Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Jul 1961, p. 22

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i 4 . 4 J Pith 20 Bch . bi ~ \ > LU er 4 i ff NOT SP MPN fe a at i LE PRE SEN WY NEW ""This is the third cruise in 1( . ks years she's taken to the Vi . f ematl Islands. Why doesn't she take i 1na urc aser as £5 cruise to 'Alcatraz? The mi » there can't get away. That Tire "I hear she'd marry her boss | : 2 except for two things: His wife fuc 1 ew : evy Old M aids won't let him--and he doesn' want to anyway." "How long is it you've bee What is the sales tax? The|require a receipt, the vendor|of the persons in the group is| NEW YORK (AP)--Remarks| wun the firm, Gertrude? Is 1 |sales tax Is imposed upon he must give him one. unde} ua If separate Shocks a old maid gets tired of hear- 15 or 20 years? My, you've b final purchaser of goods a are issued tax applies only to|ing: | : ¢ pres or oy The term used in 4 oe vend og Bh those in excess of $1.50 even if| "Aunt Gertrude, why didn'tcome a kind o Bese mother t the Act to describe Sood and| collect it separately from the use json pays all of the Jo svar marry: Is it that you|the other girls. 3 commodities is "tangible per-|customer, may he do so? No, it|CHecks. a Be sonal property". Goods and|is provided that every vendor - "I told you not to mention her commodities include anything shall state and charge the tax CREDIT PURCHASES B birthday. She's very, very sen- ENA i.., that can be lifted or removed|iy be collected on each taxable] Will tax be charged on the sitive about her age. 4 |from one place to another butisaje separately from the sale basis of the sum of the price Jon yeaf as Jeap year-- they are also defined to include price on any record he makes,|of merchandise plus a finance|and she's st : mou s a ov telephone services. and on any receipt, bill, in-|charge in the case of credit pur-|,. A you Wa Toy bei What is the sales tax rate?|voice or other document he 2 ¢ from her, tell hei The sales tax is three per cent|keeps or issues. A vendor may SY oa alu on look ) Jy aver 2 She eats up . 3 S that of talk." computed on the price Sharged not advertise or post or Sthek TE Tr DARE, ay iyi "sor ewhere that the for the goods. The tax shoul wise oo 0 t C8 he on conditional sale contracts or|re girls become old maids calculated separately on every|clude in uf Spee ig 8€P-| i}er contracts providing for de- ig a airand of purchase aul be pigeon arately the amount of HE ME ferred payments of the saleimen, What do you think about BIG VOLUME the nearest cent. In the calcula-| A vendor is not r@quifed i,rice if the amount of such fi-| that, Gertrude?" Because we buy in big quer. tion every fraction of less than| indicate in his adverti ni nance charges, carrying charges| "Oh, 1 wouldn't exactly callll tities, we can take a smaller one-half cent should not belin a quotation of price or interest is in addition to the|her an old maid. For one thing, Ee Ean ae a sualier counted and every fraction of spect to the sales of goods' usual or established cash selling kes her mad." one-half cent or more should be|the tax will be added to the price, and if such an amount, i "They say she had a lot of on to you counted as one cent, Where, on|price, but if a vendor quotes a|is segregated on the invoice or|chances to marry in her youth a] 0 b 4 i | el lA the spe un od Hp price for "th Be oF bill of sale, or, is billed sep-|--but who's left to remember?" one transaction, several items|erence to the tax, the pri Bi arately Lo the Customer. b at 1 Temempert of goods are purchased, the total| quotes is that to which he:must y If you could just gi Unless these conditions are|for Gertrude, Jim, she'd have a of the purchase must be deemed|add and collect the tax. " to be iy purchase, and the tax a met, such charges shall be|lot more fun at the party APPLIANCES | "Well, I'm not going to invite should be calculated on such NOT VENDORS red d to be part of the fair|, "or the guys from my office. || 90 Simcoe S. 725.5332 i total. Ah Jiofecsional pesp Le value for the purpose of com-|pfier all, what have I got ia . ; a] ; : -- EXEMPTIONS | physicians, lawyers, architects, puting tax, against them?" i Are all sales of goods iaxable?