms. Open evenings All Models c/o J. F. TALBOTT shia: Cul TAS1E Liosd Masky Ovhawa |siop.at door. T 8 (OLDSMOBILE four door Halide i Limited Realtor. ATTRACTIVE apartment, central, two 4 ' MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD 10-YD. LOAD--$12.00 Interior -- Exterior ~ BHAWAN. Cook' wd Box 233, Whitby, Ontorlo |x R00M new bungalow With Farage: oC a ale nd L SWARTZ. 'Barristers, Solicitors, No- 723- 3162 OSH A 2 hanging, JAX 22 2 WHY hii s Trailer Sales or phone 728-4231 adults, baby "welcome, i raonth. Tears facilities, Katie September 196) FORD Fairlane Va, automatic, $456 es. ; ock, ighway 2, East of Oshawa Oshawe lephone 3 725.2243 after cash, balance financed; pick-up truek 2% King , Resi Fv AVAILABLE August 1, o Deio0 or car in trade. MO 8.4 ence, Dial RA 3-4029. 728-1367 WH 2-4085 ; = FovR-mooN apart 1 -. sade. MO 8-434) donee, Dla RA ric | HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Because we give real service | 9--=Summer Properties |14--Employment Wanted |oufeior: two years old, pe do soe, refrigerator, cupboards, air con: | 37 Sips. No tly a pd Solichor, hi Bing Sires East.| A complete garden service, Personal Service fost os . BOG aY 2u ef- for Sale or Rent MIDDLE-AGED Danish - C . Phone after 6.30. 725-9087. 1 74 Chureh Street. Telephone 725-6992. RE A Mtg SR * Telephone: Business . Resi i .o. ven le wishin 1 t ho ¢ ; clean-up, fertilizing, wer RICE Lake cottage for rent, August, ious ¢, sning employment on horse or nt, close radio, like new. Trade, SADLY irate pn Fe ci SUR wwizs| rolling. Now Is the time fo kill TRY OUR perience , , , satistied near Bewdley, $ Toom, Hydro. R. La" courtier Seren rose ot ae e 25---Apts. & Flats for Rent fo North GM on hie Sen. 7 I: Es * Yor and Notary Public, 18% King Strest| ¢rob grass and chickweed. BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Drive In (and save) Service | ring tout tratier, Twany Gi, IE | nent. T Tae. Ey EE a eC po [oN fe or two Turnisbed Bousehesping HSA or up Bi de and private| Seedling, sodding, nursery Chicken plate, half chicken $2.50 foot, new condition. Telephone OL EY FICIENT young woman with diplo-|ed, central, ground floor. Apply 351 Ar-|rooms, Toll conveniences. Hi ad: woh a stock. with french fries, 'fish and 3.3738. ces rk shwytlentsl assistant. [thur Street. boards. Parking. Near south GM. 38/58 RENAULT, beige, very good condi od Ne Ph ar fo King 725 1721 chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, Tubes checked, glass ond |TRENT RIVER Post Office, Cottages anytime, ; ®: | UNFURNISHED ¢ Malaga Rd. tion. Telephone MO 8-5234 6 p.m. Bireet East. Phone 728-1762. milk shakes tuner, cleaned, set up for fugust 19 through good frig and stove included. Adults. Every THREE-ROOM unfurnished basement '55 PLYMOUTH sedan, Bight bine, ne RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, sarrister MODERN GRILL best picture Dale: safe Jor shildren, screened and 16--Female Help Wanted convenience. Central 6cation. Parking heated Ro ). | rust, Ried A rel vi room en, T 3 bath, heavy wiring, very central. Suit |cloging business sale, $345. King Wo « + North. Taaaon; i oi. 2188 Sen CROSS TOW N 'WE DELIVER--725-3887 A TOWER? cs A toilet, oo ronngs 8 10 10, Ticiatty of located, ht, ie tal, och hadburn Street. wis cadla, Avwly Bloiats, Sisoliie Siu a Or Il a gy ay ane d s {] ) . y hs " a b i © HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL SOD SUPPLY TRY us! [3% weekly. Also takes guest In house|Ritson South and Eulalle. 