ARDS -- Bill and Joan ) wish to announce the arrival daughter, Margaret May (9 Ibs. om), a sister for Patricia, Michael Jr., on July 21, 1961 at the ral Hospital. = Jim and Helen (nee finally announce the arrival from previous day's close.) aby daughter, 8s. 3 ozs., Tuesday, July 18, Oshawa General Hospital. INDUSTRIALS r for Cheryl Ann, i 1 | Stock Sales Abitibi 100 Abit pr 250 Acad-Atl Acad-Atl A Agnew-§ Alta Gas AltaGas w Alg Cen w Algoma Alumini Alum 1 pr Atlas Steel Bank' Mont 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $87% 87% 8TH +% Silke 11% 11% + % TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--JULY 131 unless marked $. Stock Sales 133 rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $15% 15% 15% + Y -- Graham and Eva (nee $17% 17% 17% are proud to announce the : on Wednesday, July 19, 1961 at General Hospital. Thanks to Dr. and nursing staff. SON -- Gordon and Adeline Carey) are happy to announce the of their daughter, Lori Lynn, on 1961 at the Oshawa General weighing 6 Ibs. 10 ozs. A sis- nd Mo 200 § $32% 32% 32% + % se Br $23 23 um 831% 31% 31% + % $65 65 65 3% TI% TI -- $20 20 20 $53% 53% 53% + % Alminex -- Barb and Elmer wish the arrival of a son, Der- on Wednesday, July 19, wa General Hospital. A Metro Stores Molson A Molson pr Mon Foods Moore Nat Drug N St Car NO NGas Nor Phone Ont Steel Page-Hers Pembina Pow Corp QN Gas QN Gas pr Roe AV C Royal Bank Salada.S Salada wits Seven Rts Shawin Shaw A pr Simpsons St Radio St Wire C Steel Can 3 S Prop wis 100 325 325 5 Suptest ord $14% 14% 14% KUL, John $60 60 60 into rest at Oshawa Gereral $49% 49% 49% , on Thursday, July 20, 1961, 350 350 350 --10 Bozyskul, dear brother-in-law of ' $20% 29% 20% + % K sko, and loving uncle of $343 34% 3% + % Peter Karandiuk of Ashburn, On- 275 215 218 tarle, Mr, Bosyskul is resting at Mc- eral Home, 28 Kingston Road West, Pickering. Funeral service in the chapel on Saturday, July 22 at 10 am, Interment Union Cemtery, Osh- awa, + % 1 INNEMITH, George W. A. Dist Seag Yan Can D Bridge D Fndry Dom Stores Dom Tar Exquisite Ann Martin, Mrs. L. Pritchard (Rose) of Whitby, dear grandfather of Elizabeth, Lewis, | and Louise, in his 91st year. Rested at Agnico + W Anacon $13% High Low a.m. Ch'ge $63% $53% 110 $48 $11% 830 830 83 $12% 205 $11% 11% 11% "4 4 ou 11 Net Stock A Arcadia Aumaq 63% 2% $16 949 821% 250 $12% $19% $30 602 $51% $17% $19% $10 235 235 235 $3844 25 $46 $72% 72) 230 $24% 24 620 $16% 33 10 38% 38% + 46 46 y 72% -- V 214% + 16% 16% 4 33% 33% 4a 8 "2 a 1% 11% + % 0 12% 12% 204 205 +3 + +2 +1 Hollinger Hud Bay Int Nickel Irish Cop Jaye Expl Kirk Town Lab Min Lamaque Langis Lencourt Lorado Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto: Exchange 11 Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge 2 82 2 43 203 19 19 --4 2 28 28 -3 $35% 35% 35% + 14 6% 6% 6% 4 52 52 -3 64 64 64 --1 11% 11% 11% 7 BB 11 Net . Sales High ow a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales =88 823288. 28 157 157 157 52 8 8 $23% 23% 100 100 1000 40% 40% 40% + % Sales to 11 a.m.: 374,000. 4 Ya -W 1050 162 4 1 162 162 the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whit- by. Service and cremation took place at 8. James Crematorium, Toronto. Minister, the Rev. G. Nicholson. O'CONNOR, Francis Anthony into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Thursday, July 20, 1961, Kennedy Gets Fran Asthony O'Connor, loved Space Money father of Mrs, Buck Rothwell (Frances) WASHINGTON (AP) -- Con- Calon, Sylvia, Edward Daniel: "sain gress Thursday authorized year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral [spending every penny President Home with High Requiem Mass in St. | Kennedy asked -- $1,784,300,000f TORONTO (CP)--The stock|ing 14 but the day's healthiest Gregory's Church, Satuday vs Ceme.|--0N space administration proj-| market Jnished a day of falling Zroup was the financial institu: tery. (Prayers will be held at the fu-|ects. | prices ursday by taking a|tions, where Crown and Guar- Deral home Friday at 8 p.m.) The spending authorization in-| more than two-point drop i fans Trust each rose nd cludes a down payment on the industrial index and by driving] On index, golds fell .01 to At the Community Hospital, Port Perry, [estimated $20,000,000,000 cost of [volume to its lowest point since 84.34 and western oils .25 to| bi Thursday, July 2, 196i, Pua Ball landing a man on the moon. The [July 4. 