Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Jul 1961, p. 4

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By MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE -- The last meeting of Court Venture L 1892, Canadian Order of Foresters, met for a pot luck supper, con- vened by Sister E. Prout and group. Small bouquets of peonies decorated the tables. The visitors were DDHCR Sister H. Twining, PDDHCR Sister E, Ferguson and Sister M. Smith, all of Oshawa. Plans were made for a bazaar in Sentember. The members made plans to convene a dinner for the Lions Club. The following is the slate of officers for the coming year: past-president, Sister J. Gibson; president, Sister B. Westlake; vice-president, Sister J. Devitt; recording secretary, Sister D. Porter; financial secretary, sis- ter F. Mantel; treasurer, Sister G. Masterson; chaplain, Sister M. Adcock; warden, Sister I. Foresters Hold Special Meet Allen; conductor, Sister G. Den- nis; inner guard, Sister O. Fow- ler; outer guard, Sister H. De- vitt; RSP, Sister E. Prout; LSP, Sister J. Roberts; RSVP, Sister D. Haynes; LSVP, Sister E. Baker. The winner of the June draw was G. Widdecombe, King street east. James Stutt of the hospital board spoke on the require- ments for furnishing a three bed room for children which the Lodge is planning to furnish. ISLAND PROBLEM VANCOUVER (CP) -- Con- cern about the growth of ju- venile delinquency in the Fiji Islands was expressed by Peni Vere, chief police inspector for the islands, on his arrival here aboard the liner Oriana. Kiwanis Plan Annual Picnic Members of the Kiwanis Club of Whitby are making plans for their annual picnic which will be held in mid-August, the date be set at next week's meet- 2. Chairman of this event, to which all Kiwanis wives and families are invited, is past president Harry Simpson. Ralph MacCarl will be in charge of the prizes for the races. James Wharrie and Vern Harris will be in charge of the barbecues. Sam Thorndyke will officiate at the races and other sports events and club president Vic Evans has been named to super- vise the dish-washing detail. to in, FIVE-MINUTE WASH LONDON (CP) -- Britain's first automatic car-wash has opened in South London. Cars are cleaned by a spray and giant plastic brushes in five minutes. Lawyer Seeks Move To Stop Ship Picket TORONTO (CP) -- Malcolm Robb, lawyer for Island Ship- ping Limited of Bermuda, is to apply at Osgoode Hall today for a second interim injunction or- dering the Seafarers' Interna- tional Union to stop picketing a company ship The first interim injunction, naming Harold C. Banks, Ken- neth McDougall and Paul Gagne lapsed Tuesday after it wae »nt served on all persons concerned. The Riot Act was read «ri day and nine men arrested after an attempt was made to serve Gagne at Port Weller, where the company's Northern Venture was tied up The original injunction was also aimed at preventing the SIU from picketing the Wheat King at Halifax. As the injunc- tion lapsed, the Wheat King was underway to Great Britain after PESEED WOODLAND ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)-- John Carter, college student and summer-time farmer, plans to reseed 1,200 acres of woodland burned in forest fires by spread- ing grass and tree seed from a light plane over the Hare Bay and Dover areas. "I would hate to look at that black scar for the rest of my days," he ex- plains. COLORS HELP QUEBEC (CP)--Tops of the city's water hydrants have been painted red or yellow, But more than pretty color was on the de- partment's mind when it was decided to change from the old black. A yellow top shows the hydrant can take a hose six inches in diameter, and the red- jopped one takes an eight-inch 0se. a month of union and engine trouble, and the Northern Ven- ture was on the way to the Lakehead. BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR LTD. Time for savings on Men & Boy's Wear . summer stock reduced from 209, to UMN bs » i Px 50%. is complete. Sale Starts Thurs., July 20th It's a "Once-A-Year" Summer Event at Black's, take advantage of really sound savings . . . of RAM shop early while the selection A) = \\'//7 3X A Ne B THEY CAN'T SUPPRESS THEIR JOY -- AND LITTLE WONDER of the city. Somerset has been badly overcrowded. Small children have been forced