728-2069 be-|in Cap for host hc of rou T ROOM "9 E perfect cond © MAN, ro hy ., Salctors: RH ; LET US MACHINE WASH Ley ole BRL LS 1% | fore 6. x office. Call 723.7244. private entrance, heavy wiring, park-/g3e5, RR 3, Thornton's Jadio: Food fires 4 Humphreys, Qc: 8. Boychyn, BAi| A.l rolled fertilized sod, YOUR WALLS, HOMES, Moving antenna? Same day! |grounds. Mrs, A. G. MacFarlane. EXPERIENCED wanted, ap-(T "ROOM furnished Apartment, Ha. Private bath. Apply 25 Division 723.3030, pl W. A. Hillman, LLB, 36} Kin Street East. Phones: Office, 725- 1177; Res,| cut fresh daily, sod for truck- OFFICES, etc Repairs? As good as new! |728-18%. ly in person any time at the Town all conveniences, close to south Ger - '58 CONSUL, small mileage, sound me. 5 3 f and Country Rest Bond 725.4604 or Whitby, MO 82761; 725-| ers in the field. Special con- Speedy, Accurate, No-Dripping MODERN three-bedroom cottage, com-|East, y Restaurant, 15 Street ig and buses, Avaiable | DERN, four om oF 3 Fag A , upholstery, ©. $203. Money to loan lete with bi . 3 ing mats, panels, like new, outside rust. y tractor rates. CALL DUNBARTON TE 9-1864 | TRIO TELEVISION [Bele vith Bathroom. electric stove SEAUTH - conscious Housewives 1 do waiher and dryer. Immediate posses-|§185. King West Motors. Opposite Shop- ® 725-8504 Day or Evenin | T™W ¥ +] 7 available from Au 9, 1981. tact [telephone so! from their own 3 a; ping Centre. [ . Boats Free Estimates 171 BOND EAST Lloyd Metcalf a 5 0h at homes, Write lo. Box No, :130. Oshaws 0 BEDROOM FURNISHED two - room apartment. MOTOR Scooter, semi-automatic, Dush . FIBRE GLASS boat and trailer, -8 HP| . EASY-GLID 278- 781 728-4678. Imes. APARTMENT newly decorated, private bath, andy | xhaust, all ries, . Johnson electric. Complete outfit for DRIVEWAY GRAVEL INTERIOR a FE ASHING 6 LAKE BALSAM -- Large housekeeping |TWO mature ladiés, able to speak well| = 415. rooms newly decorated, facilities, elode to bus stop, adults only. Phone MA ane Busty Baw. + sale. Reasonable. 725-1038 ae - Telephone i CEMENT GRAVEL DUNBARTON {Well Drilling-Digging takes dg Rn is ly ee ea I ae even| refrigerator, range, lockers, | ores vo bedroom aPArE: |p ro" sons Aransistor ie - Bookkeeping SAND AND FILLING | Contact Murchison and Robson, Reai.|ings, one on full ime basis, Extremely| Washer and dryer. Prices ré- |ment, free washer and dryer, stove, Mion, Bom A ' Plumbing Heating tors, Fenelon Fall interesting work. Must have means of d. | di - ved et W WARD alls. Phone 89. duced. Immediate possess frigerator, in apartment building, paved | EVANS LOAM AND ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel. FOR RENT 3 too transportation. Remuneration gxeellant. drive, close to bus. 725-8653. 56 PLYMOUTH two-door v3 in wry very . ion. L. SCHAPELHOUMAN GRAVEL SUPPLIES, ing, new and used materials. Reason. WELL DIGGING BY TE Ble an Com foltass |Iterview arransed imumediately. DOUGLAS L. GOWER ' |26_Rooms for Rent Telephone 728-6286. ld Box 133 Oshawa Times. bl tes. Esti tes free, I 7 3 Dalri A COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING 725-5279 ray ales ute Bm MACHINE 5 wonky. Notephone. 7383178, AGENTS. clubs, sic. Sell Canadu's fn REALTOR--728-4651 % METEOR. fonder, atx cylinder, SERVICE, INCOME TAX ALL and heating supplies. SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE Ts on Bap-|; ot CHsimag Sards. Over 00 Hows pik) a aR oe andar biog pd ratte 2 ; . es. r- o speci Ld RETURNS OSHAWA Phone 7283521. Harold BR Stark WHITBY, ONTARIO tiste Lake. Two bedrooms. inside toilets, soma) cards. Wraps toys and novethes | TWO BEDROOM [20 Simeos Sirest' North Sports Supertest. Telephone 728-8913. ing, "235 Simcoe Street South, enaineer) MO 8-2563 -- MO_8-3809 pin water, Stee To or. "Phone ® io, | Prompt Service. For colored eatalonus FURNISHED room, § per week, gentle- | '51 MODEL A coupe, Mil race. 58 686 OSLER STREET HOME See 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. Mr. Alex Scott, Onlario, ales Ol in ren TRIPLEX man only. Telephone 723-2853 Dodge engine, $600 cash. Dial P.O. BOX 329 ON Lake Si # Bie | East, Ontario FURNISHED apartment and single | 655-3574. 