DATE WITH WIFE Dafoe Walks Out To End Meeting Ald. Finley Dafoe brought a|should not be taken to court by pre-prandial council meeting tothe city. | an abrupt end last night 53, Ald. Dafoe: "You can't do walking out. that. You are going against the The issue: Should those men|Act (presumably the Ontario who have not yet paid this/Municipal Act). You have no year's poll tax ($10) work off|right." the debt helping put Lakeview| Ald. Bint got a seconder in Park back in shape? T he|Ald. Cephas Gay. grounds were left badly marked| The vote was split 3 to 3, with after the recent Local 222 pic-|Ald. Hayward Murdoch and Wal- ter Lane voting with Ald. Dafoe against the motion. Ald. Bint and Gay were join- ed in support by Ald. Walter Branch, nic. "It's all cleaned up," said Ald. Dafoe. "I've been down to- day and looked it over. All the work is done." ' | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 21, 1967 § Band And Choir Program Enjoyed Did Thursday night's drizzle fizzle the McLaughlin Ban Shell concert? Ask any one of the 2,000 people who attended the concert at Memorial Park, and the answer would be an emphatic "no". At. 8.30 Lieut. F. J. Francis, director of music, led the Regi- mental Band in the playing of ; After a brief i |apology for the weather, Lieut. Francis introduced Wagner's march "Under the Double Ea- gle". Before the audience could catch its breath, the band mov- ed right into a second march, by "0 Canada". d|Being HUNDREDS FLOCK TO SOMERSET SWIM POOL Adults and particularly chil- dren are seeking every oppor tunity during the hot weather to find relief. With only one civic swim pool in operation in recent weeks, the crowds at- tempting to use the facilities at the Somerset Pool in North "Not according to Mr. Her Worship refused to break Rimmer. Anderson sang "Almost Like in Love". The choir pro vided a very effective back- ground as these two young peo- ple performed. The final number in the first section of the choir's a ance was "Hey Look Me 7 This was a most suitable selee- Club assisted in providing. EFFECTIVE LIGHTING The Regimental Band parito Roco". effective during this number, tion, as the choir performed in new blazers which the Kiwanis Texidor's Spanish dance, * on the tie. The motion was defeat- ed. Bathe," retorted Mayor Chris- tine Thomas. (Herbert Bathe is Parks Superintendent). DATE WITH WIFE FUSS OVER NOTHING | Ald. Lane was just beginning "Some of these boys make alto word a motion to the effect lot of fuss over nothing," mum-|that the delinquent poll taxpay- bled Ald. Dafoe. {ers be given a chance to work Yesterday, Mr. Bathe esti-|off their debt when Ald. Dafoe $1,500-52,000 to fix up the park. told his wife he would be home Mayor Thomas thought ticijhy "10 minutes to six." It was men might "welcome the oppor-|then 5.35. tunity to earn a few dollars ang pay off the poll tax at thel..p; only be a "Many of these men who haven't paid are listed as out| of work," added the mayor. "1 . can't see wasting the court's/!On time if you can't get it." eran. City tax collector Clarence Strode k a Sitoe. had! Cox was quoted in The Oshawa BY tn iv 0S | Times yesterday as saying: 'We broken the quortt 2B. can't force these men to work. Quick," said Mayor Thomas, | If they refuse to work 1/ 'adjourn the meeting before he would consider bringing them | leaves the chambers.' adiours: up in magistrate's court. And : li | the offence carries a jail sen-|ment. Somebody seconded the) few more] minutes." "I can't see any point in sit-| ting here rehashing this ques-| * said the aggravated ald-| And he turned and to the elevator. "Finley," pleaded the mayor, &; mated it would cost the city rose, announced that he had} i 5 im # Ky 0 Fr . BEATING THE HEAT WAVE This