to wait for two and three hours to gain admission -- some- times they fail to get in after These happy, shouting Osh- | Oshawa these days with only awa children can't 'suppress | one of the city's two pools op- their joy at being afforded an | erative. This photo was taken opportunity to go for a cool | this week at the Somerset plunge in a public swimming | swimming pool near Switzer pool, a rare commodity in !' drive in the northwest sector such waits. The children are | hopeful that the city's second | pool -- the controversial Ro- | tary Park pool -- will be in | | operation this week or early | | next week | --Oshawa Times Photo . SEHR. i. x Traffic isa PERSONALS ; ¢ 5 ale/if Henricks was to be included, Surgon Kunmetly be: Bow In/Maxwell had obliged there too. manville, was fined $25 for ariy Henricks said that at one point ing a motor vehicle while hi! license was under suspension Kimmerley pleaded guilty t {Mrs. Van Harmelen ing one month at a | Buckingham Lake. toria, British Colum guest for several di = have always felt Rev. John Van Harm@lé there is an error such as this | 8 that to_ attempt to correct it is| |Greer -- a one letter difference | or Grehr instead of Greer. In dismissing the charge Ma- | {gistrate R. B. Baxter said "I that where | doing no service to the Police | 'Officer who laid the charge --| Mrs. Sidney Le Vacky 8 carelessness in laying the] charge does not make for better | t law enforcement home of Mr. and MacCarl of Colborne: 8: Mr. and Mrs. Nova rs|hose. He said that he had cau- sy (tioned his wife to keep quiet that night because Maxwell was in a bad mood. [ the offence. Wally Chopowick, 25, 27 Odel street, Bowmanville, was finec D DISTRICT told | dington and their d a Betty, are on a 1 motor trip to the States, In Fort Lauder will be the guests of Mrs. John Kaiser and Mrs. Kaiser is the dau Mr. and Mrs. Waddingt Mr. and Mrs. R. J. entertained at their h the maximum fine which is $5 for unlawfully installing wir that| The lady neighbor alse told) containing joints or splice gt am the Sours of belts Sled boos within a raceway on the IGtjiame. name DY Uaxwe d b June, at the village of New d 1n.(vf Houticks setting t Maxv ned oS . being a Comtravion. rhood | the Henricks' hose at Maxwe 5| nds. the premises of George Waltonj8sked ha admitted his George Walton said he Maxwell freely : he b icks| ated Waltonian Park. At the loud conversation with Henric! ginning of May he asked fo jana his other neighbor but, he| tenders for a wiring job at said, the lady neighbor, who has new refreshment booth, an now moved to Weston, caused Chopowick got the job. He als all the trouble among the neigh- had a swimming pool for chil bors. He said that Henricks dren surrounded by a : fence which was floodlit jordersd him off his lot and gave| Toronto and | one particular evening a num him a push with his elbow. |tricts. The hostess ser ber of children were in the poo, | ae, Suid Maxwell, DOSE, tet supper. : {down his wral n - . Mi |ricks' hose, which happened Joi, Master Ricky Miackt cov|pe handy, was turned on i§ pi, 7 jscombe for thé® a owner. Sate and got a bad shock hi was Maybe ROW we wi self. {peace and quiet, . He ine got the inspector t re-| We have Sot had it t ook at it, and the s : |for some time now. volts in this RD. ar ye {that he could prove provocation has been arranged. said Chopowick did not mak] ap. for his actions but it would take| Mrs. Ernest White ar anv attempt in two wee B.12 week to tell it all. |dren Jeffrey and Ju farewell party in honor hat way|brating her ninth bi 0! Arthur street, on Satori and Mrs. David Joel 'Wh establishing residence | nix, Arizona. Guests were intoxicated surroundisy| 1l get some| Barbara, daughter of Jobin, both maintained that * said Maxwell.| Mrs. Harry Weatherufe {| Childs had consumed only two He said|day. For the occasiom 8 nied that Childs was intoxicated. ) accused guilty as charged. Hicer % Driver the attention of Pickering Town- ship Police who stopped it at | Mary and Harwood. PC Hiltz said that Childs was y y OOSOOO0NONNS % RR 2H) SA Wid OH i" PIR IGOD EE rae rae tl A A OR Wo AIPA MN AAAI 0) AEA SOA ANP AAA AAA nat 7's Tg ater bb Lt Biya e LL AAPA) OA 4 yg % (3 OOOO Pd IIA 0) UAE AY SEAS ' RI KM KEIRA SPORT! COATS! GROUP 1 A fine selection of { Men's Sport Coats in 3 plains and smart ? checks. Broken 7% lines of single breasted, 2 or! 3 button styles. £& Sizes 36 to 42, regular and A¥ talls. Reg. 19.95 to 29.50. 