725-9953 | LANDSCAPING BEATTY APPLIANCES Te ue ar September. | Mer BxTRA WON TT ssi mars| Attroctively decorated, stove, [housekeeping rooms, private entrance, Eon i 3 Barn, equipment, pumps. Conveniences, safe beach, fishing, boats fri her, dryer, parki ential, parking, rea ble. 96 Centre BUYING OR SELLING SEE Building Trades } Londscaped designing, sod 0) NOTHING [|svailable oritia, Fairview 52017. | easlly be earned by showing our| frig, washer, dryer, parking. [street : wt BRON or 5d pe, 209 Seeding, weed killing, oil bi hot LAKE SCUGOG -- lakefront, five.room iiends and neghbors. Ou ton s| New building, Lansdowne GLEAN Tarde Wingie Toom or house: TED. ( AMPIN Liphmt shingles and repairs. No jobs| COMPlete garden service. il _bumers, hot water and cottage for rent after August 26, mod-|page, full-col makes it Dr. Adults Only, 725-4842. keeping room, close to south GM res ; : | forced air furnaces, batnroom Bus at door. Telephone 725-1238. bi t Estimates free. ' ern con fully "ats |oaty to get plenty of orders. No experi sonable. Bus a . o DIE or or ran e%7 stimates fre 728-6366 fixtures, parts and service. | S T O O beach, fishing. Telephone 985-2214. ase irc gn no mony. Le LARGE APARTMENTS IN COLUMBUS =z three unfurnished MOTORS PARTNER A NEW lakefront tage # rent, sy for samples, on approval, of love. . private entrance, bath, heated, CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork: | : 1 akefront cottage for rent, s talogue. 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA ing, all floor coverings Free estimates. OSHAWA, PLUMBING AND HEATING B | G cious rounds, quiet, clean, 9 miles east 1¥ Caristmay cards A ie oT East Available In Modern Building Collar. Tm 041418 Secupaney. Oust East 57 Wilson Road) Work guaranteed. 728-0850. ACME HAULAGE ORONO 1782 Day or Night | oi Oshawa, just off. 401. Commule,isvenye, Hamilton, Stove, refrigerator, T.V,, 723.4494 Res. 725-5574 Bri, YVFES Sodas a a TL MOBILE home prospects are looking | EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted age parking, laundry, locker, sn eed rooms. Rout and waler © gidewalks, stoops. 728-0394 *Gordon May, LTD. Rug--Upholstery Service t S MALL for your ad in the Classified Sectiin, between 3045. Must have neat ab-| hardwood floors, painted to included, separate meter, suit couple," 2 FOUR Tal chines closmer. Chim) GRAVEL STONE GHESTERFIELDS veuphoisiered ana] © 100 Dial 723-3492 now to place the Ad that pearance, pleastat personallly. SPRY} your liking, Call at 101 close to GM, Telephone 728-8862. . -- re-styled. Free estim will put you in touch with them. Craydon Rd. Apts, or Dial [TWO light furnished housekeeping WILLIS ates. See our mate- meys built and repaired, gas linings in- rial for recovering. Dalton Uphoistering, owen. MO 8-3092 rooms, for gentlemen, newly decorated, au, Frew ext LOAM a hah el 10 besoldina , CAMPERS 17--Male Help Wanted : pn EE Re MOTORS Building Trades 723-3528 Ey ally Susvured 75 ACRES TWO BEDROOM ONE completely furnished bousekeep-| TAUNTON RD. EAST are r Satisfaction guaranteed 5: v in , with sink, stove and refrig. . SOME OWNERS--shingling, flat roofs. | Insurance Mattresses re-built. Oshawa 'Upholstery classified ad COTTAGES ESTABLISHED APARTMENT erator, suitable' for one gentieman, A Your AUSTIN all types siding, blown insulation, caulk 10 Bond Street West. Dial 728 boats for rent, excellent fish- SALES DIVISION 4 # of {central. Apply 237 Athol Street East, ing. Phil Harper, Whitby, MO 8-355. _ | \yusTaTE Auto 1 |G. i i ina. sandy beach, pony rides, > rooms -- free use of auto- Dealer Auto Insurance. Save up|--_ The capabilities of classified r ' : motic washer ond dryer, FURNISHED housekeeping room for FREE estimate on digging. basements to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For | CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- yer. gentleman, central, near North General and by bi | Cd N " Get the Seeking local representative Il deer. MO 83612. Parsontl service at your home. call|covered Uke naw. Gut the bust tor less gre almost limitless. You con PIONEER VILLAGE for Oshawa ond orea, Can- $90 MONTHLY Ll gn lr Pg ge 725-0331 South. Call 728-6451 for a free esti- BUCKHORN LAKE da's largest manufacturer of Apply 213 East. We have a good assortment DONT MOVE NEED 3 job! The place io find 2 Jai mate. "| buy (or sell