enterprising Ajax beauty queen has a solution to the heat wave problem in the | Ajax area. Sherry Lynne Sibeon, 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sibeon, 63 Wood- house crescent, relaxes in the | Kinsmen Wading Pool when- ever she is inspired to support the beat-the-heat campaign. | The pool was constructed by | and is a very popular spot to the tots in central Ajax. The Kinsmen Club have donated $20,000 to the Ajax Memorial 000. This pool may be ready for operation in two weeks' time. tute Mixed Choir, under the di- the Ajax Kinsmen Club in 1957 somewhere in the region of Pool Campaign to raise $57, --Oshawa Times Photo Lieut.<Col. Graham Coulter, master of ceremonies for the evening, suggested that the next selection, Rimmer's over- ture "Vagabond" actually need- ed no introduction, as the pace implied the title. The versatility of the band was displayed in the next num- ber, Franz Lehar's "Gold and Silver Waltz". CHOIR SELECTIONS The Central Collegiate Insti- Band Shell lights chan through orange to green, green to blue and finally to red ing climax. After this rousing number, the band moved into a . phony. Anton Dvorak's phony No. 5, "From the New World", was the selection, This piece was written in the late 19th century, while Dvorak was in the United States. Dvorak was inspired by Longfellow's poem "Hiawatha". Trombone soloist, Al Cooper, entertained the audience in the next selection, '"'Acrobat", by J. Greenwood. G. Hawkin's "Pop Goes the Weasel" was played especially for the children, but was en- joyed by everyone, the band in- cluded. The Central Collegiate Insti- rection of Mrs. Winifred Stew- art, was a special feature of the program. The choir has been in existence only eight months, and in that short time has prov- ed its proficiency by winning first prize at the Kiwanis Fes- tival in Peterborough. Mrs. Stewart said that if any song could be called the theme song of the group, it would be the competition piece from Peterborough, "Ride the Char- iot. This was the first selec-| oo q"covera] selections which as the dance reached its excit- tute Choir returned and pre- tence." AGAINST THE ACT So, Ald. Cecil Bint moved a motion that any persons who had not paid their poll tax be- cause they were out of work CAPSULE NEWS Oshawa have caused lineups. Seen here is a section of the large crowd at this pool Thursday afternoon. --Oshawa Times Photo OBITUARIES FRANCIS A. O'CONNOR In failing health for the past five months, Francis Anthony O'Connor, of 39 Nassau street, died at Oshawa General Hos- pital, Thursday, July 20. He was in his 58th year. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, July 25, 1903, the deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Connor. He was mar- ried in Oshawa, May 25, 1933 and was a resident of Oshawa Mrs. Fred (Florence) Sanders of Lake St. Peter, Mrs. Martha Moxam, Frankford; Mrs. W. L. Sam (Elizabeth) McColl, Kings- ton; Mrs. Fred (Edith) Gard- ner, Frankford and Mrs. Thomas (Violet) Abthor, Oshawa; son, Fred of Toronto; six sis- ters, children and 58 great grand- children. | since 1930. He came to Canada in 1929. (Laura) Grant, Oshawa; Mrs. W. Virginia Crews Seek More Victims SQUAMISH, B.C. (CP) -- A 16 - year - old boy injured when he was struck by an avalanche one one brother, 38 grand- He was born in Tweed, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs, | M 9 Joe Vardy. He has resided in r. O'Connor was employed prankford for the past eight in the maintenance department : t of General Motors of Canada, JeoIs AN that peu Ltd., here for 26 years. He was ya ried life was spent in North|l°78 time just how bad it is." since the rebellion started in the| a member of St. Gregory's Ro- Hastings. man Catholic