90.48. Base metals rose .17 to dearly loved wile of Gare Rey "wnd bill now goes to the White| Volume fell to 1,217,000 shares|98.76. | Jack of North Bay, dear Erandmother| House for expected prompt ap. compared with 1,409,000 Wed-| Among senior base metals, (Mrs, A. Beverley) of Uxbridge, Mae | Proval. ; |nesday and the industrial index|G unn ar, Falconbridge, Que- G. Kilpatrick of Oshawa and (Betty)| The total provided for the Na-|dropped 2.13 to 581.56. The de-|mont, Steep Rock, Labrador and Mrs. RB. Bullelt of Sonya, Resting or. tional Aeronautics and Space cline was led by utilities, steels| Ventures all gained in the % to he nape Of Meervice on Saturday at| Administration was agreed upon|and papers as trading in almost|}3 range. Gold trading was light 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. (hy House - Senate conferees dll groups 1aiged. AMORA nu with Hollinger, Prwigi Yellow- Wednesday. ties, Northern Ontario Natural knife an cintyre Porcupine Suddenly at the family residence, 1209| House passage by vote of 354 Gas and Shawinigan and Gati-(all ahead a fraction. . Brock Street South, Wiithy, on Thurs. to 59 came after a handful of neau Power fell, 'the latter] In weak western oil trading, day, aly 30, feel; Lora Jackson Sep | 6 conomy minded members|reaching a new low of 35% by Dome, Home A, Central del Sleep, dear brother of Margaret, Clar- [urged cutting out the moon trip slipping 1%. ; |Rio, Calgary and Edmonton and ence and Frank of Whitby, Robert of money Jlemational Pap e Fright [Pacific Perdleum all dropped a ened the ers picture by gain- few cents. Party Politics For Montreal Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for serv-| MUST CLEAN UP | hapel on Saturday, July 22, | doa in the chapel Sent Union Cemetery. UPTON - ON - SEVERN, Eng: | Oshawa. Minister the Rev. R. B. jan (CP) -- Tenants of town creased by five shillings weekly {unless they keep tidy gardens. IN MEMORIAM | MONTREAL (CP) -- Judge|nicipal *"cabinet" and pald op- {Paul E. Champagne, head of a|position leader. ---- | provincial commission that in-| Judge Champagne said in an! MOUNTENAY -- In loving memory | yestigated Montreal's municipal interview the commission is at-| Sweet memories will linger forever, | Time cannot change ther aot sever (have full-scale municipal party|ties by proposing a system of | My loving remembrance of you. {politics if the commission's rec-|governmént which would rely |ommendations are accepted. jon party politics for effective SMITH -- In loving memory of our, The report proposed the cre-|operation. council houses in this commun-| f dear sister, Vera, who passed 4 3 3 we government set-up, says the city tempting to "engineer" the cre-| | --Sadly missed by sister Lorraine. [Erandson Wayse, who passed away July ation of a parliamentary system| "When a dominant party is in RAYMES, Eva Maryon (Rodd) SLEEP, Lloyd Jackson GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral requirements for occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING ity will have their rent in- away July 21, 1958. D E will be the first in Canada to ation of effective municipal par-| and all CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 OSHAWA There is a little boy in heaven. An angel with golden hair, His eyes the blue of heaven's blue, His soul so pure and fair. God lent him to us for a short sweet while, To us it seems but a day, But heaven must have been very sad e little while he was away {of municipal government for |Montreal, complete with a mu-| Interest Rate MONUMENT COMPANY Eh remembered by "arnt Holding Steady nd Grandpa White power the party is responsible for the actions of the govern- ment. This makes it easier for {the voter to understand the |main issues of an election." | | Judge Champagne said the] {commission realized that muni- |cipal parties might eventually MALE MAJORITY May. There were 60 boys and 35 girls born during the month. its history. COLORFUL PAST | | estimates. DEFICIT HIGHER . MITCHAM, England (CP)--| SNETTISHAM, England (CP)| WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Mitcham public health depart-| This Norfolk village, a smug- Kennedy administration an- ment found an unexpected glers' haunt 150 years ago, veel "boom" in boys in the number|unveiled a carved village sign|United States budget deficit in of births in the borough during depicting two smugglers to re-|the last 12 months totalled $3,- mind the younger generation of|900,000,000 -- well above earlier nounced Thursday that the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, July 21, 1961 7 Claims Canada Should BuyInUK. TORONTO (CP) -- Canada should buy less from the United States and more from Britain if at all possible, A. J. Coven- try, president of the Canadian Association of British Manufac- tures and Agencies, said. In an address to the Rotary club of suburban Islington Thursday, Mr. Coventry said Britain is Canada's most profit. able export market, one in which Canada last year had a $300,000,000 trade surplus while a $661,000,000 deficit with the United States. Certain Canadian actions and rulings, Mr. Coventry stated, have meant "a continued erosion in the British preferen- tial tariff and as this is happen. ing at a time when Canada enjoys such substantial trade advantages with the United Kingdom we submit that the Canadian attitude is unreason- able. RAPS