Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Jul 1961, p. 5

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Ava 33a ™ dada a FP NL Pp Fe Whitby Kinsmen Club hopes to raise in excess of $1,000 in aid of its various projects such as the newly erected wading pool and the hospital fund, from their annual carni- Ontario County Court officials met this week with E. H. Silk, : |QC, Assistant Deputy Attorney- administration of justice within the county. Briefs were present- ' led to Mr. Silk and these will ! |become part of a file to be used ' (by Mr. Silk out of which are expected to come General, to discuss problems of|Assize Courts, have juries and both of which have in the past occurred at the same time in Whitby. has only one court room which can Court Officials Meet On Justice Matters the Ontario County Courts is that of the coincidence of Gen- eral Sessions of the Peace and both of which The Ontario County building date a jury. In i |affecting county and division courts. 2 Present at the meeting in % (Whitby were Col. G. A. Welsh, County Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff Morley Bain, T. K. Creighton, QC, of Oshawa, and A. M. Woot- : [ton, of Whitby, representing the Ontario County Law Society, Hon. Dr. M. B. Dymond, On- tario's representative in the On- : |tario Legislature, Mayor Chris- Magistrate F. S. Ebbs. Neither Judge Alex. Hall nor Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck were able to attend the meeting. One of the problems facing . WHITBY PERSONALS Miss Helen Visser, of King] street, is celebrating her 1ith| birthday today. Her friends wish her many happy returns of the : |day. Li a KINSMEN CARNIVAL Recent visitors at the home of : (Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson of val. The carnival will be in | carnival as seen from atop the |Victoria street west, Port Whit- operation until Saturday night | ferris wheel. In all, a dozen |by, were: Mr. and Mrs. Don at Centennial Park and is | rides are attracting Whitby |Wilson and family, of London, operated by the Peter March | and District citizens to the Ont, and Mrs. Ed. Kennedy and June of this year, Sessions were adjourned to permit Mr. Justice McLennan to use the court room. But the dates of Sessions Courts are set by statute and cannot be changed unless some change is made in the statute. tives suggested that the statutes may be revised to permit the presiding judge to vary the dates of the session to accom- tine Thomas, of Oshawa, and modate the Supreme Court. he had received similar recom- mendations in other counties. of the law association, present- ed the brief prepared by the association. lem was not one of congestion in the Supreme Court but rather congestion in the county court. They should be no increase in the work of the county or division court unless there is a corre- sponding increase in the judi- ciary. EXTRA JUDGE could be effected in at one of three methods: appoint- ing a junior judge, appointing a deputy judge from |profession to act in judgment Ontario County representa- Mr, Silk told the meeting that A. M. Wootton, vice-president The brief stated that the prob- suggested that there The increase, said the brief, least the legal "Opinion as to an increase in division court jurisdiction was divided," said the brief. "With reference to the county of On- taro, it was thought that an in- crease in the division court juris- diction would prevent the clear- ing up of rural division court in one half day and might keep the judge absent from Whitby to such an extent that it would Are Purchased By PUC sion at their Tuesday evening|office and the trucks. meeting instructed PUC Mana- ger Harry Simpson to make in-|this type are now in operation. quiries in regard to the cost of additional communication equip-|lights were open consisting of ment. for communications between the proposed Mary street ware-|cessful bidder quoting on power|office. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 20, 1961 § light luminaires at a cost of $82.60 each for the 250 watt units and $105 each for the 400 watt units. The improvement to the streets lighting program was approved by the Town Council at their last May meeting. PUC Manager Harry Simpson Four communication units ofland PUC Chairman Oscar Moore were requested by the for new street/commission at Tuesday's meet- ing to prepare a lay-out and proposal for replacing the furni- ture and adding additional furni- Brock street New Street Lights The Public Utilities Commis-|house, the Brock street south Quotations 70 250 watt mercury vapor units The equipment would be used|and three 400 watt units. Northern Electric was the suc-{ture to the PUC react unfavorably with regard to county court and Surrogate Court." "Aside from this," said the brief," there was an indication that an increase in the mone- tary jurisdiction of the division court to bring them more in line with the present value of the dollar would receive consid- erable favor." "Opinion was not unanimous on this point," said the brief, "and many felt that the proce- dure in division court. is not satisfactory for handling cases involving complicated matters of fact or law." The suggestion has been made to Mr. Silk that the amount of claims to be settled in division court be revised upwards from the present $200 to $400 and the amount of claims in the county court be revised upwards from $1,000 to $2,000. Mr. Silk will assemble all] three briefs before making any recommendations to the legis- LAWN Midway Show. Shown here is | fair nightly. {her daughtér Gloria of Thornhill summons matters and minor ial vi f part of the --Oshawa Times Photo i i . Bn seria View oi p S1aw 5 It was a double occasion, being|5;ision court cases, or by the Red Wings Host | Hastings By CLIFF GORDON | Tonight will see Jr. A La-| crosse hold forward at the Whit-| by Arena, The Whitby Red Wings will host the Hastings Legionnaires. As yet the Red| Wings have to gain a victory over the rough and ready team from down east. The Wings who were some- what short handed for their last game received a severe lacing at the hands of the same team but a few of the local players| were well below form as they appeared to be suffering from too many holidays. | Manager Davie, who was] more than somewhat perturbed at his charges in their last out- ing has been cracking the whip, with determined vigor as he says that his fellows will have| to start and pull up their socks) or there will be some head chopping. | known who will guard the pipes for tonight's game as Skip Toy, who has been brought up from played his limit of games if h is to maintain his midget rank- ing. Wilkinson, a big robust de-| fenceman on the Wings' team, is a good bet to don the big . Se |date for the Whitby Arena to-| At time of writing it is not night at 8.30 when the Hastings! Legionnaires will opposition for the Whitby Re t A |Wings who are making a deter- the midget ranks to fill in, has\.,ine pid for the Jr. A playoffs. |also his grandson's, Mr. Don|.oun" involving circuit judges. | Wilson. | The association also pointed On the occasion of Mr. and |out that some congestion occurs |Mrs. E. Harris' 23rd wedding | hen Supreme Court and Coun- |anniversary and also the first|ty Court Sessions meet at the - Whitewashed wedding anniversary of their|S3me time, which also places : {Mr. W. A. Wilson's birthday and |e oraanization of the county Tiremen Are SHARPENED - REPAIRED All Mckes and Models S$ Comer © orner 103-5 Byron S. MO 8-4511 Entry 33 Le ion daughter and son-indaw, Mr. an unusual burden on other court pads as the big fellow has had| y g |and Mrs, Frank Bell, Mr. and officials. By BOB MUNROE |Mrs. Harris entertained at their net having played goal in minor| Ajax Legion whitcwashed|"ome: RR 1, Whitby The guests n : vam were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell lacrosse. Whitby Canadian Tire at Corona-| f Rouge Hill, Mr. and Mrs The Wings have been playing tion Park Tuesday night by the Dare Younge and Mr and a most pleasing brand of la-/score of 11-0. Newitt went alll oo James Inge 2 and tamil crosse here of late and are very (the way for the Ajax club while of Oshawa. Mrs Colley Sr my worthy of the local fans' sup-|Clarke and Campbell pitched for Greta Lee and her dat hter port. John Davis continues tothe Whitby crew. Linda and Mr. and Mrs. J er lead the local point getters and! Ajax scored their first run in (on ahd family of Whitby, had a game of Sr. the other|the third inning, then added : ; night in Brampton and showed three more runs in the fourth) Mr. and Mrs, Doug. Williams his skill as he triggered a pair inning. In the fifth inning the and daughters, Wendy and Deb- of goals for the Brooklin Hill-|Ajax club was well on their way bie are spending a few days at crests. to victory as 'they added one|Lake Baptiste as the guests of There is a red hot duel being more run to make the score 5-0.