Church, a past| executive member of Local 222, | United Automobile Workers of| The funeral service was held| in Frankford United Church at| CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP)-- A weary band of mud-caked men today continued a search they prayed would be fruitless. A sudden flood here already had taken 17 lives. They hoped| a half-dozen people still listed] wyry ADMIT OBSERVERS as missing had escaped. | LISBON (AP) -- Portugal will "It's our worst disaster," i i » |admit foreign newspaper men Charleston Mayor John Shank-\ang movie and television crews in said. "We won't know for aly, Angola for the first time ibaldi was found dead on the 7,000 - foot mountain Thursday. Frank de Bruyn's body was found after a companion guided a search party to the scene. ne state official estimated west African territory, the ov- property damage alone in West or 0a and foreign ministries Virginia's capital would amount} c announced. The announce- | The meeting was over. Avalanche Kills Boy {motion. "All in favor?" asked) {the mayor. { Hands shot up around the | Md - Expropriation semi-circle of Souel Seals. | Over' by th tor, niey| B | P ed Dafoe i hy i: Ton. | Y aws ass Council passed two expropria- tion bylaws Thursday night in- volving properties on the north- west and southeast corners of Rossland and Ritson roads. | The intersection will be grad- ed down 11 feet and the cor- ners widened by adding turn lanes. Visibility at the corner will be improved for motorists. Negotiations are still going on between the city and H. J. visser and N. Forder. | clined to reveal his name, . | [tipped croupiers at the Casino NEED FOR ACTION 7 ntl |here 100,000 mew francs (about| J We can get in tiere rg | away," said Board of Works Tuesday on nearby Mount Gar-|$20,000) Thursday after winning Chairman Walter Branch, "'we|retary, E. G. Dixon, Hamilton, 850,000 new francs ($170,000). will be able to give these people| | PROBES RED TESTS |a month's notice and get the | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres-|work finished this year. They ident Kennedy announced have known about it since last Thursday that a special 11-man| year." |panel has been meeting secretly| The Visser home on the north-| to determine whether Russia|west corner will have to be ei-| |""has been or could be engaged|ther moved or demolished said] lin secret testing of nuclear|Ald. Branch. Mayor Christine | weapons." (Thomas told the council the| PLANS SPECIAL ISSUE jeity has offered to move they v home free of charge. | LONDON (CP) -- The Sunday | n bell ori | Times plans to publish a special] The old Campbell prop arid color suplement, starting Feb, recently bought by Mr. Forder Grand Lodge Officers Are tion presented by the choir. would soon have full control o a fine voice. Tom Wright, a Grade 12 stu- dent at Central, took a solo part in the singing of "You'll Never Walk Alone". Mrs. Stewart said that Tom is studying vocal, and it learned only recently, The audience enjoyed "Dona No- bis", "I Know the Lord" and 'Oklahoma'. COMIC SELECTION Wayne Sayers, a member of the regimental band and of the f Eileen Corberman and Bob|Central Choir, performed in Appointed TORONTO (CP)--Mr. Justice R. W. Treleaven of Hamilton has been elected Ontario grand master of the Grand Lodge AF. and AM. of Canada. Other officers: Deputy grand master, J. A. Irvine, London; grand senior warden, G. C. Bennett, Ottawa; grand junior warden, W M. Prentice, To- onto; grand chaplain, Rev. AJ. Anderson, Kingston; grand sec- and grand registrar, F. L. Bar- rett, Kitchener. Members of the board are Hon. J. N. Allan, Dunnville; B. B. Foster, Ridgetown; Well- ington Smith, Fort