Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Jul 1961, p. 4

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Sem --ay bees Sh . through drive of 178 miles on|ed crushed gravel. The width of| " Highway 401, without a traffic| the median strip varies from 34/tons. | | Al Plaza -- "Misty" 1.00, 4.00, 7.00, 10.00 p.m. 'Bulldog Breed" THEATRE GUIDE 2.30, 5.30, 8.30 p.m. Last com- SECTION OF WIGHWA o Lm. Frock, Whithy -- "The Facts off Prete show at 8.30 p Life". Shown daily at 7.15 and Marks -- 9.40 p.m. Last complete show at 9.00 p.m. "Carry on Admiral" 2.26, 5.28, 8.30 p.m. "Carry on pd PORT HOPE (Hwy. Mo. Hm, Ontario COLBORNE 3% iis BRIGHTON : 4 se Wa, is ABA i / i Me Mra v2 Bh A we RT HOPE AND BRIGHTON BROUGHAM BROUGHAM -- Members of the Women's Institute, friends land families enjoyed a very |pleasant day at Sunset Beach, on Lake Simcoe, on Tuesday, July 11. | When the bus arrived at its destination everyone was wel- comed by Mrs. Milne and her nieces, Doris and Christine | Beare. Before lunch Mrs. Black- |man conducted the games and {races for the children. The |afternoon was spent participat- ling in water sports for those in- 9f. You £nyoy... ® MAKING YOUR OWN HOTEL RESERVATIONS ® WORKING OUT AIR OR RAIL CONNECTIONS ® PICKING UP YOUR OWN TICKETS ® MAKING YOUR OWN AIR OR RAIL RESERVATIONS : @® PREPARING YOUR OWN ITINERARIES ® ARRANGING FOR U-DRIVES You dont need. own services ! e+ + WE DO ALL THESE CHORES , . . AND MANY MORE. TICKETS ® INTINERARIES 1.58, 5.18, 8.41 p.m. "Peeping Tom" 12.15, 3.35, 6.55, 10.18 p.m. Last complete show at 2 10.18 p.m. Regent -- "The Pleasure of His RARE APPEARANCE Company." Shown daily at| vyjetor Borge will make one of 2.12, 4.27, 6.42, 8.57 p.m. le rare television appearances Constable" 1.00, 4.02, 6.59, 10.01 p.m. Last complete show at 8.30 p.m. in a comedy and music special Biltmore -- "Concrete Jungle" Sept. 27 on CBS-TV. STARTLING HITS! 2-NEW LIFTS THE LID OFF THE UNDERWORLD | 'CONCRETE JUNGLE A NIGHTMARE THAT HAPPENS EVERY NIGHT . .. PEEPING TOM Adult Entertainment ADULT In COLOR ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT ONLY al 7:30 P.M. © RESERVATIONS Delivered to your desk AND there is NO CHARGE for this service. Donald Travel Service 300 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-3304 WHITBY terested and a visit for the older members present. During a brief business meet- ling it was decided to charter {buses for the exhibition again {this year. The buses will be |going to the exhibition from Brougham on Pure Foods Day, Music Day and Farmers' Day. Anyone interested may pur- chase tickets from Mrs. Harden or Mrs, M. Annis and at Rural Bus Lines Office. On Friday evening, July 14, the many friends and neighbors of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm Jr. met in the township hall to present them with a miscellaneous shower. AF 4 03 wd After the many and useful gifts were opened and admired, SECTION OF 40 Howard thanked all present. He --Ontario Department of Highways Photo | gave a special thanks to the Can Now Drive 178 Miles Church choir for arranging the Without One Traffic Light to as much as 100 feet, also| shower. He also asked that COBOURG -- The opening to- adds variety. |everyone come and see them in LANDSCAPING: The Depart-|their new home at Greenwood. ment of Highways has seeded|Carol also gave her thanks and 2,008,600 square yards of thelalso invited all to visit their right-of-way by the hydra-seeder| new home. mulch-blower method, using its| rhe evening was brought to a day of a 28-mile section of High-|35 and 115, west of Newcastle,|columns could conveniently and way 401 between Port Hope and|by-passing Oshawa and Bow-|economically be located. The re- Brighton brings the total mile-|manville, 28 miles; from the|sulting appearance of the bridge age now in service on Highway|junction with Highways 35 and|dramatically emphasizes the 401 to 330 miles. The Hon. W. A.