24 THI OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 19, 1960 BIRTHS HOWIE -- Wm, and Jocelyn are| happy to announce the birth of thials) daughter, Kim Ellen, 8 Ibs. 4 ozs., on| Tuesday, July 18, 1961 at the Oshawa General Hospital. TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--July 19 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. z--0Odd lot, xd Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is Stock Crush Int Dist Seag D Bridge D Fndry Dom Stores Sales 100 625 225 215 210 High Low 7% TH 11 Net a.m, Ch'ge ™-- % Stock Seven Arts Shawin Silverwd A Simpsons | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchang Sales » 11 Net 11 Net Sales High ow a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 300 Maritime 500 92 92 922 4210 Mattgmi 100 810 B10 810 15 Mcintyre 125 334% 34% M% +% Mentor 2000 ~1 11 Net Low a.m. Ch'ge 12% 12% -- % 25% 25% +% 113, 113% 29% 29% High $124 325% Stock Arcad wis A Arcadia Atl C Cop Atlin-Ruf BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Bankers Group Tells Its Story jing that have developed {from By FORBES RHUDE from previous day's close.) The Oshawa Events MENTS and WEDDINGS. Notice for INDUSTRIALS these events are only $1.50. Bring 1 them to the Classified Counter or tele. Stock Sales phone The Oshawa Times RA 3-3492. Abitibi 9% DEATHS cad-At 760 Alta Dist 500 Alta Gas AltGas B pr | AltaGas w Alta N. LESNICK, Balbina | a Am Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Monday, July 17, 1961, Balbina Sadlocha, beloved wife of the late Stanley Lesnick, and mother of $41 41 41 $11 11 11 210 210 210 30 $1064 106'2 1064 $123 - 12% 12% $173% 17% 17% $18% 18%, 7 $427% 42% 5 $31% 318 $47 $42 $13 $31% 300 $65 $73% $47 Alg Cen Algoma Alumini Alum 2 pr Argus Mrs. Al. Mayshack (Mary) of Allen- Ash Temple court, Pa., Mrs. Boris Shelenkoff (Vic- Atlas Steel toria) of Oshawa, Mrs. Russell Atters- Aut Fab B ley (Stella) of Scarborough, Casimer, Bank Mont Edward and Edmond in her 83rd year. Bank NS Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home with high requiem mass in St. Hedwig's Roman Catholic Church Thursday, July 20, at 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. Bath P A Bell Phone Bowater pr VARDY, Arthur Loved husband of the late Sarah Car michael and dear father of Mrs, Fred Sanders (North Hastings); Mrs. Martha Moxam (Frankford); Mrs W. L. Grant of Oshawa; Mrs. Sam McColl (King- ston); Mrs. Fred Gardener (Frank- ford); Mrs. Thomas Abthorpe of Osh- awa and Fred of Toronto. Mr. Vardy passed away in the Trenton Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, July 18, in his fist year. Resting at the Rowe Fu. nera] Home, Frankford, until Friday, July 21. Service in Frankford United Church at 2 p.m. Interment, Friends Cemetery, Wooler. Imp Bk C GERROW FUNERAL 'Ind Gas CHAPEL pr 0 Cnd Pet pr Kindness beyond price C Tire A yet within reach of all a pe 728-6226 hat-Gai Col Cell 390 KING STREET WEST ht LOCKE'S FLORIST 300 Cdn Brew C Br Alum dn Celan Chem w Curt W o be C Husky C Husky w ( ( ( ( Hydro Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 3235 . 830% 30% 30% % Dom Tar Dom Text Fed Grain Fibre Ford US Fndtn Frosst A Gat § pr GP Drill A + Goodyear GL Paper G L Pow w Guar Tr Hardee Imp Inv A Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep 1 Ac wis Inglis Inland Gas Int Util Int Util pr Inter PL Inv Syn A Jefftrson 2460 550 7 Va 39% 29 11% 41% 20% 42% 17% 16% 15% 11% 107 105% 21% 93% lobCo A w LobCo B Loeb M MB PR M Lf Mill Mass-F Mass-F p Mass-F 54 Met St pr Mon" Foods Moore Nat Drug NO NGas Oshawa A Page-Hers Parker Pembina Pow Corp QN Gas QN Gas pr Rob A pr R Little Roe AV C Rothman Royal Bank 26 77% 77 St L Cp A pr 101 Salada-S 510 $17% 17% 15% 5% 143 Ya Southam Stafford St Pav St Wire C Steel Can Steinbg A S Prop pr Switson Texaco Thom Pap Tor-Dom T Fin A T Fin 56 w Tr Can PL Trans-Mt Walk GW Weston A Weston B West A wis Woodwd A Curb $19% 330 $4514 $23% $16% Price Br ' $4714 32 2 475 475 14% 14% 37 28 3 > 178 175 6212 62% 5% 3% 641, 643% 53% 53% 