Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Jul 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 MAINLY LOCAL Death 2y WARREN BARTON A lifebuoy slapped high on a| post looks out on nearly 300 yards of beach line at the Whitby waterfront. Bleaching under the summer sun, the doughnut-shaped, swim- mer's aid has a rope tail, rapid- ly decaying from the weather. He doesn't want to be used but at the same time knows that he wouldn't be of much use any- way. He is getting old. Many incidents of human blunder parade before his watchful eye. Human be- ings seem to deliberately | disturb his approach to old | age. ! He sees children dashing into] seaweed-choked water while | parents talk lazily to each other. |The parents are not paying| lattention to their children. Town Beach Trap? Gagarin HAVANA (CP) -- Cubans to- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 24, 1961 Helping | Cuba Celebrate (valdo Dorticos, the entire cab- day launched a great three-day inet, members of the diplomatic quivers from the foul smell |celebration of the anniversary corps and high government offi- of thousands of rotting fish floating on the surface of the lake water. "If somebody doesn't super- vise all these swimmers," thought, "those dead fish could become dead children." He remembers other ing stories about human beings and what they looked like when they died by drowning. The crumbling mass of flesh in the basket sickened his fel- low guardians, he recalled. Humans always installed better safety equipment after there had been a drowning, they had said. Other hazards which our life- buoy has seen are: A summer nitwit in his power boat knifing in among the swimmirs, narrowly missing those sunning them- lof their country's revolutionary movement. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Ga- |garin was due to land at Ha- €lvana's Rancho Boyeros airport at 2 p.m. to signal the start of the hectic celebrations which life- reach their climax Wednesday proclaimed throughout the is- Our silent sentinel is ironic, Puoys back at the factory tell- with a huge rally in the Plaza |de la Revolucion Gagarin flew from Moscow in a Soviet jet airliner to take {part in the observances mark- ling the anniversary of the at- tack by Fidel Castro and his fol- {lowers on the army base at San- tiago de Cuba in the eastern {part of this Caribbean island {July 26, 1953. | This attack is looked upon as the start of the Cuban revolu- ition, which Castro led to victory [Jan. 1, 1959. Gagarin flew to Cuba via Rey- |cials prepared to greet him at {the airport. Then he was to be] given a triumphal ride into Ha-| ivana through streets which will {be j d with enth ti | people. i | A national holiday has boon |land from noon today untill | Thursday morning. | | Today Havana was ablaze] {with color as thousands of Cu- ban flags: fluttered in honor of {the occasion. In some sections, | flags formed a roof over con-| siderable stretches of streets. | WINS TENNIS TITLE TORONTO (CP) -- Ralph Tailby of Kitchener became new Ontario senior (over 45) singles tennis champion Satur- day. Stroking in beautiful form, the Kitchener freshman to sen- ior ranks drove and volleyed brilliantly to defeat clubmate Bun Cooke in the final 6-1, 6-2. DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.L.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murels | | BODY IN RIVER | BRANTFORD (CP) -- The| body of William Yarmey, 43, was discovered floating in the Grand River in the centre of Brantford Saturday. Police said there was no indication of foul WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y2-1b. pkg. approximately 630 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING, PADS, CARBON COPIES INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale at | wHITBY OFFICE & and OIL CHANGE || "coco, 3TioN Licenced Mechanic DEPT. No. 2 Highway at Thickson Rd. » 728-4411 | Oshawa Times | "Some child will disappear selves on inflatable rafts. kjavik, Iceland, and Gander, {and then a distraught adult will] Children climbing up on the Nfld, where he stopped. over- {grab me, carry me frantically|lighthouse at the end of the east night. |from place to place before I'm pier alarmed him. He could see |finally thrown down on the that the tots were liable to slip NEVER