Frances; W. K. Bailey, Toronto; G. T. Evans, Hamilton; A. C. Ash- {forth, Toronto; T. J. Donnelly, | Kingston; W. M. Gordon, Tor- onto; H. I. Sparling, St. Marys; Dr. G. E. Turner, Windsor; H. B. Coxon, London and R. C. |Berkinshaw, Toronto. | Irwin Ferguson of Toronto| Gilbert and Sullivan's "Trial by Jury". This was a comic num- ber in which Wayne tried to convince the audience that he was capable of judging a case involving breach of promise. Whether the audience was con- vinced or not is unimportant, for everyone enjoyed per- formance. The final selection the choir was "They All Call it Canada" The regimental band played three fine selections, R. S. Stod- don's "Community Land", "Sons of the Brave", by T. Bidgood and a hymn tune, "Hut- ton", by Broadhead. The regimental march, "John Peel", brought to a close a fine evening of entertainment. Teach Crafts To Children A successful week of outdoor religious, cultural, and handi- craft instruction was held for the children of St. John's Ukrain- jan Greek Orthodox Church at the farm of John Nemicz dur- ing the week of July 9 to 16. Rev. Dmytro Luchak was in charge of this week of well-plan- ned activities. The children met at St. John's Hall every morning and were transported to and from the farm by school van. The day's activities included religious in- struction by Mr. Luchak; his- tory, taught by Mrs. Boris Re- chitsku; Ukrainian embroidery, by Mrs. Dmytro Luchak and Mrs. Walter Kuch. Miss Carol Stezik and Miss Jo-Ann Topp were in charge of the Ukrainian dancing. for as the tempo increasad the ne HE to $5,000,000. i { i ; liced was appointed grand senior] : ment said reporters have been|s 1962. The newspaper, owned| Will have some frontage sliced 75> S ri Dazed survivors started re-\parred for their own safety, py Aa, on wl Roy from it for the road improve-|{deacon. Others appointed: turning to the ravines where D, i {grand superintendent of works, their homes once - stood. They|!7\ because the J ortugyese Ey. | Thomson, announced Thursday|ment program. {John H. Lee, Stoney Creek: p.m. today. Interment fol- lowed in Friends' Cemetery, Wooler. Rev. Charles Judd, of Mrs. Luchak also led the daily choral singing and the various sport activities. Many artistic America, and a member of the General Motors 25-year Club. He is survived by his wife, the former Marion Irene Col- lins: two daughters, Mrs. Buck Rothwell, (Frances), gary and Sylvia, at home and four sons, Edward, Daniel, John and Richard, all at home. of Cal Frankford, conducted the serv-| ices. | GEORGE W. A. BROWNSMITH | The death occurred at Fair- {view Lodge, Whitby, Thursday, saw what had happened when a/thing torrent of water, fed by nearly, | six inches of rainfall, swept|. WINS $170,000 through the valleys late Wed. MONTE CARLO (Reuters)-- nesday night. An American banker, who de- |night that it will have a self- | contained rotogravure section in addition to the present news and magazine sections. RASMINSKY CONFERS |PLAN NEW DRIVE |the northeast not | Ibe directly affected. The city {will put in a new driveway jgrand director of ceremonies, The A. S. Ross property on| William R. Binney, Hamilton; corner will not|assistant grand chaplain, J. W. assistant | grand director of ceremonies, Stewart, Cooksville; plaques and metal etched ar- ticles were made by the students under the guidance of the Rev- erend Luchak. On Friday, July 14, a special wiener roast was held at mid- on your mind? A brother, Edward, of|July 20, of George W. A. Brown- Miami, Fla. and two grand-|sSmith. The deceased, who had | WASHINGTON (CP) -- Louis| |Rasminsky, a deputy governor Eric John Reed; grand sword bearer, Charles Derry, Ottawa; grand organist, Harry M. Rot- there. Clarence J. located Rowe, tivities such as a day, followed by many other ac- peanut marshmallow THINKING OF FORT ERIE ENTRIES SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1961 lof the Bank of Canada, con-|east of the Forder property, {ferred Thursday with Per Ja-| settled with the city. These four cobbson, chairman of the 70- are the only properties affected. scramble and roast. To culminate the week's ac- children, Brenda Lee Rothwell lived with his daughter at 1698 and Debbie O'Connor, also sur-| Dufferin street, Whitby, was in |D enberg, Toronto; assistant vive. 