515 515 20% 20% 12% 123% 51% 51% + 17% 17% 19 19 10% 10% + 19% + 19% 30 30 45% 45% 71% 71% 3 + Aunor Bankfield Bethim Bevcon Bibis Bidcop Bouzan Bralorne Broul Reef Buff Ank Buff RL on Gillies C Halli C Marben Con MS C Mogul Mosher Con Nichol C Northid Merrill 1000 3 65 Minda 2000 as Sy Min Corp 100 12% Mt. Wright 1300 93 Murtay M 9500 Nat Expl 2500 New Alger New Hosco 7% +8 Newlund 15% + Ya N Mylama 5 81a ---Kn Nickel MS 50 50 50 Noranda 49% Norgold 5% 5a Normetal 270 270 270 4 414 Norpax 3 Mh 4 9% 9% 91s 4 N Cildstrm 9% 9 $13% 13% 13% : ; 500 63 #41 6 29 29 ; 8 255 252° 252 3 : 13 6.6.08 +1 690 40 40 40 170 51 49 51 4 10 $24% 24% 24% + % 36 112 112 112 +2 8 185 34 31% + 18 24 a 30 +1 80 --2 8% + 1 4 B40 810 825 175 175 175 8 9 92 Canadian Press Business Editor The Canadian Bankers' Asso- ciation makes its 70th anniver- sary year an occasion to tell something about itself in its cur- rent White Bulletin for July. It has only eight members because only the chartered banks are qualified for mem- bership. Its permanent staff is also relatively small, number- ing 22. | However, its member banks| have more than 62,000 em- 000 employees ranging from| juniors to experts in every line of the business. Accordingly, it can call together informed com- mittees to work on any subject committee studies, but, as ex- amples, names Saturday closings and the use of el ics in banking. " PLAYS BIG ROLE The association has a big role in connection with each dec nial revision of the Bank Act, It sets up a series of commit. tees, each with a separate ject and "as the entire sub of Canadian banking is open to discussion, a witness appea for the banks must be to discuss every facet." i Prior to a Bank Act revision the association customarily pre- sents to the government its suggestions for changes, modi- 57% § Alminex Bailey § A Cal Ed Cdn Dev c Charter Oil Dev-Pal Dynamic Home B HB Oil G Jupiter Long Point Medal Mill City Pac Pete Place Ponder Provi Gas Sapphire Triad Oil Un Oils Un Retf P W Cnd OG Advocate Agnico Ansil ma 101 17% OILS 2080 325 1875 300 700 1050 299 100 500 500 100 415 300 500 1600 3996 322 8 600 5000 2300 500 200 100 2500 1500 600 1600 1000 Quemont 250 880 Radiore 83 Rio Algom 00 San Ant Satellite Sherritt Sil Miller Siscoe Steeloy Steep R Sunburst Sylvanite Taurcan Temag Tombill Torbrit C Sannorm 45 1 1 Coprand 110 oulee . 3 3 30 Deer Horn 3 25 4 Telnite - Denison Dicknsn Dome East Mal East Sull Elder Falcon Geco Mines Giant YK Granduc Gunnar High-Bell 3 +1 Tribag Hillinger 5 2 ; U Asbestos Hud Bay 5 5 Un Keno Int Moly Ventures Int Nickel Violam | Waite Am 3 5 5 | | 180 715 $17% 410 163 25 595 121 | Werner W Surf I Willroy Wr Harg Young HG Yukeno Zenmac Curb Gaspe 5500 2000 500 Lorado wt 86 84 Lyndhst Macassa MacLeod 4 425 423 105 $25% 25% 25% 9 4%] Cip Sales to 11 a.m.: 398,000, 330 100 % 9 330 TH TH 100 100 Gas Corby R osmos Crain RL Funeral arrangements floral requirements for occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING 4 CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 28-6555 and all OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY | fie SPECIALIZING IN | Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statuary of all types. R.R. 4, KING ST. E. 728-3111 or 728-8876 GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me- morial. For placement contact funeral director or phone 725-2327, IN MEMORIAM | | GILL -- In loving memory of a dear] mother, Mrs. A. C. Gill, who passed/ away July 19, 1956. L#: We do not forget her, We loved her too dearly For her memory to fade From our lives like a dream. Our lips need not speak When our hearts mourn sincerely, For grief often dwells Where it seldom is seen | ~Sadly missed and lovingly remember- ed by Charles, Barbara and Sandra Ph Farmers Could Save NET EARNINGS | - . By THE CANADIAN PRESS | With Ontario-Grown Wheat Aunor Gold Mines Ltd, 6 mos. ended June 30: 1961, $239,- TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's| government be pressed to issue 800, 12 cents a share; 1960; livestock