PRAYS | sand." off and tumble into the deep, (Asked by an Icelandic re-| Broken glass glistens in the water or concrete. porter if he prayed before his sand, cutting feet. | He knew few would be able history-making orbit of earth in| . {pf [to swim around the end of the/a Soviet spaceship April 12, aD SurErvisioN wa |pier to the frayed rope called a Gagarin laughingly replied: «| a ; . (ladder. Too many were unable Communist never prays to| youth at the nearby snack x a > | bar dresses the torn feet. |to climb the single large strand. God. : "4 The lad, unable to perform Alas for our poor lifebuoy. He (At Gander, Gagarin and his artificial respiration, hopes {knows in his cork heart that his party were held 30 minutes in he can get to the telephone [role in saving lives is changing. |their plane until officials waived a rule requiring all per- BECOME SCARECROW 11 Year Old Dies | in the town pump house if | sons landing in Canada to have there is an energency. | f boty ere is gency He will become a scare- |yaccination certificates.) crow, warning swimmers to | Struck By Bullet What happens if the line is . : Gagarin was in for a hero's stay away from the unsafe HAMILTON (CP) -- Eleven (busy when there is an emer-| h ont year-old Brian Hird died in gency? ponders the lifebuoy. beach at the Whitby water- welcome ere. Pr Os- front. It would be a nice hospital Sunday night after be-| "I hope the building isn't| beach, he thinks, if proper ing shot and blinded in an ac-|closed when help is needed," he| cident at his Waterford home, [says to himself, snapping his| ono ricion and better safe- ty equipment was brought Lnpnediate Delirety SIZES AS FOLLOWS 12x12 © 12x24° 24x24 35 miles southwest of Hamilton. tail in frustrated anger Police said Brian's younger! Huge chunks of timber with 1.21 Dennis picked up an automatic rusty spikes sticking out drift GREEN CHARCOAL rifle behind a kitchen door and among the young swimmers who li Wilkinson ... 4.24 pulled the trigger, have bicycled down from the Brampton: Misner, The bullet lodged inside town. Pettibone .. 6:55 Brian's head. The lifebuoy's nose Whitby: Davis, Mitchell 7.20 ~ sa ? Fendley .......... "ress Brampton: Booth, McCauley ose Brampton: Booth, vst MS bbl Brampton: Powell, Eve C qua e McCauley ...vvev0e veri 909 { Brampton: Bray, Conlin 9.35 By M. McINTYRE HOOD "Britain would find it very] Brampton: Conlin 9.40 Special to The Oshawa Times | difficult ot impose levies on food| --British farmers, |imports from Canada, Australia, | Bray +.+ss 11.15 as represented by the National!New Zealand and other Com-| Brampton: McCauley 13.20 Union of Farmers; are looking|monwealth countries in order to| Brampton: Haw ... 13.33 askance at the Common Market give preferential treatment to Brampton: yl ; | Haw, |5oenas o violence Sued in bn "The free entry of food from : Sai TAN Arthurs, Booth ...... 15.05 french farmers an iscontent' the Commonwealth would be in- V7, 26. Brampton: Bignell .... 19.34|among food producers in Italy|compatible with the agricultur- THY FAR YOUR FREE BROCHURE OW RATIO DESoNS Penalties -- Pettibone, Wilkin-|20d Germany. They want nolal policy of the Common Mar- " On the other hand, the NFU, hy ch the E 3rd Period ; : by changing e European . Brampton: Arthurs in a report on the subject of| policy to allow for agreed quan- . Richardson McCauley . y 7|British entry into the Common tities of food being admitted at - Brampton: Conlin ..... 4.0598. Brampton: Pettibone, **|Market, says they prefer the pigher pices." . Brampton: Misner, ¥ play. f | f | MIDWAY service \BP/| 3 GAL. GAS FREE With Every LUBE. | Lacking a baptismal tank in | mersion. On Sunday, 12 of his | Rev. Scarr, left, and Fred | for baptism. Nearly 300 swim- his church did not stop Rev. | flock, adults and adolescents, | Coombs, right, a member of | mers at the park gathered to John Scarr of the Pentecostal = were baptized by total immer- apa : 4 Church a* Whitby from per- | sion at Chalk Lake, in Reach the church board, prepare watch the ceremony forming baptism by total im- | Township. In centre of photo | Mrs. Reg Antle, of Whitby, Wings Clipped 27-10 In Game At Brampton 2nd Period Brampton: Haw Whitby: Tran, --Oshawa Times Photos By CLIFF GORDON ting out to the games. How It was another long, rough, about