Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 24, 1961 PERSONALS Mrs. Allan Bailey, the for-|Grand Valley; Mr. and Mrs. J. mer Miss Marilyn Bray was|PE. Leggette, Owen Sound; Mr.) honored prior to her marriage M. Mottart, Grand Valley; Mr.| when Mrs. Reginald Amellland Mrs. E, B. Hastilow, Wa-| and Mrs. Gary Edgar held alterloo. miscellaneous shower at the former's home. Fellow employ-| .. : ees in the Parts Department, ding anniversaries, coming and| General Motors, gave a shower|S0N8S of guests and your own) at the home of Mrs. Paul Hycha, holiday plans are always of Ane Gibbons street. Miss Gladys|terest in this column. Write, | Lane, assisted by Mrs. Jack telephone or visit the social de- Dowson were co-hostesses at| partment with your item of a shower and the co-work.|n€Ws for which there is ers of the bride presented charge. Telephone 723-3474. her with an electric floor! Mr and Mrs. L. S. Bigwood, polisher. Following the re- Nontrave avenue, have as their hearsal, the brides parents guests their daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bray, Port meq Throndson (Mabel), Mr |Perry, entertained the bridaliThrondson and family of Leth- {party, and the newlyweds were prigoe Alberta, who are spend- lemetiaingd at a post-nuptial, ling part of their holidays here| community shower at Black-'pefore returning, August 3 [stock. indi Teas, birthday parties, wed-| The Oshawa Weavers guild Guests from out-of-town at the were the guests of Mrs. I. H. Leggette-Parry wedding were Westwood. Pickering wed-| [Mr. and Mrs. G. McCrea, Westwood, ickening, on Ved |Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. N.|/nesday evening when they en- {McCrea, Scarborough; Mr. and joyed a pot luck supper in her Mr. and Mrs. John Mi- chael Kennaley add their signatures following their marriage recently at Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church. The bride, the former Anne (Rita) Kelly who is a grad- uate of St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, and was an airline | 'IN JAMAICA hostess, is the daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. John Joseph Kelly of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kennaley of Peter- borough. The couple will live in Toronto Mrs. William Sonley, Port Dal peautiful park-like garden. Mrs housie; Mr. and Mrs. William Ray d P: tte of Hishland {McCrea, Brampton; the Misses 2) mond aquetle of Highlanc Elaine and Jane Sharpe, Frank-/Creek was a guest from the ford; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hastilow, Toronto Spinners and Weavers. TO HONEYMOON IN HOLLAND + --Photo by Hornsby |i Fit of Foundation Garment Basic to Neat Appearance There's nothing right about a/when you sit down, stand orf foundation garment that's even|walk. If there's a bulge on the! thighs or if it rides up, it's too): a little bit wrong. A bit too tight, a mite too short, not quite comfortable in| spots and wrong foundations| throw a whole wardrobe out of kilter. short or too tight over the hips. A pantie girdle must be long enough from the waist to crotch. Test by bending over, sitting and standing. The body |§ | : H ' [Montreal to Mr. is no' "i of Blackstock. Marilyn Bray Wed) To Allan Bailey At Port Perry In Port Perry United Church, recently, Marilyn Mabel Bray became the bride of Allan Frank Bailey of Oshawa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bray, Port Perry, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey The Reverend E. S. Linstead |officiated. Miss Gloria Hasting |played the wedding music anc Mr. George Mahaffey. sang. | The bride was given in mar-| iriage by her father. She wore la floor-length gown of white _|silk organza over taffeta with " [the skirt. "DEBRA AND DAVID These happy playmates are Debra Anne and David Wil- liam, children of Mr. and Mrs. Bazil Tkaczuk, High- land avenue. Debra, three vears and a half, and David two, are the grandchildren of Mrs. Mary Whitehead, To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Al- exander Tkaczuk, Oshawa, and great-grandchildren of Mrs. Wesley Purdy, Aber- nethy, Saskatchewan. --Photo by Ireland '\a fitted bodice and scoop neck i|line, appliqued with Guipure {lace, embroidered with pearls. |Motifs of lace also enhanced She carried a mauve : orchid with trails of stephanotis on d lace-covered Bible. Miss Gladys Lane was maid {of honor and the other attend- nts were Mrs. Gary Edgar {and Mrs, Reginald Amell. Their Imauve dresses were styled with two-tier organza over taffeta land lace bodices. They wore {whites accessories and carried {white lace parasols with mauve {and yellow shasta and baby i chrysanthemums, Mr. Ardis McArthur was best man and the ushers were Mr. Ronald Bray and Mr. Philip Simpson. A reception. was held in the Masonic Temple. To receive, the bride's mother wore a blue jacketed sheath dress with lace bodice and a corsage of yellow carnations, centred with rose buds. The bridegroom's mother was in moss green embroidered silk sheer over taffeta and she wore a pink corsage. Each had white accessories. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES wives Sensor Sie The bride travelled in a ban- ONT. REGT. ASSOC. AUX. A meeting of the Ontario Reg- iment Association Ladies' Aux- iliary was held at the Arm- ouries with the president Mrs . Porter presiding. Mrs. B. Sheridan SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is announced of Marie Jeannette Aldorine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred G. Lanteigne of Gerd Hendrik read the minutes and Mrs. William Me. ana suit with white accessories som, Port Perry, Manchester, Neill port. nominated help at Hillsdale Manor July were Mrs, G. Woods, Mrs read the Members treasurer's re- to and an orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are re- siding at 421 Rossland road for west. Guests were present from Ep- 98 TODAY Mrs. W. J. Cook, a well known resident at Myrtle Sta- tion, is quietly observing her 98th birthday today. Her nine children, five sons and four daughters, will be visiting her during the day with their children and grandchildren Mrs. E. Cook has over 30 grandchildren and numerous great - grandchildren, youngest of whom is just one month old. the | 'WIFE PRESERVERS To stop rattling from a loose |radiator cover, glue a strip of adhesive foam rubber along its |inside edges. Blackstock, Raglan, Brooklin, | Whitby, Oshawa, Toronto, Dun- barton, Everett, Bowmanville, Newtonville, Enniskillen and |} years to come. SWISH CLEAN #0 wash dandelion greens, Jyoung spinach, or leaf lettuce, cut off the roots and bruised leaves, swish the leaves up and down in the sink or in a pan of lukewarm water. Lift the greens out of the water and shake them instead of draining off the wa- ter, advises the Food and Nu- trition ' Department, Macdonald Institute, Guelph. Keep using fresh water until they are all thoroughly clean. LIVE ITUP... Available In , . . Red - Charcoal - Grey 30c per Square Ft. Let us show you how to increase i} the living area of your home, il for greater convenience and Il enjoyment this summer, and for Call Us For A FREE Estimate Today . . . MO 8-4159 HAMBLY Concrete Products HWY. NO. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY Hampton. W. Buttle, Mrs. B. Sheridan and Mrs. Robert Andrews. The draw [ 4 ' donated by Mrs. 1. won by Mrs. J. Hele. This wa the last meeting for the sum mer; the fourth Tuesday in Septem ber. HOWARD'S next meeting to be held Smart was S WOOLWORTHS Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN! Rich-Delicious BUTTER 4 3 : TARTS Reg. 60c doz. Old Fashioned-Home Style DATE and 3 7 : NUT LOAF Reg. 50c DRAPERY BROADLOOM SLIP COVERS BAMBOO UPHOLSTERING 926 Simcoe St. N. 725-3144 TAX EXPERT Mrs. Dorothy Wight of Mont- real is the tax expert in the ac- counting department of Du Pont of Canada Limited. VUVVVVVVVYVVYYYY Seve SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK!!! haaa ENJOY THE SPIRITED ALE ... Great care must be taken injlengthens and widens when|} # { {lians) Raagmans, Oshawa, son Wo! A Te : of Mr. and Mrs. Gerd Hendrik fitting all foundations to ensure you sit so this is important_in ARRAN Zundvooy perfect comfort and the best'any girdle. 5 Haagmans of Zandvoort, Hol- possible silhouette. . If there is any boning it must fend. The Ceremony is to tale Some 80 per cent of Canadian curve with the body. If it cuts| |S 1 place on Tuesday, August 22, women, according to the Foun-|apywhere, length and placement| a : at 9.30 a.m. in the Church of dation Garment Council of Can-\of "hones in that garment are, A honeymoon on a new lux- | G. Lanteigne of Montreal and |St. Gregory the Great, Oshawa, ada do not know what to 100kinot right for you. ury liner," the MS Prinses her fiance is the son of Mr. for or how to buy their founda- y | Margriet, on her maiden voy- | and Mrs. Gerd Hendrik Haze- ENGAGEMENT tions. BREATHING BRA age, will follow the wedding | ne 2 - Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Tur- There is no substitute for a| To test if a brassiere is com-| of Miss Aldorine Lanteigne mans of Zandvoort, Holland, |..." ot "Woodstock, Ontario, an- trained fitter who can assess|fortable, take a deep breath and| and Mr. Gerd Hendrik (Hans) { whom the couple will visit |nounce the engagement of their bone structure, muscle tone, relax to be sure it will stay in| Haagmans, announced today. | while in Europe. The wedding |qaughter, Elizabeth May, to Mr. particular problems to smooth place with movement. The cups| The bride-to-be is the daugh- | will take place on Tuesday, Donald Munro Campbell, son of out. However, there are some should be full enough so there| ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred | August 22, at 9.30 a.m. Mrs. P. H. Campbell of Lon- check