29--Automoblies for Sale |Z¥---Automobiles for Sale [SZ---Articles for Sale [32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, July 28, 1961 15 " radio| "#1 ONEVEOLET station wagon, auto: |LARGE Frigidaire Gen. stoves, suitable for or EOF Brule. 73 x 20. oth Tot from CUSTOM built two-bedroom brick bun- LOT 49 x 180, terms, for infor vad 'signal Nights, Telephone TILTON. |matic, new tires, snow tires, windshield era) Electric Fangs snd machor. om ion, oro Fialey, oval range with reser. 13 and 5 p.m. 725-8955. Man. + atliwond, 'good 51 PONTIAC hardtop, new motor, radio 2iners, very low mileage, $1,395 cash single bed. 153 Central Park Boulevard|voir and w oven; one_duo-flame CAPSULE vy' extras, Payeséot "5(88 ACRE farm. all workable, at Scu-|51 FONTIAO hardiop. new moior, Fado or best offer, 728.8108 North. oll heater and . Resonable, arate, Sustaital dawn yay son, 4 mile off paved road, brick house 90. Telephone MO §§721. 4 OLDSMOBILE, good condom, PIF [01x omer 055-4609, ith conveniences. Good ats. Apply gi] King Siest East or.,oy, J 725.3716. FOR SALE -- Two sets of bunk IB, SDSNOTD, rote hi, i 8, ro : ele neh STI, mo oe Sr 7 i Ca, as Te | 2 Men Charged CONVERTIBLE 75% Buick, white wits| 30--Automobilss Wanted VACUUM cleaner vepairs, all makes, Result Of Chase Street or 723-4184, black top, nice shape $1050 or best| ARESHORE Auto Wreckers w machines. Estimates free. | : Repair TORONTO (CP) -- Two men Thursday XZ7--Real Estate for Sale ---Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale y, good lo- Avail. new seven-room | schools and bus. down, SORTER Aru, Pom tr Sr Tih Se on six per on 1mm. Oshawa ot BUYING OR SELLING [1280311 and 7251343. "BILL HORNER" $8,900 ASKING price. 6 large rooms, LIST WITH LLOYD very food condition, large kit: chen, new forced air oil furnace, Alum. I THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. inum deep landsca Itor 101 Si St, N. 728-5123 flolande, Tisroey $1,500 DOWN If looking for a good modem 2 storey brick home with 3 bed- rooms, don't miss this one. Hondy location, tasteft large pleasant kitchen, recreation room, forced air heating and oil, fully landscaped, large garage. Owner will toke bock the mortgoge. 30 days possession. VARIETY STORE & SNACK BAR Here is on opportunity for you to obtain a well established business of your own, Completely equipped. Hos been operated by the present owner for years ond is a proven money maker, C lly located, r ble rent, good lease. Books open to Interested parties. ant rebuilt offer, 728.3227, ears for Highest prices paid, Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Serv. '86 BUICK, four-door sedan, body 725-1181, ice. 728-0591 Fisher, mileage 46,921, Sacrifice 58 OR "BA Che-wnlet, in good shape, 1954 DODGE motor, compieiely over | 98 after 6. 723-4728, | hauled. $ ALL CASH $ WV 51 CHEY, %-ion pick-up truck, excel- NEW and used lawn mowers, tillers a it, . o , 725-5207 or Howe a3 prick bungalow, in North Oshawa, tent condition. Best cash offer Pry and engines, 74 Barrie avenue, oll fu large lot in For cleon cors we deal up or down. Liens paid off. it 8 city (213 ve Avenue Apt. 9. sub-division. Terms arranged or dis-|'3S PONTIAC ~ converiible, American, NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N,, WHITBY 8 condition, reason- amet To eras 3100 eran: | ie APty 340 Greenwood Avenue, OF 723-3568. MO 8-8001 FOR REAL ESTATE |/3 CHEV BelAly Vi automatic, vad. CARS WANTED Power steering and brakes. $1800. Tele: DON S. SMITH Buying a New Car? phone 725-3368, USED CAR lot, well established, good Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 Sell your used Cor iv "Ted" Talk "Cosh" to the , New ation, for sale or rent, very henson. 728-4879 Car Dealer and "SAVE". able. Present stock if desired. 150 ACRE, TED CAMPIN MOTORS Faso, sets, Wale} original gun metal finish, closing busi- ness sale, $595. King West Motors, oppo- SPECULATIVE AND [5 OLDSMOBILE, two-door, two-tone, $1905." Smith's Sports Bupertest Tele.| 723-4494. Res. 