|Mr. and Mrs. J. Wootton at their Lored ; Datween septal Ken| Ajax exploded for five runs in|COttage. oss of the Wings an onnie the sixth inning to double the ; Moore, a first year Jr. A play- previous score. In the seventh Mss, FB Little 139 Ash : ash ; ih street, is having as her guests er, for the runner-up slot in the inning Ajax added their final run for a couple of weeks, her points race. At time of writing/of the game to make the finallg { ? : : aughter and son-in-law, Mr. Ross holds a slight two-point/score 11-0. and Mrs N. B. Pearsall, of edge over the bespectacled Neyitt pitched a very good Clear Water, Florida, oore for the runner-up slot. game by striking out ten of the| : % So, fans, remember for Jr. A Whitby batters. | Miss Louise Wynand, of Hol-| some previous experience in the| Town of Whitby, Ontario. To Wit: of Whitby bearing date of the held in the Council Chamber may be had ot my office. of lands in arrears for taxes in TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES By virtue of a worrant issued by the Mayor of the Town 2nd day of June, 1961, a sale the Town of Whitby, will be at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday, the 11th day of October, 1961, unless the taxes ond costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sacle for arrears of taxes is being published in The Ontario Gazette on the Ist doy of July, 1961, ond that copies of said list Treasurer's Office this 20th day of June, 1961, JOHN R, FROST, Treasurer, Town of Whitby. NOW ON! All Prices Reduced I/3-l/g OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE © EVERYTHING CLEARLY MARKED e The usual Ron Armstrong Quality and Service Standards remain throughout this sale. RON ARMSTRONG MEN'S SHOP WHITBY PLAZA MO 8-8721 ® FREE PARKING eo lacrosse at its best make it a |land, arrived at Malton Airport |and is a house guest of Mr, and| CROWDS BLAMED Mrs. Albert Willens, her uncle provide the| VENICE, Italy (AP) -- Tour- and aunt, of 882 Byron street q!ists won't be able to see Verdi's north. Miss Wynand will be mar- {opera Othello performed in the|ijeq to Mr. Leo Theunenen in St. courtyard of the Palace of the john The Evangelist Roman Doges this year. Stage equip-| catholic Church, opera| {ment required for the NEWS would inconvenience the crowds| Mrs. Robert Wilkes, Rosedale {of tourists who visit the palace drive, opened her home for a and its museums. demonstration. During the eve- ADDITIONAL WHITBY ON PAGE 17 90 ATTEND BIBLE SCHOOL One of the primary classes at the United Church Vaca- | tion School is seen here do- ing a Bible verse. They are, from left to right: Gail Hunt- | ley, 8; Joyce Samanski, 9; Kathy Mifflin, 9; Rosemary Penney, 9; their teacher, a Henry Street High School stu- dent, Linda McKim, 16; Linda Hiussen, 9; Mary Hoag, 8 and Margaret Cox, 8. Some 90 pupils registered for the vaca- |ning games were played and |gifts distributed. Present were: Mrs. Pete Dawes of West Hill, « (Mrs. Eleanor Smith and Mrs. | M. Howard of Oshawa, Mrs. M. | Soyna, Mr. V. Dawes and Mr. # Wilkes of Whitby. The hostess 7 served light refreshments. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Campkin {have returned from a flying weekend to London, England, where they attended a wedding. WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y2-1b. pkg. approximately 630.3 sheets for -- $1.00 Also Available in 9-1b. pkgs. ; ; po. IDEAL FOR TYPING, : PADS, CARBON COPIES ty INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. On Sale at . . . WHITBY OFFICE & CIRCULATION DEPT. Oshawa Times Of All | tion school. The school is di- | of age. Junior students, 10 and rected by Mrs. Ron Deeth, | 11 years old, are taught by | | Primary teachers include: | ye. 5 Boy oa x | Mest Goudie Marohal, rs. | ing and craft lessons and out- | Wallis, Miss Carol side recreation. Their Bible | | I One Floor Smith, h Mus Linda Mokin, Miss |Sguse is on ihe iieme of Barbara Foote, and Miss Tes- Love One Another, 4 % 4 --Oshawa Times Photo Linda Clark, and Barbara | Breckenridge. Primary stu- | dents are seven to nine years WHITBY of paces Tow p ( Vg a - PAA : TTT ARENT BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Feature Starts ot 7:15 and 9:40 BOB HOPE #: LUCILLE BALL JN LX ns PANAMA & FRANK prooucron This Feature Not Shown Sat. Afternoon - mer Chak Ts x [WAIT TILL ITS TOO LATE! ( v CHESTERFIELDS MATTRESSES ATER DAMAGE SALE Reduction Stock On BEDROOM SUITES OCCASIONAL CHAIRS FLOOR LAMPS Have your heating equipment checked, cleaned, serviced and ready for the coming season. ® 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE eo James Sawdon & Sons 244 BROCK STREET SOUTH PHONE MO 8-3524 -- WHIZBY, ONT. Adult Entertainment | asin | is ® OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. © INDEPENDENT WHITBY PLAZA SALES and SERVICE (WHITBY) LTD. MO $200 EREE PARKING

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