|accountants, engineers, efc., : CHECK CARS IN D RAB STREET Jol There are three ni exercise a profession or Drab streets in East Ber- | evening, provide a sharp con- | lit avenues of the city's Wesl- lin the Eastern zone at the sec-| groups of sales that are not tax-|trade and provide ouly services lin, virtually deserted by late trast to the bustling, brightly- | ern zone. Police check .cars [tor demarcation line. jt. These are: and thus are not vendors under | | (CP Wirephoto) | Sales of goods to another ven- the Act, must pay tax to their |ceived the order and gave the| {dor who executes a "Purchase Suppliers of all purchases of nd 9 f ] p " i ropert P ntin Sales telegraphic instructions to the| The garage is the vendor of | Exemption Certificate". lane ible Persoml 2 ope y al g second florist. car accessories, sun glasses, or| Sales of goods to be delivered th it of their professions other items sold at retail. Ihy the vendor to points outside|th¢ PUrst . ; (4) GARAGE OPERATORS i ntario for use outside Ontario.| How much tax will I pay on ° { The garage is the vendor of|Ontario fo t | A garage or other motor ve-| "°* © : ! Sales of goods which are spe-|meals? Tax applies to all meals u ect Oo evy hiele repair shop is in part a|lubricating oil sold directly or| © 1 der|In excess of $1.50. The criterion vendor of tangible personaliplaced in motor vehciles when Sifelly exempt from tax under for ascertaining ability is the Ny ld The Retail Sales Tax ruling shall be collected by the flor-| property and in part a service oi] is changed, and of greasel!™® ACH size of each check. severa ' A 4! on classes of retailers is as pot faking the, order; on enterprise; ios of towing shop 564 for transmission and rear oe We sales tay Separiment persons at Jo gether snd the en : c Cc - » activities ing, sl i : i Willys: of sketches, paintings,|tario florist receives telegraph-|labor, battery charging, repair, Ro greasilg, [the purchaser with a receipt|exceeds $1.50 the charge is tax- ; ible : ; ; feat See Ruling 9 with regard to|showing that tax has been paid?|able even though any of the engravings, sculptures, furni-jic instructions from another |to tires, chassis lubrication and| | = +" Co Col but should the purchaser meals ordered by one or other ture or any other objects of art|florist located either within or|similar services constitute the is No, but shou e pure or articles of handicraft whe- outside Ontario for the delivery provision of services. The| ther executed according to spe-|of flowers, the Ontario florist| charge for such services is not| cifications or otherwise are receiving such telegraphic in-|taxable and the garage or other| sales of tangible personal prop-|structions shall not be liable to motor vehicle repair is the con- erty and subject to tax. collect tax from the person to/any tangible personal property A commercial artist or other(whom such flowers are to be|such as grease, used in ren- such person or firm engaged in Severed In his Sustancs if the dering the Sexviess: The gar- jon or production of order originated in Ontario,|age or other motor vehicle re- roan i, designs, tax will be collectable by the pair shop must pay tax on the BEAT THE SALES TAX ON " o.» photographs or other art work Ontario florist who first re-|purchase price of such items, is a vendor of such tangible or, if they are taken from stock 19 FALL DRAPERI E personal property sold to ad- S L |for resale, pay tax in the per- vertising agencies for use by iod in which they are taken the agency in the rednering of from stock on the price they their services. youd have charged for them at We have brought hundreds of pairs of new draperies in " - Such an artist, painter, sculp- ; Y early . . . you save when you choose and purchase your or cabinet maker must as 1 On motor vehicle repair work | Ah a vendor's permit and ons the charge for labor is not tax-| draperies before September 1st. colect the tax on the total sale » |able if separately invoiced. The/ ; price charged for the production Fadin ut {garage is the vendor of al ® READY-TO-HANG DRAPERIES -- with a custom-made of such tangible personal prop- parts and supplies used in the look. erty unless the purchaser cer- is |repair work and must collect . tifies that the tangible personal| PARIS (Reuters) -- "Fittingland remit tax upon them. If ® EASY TO SELECT -- you may try them on your windows property is being purchased for fashions" will replace current|labor is not invoiced separately, before deciding. the purpose of resale. loose-waisted styles in the forth- the entire charge is taxable. When an artist, painter, coming Paris couture collec- ® ECONOMICAL -- they are dollars less than so-called sculptor or other craftsman is Hons, according to early predic- WARNE BA : "Free Making' offers. : . -- Archaeolo- in the eyloy u Sothies Dereon Balenciaga heralded the re-|gists have