big things like 728-2301 aluminum products offers Monirave' ene, Apt. 1 of Used Cars. IMPROVE EE A ames h outstanding opportunity for ATTRACTIVELY MODERNIZE - REDECORATE WHY TAKE CHANCES Guses. of fersion tucks, An men who desire higher th INSIDE OR OUT AUTO INSURANCE WITH YOUR VALUABLE you wish. And, just as easily, N--Articlas for Rem iio i ery APARTMENTS FURNISHED ROOMS SAR INSURA| NCE YOU Will, BE CLAD i vo) 00-0 corslul diver RUGS AND FURNITURE you'll find buyers for more | SICKROOM EQUIPMENT and who re ambitious for Available in private home. drivers and enjoy a saving of Bre you may save $10, $15 or When you san hove them FOR RENT OR FOR SALE advancem LA SALLE COURT 82 PARK ROAD N $10, $15 or $25 or better 110 King St. East, Oshawa $25 on your car insurance or professisnal Bhp cs My modest-sized fama. His jewel. Hospital beds, wheel chairs, EXPERIENCE NOT TELEPHONE * than 20% A their car in- AJAX REPAIR LTD patter Yan 20% i rStered stitute of Rug Cleaners. 20 lery or roller skates or baby Ivelig salen, bedsides NECESSARY 725-3815 Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Buccs. Helf-yser peymerts, ond CON terms arranged, or : Tr, this 2. NOWAY 728-4681 buggies. One thing that isn't cones, also roll-away beds You will earn while you learn. or 728-6485 728-8671 ample free parking. a Our sales training program is I if you require an economical Call us today and campare big is the cost of classified. Prd aderizing machines. the finest in the industry. SCHOFIELD Home, Summer Cottage, le thi Surveyors OFIEL Goroge we py supply: Fac- TS CHOFI! LD DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, on.| Only 2% cents per word for RA 5-1644, WE OFFER PARKWOOD MANOR Ingurance, Assscle es Ltd. De E priming. 11 Ontario Servet i 12--Articles Wanted 723-2265 Buildings. Many plans to | INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. | Hinting. twenty-five words (minimum) --Weekly Drawing Account APARTMENTS H. FLIM AND TRC 3 wie from. Move in next 360 Kng St. West 723-2265 |1.na Dr Teo or Su for six consecutive insertions. WANTED Qualified Leads, Earnings Trade your boot on a car-- East. Phone 725-6881. Sortege Lawn Mowers TV--Rentals Three cents per word for three SCRAP IRON, POULTRY --Top. Seles Na) (KING AND PARK ROAD) Me Shed Tt POWER lawn mowers and hes : , --- -TV- Moving Biorage, Oshawa, repaired: also bicycles, and outboard consectutive insertions ond AND FEATHER TICKS Advertising Support | Tin, Reassats che ly ays: tor. 'Rosedale arias. 725 8063 - Purchase your de-humidifier four Gente per word Jor ape or l. TURNER Transportation Supplied OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS IN TOWN North RES Ra on 5 indie A eg hover, bradision. | $10 down -- $7 per month. 723-2043 723-3374 MANAGERIAL POSITION TO Modern 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Fridge, stove RA 8-5912 i '| Remove the dampness from two insertions. Call The Osh Telephone 725-4360. e PERIE R! + Dressmaking elephone ehh hndoglianibuiy (collect) BX NCED PERSONNEL paved parking. T.V. outlet Open evenings or weekends WE SHARPEN AND RENT vision -- only $7 per weak awa Times Classified RA 3- For an interview call FURRIER ALMOST EVERYTHING from. 3492 if you hove something AUTO VW ING co D U M 0 N T FROM $85.00 VOLVO and DRESSMAKER Give Us A Call-- MEAGHER'S 16 3871. Réod the classified for al . Inquire about our special offer at $82.50. Most dependable. New, Aletotions, Remodelliny ' 5 King St. W. 723.3425 Wants cars for wrecking. + LOW PRICES . STAN'S anything 10 tuy Parts for sale, also scrap iron Aluminum Products FOR INFORMATION The leader on the road cnd |TV - Radio R |] | on metals, etc, u 333 SIMCOE S. track. : 22 ROWE STREET [corner po 5 ood STS. A a TUT" ail 73 3 49? Ee soy Pros 728-1651 725-7272 JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 728-6706 . Hilo "Avene, sve creat 21 725-2311 89 BLOOR & TILL 9 P.M. 725-5787 49 Ritson 5. S20.0021 J

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