and poultry farmers|import permits for United States|$288,800; 14.4 cents. could save money by substitut-| wheat if the situation becomes Hallnor Mines Ltd., 6 mos. ing Ontario wheat for western) critical. ended June 30: 1961, $164,800, feed grains, the Ontario Wheat 8.2 cents a share; 1960, $143,100, Producers' Marketing Boar d FEAR PRICE RISE 7.2 cents said Tuesday. Fear was expressed speculat-|' ve Fear | : Lid. The 'board said. that Ontario| 218 might take advantage of the; Pamour Porcupine Mines perience, ciency." impossible to enumerate the changes and improvements in Food Drop that interests it and, in the words of the bulletin, the result "is a distillation of vast fications and additions. Each bank is customarily rep- training and profi-l;"soneral manager, and each has one vote. Outlining association activi- ties further, the bulletin says: C "It works in procedural fields the scope and practices of bank-| of common concern to all banks Steel, Oil, The bulletin says it would be petitive among banks. For in- stance, it exercises no influence or authority over the lending rates charged by banks. "The clearing houses for the rapid handling of cheques are gciablished in 51 ities ars TORONTO (CP) -- Led down|Canada a opera er by refining oils, steels and foods, rules and regulations made by the stock market dropped dur.|the association because all ing light trading Tuesday. {banks are equally affected. In steels, Steel Company and Dominion Foundries and Steel| STAMPS BUY PAIR fell 1% and 1, In foods, M. Loeb,| CALGARY (CP) -- Calgary Loblaw B, Salada Shirriff and|Stampeders of the Western Weston A and B all dropped, Football Conference announced the last two reaching new lows|Monday they have purchased of 173; and 19 respectively. [two import linemen from Ham- Massey-Ferguson turned over|jiton Tiger-Cats of the Bif Four 10,735 shares and landed on the|yeagye, They are tackle Dave daily "most active" list on news|gyminski, who played four sea- that 4,000 employees will be laid|sons with Hamilton after leav- off for the month of September; 0 the University of Wisconsin, {because of the Western Cana- and rookie guard Dave Dabov dian drought. The layoffs are ef- from the University of Califor- fective in the Toronto, Brant-\..o at Tos Angeles. ford and Woodstock areas. The| stock lost 74 Tuesday and closed at 1135. i Among papers, MacMillan] Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH whet Combined wiln sovbean scarey of iced gains and force, nes, ended June 3: lal meal at a ratio of 90 pounds of| ie price Up ki pr : 1960. $181 300 3.63 cents : wheat to 10 pounds of soybean, H.L. Patterson, Ontario direc- » wlll, J. . meal, costs the farmer $53.20/tor of farm economics and sta- per ton. tistics, said if the western crop/mos. ended June 30: 1961, ay A is as slim as predicted, prices|$1,281,100, -39 cents a share; The combination brings On- of: meat and ult roducts 1960, $1,643,600, 50 cents. tario wheat to the same protein| ¢ nes! LPOWLEY Pp 4 C13 ay content as western wheat for{ 0 Consumers aay Jise Some- _ which farmers pay $59.73. ime a er IIS nas, : SHAKY LINK Meanw hile, an emergency| He said a similar situalion ex- VIENNA (Reuters) -- An old, meeting of agricultural experts|isted after a drought in 1934 and smoke - blackened diesel car called by the Ontario Federa-| that prices then were forced uppylling an even older coach is tion of Agriculture Tuesday rec- despite the depression. one of the last remaining links ommended measures fo combat, He said if provisions were between Austria and Hungary. |rising feed grain prices caused made for storing Ontario winter The 25-mile railroad linking by Prairie drought conditions. wheat in the province, it would Neusiedl in Austria with Fertoe The experts suggested that be- not have to be exported quickly Miklos in Hungary was estab- ides the use of surplus Ontariojand could he used to ease thellished in 1879, and makes a re- Waite Amulet Mines Lid., 6 GILL -- In loving memory of a dear friend, Mrs. Frances Gill, who away on July 19, 1956. Thoughts today, memories for ever, | --Always remembered by friend Violet passed | ow LAYNG -- In loving memory of al x dear wife, Lillian Gertrude, who passed eway July 19, 1953. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps her memory ever dear. Time takes away the edge of grief,| * But memory turns back every leaf. ~Sadly missed by husband and family. | [Jee g STEEBS -- In loving memory of a 2 fear sister, Gertie, who passed away | july 19, 1959, Though tears in our eyes do not 3 buried in the debris. Four were dug out, one person's body recovered hours later and search continued for at least two others who were be- A fireman glasses to sweep the rubble of four col- lapsed Philadelphia houses after seven persons were sten, And our faces are not always sad, uses There is never a night or a morning But we think of the sister we had. Not a day do we forget you, In our hearts you are always here, For we loved you, and miss you, As it ends the second year. -Lovingly remembered by her sisters vane eee. PilOts Hearing Ends In Chicago | CHICAGO (AP) --- A govern- ior, Wis., harbor he sees ment fact - finding commission grain elevators and is told to go! wound up a two-day hearing on|to one. This results in confu- { the advisability of extending|sion, Rico said, and local pilot; TORRANCE -- In loving memory of John Torrance, who passed away July 19, 1950; also Hugh Torrance, who passed away May 22, 1957. My dearest wish would be today To have you back the same old way To hear smile, To talk with you a little while With loving thoughts and tears unseen I long for the days that might have been -Sadly missed by the family VAN COURTE your voice and see your -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Kenneth | compulsory pilotage on the help is needed. of health said Tuesday Losg Courte, who passed away July 19,| Great Lakes and St. Lawrence! Rico said a ship's master is| Seaway . onthe bridge. fram- the time: his! Mastérs and pilots argued that ship "leaves Montreal till it safety standards should require reaches Chicago. But with pilots the hiring of local pilots at ports help, he added, the master and navigation points in the could get some rest. lakes and Seaway Several other witnesses Shippers and Always remembered by wife and: daughter; Penny CARD OF THANKS NIEDBALA--Joseph and Sophie wish fo thank their many friends, and also ' those of their uncle (the late Mike additional would raise|clared a restricted area Niedbala) for kindness and floral trib- nots and hamper 'development! ships without local pilots. utes offered in their recent bereave .ini Ine 1 Seaway ment. Especially Father Dwyer and his Of Great Takes and Seaway assistants, also Dr. Milion. shipping Pr PRESTON -- I wish to .haok rela Martin - W. Ottershagen, ad--- tives, friends and neighbors, for tne ministrator of the U.S. St. Law- - lovely flowers, cards and good wishes rence Seaway Corporation, said Talks Continue - - In Air Dispute Grace port pilots dent Kennedy by Sept. sent me, during my illness in the hos + 2 ANKW pital, and a special thanks to Dr More pilots are not the answer Rowsell, Dr. Sturgis, Rev. Cross and to "all our operations. No mat- the nurses and staff of the Oshawa, . Lille v (pilots) are General Hospital. A , 1 say thank \€] how skilled they (1 ilo! ) | you all * Preston they will not have the skill of a Tr ship's master to bring the ves- sel in safely" Anthony F. Rico, a pilot op- posing Ottershagen, said when a Heavy Sale ship's master arrives in Super- Of Licences gt tement Before Tax Staten representatives of Trans Canada Airlines and the Canadian Air Lines Flight Attendants Associa- ion (CLC) in a last-ditch at- tempt to avert a strike called for 12:01 a.m. Friday. mediator Remi Duquette for seven hours Tuesday and ad- eral i ] | 4 g inal: al TORONTO (CP)--About 120.