getting down to brass 11. : tacks and showing manager 12. hard night for the short handed Davie and coach Cherry that Whitby Red Wings in Brampton you appreciate the chance to on Saturday night as they were ay Jr. A lacrosse and turn out dumped 27-10 by the Brampton fo;'the rest of the games. They team. The loss was a trying one need your help badly right now for the Wings as they need 10|a5 injuries and what not have win all their remaining games|taken a mighty heavy toll in the to be sure of the 'A' playoff inl geal line up. The fans, we feel, the league, and then the four reglize by now that the team point game between St. Catha- needs all the support they can rines and Hastings could be the get and have been turning out telling blow. well of late, but there still are The Wings were also jolted by plenty of good seats available, the OLA as they received word/some 500, to be exact, that have that Ken Ross, the flashy cap- not been filled this year. So tain of the Wings, had received with any luck we should have a an additional two games sus- very commendable line up and pension to the one he received equally good crowd for this all here last Thursday night. Mighty important game coming up here | tough for a fellow who had aon Thursday night. See you at 25. mere four minutes in penal-/the Whitby Arena, game time | ties previously. 18.30. Don Arthurs was the big gun| for the winners with five goals, Bob Booth and Tom Conlin each had four with hat tricks going to Dave Misner and Bob Haw. John McCauley and Ron Petti- n. | Oh yes, the scarecrow or febuoy has a master. The master is not too concerned {about the miserable conditions at the waterfront, it seems. The master's name is writ-| ten in bold, black letters on our| single friend, the lifebuoy. | It reads . . . THE TOWN OF | WHITBY. | 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. Thinking of going 2 | CAMPING ? 21. 22, 23 94 24, RENTALS Tents, Ca Cots, Air Mattre: Stoves, Co terns, ete. CORNER PORTSMAN' MO 8-4511 Ss 103-5 BYRON 8. SUMMARY 1st Period . Brampton: Misner, Brampton: Booth, ® * F 8.10 British Farmers 8.26 Arthurs ......vsves . Brampton: Conlin, LONDON | Arthurs ... 13.43/squabbles which have produced|the Common Market Six. Brampton: {son, Hooston. {part in such conditions, Iket. A solution might be found long term security of the pres | The NFU points out that at-| Misner .... bone had a pair each with singles going to Jim Richard-| son. Norm Bignell, Larry Bray| and Powell. | For the hard lucked Wings it| was the ever reliable and old work horse John Davis with five and one assist, and single count | ers to his mates, Ron Slack,|q Bignell . Whitby: Slack, Moore .. 5.26 . Whitby: 'Davis, Tran .. 11.2139, « 1237131, 32. 13.25 33. . Whitby: Gray, Moore 14.54/34, . Brampton: Arthurs . . Brampton:Booth, McCauley .....c..o0. oe . Whitby: Davis, Tran 13.05 29. Brampton: Richardson, Pettibone . . Whitby: Moore, Davis Brampton: Arthurs . Brampton: Arthurs, Conlin, McCauley ...... Whitby: Davis ....... Brampton: McCauley . 48lent British support based on a yearly attempt to 3.15/50lye the problems of British 5.46| agriculture. 7.26/ The report admits that most British farmers are not likely 8.51 to be adversely affected by 13.35 Britain joining the Common 14.14 Market. Fruit and vegeatble S | Sysetm, yo nts to solve the agricultural problems of the Common Mar- ket have already caused many| rows. German farmers claim] they cannot afford proposed re | ductions in prices. The French| are clamoring for outlets for| their surplus farm produce at] CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! CALENDAR of -- WEEKLY \ a . ,o|safeguard prices. The Italians or SE owevsr: Wowg hevsiere proetsting against restric- 18.27 tion, unless there were restric. | Llons on thelr export, of fruit Vit Davie a By Vogels les to Germany, Wilkinson 18.54) Further, the report claims "Gut (OF LEE. gy get] Penalties -- Gray 2, Biggs 2|that farmers growing their own| 0" 0 Tn Market, the] minors, major and misconduct; (grain for feeding livestock np iionai Farmers' Union of Mitchell, Haw, Arthurs, Fend.