'his 91st year. grand organist, Dr. L. N. Arm- strong, Kingston; and grand GOING ON The remains are at the Arm- A son of the late Samuel and strong Funeral Home, for High|Annie Brownsmith, the deceased Requiem Mass in St. Gregory's|was born at Crewe, England, in FIRST RACE (8) Claiming all $2500, Purs jcountry International Monetary, Ald. Finley Dafoe called for pursuivant, Percy G. Bolton. tivities, the children presented FIFTH RACE € (5) "TURF COURSE" Fund, The fund's executive, Those from Ontario District who were appointed Grand Ste- an early start. "We can't de- a program of singing and Ukrainian dancing at the church VACATION? allow- board plans a full inquiry into|jay any longer. This is an im- Roman Catholic Church, Sat-|{1871. He was a locomotive en- $1900, Four-year-olds and up, ance, purse $2,700, 4-year-olds picnic held on July 16. The stu- urday, Julv 22, at 10 am. Rt| gineer during his lifetime. He| had lived in Whitby about 15 One Mile and one furlong. Tedette, NB 117 and up, one mile and 1-16. the new Canadian policy enun-|portant city artery. We have ciated in the June 20 budget of | oon fooling around for three wards were: Carl Billings, Oro- no; Herbert Robert Quantrill, dents also sang the Lord's Pray- the morning Holy Rev. Monsignor Paul M. Dwyer, 2. Biscayne, Hale 122 11 Hooker, NB, 117 depressing the exchange rate| years." Cobourg, and Harry Victor Wat- er during will celebrate the Mass. Inter- ment will follow in St. Gregory's Cemetery. ARTHUR vARDY FRANKFORD -- Arthur Var- dy, of 'RR 1, Frankford; died. at Trenton Memorial Hospital on years. Predeccased by his wife, the {former Elizabeth Ann Martin, Mr. Brownsmith is survived by this daughter, Mrs. L. Pritchard |(Rose), of Whitby and three 2 Calais 2nd, Dittfach, 117 3 Prompt Hero, Gordon, 117 Strongboy, Fitsimmons, 120 Lustrous Hope, Potts, 120 QUINELLA betting . Too Many Cooks, Gomez 119| . Sandy Sugar, Morreale 117 | . Mayfair Mews, Dittfach 117} 3 Xi t grandchildren; Elizabeth, J ewis land Louise Pritchard. | . Smirly's Rouge, NB 114 3 4 5 6. Man O' Valor, Robinson | 7 8.: Lovely Susy, 117 SIXTH RACE Coy through the use of official Ca-|" i adiar g | "The job is already start- BAR Joselves of gold. and ed," answered Ald. Hayward] : |Murdoch, "but it shouldn't have) | NAZIS JAILED |been until all this was ironed WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two Out" a members of the American Nazi| I hope we can still negoti- son, Uxbridge. er Be sure to notify your [a Oshawa Times CITY AND DISTRICT VARIED EXPERIENCE - carrier-salesman Earl Cameron, announcer on the CBC national news broad- Refore You Leave casts, at various times was a railway section hand, teacher! Tuesday, July 18, after being in| A private service was held at| failing health for some time.