POLICIES "It is all very well for Mr. Fleming in his budget speech to declare 'this historic right of Commonwealth free access to the United Kingdom market for agricultural products, industrial materials: and most manufac- tured goods is the keystone of the Commonwealth trading sys- tem," but then why be so in- transigent in regard to British sales to Canada and why adopt policies that have contributed to their steady erosion?" Mr. Coventry, who is vice- president, S. Smith and Sons (Canada) Ltd., makers of auto- motive accessories, commented sensitive when there is a slow. tantial unemployment. "On the other hand it is a mistake to give way to easily to emotional short-term mea- sures and we can't help feeling that this is precisely what has happened in Canada, particu. larly in the last year. This is highly dangerous because Cane ada really needs Britain as an export market and as an allied negotiator with European groupings--perhaps more than Britain needs Canada." OVERLOOK ONE POINT In regard to Canadian appre hensions about Britain's pos. sible entry into the European Common Market, Mr. Coventry said there seems to be no thought of the effects on Cana- dian exports to Britain if the U.K. does not join the market. "It stands to reason," he con- tinued, "that if Britain re. mained out of the market and could no longer count on cast developing markets in the Com- monwealth, its economy would dwindle seriously and what then would happen to Canadian ex ports to the UK.?"" CHARLOTTE VETOES OTTAWA (CP)--Mayor Char- lotte Whitton Thursday night vetoed a plan to load Ottawa's 1961 Grey Cup parade float with well - exposed pretty girls. She tossed the suggestion back at the tourist committee with or- ders to find something more that a market always becomes suitable. down of the economy and » SMITH -- In loving memory of out} OTTAWA (CP)--The Bank of align themselves with provin- beloved 30D, Trig By passed away| Canada interest rate held virtu- cial or national parties but felt {July 20, 1949, in his 8th year. ally steady Thursday at 2.88/that "under present - day con- There's 4 mother and father who mis|per cent compared with 2.87/ditions party politics are a nec- And find the time long since you went |last week following the sale of|essary part of the democratic SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statuary of all types. | R.R. 4, KING ST. E. ---- ----a And we breathe a sigh of regret, The rate, an indicator of con-| rrr ghd ign ig For you were ours, and we remember | 4itions in the short-term money IN MEMORIAM - |June 15. Great Britain and Canada In- | Cc ARD 0: TH ANKS The bank announced that $95,- vestment Corporation, 6 mos. b : - 000,000 of the bills were sold by|ended June 30: 1961, $169,504, 40 Osborne, LOVELESS -- The family of the late July 21, 1960, Xe He bade no one his last farewell, . | The bank also announced the Ltd., year ended March 31: in ht rene be.|sale of $25,000,000 in 182 - day 1961, $302,410; 1960, $256,752. 1 often sit and think of you, 3 INARA AY ed by Mom, Dad, Marie and Tom. --Mrs. Annie Loveless and family.|2.81 per cent. ; MIN And we think of you daily and hourly, ¢95 i . ern- ress i y Ph 726-3111 or 728-8876 | fina we thing of you duly and, sour, $95,000,000 in 91 . 'day govern- Process in local government, at But the tears we shed are in silence, ment treasury bills. least, in a clear city. GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me-| | . For placement contact funeral Though all the world may forget. ( NET EARNIN --Dearly loved and always remember- market, has been relatively ed by mother, father and sister Joanne, [steady since its sharp drop last HABPER -- In loving memory of a| dour 4m 204 len Fregemck tender at an average price of cents a share; 1960, $177,211, 41 2 s y 8 YI LOVELESS -- The Jamis of te ln 30.350 for an average yield of|cents. press their sincere thanks to friends, |Z. r cent. |" Trans - Cana He said goodbye to none, neighbors and relatives, for the lovely| pe da Explorations The heavenly gates were opened | And a loving voice said "Come", E ; reavement. Special thanks to Captainibills at an average price of Jupiter Oils Ttd,, vear ended The things you used 'to say and do. IRitsoh; Mes, Mortis, Mrs: Cornish, Mrs. ; ? i | TY A, p Bly Tred and IoVinals tanember [Bras od Mater Foaort or Ms1$08.619 for 'an average yield Whee a, net loss $423,727; \ \ \\ \ \\\ Ladies' Cotton SUMMER SKIRT Many styles and colors to choose from. Clearing at this low price, just in time for the Holidays. Ladies' Sleeveless SUMMER LOUSES An excellent assortment of sizes and colors. White, yellow, beige, mauve and blue. A real saving at Regular 2.98 Values this low sale price ! | ] 9 jo i j.98 AND 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Reg. Values Up To 2.98 WY WW AH NA Be a BRADING man yourself enjoy the mellow flavour of a quality ale! CARLINGS BRADING