|Would gain no benefit from the|p ji ini ct wants nothing to dol lay, Booth " major, " Bignell European system, but that the with it major. | costs of small farmers would be| ; f -- increased. If, however, Britain | | did not join the Common Mar-| Thieves Open Safe ket, prices might be depressed] by surpluses of grain and but-| ape . tor. In Citizen The chief problem, if Britain C Office 35. Whitby: Halliday, Moore evenne Brampton: Pettibone .. LPB! ? i Gord Holliday, Ronnie Moore, Bialipion: Conlin, Mike Gray and Elmer Tran. | penaities -- Biggs. i Tonight the Wings travel to Long Branch for a game against the Castrolites. Manager Davie who has been having his time| Commie Drive trying to get co-operation from| . In §. Viet Nam the OLA and the Whitby Lacrosse Association, said yes- SAIGON (Reuters) The Communists have launched a terday afternoon that he would| do his best to floor a team but {major drive to capture South| [Viet Nam's neglected and it was going to be mighty |looked - down on hill people rough. In Saturday night's Three People Die {and weld them into a breakaway game he had only seven play- IT » In Plane Misha {autonomous state. p did go in with the six European] OTT A W A (CP) -- Thieves| ers who had previous Jr. exper- fence and they were Wilkinson, ! Rito fi | 3 Biggs, Gray, Slack. Holliday, Military sources said Satur-| PENTICTON, B.C. (CP) ~--|countries, would be the treat- chopped open a safe in The | Davis and Tran day that government planes Three persons died Saturday ment of food imports from Com- Citizen's circulation department | We understand from reports last week dropped 10 tons of When a light plane swerved to|monwealth sources, which pro- during Saturday night and es- that the locals may have some food supplies to 1,500 tribesmen|avoid a power line, then crashed|vides about 25 per cent of all caped with nearly $7,000. | help later in the week from the who fled the fastness of their and burned in a 100-foot-deep|the food eaten by the British| The theft was discovered by| an Tunable mountain villages in the face gully nine miles north of here. people, at an annual value of|a cleaner arriving for work. ~uveniie team. hut that 1% Dobie: Commits infiltration: The pilot; Hans Fiedler of Ki- over $1,400. million The thieves smashed open 12 definite. There are four or five The Communist drive to cap- timat, apparently was flying low| The report issued by the Na-|locked compartments in the safe| players now with the Juy. entry ttre: the lovaltv of the 1.500.000/ 10 allow his passengers to pho-{tional Union of Farmers is, in'and took the weekend receipts] "Vic" Van Luven that could help the Whitby Jr. hill people who inhabit the t08raph ripening fruit crops in effect, a direct reply to a pre- from the newspapers circulation sad 2 team considérably. The local mountains in the central part the Tkanagan Valley when the vious statement issued by the depots. The loot is estimated at| Dominion Royal Tires Juv. team has yet to win, alo ive country and the high crash occurred. Political and Economic Plan-|$6,900, including about $1,000 in The Best Deal on game, but they too are having plateau region in the south RCMP identified the passeng- ning research organization. The|coins. | New and Used Tires trouble getting players, and| coc a major problem for the|€rS 3S Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Farmers' Union statement goes| About $50 was stolen from the| DIESEL OIL government. Grossman of nearby Naramata.'on to say: cafeteria. Phone MO 8-3644 may agree to scrapping the Almost all members of the 501 Brock St. N., Whitby team and sending their forces South Viet Nam government GEORGE H. HARDING in with the Red Wings in an come from 'the delta stock CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. effort to get at least one team in a playoff position. which traditionally looks down on the dark - skinned mountain- GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS So fans, remember there will eers as backward. MO 8-3568 . 17.48 Events! | 36. 