|the W. C. Town Funeral Home Mr. Vardy was in his 81st year. his afternoon followed by cre- Mr. Vardy was predeceased mation at St. James Cremator- by his wife, Sara Carmichael,|jym Toronto. Rev. G. Nichol- in 1958, and also by one daugh-|son, rector of St. John's Angli- ter, Lydia Corneal. {can Church, Port Whitby, con- Surviving are six daughters, | ducted the services. | Q | JACKSON LLOYD SLEEP COMING EVENTS | The death occured suddenly lat the family residence, 1209] |Brock street south, Whitby, ony BINGO Thursday, July 20, of Jackson] Lloyd Sleep. The deceased was| Harman Park Association St. John's Hall -- Corner in his 41st ear. | Bloor and Simcoe. | A son of the late Mr. and Frag July 2 en7:45 | Mrs. Robert Bengough Sleep, he riday, July -- pm. | S 20 Games --$6 and $10 |yas born in Whitby and a Ie | ident of the community. Sor 340 Jockpos, | Long resident y THE WHITBY |He farmed on the Sleep home- THEATRE GUILD | stead. is pleased to announce Mr. Sleep is survived by a AUDITIONS | Miss Margaret Sleep and r a forthcoming one act play four brothers, Clarence and THE PROPOSAL Frank, of Whitby; Robert, of Beaverton and Kathel, of Brant- by ANTON CHEKOV. To be entered in competition ford. at the Orono one oct play The funeral service will be held at the W. C. Town Funeral Home, Whitby, at 2.30 p.m. Sat- roy, minister of Knox Presby- Festival. terian Church, Oshawa, will con- FOR INFORMATION duct the services. Interment will Please Phone be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. MR. REG. TOMPKINS BINGO |v A DECADE | CORONAT!ON Drug sales now top $6.5 | ORANGE TEMPLE billion annally, twice the figure 10 years ago. $5 SATURDAY, il : billion from chain stores. Give your budget a shot in the arm by selling articles 7:30 P.M. you aren't using with inex- 20 Gomes -- $8 sified Ads. A call to RA Share the Wealth 3-3492 starts your ad. Say 4---$40 Jackpots to go. "charge it!" A SECOND RACE (2) Claiming all $2500, Purs $180 Four-year-olds and up, Furlongs. 1 . Flickamaroo, Harrison XX99 2. 3 4 5 6 4 9. 10. 11. 12, ALSO ELIGIBLE: Mar Right, Despirito, X111; Tim Marches, Olah 112; Sports, NB 111; chief, NB 112; Gomez 122; X1086. Kitwat, McComb 116 . Joey's Brother, NB 111 . Hathaway, NB 117 . Have Gun, Coy 122 . Loose Lip, NB 116 Bossator, NB 111 Rolling Bay, NB 111 Monsieur Beau, NB 117 Fair Mike, Brown 114 Earl Moralist, THIRD RACE (4) Claiming all $3500, Purs $1900, Four-year-olds and up, Furlongs. . Sarano, Despirito X102 . Janet Yates, Robinson 104 . Red Engine, Coy 117 . Power Chance, NB 114 Toujours, Parnell X109 . Sun Drift, Robinson X109 . Preogative, . Fair Juror, Borgemenke 11 . Sun Ep, Dittfach, 114 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FOURTH RACE (3) Foaled in Canada, Allow- EIGHTH RACE ance, Purse 28300 Two-year-olds 6 Furlongs 1. Warferd, NB 119 2. Mistinguette, NB (A) 119 3. Tres Sauve, Dittfach 122 4. Rubria, Parnell (A) X114 5. Welcome Effort, £, Pari Passu, Gomez 122 6. Sardonyx, Harrison XX112 7. Court Royal, Fitzsimmons 119 8. Big Brown Eyes, Potts 119] 8 Jet Turbine, Coy, 117 9. Pari Passu, Gomez 122 10. Bronze Turkey, Despirito XX112 urday, July 22. Rev. R. B. Mil- AT 728-5648 SALES DOUBLED billion from drug stores, $1.5 JULY 22nd pensive Oshawa Times Clas- 1==$150 Jackpot to go. First Lead, Griffith XXX109/10 Cantina Charm, NB, 114 Queen of Mis- Time Clock, Parnell McMullen X109 10 Quillopoly, Robinson, 112 Potts 117 [(A) AM. P. Smart and B. R.|CLEAR AND FAST |Steen entry. | |par § |) Allowance, purse $2,600, 3-513 months at hard labor for oy SRT-0lS, 8 furlongs assaulting a Jewish boy, 13- 6! 1 Mayor Sarto, Robinson, X109 year - old Ricky Farber, July| | 2 Noble Itent, NB, 114 8. They are Richard Braun, 26,| | 3 Real Gentleman, NB, 114 and Robert Garber, 31. | 4 Miss Bernmagoo, B'gemenke, WARNS BRITAIN | | 113 5 Choppy Wind, Fitsimmons, LONDON (AP) -- Moscow 109 |Radio accused Britain Thursday 6 Mrs. Cessford, Olah, 106 night of taking "a very rash 7 Musical Prince, Dittfach, 118|and dangerous step" in author- 8 Golden Turkey, Despirito, |izing construction of a radar X104 station to receive information | 9 Star Shadow, Gordon, 119 from missile spotting U.S. |Midas satellites in flights over, the Soviet