|115 easterly to Marysville, by-langle on which it sits above Goodfellow, MPP for Northum-|passing Port Hope, Cobourg, |Highway 401. Another unusual to the junction with Highwaysdeck is supported where HIS BIGGEST, BROADEST, FUNNIEST EVER! Jerr: Wis Indies Man Jerry as the only man in a hotel for girls only... The moviegoer never had it so funny! "4 DON'TY BE y rurnep TICKETS away Nowy) | CHILDREN . 38 $0 SCARY-- WE DARE YOU 70 S17 s| IT ALLL WF Yi OU DO --Y OU WiN FREE © 251 © PASSES QOOD FOR A NEAR FUTURE MOVIE! ZRInE SHOCK PROGR ® = GIA pen Sa Fol 2 WORRIFKC SICTURES OMS] sc: ON STAGE: ge » 9 yoy me to ¥ CHILLER - DILLER QF, ih featurmg . Direct from his Jungle loi, J 1 if Deauti ful AT ) 2 HOLLYWOOD Stari ron! the mercy NAY Te BEAST / a = HELEN TRAUBEL. worms Emm ss PAT STANLEY 'aot sort and HARRY JAMES and his band » A Paramount Picture TODAY ONLY! ON STAGE & SCREEN! DR. SILKINI'S "Asylum of Horrors" In addition, more than 704,300 . Green River. Highway 45. miles east of Morrisburg, 17|Highway 45 without increasing] Plantings, to prevent erosion/on Sunday, : .|use of concrete barrel arches --| mm will thus receive the double ben-| Cost of Land: The Depart | | Sympathy is extended to Mrs. i y section of High- traffic the new section of High-y,,, ¢11 g33 000 the 28-miles of new highway: |Association. Houston, which John Annis had the misfor-| Completion of the new 28-mile|shoulders are three feet wide.| [covering nicely. own unique equipment and y A crews, The Department of Hige|oiote by 2 Hine being. served ways was the first organization Mr, and a SS Knox. also ih Canada 10 introduce His Heavy. A. Gray attended a birth- 0 id day party on Tuesday evening berland and Minister of Agricul-| Brighton, Trenton and Belleville, | feature is the wall which retains|square yards of sodding have ture, Highways Minister Cass|80 miles; from new Highway 38,/the earth embankment. Design-|{been done on the slopes of the, Mr. and Mrs. K. C., Pascoe, and Alex Carruthers, MPP for|west of Kingston, to Highway 16,led as if it were part of a cir-|interchanges, around other|Dawn, Debbie and Denice spent! Durham, cut the ribbon at 3:30| by - passing Kingston, Gan-|cular tank, it is shaped to allow|structures and areas in which|the weekend at Balsom Lake. | p.m. at the Cobourg interchange|anoque, Brockville and Prescott, |the deck of the structure to be|the hydra-seeding method is not| Mr. and Mrs. H. Robertson of | Interchanges provide excel-| miles. |its length unduly. This technique as well as to provide a pleasing] M | lent, close-by connections for| COST: More than $11,000,000 saved considerable money over| appearance, i eo fol-| of fe and Mis. George Hamlia Port Hope, Cobourg, Grafton,|has been expended in construc-|conventional bridge design pro-|lows: deciduous trees, 3,493; [at the Roland 2 ay Fuests Colborne and Brighton, which|tion of the 28 miles of new four-| cedures. | evergreens, 2,826; shrubs, 2,060; | The Rankins h n Ne are by-passed in that order from|lane, controlled-access highway. | ion is the| i dling ( Ss 'Enns Maye jeit fora p g y.