points every woman!is fi bulge Shove the bro -- don, Ontario, and the late Mr. should know. under the arms. If the cup isl honor. All carried yellow and Campbell. The marriage will COMFORT FIRST Le large It won't be filled. Leggette-Parry white chrysanthemums. Debbie take place on Saturday, August The Tn fee of coutés Sie swaps, of coulse, shoul N : ] H 1d Leggette, niece of the bride, 19, 1961, at 4.30 p.m. in old to to establish that you willband should lie smooth across uptia s nie was flower girl in mauve nylon Ss Anglicsy * Church, have lasting comfort from your bulges above or below. It should and carried a basket of yellow - foundations. They should con-|be properly anchored beneath In Kedron chrysanthemums. The ring trol, yet allow easy breathing, the shoulder blades and stay| bearers were Masters Paul and never constrict or bind. there when the arms are lifted. | In a candlelight ceremony at Robin Parry. The wasitline should fit snug-| Another thing t . i« that Kedron United Church recently, Mr. Wayne Norris acted as 5 g to note is that|y,. avin. P dr i : ly, not gap nor pinch. If there's the band should allow free| 0\a. Marie Parry, daughter of best man. Ushering were a bulge above the girdle, YOu preathing room at the undercup|Mr- and Mrs. William Parry, Messers. Bob Harlock and Ray] need a larger size or a higher! midriff. became the bride of William Peters. rising style to control it Whatever foundations. are Edward Leggette, son of Mr.! A reception was held in the The length of a girdle is im- och 0" cope with particular|@nd Mrs. William Leggette, all church hall, Kedron. For the oc- portant. It must stay. down figure problems, they must pe|0of Oshawa. casion the bride's mother wore - pl pr comfortable and give a smooth! The Reverend R. H. Love of- organza over flowered polished line. The final test for any foun- ficiated. The wedding music cotton with beige accessories. {dation garment is to don clothes was played by Mrs. R. E. Lee. The bridegroom's mother was and try the mirror test to check| Given in marriage by her|in midnight blue brocaded taf- the sihouette. uncle, Mr. William Nesbitt, the feta with pink accessories. Each If everything checks out, you bride wore a floor-length gown|Wore a corsage of chrysanthe- can be sure you have founda- of rose-patterned white nylon mums. tions that will provide comfort lace over satin featuring a V| As the couple left for a wed- and an improved figure. neckline and long point e diding trip to northern Ontario = ER sleeves. A pearl studded crown (the bride was wearing a green held her fingertip veil and she/linen sheath with white acces- |carried a. cascade of red roses. Sories. On their return the The maid-of-honor was Miss newly wedded pair will live on {Carol * Nesbitt, . eousin. of . the Glovers road, Oshawa. (bride, wearing a ballerina gown |of mauve chiffon over taffeta TASTY ONIONS The bridesmaids were Miss Spanish onions, yellow or Caroline Raines in green and white, eaten when mature, have {Miss Donna Reeves in yellow|a mild, sweet flavor suitable {similarly gowned to the maid of for raw onion sandwiches. GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. Open Daily to 10 p.m. TO OFFICIATE Miss Vera Moyse will of- ficially open Camp Ademac, the new Oshawa Girl Guide camp situated near Newton- ville on Thursday evening. | Miss Moyse has been active in the Oshawa Girl Guide As- sociation for many years as captain and district commis- | sioner and has been awarded the Girl Guide Order of Merit BUTTON ON MAGIC and Thanks badge and is at present active in the Kings- By ANNE ADAMS way Loca' Association Button on the capelet, and gern -- you're ready to go anywhere! HOUSEHOLD HINT Sew dress in print or checks, por a delicious dessert cut an capelet in matching fabric, or ange] food ring in half horizon- white pique for frosty-cool con- tally and spread with whipped trast. : , cream. Fill the center of the Printed Pattern 4976: Women's cake with whole strawberries Sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48. and, over the sides, spread Size 36 dress takes 3% yards crushed strawberries. 39-inch; capelet takes 1; yards.|-- - Send FIFTY CENTS (50)! cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Please print plainly Size name, address, style number. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | c-0 The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. The biggest fashion show of Summer, 1961 -- pages, pages, pages of patterns in our new Color Catalog. Hurry, send 35 cents. Specials! Mon., Tues. & Wed. FRESH BEEF HAMBURG 3. 1.00 BUTTER" . 64° BOLOGNA" ™ . 29° CIGARETTES -. 3.09 ONIONS ™ "™ 3.cs 17 CANADA DRY 3: 49° 28-02. FREE PARKING ON OUR LOT SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S Cl try a case of Canada's fastest growing ale Llabatfs FOR BEAUTIFUL" PORTRAITS ts (@), 40 King E. _ RA 50151 L4