Union. The broadcast | |said: "It should not be forgot- jten that deliberate partnership) SEVENTH RACE in such a crime of espionage) (6) "BISON CITY STAKES", means taking upon oneself a| purse $7,500 added for 3-year. very great and punishable re- sponsibility." olds, 612 furlongs 1 Dalton Run, Robinson, 119 WILL LINK ALASKA WHITEHORSE, Y.T. (CP)~-- 2 Kickimoon, Remillard, 119 3 Dragon Lane, Potts, (A)112 |A $25000,000 microwage com- Ld ' i | munications link betwee nj ki! e 11 Lady Golconda, Coy, 121 12 Blondoll, Gomez, 113 e 6 {we pay the maximum." Kingston. | ate," 'said Mayor Thomas, and] {coal man and lifeguard. { added: "Lately, if the city has some- thing to sell, we get the mini- mum; but if we want to buy,| HOLD PICNIC MEETING The officers and directors of the Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce held an informal gather- ing at Past President Herbert Robinson's cottage, near Caesar- ea, Thursday. The event was highlighted by a picnic supper. SMOG IN OSHAWA Robber Escapes Kingston Pen |, Duc ire ish humdi, on, 3 " ry ith thick fog until the rays of KINGSTON (CP) -- William |) i Charles Joyce, 19, serving seven|ine sun cleared it away. Resi- |dents on their way to work ni for armed Toler pe found sidewalks in the business ; > todn {was caused by factory smoke Tentiary 4 the Bh was out-| pas caused by etary 1 smche sie. the walls/Of the institation| ong prisoner 1n the Jog. GOOD FOOD NOON SPECIALS PLATE LUNCH SNACK ROOM 8% BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH, DINING 95° ROOM EVENING DINNER-- 3 COURSE 1.35 up HOTEL LANCASTER (Dining Room Air Conditioned) This will save newspapers piling up at your door. Please poy the carrier up to the date you leave, and if you ore receiving Magazines pay him for the weeks that you will be away from home. IMPORTANT Give him the date of your return so thot your Oshawe Times will restart automatically end without delay. on a utility work party and that| he wandered away. | He was seen walking towards Police said he was potentially | dangerous. 4 Glencoe Kid, Coe, 119 5 Three M. R., NB, 117 |Grande Prairie, Alta., and the 6 S abraon, NB, 108 Yukon - Alaska border will be| 7Corporal Bingo, Parnell, 112 opened here Saturday by Prime | 8 Wise Command, Potts (A)119| pinister Diefenbaker. "It pro-| 9 Ramblin Wreck, Gomez, 114 vides multi - channel telephone-| : telegraph communication be-| 4/11 Moaning Low, NB, 114 tween defence systems in| [(A) C. E. Chesher and L. Lear Alaska and continental United | Oshawa's Busiest Real Estate Firm 728-5123 entry States. | (7) Claiming all $3,500, purse $2,000, 4-year-olds and up, one mile and one furlong PROCLAMATION | 1 Fair Cause, Brown, 114 2 Happy Harry, Gomez, 112 3 Prince Robert, Hale, 117 4 Estanceria, NB, 109 5 Rubal Khali, NB, 114 6 Tulassee, Despirito, X109 7 Binewood, Remillard, 114 In accordance with a res hereby proclaim | 9 Alpine Joe, NB, 109 POST TIME 2 P.M. iL AAC--X-5, XX-7, XXX-10 Ibs. MONDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1961 CIVIC HOLIDAY GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Christine Thomas, Mayor City of Oshawa. olution of City Council | | Thinking of MODERNIZING Your Home? One good way is a Brand New Oil Furnace. improve the value of much more comfort, too. If your present furnace is old and out-of-date why not step up to a new fully enclosed unit that will give you more room in your home look young again. Phone 725-3581 for obligate you in any way. And, by the way, we have o convenient 5-year payment plan. Many models to choose from, aah. 1} 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA | TLE. It will your home and bring you so your basement , . . and make a free estimate -- it won't Phone us now. PHONE 725-3581