TO BE WED NEXT MONTH IN ANNAPOLIS ROYAL : --Reno's Studio The forthcoming marriage | The bride-to-be, a graduate is announced today of Mr. | of Acadia University, N.S, Lawrence Marshall Keay, son | and the Ontario College of of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keay | Education, Toronto, has been of Oshawa, and Miss Zelma | teaching at OCCI and will be Barteaux, daughter of Mr. and | on the teaching staff of Win- Mrs. Merrill Barteaux of An- | ston Churchill Collegiate, Scar- napolis Royal, Nova Scotia. | borough. Mr. Keay who Is --ILeRoy Toll practising law in Toronto, graduated from OCVI, from the University of Toronto with degrees in political science and law and from Osgoode Hall. Following their marriage the couple will reside in To- ronto. Meal Menus By Telephone, Trial Service Starts in England | Friends Honor Anniversary Pair Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Jomeont Editor Dial RA 3-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 19, 1961 "FABRIC TALKS' By BEA BRIGHT The life of clothes can be in- creased if just a few simple rules are followed: Here are the rules: 1. Alternate the gar. ments, worn. Clothes need a rest. Alternating the clothes worn will give the fabric in the garment a chance to become free of wrinkles and to return to the shape built into the gar. ments; Brush garments periodi- eaty in between cleaning; have clothes cleaned frequently. The longer soil is allowed to remain in a garment, the more deeply it becomes ground into the fibres. Dust, dirt and grime have a cutting action on fab- rics and when allowed to re- main in fabrics, will shorten the life of the fabrics. | Hang garments up after About 500 guests attended the wear, Heavier garments should Suggested Simple Rules For The Care Of Clothes 25th wedding anniversary party be hung on a stronger type of rips and holes should be attend- ed to immediately. When stor. ing garments, always have them cleaned first. Dirt and stains left in a fabric for a long period of time are veiy sometimes impossible to remove. J Stains should be removed im- mediately. Heat and time will set stains. Home stain removal ments to the cleaner, tell him what the stain is and let him equipment and the experienced personnel to remove stains. Those are the rules. Follow the instructions given when a garment is purchased. Read the labels and string tags. Valuable information on the proper care of garments may often be found here. In the meantime, remember, aetioult, and) | is often unsuccessful. Take gar-|? remove the stain. He has the|; akings make his own? French bread, sliced and buttered, cold cuts|ho fresh from the refrigerator, to. matoes, cucumbers, cheese can all be slipped into polythene ' |bags to keep them fresh in the picnic basket. It's less trouble RCA VICTOR TV SPECIAL! CLEARANCE! 'SAVE $100.00 SUMMER Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evan Reynolds sign the register fol lowing their marriage recently in a double-ring ceremony at St. Andrew's United Church. WEDDING | the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Smykal and the bride- | groom is the son of Mr. and | © Mrs. E. W. Reynolds, all of | Oshawa. f --Photo by Hornsby | SALAD IN A BAG To take a salad on an outing, break up all the freshly-washed greens into bite-size pieces and put them in a polythene bag. Chill the bag of salad-makings in the refrigerator and take it along to the picnic with the dressing in a small jar. A few minutes before eating time, pour the dressing right into the bag, toss well and serve. SHOPPING GUIDE Do you have difficulty esti- mating the correct amount of beef to buy for Sunday din: ner? Macdonald Institute's Food and Nutrition Department sug- gests this guide: allow one-third pound per serving if the roast has a bone in it. For a rolled roast, ¥% pound per person is plenty. The bride, the former Miss By M. McINTYRE HOOD Frances Yvonne Smykal, is pecial London (Eng.) Correspondent to brown. Add the water, sauce of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Starr, hanger, such as one made from and sliced and peeled apples Ritson road south, held at St.