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR site Shopping Centre. SECLUDED FARM piss. smiues F R N J H O ILM F S 4 miles east of Oshawa next [iho METEOR, = fordor, six eviinder con: to large brand new high dition, special thols week $1595. ity i's FOR makeer als 'opment int. Bed good 728-3757. school and public schools. REALTOR Fronting on 3 roads, good gr dg AL vp UNTIL MIDNIGHT . 204 KING ST. EAST buildings, good productive DODD MOTOR SALES | FOOD & FREEZER N farm, Ideal as a golf course, 314 PARK RD, §. Pp HOUSING HIGHER OTTAWA (CP Stata wl our | churches and orth while 5 Dauive by calling|3yGST sell at once, six- I T oh i 4 gs g g E g i &f gE is g od : i i f; : gs Hi i 14 ar $319, discount ar $399, discount price $209; 6 x 9 €0 discount 1.99. Ed Wi 's_Discount Store, 20 Church Street. TOURIST tent, 15° x 9' x 7%', used two weeks, good condition, 3 10° plywood boat, or offer. Four ig A $5 each. Tele- : gg 332 If " g camp cots, phone 723- FREE TUMBLER WITH $3.00 GASOLINE AT THE HILLTOP OPEN EVERY NIGHT BABY'S crib with mattress, baby carriage with carrier, ironer, racing bike. In lege Rallvay Jhnuiea sociation, metal co! s Telephone] = hich bought the pont 12 FT. boat, 5 HP Johnson motor and | Thursday it will be sold to the ay hs sr anrolet. Reasonable. |gssociation at is cost of about i#' MOLDED hull, steering, wind $500. The company had origin } : ally asked $1,000, which the as- shield, trols, 35 HP Johnson electric starte gid skiing equipment cut. Best sociation said it was unable to raise. offer, 728.5105, BUYING or Ssposing J used Juruitute, | Experiences. CONG IL! 3) Year (SEIS TOUGH BUDGET Sheets." entats, Oshawa. Hardware, 8 By Lo Felix Dias Ban- uted plastic cases containing a daranaike of Ceylon Thursday|nail file, comb and pen with his announced tough new fiscal{name printed on the side. sheets, rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church Street, 723.7624. TI i y . pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg, $2.00. which he said were Creation Dovaitment, Oshaws Time. nivncd. at leading the country to.| WILL BUILD AIR FORCE ward a socialist form of society,| LONDON (Reuters) -- Ghana Included was a ceiling on in- a spend £14,000 ($39,900, come, a four-per-cent develop- yn © ola an aig orcs by ment tax and nationalization of , the Ghanaian high com- mission announced here Thurs- CQUIT MINISTER BELIZE (Reuters)--Luis Syl, 53 PONTIAC two-door, a mice running vestre, Honduran minister for car. Sacrifice for $145, must be before Saturday, MO 8.4517. {CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor ear radios, from $39.95, Try Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. "56 PLYMOUTH two-door V-8 in very excellent condtilon, one owner car, Telephone 728.6286. 725-2363 ANYTIME private club, gravel deposits, Excellent chance for sub- division, Owner retired. Once- in-a-lifetime chance, For price MARY STREET NORTH ie. fetime ch close to bus, DIAL 728-4661 very good condition, Whitby MO 8,5782, schools. 31 MODEL A coupe. full race, "3 WHITBY Dodge Te, $600 cash, Dial direct BUNGALOW 1% TON Chev. picku Reduced to 723-9421 31--Automcbile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Broke Specialists, complete broke service. Motor tune- up ond general repairs, 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 You may have tried the rest, Now try the best, Eat better for less, 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro. ducts, highest quality meats, Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment, Call now for demonstration == no oblige- Sem nese Restricted choice residential areq shopping, public, separate and high BUILT BY R. JEFFERY CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. $13,995.00 WITH $1795.00 DOWN BALANCE ON 1 N.H.A, MORTGAGE truck, Telephone King Street East 725-4327 or apply after 6.30 p.m. "56 MGA $885. Custom bullt radio, good condition. Apply 8, Green, first house northeast corner Garrard and Rossland after five, TWO easy chairs with down pillows, two end tables, coffee table, wall to wall drapes, Call 725-5703 6 p.m, OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant equipment, New, used, buy, sell, trade Servige. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook- PRICE Prepaid services including cyrb and gutter INCLUDES: Ceramic tiled bathroom walls Electric light fixtures Ocak and Vinyl Asbestos $13,500. 58 RENAULT, beige, very good condi. tion. Telephone MO 8-5234 after 6 p.m, 32--Articles for Sale tion. Zenith 9.6100, 2 INGLIS dryer, Eico oscilloscope, '53 PONTIAC deluxe two door, in very good shape. Telephone 723-7720, '55 PLYMOUTH pgedan, light blue, no Attractive six-room brick bun- galow on fully londscaped in perfect condition, Must the Bank of Seyion, The pro: posals were designed to offset sell, | the country's record budget def- day. For initial training aircraft being purchased include Cana. dian de Havilland single-en- gined Beavers. large lot, with private drive. Completely decorated and in excellent condition, Includ- ing a finished recreation room in the basement, oll alumin- um storms and screens and T.V. cerial, See it and make an offer, To inspect call Keith Lunney ot RA 5-6165 days, or MO 8-2650 evenings. PETER KOWAL REALTOR BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2453 or MA 3-5868 Farm. 100 acres of choice sandy loam with some bush north of Bowmanville, 6-room frome house with bathroom. Large barn with hydro ond water. Garage, chicken house. Drive shed. Only $19,500. Terms. $torm windows and screens (including cellar windows) Mahogany trim throughout Laundry tubs Vonity in bathroom Divided basement CONTACT EXCLUS|VE AGENT LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-2378 AFTER 5:30 CALL: Dick Barriage .. 725-6243 Everett Elliott Marion Drew ... 725-7610 John Kemp .. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 WINONA -- PRESTIGE HOME 8-room ultra-modern ronch bungalow with double attached gar- age, In one of the finest residential districts. 2100 sq. ft. -- 3 large bedrooms with built-ins, 2 natural fireplaces. Included are broadloom, stove and frig, washer, dryer, drapes, etc. Beautifully londscoped, hot water radiant heating. This home shown only by appointment. Contact this office for further in- formation. rust, excellent mechanically, good tires, closing business sale, $345. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. '56 OL E, perfect standard transmission, radio, good tires Thornton's Road South, Stove cable Exhaust Fan owner moving. Telephone 723-3804. ieit of 701,000,000 rupees (about FURNACES, forced oir, ten Joar wun $148,000,000) next year, tn oT AkaRe deal $130, Telephone LAUNCHES RCN SHIP UVE SEWELL, NJ (AP)--The. -- Mrs. y NJ, e res 15 EVINRUDE, fake {rade or sell DE Ce of De-|mains of another mosasaurus N/W CORNER SIMCOE N. and | E5t err 5, JE ATE ASHER: & Bd ROS SLAN D W Get one for the cottage. Parkway Tele- HMCS Yukon here Thursday prowled the seas over this area \ » eS night, The 3,900-ton vessel is|75,000,000 years ago, have been EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD ie rg A se Fh eh Mae, Sat Pr comet ems BRICKS, DOORS, WINDOWS, STAIRS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES, 17 INCH TV; large baby crib with diay Navy. Li Lo fy RADIATORS, LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION mates. Both in good condition. Phone homing torpedoes and twin 70- SALESMAN ON JOB ST. CLAIR HOUSE WRECKING Co. Ltd. 32--Articles for Sale HOMARKET FOOD PLAN $14.95 PER WEEK ton. Ohvs BUYS YOUR GROCERIES FOR A FAMILY OF 4 -- FREEZER INCLUDED -- NO walnut; jacket heater with tank, ai $895. RR 3, 728-3030, '53 CONSUL, small mileage, sound me. y, res, a mats, panels, like new, outside rust, $195. King West Motors, Opposite Shop- ping Centre. ™ . MOTOR Scooter, semi-automatie, Dual exhaust, all accessories, nearly new. Phone MA 3-5718, JUDGE WAS INDICTED 308, Lig Fi AP)--Muni- cipa e 42, of Downey, a ine dicted on four counts of bribery Thursday following accusations .. 723-9290 EXPLORER tent trailer, sleeps four, .. 