- Invalid journed with no indication that] ot irgeon Falls in Apel the dispute -- concerning wage demands of some 650 TCA stew- ardesses nearing an agreement. ¢ T 000 vendor licences will be is-| sued by the Ontario sales tax| office, starting this week, before an ree the province's new three-per-| Big Increase In Hepatitis as 14 atitis were reported in the prov-(be of "a class or kind made in ocdses," compared year. officials pilot associations recommended disease may be due to better me 7o g : : contended compulsory hiring of the Straits of Mackinac be de- dizgnosis and reporting meth- 000 items in the Canadian tariff) for 00s caused about 15 deaths in the province this year ince since Jan. 1 in the corresponding period last eign power to declare war un- year. three-year-old boy and a four- The two groups met with fed. Year-old boy in Toronto in Jan- uary, e union is asking that stew-| ~ winter wheat that the al| M Bill Near 1 IE a, Whi. SEARCH CONTINUES OTTAWA (CP)--The impend-| ing death of the government's] lieved in the mass of debris. controversial customs tariff bill| One little girl was saved after will cause not a ripple in the| she was buried for more than customs branch of the revenue three hours. department. It never was ap- --(AP Wirephoto) plied. me -- - The measure, introduced in| Finance Minister Flemin g's| baby budget last Dec. 20, be-| came effective--like all tariff| changes--the following day. But customs officials said Tuesday that, in the seven y (months since then, they haven't TORONTO (CP)--Three times Lecii- asked to implement it in many cases of infectious hep- any rulings declaring imports to nce in the first he year n 1960, six months of|Canada." than the same period| Thus, if Prime Minister Dief- the Ontario department|enbaker carries out his declared intention to let the bill die be- jaundice cause. of. a. Senate amendment 504 last'that was unacceptable to the government, it won't upset any A spokesman said the disease revenue department ru lings. There, ,1,554 with were has not reached epidemic pro- There will be no need for tariff for| Portions. He said much of the| refunds. Some 75 of the more than 1,- provide for a higher tariff level| The disease, caused by a vi-|if an import is ruled to be of a The commission is to report to rus, generally affects more chil- class or kind made in Canada. 1./dren have jaundice may be off work five or six weeks than adults. Ever since Dec. 20, Canadian Adults who Group Moves For End To All War OTTAWA (CP)--A group dedi- Hepatitis is believed to have TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario MONTREAL (CP) -- Talks gepariment of health said Tues- cated to achieving world peace were to continue today between fay our cases of poliomyelitis through strong world laws asked ve been reported in the prov- the government Tuesday to cede the same ast the United Nations its sover- der any circumstance. The delegation of World Fed: cralists of Canada, led by Win- nipeg branch President Dr. an 18-year-old youth alg. G. Whitmore, presented a 10- Robertson in February, page brief to External Affairs 25-year-old woman at|Minister Green declaring that {war seems inevitable in the next| The Glen Robertson youth re- decade unless the arms race is| Polio was contracted by a slen nd a and pursers -- was! ceived three doses of Salk vac- stopped and world law estab-| vine in 1957. 'lished. fl Never Was Used | shortage estern grain. turn trip across the border three times each day. Death SO SCARY- 'WE DARE YOU TO SIT THRU IT ALL/ = IF YOU DO ~_ Hao 2 ror | PASSES | producers have been free to We GOOD FOR A seek a "made in Canada" ruling|®%~ FUSE MOVIE under the more lenient terms of | the government bill. Why! haven't they? One official commented: "We can only think that while the| controversy was before Parlia- A HORRIF/C PICTURE ment, people didn't request that|, po to make a. Monster" the new legislation be imple-| on STAGE: Blas - Ld mented because. they didn't ALIVE" want to muddy the water." ot American Motors Announces Profit DETROIT (AP) -- American| Motors Corp. Tuesday an- nounced a ret profit of $7,689,-| 174, equal to 43 cents a share, for