37. This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT !! STAFFORD WHITBY MOTORS LTD. G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK Brothers Lid. VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS Monuments NEW AND USED CARS MO 8-3552 Whitby New Car Sales Used Car Sales VIGOR OIL STATION 107 Dundas East 1006 Brock South Operated by Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location et 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods at Prices That Sove! "MO 8-3483 Ww. C. TOWN FUMBRAL GHAPEL AD, Funeral & Ambulance Service MO 8-3610 MO 8-4911 THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS I LACROSSE OLA SENIOR A LEAGUE: Brooklin at Port Credit, Thulsday, July 27. Niagara Falls at Brooklin, Saturday, July 29, 8:45 p.m, OLA JUNIOR A LEAUGE: Whitby Red Wings at Long Branch Monday, July 24, Fergus Thistles at Whitby, Thursday, July 27, at 8:30 p.m. OMLA JUVENILE LEAGUE: Mimico at Whitby, Monday, July 24, Alderwood at Whitby, Wednesday, July 26 at 8:30 p.m. OMLA MIDGET LEAGUE: Whitby at Elora, Tuesday, July 25. BASEBALL OSHAWA MINOR (Bantam) LEAGUE: Port Perry at Whitby, at Eastview Park, Wednesday, July 26, at 6:30 p.m. OSHAWA LEGION MINOR Midget) LEAGUE: Ajax vs. Whitby Canadian Tire, at Hillcrest School, Tuesday, July 25, at 6:30 p-m. LEGION PEE WEE HOUSE LEAGUE: Kiwanis vs Telegram, Monday, July 24; Silver's Refreshments vs B and R Transpert, Thursday, July 27; Lyndview's vs. Royals, Fricay, July 28; all games at Centennial Park, starting at 6:30 p.m, SOFTBALL SOUTH ONTARIO COUNTY LEAGUE: Port Perry ot Whitby, Wednesday, July 26, 8:00 p.m BARRIE AND DISTRICT LADIES' LEAGUE: Newmarket at Whitby, Tuesday, July 25 aot 8:15 p.m; Hillcrest at Stouffe ville, Wednesday, July 26; Varcoe's at Newmarket, Thursday, July 27, at 7:00 p.m. LAWN BOWING TOURNAMENT: at Port Hope, Wednesday, July 26, mixed trebles, Dr. Daley Trophy; at Cannington, Wednesday, July 26, mixed doubles, at Whitby, Saturday July 29, mixed trebles, McBride Memorial Trophy TENNIS KAWARTHA TENNIS LEAGUE: Bowmanville at Whitby on Wed- nesday, July 26 at 7:30 p.m.; Whitby at Ccbourg-Port Hope, Saturday, July 29 at 2:00 p.m. RON ARMSTRONG MEN'S SHOP Summer Clearance Sale 1/3 to 1/2 Off All Merchandise WHITBY PLAZA MO 8-8721 FREE PARKING You have to play a sport to be a good sport 110 Dundes St. E. MO 8-3410 WHITBY WILSON Cycle & Sales C.C.M. & RALEIGH DEALER "The 'Best in Bicycles" 100 Colborne St. E. MO 8-3746 be a Jr. lacrosse game here on Thursday night when the Whitby! The Communists launched their drive to increase the split Red Wings will host the Fergus Thistles in what promises to be between the hill people and the a real dandy. The Wings downed |owlanders two months ago with the Thistles right in Fergus inla vast program of propaganda. their last meeting and this did Many of their agents were not rest well with the brassrom 'the hills themselves. from up north and they hope t0/ Others -- who were of lowland | wg get amends for this game. Alstock -- dyed their skins dark gE. note to the players on the Red and mastered the dialects of the] ¥ Wings who have not been get-lhill people. 411 Fairview Drive WHITBY TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE BARGAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR Finest Quality Merchandise at Rock-Bottom Prices Come in and Convince Yourself WHITBY BARGAIN CENTRE 118 Brock St. N. MO 8.4081 WHITBY ® Open Friday Night Till 9 pm. o K & M CLEANERS AND DYERS Alterations--Repairing 8-HOUR SERVICE 112 Colborne St. West, Whitby Whitby--Ph. MO 8.2831 Oshowa--725-0181 Z YOU WANTA SELLUM YOU GOTTA TELLUM USE The Classified Ads Dial MO 8-3703 BROCK Evenings Shows at 6:55 and 8:30 WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:30 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPORTS Buy from your local Fuel & Builder Supplier JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 Brock St. S. MO 8.3524 WHITBY TEAM BETTER THAN TRACTOR | The horse may be dis- appearing from many Ontario farms but one Pickering Township farmer, James Vale, of the Baseline, says that there is one job that a team | can perform better than a | aware of the value of power tractor. That is hauling a hay tedder, a machine to spread cut hay out to dry after a rain, Above Mr. Vale noses with his team on the tedder. Incidentally, Mr. Vale is well | | machinery and owns three | tractors but he says that a | horse-drawn tedder does a much better job than a | tractor-drawn machine. --QOshawa Times Photo | Cm org x8 Adult Entsrbuiamant sig COLON by D8 Lu P S . .. Second Feature Attraction "THE MUSIC BOX KID" Adult Entertainment STARRING -- RON FOSTER - LUANA PATTEN

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