728-2392 o ery good condition, Apply 610 Fernhill or telephone 723-4830. HOT air furnace with stoker, $50, or best offer, Telephone 725-5133 for infor. mal 3 OIL space heater, 200 gallon tank, also coal furnace, with Delco oil burner and controls, Cheap for quick . Apply in Brock Street East or 725-5680 any- time. DISCOUNT prices on trade-in furni- While they last Chestertiolds and Shate file wl ey last sterfields chair, a $10, odd chairs, $2, couches and stu. the same of Money dics, $19; double dresser with mirror, u Warde} yg chesterfield chairs, $5. 35--Legal son's Discount F debts 20 Church Street, I will sot be Teaponsthle vy aria on 18 your cash register with aor after this date, July 28, 1961, without my written consent. -- Mr. Ralph Patriquin, sales tax button? If mot c Hamil ANYONE witnessing the acel at ton, Ashburn, FISHING equipment, fibreglass dent 3.43 pm, on Sunday, July 9, at Steven son Road and King Street and can of |dered held in custody pending 1m pias cu Hae a medical report. boat eg RR BE Re Street East. A days or NOTICE TO CREDITORS RIOTS CLAIM SEVEN AND OTHERS ORIE 4 BOGOTA, Colomba (Reuters In the Estate of MARJ even persons have been VIOLA ALLEMS, Merchant, [in political rioting between Lib- deceased. eral and Conservaitve parti All persons having claims | pear Albania, 100 miles north inst the estate of MAR. |here, it was learned today. Two JORIE VIOLA ALLEMS, lote [Conservatives and five Liberals of We Yillagy of Broeklin, died, police said. course, in t ounty of ntario, Fig PH a po A for] Merchant, deceased, who HIT WITH TOMATOES home rental. Slim-Rite Centre, 204 King] died on or cbout the 29th QUITO, Ecuador (AP)-Anti. Ecos home| oy Sa (Coa Joni BL Ce ne ries, or . not send in ambassador, ardo Vision, Thrifty Budget Flan. 5-408. undersigned Personal Repre- |gith rine tomatoes Thursday WHOLESALE prices on RCA Victor car| Sentotives of the said de- (aq he emerged from his auto. radios only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe| ceased on or before the mobile at the Presidential pals ou n, your uthotized RCA Vie-| 12th day of August, 1961, [Ln present his credentials. for service depot for Oshawa. full particulars of their Later the youths clashed with up B. Fo Goodrich' Store risen | claims. Immediately after the supporters of Cuba's Fidel Cas. said date the said Personal tro. Police broke up the fights. PROVIDE AID Call Us Now! SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST F. Goodrich Stores, ANT cnterior, exterior, $2.95 gallon.| ponresentatives will distri bute the assets of the said WILL MOSCOW (AP)--The Soviet Union has agreed to furnish North Races at S7g'n Rd. MO 8-5876 TT arias, exterior. S55 gallon. El [] deceased having regard onl Sudan with economic and tech- Open evenings Gres sie Hat evenings or weekends rl HOMARKET - 10 cioimg of Wikch they shal nical aid, it was disclosed Thursday in a communique SELLING furniture? Nell om LR VOLVO FOOD & FREEZER COMPANY EUR] SR 0 Sy te 1 signed by Premier Khrushchev frigerators, TV's, wi Stoves, oi Tg to) Th Nox ign y re WESLEY ALLEMS and ie. oder on the road. en SHOWROOM AND ORDER OFFICE po oh Tl gd 122 BROCK N., WHITBY Ibraham Abboud. Khrushchev FRED YOUNG, track. and Soviet President Leonid 29--Automobiles for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, = OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in surance, Half-year payments. Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD from 17 Patricia Avenue, answers to SARAH PAYS FINE band an left| 7 ONDON (AP)--Sir Winston Churchill's actress daughter Sa- rah agreed in court Thursday to take treatment for alcoholism and was freed upon payment of a $2 fine for being drunk. Miss Churchill, 46, pleaded fully July 15 to a charge of being drunk on a street and was or- Mom Whyte's farm on Hwy. 401, 8-room stone house, 30' x 50' barn, 16' x 160° dormitory. 