the third quarter of its fiscal year. which, ended: June 30. Ini the comparable quarter last year AMC earned a record $17,-| 100,000, or 96 cents a share. THEATRE GUIDE Plaza -- 'Misty' 1.00, 4.00, 7.00, 10.00 p.m. "Bulldog Breed" 2.30, 5.30, 8.30 p.m. Last com- plete show at 8.30 p.m. Brock, Whithy -- "The Facts of| Life." Shown at 7.15 and 9.40 p.m. Last complete show at! Bloedel, Price Brothers, Consol-| idated and Great Lakes all fell in the 5-1 range. | The base metals market was weak and International Nickel {and Consolidated Mining and| Smelting fell a dollar. Gold trad- |ing was light with Kerr Addison down a few cents. 2-NE A NIGHTMARE THAT HAPPENS EVERY NIGHT . ,. PEEPING TOM Entertainment In COLOR With More Comfort FASTEETH, a pleasant alkaline holds false teeth gooey, pasty taste or feeling. "plate odor" (denture breath). Ges FASTEETH at any drug counter. 'STARTLING HITS! LIFTS THE LID OFF THE UNDERWORLD! CONCRETE JUNGLE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | | | | | | | Adult hee THORNTON RD.AT HIGHWAY 401. . .PHONE 723-4972 STARTS THURSDAY! BOX-OFFICE OPEN 8:00--SHOW STARTS 9:20 Plus OUTDOOR ACTION ROBERT , RICHARD LAST TIMES TONIGHT ! "HIPPODROME""--"CASH McCALL" CHILDREN under12 FREE! ALWAYS A 9.00 p.m. ! Regent -- "The Pleasure of Hi | Company." Shown at 2,12, 4.27, 6.42, 857 p.m. Last| complete show at 850 p.m. Biltmore ~- "Concrete Jungle" |§: 1.58, 5.18, 8.41 p.m. '"Peeping|§ Tom" 12.15, 3.35, 6.55, 10.12] p.m. Last complete show at' 10.18 p.m. Marks--"'Carry on, Admiral" 2.26, 5.28, 8.30 p.m. 'Carry on, Constable" 1.00, 4.02, 6.59 10.01 p.m. Last complete show at 8.30 p.m. 3 2 SHOWS ONLY! AT 2:00 and 7:30 P.M. cent levy goes into effect Sepl.| (yicAGO (AP)--The United ardesses and pursers be given States government moved Tues- 70 minutes pay for 60 minutes Saturday was the deadline for gay to obtain freedom for Emill work on a jet flight and 65 min- applications for licences to col- (Saddlenose) Reck, 44, who has|utes pay for 60 minutes work on lect the tax, which all retailersi served 25 years in prison on aa turbo-prop flight. and other sellers of taxable! onfession ruled invalid | Both groups are paid for their goods must have. Reck, whose disfigured nose/time in the air and claim the was repaired by plastic surgery|faster planes mean they must PLANNING TRIP while he awaited release, was make more trips to build up LONDON (CP)--An advertise: sentenced to 199 years in prison their flying time credit. ment in the personal columns of for murder The U.S. Supreme Monthly pay of a stewardess The Times sought first-hand in- ourt ruled his confession was now ranges from $275 to $530. ained through coercion and or- formation on 'good but not} fered a a trial j ne violently expensive" salmon| «Reck's confession was the NIAGARA - on . the - LAKE, | fishing in Nova Scotia or New main point of the. case and now Ont. (CP)--Mr. and Mrs. G. W.| Brunswick. The information is|that it is iad missile the state Stewart, who celebrated their! y . {1s out of busin "5 sought by four naval officers | D . Bie's ax 60th wedding anniversary re- {torney aniel War § o ' ARCing planning te visit Canada in Tuesday, aid cently, both enjoy dancing and August. ENJOYING LIFE indicating a retrial/are particularly fond of square would be futile. dancing. eX" resented in the association by NORMAN WISDOM THE WARM, WONDERFUL [§ 2 * 7, Xisghseal "SRE" try STORY BELOVED BY MILLIONS! Half -Wit Hawkshaws! LL THUR., JULY 20 MATINEE ADULTS .50 ADULTS 1.00, STUDENTS 40 STUDENTS 50] Children 35¢ Anytime EVENING LIFE in @ wonderful picture spread says: "SOME OF THE FINEST SIGHT GAGS FROM WHAT MANY PEOPLE CONSIDER THE FUNNIEST PICTURES EVER FILMED!" [DON'T BE . |TurNED AwaYBuy Tickets TODAY ONLY: Now = HALL FRANK LOVEJOY x MAR 0a) * TODAY ONLY eo | "THE 'PLEASURE | "Carry On Admiral" | OF HIS COMPANY" | "Carry On Constable" IN TECHNICOLOR COLOR by DE LUXE AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT COMING SOON-- "EXODUS" LAST DAY "PEPE" 0 AHR OO Ji reanplng by a a