| Also worthy of mention is the and pine seedlings, 18,000. [few weeks holiday at their cot- > ~hasing ,|five in all -- on the new section. | TEMEN efits of relief from traffic trav-|fnent began purchasing property| 0 "0, 0 Jo 0 8 FO ries the| _ PICK REPLACEMENT elling through them and, as vel 1955. To date the expenditures|Shelter Valley Road under 401. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) oi Johnston, who lost her all the advantages of a nearby|e ."} apavisHion : i . Oklah City wa lected father recently. Controled acces highway 0 sis 300 Tos ney QUANTITIES OF MATERIAL: OKialoms, OU wee Soectol Sit" ena" noperts is on : > These quantities of materjal{Xondal D+ aD aCe OUSION, | visit to Edmonton to .see his : mother who is not in the best of way 401 will mean a substantial] : i) 3 y ry saving in time over the parallel IDTH: Each two-lane paved Granular materials, 2,403,663 moves into the National League, section of Highway 2 to the|Portion is 24 feet wide on either|tong {will operate the Oklahoma City py |side of the depressed median| po riacoios gs goolfranchise as its Triple-A outlet.|tune to be thrown from his bi- |strip. Outside shoulders afe 10 4&0 0 FEVER BYLTTOklahoma City was in the Texas|CYcle on Friday afternoon. He CLEAR ROUTE |cubic yards. League for many years but has Skinned the side of his face, section makes possible aiBoth are surfaced with compact- yards. i ituminous 4 On Tuesday, July 11, Brough- TO ENTER UCLA |am Junior girls played Fairport SYDNEY (Reuters) -- John|Beach and won 24 to 3. On the {Konrads, Australia's Olympic|same night the Senior girls {1,500 - metre swimming cham-|played Frenchman's Bay and lace of conventional sodding.!| : place of conventional -sodding for Mr. Jack Nighswander of where Highway 401 passes under|70 miles; and Iroquois to seven supported at a right angle to|practical, | Toronto called on Mrs. Lemon! west to east. These communities| | {tage at Raven Lake. distance driving. For through lh > Droop re \ } total cost of the project to more "co 4tin ihe construetion of T€X., next year in the American, health. (feet wide; the median or inside] i i} Rock excavated, 14,550 cubic|heen out of baseball since 1957./nose and shoulder. He is re- pion, announced Monday he will tied 23-all. Asphalt, 282,555 Concrete for structures, 27,618 cubic yards. NUMBER OF CONTRACTS: Nineteen contracts were light, from Highway 8, between|feet to 100 feet. | Kitchener and Preston, to] : Marysville, on Highway 2, west| RIGHT OF WAY: The right. of Napanee. Some of the better|of-way is 300 feet throughout. of love story... An especially CirvemaSeonEE COLOR by DE LUXE -- DAVID known communiites STRUCTURES: News over- on this 178-mile through drive Passes, underpasses and bridges| are Galt, Guelph, Milton,|fully completed are: Brampton, Toronto, Oshawa| Underpasses, with traffic | Port Hope, Cobourg, Brighton, | interchange 5| Trenton and Belleville. When| Underpasses, no interchange 7| completed in 1963 Highway 401 Overpasses, no traffic inter- | will provide a 510-mile toll-free change 4 freeway across Southern and| Bridges over watercourses 5 Eastern Ontario between Wind-| TOTAL 21 sor and the Quebec border. | The design of the bridge Highway 401 is being con-|which carries Highway 45 above structed in sections, each of | Highway 401 is unusual. To meet which is a complete entity inithe problem presented by the that it joins two existing King sitact that Highway 45 crosses Highways and can be put into|Highway 401 at a sharp angle, service as soon as it is com-|pridge engineers designed a pleted. Priority is given to theseingvel structure with what they sections on the basis of the| describe as an "egg crate" type amount of relief which will be deck. In