4914 acres of land, All this for $25,000. Terms. CENTRAL PARK BLVD. NORTH Attractive 2-bedroom bungalow, large rooms, F.A. oil heating, eutomatic washer. Ideal location for schools, bus, shopping, etc. Full price $11,900.00. STACEY AVE. A charming 6-room frame home, well-kept and decorated, family size kitchen with dining area and a separate dining room, large living room, 3 good-size bedrooms, garden has enclosed patio for privocy, priced at $10,000.00 with $2,500.00 down. AFTER 5:30 CALL Marion Drew 725-7610 Everett Elliott 723.9290 John Kemp 728-2392 Dick Barrioge 725-6243 Lucas Peacock REALTOR FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon. stration. Telephone 728-4683. DINING room suite, wardrobe, both SALESMEN J. A. Barton ... MA 3.3098 C. Soper MA 3-2624 CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS $13,175--$1175 down $12,700--$975 down Insurance Associates Ltd, These are for custom-built 360 KING ST. WEST only, featuring the 723-2265 highest quality three-bedroom bungalow with all the latest In new homes for easy ond comfortable living. JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 28--Real Estate Wanted GOOD size lot on the outskirts of Osh- awa, ™ 'sphone 728-5692. BUIL G lot in Oshawa, close to school od bus, around $2000. Will pay cash, 'velephone 728-1563. 29--Automobiles for Sale '56 OLDSMOBILE four door Holiday hardtop, equipped with power steering and brakes, automatic and radio, im- maculate condition, private. MO 85152! 449 Ritson S. Aluminum Sales, 725-7922. that he offered leni to four 34--Lost & Found oung women in return for DOWN PAY ENT -- 100% GUARAN- 500d _ognttion. Very reasonable, TEE -- LIFETIME WARRANTY. prs combination television, re- cord ntimacies. LOST -- Green and yellow budgie bird, player and radio, iy mahogany ® Lets you eat better for less conveniently ; THE rellef of overweight, hot or high blood pressure the re- Delivers your groceries to your home ® Provides fresh food all year round--(All Red & Blue Brand Meats!) Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used These Are Facts! 725-4330 728-5109 BROOKSIDE ACRES AREA This is a real family home, new split level. The spacious living room has a stone fireplace, full dining room will accommodate 1d suite to excellent advantage (these rooms are broadloomed) he very large modern kitchen has a built-in oven and stove, fomily. room 13 x 16 is finished in mahogany, and has a two piece tiled powder room. A few steps to second level (with wrought iron railing) has three lovely large bedrooms, with double closets, and two 4-piece tiled bathrooms; one bathroom is off the 12 x 13 master bedroom. The house comes completely decorated, has stone planter, storms, screens, fully landscaped, ond double garage. ONE OF THE BETTER REAL ESTATE VALUES. Why not see this house now, we have the key, so call us anytime. Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR SALE ~~ Modern sixzoom brick FOR SALE -- 'Cabin cruiser, 1941, bungalow, oil heated, L ard. s fi $100 or nearest. Phone wood floors and tiles. Centre Street/MO 8.4811 or 655-3749, , Whitby. Immediate possession. | 186. eB ro CENTRALLY located apartment for FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom split. |" SIX rooms, hot water heating. level house, near high school. Available Hl August 16. Telephone MO Re: HILLTOP RENTAL SERVICE Complete line of tents, sleep- d rates. Reserve now. 728-6891 VOLVO PENTA ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration MARINE STORAGE TENDERS FOR SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION T.S.A. OF EAST WHITBY Tenders will be ived by the und d until Tuesday August 8, 1961, for the transportation of approximately 18 senior public school pupils from Raglon and Pereman's ha Executors, JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE By their solicitor, FINA SERVICE Ing bags, camp cots, air mat- \! h ted rr -- trasses, "cooler, lanterns and yg iy I Breshmey ay eit Sue CLEARANCE OF TRUCKS Bruce V. Mackey, B.A, 723092) - iy Oshawa, Ontario. dan at an unspecified date, 1958 CHEVROLET V2 ton pick-up to Coronation School; all within the Township of East For the year beginning Sept, 5, 1961. Approximate distance, one way, ten miles, Bus and operator must comply with Department of Transport Regulations. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 1957 GMC 1 ton stake truck. 