9.95) GROUP 2 SPORT COATS of exceptionally fine quality in all the newest patterns and % shades. They fit snug, feel r-e-a-l-l-y comfortable, weor well . . you'll like them! Size 36 to 44, regular and talls, REG. 29.50 TO 49.50 19.955 24:95 RRR - \ RIERA ) oN Tee te ee! Heusen: by Forsythe: Viuestone PRICED FROM on So NE RRR SE NS xe =H a Tae NT oe 2 Lp) i ' i VPI 1 of ¥ ty EX ytd XA EX) LAA PA ¥, LI 8 i iy ¥ % CL ty oe AR a Mae Xs ¥ ' ER eS PE 2 %S SS he {who stopped Childs, * he was intoxicated. He said that |the accused fell asleep in the | * PICAL |cells 10 minutse after being) SUIT Save Up To $20.00! {locked up. Childs and a witness, Wilfred | pints of beer that day. Both de-| His Worship accepted the | | police 'evidence and found the Keep cool and relaxed in a to fix the wiring and he had ti11 ce! His Worship found him guilty| ,onging a few weeks get someone else to do the jot |after pointing out that provoca-| x ihr 'as the guests SEES DANGER |tion did not give him an excuse|ywpiie's parents, Magistk Magistrate R. B. Baxter sai jor calling Jere Damics and Mrs. P. T. Hake. | "I'suzwest to i , :|disturbing the peace. He sal Een Io hat Sou that because he considered there more serious offence than thi {had been provocation he would Phis 5 tantamount 10° ¢fimin ighiway | YY only. a:$10 fipe. negligence. I suggest to you thfts way. | for a man starting out in th electrical business this is a ve serious matter. $50 in these ci | cumstances is very light. I suf and his| gest that the Crown might hay to the] .seen fit to charge you with | accused| much more serious offence. | | Ralph Edward Mason, 19, lof Metro Ritson road north, Oshawa, wd Mery) fined $50 on a charge of carc | less driving, and $20 for urt® home : H lawfully having liquor in hind him the Whitby Volaser Fire br possession. id|gade in less than 1: v5 Constable Louis Phillips ho JE The fire apparently sane B ille : ? ind the factory incinerator the" scouts" vehicle sop. 2, 1° ni was being fed by a Taper the corner of King and Tempe; accident roll when the firefighters ar-| ance street, Bowmanville. It haiped an-|rived. The Br come through the intersectio jlre.ciew vas gti gn 8 Hil 30 lot SW PSSENEEIS Ol WHOL te Tas ¥ ; moment ey he Grivp ald "Damage was reported as the wheels to spin. The vehi the Van-|slight and attributed mostly to Luncheon FE h imilar to|th ater used to fight the proceed we 5 miles re Mac. flames. The alarm was mm Communic a | + he clocked the vehicle on No at approximately 115 p.m. Highway at 70 miles an hoy Mrs. D. G. Newman{ On apprehension the vehicle tion convener to St. J¢ searched and a 25-ounce bot Evangelist CWL, conve of Vodka was found under the|Wnmér luncheon for the first ae front seat on the driver's side.|the township of Dar . yay Ralph Mason, the accused, |against Harold Keatley, 56, At first, he said, the accused said he had been driving for Courtice was dismissed. claimed a friend had been driv. two years. | "Before the hearing Mr. Z. T.|In the car and Jato aduied Regarding the Vodka he said|Salmers, solicitor, Oshawa, act- that ke was. He said that the he gave a friend $5 to purchase |ing for Keatley, submitted that it at Newcastle. He required it|the summons issued to the ac- for his father. The liquor store cused was a nullity as it was Recent visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. J. B. W 1123 Kent street, were: LIL IMS, Parl Snyder and lof Toronto, and Mr. ail | ston, of Centre At Bathurst | were: Mr. and | Saundefs, of Cardinal. A minor blaze at Bathurst Containers in the south-east end lof Whitby Tuesday afternoon |was brought under control by k d try, England, left on 5 {to return to her po | spending six weeks visi. |son and family of Brooklin. WHITBY SPORTS PA. ON PAGE 161 r Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:25 Crmnlete Show at 8:25 I accused explained that he had lost control of the car on a curve but there is no curve within one mile of the spot in Oshawa had been closed on that day. Mason said 'the « friend that got it for me -- got issued to an improper person The name on the summons was Harold Keatly, his clinet's