this unique design, the afforded for traffic congestion|first of its kind in Ontario, the hv-nassed! awarded for the construction of; this section of Highway 401. | UNUSUAL ROAD DESIGN | FEATURE: way : an unusual design feature,| namely, a difference in eleva- enter the Tiniversity of Southern California in September on a three - year commerce scholar- ship. The 20-year-old Australian |is unlikely to be available for French Over the 28 miles of new high-|the British Empire and Com-| there are six sections with monwealth Games in Perth next| three runs, 14 to 17. year, Wadnesday- evening the Junior girls had a victory over Ajax, 9to7, The Senior girls played man's Bay, losing by U.S. TV MILESTONE | Transcontinental television in tion between the two lanes. The| total distance represented by, these sections comes to more| than five miles. This design fea-| ture, which adds considerable in- terest when driving the highway| has been used only once before, on Highway 401 -- a few miles) to the west in the area of the| Ganaraska River. The fact that] the median or boulevard be-| tween the two lanes widens out| on other highways. MILEAGE COMPLETED ( LEGION These are the sections now in| use to the nearest mile: Windsor | to Tilbury, 31 miles; from High-| way 4 to Highway 2 at East-| wood, by-passing London, Inger- soll and Woodstock, 38 miles; Highway 8 to Highway 25, 26 miles; Highway 25 to Highway 10, 14 miles; Highway 10 to] Highway 27, seven miles; To-| ronto By-pass, from Highway 27] on the west to the junction with| Highway 2, near the Rouge River, 24 miles; from the east- ern end of the Toronto By-pass SUPER DANCE -LIONS THE NEXT LEGION-LIONS CAR BINGO FRIDAY, JULY 28th--8:30 P.M. SHARP $8,000°° nu ------ INCLUDING $2,200.00 SNOWBALL 54 NOS. It's Almost Sure To Go This Time $1,000.00 HI-LO JACKPOT $600 in regular games $450 in special games 15 Free Door Prizes FOR ADULTS MUSIC BY THE FRIDAY NIGHT | The Big Game For The 1961 FORD Or $2,000 in Cash TORNADOS RED BARN 1961 FORD LEGION | PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE | FORD 1961 -LIONS TONIGHT THRU SATURDAY BOX-OFFICE OPEN 8.00 SHOW STARTS AT 9:20 ALL COLOR SHOW! Il CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON OSHAWA [the United States was inaug- {urated Sept. 4, 1951, with Pre- |sident Truman's address at the {Japanese peace treaty signing lin San Francisco. | | Dine At . . . | |OSHAWA'S NEWEST RESTAURANT Featuring Stecks & Beefburgers MAYFAIR SIMCOE S. PLAZA (Simcoe S. at Ritson Rd.) FREE PARKING PAIR IR ZZ 2 HEY KIDS: -- WIN A REAL LIVE PONY LIKE "MISTY", WATCH THE "PROFESSOR'S . T.V. CHANNEL 9 AT 4 P.M. FOR PARTICULARS. HIDEAWAY" C.F.T.O RADNITZ - CLARK - ARTHUR LADD - O'CONNELL. Deresnsiay ty Produoad ny Direeted by ROBERT 8. JAMES 8. TED HIT NO. 2. ----, A RANK ORGANIZATION PRESENTATION DISTRIBUTES or TURY FOX AIR CONDITIONED HUNTZ HALL FRANK LOVEJOY D . S 133 . Bicone mo OBLECK Peter Rabbit, Goldilocks HANSEL and GR A i CAL1032 «++ PLUS THESE OTHER EXCITING ALBUMS Major Classics for Minors (CAL-1016) Shirley Temple in Walt Disney's *'Bambi' (CAL-1012) Walt Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (CAL-1044) Walt Disney's "Peter Pan' and "Alice in Wonderland" (CAL-1009) in @ wonderful picture sprea d says: "SOME OF THE FINEST SIGHT GAGS FROM WHAT MANY: PEOPLE CONSIDER THE FUNNIEST PICTURES EVER FILMED!" MAR WILSON & LEE Eastern Ontario's LARGEST Music Centre OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9P.M. §7 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-4706

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