7 x August 15. Call MO 8-2430. -- ns THREE room unfurnished apartment, self contained, light wiring, ground level, parking, suit couple, close to Whitby and Oshawa. Telephone 728-6408. FOR SALE or for rent, Available Sep- tember 1. Three-bedroom two-storey , downstairs washroom, oil heat. ing, garden and garage, $100 monthly. MO 82180 after 1 p.m. Eu ------------ FOR RENT -- Three-roomed unfur- nished apartment, ground y Pri- vate bath and entrance, MO 8.2776. APARTMENT, large unfurnished kitch- en and bed sitting room, hot water, hydro, oil heat, parking included; round floor, private entrance. MO ere metab tame UNFURNISHED, self-contained, mod- ern b FOR RENT: Modern two apartment, ground floor, centrally lo. rki facilities, |$65 ry and parking facilitie i cated, laund: 3 Available August 1, T MoO | 83782 ap three plece bath. Suit two girls or cou ple. omy, everything included. MO SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2563. FOR RENT: Apartment, kitchen, bed- sitting room, private bathroom and pri- vate entrance. Heat, light and soft water. 508 Centre Street North, Whitby. MO 8-2998. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 No Down Payment. No obli- gotion, The BEST for less, 15 cubic foot Frigidaire, 3 months food supply from Schneiders, approximately $16.95 per week assures family of 4 GOOD LIVING, ond is your total cost for food and freezer, ECONOM- IZE with ECONOMART. MO 8-5381, 'Qur food plan available to FOR RENT: 3-room unfurnished seif- b modern equipped kitchen, heat included, Tele- phone MO 8-5643 for more particulars. Eee OC ATS, | BACHELOR, 37, would like to rent self- | contained room in quiet home; no base- {ment room. Phone MO 8-8497 Whitby. BC SERICES. Complete bookkeeping service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre- pared, income tax returns, MO 8.8252. FOR RENT: Two furnished rooms, small kitchenette, stove and refriger- ator, suitable for couple. Apply 305 Perry Street. Telephone MO 8-4470 1958 1957 WANTED TO RENT: vurnished apart. ment with one , Or wn roomed apartment, with pull out couch. Cen- tral. Phone MO 8-8634 after 4 p.m. STUDENTS! A super value, approxi- mately 630 sheets of letter size typing Paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, 1111 Dundas Street West, FOR RENT Camping and boating equip- ment, cabin trailers, outboard motors, lawn mowers, garden tillers, power tools, We also sell and repair, lawn mowers and outboard motors. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE ell qualified freezer owners. and SALES 1415 Dundas St. E.--Whitby MO 8-3226 with fleetside body and long box CHEVROLET 15 ton stake truck licensed for 12,000 Ibs. 8 - 19.5 dual rear tires. 7 x 11 body with solid racks. V8 1957 GM.C. V2 ton pick-up 38,000 original miles CHEVROLET 3 ton Dump Truck 16,00 Ib. licence. 750 x 20 10-ply tires (3 new). Ex- cellent condition. Used by City of.Oshawa Parks Board, 1957 CHEVROLET %; ton pick-up. 31,000 original miles .... 1095.00 1245.00 995.00 1685.00 995.00 140 BOND STREET WEST 11 body with 8 - 17.5 single rear tires. 7,000 Ibs. licence. 1956 GMC cab and chassis (9543). 26,000 original miles 1956 CHEVROLET 1 ton stake with 7 x 11 solid rack body and 8 - 22.5 dual tires. Licenced for 12,000 Ibs. .. 1956 GMC 9533 series with 7 x 11 body and racks. 8 - 22.5 dual rear tires 1956 GMC 12 ton pick-up Long box curb side model ...... These trucks have been reconditioned and completely refinished. All have very good rubber. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. OSHAWA OK- USED CARS 1195.00 AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 845.00 1285.00 1095.00 795.00 COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS STORM DOORS, WINDOWS, PRIME WINDOWS Finest Quality Very Low Price, We olso carry a Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. tower structuree with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized. Guaranteed one year. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 T.V. TOWERS $55 R. A. PA PHONE 725-3529 For further information contact: CHAIRMAN MERRY MENAGERIE 40-ft, structure with all channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 yeor, TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond §t, East, 728-6781 See SOS Ses AAACN De