where the car was in the ditch. Both he and PC Charles Daniels said that Richards was aximum ing Count} Check Fire wis of Mr. and Mrs. Arthl avenue, Oshawa, said that he stred-| had been the driver that night. M:sh-|He said that he let go of the] Mrs. R. Sheppherd, dy| daughter-in-lty | fence. He was unable to tell the and Mrs. Peter Sheppht court how he spotted an. un-| -marked cruiser at 200 feet. He, --.lsuggested that Richards might] t|as the officer approached. smart Tropical suit tailored oy the finest makers. The latest styles of single breasted, 2 and 3 button jackets. Your choice of plains or checks, in Olives, Browns, or Greys. Sizes 36- 44, regular ond tolls. Buy now pnd save! | approached Zoney went over the | fence and hid in a field. Zoney, 19, of 161 Montrave| Regular 49.50 to 79.50 SALE PRICE 9.50 9.50 {wheel to help Richards and the| |car went in the ditch | Zoney said that he had spot-| {ted the cruiser from 200 feet |and had warned Richards and| the | then left the area over have climbed back in the car Rad globe Re® RR nr Ao en SR 33 Sa XN Sr : oN 25% a oo oo Sy So tJ i J sb rd So, oy PCR Re Ra, on & SEARS CR: ER SR Ea es of shades oo a i EAD oo a eS 5, rang goken 'All ; 2 oe fron ot So, Eat FRR i, on oa gy ~ w a an Sa Ser Te 35 RE Sy : we: 2 oy Sy ie 3 & SS vey or 3) SB Sh Te ee oy aE A No RANA MRS OA Sack) Se AR Se FABRICATED | This was too much for Crown | Attorney Bruce Affleck. | PRE-FALL ""This is one of the worst cases | of fabricated stories I have ever| encountered," he said. "I am] sick and tired of teenage smart| alecks coming in here and tell- ing stories. There will be an in-| vestigation into a perjury| charge." Magistrate Dnieper was of the| same opinion. | "I don't think in my short| career on the bench or as al counsel I have ever seen such| liars," said His Worship. "I| could not possibly believe any] of their evidence. Their slick-| ness is surprising." His Worship then convicted Richards of having the care and control of a motor vehicle while | intoxicated. He added that even| REGULAR WEIGHT Here's DOUBLE SAVINGS! A sale mow . . price plus the 3% tax coming talls, 36-44. AL) SELECTION OF SUITS wool worsteds, flannels, and gabardines on . you save dollars on the sale Your choice of plains, stripes and checks, in Grey, Blue, Olive or Brown. Reg. to $69.50 sae 44-50 ae = ans 2% Seon eee = 20 Saat rot a in, "a BINH Fd fine group of a a re, I, oo, > , eel, ne 5 A un ee y dy Sat, SKIDS Sa Si he a, pa te; in September. a o So Sh SS RY Lora a Sa Regular and =; oo, "; Cay a a San oo fd ah RE ener Soe - en i es oo, Ea > 5 2 5 SS Co, NY 5 re SR 14 Simcoe St. North 123-361 oe Ka KAN oy fora ost Ge oe' it from a friend -- I would not/name being Keatley intoxicated |if he believed the defence story, call him a boot legger." | Magistrate R. B. Baxter said Magistrate R. B. Baxter said,| "Your man Keatley is here but "Well, I don't want to hurt his/he does not know why he is feelings -- so I won't call him a bottlegger. I always thought a bootlegger was a person who sold liquor illegally." Due to insufficient evidence {here?" | Mr. Salmers replied "He is {just here to make sure I am {earning my money." Mr. Salmers then said it is | In his own defence, Richards said that Joseph Zoney, of Osh- awa, was driving the car. He said that he had purchased two bottles of wine at a bootlegger's that night and he had consumed one. Zoney, he said, had none. He said that they were on a charge of careless driving|specifically set out in the Crim- (their way to Toronto when he SWIMWEAR REDUCED {the car was certainly in Rich- ards' care when Zoney took off over the fence | WHEEL FACTORY f | TRANSCONA, Man. ite Griffin Foundries, which forges wheels for railway freight cars, | has turned out more than 100,-| 20% SHOP IN 5 MEN'S WEAR LTD. SSP eat) HE XA on AER at Ge BA ARE Ye SO against Richard K. Ingram, 20,|inal Code that it should be di-| became ill and Zoney started 000 wheels: since it was estab | AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. RR 2, Ridgetown, was dis- rected to the accused, and this back to Oshawa on Highway 2.|lished in 1959 in this railway missed. : iis not the case -- there was a| fy He said that when the police'centre near Winnipeg.

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