uncovered remains| NO WAITING -- Biggest selection ever in stock. Choose turn of naturally-belted waist-|of a 2,500-year-old Slavonic set-| from plain weaves an ttarns:in many colors and sizes, bin Thi oe a lines in his February collection, tlement at Osowobice, near P po y 70 tax to collect unless he and it-Is believed here that this Wroclaw in southwestern Po- trend, probably coupled with/land. The newspaper Trybuna " makes sales as an agent fOr pn.i04 skirts, will be the basis Ludu said the excavations un-| : 54" FINISHED LENGTHS his principal in. Which pase lax o the new Paris winter 1962 sil-| covered bits of pottery, weaving 5 48" Rod | 72" Rod | 96" Rod mu "| houette. tools and fireplaces. count of the principal. The essence of changing fash. a I PATTERNED | 2 Panels | 3 Panels | 4 Panels FLO! D ion is the element of surprise r a ML combined with a timely revival ROME (CP)--The UN Food| 12.98 18.98 25.98 Sales of flowers, wreaths, |of tried and proved silhouettes. and Agriculture Organization bes sued i, rn Bh ceo Chemie and 20%, 1, wil, span, tte y 4 fitted fashions which marked h od| " Dery, and Sher. sack fons the 1950s and culminated in the Production. Some delegates said | en n-------- 95" FINISHED LENGTHS isa ngi - ; extreme flapper girl fashions of| there is a lack of uniformity in| FABRIC 48" Rod | 96" Rod [144 Rod|192" Rod subject to tax. x this year appears to be ending. | establishing safe tolerance lev-| 2 Panels | 4 Panels Where a florist conducts) myo of Paris' most respected els: transactions through a flor-|«ayant garde" designers, Bal-| PLAIN 14.98 29.98 44.98 59.98 ists' telegraphic delivery asso-|enciaga and Givenchy, already| order of the day. But the pen-| ciation, the following rules willl have introduced the first indica-|dujum is swinging away from | PATTERNED 16.98 33.98 51.98 69.98 apply in the computation of taXitions of a line which clings|sffapelessness. { liability: Goser to he body and marks| Each season, the syndicated | all orders taken by an|the natural waistline. group of Paris couture design-| oll) on gli of and ir The natural feriale form has|ers imposes stricter regulations | Shop Before September ist - Save The Sales Tax to a second florist in Ontario|always managed to dominate|intended to protect their in-| for delivery in Ontario the flor- recent decrees of high waists, |terests and this time they have | i : i SIMCOE ST. ot | 725-1151 llect|low waists, or no waists at all.|agreed to ban the practice of . WARD S ng ee Today, those close to the centre permitting each house to make | ATHOL ST. FREE DELIVERY (b) in cases where an On- of the great couture studios sug-| a statement to the press earlier| I J 4 gest that these prototypes will|than two weeks before the open- tario florist receives an order|noy come into their own in the|ings. pursvant: to. which he gives tele-l evolution of a more feminine |. Thus, what & ¢ tu a NM ¥ willy graphic instructions to a sec-|image. emerge from behind the *"'Silken| ond florist located outside On-| This does not mean that|Curtain" during Paris collec-| tario for delivery of flowers to|strangled waistlines and hour-|tions week, beginning July 24, a point outside Ontario, no tax|glass curves will become the|is pure supposition. A MESSAGE... to the Citizens of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville and surrounding areas. As of September Ist, 1961, a 3% Sales Tax will be 3%: added to the cost of our complete line of merchan- | ; dise, including . . . : e WINTER SEAL ALUMINUM © FIREPLACE SELF-STORING DOORS EQUIPMENT y AND WINDOWS © BATHTUB MORRISON S 2 {MEE BE [| #7 Furs and SPORTSWEAR Limited 15 Phas ST. | | * KOOL] E ALUMINUM SACLORRC | i | i | i | 12 KING ST. WEST PHONE 725-6312 Se a « . . all our colorful, practical models. EXTERIOR RAILINGS i i =USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT 725-4632 ¢ ALUMINUM SIDING . . . e VACU-FLO . . . A the home beautifier that saves its own cost: the built-in Vacuum System for EVENINGS ; installation in new or older homes Soha = = QS ORK he! ae et eS en RE ee SR ; AE BA AT 6 Panels | 8 Panels A ANAK py, £, EAN FX 0 IA -- an = RR ASE NR oF hale Nady = Shae PRR SN aN AS 2) (5 ia £ 1 SE 7 SETA Ad [0 {Ep dos WO y ot Wi AT a RaSh ar sa 0 Zs oP, Se, i May we suggest you determine your particular requirements now and call us for a free, non- 123-2101 ebligating estimate. Time is short, buy your requirements now and save that 3%. LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED |

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