|wood or plastic. Repair jobs on'friend. and the salt. Turn chops and|john's Ukrainian Hall, on Sat- sauce into a Sassetole. Coverlurday evening, July 15. and simmer gently in a moder- 0.16 wer ied: i ; » | ple were married in ate oven for 45 minutes. . George's Memorial Church, | even ; Margaret McFaul Of Ajax Wed anything goes wrong, el sh : 3 Pp C eminghan posse cit 030 hoe ats sare he To Samuel E. Plume Of Oshawa police, medical or ambulance re and the late Ms. Espylee. hy ph Mr Starr is the son| Margaret Eleanor Clarabell serve and how to prepare it, all lof Mrs. Michael Starr and the MeFaul of Ajax od Save) El late Mr. Starr. |bridge Plume of Oshawa were they have to do is dial number SOCIAL NOTICE "ASK 3071" on their teleph mer Miss Mrs. Matthew Bell, the for- united in marriage recently in Mary Stezik, the|St. Paul's United Church, Ajax and the answers will come to ENGAGEMENT {maid of honor and Mr. Phillip| The bride is the daughter of Mr. them over the phone wires, in Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Bar-| Glowaski the best man at the|and Mrs, Douglas MeFaul of full detail. teaux Annapolis Royal, Nova ceremony 25 years ago were|Wellington, Ontario, and the This is a new telephone ser-|guotia announce the engage-|81S0 present, bridegroom is the son of Mr. vice which has been started by|ment of their daughter, Zelma| The highlight of the eveningianq Mrs. William A. Plume of Reginald Bevine. It has had its|Melzena, to Lawrence Marshall Was the presentation of a ster-|Nashwaaksis, New Brunswick. inauguration in Birmingham. Keay son of Mr. and Mrs. Al-|ling silver gervice, also a hand- The Reverend T. R. Norman But if it proves to be a success, |p, Keay of Oshawa. The mar-|Some sum of money. Other officiated with Mis . Lind and is widely used by house<| oo. will take place at Stilts of silver were also prec BEECH $ Linda wives, it will be extended 10|5ohy's Anglican Church, Anna-(senied. Smythe Dayne ue wedding London, Liverpool, Manchester, sic Royal, on Saturday, Au-| The couple were met at the|music. The soloist, Mrs, James Glasgow and other main cities. ' ** "ldoor of the hall in the tradi- Hosisies, satig The Lord's Pray- r ve Thee. gust 19, at 4 p.m. boy hip {tional Ukrainian manner by the 'CHANGED EACH DAY ide's fathe t ide- | VEINS nervice gives the house] SIMPLE DRESSING (Uride's father and the pre is ide was given 1h mak wite a complete menu for the Here's an easy salad dressing salt. A corsage of pink carhd|a full.length gown of white lace J2Y'S meals, and a full reciPelto make--a mixture of oil and tions was pinned on the anni-land net. The bodice was styled i |versary bride y her son, el- i course The menus and septs vinegar. Macdonald Insitute inhi hi wie presented 05, 2oas Ne! Chum Ju, 8s 0 ide ri - i: Be oe Comcil, andjouc\ph, suggesis two paris Othe pridegrobid With: 8 'earna-l; op, A'pane} of Chantilly lace will be varied according to the was inset in the front of the skirt from the waist and tiers high grade salad oil to one part|tion boutonniere. weather and the price varia- of cider or malt vinegar. shake| Mit tithes] Same, unable Lom a he Mini] Jue) vod. the oil and vinegar in a glass|s he present due to illness and|0f lace and net cascaded into a ey wi Ci ged each aay, | | 8 2 t and will include such items as bottle and then season it the|was sent a floral arrangemen i fil-|way your family likes it. Mus. from the head table. Other de- whites Ana prended veal de Hide corations were the silver anni- Jin 0 tard, Tabasco, spices or herbs| orsary cake nested in white s editor-in- chief of The Scotsman, and ex- the cleaner is the clothes best| ; | THE OWENS (23TC522) 23' Full-picture screen, 20,000 volts picture power. Two hi-fidelity speak- ers, Mahogany and Walnut only. Regular $349.00 249.0 MEAGHER' 5 KING ST. WEST 723.3425 et aa FINAL REDUCTION -- ALL SPRING & SUMMER LINES -- The Oshawa Times BIRMINGHAM, Warwickshire « Housewives of Birmingham can now turn to the post office telephone service to solve all their worries about meals, menus and recipes to satisfy the food needs of their families When in doubt as to what to Orliff McFaul, Mr. Winston Brant and Mr. Claude Marshall. A reception was held in the church hall. Receiving, the bride's mother wore blue, pure silk organza, sheath style with a matching duster coat. The bridegroom's mother was in figured blue silk crepe. Each had white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The couple left on a wedding trip to the east coast of New Brunswick and the bridegroom's home town. As they left the bride was wearing a beige and dark brown figured sheath of silk organza with a duster to match; white accessories and a corsage of white gladiolus florets. Mr. and Mrs. Plume will re- turn to make their home in Whitby. CLEARING ONLY slight train. Her headdress was a large white rose securing her scalloped vell aiid red roses comprised her cascade bouquet. The matron of honor was Mrs. William Plume and Miss Doreen Toppin was bridesmaid. They were dressed alike in bouffant pale blue silk organza over taffeta. They carried white bas- kets of sprayed blue and white chysanthemums and pink carna- tions and wore white petalled headdresses with touches "of green leaves. Miss Shelley Marshall, in yel- low organza, and lace, was the flower girl, carrying a white basket of mixed sweet peas. Mr. William Plume was best man and the ushers were Mr. When you need mother "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" Out of town guests were pres- ent from Windsor, Hamilton, To- ronto, St. Catharines, Grimsby, Niagara Falls, etc. with sliced tomatoes--it's deli-| Dancing to an orchestra com- cious. | pleted the festivities. THE HOME DAIRY NEW TEMPORARY LOCATION 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH are good. Try a basil dressin Alastair Dunnett, 3 A EB} tulle. ecutive officer of the Farm Produce Council, said: "'We shall not provide Jecipes of anything really exotic. We aim to recommend the sort of meal which people with aver- agé incomes can afford." Mr. Dunnett and Lady Alison Balfour, with the help of experts from agricultural organizations, will compile the recipes for each day. HOW IT WORKS The using of this service by the housewife is quite simple. She merely dials "ASK 8071" and listens, with a pencil and paper handy. Then a record will spell out the menus and recipes, at writing speed, to be copied down and used. The only cost of the service to the house- riwoife is the ordinary charge | for a telephone call. I As a sample, here is the telephone service recipe for de- villed pork chops, as it comes from the CPO recording: "Far four. people - you. need four chops, one ounce 'of drip- ping (cooking fat), two onions, wo teaspoons of dried mustard, half pint of water, one table- of tomato sauce, three cloves, one small cooking apple, peeled and sliced, and salt as desired. "Trim the chops and brown in the fat. Remove from pan Brown chopped onion, adding flour and mustard until pale HIGH AND ILLUSION HEELS . .. Complete range of Summer styles and colors . . . Spindrift Green, Hot Pink, Bone, Lavender, Watermelon Red and White. Fittings AAAA to B. Reg. 9.99. NOW ONLY .........c00000 5.90 2 for 10.00 THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa and WHITBY PLAZA BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE HOME DAIRY, Ajax BUTTER TARTS WHITE AND BROWN DINNER ROLLS FRESH BLUEBERRY PIE Doz. 49° 0. 17¢ ol¢ CONTINUES THIS WEEK ... Further reductons on Spring and Summer merchandise already substantially re- duced . . . big savings in every depart- ment ! FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. JET HEEL 4.00 2 for 6.50 FLATS . . . SANDALS . . . PURSES All Summer styles and colors. 3.00 2 for 5.00 All Summer styles ard colors. Reg. 7.99. NOW ONLY .... TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA There are still many wonderful | bargains left. Look at these seconc ! week features! = EXTRA SPECIAL -------- BLOUSES 99 Shorls and 9 9 VEST Matching Pop Top T-SHIRTS 50 Skirls Regular 3.95 50 Blouses to 12.95 Regular 5.95 to 8.95 RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS BABY BONUS SPECIAL! CRIB BLANKETS 21% SAVINGS ! 36 BY 50 INS. "Sanitized""; non-toxic; non-itritating. White with wide "Klondike" stripes. Reg. $1.99. 1.57 CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUES AT ZELLER'S BEFORE 1 P.M. MONDAY, JULY 24th AND BE ELIGIBLE Fs A FREE $10.00 MERCHANDISE DRAW AT EACH RE. -- All Sales Final -- FASHION SHOES 728-2491 All Sales Final ® Alterations Extra Open Fri. Eve, J Til 9 P.M. LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-1912 DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. §. PHONE 723.2294 SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON'S RD, S. PHONE 723.2209 | ZELLER'S LIMITED 79 SIMCOE ST. N.